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March 3, 2020 22 mins

Scott Bogman recaps a night in the NBA where the Bucks lose, and the Knicks beat the Rockets...again! Bogs goes over a memo that the NBA sent as part of their efforts to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Let's fly t s Y and Sports Bride Network present
all in his Hands by the hard Hardwood Takeaways. It's Lord, Lord,

what's up? And welcome in. This is Hardwood Takeaways right
here on the Sports Grade. I'm your host today Chris
Welsh and joined of course by Scott Bogan. Look at
that two straight episodes with us together Bogman with somebody,
what is going on? A terrible night for me to
come on, I'm in an awful mood. Is the Rockets
lost to the damn Knicks? Well? Just I mean you

just let the cat out of the bag twenty seconds
into the episode. That's the whole I mean, that's the
whole crux. People really probably should know why you're salty
at Bogman Sports good Night. Everybody'll see that happened. I
don't know, it's just a bad night, you know. P J.
Tucker scored a whole zero points on two shots. I mean,
since we're there, we should just talk about that game

at least in four here, because yeah, that's in. It's incredible.
The Knicks came out with thirty six points in the
first quarter, thirty six points, scored thirty seven points in
the second quarter. They only lost one quarter as far
as scoring, and that was the fourth quarter. Dude, The
Knicks had a double digit lead going into the fourth quarter.

The Rockets came back, scoring thirty two and the fourth
of the yet the Knicks still held them back. How
in God's name does that happen when the dude, the
Rockets had four starters scored twenty or more points. Yeah,
well it's because Harden didn't shoot very well and they
gave up points. Man. And this is this is the

problem with a small ball lineup is going up against
the team that's just physically bigger. Know they had They
were outrebounded the Rockets sixty five to thirty four. That's
I mean, that says everything you need to know about
the game. And the Knick's lead got up to one,
so it wasn't really uh, you know, as close as

the score makes it that the Rockets were trying to
come back on them, but you get out rebounded by
thirty one boards. I mean, I think it's a miracle
they only lost by two. Yeah, I mean it was
poor percentages, just under forty. I was looking here to
Bob Covington, was you know they're feeling, they're they're feeling
the repercussions of everything, like losing Click Capella. Bob cob

led the way with thirteen rebounds for the Rockets. He
had as many rebounds as House, Westbrook and Hardened combined
combined for those three. Yeah, it's it's usually Westbrook is
good for double digits. So I mean hard was three
for from the three point line. He was a perfect
sixteen of sixteen. You want to take some solids, they
were twenty five of twenty seven from the free throw line.

They hit twenty threes in this game. But out of nowhere,
the New York Knicks. R. J. Barrett dropped twenty seven
in this He was ten for eighteen. Julius Randall had
a double double sixteen and sixteen, and they had four
guys come off the bench and scored double digit points. Robinson, Utilikina, Ellington,
and Portis all scored double digits. Your boy Mitch rob

twelve points, thirteen rebounds as well. In twenty four minutes.
They hit twelve threes. They only shot sixty three percent
from the free throw line, but they were just under
from the field. So that's a stunner. I mean, the
Rockets eighteen and thirteen now on the road. They're not
the you know, they're not Philly or anything like that Bogman.
But it ain't good. Yeah, it's not good. And even worse,

there was some you know, leon Rose took over for
the Knicks today and it looked like, oh, hey, look
we're starting with leon Rose era with Spike Lee not
being admitted into the stadium. But I guess there was
a mix up because I had heard that he wasn't
in there, but he was sitting outside. Uh they were.
There was just a dust up about which entrance he

can use to the garden. I guess it was because
he got like a special entrance or something. I guess
he used to and not anymore. So, Um, he was
he was allowed in, just they said you got to
start using the regular entrance or something. I don't know.
But you know, James Doland not burning all of his
bridges yet, so when, uh, when he's walking through, I'm

