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March 4, 2020 29 mins

Scott Bogman recaps the night in the NBA, where Caris Levert's 51 points led a a Nets comeback win over the Celtics. Bogs goes over to Manhattan to give the latest on the issues surrounding Spike Lee and the Knicks organization.

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Lets fly a t s Y and Sports Grid Network
present ball in his hands, But the hard Hardwood Takeaways.
It's Lord Lord, Hello, and welcome to Hardwood Takeaways, brought

to you by the Sports Grid. Get on the Grid.
I'm your host, Scott Bogman. You can follow me on
the Twitter at Bogman Sports. We've got eight games to
cover today. The Wells is not with me. It's just
me here. But I can't start the show without talking
about the Spike Lee Knicks James Dolan situation here. So
if you're unfamiliar with what happened during the game, Apparently

on Monday, the Rockets, uh, losing to the Knicks, Spike
Lee goes to the stadium like he has for the
last thirty years because he has had courtside seats for
thirty years with the Knicks. He said he spends three
grand on them a year, so they ain't cheap. Um.

But apparently he was using the employee entrants and um
he said after the game after you know, uh, there
was a big hullabaloo about him not using the employee
entrants anymore. It was about him, um, just going to
the v I p entrance. There's a v I p

entrance that uh they the Knicks came out and said
that every other celebrity uses, So just go to the
V I P entrance or the main entrance, but don't
come through the employee entrants anymore. And you know what
the Knicks had said was they've asked repeatedly that Spike
Lee do this instead of coming through, uh, the employee entrants.

And finally, you know, in the last game, they just
had had enough and uh they told him he couldn't
come in if he was gonna try to use the
employee entrance. I don't know why this is a big deal. Like,
you know, the dude spends three hundred grand a year.
Let him come through the owner's box. I don't care what.
Let him go into the stadium wherever he wants. If
he's paying three hundred thousand dollars, there shouldn't be too

many places that are inaccessible for a guy who has
courtside seats. So I think it's a bit ridiculous. But
I don't run a stadium, and I know there's protocol
and all that stuff and um, but I can't imagine that,
you know, if uh, Spike Lee and whoever he's bringing
in the game comes through uh the entrance, that the

employees aren't gonna know who that is. Not only because
he's Spike Lee. He's a famous UH director and you know, celebrity.
But even if he wasn't a famous person, I think
that everyone in Houston, you know, at at the Toyota
Center knows who Mattress Mac is because Mattress Mack is
at season tickets forever. And he's not a big celebrity

he has he owns Mattress stores in Houston. Like everybody
knows him because of his betting stuff and all that.
But if that guy is sitting courtside for the last
forty fifty years, whatever it is, let him come in
the employee entrance. Who who? Who cares? You know? I
just think it's a ridiculous thing to be arguing about.
Either either he can he can come in the employee entrance,

or you let him do it for the rest of
this season because he's been a ticket holder for thirty years,
and you say, hey, look, man, you can't come through
this entrance anymore. Next season, I'll let you do it
for the rest of this season, but you can't do
it after that. That that's it. You can't for whatever reason.
I don't know what the excuses, but um, Spike Lee

went on the offensive because of what the nick said.
The nick said that he's been asked to do this
every time, and him being the victim in this situation
is laughable. And there was a picture of him of
Spike Lee and James Dolan shaking hand like I guess
James Dolan went up to talk to Spike after this

had happened, and there was a picture, And now Spike
Lee is saying that the picture was planted, like James
Dolan went up from the side and stuck his hand
where Spike Lee's hand was and had someone take a
picture of it. I think that is a little crazy.
I can't imagine that. Um, this is just so petty,

Like I can't imagine that a billionaire owner would have
a cameraman planted so that he could look good the
next day when he comes out to say something about this.
I mean, you just own it if you don't want
him coming through that entrance anymore to say, yeah, we
told him to knock it off, and if he's gonna
have a problem with that, he's free to go watch
the nets. I don't care, and um, you know that

should be the end of it. You know, either stand
your ground or don't do anything about it. But don't
do this uh wishy washy bull crap. That's that's what
I don't like about this whole situation. It's it's petty,
it's ridiculous. The guy spends three hundred grand a year.
He can come through the cook's entrance, the employee entrance,

