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September 16, 2024 76 mins
On this week's Insider Podcast, Adrian Denny and Jonathon Schaffer are joined by Roadrunners Forward Aku Raty all the way from his hometown in Finland. They talk about him and his brother both being in the AHL and his first pro season in North America. The three of them then take a quiz on what muffin they would be and Raty gives his responses on his season roomates Josh Doan and Maksymilian Szuber for Roadrunners Rapid Fire. Adrian and Johnny then hear from General Manager Bill Armstrong and Roadrunners Head Coach Steve Potvin from rookie camp and rehash the roomate rivalry between Doan and Szuber. They also give an update on former Roadrunner Adam Cracknell, review the newest addition to the organization Robert Bortuzzo and draft the best sodas and best broadcast calls from the season. Tune in also to see the free giveaway the show is running for National Pepperoni Pizza Day.  
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
When you want more Roadrunners, We've got more road Runners.
This is the Two Son Roadrunners Insider Podcast, and.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
We're not fighting they We're having a.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
Discussion with the voice of the Roadrunners, Adrian Demi.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
What advice do you have for me?

Speaker 3 (00:14):
Drink a lot of water, it's pretty often.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
And your new best friend, my best friend, Jonathan Schaeffer.
The guys are already talking, so let's join them right
here on Your Two Son Roadrunners Insider Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Rolling right through Rookie camp on Your Insider Podcast with
Jonathan Schaeffer, Adrian Denny with you. Our special guest coming up.
We're gonna have fun with our special guest, as we
always do. Once again, special guests by nomination, so we'll
get to that coming up. We've got lots go down,
a lot of boxes to check on this podcast. This week, Johnny,

We've got an update on a former Roadrunner, one of
our favorites. More depth has been added to the organization,
which means more depth has been added for the Roadrunners.
I'm gonna give it away here. We're gonna have another
roommate coming up, Roommate Rivalries Part three coming up the podcast.

We're gonna talk about it with our special guests, and
then we're gonna talk about what all three said about
each other. We'll recap rookie camp. We're gonna give away
some pizza. We've got some fun sound bites to get
to Johnny during the season, get a lot of Steve Potvin,
a lot of players, and during the off season kind
of start deep dives with our special guests. But we're

in rookie camp. We've got Bill Armstrong, We've got Steve Pottman,
we've got drafts coming up. Johnny, we got a little
too healthy last week on the drafts and the smoothie stuff.
A little too healthy, little too much. That's not us.

Speaker 4 (01:45):
No now, No, we're steering to the We're steering the
other way, back to the draft, back.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
To full cane sugar coming up. And then Johnny suggested
a draft last week on the podcast, and we're gonna
do it. We're gonna do it. So we do stuff
use on the air. Yeah around here. So I think
I think we've got some good stuff to give you
your usual hour of fun informality. All right, Johnny, I'm

gonna put you on the spot here and you can
think about it for the rest of the podcast. Last
week we ended with the third eye Blind song yes,
that we had from our audio draft. Uh huh, okay,
one of my favorite songs. How about this week we
end with one of your favorite songs? Well, my favorite songs.

You can pick the song that we end with. Okay,
I'll start I'll start thinking about that. So think about that. Yeah,
and right now we're gonna do our special guests. We'll
get to that special guest. Back with the rest of
it here on this week's two Sun Road Unners Insider podcast.
All right, our latest special guest was nominated by last

week's special guests. So let's let's reveal it.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
Who have we knock?

Speaker 2 (02:59):
Got you don't take? Josh?

Speaker 3 (03:01):
Have you got poo?

Speaker 5 (03:03):
Yeah? Yeah, we went. We went through our list last week.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
We've done a pretty good job. We haven't gotten Aku yet.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
Hard to get he's way over there. And yeah, and
he doesn't pick up his phone too often.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Is he back yet? No?

Speaker 3 (03:20):
I texted him the other day. He's he's in Finland
for a little bit longer.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
I think, so, I would say, Aku, but he's he's
hard to get a hold of.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
Not not to me, not to us. We got him Aku.
We've been texting back and forth for a week getting
ready for this. You've been very easy and accessible. What's
Josh talking about?

Speaker 6 (03:43):

Speaker 3 (03:43):
I don't know, but did you did you text my
US number?

Speaker 2 (03:47):
I texted it first and we talked about this last week.
I texted you US number first and it turned green,
and I thought, why I have is his finished number
right here? I'll text that you texted me right back.

Speaker 3 (04:00):
Yeah, that's good, I guess I. I was afraid of
that guy's a going to text my US number and
then just think I'm an idiot that I don't I
don't text them back because yeah, I I just used
my finished number. Hopefully nobody.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
You're probably thinking of what has no one texted you?
Why haven't we texted you yet? It waited this long,
but we finally got you on and glad we were
able to get you on.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
What are you up to today? Tonight? Tonight? I should say,
it's ten am in Arizona and it's eight pm in Finland,
and Johnny, I'm now an expert on time zones. Yeah,
the US to to Finland out of this, so learn
something new every day as we say.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
Yeah, that's good. Yeah, I had a good today today.
I actually had a last practice with with the pro
team that I'm training here, and I think I said
good bye to them. My girlfriend she she baked a
cake for the coach. She used to thank them. I

had a good practice the team, and then said goodbye
and good luck for them when they start the season.
I actually watched the opening night of the finished league
today in hockey. So it's been a it's been a
good day today.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
Awesome, awesome. Well, thanks for making time, and thanks for
coming on the podcast. And and just to reiterate how
easy you were to get a hold of. Let's start
you off with some ruad runners rapid fire. Let's go
back to Josh, just just to give us an example.
We give you a word and you reply back in
a word or a sentence, and it goes something like this.

Speaker 3 (05:46):

Speaker 2 (05:48):
That sounds like you What did you saying? You said motivated?
Yeah that's good, Yeah, yeah, really good.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
Is it arly hockey or how that's the other guys?

Speaker 2 (06:00):
I mean, before I get it's all encompassing. We've had idiots,
we've had morons. Uh, it's it's whatever whatever you think
of first.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
So I can use more than one word.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
Yeah, one word one said, that's good.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
Yeah, it's only one word can be pretty hard, but.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Yeah, no anything anything. We're flexible. We're easy. Johnny. Are
you going first? Or am I going first? You go first? Okay,
all right, I'll go first, All right? Road Rapid Fire
starting with your summer good.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
Just a good ping pong player?

Speaker 2 (06:39):
Your brother ought to best brother?

Speaker 3 (06:42):
I guess Max Zuber good card player.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Oh, Michael kessel Ring beauty. Your favorite roommate, Uh, I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
I was. I was a zoobie.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
It was he was.

Speaker 3 (06:53):
Good bye, obviously, let's see, let's see if I'm I'm
playing HL, I'll be with with the other finished, but
I don't have heard this.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
We'll ask you about Miko in a little bit. We're
curious about him. We met him. Met him in July
at at development camp. Favorite HL road City, your hat
trick in San Jose.

Speaker 3 (07:15):
Yes, that used playing well.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
Steve Potman, really good coach. Favorite cheap meal pizza, first
season with Tucsons. Solid a burger or a burrito?

Speaker 3 (07:27):
I think I have to go with burrito.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
Favorite Tucson off day activity.

Speaker 3 (07:32):
Either golf or hiking.

Speaker 2 (07:34):
The best movie you've ever seen.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
There's a lot but I have to go with Interstellar.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
Oh yes, I love that movie.

Speaker 7 (07:41):
I love yes, love it, The TCC, Good Fives, Zach Startini,
Good Fighter, NHL Debut, Come True, Have We Did It?