guessing there's gonna be a lot more fist bumps than
there are handshakes, because I don't know if you saw this,
dude or Ganowski and Zachlo both reported this over on
ESPN that this is the title of the article fist
bumps among short term recommendation as NBA plots coronavirus strategy
in a memo. So just really quickly, I'm gonna read

off some of the notes on this um the NBA's
recommendation two teams in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.
You know we said it. I think on the last
episode how C J. McCullum put out an instagram where
he was like, Yo, man, this virus is here and Washington,
I'm not signing autographs, so so I'm not doing anything that.
This memo says that players should utilize fist bumps over

high fives with fans, avoid taking items such as pens, balls,
and jerseys to autograph. According to the memo by ESPN,
among larger concerns front office and league officials is the
possibility that pre draft combines, on site workouts and international
scouting events become It could become more limited in scope
or even canceled based on the escalation of the coronavirus.

Um this was a league, let's see, the league told
the teams in a memo, the coronavirus remains a situation
with the potential to change rapidly. The NBA issued a
statement to the AP saying that the health and safety
of our employees, teams, players, and fans is paramount. We
are coordinating with our teams and consulting with the CDC
and infectious disease specialists on a coronavirus on the coronavirus,

and continue to monitor the situation closely. WHOA, yeah, I mean,
I know it's uh, it's spreading up. I I think
the panic is spreading worse than the actual coronavirus. But
it's not good and you don't want to see any
of your stars get sick, so don't let them interact
with the fans right now. I think it's fairly safe

to say that, and I think people would be understanding
to know that, Hey, I'm not going to sign stuff,
you know, like I said yesterday. Maybe that's something that
they just need to do. Maybe they need to have
signing sessions in the locker room before the game so
they can sign a bunch of stuff and then give
it away after the game. Someone can not the play.
They could just have teams sanctioned pens and stuff like that,

you know, like they bring their own pay actually signed
behind a wall, you know, and something like that. Tear
down this wall, Mr Garbage Shop. Um, just a random
thing I remember is there are some guys that actually
have their own pens. You know who jumps to mind
is Joey Vodo with the red Joey Vodoo or something.
I don't know if he's a German phobe, but he

has a pen that he's really proud of. Like it's
not just like, hey, this is my own pen. I
don't want to touch other people's. Like he's really proud
of his specific pen. And there's just the thing. It's
it's weird. It's totally is But maybe they need to
do stuff like that. I don't know, it doesn't matter
regardless of any of that stuff. The we're slowly going
to start seeing this stuff. You know. It's it's actually
funny because you and I were just out of a

baseball game and we're you know, in that kind of realm.
We haven't quite seen it spill over into there where
you know, players are avoiding and you know, weird contact
and stuff. But basketball is the one sport bogs where
there's that fan interaction of the top of the players.
You know, well, I guess go crashing in the stands

all the time. That's exactly what I was gonna say.
But also there's the other element where like just tonight,
John Morant and Trey Young, you know they took off
the jerseys, they shared the jerseys. That's a little How
many times have you seen a video of a player
taking off his shoes and giving it to kids. If
I'm a dad, I'd be like, Man, thank your sneaky
shoe out of here. I don't think I want that.
I don't want that thing. So it's just weird. It's
the the coronavirus has um really really uh no pun

intended attached itself to basketball so much so that you know,
basketball is putting out memos and you know, I mean
they're telling teams, they're literally telling teams don't high five,
just fistba. Uh. There are colleges or I guess the
n C Double A Players Association or whatever uh is
making a suggestion to uh, the n C Double A

that March madness be just empty stands like they just like,
what's the point and even holding it in an arena
at that point, just playing the gym while they were
just talking about the Tokyo Marathon was going to be
like the first Tokyo marathon since I mean, I honestly
I don't even remember what it like. Maybe it was
that UM wasn't going to be attended. There was no

there's going to be no one there. There was a
UM some big famous Tokyo sumo tournament that happens that
they will have no fans in, and they said the
repercussions are over ten million dollars in lost revenue for
not Yeah, I'm not gonna go to any of the
marathons this year. It's because of coronavirus. And we're definitely
gonna do it before that, but coronavirus, I just can't.

