All Episodes

April 23, 2024 57 mins
THE MORNING HACK - When do you brush your teeth? We'll tell you three times you should NEVER brush your teeth! SECOND DATE UPDATE - From Valley Village - He went from Bumble…to 3 “great dates” to…requesting a 2nd Date Update. What happened? And the Swag Hour begins!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From Hollywood to you.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Thank you for listening to us.

Speaker 1 (00:03):
Ryan Air on Air with Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
Tuesday, April twenty third, Let's get up for a Tuesday
morning good to see you guys.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Assistanty Tanya, how are you?

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Good morning? Good morning?

Speaker 2 (00:21):
It's it the final county down to our tour on Thursday. Yeah.
A lot of people talking about this.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
And when I say a lot, I mean Eileen from
the station, oh talking about this about what our tour. Yeah,
a lot of people talking about it. I mean the
staff because we're excited and it's ambitious to get it
all in. But on Thursday morning, we're going from Orange
County through La wrapping it up in the valley, that's right,

and all week we're doing this Spirit Week, That's right.
Tanya's choice today was merch Day.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
Well it wasn't.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
This was Michaela's suggestion, but I was the spirit leader.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
How did this come from MICHAELA?

Speaker 4 (01:02):
Because I wanted to do Spirit Week for our tour.
Today was going to be crazy hair day, I remember,
and I was like, I don't know if I'm vibing
on that, and Michaela's like, why don't we do merch
And it seemed easier.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
So that's where we landed.

Speaker 3 (01:14):
That whole conversation escapes me, but I like that we landed.
MICHAELA on merch. Well, yeah, yeah, so let's check out
our merch.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
What are you wearing, Sicy, I'm.

Speaker 5 (01:22):
Wearing Taylor Swift from her Ara's tour. It's a black
hoodie that has heard all the different images of her
in the front.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
I would say the student voted most likely to have
a hoodie for more concerts than anyone else.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Siciny, Oh, I have a lot, a lot of.

Speaker 5 (01:39):
Yeah, and they take up space if you hang them.
So I have like fold mine in a cabinet and
it's already full.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Okay, Tanya, what's your merch?

Speaker 1 (01:47):
My merch is Charlie Pooth hoodie.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
It's bright yellow, says Pooth exclamation in honor of his
dedicated song from Miss Taylor Swift Beautiful.

Speaker 2 (02:02):
Yeah well Charlie on the Taylor album.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
I know the shout out so good.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
Okay, Ruby, what's your march?

Speaker 6 (02:08):
I have a Coachella Kids of Immigrants merch.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Nice man, mckaylay, got some march.

Speaker 7 (02:15):
I'm wearing a shirt from my favorite band called The.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
Main that's your favorite band? And you never told us
that's your favorite. Your favorite band is not One Direction.
Your favorite band not Fatal Boys, your favorite band not TLC.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Your favorite band is the Main?

Speaker 1 (02:32):

Speaker 7 (02:32):

Speaker 1 (02:33):

Speaker 7 (02:33):
And I honestly think I've seen them more than I've
seen the Jonas Brothers.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
Jack Bannock's husband.

Speaker 7 (02:37):
Yes, yes, since middle school time.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
You know the Main? Mark? Who's the Main?

Speaker 1 (02:44):
Why do you guys not know the Main?

Speaker 3 (02:45):
I know the rock band, which I know because I
just looked it up. Maine spelled like the state or
not like the state. Yeah, how'd you get hooked into
the main?

Speaker 7 (02:55):
My Space days, my little demo era?

Speaker 3 (02:59):
Yeah, this whole the March day was just you engineering
being able to wear the Main right.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
I can't believe you're such a Main fan. Why isn't
so surprising you even know who the Main is?

Speaker 4 (03:09):
Because my friend Jack is married to the one of
the main guys in the band, Jared.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
Let's talk about Nicki Minaj in the weekend. I know
I know those guys.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
I'm dead.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
Call that what you got back there in your merch.

Speaker 4 (03:28):
I have Elton John from his farewell tour at the
Dodger Stadium, which I saw. I saw him twice on
that farewell tour, so it's it's cute.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
Yeah, speaking of Dodger stadium tops, why don't you grab
my merch shirt over there?

Speaker 2 (03:41):
We could put it on.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
When I say we, I mean you can help mess you.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
I've got some Dodger merch myself.

Speaker 3 (03:51):
Also, it's inside outs because I rushed to get it
here this morning. He's like upset that I have an
inside out. Well, no, I'm button it so I can
put it on.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Have you ever dressed anybody before? This is the first
for you. Yeah, you got a bun. Button it so
I can slip into it.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
This is more of a hoodie guy. I don't think
he wears a on a button.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
It's a jersey. I've got a jersey guy. Yeah, all right,
go Dodgers.

Speaker 8 (04:18):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (04:19):
Just put my arms through there, thank you. Okay, it's
a bit oversized, I will tell you. Nice don't really
fit me well. And it is my healthed kombucha Dodger.

Speaker 8 (04:33):

Speaker 1 (04:34):
What does it say follow your gut?

Speaker 2 (04:36):
Yes, it does say follow your gut for good gut health.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
You know a big investor Koba Health aid Dodger fans.
So I've got what is a child size jersey swallowing me.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
Yeah, do you think?

Speaker 4 (04:51):
And I love that it's blue, which ties into yesterday's
theme of honor Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
There's a line for our spiriten.

Speaker 5 (04:58):
You and Dodger gear remind minds me of the Dodger
player that you look like.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
And I always forget his name.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
Joe Kelly's Joe Kelly's the guy Joe Kelly.

Speaker 1 (05:06):
It's like you look even more like him with the
gear on. It's yeah, it is quite.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
Like the gear does swallow me.

Speaker 4 (05:15):
Just put in the washing machine and dried a couple
of times.

Speaker 5 (05:17):
I know that I've done a shrink and that hat
is swallowing you.

Speaker 1 (05:21):
Why is everything so big on you today?

Speaker 2 (05:23):
Well, because I've been working out.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
Yeah, you're petit.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
I'm not petite, average size.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
Think about this when you brush your teeth now, don't
not nice double negative for three points. Don't not brush
your teeth first thing in the morning, even before coffee.
You do not want the combination of overnight breath and
coffee together. It's not a fair starting point, m but
three times you should never brush your teeth. Tubbs, I
know you're very active this morning. I can sense it.

You're very busy. I know you get to put on
my jersey and you're adjusting some things. But it might
rain in here. It's so human you want to figure
that part out. It might rain, like we have a
chance of storms inside the stew udio this morning.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Maybe it's because we're all layered up in our merch gear.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
Maybe good morning to cafe loads Felis on Hillhurst got
to report some people there up early getting their coffee,
checking us out in the morning part of their morning routine.
Let's see today's National Cherry Cheesecake Day, National Picnic Day
doesn't fit for a Tuesday National Picnic Day. And nineteen

years ago, the first video was uploaded to YouTube nineteen
years ago YouTube Wow clouds just morning highs and mid
sixties rained in the studio seventies in.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
It's not going to have rain this yeah, I'm telling
you my hand.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
It's gonna start to rise. It's so humid in here.
Got a second date update coming up. I'll tell you
about that. Also, let me get you to see Cardi
b here this morning. Sisney, what did we miss while
sleeping overnight?

Speaker 6 (06:46):

Speaker 5 (06:47):
The Los Angeles County Public Health Department is advising beach
goers to avoid all water contact at three local beaches
due to high levels of bacteria, Santa Monica Canyon Creek
in the Palisades, Portco Beach in Malibu.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
And Inner Cabrio Beach in San Pedro.