Speaker 2 (07:53):
Run a Trapped Fire? Good Jabbaku.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
That's it for the interview. You have a great day. No,
just kidding, we got we got a lot more to
uh to talk to you about. You're still back home.
What's been your favorite part of of your summer.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
There's there's been a lot. I it's obviously great to
see my my friends have pad with that. I'm that
I'm here because it's hard to obviously I can't see them,
but it's actually pretty hard to be in touch with them.
So the time different. So so it's great to see
them spend time with him with them, and then I'll

be obviously, my my girlfriend wasn't wasn't in in the
North America, so I'm able to spend time with her,
to see my brother. I've been training a lot, just
that's what I usually like to do in the summer,
just be active, doing doing different type of sports and training.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
Was she able to come over at all last year
or did you guys go the full six seven months
without without seeing each other.

Speaker 3 (09:03):
She was, she was there and in a Christmas break
where she had some she had some break in school.
But other than that, just close.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
Have you seen any other teammates uh this summer? Been
in touch with anybody? Uh? Regularly, I've been.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
I've been talking a little bit with Yeah, with Donor
and with sub be some other guys too, but not
that much. It's obviously there's there's nobody. I guess. Yeah,
I guess Michelle and are here, but then that I
live in a different spot than that they do, so

not that much. But I'm excited to come come over
there and see the see the guys again.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
When you're coming back.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
I live in Terstany so soon. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this Yeah,
Like I said, this was my last practice and then oh,
taking ease tomorrow and then pack and fly over.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
You and a two coming on the same same flight.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
No, he actually had to. He he's gonna play in
a rookie tournament. Oh cool, cool, He flew I think today.
But he was supposed to deploy a couple of days ago.
But something happening if you didn't make it to fight,
so but no, no, he should be in Vancouver.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
With a two coming over to play pro a year earlier.
Did he have any any advice for you, anything that
in his first year that he thought might help you
in your first year coming over to the to the
smaller ice in uh to North America.

Speaker 3 (10:42):
Yeah, a little bit like he Yeah, we were talking
a little bit like what like while he experienced like
things I should know before I get there. But it's
funny because he's he's younger. Usually I yeah, I'm the
one who's like advising him, but no, it's the other
way around. But yeah, it was good. Obviously, it's he

doesn't know how a lot of things are are in
with coyotes, and you talk up you can. He helped
me a little bit.

Speaker 4 (11:15):
And how was it for you to play that first
game against each other when he was with the Canucks,
you were the roadrunners. He took them opening face off
against one one another. I believe you scored in that
first period too. I talked to you an inter mission,
but just how was that experience for you?

Speaker 3 (11:31):
Yeah? It was great. My my partners were watching too,
Like we went to went to dinner day before and
actually my girlfriend might have been there too, So it
was it was a fun fun experience. It was great
today the US in the first line and I I'm
pretty sure I lost that face.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
I think he unners broadcast you did.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
He yeah, I don't think he was even playing the puck.
He went straight to mad trying to hit me. But yeah,
it was great, and I think he said to me
like this, he was just watching where I'm how I'm playing,
like if I'm if we're in the ice at the
same time. It's just he didn't he said that he
didn't like that, but I didn't mind. It was it

was fun.

Speaker 4 (12:23):
When when you guys were still playing against each other
in that game where you guys just kind of not
bickering at each other but just uh critiquing each other
on your play, and so you guys could get ramped
up for that game.

Speaker 8 (12:35):
Uh, I don't remember about we probably weren't chirping a
little bit there in the game and just yeah, like
just watching we're we're odd the West, and he was
really watching me too.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
And you guys have had the same journey, you know.
Of course he came a year earlier to the age OL,
but you know, you guys both played pro hockey and
Finland and now you guys both in the AHL and
you know, playing really good in the AHL too, And
just what's that been like for the entire family.

Speaker 3 (13:08):
Yeah, it's been it's been crave. We've been putting a
lot of work too this sport.

Speaker 9 (13:14):

Speaker 3 (13:15):
Yeah, we made it pretty far so far. I don't
think we're we're done yet. There's still one league that
we we went to play. Yeah, it's it's been good.
It's been I think it's I'm I'm lucky to have
brother like him that I can I can train. I

was training. I was two months in my in my
hometown that we were training probably every day we see
each other and just competing and trying to get get better.
So it just makes training so much more fun. And
then obviously he I've been playing with him in the
same line probably more than I haven't. I haven't, so

all right to Meistes, we were able to play some
kind of like a beer beer league in back home
in the same line as it felt so good.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
Tell us about the first game you played with the
Roadrunners last year. You assisted on Mis's game winning goal
in the third period we won the game. What do
you remember about about that game and and that past?

Speaker 3 (14:24):
Uh, I remember I started the game pretty bad. I
guess I was a little nervous because it's hard to
every time, it's hard to, like hearts and all, Like
what when you go into new league, like obviously HLS
first game, like you're you're a little bit nervous, you
don't know what to expect. But it feels so good

to get the point because it's obviously first the first
game of the year for everyone, Like you don't want
to you want to get good started the season and
it was it was perfect.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
What do you think really got going? Like you see
it all the time? I think we saw it with
with Matias just as an example, but your first ten
games in North America with the Roadrunners, like yeah, it
looks good, looks good. And then after that just really
got really got rolling. Did you feel that and and
what do you think it was after after the ten

games it really got you got your clicking.

Speaker 3 (15:20):
Yeah, it's probably a little bit more. But I just
was talking about like just getting used to the league.
I I built a good chemistry with me losso obviously
with some other guys too, but and I like that
I got more more bigger role in the team too,
Like I was I was able to play in power play,

coaches trusted me more and then, like I said, like
it's hockey, so just such a team sport, like you
have to play well with your teammates, and I I
think I did a pretty good job that, Like I
wasn't I'm not a player who's who's gotta go coase
coach like McDavid. So I need to rely on my

teammates a lot. So but we we had a good commission.
And I think that's just points keept coming in. My
clothiness go higher all the time. So I think that.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
Tell us about the NHL debut. It's near the end
of the regular season. It's a complete grind. You had
a great year and then you got rewarded with the
NHL debut.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
Souh, Just how.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
Big was that for you in your first season in
North American pro hockey.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
Yeah, that was like it almost like a cherry on
top for me, just a game get dreamwarded. Like I
knew I was playing well. They have some they had
some injuries, but like I kind of knew. I was
like I would deserve one game. But then I I
kinda forget it, Like I was like I'm gonna I'm

gonna focus on playing in Tucson, just how how well
I can do. I can play, so but then I
just uh, Tom called me and said that you're gonna
get get a game. So it was it was. It
was a huge thing, and I was. I was able
to have a couple of practice and then one game
and lettle nervous, but I played pretty well of that game.

So it was. It was such a great feeling.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
What were you doing when Sean called? And what did
you think when his name popped up on your phone?

Speaker 3 (17:29):
Yeah, it was. It was one of those moments that
I kind of knew just when I saw his name,
was like, yes, I was. It was after practice. I
just finished eating, We're just leaving to leaving the rink,
and then I just like, wait, can you guess wait
a little bit. And then I talked with him and

and then I said to the guys that I'm not coming.
I got called up and they they're really happy to you.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
That's awesome. He missed that trip to to Coachella. Yeah
we can win, right, Yeah we won. That was awesome.
It's a great finish off the season three and one
in Coachella Valley with that win. So in twenty nineteen,
we drafted Mattias and then we drafted you. How well
did you know Mattias? Did you know him at all

when you guys both got drafted?

Speaker 3 (18:24):
No, no, I did it. Yeah, it was it was
in depth, gumay. I still remember he. I was waiting
for someone in some medical testing and he just pumped
him to me and said hi, and we just talked,
started talk, started talking. It was really easy with them. Then,
is it? He's a really good guy?