I can't abide by it the welch. So no no
marathons or exercise for me. Understandable, very understandable. All right, Well,
we had a bunch of games on the Monday slate.
We've already gotten Bogman's you know, the what's the in
your craw? What's the thing you can't stuck in your crawl?
But yeah, here you go the game that's stuck in
his craw. We already got the rockets and uh Nick's

out of way, but there's some other good ones. So
just going through the motions here Bogman Jazz and the Calves,
and the Jazz won to Calves seventeen and forty four.
Now they'll have nine wins where the nine wins at home.
Utah Jazz thirty eight and twenty two. They've got a
nice plus record away. Bogdanovitch scored twenty eight for the Jazz,

had six assists, seven rebounds. Donal Mitchell kept under twenty.
You don't really see that that often. Every star d
scored in the double digit points. Nine rebounds lead the
way for Rudy Gobert, he had five blocks as well.
He was eight for nine from the field. Every starter
hit two threes, but Rudy Gobert or more and Um
O'Neill and Bogdanovich had nine threes combined between themselves. And

on the calv side, Colin Sexton really good back into
the year thirty two points, eleven for seventeen from the field,
and Kevin Love two and ninety nine. But Utah Jazz
on a nice little run right now. Yeah, I mean,
it's lucky that they got to play Cleveland, and this
is the only game that I would have gotten right
at all. I think on my picks if I had

gone through normally on Sunday, I pick all these games.
I think I would have gotten every other game wrong
outside of that one. So it was good that you didn't. Good. Yeah,
I'm glad we didn't yesterday. So the Portland Trailblazers Portland's
you know, it's in Washington, bagman, it's in the Washington
Portland areas in Oregon. Come, I know the organ in Washington.

Well you don't. I don't know if you've ever been
around anybody that's in Washington or Portland, they kind of
just associate each other with themselves. Yeah, And McCallum and
his thing said the county, it's in the whatever county
Portland is in. So yeah, but it literally happened in
Washington too, Like, well, the death's happen in Washington. I
think there's been out breaks in Oregon. I don't know.
I've been around a lot of people that, like, I

feel like the Oregon and Washington just people are cool
with associating themselves where What I was going to say is,
I feel like there's so many other places that you
do not associate the states states with each other, you
know what I mean? Like, I don't think West Virginia
and whatever other Virginia's want to be together. How many
Virginias are there? There's West Virginia and there's Virginia North

or South Virginia. So looking for that East Virginia, East
Virginia look, and it does not exist at this game.
I would have picked wrong because the Magic are at
home and the Blazers still without Lillard. But he is
trying to target Wednesday, so we'll see if that happens.
But huge, huge c J. McCollum game here. Virus for him, Yeah,

no coronavirus. That's because he's staying healthy and wearing white gloves.
Forty one points, five boards, five assists to steal fourteen
of twenty four, shooting six triples as well. Huge game
for him, um my guy, A reason not as good
the Welsh eleven four and three with a steel four
of ten zero guys checked into the stands um white
side double double sixteen thirteen one and two blocks. Gary

Trent replacing Damian Lillard in the starting lineup. Nice game here,
twenty four points, four rebounds to assist on nine of
sixteen shooting with four triples for him. Over on the
Magic side, Vosovic had thirty points with eleven rebounds. He
was twelve and twenty four from the field. Marco Fult
had tenn assists but was only three for nine from
the field, had seven points four and had thirteen with

a couple assists and a couple of threes as well.
And off the bench, Terence Ross twenty three points, hit
four threes and twenty six minutes. But the Magic lost
one oh seven to one oh three. Grizzlies and the Hawks.
I told you John Morant and Trey Young they exchanged
jerseys after, but I don't know how much pleasantries it
must have been, because Memphis absolutely curb stomp the Atlanta