the owner entrance. It should not matter. The guy should
have a key card for pretty much every single office
that isn't the owner or any of the executives. He
should have a key card to any spot in there.
Any Uh, you know, if he wants to go in
the kitchen, let him go in the kitchen. Who cares?
He's paying you so much money? And um, I don't know.
It's just a bad look overall. And this is another

in this series of you know, uh, comical missteps that
the Knicks have taken. And this was on day one
of Leon Rose becoming the pr director of this team
and he's supposed to get them out of the muck
and it's just not happening. So I think it's a
crazy situation. I think it's a dumb situation, and I

just this is laughable. You're supposed to be winning championships
and luring free agents, but nobody wants to play for Dolan,
I guess, or nobody wants to try to be the
savior of the Knicks because it's such a high pressure,
big market. I don't know what the excuses, but it's
probably a little bit of everything. You know, it's a
high pressure market. They've been a laughing stock for a

long time. It's gonna be really hard to pull them
up out of the dirt. And um, you also have
an owner that doesn't seem to be very um you know,
I don't even know what the word for what he is.
He seems to be abrasive, you know. Kicking guys like uh,
Charles Oakley out of the stadium is just I don't know.

You're not gonna endear yourself to the Knicks fans, and
especially the biggest one in the world in Spike Lee.
Everybody knows Spike Lee is a huge Knicks fan. But
we'll see if that continues moving forward. But just a weird,
weird situation. But let's get to some of the action today.
There were some strange games today and uh, the first one.
We start out with the Spurs beating the Hornets one

oh four one oh three on the road, and um,
Pop was not coaching this game. He missed the game
for personal reasons. I don't know what it is, we
haven't heard yet, but Tim Tim Duncan had his first
game as acting head coach. Uh. The Hornets got up
as much as seventeen in the first half, but the
Spurs cut that to nine at half, and then they

took a one point lead into the fourth. They got
up as much as seven and the fourth, but Terry
Rogier cut the lead to one with forty two seconds left.
The Rosan missed a shot on the other end, then
a horn and the Hornets had a chance to win it,
but Rogier had under the basket pass to Cody Martin
had slipped through his hands. The Spurs got it, burned

the clock out and that was all she wrote. But um,
you know, a nice debut for Tim Duncan as a
head coach in this game. Weird to me that Becky
Hammond wasn't the head coach because she's been around so long,
But I don't know, uh, you know, uh, she had
ties to the next job, so We'll see if she
gets that UM next year. But uh, in this game

for the Spurs, I mean there were a lot of
double digit scores here. Deante Murray five and six with
two steals on nine and fourteen shooting with three triples
for him. Brent Forbes had fifteen two and one on
four of seven shooting off the bench, thirteen for Patty Mills,
twelve for Derek White, UH twelve for Demarro rows and

five rebounds and ten assists on five of eleven shooting.
And um, they were pretty good. I mean, uh, not
a great shooting night for either team in this one,
as the Hornets shott and the Spurs percent, so both
teams were under five hundred. On the Charlotte side, Martin
had thirteen five and four with two steals, six of

eight shooting great night for him, one of one from
downtown twenty six and five for Terry Rogier, eight of
eighteen for him, two of seven from deep, though nineteen
for PJ. Washington, fifteen seven and one for Bridges eight,
seven and three for Zeller, and UH twelve for Martin
off the bench. In Caleb Martin off the bench in

uh twenty seven minutes, going over to the Nets beating
the Celtics in overtime. This was such a crazy, crazy
game because, uh the Nets, uh were down big in
this game, one one twenty they win in overtime. They're
twenty seven and thirty three. Boston comes down to forty

one nineteen. They outrebounded the Celtics by twenty one. But
Caris Lavert was the story in this one. He scored
thirty seven of his fifty one points, obviously a career high,
in the fourth quarter and overtime, including all eleven of
the nets overtime points. Um just so crazy. He said,

the basket was so big At one point, I got
some easy layoups going to the rim. I'm just trying
to get a good look. Uh. LeVert sent it to
overtime too, by making all three free throws after being
fouled on a three point attempt by Marcus Smart with
point two seconds left in the game. And the Nets
scored fifty one points in the fourth quarter. That wasn't

all I know. LeVert scored fifty one. He didn't score
them all in the fourth, but he scored twenty six
and the fourth and eleven and overtime, and Brad Stevens
about this kind of epic collapse here because the the
Celtics were leading as much as twenty one points in
this game, and the fourth quarter, uh Brooklyn out scored

Boston by seventeen fifty one to thirty four. So just
a crazy, crazy game here, um, and uh Brad Stephens said,
sometimes things don't go your way and the other team
gets to really going good and then you feel like
the weight of the world is on your shoulders to
finish the game. Usually you do that with your effort.