Speaker 5 (07:03):
Lampposts around Disneyland are being removed and replaced as precautionary
measures after several guests were injured when a lamp post
fell over due to high winds in November. And Travis
Kelsey's music festival is May eighteen than Kansas City features
Lil Wayne Diplow two Chains, but Kelsey Jam maybe expanding
to eight cities in twenty twenty five, including Los Angeles.

Speaker 2 (07:26):
And that's what happened overnight.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
By the way, Ruby make a note. I want to
come back to it. While I'm working out in the afternoon.
You come on, you talk about your family, You do
a commercial about everybody wanting to do different things.

Speaker 2 (07:37):
You're yes, you remember the commercial? Uh huh, Well who's.

Speaker 1 (07:40):
It for at and t.

Speaker 3 (07:41):
Yeah that one, yep. I probably should know who it's
for if it's making the impact. Anyway, I want to
come back to the story there, okay, because you and
your siblings, your family, you can't all choose the right
thing to do. Everybody wants to do different things. I
hear on this AT and.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
T, so yeah, we're all just you know, a little different.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
Yeah, but that's good. But you can't agree on something.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
I know it's hard.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
So family, why AT and T is going to figure
it out for you.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
But while they're on that mission, I want to talk
about you calling it a cookout versus a barbecue.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
Because every weekend commercial both honestly, well let's get that pulled.

Speaker 5 (08:17):
The commercial, okay, but usually if you grew up on
a certain part of Because that's so, I want to
dialogue it a cookout and West Coast usually.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
I just know every weekend, I'm here.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
Every weekend, I'm here listening to kiss on like a
Thursday for my workout.

Speaker 2 (08:31):
Every weekend. You want to go to Alesian Park for
a cookout, that's every single week.

Speaker 6 (08:34):
I love a Lesion Park, especially in the spring and summer,
like the best for.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
A cookout, not a barbecue. Let's get back to that, right,
miss triggering me. I was on the treadmill three point
oh incline tubs. I like that in your jiu jitsu
universe three point oh incline with a run walk, So
is Sisney, what is going on? Family meeting here? Sisney
is scheduling her phone calls with her friends.

Speaker 5 (09:00):
It is the only way to actually have conversations and
meaningful conversations with your best friends these days. And it's
just the reality. So it is more like a PSA
to everybody. If you want to stay in contact with
the friends that like you've had for years, have to
schedule these fold calls because otherwise they're just not gonna happen.

Speaker 3 (09:17):
But schedule them. So like how far in advance? Doesn't
that take the friendship spirit out of it a little bit?

Speaker 8 (09:23):

Speaker 9 (09:24):
And no?

Speaker 5 (09:24):
But or like all busy and uh, the one that
I just scheduled with that she's a new mom and
so she just her schedule is all over the place too,
and mine obviously is. So we schedule it for Friday
afternoons and that's our time Friday. Yeah, that's the only
time that like really works for us. So and it's
great if it works for you, that's fine. And then

do you put a time limit on it? Like, hey,
I got a Runbody was asking me that the other
day and I was like, it's usually about an hour,
Like when I put it in my calendar.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
I block a whole hour for it.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
But we could talk on Friday and with your bestie. Yeah,
that's just it goes by so fast.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
I don't have the horsepower on a Friday.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
I have the most energy on a Friday.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
So uh. Interestingly, I think that is just a guy thing,
like a dude thing, Like what I do with my
buddies is like, hey, let's catch up this week, Let's
catch up soon, let's hang We don't really.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
Set the time, do you, But then you don't ever
do it.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
We don't ever do it. But we also don't need
to talk, or you just don't need to talk.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
Hey, what's up? Check it in, check it in, allget
let's hang soon.

Speaker 5 (10:27):
We catch up on everything. It's it's like your gossip hower.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
Even when you guys hang out, I feel like you
don't catch up.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
We don't say a thing Like Robbie will go do.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
Something with his guy friends and he'll come home and
I'll be like, so, what's new with blah blah blah.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
And he's like, oh no, no, what'd you talk about?
He's like stream or whatever it was on TV?

Speaker 3 (10:46):
What did you guys do? We're just chilling, bro Yeah, chilling,
and we don't need to speak. Actually, it's funny. I
think about some of my guy friends that need to
talk to hang out. I don't want to circulate with
them as much. I also have buddies that can just
we just can sit. We can take a long car
ride and not say a thing.

Speaker 2 (11:04):
But we're in it. You know, we're connected. It's great,
it's really nice. That's funny. It's nice to be that connected.
You don't like to.

Speaker 4 (11:14):
Bounce ideas off your friends or like what, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (11:19):
Like Michael's the opposite. He's very chatty with his friends.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
Well, I mean, look, I that's great, but that's a
different rhythm. We just like tubs. I have a feeling
if you and I were to sit in a jeep
together or something, we wouldn't say much.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
No, you would you would hate the silence we talk about.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
I wouldn't hate the silence.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
I only hate the silence here because I feel like
it's awkward, because I feel like we're not supposed to
have silence right times.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
We would just sit thereun't we or are.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
We driving anywhere?

Speaker 2 (11:44):
We just sit a parked car in a parked car.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
No, we're going somewhere. We're going to Universal, Well, I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (11:52):

Speaker 3 (11:52):
We're going somewhere. We're going to not Spay Farm. We
always get those tickets.

Speaker 2 (11:56):
Sounds fine. See that's all we'd say.

Speaker 1 (11:59):
Yeah, literally, buckle up, I mean bring up the weather.

Speaker 3 (12:02):
Let's find out Thursday. We've been a sprinter van together
on our tour. See if we talk to each other
during Oh for sure, let's post. Let's post us in
the van right from going from stop to stop.

Speaker 4 (12:12):
Great, I can. I can put my phone. I have
a sticky grippy. I can stick it to the wall
of the van and just film us.

Speaker 2 (12:18):

Speaker 3 (12:19):
Yeah, Ryan's riding o C the Valley. Our twentieth anniversary.
It's on Thursday. We start in the morning on the
show and then we roll Disney, Los Alamito's High's No Corner,
Ruben's Bakery, the whole itineraries up. If you want to
come meet us along one of these stops. But we're
going from morning till after six pm.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
Except for the high school. That one's closed.

Speaker 2 (12:37):
Oh you can't go there.

Speaker 1 (12:37):
Ellen's close to the public.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
That's just for the issue. We'll stand outside in the street.
You see us rolling in our very subtle Ryan's riding van.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
I can't wait to see this van.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
It's an ice cream truck. It's an ice cream truck.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
It's not an ice cream truck.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
But I'm gonna wear on Thursday. It's gonna be a
little chili.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
So brushing your teeth, this is an interesting This is
when you should never brush your teeth.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
I wanted to get it this morning while you might
be doing it.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
Dennis has gone viral on TikTok with three times you
should never brush your teeth, and that is one after breakfast,
never brush your teeth. Two after eating candy, never brush
your teeth. Three after vomiting, Never brush your teeth. The
bacteria on your teeth turns sweets into acid. So if
you brush your teeth right away with those three things,

you're rubbing the acid into your teeth, causing a burn
to your teeth.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
Oh, think about that. I mean, the first thing you
want to do after you've on it.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Is special to brush your teeth. Yeah, but swish it
out with some water. Anyway, figured out that was good.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
This was a lot of it.

Speaker 3 (13:35):
Let me remember that one Today's quote, the right decision
is the decision.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
You're willing to take responsibility for this FM headlines with
siciny Well.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
Lamposts around Disneyland are being removed and replaced as a
precautionary measure after several guests were injured when a lamp
post fell over due to high winds back in November.
Becky g has been tapped to join the twenty twenty
four Latin American Music Awards ceremony as the host and performer.
Top Golf is opening its newest location in Montabello on
May third. This will be the third venue in the area,

joining Ontario and Elsa Gunda locations. Pizza Fest is coming
to downtown LA this weekend. Fans will be able to
sample pizza from forty different SoCal shops and Tom Holland
has confirmed that he is definitely returning for a fourth
installment in his run of Spider Man films.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
On Air with Ryan Seacrest, m I.