Speaker 2 (18:47):
What about Miko? Matika? Will be relying on you to
uh to learn some more about him, another finish player
coming over this year with the entry level contract. Won
the championship in college this year. But we Adham in
July and Uh seem like a good guy and another
good skilled offensive player.

Speaker 3 (19:07):
Yeah, I actually I know a little bit about he's game,
but I don't I haven't seen him play a play
off because he obviously when he went to college he
couldn't play pro and here so and I tried to
watch those junior games, so I haven't watched a lot
of these games. But like the stuff that I've seen

in practice, Like there's a big guy, good size with
with pretty good skills. I'm I'm excited to see what
he's gonna do next year.

Speaker 4 (19:39):
Yeah, and with you know, the new guys coming to
the team, we kept some of the old guys who
are still here.

Speaker 2 (19:44):
As every HL team goes, it's always changing.

Speaker 4 (19:47):
But for you yourself, what are you most excited for entering
year two as you continue to grow as a player.

Speaker 3 (19:55):
Yeah, I'm I'm really excited to come over now, Like
I think, I'm I feel really good, like the stuff
that I'll be doing practice in here, and like how
my buddy's feelings. I don't know if it's been feeling
better like ever, So like I'm just exile how well

the first the training camp, but then games are gonna
go like just just you can't beat the feeding when
you're playing well. So like I'm kind of missing it
well that I've been hearing almost for months. So it's
gay creates a gay get in the games.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
Yeah, totally along the same lines, anything over the summer
that you've missed about Arizona. You're like, if I was
in Arizona right now, I do this and I can't
do it here. And maybe it was like something you
experienced for the for the first time last year.

Speaker 3 (20:49):
Yeah, first thing that that comes to minds obviously, actually
the weather is good here now it's in in summer
last Uh awesome right now, but like then i'd be
I'd be playing some golf now in Finland. But man,
I was saying to my brother, the golf course were

so nice and in the Arizona sometimes when it's pretty
rainy over here, so like there's there's barely rain over there,
and the golf course and are in a really good condition.
So that's something I really missing.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
Totally, totally. So we've talked to just about everybody our
last three guests so far, Naxie, Zuber, Josh, Doone Yourself.
Season is about ready to start, and one person we
haven't talked to you yet is Dylan Wells. Do you
have any questions that you think we should ask Dylan

or anything that you'd ask Dylan if if you were
doing the interview.

Speaker 3 (21:53):
Uh. I think I have some insider information that he's
really good at blaying guitar. I think that's him. A
couple of guys said he's really good at that, So
I think that's something we don't know.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
You know, what we're gonna do, Johnny I'm gonna tell
them to bring his guitar. That would be.

Speaker 4 (22:17):
I will sing it, we will sing well, he will
play against the song, and then we'll have to start
saying that.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
Yeah, new edition of the podcast. You will definitely download
that podcast and listen to it.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
Will yeah, end playing what is coming? Yeah, gonna come
next week?

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Yeah yeah, yeah, you'll be here, but we'll all make
sure you have to listen. Yeah. Well, we'll make sure
that nobody misses. Name that too with with Dylan Wells.
All right, final thing, this is uh, this is gonna
be fun. We're gonna give you a BuzzFeed quiz. So

here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna give you multiple choices.
You're gonna pick ten of your favorite foods and we're
gonna tell you what muffin you are. How does that sound?

Speaker 3 (23:08):
So I have my favorite foods, right, yep.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
But I'm gonna give you multiple choice yep. And me
and Johnny have taken this already, and we'll tell you
what muffins that we are. And Kim took it too,
so we'll tell you what muffin she is. All right,
here we go pick a food macaroni and cheese, roasted chicken,
Spanish rice, apple, cinnamon, and oatmeal. Uh, all right, tofu

stir fry, stuffed mushrooms, spaghetti, bolonaise, lemon chicken or zoh spaghetti,
bolkles cool blt smoothie bowl, fried chicken, scalloped potatoes.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Uh, smoothie bowl. Cool?

Speaker 2 (23:59):
You're so healthy? Yeah, I like, I like.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
I do. That's why I thought it's gonna be hard.
I'm like, I don't know if I eat those so.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
Far, So you have to make me feel bad. You
shoes should feel bad already, Johnny. You don't need us
just feel bad. Friday eggplant, turkey burger, strawberry nachos. Sorry,
fried egg plant, turkey burger, strawberry not fried egg plant,
turkey burger, strawberries or nachos.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
Uh what was the egg egg thing?

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Oh? Fried eggplant?

Speaker 3 (24:37):
Yeah, yeah, out of eggs.

Speaker 4 (24:39):
Yeah, you're saying strawberry nachos because you're trying to say
strawberries and nachos and you're saying strawberry nachos.

Speaker 2 (24:46):
So it's eggplant, that big green vegetable that's kind of shaped. Uh,
how would you describe on eggplants shape? They kind of
like a like a giant pears.

Speaker 3 (24:58):
I don't know what that is. Let's slice it, let's
do the Okay, I like that.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
Yeah, I just want to make sure we grow eggplants
back in Riverside. Yeah. I had no idea where those
were grown ever. Yeah, we just have a huge garden.
That's crazy. Yeah, we grow a lot of stuff because
it's not something you know, like grow egg plants. Yeah,
it's kind of random. Sweet and sour pork pizza, bagel,
grilled cheese, caprice salad, most of the turble grilled cheese sandwich.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
Yeah, that's good.

Speaker 2 (25:31):
I had one for lunch yesterday.

Speaker 3 (25:34):

Speaker 4 (25:34):
We went to a restaurant down the street, macy not Macy's.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
It's something with an M. Forgot the name already, Monica Monica.

Speaker 4 (25:42):
We went to Monica Yeah, yeah, yeah you should have.
You had the Monica Aku in downtown Tucson.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
Oh yeah. We did that team meal there before playing.

Speaker 3 (25:52):
I was thinking, yeah, okay, yeah, I was thinking that's
that was called that was That was a good.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
Spot, good spot, good spot, good girlled cheese. If you
haven't try that.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Really good there, or you can get something that's not
the cheapest thing on the menu. It was yeah, it
was the cheapest. I know, budget been there, bro all right,
back lava matcha, mochy brownies, strawberry macaroons. I can't tell
you what this match of mokey is. It's like a

Greek thing. I think it looks it's like a green.

Speaker 3 (26:25):
Well, I don't know what the first one was.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
Brownie brownies are good.

Speaker 3 (26:30):
Yeah, to.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
Go to Okay yogurt with honey, salmon almont montrella sticks ksadilla.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
That's that's toughest. Let's do the first one to creek
yogurt and honey. I'll be eating that every day over here.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
So good? All healthy? Uh Paea Tomali's soft pretzel kim
key kim key, kim chi kim Yeah. How would you
know that? I think they have it at a sushi restaurant.

Speaker 3 (27:06):
All right, I can't say how you said the.

Speaker 2 (27:12):
Yeah, yeah, the Spanish rice dish.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
Yeah, I haven't had it in so long.

Speaker 2 (27:20):
Yeah, it's it's good.

Speaker 3 (27:22):
I like it too.

Speaker 2 (27:23):
Let us wrap angel her pasta popcorn shrimp coleslaw.

Speaker 3 (27:32):

Speaker 2 (27:33):
And then one more thing, Hawaiian pizza broccoli chicken pasta,
buffalo cauliflower bacon cupcake.