Hawks one twenty seven to eighty eight. Memphis is now
one went away from an even five hundred on the year,
where the Hawks are now nineteen and forty four. Over
On the winning team side for the Grizzlies, there wasn't
one dominant person, but eight no nine players scored double
digit points. Nine players total valentied is fifteen and fifteen

and fifteen rebounds. John Morant thirteen points, five assists, He
was six for ten from the field. Dylan Brooks had thirteen,
Melton had eleven. Melton had a nice little combo night
of eleven points, four rebounds, forces, two steals. Off the
bench you had, Jang had seventeen and ten. That's a
very nice night. Jones had fifteen, Jackson had sixteen. I mean,
you keep going. It was it was a team effort

across the board from Memphis Atlanta. Dude, I just I
gotta read you these shooting charts. Here four of eleven
for Collins, Uh, and he led the starters in percentage
at thirty six point four percent. Hunter three for eleven,
Fernando one for eight, Trey Young five of seventeen, and

here at her five of fourteen. So uh that that
is just god awful. And even Tigue, who put up
twelve shots, only made five of them. He was pent
and uh, Jones was Jones was three or five, so
he was sixty percent. He was the only guy over
fifty percent for the Hawks. They shot absolutely got awful

in this game. What was the shooting percentage overall thirty
two percent to fifty for the Grizzlies. He get out
shot by eighteen percent. You ain't win in that game now,
and uh five field goals was the leader for the
Atlanta Hawks. Young and Herder, both Uh and Tigue off
the bench five made field goals. Nobody on the Hawks

had more made field goals, so that one was ugly
bogs the Bucks in the Miami Heat yesterday, we were
talking about what a big game this was going to be,
and this was the really big strong home record of
the Miami Heat, who came in twenty five and four
versus the really strong twenty five and uh twenty five
and five away record of the Milwaukee Bucks. And the

Miami Heat came out strong, holding the Bucks to teen
scoring in the second half third quarter is their lowest
of the total of the season. Too. Yeah, eighteen points
on the third quarter, nineteen points in the fourth quarter,
one oh five eighty nine. Miami now thirty nine and
twenty two on the year, fifty two and nine. The

Milwaukee Bucks are just real quick on the Heat. Nobody
jumped out too crazy. Jimmy Butler had eighteen points of
seven assist Bama to Bayou fourteen thirteen with five assists
in three blocks. Really good. Jake Crowder off the bench
had eighteen and over on the Bucks side, they were
able to really really keep down your honest who had
thirteen points fifteen rebounds, but was only six of eighteen

from the field. Brick Lopez led the Bucks with twenty
one points and six rebounds. I mean they kept they
kept the Bucks in check like nobody has literally no
one has done this year. Yeah. I mean it's a
big win for the Heat and a tough loss for
the Bucks. Not that it really matters. They're still going
to be the number one seed in the East. But
fifty two and nine, so uh, four more losses and

they can't get that seventy win total. No. Um, the
Chicago Bulls and the Dallas Mavericks Bogman Bulls one o nine,
Mavericks one oh seven. Any notes free on this? I
mean don Che didn't have his triple double night. He
was only eight for twenty. I mean that probably doesn't
help in any of the winning efforts, and that's why
they drive. They dropped a silly one to the Chicago

Bulls is really the way to put it. Yeah, And
this game was not as close. This wasn't a buzzer
beat or anything. Uh. I mean, Otto Porter Jr. Came
back after missing a bunch of games with a broken foot,
so uh, I mean, this was just a good game.
For the Bulls. Just give them credit where it's due.
The bench scoring was pretty good. Autoporter eighteen points off

the bench. Uh, how do we say this guy's name?
I always screw it up Arcia Donko twenty minutes, ten
points for him. Kobe was how you say, yeah, this
is how you say you skip him and focus on
Kobe White who had nineteen points, was six rebounds and
five assists. It was really good thirty two minutes, which
actually was second highest on the team in minutes, behind

only that young who played thirty six in the starting lineup.
Valentine and there's hit three, three, seven or fifteen had
seventeen points? Was this? Uh? Yeah? Um, no, I guess
Sunday was when? Uh was when Wendell Carter Jr. Came back?
Or I guess Saturday? So uh, this was his second
game back, first game over twenty minutes in a long time,