Speaker 3 (14:30):
Like it, Benson Boone. I love kissing music. People say
to me, what do you listen to? What kind of
music do you like? And I say, what we play?
What do you listen to at all? What we play?

Speaker 1 (14:41):
I put it on Kiss, I'll put.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
It on kiss and put it on a playlist on
iHeart Radio. What we listen to on Kiss? What song
do you love from dojakat Agre Hills. What's the new
song you love right now? Benson Boone and that hose
your track? Nobody likes to hose your track love?

Speaker 2 (14:57):
That is my favorite song on the planet right now.
Little reaction.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
Well, I got thrown off.

Speaker 5 (15:01):
When you were talking about Doja cat A Gore Hills,
because then I was like, oh, you know your Swag Hour.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
I put all the songs in there for you. Yeah,
that's today.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
It's today.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
Yeah, so like nine thirty today.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Oh, how excited I got. Okay, tell me about it.
So you have Scizza Victoria Money. Oh my gosh, that
song even gives the unswag swag uh huh.

Speaker 5 (15:25):
I put a little money along in there. You better
stop the weekend with Jenny and Lily Rose.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
Dad and a tailor track. Please. The tailor track is
the secret song.

Speaker 3 (15:35):
We can't say it if it's a secret song. Oh
you're right, Well, no one's listening right now, all right.
So anyway, we just came up with this new thing
called the Swag half Hour.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
M hm, see how it sounds.

Speaker 3 (15:46):
But there's a five to some songs right now that
I'll have a little bit of swag that actually make
the uncool host not cool, but like, give you a
little bit of rhythm.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
Me right right and uh cheue.

Speaker 3 (15:55):
And Martinez is coming to help because I think this
may be a show that he and I are going
to pilot together late night on the weekends.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
Swag Wow.

Speaker 3 (16:05):
A lot of Hey, how many people called in this
morning asking what time the Swag half Hour is?

Speaker 2 (16:09):
Back room?

Speaker 7 (16:11):
None yet.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
It's still new idea.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
Still yeah, we'll see.

Speaker 3 (16:17):
Yeah, Swag half Hour coming up this twenty nine nine
thirty NonStop swag music. Give you some rhythm, all right,
let's see SISMI. So this is a little bit of
a Eureka moment before a second date up date. But
it has to do a lot of people are talking about.
Actually has to do with the only way you should

really plan a vacation now with summer coming up, it's timely.
What did you learn and why are you beating yourself
up over it?

Speaker 5 (16:45):
I'm not Yeah, I mean I've done this once or
twice and I forget that this is an option. So
it's called gig tripping, and it's essentially planning your vacation
around one of your favorite bands or artists. So you
find a place that they're going to be and maybe
the ticket or even cheaper to go see them there,
and then you just do a vacation out of it.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
So you're going to see a concert and you make it,
take some time off and make it a stay.

Speaker 5 (17:08):
I went backpacking through Europe when I was younger, in
my early twenties with one of my girlfriends.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
I didn't know anybody really did it. I always hear
people saying that they could do it. Oh wait, it's
your dream. I want to backpack through Europe. Did you
put one of those backpacks that goes from your head
to your the back of your eye.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Yes, that's all we had. We stayed in hostels.

Speaker 5 (17:24):
We went from the city we did Barcelona, Ebiza, Paris,
Amsterdam and Italy.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
How long were you gone?

Speaker 1 (17:33):
Like twenty something days?

Speaker 2 (17:34):
What did you eat? All the things?

Speaker 10 (17:38):
You mean?

Speaker 5 (17:38):
It was?

Speaker 3 (17:38):
It's also like still lost, but only in Austin. Did
you ever set up camp tents?

Speaker 11 (17:42):

Speaker 5 (17:43):
We did not camp, but we I mean hostel is
basically camping, Like you have a locker to lock your
stuff and then you.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
Sleep in like a little bed and.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
All your stuff on your back.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
Yeah, and we did laundry midway picture you and a
bunch of tied die no no.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
No, no, not so much.

Speaker 5 (18:01):
Anyways, we planned that trip with David Getta was going
to be an a viza, so we kind of like
that's what started it, and then we went backwards and
forward trying to plan like around it so we were
able to see him. But yes, this is the way
to do it, Taylor Swift. It's going to be in
Europe all summer, so interesting.

Speaker 3 (18:14):
So pick the date in the city exactly, Lensey, Yeah,
little Italian vacation.

Speaker 5 (18:19):
Or she's in Toronto and Novembers. You could do that Toronto, Toronto.
You're right, Toronto, Toronto, Toronto and Olivia Rodrigo shows are
sold out here in LA. But you could see her
in a different city like Seattle or DC. These are options.
It's called gig tripping.

Speaker 3 (18:33):
Gig tripping, and that's what people are talking about. Very cool,
So gig trip this summer. So it's time for a
second date update, Tubs. You might want to listen in
on this. Dear Ryan, Sissiny Tanya, we met on Bumble Tanya,
you met on hinge yep, and one on three great dates,
he says, got together for drinks, went to dinner and
went to uh his place, did an escape room. On

the third date, he goes, it was seriously three perfect dates.
But that's the thing about, how can you misread the
situation so much that she won't get back to them?

Speaker 2 (19:03):
So, David Valley Village, thanks for coming on.

Speaker 8 (19:05):

Speaker 3 (19:05):
By the way, I always compliment and give credit to
those of you like yourself who will come on bravely
with thick skin and find out why. I'm not so
sure it'd be me. I just would like take it
and move on because I don't know it might appreciate that. Yeah, well,
thank you, big hugs to you. It might be tough
to hear. I don't know, but she's cooled off completely.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
Now, why why.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
Did you you say to us these were three I
don't any all specifics, but why'd you feel they were
three perfect dates?

Speaker 2 (19:31):
What was the energy you were feeling?

Speaker 12 (19:35):
The energy was just positive. I mean we were laughing
all the time through all three dates. That it was
great before I mean it was all together. It was
just phenomenal.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
And when you sit and stare at your screen or
sit in your room. You come up with any reasons
why she might be going cold.

Speaker 12 (19:58):
I mean, I can. I can tell you what happened.
I mean basically everything from the moment, from the moment
she reached out to me, because it was we met
up a bumble, you know when women make the first
move she liked was like, I spent twenty minutes trying
to think of a perfect opening line, but I didn't
want to keep you winning any longer, so hello, which

I thought.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Was great pussy, I understand she said that I'm bumble.

Speaker 12 (20:23):
Yeah, she said that I'm bubble.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
Kind of brilliant. I mean that sucks you right in.

Speaker 8 (20:27):
Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 12 (20:28):
You hit it off immediately. And so I keep thinking
I did something wrong on date three, you know, obviously
the last one, but it seemed amazing at the time.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
And that's what I'm trying to calculate here.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
So one and two, she says, yes to three, but
not after three, So we might want to focus hone
in on the neighborhood of date three.

Speaker 11 (20:46):
All right, David, I.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
Got enough hold on one second. What's her name, Cassie?

Speaker 12 (20:51):

Speaker 3 (20:52):
All right, we got Cassie's number. We're going to track
Cassie down. Hold tight, it's a second date update. What
did David do on date three to get her to
go cold?

Speaker 2 (21:02):
So, David, I'm gonna put you on the line here.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Just stay quiet because we have Cassie agreed to come
on with us right here, right now, and I'm gonna
get into it.