Speaker 3 (27:41):
That's easy. Hawaiian pizza. That's every time left.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
Yeah, I like I like Hawaiian pizza. All right, Aku,
I've got your answer. You are a cinnamon muffin. You're warm,
you're nurturing, you're always there for friends and family, and
you have the biggest heart around. That's good, all right, Yeah,
that's a good one. All right. Here is me. I

am a zucchini muffin. I'm the type of person who
always has a plan and knows what to do when
times get tough. I push myself to be the very
best sounds right, dead accurate. That's how we call you. Fearless.
Thank you, they do. They call me fearless leader, fearless, fearless.

Brand muffin is what Kim and Johnny are. They are
most like a brand muffin because they're especially popular, but
the people that know them well see how incredible they
truly are. They're wise beyond their years. They are not
incredibly Popular'm re read this again. Kim and Jonathan are
like a brand muffin. They're not especially popular, but the

people who know them see how incredible they truly are.
They're wise beyond their years. I'll take that. I think
that's pretty that's pretty accurate.

Speaker 4 (29:01):
I guess it's fair, always fair like fair answers.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
Yeah, it's amazing Aku that this thing usually usually comes
pretty close. We think, pretty accurate.

Speaker 4 (29:11):
I wonder how many options each one has, you know,
like how many answers, because it's like we've all we
all get similar ones.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
We've all got the same ones before. Yeah it was
with the Montana, me, you and Montana all got the
same ones, like we all got rhinos, or like we
were what endangered personality is? Uh? What what endangered species
are you? Based on personality? I think is what it was. Yeah,

we all got rhinos. Yeah all right, Aku, Uh any
questions for us before we let you go here?

Speaker 3 (29:49):
Uh? Nothing comes to my again.

Speaker 2 (29:54):
Yeah, we appreciate, Yeah, excited, excited to see it camp
here next week?

Speaker 3 (30:00):

Speaker 2 (30:02):
Well, uh, good luck with the packing. It's busy week.
Thanks for making time for us. It's all the packing
and getting ready to leave home for for six months.
We appreciate it. Is it dark there yet? Yeah, it's
a dark.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
It's not a stark and that in winter winter has come, darnings,
darkness comes so so fast, and now it's like but
in summer it's actually this time doesn't come down at all.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
Do you have a do you have a window you
can show us what it's like there in Finland.

Speaker 3 (30:36):
No, it's yeah, I know it's.

Speaker 2 (30:39):
Dark's you've got good lighting in your house. That's why
I keep thinking.

Speaker 3 (30:43):
No, this is just uh, it's just like a reading. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
Well uh well next time, don't count on it. But
next time we'll get you like ten pm and eight
am your time, so we can see see some Oh yeah,
I can't.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
I don't know how to turn this this camera.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
But I don't know. If you can't, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
If yeah, you probably can.

Speaker 2 (31:06):
It's there, yeah here, but yeah, Finlands, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (31:14):
This is a good spot to be in the summer.
I've been going for a first of all, swim in
the lake almost every day, so that's that's something I'm
gonna miss. And I don't know. But I don't know
about Utah. But at least in Arizona, there's no no,
a lot of lakes.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
Yeah, Utah. Utah has lakes. It's good rivers and streams
and mountains and yeah, snow, there's snow.

Speaker 3 (31:43):
Yeah, I'm used to that.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
You like snow.

Speaker 3 (31:48):
I don't know if if I don't, I don't know.
If I like it, but it's it's it's good to
have some like seasons. Sure, yeah, you get you appreciate
the worm with it.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
There's there's especially when the warm weather is winter and
then the summer is like just the blazing gates of hell.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
Yeah, is it like that right now?

Speaker 4 (32:13):
It's actually like ninety five right now, which is considered
like cooler.

Speaker 2 (32:18):
It's been a pretty hot summer, but in Arizona, you
say it's been a hot summer, Like, no kidding, Adrian. Yeah, well, aky, buddy,
have a good day, and uh, we'll see you in
a couple of weeks, and uh, have a safe trip
back and download every podcast we've done this summer for
your for your flight back. You can hear from Josh,

you can hear from Maxie Montana, Ben McCartney, Curtis Douglas.

Speaker 3 (32:47):
Yeah, there's probably a lot of good episodes.

Speaker 2 (32:49):
Yeah, so you guys, Yeah, I can't wait to see
take care.

Speaker 3 (32:55):
Of Me, Take care of guys.

Speaker 2 (32:57):
Yeah, you too. Were to make Rivalries Part three, there's
Aku Johnny kinda kind of get the impression here. Michael
Kessering got called up two days into the season. You know,
it's Josh and Aku and Maxie and gotta kind of
get the picture. Josh and Maxie were just kind of

in the house, just throwing stuff at each other AND's like, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys.

Speaker 4 (33:23):
Aku kind of peace Baker, Yeah, between the two, and
that's kind of just his whole personality, you know, he's
And it's funny because you look at some of these
guys and you know, off the ice, they're they're genuine,
they're nice, they're they ask her how you're doing, you have,
you know, just simple conversations with them because they are
people at the end of the day. And then you think, like, gosh,

these guys go out there and go on skates and
go at it for for a full game. So you know,
that's just the art of the sports, you know, and
these guys are people first, not hockey players first. But yeah,
that's always been Aku. He's a talented player, but off
the ice, just just a genuine person.

Speaker 2 (33:59):
Yeah, and just just like everybody could have gone with
him all night, but it was it was night and filling, yeah,
and he had to finish packing. Yes, Yeah, busy week
from so I really appreciative of him coming on the
show all right, so let's go down, uh roommate rivalries.
Aku again describing his uh, his roommates Mike kessel Ring beauty.

Yes he is, yes, good at ping pong? Was Josh
good at cards? Max Maxi? All right, so that's what
that's what we got from Aku professional? Yeah, straightforward, which
is how Maxi described him. Maxi described Josh Jone as
an idiot, yes, and Maxi described Michael castle Ring as funny,

which kind of correlates with with beauty that works with
Aku beauty Maxie Uh saying that that Mike kestle Ring
is is funny.

Speaker 4 (34:55):
I'm just glad that kessel Ring didn't really catch any strays,
which means like you're just a assaulting someone for no reason.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
And I'm glad Kestling didn't catch any of.

Speaker 4 (35:03):
Those because he he just wasn't there, And if he was,
it's like why why he wasn't there to do any
of the any of those things.

Speaker 2 (35:11):
Business trip?

Speaker 4 (35:12):
Yeah, on a on a very long business trip, making
a career out of himself.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
So yeah, that was that was fun. Josh done describing
his roommates as this gustoring of beauty Akarachu motivated Maxie
Zuber what do you say, Max? He was moron straight moron. No, No,
He's like, sorry, he's just moron.

Speaker 4 (35:33):
He was he was waiting for us to stay Zuber
because we showed him beforehand, uh Zuber's thing of him
calling him an idiot, So he was just waiting for it.

Speaker 2 (35:42):
He was ready. He had that word dialed up. May
rivalries kind of starting our summer with blalta Drew Dilbatory,
kind of ending our summer with MAXI Josh.

Speaker 4 (35:56):
Now I'm curious, like what the roommates will be this season.
I mean, I don't know that might have Yes, there
you go. So you know, every again, every season, new
players come in, players stay, so we'll see who ends
up rooming with one another and who gets new roommates.
So yeah, it's it's gonna be fun and by next
summer we'll have maybe new roommate rivalries.

Speaker 2 (36:18):
So we've been pretty careful, you know, over the years, right,
we never want to sign a player to Tucson before
the actually of course announce you know, before the camp
even starts, right, But this year I think we we've
kind of been a little looser on it because I
think it's a little more set.

Speaker 5 (36:39):
Yeah, the last couple.