We didn't get any of that stuff, so we deserve
to lose. So that's some harsh words. Um, But they
scored two points in overtime, you know what I mean.
You have a bad foul to send it to overtime
and you only scored two points. You're not gonna win
that game. It's just the way it is. And Levert's
final line fifty one points, four rebounds, five assists, a steel,

seventeen of twenty six, shooting twelve of eighteen from the
line only sixty six percent there, but five of ten
from deep, so he hit half of those. Not a
lot of scoring from anybody else, obviously, I mean, he
scored fifty one fourteen three and four with a steel
and UH two blocks for Spencer Dinwoodie four of ten
shooting for him. Joe Harris had ten and five rebounds,

and everyone else in the starting lineup scored in single digits.
Eight for Alan two for Prince. Off the bench, uh
Luau Cabaret sixteen eight and one with a block four
of eleven and two triples for him. DeAndre Jordan had
eight rebounds and fifth or eight points and fifteen boards
and assist in a steel on three or four shooting

for him. On the Celtics side, I mean it was
a nice game for Kemba Walker coming back twenty one
three and three. Marcus Smart uh fouled out, but he
had fourteen six and ten with two steals and two blocks.
He really filled up the line, shot thirty three percent
like he always does, five and fifteen, but four of
them are triples four or fourteen Daniel Tyas sixteen two

and two with two blocks, Jalen Brown two five and
three with two steals and UH seventeen minutes for Gordon
Haywards seven points are rebound and to assist. Off the bench,
Robert Williams had ten three and a steel going over
to the Wolves winning over the Pelicans four fairly close

game in this one, uh down to the last six
minutes and twenty five seconds when it was tied at
one two, the t Wolves went on a seven oh
run and the Pelicans just could not catch back up.
And Alvin Gentry said, hopefully this is a game that
we understand and we learned from because we can't afford
to not be locked in. We're in a situation where
we're trying to win basketball games, stay relevant. You've got

to be able to guard. You can't just run up
and down and try to score, uh, to try to
outscore everyone. Um, they shot fifty of the from the
line to the Pelicans did and left nine points off
the board. So when you see those nine points that
you left on the board from free throws and you
lose by five, it's always a tough pill to swallow. So,

I mean, you know, looking at the standings as we
are right now, Um, the Pelicans are what is that
four games behind Memphis? There, uh twenty one and a
half back. The Grizzlies are seventeen and a half. So
there're four games back at the grizz But the Spurs,
Blazers and Kings are in between them, so they got

a shot. But they gotta start getting on their horse here.
They can't. You can't afford to lose games like this.
These are the things that set you back. Um is
losing a game like this to a team that you're
better than. I mean, you know the Wolves. This was
their eighteenth win, their eighteen and forty two. They're not
a good team this year. So and Cat is still out.
You gotta take advantage of those situations, and they just didn't.

On the Wolves side. D'Angel Russell twenty three, three and
eight with a steel on eight of twenty one shooting
three triples for him. Um Leek Beasley twenty eight points,
three rebounds, four assists. He led the Wolves and scoring
eleven of thirteen with four triples for him. Hernan Gomez
sixteen eight and two with three steals, thirteen fourteen, three assists,

three steals, two blocks for naz Reid on five of
twelve shooting and one triple for him. Uh Kogi also
had eleven points, so everyone in the starting lineup was
in double digits. H James Johnson nineteen six and five
with two steals, McLaughlin had twenty minutes thirteen points, six assists,
and a steel. Culver nineteen minutes he had eleven uh

points as well with two uh two rebounds and steel.
So that's what is that. Eight guys in double digits
for the Wolves. On the Pelican side. You know, a
lot of guys had a good game. True Holiday had
a triple double seven, ten and twelve. Derrick Favors ten,
six and one. Zion will Since scored twenty five points,
eight rebounds, three assists, four steals on a block. So

he filled up the statuet on ten of nineteen, shooting
only five of nine. He missed four of those free throws.
He can't do that if you're gonna win these games.
Three and four with two steals for Brandon Ingram with
three triples for him. Going over to the Clippers where
they beat the Thunder one oh nine to ninety four,
bringing them up to forty two and nineteen. And the