Speaker 12 (21:09):
All right, Okay, I appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (21:12):
Yeah, my pleasure. Bro.

Speaker 3 (21:15):
Hi, Cassie, thanks for joining us on the air. My
name is Ryana, got Sistney and Tanya with me. Hey, Hi, Hey,
how are you.

Speaker 9 (21:23):

Speaker 2 (21:25):

Speaker 3 (21:25):
Well, thank you for taking a second here. We're calling
about a guy you met on bumble named David. When
when I say his name, you remember him?

Speaker 9 (21:36):
Yeah? Yeah, I do.

Speaker 11 (21:38):

Speaker 2 (21:38):
How how was it meeting going out with David?

Speaker 9 (21:43):
Yeah? Well, we went on a few dates and they
were actually really great.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
And do you plan to see David again?

Speaker 3 (21:51):
I don't.

Speaker 9 (21:52):
I don't think so he's great. I just I don't.
I don't feel like he was into me like I
was into him, you know.

Speaker 2 (21:58):
So interesting and forgive us for prying here.

Speaker 3 (22:01):
You meet somebody and a total stranger, right like you
didn't know the guy, yeah, and you felt like he
was firing on all cylinders.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
What was it about David?

Speaker 3 (22:10):
Like, when you think about him, what's his most attractive feature?

Speaker 2 (22:14):
Good question?

Speaker 9 (22:16):
I mean he was really funny. We laughed a lot,
you know, like we just had a really fun time together.

Speaker 2 (22:22):

Speaker 3 (22:23):
So you went on a couple of days and then
you felt like he was not vibing.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
What gave you that sense?

Speaker 9 (22:28):
Yeah, it just became really clear to me that he
was keeping his options open and I'm kind of all
in and I just I don't know. We went out
like three times and I just didn't feel like he
was invested as much as I was.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
You know, it's interesting, now, did you you just made
that assumption though, wasn't something he said?

Speaker 9 (22:50):
Well, look he updated his photos on bumble, and I
mean that tells me something, you know.

Speaker 5 (22:59):
Interesting, Well, why would he update his photos after he
met her, spruce it up a bit for whoo?

Speaker 2 (23:07):
Updated the photos? I don't know what that means.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
On his profile to learn other women, meaning like he
was active.

Speaker 3 (23:15):
He was so he threw up, sorry to put it
in my terms, he threw up a fresh thirst trap basically,
and that made you think he's trying to lure He
put up some bait is what you're saying.

Speaker 2 (23:27):
Fresh, babe, I got you. Well, what if you want
to go out again.

Speaker 9 (23:32):
Cassie, I mean, I don't know. I really liked him.
We had a really good time together, but it was
just kind of embarrassing, like because I found that because
I was showing my friend his profile because I was
excited about him and talking about him, and then I
noticed there were new picks up and one of them
was like one of them was a picture that I took.

I mean I didn't even say this to my friend
at the time because I was so embarrassed. So I
we had such a good time, I just it doesn't
feel I don't know. Something feels off to me and.

Speaker 8 (24:04):
I just don't know.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
Okay, do you mind if I get involved?

Speaker 1 (24:09):
We're here, I mean, go ahead, I think it's not fun.

Speaker 3 (24:14):
So, Cassie, I'm going to tell you that David is
on the line. He's listening to this, and the reasoning
is is because he thought you were blowing him up.
This is a total miscommunication of two people dating that
want to actually date David.

Speaker 2 (24:28):
Are you loving hearing this in a way?

Speaker 12 (24:32):
I am? I'm also first off, high, Cassie, I'm also yeah,
I'm I'm also I'm loving it, but I'm also really
embarrassed myself because, honestly, look, Cassie, I'm crazy about you.
I wouldn't have called to kiss for Pete's sake if

I wasn't.

Speaker 9 (24:56):
I mean, I want that to be true. But I
don't don't understand why you would update your profile. You know, I.

Speaker 12 (25:05):
Don't know. I really like those photos, and so I
kind of updated everything, you know, like.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
David to understand the psyche here.

Speaker 3 (25:13):
I think Cassie's saying, like, if you're into me, why
are you refreshing to see if you can like grass
is Green or exactly.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
I can see what you're saying after three dates too, right, right, Well.

Speaker 12 (25:25):
I understand I was I was just I was just updating.
I didn't even think about it, honestly, It's it was
nothing more than that.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
Are you still swiping?

Speaker 12 (25:34):
I am not? No, No, definitely not.

Speaker 9 (25:37):
I just don't understand things were going so, I mean
things were going well, and and I mean I know
we weren't like exclusive or anything like that. I just
I wasn't even thinking about opening bumble.

Speaker 12 (25:48):
Really, you know, I totally get it. I can see
that now, and I don't want to put you on
the spot about exclusivity or anything like that. I mean,
all I would like is another date possibly. I mean,
you know, we can keep the casual if you want.
I just I just really want to see you again.
And I apologize that I had it on my phone

and that I did that.

Speaker 9 (26:12):
I apologize, Well, I mean, look it, I don't know.
I had a really good time too. But I mean
I was talking to a friend and she was like
pretty convinced that you're a player, and like, how do
I go back on that?

Speaker 3 (26:28):
I mean, we didn't My friends in this situation, they
don't want anything but your time. They don't want anything
but your time. So I think in this situation, I'm
trying to get them to commit to a date.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
Let's not cloudy the water, friends whatever.

Speaker 1 (26:44):
The friend doesn't just want her time.

Speaker 3 (26:46):
The friends can get jealous when you meet somebody and
they don't have somebody of their own.

Speaker 5 (26:49):
The player to one could be I'm trying to get
this golden stussful double.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
What do you call these things? A second ate? Updates? Yeah,
so David.

Speaker 12 (26:59):
I'm not I am not a player first and foremost,
I just want to I just want to assure you that, Cassie,
So do not worry about that. And I would love
to chat with your friends.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
A player a lot, want to.

Speaker 11 (27:11):
Be, want to be?

Speaker 2 (27:14):
Yeah, that's it?

Speaker 3 (27:15):
Okay anyway, David Cassey, enjoy your fourth date. I think
it's something that should happen.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
Yeah, right, give him another chance?

Speaker 8 (27:23):
Yea, yes, I mean I would.

Speaker 9 (27:25):
I think that would be fun.

Speaker 1 (27:27):
Also, no more updating the pictures, David. I don't think
it was a bad David. If Robbie did that to you,
you would have been so I was dating again?

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Why all right? These the voices in my head? Or
was this on the air on air with Ryan Seacrest. No,
you love that.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
When you get home, doesn't your girlfriend say, let's play
not my fault by inn rep Megan a stallion and
make some steaks.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
He's busy. It's always a bummer when I tee it
up with so much energy.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
Well, he can't get into the microphone fast enough.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
Because he's he's working on some things. The studio is
falling apart. You should know.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
He's working on like many many things.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
What's ups where's the new camera you're supposed to get
in here? You can't figure out how to get his
microphone on. How can I expect a camera? What did
you hear him putting a new.

Speaker 2 (28:19):
Camera in here?

Speaker 11 (28:20):
I did hear that?

Speaker 8 (28:21):

Speaker 3 (28:21):
Wait what Yeah, putting a big camera in here for
our What do we do with this stuff? We posted
everyone the whole room. Yeah, I want a wide shot?

Speaker 1 (28:29):
You do?

Speaker 2 (28:29):
I love the white shot. I'm tired of the like
three shot shot. We need a wide shot, right, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (28:37):
Just make sure it's a good angle because sometimes like
a white will like stretch the people that are on
the edge out.

Speaker 2 (28:43):
Oh, it's okay. We talked about about this stuff.

Speaker 11 (28:46):
Well, the camera's been ordered.