Speaker 2 (36:40):
Of years, year one, year two of the rebuild, fifty
percent of the guys that ended up with the road
Runners could have made the team up up there. But
but this year I think that that there's depth, that's
it's pretty solidified, and you're gonna have you know, your
usual uh players being called up. But I think at
the beginning of the season the depth is pretty uh
solidified right there. We'll get more on Miko Matika coming up.

But one of those depth pieces, Robert Bortuso, signed to
a two way contract on Labor Day weekend. The Saturday
of Labor Day weekend, I get a text, we just
signed Robert Bortuso. That's frond of five hundred and sixty
NHL games. But you know, we like to play, Johnny,

we like to play. Where's the connection, Robert Bortuso about
all sorts of connections? Okay, okay. Bill Armstrong wins a
championship with him in Saint Louis, oh Stanley Cup champion
Saint Louis. Ok get this, though Johnny traded for him

in Saint Louis traded Ian Cole, who is a current
defenseman on the team. They signed him in free agency,
Utah did. And so signing Bortuso, Bill just acquire a
player that he acquired when he traded Ian Cole who's

already on the team. Now they're on the team together.

Speaker 4 (38:06):
Full circle moment, and it's it's just a really good
veteran presence to add to the team. Bortuzzo's, as you
just said, Agrian five hundred and sixty NHL games, He's
won a Stanley Cup, he won a couple of championships
in the juniors as well, So he's just one of
those players that's gonna lead the team. He's not the
flashiest guys when it comes to scoring, but you know,

he's a very trustworthy defenseman on the blue line. He's
going to stop rushes, he's going to protect goaltenders. So
it's a really good addition to the organization.

Speaker 2 (38:35):
And you know, when when the player's added in a
two way contract, he could ye appear here. But the
grand scope of it is only so many roster spots.
That's going to added defenceman to the roadrunner.

Speaker 4 (38:47):
Yeah, and that's that's been the it's kind of been
the plan, as you said, during this whole rebuild. You know,
we don't rush the rookies into the play. You know,
we saw Dylan Gunther, as you said, had to bake
in the AHL for a bit. Josh Jone is a
good example too. You know, he got his first taste
of action in the AHL, had a great season, you know,
one of the rookie All Pro and All Rookie team,

i would say, and then finally made his NHL debut
and played great as well. So we're really good at
just kind of, yeah, letting the players bake in the AHL,
giving them time to develop and then once they're ready
to ready to go. And Robert Portuso the signing right
there is a great example of he's most likely going
to be in the NHL, but that gives us an
opportunity to or at least for a defenseman to get

more playing time and then prove they can get called up.

Speaker 2 (39:33):
Let's get to some cuts here. We got some good
ones rookie camp. Over the weekend, Johnny, you've been all over.
We've been watching our guys in the lineup, guys that
were with us last year, Maxi Zuber late and more,
Will Gavin who we've been talking about, Sam Lipkin Anson

Thornton All at the rookie camp in Los Angeles. Guys
that I see Maverick Lamorou, the first rounder at twenty
twenty two seven, finally gonna make his pro debut. Heard
that he's seven tall guys potentially coming to the team,
or that mav has been really really good. Mika Matica,

who we've been we've been talking about. Some other other
good names on on this list. Jillian Lutt's uh, Maxie's
friend yep. So uh, some names to watch for from
uh for rookie camps we get ready to start.

Speaker 3 (40:29):

Speaker 2 (40:30):
The NHL camp man just tons of talent, tons of
tons of talents and and we talked about it. Broad
runners are hands down, yeah, favorites to win.

Speaker 3 (40:42):
It's just.

Speaker 2 (40:44):
Because what we have coming back in second place team Yah,
everybody coming back, the guys that have gone out and
signed like Andrea Gazino and Kevin Cannon, and the depth
of Portuso is just going to add another player here.
But then you add you know that the guys that
we're going to see for the first time at Julian
Louts and Miko Metica and all sorts of all sorts

of good prospects that you know you draft them and
now two three years later, ready to come come play
for us.

Speaker 4 (41:13):
Yeah, and it's and I hate to say this, but
it's just one of those situations that we had last season.

Speaker 2 (41:17):
And I think Steve Poppin even said it too.

Speaker 4 (41:20):
It's tough having all this talent on the team with
all the death because you just got to make the
tough decisions of who you want to play, you know,
each game. And it's going to be one of those
situations again. We're going to have players that are you know,
talented enough to be everyday players, but they're just not
on the line up for a certain game. But again,
in this league, you have all the college you have,

all the injuries, you have anything that can happen, so
many changes. So it's going to be really good for
the team once again. And yeah, Agrian, we had that
offseason where we acquired acquired those players and then you
have all those entry level contracts for these super hungry
kids who are ready to play.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
It's gonna be a really good year for the team.
It's gonna be a good year Division champ hip number three.
For marketing.

Speaker 4 (42:02):
Market check it, market Bellett, whatever you have to do
to it, it's gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (42:07):
Bill Armstrong addressing the media before the start of rookie camp,
Who's kind of asked, who's kind of standing out, who
maybe maybe has a chance to make the team compete,
who's impressing?

Speaker 10 (42:21):
Here's Bill, you know, I you know, don't as somebody
that that ended the season so well. So we're really
excited to see him. You know, I walked past. Uh,
it's like Coolie and Gunter and Dell, and it's funny,
like they're like your kids. You know, you haven't seen
him for a couple of months. They walk past, a
little bit thicker, a little bit bigger, they got some
more whiskers, they're they're ready to go, and they're chomping

at the bit. So I think he'll be someone you
never know what Maverick Lamorue could do with camp, but
he's a big man. He had a hell of a
camp last year, so he'll be pushing. And then there's
always somebody coming out of nowhere too that that's got
a question two. Maybe that's Zuber. So Uh, there's a
number of guys that's I were really excited about seeing it,
you know, Like I told the group when they go there,

I said, like you don't want regrets, right, You want
to leave it all on the ice, you know, So
make sure you come to play. Don't don't walk out
of this camp saying sure what it could.

Speaker 2 (43:14):
Suber's name was thrown in there. It's like, oh, yeah,
there's one.

Speaker 4 (43:18):
And I remember you you said after the season Zuber
had and I don't know if it was on a
podcast or just a conversation we're having, but you're you
said one of those conversations like, hey, don't tell anybody this,
don't tell anyone this, but we're gonna do it now. Yeah,
since we're already here, you said, wouldn't be surprised if
Zumer made the team to start up the year or
Zuber is ready for the NHL, you know, and he's
just one of those players that's just you know, he's

smart and again the plus minus of plus fourteen, that's
that's a reason why they wanted to call him up
for the end of the year, just to see what
you can do out there. And he's big, he's aggressive,
So again, wouldn't it be shocked. I'm glad that Zuber's
name is getting thrown out there too. Maverick Lameru, also
as you said, having a really good camp, So we'll
see what happens. I would just have to see what
happens when the final roster is announced.

Speaker 2 (44:03):
Let's get to Steve Potman talking about Miko Metika, who
again you talk about the finished star. We've had so
much success with Mattias Mitchelli and Aku Ratu and Ko
Matika drafted in the third round in twenty twenty two
to thirty three points, forty three games, twenty goals with
the University of Denver and winning a championship there. Let's

hear from Steve Potman on Mika. You know what, I
was really happy with this game tonight.

Speaker 10 (44:33):
He you know, it was a really good response.

Speaker 1 (44:36):
You know, Bart talks a lot about adversity. You know
a lot of the players, they can be great players
when things are going well, but you know, when they're
faced with adversity, wants to see them how they they
responded and how.

Speaker 2 (44:48):
They react to it.