Clippers set the tone early in this one in the
first quarter. They took an eleven point lead into the
second and they're up nineteen going into the fourth. So, uh,
you know, it was just this was kind of a
walk away game, Uh, the introductions were kind of funny
because Paul George I didn't know Paul George loved Oklahoma

so much. He said that he wants to There's always
be remembered there and he was doing community work when
he was uh there the day before and he I
think he opened up a park that was named after him.
So uh, he really likes Oklahoma. So he got a
big chair. But when my guy Patrick Beverley uh stepped up,
they booed the crap out of him. And they do

not forget that injury to Russell Westbrook in the playoffs
in what wasteen, so um, they were not happy with him.
But the thunder, I mean, you know they shot for
tot but you know, the Clippers just walked away in
this one. They were up thirty seven at the end
of uh the first and like I said, took a

nineteen point lead into the fourth and just coasted. It
was an easy win, uh for this one. And uh
Billy Donovan said, because the Clippers have kind of been exposed.
They got stomped by Milwaukee in the last game they
got beat by the Clippers here, he said, I think
these last two games playing against Milwaukee and playing against
the Clippers, obviously two league teams. I'm hopeful that we

can keep getting better because in these kinds of games,
things get exposed they have to work on and have
to really address and look at. So, you know, this
is what in the NFL you'd call blueprint game, where
you know, teams find your weakness, they know what it
is because another team put it to you, and um,
they're just gonna it's a copycat league. If that works,

we'll try it too. So hopefully for the Thunder that
wasn't the case. These are just two of the best
teams in the NBA. U Kawai Leonard points, eight rebounds
and assist, two steals and two triples on nine of
twenty shooting UM. Then we had Paul George sixteen five
and three with two steals and UM he shot five

of ten with three triples, and nobody else as a
starter had double digits because the backups played so many
minutes here. Reggie Jackson had twenty five UH minutes, seven points,
two boards, three assist. Loew Williams fourteen two and four
off the bench, Montrez Harrold sixteen three and one. I
know he left this game, but he did come back in.
I think he just tweaked his I can't remember what

he hurt, but I know he tweaked something on the
thunderside y four in two for Schroeder, he led them
and scoring off the bench. Uh, fifteen for Gallinari, fifteen
for s g A. Chris Paul was held to fourteen points,
two rebounds, seven assists. I know he got teed up
in this game too. What a surprise, but uh, you

know that's just what he does. But the thunder go
down hard to the Clippers. Um, this one, I just can't.
I keep looking at it and I can't believe it
at all. The Warriors beat the Nuggets on the road. Uh.
They they won one sixteen to one d in this game,
bringing their record up to fourteen and forty eight. Uh.
This was a absolute and complete second half collapse by

the Nuggets. They were up nine at halftime. And what
coach Malone said is whether we left our our foot
off the gas or thought that we were just gonna
go they were just gonna go away. I'm not really sure.
Our defense right now is not existent from top to bottom.
We have to find a way to fix that in
a hurry. And this the second half, the Warriors outscored

the Nuggets sixties seven to forty two. So just a terrible,
terrible collapse for the Nuggets and they're three and three
sins to break, and Yoki said, uh, it's a bad
stretch or maybe that's us. You never know. I hate
hearing that from my star player. I don't want to
hear that. Like like I just said, with the uh,
you know, obviously the Nuggets in a much better position

being twenty one games over five hundreds still, but you
don't want to be losing games to Golden State at home.
You know, you gave them, uh their fourteen win, that's
your one four of their victories. That's ridiculous. You shouldn't
be losing. The guys like Toscano Anderson in uh Lee
and Molder. Moulder starting his first game. Michael Molder signed

a tenure tenure, ten day contract with the the Warriors
and um he started in this game and scored fifteen points,
had three rebounds, and three assists. So you can't lose
games like that. Draymond didn't play in this game. Curry's
not back yet, they said Thursday is a possibility for him. UH.
Wiggins and Pascal were tied for the lead and scoring