Speaker 8 (28:50):

Speaker 1 (28:50):
I want to be here during installation day.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
On air. You're going to see the wide shot.

Speaker 4 (28:56):
Is it like a fish lens? Like a point five?

Speaker 2 (28:59):
No? No, I don't know. It's the cheapest one he
could find.

Speaker 3 (29:01):
And uh, Anyway, on Thursday, guys, we're going out very excited.
We're gonna start in Orange County. It'll get a Disneyland
Los Alamito's High Snow Corner. We're gonna go all the
way from O c LA to the valley and Hobby,
Hobby is gonna be our ice cream truck driver. Hobby,
Good morning, Good morning, So, Hobby, it's Ryan Seacrest. I

think you're taking the team here on our to ur Thursday.

Speaker 2 (29:26):
Yes, sir, well please call me Ryan.

Speaker 9 (29:29):

Speaker 3 (29:29):
I just wanted to touch base and get to know
you a little bit. Because we got a got a
tight schedule, an ambitious schedule. We don't want to push
too hard, but we want to, you know, be in
it with the spirit that we're bringing.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
So have you seen the itinerary?

Speaker 8 (29:43):
Yes? I have.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
Is it doable? Considering it? We can?

Speaker 3 (29:48):
That's what I want to find because we're supposed to
be a gerrilla tacos at four thirty and then elsewhere
in a grocery are like five o five?

Speaker 1 (29:54):
That seems wow, that is are we going to eat tacos?

Speaker 8 (29:57):
I mean, clearly all the day happened, could happen to
make it tonight.

Speaker 2 (30:02):
Hobby is going to be Are we in an ice
cream truck that's wrapped? What are we in?

Speaker 8 (30:06):
No, We're in the sprinter van that's wrapped.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
Oh that's why we think of the fancy camera went
all out for the sprinter van and so what's on
the outside of the sprinter van so people can honk?

Speaker 8 (30:20):
I believe it's going to be wrapped in your logos.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
In your face.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
Gosh, please, we'll get run off the road. Yeah, it's
a considerable risk running this with our logo on it.
You're willing to take that, definitely, So Hobby, give me
your backstory, Bro, how do you start your business?

Speaker 8 (30:40):
It was kind of by mistake. I was French. Montana
was actually a customer customer of mine in my own business,
and every time he came to LA from New York.
I would pick him up, drive him around and kind
of hang out with them. And one day he's like, Bro,

you need to do your own service. Like I introduced
you to everybody. You know, everybody, everybody likes you, you know,
let's just make something happen. So, in a nutshell, that's
what I did. And here I am today.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
And what's the name of the business?

Speaker 8 (31:14):
Hobby Elite CMCEE.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Wow, this guy right here.

Speaker 3 (31:26):
Ranch, Well that's in a roundabout way, that's how we
got you here because we've known friends for a long time.

Speaker 8 (31:33):
Oh yes, sir, Yeah, he's a good guy. He's a
definitely awesome person.

Speaker 2 (31:38):
Good tipper.

Speaker 8 (31:40):
Yeah, he is good to know, definitely.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
Good to know.

Speaker 3 (31:44):
All right, well, listen, we can't wait we're very much
looking forward to We've been talking about it for weeks,
been twenty years in the making. You know, it's for
It's for our twentieth anniversary celebration of the Audio.

Speaker 2 (31:52):
Three Secret Show. So that's what we're doing that.

Speaker 3 (31:55):
Yeah, yeah, Now do you mind if we post for
inside the sprinter?

Speaker 8 (32:02):
Of course, whatever you want eat.

Speaker 2 (32:04):
Inside the sprinter you.

Speaker 8 (32:06):
Can eat, drink whatever.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
Al Right, is there Wi Fi?

Speaker 2 (32:14):
No, you have a station phone.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
It'll be fine, all right, Hobby, Hobby Gutierrez, thank you
very much for taking us on Thursday. We will see
you in the wrapped up sprinter van first thing in
the morning.

Speaker 8 (32:28):
I will see you at six am.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
Okay, bro, all right, it's a twelve hour tour plus
I think it's more than twelve hours. We gonna start
that early and then we don't finish after six.

Speaker 1 (32:38):
It's gonna be so long now, I know, I guess
we've ever been together.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
I know you.

Speaker 3 (32:45):
Guys at seven are going to ask a question, and
I'm already prepared for it.

Speaker 2 (32:52):
What what do you think you're gonna ask? At seven o'clock?
Are we going to go for dinner?

Speaker 1 (32:57):
I was gonna say, can we do like a TikTok together.

Speaker 2 (33:00):
Now that's in the van. I'm not prepared. I don't
know if it's legal anymore. TikTok? Who knows?

Speaker 1 (33:05):
Right here is to be sold anyway, Let's just not
get into it.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
I know you're going to say, should we grab a bite?

Speaker 1 (33:12):
Let's just make a reservation somewhere now.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
Please, you don't think close years over here. Seacrest is
on it. I love that you're on it. I am,
but I'm onny. I'm probably gonna beat Should.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
We bring the spouses or is it just the three
of us?

Speaker 2 (33:28):
I don't care make a reservation. The three of us
will be bored of each other.

Speaker 1 (33:31):
I meant just live and of the action.

Speaker 3 (33:35):
Anyway, we'll play it by ear. But you know I'm
ready for the question. Now Mark is dancing. We must
be running late. Let's take it. We're gonna come back
here and pay a bill. I appreciate the dance to
get us motivated to move.

Speaker 5 (33:47):
Yeah, in his merch, he's wearing Saturday Night Live shirts.

Speaker 2 (33:52):
We'll find a wide shot. We'll put it up online.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
Ryan Seacrest, can you click your tongue?

Speaker 2 (34:04):
Is that a gross out? A sorry? Let me hear
your click.

Speaker 8 (34:11):

Speaker 2 (34:12):
Alright, hear your click?

Speaker 3 (34:16):
Have you tongue?

Speaker 1 (34:20):
How do you do that?

Speaker 2 (34:22):
Gotta have solid tongue.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
Yeah, Ruby, can you click your tongue?

Speaker 2 (34:29):
Maybe your little combination, a little combination.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
Your retainers probably on the way of your tongue.

Speaker 3 (34:37):
MICHAELA, can you click your tongue? She's been waiting for that.
How's a turn signal?

Speaker 2 (34:45):

Speaker 13 (34:47):
All right?

Speaker 3 (34:47):
Tany enough fun and games for that. Let's get into this.

Speaker 1 (34:52):

Speaker 4 (34:52):
So I have been knee deep in lyrics over the
last several days. But the lyrics to Taylor Swift's The
Black Dog, it's off of the Tortured Posts Apartment, the anthology,
it got me really thinking. So here are the lyrics.
I want you to soak in. Okay, and your location
you forgot to turn it off, and so I watch
as you walk into some bar called the Black Dog

and pierce new holes in my heart.

Speaker 1 (35:18):
You forgot to turn it off.

Speaker 4 (35:20):
So basically the song is about ending it with somebody,
but you still are sharing locations with them. So she's
watching everyde.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
So wait, it's over, but you still.

Speaker 4 (35:28):
See Yeah, so they're they're done, they're done, but you
still share locations like they forgot to yes, so like
you're watching them walk into this bar, wondering like what
he's doing there, who he's meeting.

Speaker 2 (35:40):
It's posts department exactly.

Speaker 4 (35:42):
But it got me thinking, if you've ever done this
with somebody, because I know one of my girlfriends she
broke up with her boy. This was maybe a year ago,
but they still share locations, and so she would just
walk like every night she would check it to make
sure that he was like home, like sleeping in his home.
And the minute he wasn't home one night, at like
eleven or something, that's when she stopped sharing. She's like,

I can't see her mind started playing tricks on her.
And I remember an ex boyfriend of mine had his Gmail.
He was logged into his Gmail on my computer because
he didn't live in LA and so I had access
to his Gmail after we broke up.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
And I don't.