Speaker 1 (44:49):
I thought he did an outstanding john tonights.

Speaker 2 (44:52):
We're far more willing to be in the battles. I
thought that he did everything he could to be above
his check.

Speaker 1 (44:57):
All my mind changed on and you know what, he's veritable.

Speaker 2 (45:02):
I mean he did when he what he does best,
Steve Miko can't wait to can't wait to see him.

Speaker 4 (45:10):
Yeah, And you know when you have a coach like
Steve Poffen, you know, saying that about you and just
what you went through that game and scoring that big
goal for Meco, it's it's a good compliment you want
to someone like Steve Povin giving you those positive feedbacks
for your play. So yeah, just another player to be
excited for one.

Speaker 2 (45:29):
More from Steve. What's hear from him on just the
general growth of the of the guy want But the
plan is to decline the mountain together.

Speaker 10 (45:37):

Speaker 6 (45:37):
So we did go through a lot of systems and
I saw a lot of continuity, you know, for for
having played or for not having played.

Speaker 2 (45:45):
I thought it was pretty good overall.

Speaker 4 (45:48):
Yeah, when it comes to these rookie camps and this
tournament throughout the this past weekend, Yeah, these guys have
all not really played with one another, so and there
a lot of them are going to be playing with
each other for a lot of their careers. So I
always like this, these camps and these rookie faceoffs because
it just kind of gives a guys a a chance

to get to know one another and play with one
another and just start figuring out the early stuff and
the early kinks, and you know, before you know, they'll
be in the NHL scoring overtime game winning goals in
the playoffs or something.

Speaker 3 (46:20):

Speaker 2 (46:21):
I can't wait, Yeah, I can't wait to go. We're
we're getting close. Good rookie camp and great to hear
from U, from Steve and and Bill Johnny. We're gonna
give away some pizza coming up on the podcast before
we get out of here. You want to get to
the pizza. Let's do it now? Should we do it?

Speaker 3 (46:40):

Speaker 2 (46:40):

Speaker 4 (46:40):
All right, So we got a big announcement. So this
Friday is National Pepperoni Pizza Day. So these have been
just sitting in my desk, but Adrian I had a
good idea, just for appreciative of all you listeners out there,
We're going to be going to give away five coupons
for free seven inch one topping personal pizza from Peter
Piper Pizza h Doring. They're not expired to expire December

thirty first, twenty twenty five, so they expire next year.
We are going to be giving away five of these
and to enter this contest.

Speaker 2 (47:13):
What should we do?

Speaker 4 (47:13):
Should you have them email us or send us tweets
or whatever works for them? Well, okay, whatever works for you,
all right, perfect, whatever works for you. You can either
send us a personal tweet or a personal DM on
Twitter or an email whatever you have. And what we
want you to do is send us your favorite interview
that we've had this summer and why, and out of those,

we'll pick five and we'll give these away.

Speaker 2 (47:38):
So yeah, that's the fair competition. Yeah, we've talked to everybody. Yeah,
we have to everybody. And I was looking over Johnny
had those on his desk. Why we should give those away?
That pizza actually looks really really it does.

Speaker 4 (47:50):
It does look really good. But just want to give
these away to just we're appreciative of if you guess,
and we just wanted to do something nice for you.
So uh yeah, feel free to email us or on
Twitter on x at a Z Adrian Denny you are
on Twitter slash x as Johnny Underscore Schaffer with no h. Yeah,
this one's different because I couldn't do an h A

j O N N Y Underscore Schaffer Adrian.

Speaker 2 (48:15):
Dot Danny at two Sunreadbunners Dot com Jonathan dot Schaeffer
s C H A F F E R at two
sunroadrunners dot com. Let us sell your favorite interview of
the year, your favorite moment of the podcast, uh this
summer and we'll get some lucky fans, some some people. Yeah,
and we'll let the winners know by Friday.

Speaker 4 (48:30):
Friday, will be the winners Friday, because pause, it's National
Pepperoni Pizza Day, So National pep Friday. We announced the
winners on social media and we'll contact you as well
to come pick up your coupon.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
So yeah, there's there's that. Lets get to the h
Adam Krackton an update. Friend of the team life, lifetime
friend of the team, friend for life, family friends. Yeah,
him and Teres have got their their home up on
the Hacienda del soul Into Son. Will be interesting if
any of the players rent that place U this year?
Oh for rent? Yeah, Adam is a great spot. He's

going overseas to Slovakia, second time in his career going overseas.
He played in the KHL in nineteen twenty, played in
Denmark right before the bubble season started, and he signed
with Bakersfield's The Best of Walk to the the Kracknell
family is. Adam heads over to Slovakia and just keeps going.
This is his thirty nine year old he still going,

still just slapping pu. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (49:31):
And who was it that we talked I think it
was Zuber And we've talked to a lot of guys
about playing in Europe, and Zuber said like, yeah, I
think Europe's a great place to you know, either play
in the middle of your career or finish your career. Again,
no clue when Adam Kracknell is gonna call it because
he wants to keep he's keeping he's keeping it going.
But uh, I remember Hunter Drew when we talked about
his time playing I think it was also in the

Slovak League, and he said like, yeah, maybe one day
I'll just end my career there because I think it's
just enjoyable for these guys.

Speaker 2 (49:58):
So I mean it's gonna be fun. Yeah, I'd like
to go on a trip to Europe. Yeah, go play.

Speaker 4 (50:02):
Hockey, Go play in a different sheet of ice and
get that experience, because you know, we're used to having
these European guys come to North America and they're learning
so many new things. They're you know, learning to speak
English or getting better at it, and then now you
have you know, English speakers going to Europe to play hockey.
So it's kind of just a different, uh outlook, and

I feel like we don't look at that a lot now.

Speaker 2 (50:27):
Yeah, So best of luck to Adam. If you want
to rent his home, you can send us a tweet
or an email and I'll get you in touch with
the crack. It's a beautiful, beautiful place. It's like six visits.
There's a pool. I feel like the guys that I
feel like guys are probably rented. I talked to see
if Teresa would allow. Yeah, yeah, fair. I talked about

this on the podcast after his first season. When it's
the birthday party that I went to the five year
old birthday party I went to there on a Sunday afternoon. Oh,
that's awesome on Earth, really place places. Mike Carconi blocked
me in double parked. Of course. Man, that's awesome. We're
how far away is it from?

Speaker 3 (51:11):
You know?

Speaker 9 (51:11):

Speaker 2 (51:11):
Near the Culvers is on the first in the river,
No well and here on river road Okayan del Soul
is uh kind of a diagonal road that if you
drive down Hatianda del Sol best views in Tucson. It's
it's great, great neighborhood. But Hatianda del soulill take you
from River Road up to Sunrise. So, okay, great by

the right by the is that near that giant resort
that's up there? Yeah, okay, I've been in that area.
I've been in that area once. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (51:42):
I had a buddy who was staying there and I
had no clue where this place, this place even existed.
He's like, oh, you want to come check it. I
was like, yeah, sure, I'm driving up that. I'm like,
oh my god, where is this? And then saw the view.
I'm like, dude, didn't even know there's a giant resort
up here in the mountains over Tucson.

Speaker 2 (51:56):
So that was pretty awesome. Yeah, if you want to
rent the Cracknals house, I didn't even know it's available.
They might have renters already in there, might have a
player lined up. We'll see. Let's see. But you can
contact me and I'll be happy to do my best.
And in brokering a deal, Johnny talking about thirty nine
year olds and going straight to rookies. We saw a
story Maclin Celebrini from the San Jose Sharks. First overall

pick is going to be living with Jumbo Joe Thornton. Yeah,
how about that, he's got he's got a host family.
He's gonna be living with, uh, with the Thorntons. You
know what I think. I think when Dylan Gunther played
his first half of the season with the Kitties lip
with the Dons, I'm pretty sure, Oh, don't don't fact

check me, don't double check that. I'm pretty sure that
Dylan gum thro now this with the don't this.