seven point six boards. But he should be getting back
pretty soon too. Yeah. Bowls just looking better, you know.
And on the Maverick side, this is one of those
games that prop props up the per Thirty six is
for Bobonovitch. He played twenty two minutes. He had fourteen
points with twelve rebounds on a block and he was
seven for eleven from the field twenty two minutes. Props

up those per thirty Two's gotta like that box. It's
always out there. Final game, Pacers and the San Antonio Spurs.
We talked about this one as well, important ish game
for the Pacers and they came out one sixteen, one
eleven against the San Antonio Spurs. There was also do
if you saw this note on um on Victor Oladipo,
who did not play in this game, that he was

having a little bit of swelling. He was kind of
feeling a little bit of swelling. Yeah, I know, not good,
not good, especially for any fantasy people out making runs.
But he was feeling a little bit of swelling. So
you're probably going to see him I'm gonna guess monitored
here for the next month or so, not saying he's
in a miss significant time, but you might see back
to backs being out. They held up with Adam Brogden

twenty six point seven assists. It was eight to fifteen
from the field. T J. Warren scored twenty three Sabonis
fourteen eleven and five in thirty five minutes, all thirty
plus minutes for every single starter, Holiday was the only
one off the bench that did much of anything or
anything of significant times. And over on the Spurs side,
Patty Mills off the bench led the way with twenty

four points. Lyles had twenty points, hit four threes, and
DeRozan only ten points, six rebounds, seven assists in thirty
eight minutes. Yeah, Patty Mills led them in scoring with
twenty four off the bench. But you lose a big
inside inside presidence when Aldrich and Yaka Purtle both don't play.
They had Who is this, Drew you Banks? I believe

that's Kevin Eubanks, his son, Remember Kevin Eubanks, Right, absolutely,
it's it's not I just made that stand up. But
who was Kevin Eubanks? Front? Was it? He was? He
was the guitar player on Jay Leno's show. Okay, I
knew it was one of a like night night show. Yeah,
he was on. He was on Letto. So alright, full
slate of games coming up here today on Tuesdays. You're

listening to this. Spurs and Hornets, You've got Nets and Celtics.
That's gonna be on T and T. Wolves, Pelicans, Clippers,
and Thunder should be a really good game. Clippers are
favored by three and this one, Bogs, who's your take is?
Ok Now, I'm gonna go with the Clippers. They've been
strong recently by the three, Okay, I like that one.

Warriors and Nuggets, Raptors and Sons. There should be an
easy win for them. How about this one, Bogs, this
is going to be Okay, there's the Wizards and Kings,
let's get that out of the way. But I just
want to point this out. This is why this game
is going to be super important. This is one more
test to the seventies Sixers to try to prove that
they can win a road game on T and T

at night, Sixers and Lakers battling it out. I mean,
I know, I know it's not but if you have
another if the Lakers blow out the Sixers, if it's
like a fifteen point route again, just how can you
have positive playoff hopes for the Sixers where they're banged up,
they can't perform without their stars and they cannot, for

the life of them, win a road game. I I
don't know what to say here. This is the Lakers
are favored by eleven, and a half for a reason.
I mean, the Lakers are going to mud stop the
Sixers in this game. Let's Lebron doesn't play, you know,
Lebron doesn't play. Maybe that can make it a little
more even. But they're gonna be I mean know em
beat and Simmons still aren't playing, so uh, this should

be a Laker stomping. I would expect it so well.
Guess what, Bogman will be here to break all of
that down. That will probably be the big focus there.
That's all we got for you for Hardwood Takeaways today.
You can find me on Twitter at is that the
Welsh Bogman over there at Bogman's Sports. To make sure
you subscribe to Hardwood Takeaways right here on sports Gride,
over on any of the podcast apps. That's where you
can find us Monday through Friday breaking all this action down.

All right, mondays in the books. We'll get your guys
back tomorrow until next time. Part with it was reading
ship ba
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