Speaker 4 (36:18):
Tell anybody, but I've read his emails for probably like
a few weeks.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
After a few weeks, yeah.

Speaker 4 (36:25):
Until I saw an email from some girl and then
I was like, I can't do it anymore. It's always
when you see something bad, it's like then you stop.

Speaker 5 (36:31):
I caught an ex because he left his email open
and I saw the.

Speaker 2 (36:35):
One nail and romantic stuff these days?

Speaker 5 (36:37):
Right, Well, it was so obvious because it was a
girl from his work and there was no subject line,
and so I just straight up asked him, are you
are you hooking up with us?

Speaker 2 (36:45):
I mean, was deer in the headlights? I never forget
nineteen ninety seven?

Speaker 3 (36:49):
I saw that romantic facts come across one of the DJs.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
But have you ever done this?

Speaker 2 (36:56):
I looked at someone's stuff. I can't.

Speaker 3 (36:58):
I don't have the I don't have the strength to
do it see it? So you actually, yeah, I got
all the strength to see it.

Speaker 1 (37:07):

Speaker 2 (37:08):
I am weak like that.

Speaker 4 (37:11):
But it's nice because it almost like when you're weak
and you see something like that, it makes you like
more angry than sad.

Speaker 2 (37:17):
No, not going to go through all that, Nope, not
going to do it. Definitely more sad than angry. Yeah,
because it just hurts.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
Hurts so good.

Speaker 2 (37:27):
The whole story hurts so good.

Speaker 1 (37:29):
No way, that was that's the whole story.

Speaker 2 (37:31):
That's whole story. Wow. I thought we're gonna play a game.

Speaker 1 (37:33):
You said, that's the game?

Speaker 10 (37:34):
Have you?

Speaker 2 (37:35):
That was the game? I missed the game something? Have
you ever?

Speaker 1 (37:39):
Have you ever?

Speaker 3 (37:41):
I will tell you this did just check out. The
Black Dog is a real pubby in London.

Speaker 2 (37:46):

Speaker 4 (37:48):
The connect Oh interesting because I thought that song was
gonna be I thought that song was about Maddy Healy,
but I guess it was about Joe.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
Let's play the game accur receive the trending report.

Speaker 4 (37:56):
You're up to it for interpretation.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
I think so too.

Speaker 2 (38:01):
Okay, well good. Maya's on the line about eight.

Speaker 3 (38:04):
Take a look at your screen, guys, eight secret you
want to see out of the back room, Maya?

Speaker 2 (38:09):
Or did you already? Hello?

Speaker 3 (38:12):
You probably did already because they put you on hold.
Who did you speak with to put you on hold?

Speaker 2 (38:15):

Speaker 3 (38:17):
Oh god?

Speaker 10 (38:18):
I what about her name? Why would you do this?

Speaker 3 (38:20):
Because I want to make sure that our guest services
are up to par.

Speaker 9 (38:25):
Okay, it was up to car my.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
How was your experience with the back room?

Speaker 10 (38:32):
I'd say six and a half?

Speaker 2 (38:34):
A little quality control here? What could we do better?

Speaker 3 (38:37):
What could we do to make the first few seconds
of your call better?

Speaker 9 (38:41):

Speaker 6 (38:41):

Speaker 5 (38:42):
How was your day?

Speaker 9 (38:42):
How is your day?

Speaker 8 (38:43):

Speaker 2 (38:44):
Constructive criticism back? You guys are rushy ruy rush more
in the.

Speaker 10 (38:49):
Back dah.

Speaker 2 (38:57):
Fire guys.

Speaker 5 (38:59):
It's quality second, But for the back room right now.

Speaker 3 (39:06):
Well, Maya, maybe you'll get called that next time. Okay,
let's go. So what can we do to help?

Speaker 10 (39:12):
Okay, So one of my friends from the East Coast,
she was recently, came to visit me. The visit was
totally unprompted. I had no idea she was coming, but
I was super excited, you know, I've been working. Kind
of happy to see an old friend. But I didn't
know she was coming. So she came on Friday morning,
and then she left Monday morning. That Friday, I didn't

take off of work. You know, she didn't give me
notice she was coming, so I didn't take off of work.
And I had, honestly the biggest meeting with this client.
They've been super picky, so I could not not do
the meeting, you know what I mean. So I work
from home on Friday, so I figured it wasn't that
big of a deal. Anyway, I was able to welcome

her when she came. But as soon as she came,
like you know, I had cinnamon rolls and stuff like that.
But as soon as she came, I had to go
into my my home office and work. But this is
the weird part. So now that a few weeks have
gone by, she she kind of let me know that
she was upset that I didn't take off work that

first day, and she thinks it was rude, and you know,
she came to visit me and she had to stay
in the house. So I just wanted to get your guys'
opinion on the situation at work. Yeah, right, Like I'm
already stressed out with work and stuff like that. And
it wasn't like I didn't tell her where to go,

like this is a good place to go for lunch.

Speaker 3 (40:42):
At me put this in your terms, because we heard
that your experience with Ruby was a six and a
half on a scale of one to ten.

Speaker 1 (40:49):
I did not answer the phone.

Speaker 3 (40:54):
I heard Ruby said, somebody said Ruby, So Mikayla was
six point five.

Speaker 2 (41:00):
I stay corrected. Anyway.

Speaker 3 (41:02):
The point is on a scale of one to ten,
how would you rank your friendship closeness with this friend
because she sounds like a lot of work.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
Good question.

Speaker 10 (41:11):
You know, our friendship has been pretty good, I say,
I mean, I don't it's it's been pretty good, like honestly.

Speaker 2 (41:19):
But pretty good?

Speaker 8 (41:19):
Is it?

Speaker 2 (41:20):

Speaker 8 (41:20):

Speaker 2 (41:20):
What is pretty good on a one to ten?

Speaker 9 (41:23):
As like an eight point five.

Speaker 2 (41:24):
Okay, that's pretty good.

Speaker 10 (41:27):
Yeah, considering, you know, but okay.

Speaker 2 (41:31):
Long, where's your friend now? Is she gone?

Speaker 10 (41:34):
Yeah, she's back in New York.

Speaker 3 (41:36):
Okay, So I think that, I mean, we're we're kind
of past it. But I just think that that's a
lot for your friend to ask you to be off work.
You got to get your stuff done, and you had
cinnamon butts.

Speaker 1 (41:45):
Like and you had no notice.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
Thank you?

Speaker 10 (41:48):

Speaker 3 (41:48):
So I guess our point, Maya, is it has passed,
like life goes on. Let's not carry guilt on this one.
There's enough things in the world that cause pressure, stressed, anxiety,
and cortisol.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
Let's not cause guilt on this one. I don't think so.

Speaker 1 (41:59):
And she has one hundred percent and the wrong.

Speaker 2 (42:01):
There you go, that's our ruling. If I had a
gavel had to hit it.

Speaker 1 (42:04):
Well, nobody's one hundred percent the wrong.

Speaker 3 (42:06):
Thank you very much, good luck you honestly. So, Michaela,
what happened when you're in the phone, Dors.

Speaker 7 (42:13):
Yeah, I don't know, said hi, is a smile. She
said yes. I was like, I'm putting on hold for
a second, and ry I won't be with you. Shortly,
she wanted to ask her, how are you doing day?
I was just trying to get her down as quick
as possible.

Speaker 1 (42:26):
I thought it was a good call.

Speaker 7 (42:27):
You know.

Speaker 3 (42:28):
No, this show moves at lightning speed, and you were
just doing your job of getting it getting up there,
because you know, if you didn't have it on hold,
Mark would be waving his wrists around.