here for the Warriors twenty two five and ten for
Wiggins with a steal in a block nine of sixteen
shooting two triples for him um Uh Marquis Chris sixteen
five and one, two steals in a block on set
of twelve shooting, Damian Lee four three and three with
three steals, Molder fifteen three and three, Pascal twenty two
five and five with the steel, Uh fifteen three, six

and one for Jordan Pool on the Nuggets side, double
double for Yoki sixteen thirteen seven assists of stealing two
blocks on seven and fifteen shooting over one from Deep
eighteen nine and three from millsap Gary Harris eight four
and four with three steals in a block, Jamal Murray
fourteen six and three with a steel as well going

over to UH. The Sons losing at home to the
Raptors one three one four team bring the Raptors up
to three and eighteen and the Suns down to twenty
four and thirty eight. The Raptors staff to three game
losing three by beating the Sun's here, fourth straight loss
for the Suns. They're up by seven and a half,
but the Raptors answered by taking the lead by one

going into the fourth and then pulled away in the
fourth one of winning this game by nine points. So
kind of a lackluster game here. But I thought this
was a weird quote for Monty Williams. Kelly, you breuh
welsh and I told you that he tore his meniscus,
yet surgery to repair repair it. Today he's gonna miss
at least a month, so he's probably gonna be shut
down for the rest of the season. No reason to

rush him back. The Suns aren't making the playoffs, so
I can't imagine we see him again. But coach Williams said,
I think, um it did emotionally, probably brought us down
a couple of notches. It probably sounds a bit weak
to admit it, but it's just a reality. You finally
get your team close to whole and then you lose Kelly.
The guys have probably struggled with it more than they
want to admit, and the Sun's, you know, to give

them credit, have had a lot of injury stuff. Bookers
miss games this year. Eighton obviously was suspended for a
little while. Rubio is miss games as well, so like
he said, it seems like when they're getting uh, you know,
somewhat healthy that this happens. But on the raptor side,
siakum huge game here thirty three seven and three with

a steel and two blocks, twelve twenty shooting for him
with five triples. H Kyle Lowry had twenty eight points,
five rebounds, six assists and a steel. Powell had twenty
six two and four with UH, two steals and a block.
Huge game for Chris Boucher nineteen and fifteen with two
steals and a block five of twelve for him seven
and eight from the line with two triples as well.

So he just filled up the stat sheet there. Uh
O g had eleven nine and two with two steels
and a block and UH. Not much bench production because
they didn't need it. UM outside of Bouche, UH because
Paul Lowry and Siak was so good on the sun side,
UM there was. The scoring was spread around here. We
had Rubio sixteen four and ten with a steel, Booker

twenty two four and ten with a steel on five
of fourteen shooting, UH, Deannder eight and thirteen fourteen with
assist a steal in three blocks, UH five or fourteen
shooting for him though, Bridges twelve three and three, Starry
sixteen three and two, so all starters in double figures here,
Johnson four and two with a steel in three blocks

coming off the bench seven or sixteen for him with
five triples. Carter had eleven points as well. Going over
to the game of the night, or what we thought
was gonna be the game of the night. UH. The
Lakers beat Philly, of course at home, bringing their record
up to forty seven and thirteen. Uh one oh seven.
They beat Philly, and the Sixers obviously were without him

beating Simmons, but Lebron wasn't gonna let the Lakers take
them lightly. He said, we've lost the teams that were
missing starters this year, but everyone here is an NBA player.
We all got here for a reason. So you don't
ever disrespect that. You don't ever disrespect the game. That's
a good team no matter what. Philly took an early lead.
They were up by seven going to the second quarter,

but the Lakers won the second quarter by eighteen points,
and then UH took an eleven point lead and a
half time and they were up sixteen going into the fourth.
So this was kind of a slow cook three quarters
after getting down in the first quarter here, But in
this game a d with a huge one thirty seven points,
thirteen rebounds to assists, four steals, two blocks, filling up

that stout line thirteen of nineteen seven and eight from
the line with four triples as well. Lebron twenty two points,
seven rebounds, fourteen assist a steel and two blocks on
nine of sixteen shooting, with two triples for him. Uh.
Not much going from anyone else. The next highest score
was Dwight Howard with eleven uh called wall Pope chipped
in ten and uh Avery Bradley ten points as well.