Speaker 4 (52:44):
I might have also read Will Smith also an early
pick for the San joseas he's last year last year. Yes, uh,
he's living with Patrick Marlow. I think okay, I might
have read that.

Speaker 2 (52:55):
Again. We think all of this shop but thank it
for take it for total value. Unless you're gonna fact
check it. It just don't know. You can look up
anything nowadays. You know, Johnny, when you came to town,
you stayed at my house. I did. Yeah, I wasn't home,
Yeah you were.

Speaker 3 (53:12):

Speaker 4 (53:13):
That's when I knew you're you're so welcoming when you
said because I I was telling you, yeah, I got
to rent a hotel and get here for a few
days because I had to look at apartments. You know,
I don't want to go into somewhere blind, like, just
stay at my place. I'm like, are you sure? Like yeah,
I mean, I mean we met once, but I was like,
you don't know me yet. But it worked out. Yeah,
I thank you for that. That was awesome. And then
I gave you a Chili's gift card and.

Speaker 2 (53:33):
You did and then we went there together. We did
you use the gift card? Oh? So it happens all
over the place. Yeah, Mac Celebrini, Will Smith, johnath Schaeffer.
There you go, living with living with people right before
the living with their mentors. Mentors. Yes, I wasn't home

though I wasn't. Yeah, there was no there was no
mentoring taking place. It's okay, all right, let's get to
our drafts. Do you want to do Best Calls of
the Year first? Or do you want to draft our
sugary favorites because we're getting back to sugar.

Speaker 4 (54:08):
Let's do the sodas first because I'm really excited for this. Okay,
best calls draft, So we'll do the SOA stars will
be the best for last.

Speaker 2 (54:14):
Okay, all right, cool? Uh do you want to go first? Sure,
I'll go first. Strawberry Fanta. Okay, yeah, I like that.
We're drafting sodas. Did we tell the folks, Yeah, you
just said it. We're drafting.

Speaker 4 (54:26):
Favorite sodas strawberry fans, Strawberry Fanto for me, all right,
I'm gonna go with cream soda, but not any cream soda.
The A and W one a W branded cream soda
really good stuff, but that's good. Any cream soda can
go with that too.

Speaker 2 (54:39):
I will take one of my new favorites, Strawberry and
cream Dr Pepper. That's a new one, Strawberry and cream
Doctor Pepper. Yes, it's pretty good. I've had vanilla Doctor Pepper,
but that one, that one Doctor Pepper is out.

Speaker 4 (54:51):
With all of these brands, they go with everything favor Yeah,
I'm just my next pick similar, just basic doctor Pepper.

Speaker 2 (54:59):
Okay, you can go with the basic. It's it's it's
a good it's a good drink. I don't think they
make this anymore, but I really liked it. Used to
be what i'd get when I go to my grandma's house.
She'd stock up before I came in. Uh, peach diet, right,
peach diet?

Speaker 4 (55:12):

Speaker 2 (55:12):
Oh yeah, it was. It was good that sounds good. Yeah,
it sounds like one of those.

Speaker 4 (55:17):
Like what would you call it, like a sparkling water
drinks where you kind of taste it but you don't
fully but it's not too sweet, you know, it's like
perfectly refreshing.

Speaker 2 (55:24):
Yeah that sounds good. Yeah it was. That sounds good.

Speaker 4 (55:27):
Adrian, you I think you say you splashed this one
in your uh, in your diet sodas.

Speaker 2 (55:31):
Cherry coke. Yeah, cherry coke. Yeah, that's a good one.
I didn't have, did not have cherry coke.

Speaker 4 (55:36):
The best cherry coke is when you order at a
restaurant that's a puree. Yeah, the grenade, they throw a
cherry on top. I had that all the time when
I worked at Chili's. When I just get thirsty, I'm like,
I want a cherry coke, and yeah, sometimes I would
grab cherries from the bar and just throw them on top.

Speaker 2 (55:51):
I I would used to go to restaurants and I'd order, Hey,
cherry coke, we don't have cherry coke. Do you have grenadine?
You have grenadine?

Speaker 5 (55:59):
Okay, go back again.

Speaker 2 (56:00):
And then from then then I just like, yeah, they'd
asked me, what do you want to drink? I just
I got so sick of the argument. If we don't
have cherry coke too, I'll coke with grenadine and then
you get the look like a cherry coke.

Speaker 4 (56:14):
Yeah, oh man, and isn't uh there's a word, there's
a different way to call cherry coke. I totally forgot it.
It's uh uh roy Rogers, Roy Rogers. Yeah, that's happened
to me. Where someone come up it's like, can I
get a Roy Rogers?

Speaker 2 (56:31):
And I'm like, here, here's a story for you. So
me and my brother are probably six and nine. Grandma
takes us downtown to go Christmas shopping, and we stopped
off to eat lunch or something at a nice restaurant
and she orders us a couple of Roy Rogers and

they gave us the real rob Roy's the drink of
alcohol in it. Oh, we drank it, and I'm like
polite to say anything. And finally my grandma doesn't taste good,
and she she flipped, yeah, they gave you a nine
year old. The six year old just tard like, yeah.

Speaker 4 (57:11):
No, yeah, your grandma had every right to be mad.
That's that's that's insane. That's not that big deal for
you at the time. Yeah, that big deal.

Speaker 2 (57:21):
That's crazy. Am I next?

Speaker 3 (57:23):
Or so?

Speaker 2 (57:24):
Yeah? Okay?

Speaker 4 (57:25):
Orange soda, orange soda, orange crush, I got orange crushes.

Speaker 2 (57:30):
I'll take How about h I'm gonna make it myself.
Lemonade and seven of punch.

Speaker 4 (57:36):
Punch, Yeah, I have that when I'm sick or no
orange juice. I do it with orange juice. I do
orange juice and seven up super good when you're sick.
Big My mom used to make that for me, big recommendation.
And the last one for me root beer good roopier.
I I like the mugs or is that what it called?

Speaker 2 (57:54):
Yeah, mug group beer.

Speaker 4 (57:55):
Yeah, mug group beer like the bulldog or whatever on
the logo. Yeah, are good?

Speaker 2 (57:59):
Do I need to make my more? Did you pick first?
Did you pick first? I think I thought you picked first?
Did I take over you? I don't know. I don't know.
Just take them out of stuff because you took like
half of my soda. So it's fine. Okay, So he
gets best calls. Yeah, let's do it, all right, let's
do it. Johnny suggested last week that we do the
best uh best calls of the season, so we thought, uh,

why not? Why so let's uh give bands more uh
more audio here in the drafts. We had audio last week,
best interview answers. This week we've got best calls, all right,
uh and my first or there you go. Okay, this
one's a big one.

Speaker 4 (58:37):
John's shootout winner right before the All Star break, you
call this so beautifully.

Speaker 2 (58:43):
I just got to play it out.

Speaker 5 (58:44):
I tamped up the year back in the lineup on
this trip.

Speaker 11 (58:49):
Returning after six games century here comes on working in
for the victory.

Speaker 5 (58:53):
Thanks going.

Speaker 6 (58:57):
The road runners four three of the shootout had two
son well ahead. Ends of the All Star Break had
first place and the Pacific dimension.

Speaker 4 (59:10):
I was bummed because that was the one game in
Coachella Valley I missed because it just the timing of
the traveling didn't work out.