Speaker 4 (42:36):
The planes over here and jumping up and down like
a hot pepper, literally.

Speaker 1 (42:44):
Like his jumping jacks that he does at the beginning
of the show.

Speaker 2 (42:47):
Now then you put yeah, yeah, exactly, he's going to
pull an arm socket.

Speaker 1 (42:58):
Yeah, honestly, hadn't hurt me, all right, I.

Speaker 2 (43:00):
Know it's dangerous, So just doing your work.

Speaker 7 (43:04):
Next time, I'll just ask how she is Mark, And
you have to wait.

Speaker 1 (43:07):
I need that ten.

Speaker 7 (43:08):
I need that ten, not a six point five.

Speaker 9 (43:11):

Speaker 3 (43:11):
Ye, that's a little real for us. We can't take
six to five even it is. Give us an eight.
I gotta tell you, Harvey, we're celebrating twenty years Harvey
leven with us now at TMZ. We're celebrating twenty years
of this show on the earth Rite Secrets. You guys
launched TMZ the website how many years ago nineteen nineteen,

and you know what. You know why I bring it
up because and you're so kind, inciting, and I saw
you doing some press for this specially you're doing and
you were talking about us starting a collaboration early on.
I remember the first year of this show was when
we first started to collaborate about TMZ because y'all were
launching that's just a website.

Speaker 13 (43:52):
Well, I will say to go down memory lane. I
ran into Ryan at a restaurant called Mister chow Yea
and I walked up to a stable and he said,
what are you up to? And I said, you know,
I'm working on this thing that we're going to launch,
this website.

Speaker 11 (44:09):
We're going to call it TMZ.

Speaker 13 (44:10):
And you asked me what it was about, and you said,
I love this idea. I'm going to put you on
my radio show when you launch. You were the only
person who believed that this was a good idea. Everybody
else told me this was a terrible idea. You got
it and you said do it, and I kind of
needed to hear that from somebody. So I am forever,
aside from just loving person, I am forever indebted to you.

Speaker 2 (44:35):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (44:35):
Well, now look at what I mean, it completely reinvented
the way that stories are told, the way that we
get information. And by the way, I don't think anyone
has the sources and the closeness that you have to
get stuff before your team has before anybody else. It's
pretty remarkable, is that. Just years and years of relationships
and obviously cleverness.

Speaker 11 (44:57):
Again, you are just so unbelievably smart.

Speaker 13 (45:02):
And I'm not just saying that, yes, and nobody asks
it that way.

Speaker 11 (45:07):
Nobody asks. Everybody says, oh, TMZ must be doing something
to get these stories.

Speaker 8 (45:11):

Speaker 13 (45:12):
I mean, first of all, I was a news reporter
here for several decades before I started TMZ, and then
I have a staff here that for almost twenty years.
You know, we've been developing relationships, so exactly, there's no
magic to it. I mean, reporting is reporting, and it
means that you've got to find people who trust you,

who think you're fair, and you establish relationships with them.
And that's the way it works in every area of reporting.
When you go to Washington, D C. And cover the
White House, you find sources who will talk to you,
and it's the same thing covering pop culture, the same
skill set. It's establishing relationships and nurturing them. And that's

what it simply is about. And you actually said it
in a very clear way that a lot of people just.

Speaker 3 (46:00):
Don't get Harvey Levin with this. I have to tell you,
you also work hard. I mean you work hard. I
know I work no, No, I know no, no, I know,
I rek. You are up before I am, and you
have been for a long time. You're working into the weekend,
you're working at night. You do not phone this in.

Speaker 2 (46:18):
I know that.

Speaker 3 (46:19):
And so there's to me that that hard work is
certainly a part of it too, But I want it
speaking of more, speaking of another thing he's doing. So
TMZ presents Arnold in Sly Rivals Friends Icons, premiered on
Fox tonight eight seven Central Stream at to mon Hulu.

Speaker 2 (46:31):
Tell us about this and why you're excited about it?

Speaker 13 (46:34):
Well, look, it goes back a long way. It goes
back to nineteen seventy six. I had just come back
to LA to practice law, and I was working out
at a gym in Hollywood and there was this dude
there I would talk to from time to time. He
was a nice guy, and I remember talking to him
on Friday. On Monday, he was the biggest start in

the world. It was Sylvester Stallone and Rocky had come
out over the weekend, and I had know I did,
nobody knew. It was just like nobody knew. And then
you know, all these years later, I end up working
out of the same gym as Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I
knew these two had this intense rivalry that really developed

into this incredible friendship.

Speaker 2 (47:17):
And then I just.

Speaker 13 (47:18):
Thought, well, that's kind of the book ends of part
of my life. And I thought, if you could get
the two of them together and just be candid about
why they were such rivals and why they felt each
one was threatening the other, and.

Speaker 11 (47:33):
Then how it developed.

Speaker 13 (47:34):
And I'm telling you, the stories are this one of
my favorite things I've ever done.

Speaker 11 (47:40):
These stories are so good. And one would tell a
story about what they did to the other and the
other had no idea until it was said, and they're like,
you did that, I mean, And then it gets into
you know, they're very different people. Slai is really emotional
and Arnold is this kind of straight ahead guy, and
how the childhood affected them to this day, how they

raise their kids and how they instill values in them
but just the two of them, and to see how
deferential and how much they love each other now and
what it was like back then.

Speaker 3 (48:14):
It's really interesting Schwarzenegger and Stallone. So why do you
think they were comfortable enough to go there now?

Speaker 13 (48:23):
Because they First of all, what I love about them
is they're not fearful. These guys have no fear in them,
so they're not afraid to talk about this, and it's
part of their lives. It's a mosaic of their life.
And they both really kind of wanted to do this,
and honestly, right I wasn't sure how it was going
to go. But they are so candid and it was

not an interview. It was a three way conversation, and
they would then just kind of engage themselves and they'd
be surprised at something they would say. They disagree with things,
but it's it's real. I mean, you will get them
when you watch this.

Speaker 3 (49:02):
It's it's why I watched maybe people listening saw as
well as susanney Tani. I watched their documentaries independently and
I learned a lot. So just knowing you're going to
be in the same place with both of them going
in is very compelling.

Speaker 13 (49:17):
You know, I can't remember whether it was Slier Arnold
who told me afterward that what they felt in this
special that we're doing is they took the two documentaries
and they intersected them so that you could see how
their lives kind of cross paths, and their similarities and

their differences. Why it is that they had this kind
of competitiveness. So the two documentaries kind of come together
when they both come together, and you will hear a lot.
You will understand the two of them together when you.

Speaker 11 (49:53):
Watch this thing I checked out.

Speaker 13 (49:56):
I'm sorry for hype in this, but I'm really into it.

Speaker 3 (50:00):
It's a TMZ presenter Harve you Love and there Arnold
and Slide the rivals of Frenzy Icons, Fox and then Hulu.
I can see your atomic clock to the second behind you.
I know you've got to do something immediately, so I'll
let you.

Speaker 11 (50:10):
I want to say two things.

Speaker 13 (50:11):
One it's on tonight at eight eastern seventh Central, And
the second thing I want to say is I loved
American Idol.

Speaker 2 (50:20):
Oh, thank you? How'd you like? What struck you?

Speaker 13 (50:23):
I just thought the performances were so good. I mean,
every single performance was so memorable. I loved it, and
I don't know. I was thinking as I was watching,
I thought, my god, you have done this. Wow you
have shep you haven but you have been the steward
of this thing for so long and it's just so

good still. I mean a lot of shows after twenty
years they kind of lose their mojo.

Speaker 11 (50:52):
It was fantastic.