But looking at Philly side, Mike Scott in the starting lineup,
batist thy Bolt in the starting lineup, But Glenn Robinson
had his career high twenty five points off the bench here,
four rebounds and assistant a steel on ten of fifteen shooting,
uh three triples for him as well, UH eighteen points
for Toby Harris seven rebounds to assist Mike's got twelve

eighteen twelve eight too in a steel. Al Horford eight points,
eleven boards, three assists, two steals and a block off
the bench. But what was probably the most entertaining game
was the King's hosting the Wizards here one thirty three,
one six. They beat the Wizards. Uh there twenty seven
and thirty four. Now like creeping close to a playoff spot,

they're getting there. Uh the Kings two and thirty eight
and the Wizards, excuse me, two and thirty eight. The
Kings have won six of seven since the break, so, um,
this was such a weird damn game. Um the uh.
The Kings were up sixteen at the end of the
first quarter and twenty seven at the end of the half,

but the Wizards won the third quarter forty six to nineteen,
which is you guessed it, twenty seven points. So they
go into the fourth quarter uh tied, but the King's
quickly took the lead back. They were up by ten
with about a minute left, but Biel hit a three,
Bryant hit a three, so all of a sudden, it's
a four point game at one. But Bogdanovich uh was

fouled down the stretch. He hit three three free throws
and nothing else for the Wizard So they wind up
winning by seven points here. But that's just nuts that
you have a twenty seven point disparity in one quarter
and a team that lost that quarter winds up winning.
I mean, you'd think all the momentum will be sapped
out of them, but uh Luke Walton was booted in

the third quarter. UM and Igor Kokoskoff took over. Of course,
he was the head coach of the Sons last year,
and his comments after the game was, the first half
was probably one of the best halfs we played this year. UM. Offensively,
we had ball movement, body movement. We played unselfishly. We
came too soft in the third quarter. We lost momentum,

but we also have to be proud of the guys
to fight back and get momentum back and find a
way to win. And that is uh just a great
game for the King's here and darn Fox was the
big catalyst here at thirty one points, three rebounds and assist,
three steals and UM he shot twelve of nineteen with
two triples. But there was scoring from so many guys here.

Twenty one for Bogdanovich, thirteen from Giles, fourteen from Corey Joseph,
ten from Barnes, nine Uh six from be Elitza Um,
nine from base Moore, seventeen from healed off the bench,
twelve from Alex lann off the bench. So it wasn't
one huge game. It was really a team effort for
the Kings in this game Washington, it was really Bradley

Beale thirty five points again for him, Uh, two rebounds,
eight assists, and I think he had He's had nineteen
games with twenty five points or more in a row.
And the only other guy that's had a streak like
that this year is Hardened. So great, great year for Beal.
Trying to wild the Wizards somewhere, but I don't think
it's gonna happen. Eleven and twenty four for him overall,
eleven and fifteen from the lines at the line fifteen times,

only two of eight from downtown Hatchermura twenty point six rebounds,
three assists, who steals on six of nine shooting with
a triple, Bryant twelve four and two with an assist
and two blocks, Robinson with ten Berton's eight teen off
the bench. Is Schmidt thirteen three and five off the
bench as well. Uh, looking at the Wednesday schedule, there's

a ton of games here. I'm gonna run through them
pretty quick. Uh. Cleveland hosting Boston. Give me a Pisto
off Celtics team after that loss today, I would take them.
Pistons hosting the Thunder. Thunder traveling on a back to
back and they haven't looked good. Oh god, I don't
want to take the Pistons, but I think I would
have no spread on that game. Give me the Thunder
straight up. But whatever the line comes out, I'll probably

take the Pistons. Bucks by living over the Pacers absolutely.
Uh the Heat and Magic, no line there. Give me
the Heat at home they're so good. Uh. Nets are
hosting the Grizzlies. That's on the back to back, so
maybe a difficult one, but I would take them against
the Grizzlies aren't playing very good ball right now. The
Jazz or seven and a half point favorites on the
road against the Knicks. Give me the Jazz, Wolves and Bulls. Uh,

give me the Bulls they just won a big game,
and the Wolves running back to back, Mavericks hosting the Pelicans.
Give me the MAVs and that one. And the Blazers
hosting the Wizard. Um. If the Blazers get back Litard,
I'll take down. But there's no wine in that game.
I don't know because your plans. That's gonna do it
for me. I remember, you can follow me on the
Twitter at bog in Sports and I will see you

guys in a couple of days. Take it easy every time.
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