Speaker 3 (50:53):
Thank you, Thank you for watching. Enjoy what you're about
to do. I want to hear about and I'll see
after absolutely.

Speaker 2 (50:59):
Okay, thanks guys, guys. It looks great, doesn't he incredible?
I got to put him on my fridge next to Beckham.
That's my motivation. No, I don't know, maybe not much right, Like,
he looks so good.

Speaker 3 (51:16):
Did you hear how he's doing these things? And maybe
you know this is the thing. He's meeting people at
the gym like I am.

Speaker 1 (51:22):
On the deals.

Speaker 2 (51:24):
What's next?

Speaker 5 (51:25):
You gotta look up from your workouts and look at
the people.

Speaker 1 (51:28):
Yeah, have a conversation.

Speaker 3 (51:30):
So now, MICHAELA, how many calls do we get asking
when we're going to debut the swag half hour?

Speaker 7 (51:36):
You can be honest, I personally haven't gotten any.

Speaker 2 (51:40):
So all right, well let me bring it to my
team he's got swag there. He is.

Speaker 3 (51:49):
Dripping in swagwa one of my favorites. Hey, what is
this show that I always hear you doing? It's fun.
It's the weekends, the vibe and I'm out, but not out.
I'm wanting to be out.

Speaker 2 (52:01):
It's the Saturday night party. That's it.

Speaker 3 (52:02):
I always want to be out, but I feel like
I'm out listening to you. Yeah, we shot you up, brother, anywhere,
I don't have to go anywhere because I'm I'm with Chewy.
He's out.

Speaker 2 (52:11):
We've been doing the show for a minute. Man, We've
been number one, number one for a long time.

Speaker 3 (52:15):
To Peter to a with DJ for BLEXL. I love
that guy too, me too. So I brought you because
I'm looking for an extra, Like you know, Joe just's
got that big success. You guys got a number one
show on the weekend. Joe just got that K pop
showy Gangbusters. Yeah, Jo, we probably should have a show, yo.
Let's do that, man.

Speaker 2 (52:33):
So I'm trying to say we should.

Speaker 11 (52:35):
We should call it the Bounce with Ryan and Chewy.

Speaker 2 (52:37):
What's the bounce? Me to bounce? Just bounce? We just bounce.

Speaker 3 (52:40):
We just bounced, Just bounce. We don't have to show up.
We don't need to come in.

Speaker 2 (52:44):
We bounce. We just bounce. We don't have to it's
not we're not even here. We bounced. But here's the music.
I kind of love it. Bro, it's a perfect.

Speaker 1 (52:53):
Show to do anything, just to open the toes.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
It's to Martinez and Ryan seacrests. But they bounced. So
here's what the music.

Speaker 2 (53:00):
As they left, that's it.

Speaker 3 (53:01):
Boom so bro Usureka moments happened on the Fly And
the other day we played on my mom and the
Victoria Money track, which I vibe to.

Speaker 2 (53:09):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (53:10):
I have no rhythm, I have no coordination, but I
do with that like it brings the uncool cool part
of me.

Speaker 2 (53:16):
Very cool.

Speaker 3 (53:17):
You have zero Okay, well on a scale of one,
that's not here anyway. I start thinking, wouldn't it be
fun like at the right time of night to have
the Swag half Hour. Yes, we were gonna do the
Swag Hour. Maybe that's what the show is, but for
the morning show, we only have a few minutes. So
we thought we call it the Swag half Hour and
give it a little test, your little play. So it's

a lot of songs out there kind of make you
go like cool, right, the right. They just make you
grind your hips to the air, to the air, to
the air, like they make you swivel in your seat.

Speaker 2 (53:52):
That's what I'm trying to do to say what I'm
trying to say.

Speaker 3 (53:56):
But cool, So you just want to swivel in your
sweet I want to swim in the swill when you
see like on the stools get we get swagged out
with Chewy and Ryan.

Speaker 2 (54:04):
That's all We love that baby. We bounce, we bouncing,
We swagged down chry What are we doing? Were bouncing is.

Speaker 1 (54:12):
Gonna be good?

Speaker 3 (54:13):
You guys might want to tell your roommates and friends
in the back room about our new show, We Bounced.
I'm gonna play Let's so shoot Out you'll you'll well,
we'll test this thing next. We're gonna pull some swag tunes.
They're all music to make you swivel in your stool.
Bouncey swagged flag tunes coming to Disneyland.

Speaker 2 (54:34):
Work progress on air with Ryan.

Speaker 3 (54:41):
I gotta thank my brother from East l A Chewey
Martinez for coming in for the swag half hour. We're
gonna send this tape to Beata and see if we're
gonna pick up yo, let's do that man shaking in
his boots right, Yeah?

Speaker 2 (54:53):
He is in on this, does he? I think he does.

Speaker 3 (54:56):
He doesn't want in on the Swag half hour with us,
he doesn't, but it there's so much great music that
just gives you rhythm when you have none.

Speaker 2 (55:02):
And that was the inspiration for me. Okay, good And
if you've already got it then you know.

Speaker 3 (55:07):
Well, thank you for including me and this brother. I
appreciate you. It's my pleasure. And I think we got
a little show open that we've been working on here.

Speaker 8 (55:15):
Half hour with Ryan Secret.

Speaker 2 (55:20):
Yeah, I like it. Brought to you by dude Vivees. Yes,
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
They haven't called yet two vibes, but I'll get in
sales department. Swag half Hour. You can sweet your favorite beer.

Speaker 2 (55:29):
Too, Yeah for sure. What's your favorite beer?

Speaker 8 (55:35):

Speaker 2 (55:35):
My favorite beer? I like Mexican beer.

Speaker 8 (55:36):
I like to.

Speaker 2 (55:40):
In the camp we can meet you.

Speaker 3 (55:44):
I like to meet you a lot of that's what
we're gonna do after So okay, so our your show
is till to this could be till four, then we
meet you a lot un till six.

Speaker 2 (55:51):
That's a night perfect.

Speaker 3 (55:52):
I mean mis church perfectly. All right, thanks for coming
to you and Martinez for the swag half hour. What
do you think I'm here for it?

Speaker 1 (56:03):
I think I think it's gonna get green lit.

Speaker 3 (56:06):
And he calls MICHAELA, she's lying, She's lying, drop right
before we get there.

Speaker 2 (56:16):
All right, we've got to run.

Speaker 3 (56:18):
Sisney's gonna take you until eleven o'clock. And what did
we miss in the back room? We were so busy
in here, especially this last half hour.

Speaker 1 (56:27):
That hour?

Speaker 2 (56:29):
What do we miss?

Speaker 10 (56:31):

Speaker 1 (56:32):
Yes, we were talking about hanging out with our friends.

Speaker 3 (56:35):
Sorry, I can't keep the swag music. Okay, swags, I
can't heard that with the swag music.

Speaker 6 (56:40):
We were talking about when we hang out with our
friends with kids and we feel like, wow, there's such adults.
And meanwhile, like, we don't have kids in the back room,
So then when we hang out with them, we're like,
how do they do it?

Speaker 1 (56:50):
They're like a mom and they're our age, you know.

Speaker 2 (56:52):
But I have the same thoughts. Yeah, yeah, what's the answer.

Speaker 1 (56:59):
You just don't sleep.

Speaker 2 (57:02):
And don't forget Ruby. I got to talk about your
AT and T commercial tomorrow. I forgot to it. We
were so busy with this wag haf out.

Speaker 8 (57:07):

Speaker 2 (57:08):
So busy.

Speaker 3 (57:09):
All right, lots to get to Sisney's got you have
a good day, guest, Thanks for everything.

Speaker 2 (57:13):
Thanks for listening to On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Make
sure to subscribe and we'll talk to you again tomorrow
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