Speaker 2 (59:17):
But man, that was a game that was fun. That
was a fun game. You can do any call in
that game going as a good one. Any goal we
got going into the All Star break in first so good,
could not have been any better. That was amazing. So
Johnny the roommate rivalries Aku this week, Josh last week,
MAXI the week four. Of course, I'm gonna have those

guys in My favorite calls How about this one kind
of turned things for the season for the Roadrunners. Remember
when we were three and three in October and then
Chicago comes to town. We sweep them. Josh Done gets
goals three, four, and five in that two game series

on his way to twenty six on the year. Rodmuners
starting just to stretch where they won for their next
five games. Right here, this is a big one, Josh
wrapping up the two goals.

Speaker 11 (01:00:11):
True Son by one Wolves six on five extra attack
or no goalie puck dumped in Rodbinners get a piece
of it back two the neutral zone.

Speaker 12 (01:00:20):
Josh don't has it empty den Joshu's gone. Penny and
James for Josh don't. That's number five second of the game.

Speaker 5 (01:00:30):
The Red Runners get the two holy back it's five
three two Son.

Speaker 2 (01:00:36):
That got the year going. That did ye know? We
go down to Texas two and oh come home. Bakersfield
was playing good all of a sudden. Yeah, one in
three at home and then Chicago comes in. We got going.

Speaker 4 (01:00:49):
Josh got going, seasons off and running, I got things
rolling for us. Next one for me, I'm just gonna
do the first goal of the season. Yan Y Niks
scoring on a night's what was it this? This guy
got like a bag bad angled shot, horrible shot, horrible
angled shot. Somehow it got in. It was my first
game working too, or at least the first regular season game,
and once Yon scored that goal early, I'm like, this

team's got it.

Speaker 2 (01:01:13):
You had a good call and here it is.

Speaker 11 (01:01:15):
Roadrunners keeping it alive. Beyond unique. He switched to number
twenty four. He throws in for the side of the cage.
It ends up in the back of the net and
the road Runners take They won nothing lead.

Speaker 2 (01:01:26):
First call of the year for you on your knee.
As a play by play announcer, You're anticipating ninety five
percent of the stuff and that was not anticipated. No,
you could tell, but you did a good job of
picking it up. You can happened, Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:01:43):
It was also on those moments like, oh it's in
the now, I gotta call it. Yeah, this just happened.

Speaker 2 (01:01:47):
How about this one. I'm gonna stay with the same game.
I'm gonna keep the roommate theme going. Akuratu Meloman. Roadrunners
get a three to two lead, the third hold it in.
Oh yeah, Kellman out in front.

Speaker 11 (01:02:01):
Now it's gathered by Raudy's Canners just.

Speaker 5 (01:02:06):
Kept pushing on that. Runners take a three to two late.

Speaker 2 (01:02:13):
That was a big goal. Got our first wink at
the corner was bad like second effort.

Speaker 4 (01:02:20):
Yeah, we talked up. We just talked to Aku about that.
That first first game, first assist on the game winning goals.
Can't write it any better. Next one for me. Baron's
hat trick against Kuda. It was an empty net situation.
Baron had two goals at the time. John Leonard, instead
of taking the shot for himself to get the goal,

looks to his left found Travis Bannon. Barron was at
a weird spot like it would have it would have
been a really tough goal to make, but he wanted
to give Baron the shot to get the hat trick,
and he does and he was able to belt into
the net and get the.

Speaker 2 (01:02:54):
First hat trick for the road Runners that year.

Speaker 5 (01:02:56):
Attacker six to Roadrunners come away with it.

Speaker 11 (01:03:00):
A rolls ahead for John Leonard, John right wing circle
pulls up.

Speaker 5 (01:03:04):
He's gonna walk it cross Ice Barren.

Speaker 2 (01:03:06):
For the hat trick. Taste go oh home many first.

Speaker 5 (01:03:13):
Hat trink in the air for the road Runners. John
Leonard fucking for Travis.

Speaker 11 (01:03:17):
He buries it home and it is seven five Roadrunners
on a hat drink for Travis Barron.

Speaker 2 (01:03:26):
Great weekend, that was fine. Sweep a Sano's that started
off with a Josh Jone penalty shot goal. Yes, maga
won nothing. That was awesome. That was a fun weekend.
I'm gonna keep us in Texas. Sweeping opening weekend night
number two. Matt Filalta getting the road runnerstitute.

Speaker 5 (01:03:46):
Kyrou holds it in.

Speaker 11 (01:03:48):
It comes into the corner and deep down Stars trying
to throw it out in front play. Johnny gets a
piece of it one second left bouncing around side of that,
We're out of time for Runners wind.

Speaker 5 (01:03:58):
Two to one.

Speaker 2 (01:04:01):

Speaker 4 (01:04:01):
That was the nice sweep. It set the tone, Yeah,
set the tone for the team.

Speaker 2 (01:04:07):
Like Maddie taking over between the pipes. I that had
just gotten claimed. We had a platoon. Hum, there we go,
no platoon starter two of the thirty one league leading
wins on the year. Loved it.

Speaker 4 (01:04:18):
Next one for me, this was uh one of the
big road trips that I came on with the team.
We were UH in Bakersfield. Game was going back and forth.
We wanted to get revenge on Bakersfield for sweeping US
at home and we got a nice overtime winner Dylan
Gunther four points on the night and it was another
game winner for Josh doone.

Speaker 5 (01:04:40):
Dylan Gunther done out in front here is Gunther Tony
stars on the back door slam Duck and the run
Rounders went at Far three and.

Speaker 11 (01:04:50):
Overtime on a far boy night from Dylan Gunther league
leading sixth game winning gold for Josh Done.

Speaker 2 (01:05:01):
Back door slam dunk. Love that. Do you know what?
The only thing, Johnny, I don't like about overtime game
winners because you just go crazy.

Speaker 13 (01:05:08):
You're not with me, You're outstairs. You're a downstairs socking.
I'm waiting, waiting for thee and so yeah, because I think, no,
we did have one celebration. It's it is down my list,
but we'll see if you get to it. Uh, Colatonics
overtime Winter not. I was up there with you because

I think I was able. I knew like, okay, I
think we scored. I can run down there, I can
race down there. So uh it worked out.

Speaker 4 (01:05:35):
Honestly, It's fun being down there when we went on
the road because there's just a different different mood. When
you went on the road, You're you're a lowe. Everyone's
against you. Yeah, there's you know, five thousand people around
you all wanting you to lose, especially Coachella Value where
the crowds are way bigger. That one game where we
beat Coachell at Valley in our last away game and

we won, and everyone was so hyped, and you know
sometimes Steve Papa and I embrace each werely yeah let's
go so uh yeah, it's really fun going uh on
the road in those games and winning those ones. Speaking
of a big road win, I was not on the
road with the team for this game, but it was
also a nice call from you, and also a big
goal from Curtis Douglas getting a game winning goal in

a one to one game with the San Diego goals.
And it was just another I think it was right
before the All Star break too. Yeah, same nice There.

Speaker 2 (01:06:24):
Was that nice road trip that eventually won it in
Coachella Valle.

Speaker 4 (01:06:29):
Yes, the shift he did get robbed that game, but yeah,
it was a I think Cameron Hebek slapshoted. It went
off a rebound of the goaltender and Kurs Douglas buried
it in.

Speaker 2 (01:06:40):
But yeah, it was a good call by you period.
Thank you one, one.

Speaker 5 (01:06:45):
More now picked up by hebek right wing circle, came
the plast Douglas go that one's gonna count.

Speaker 2 (01:06:54):
Ten runners take a two, one, lade.

Speaker 12 (01:06:56):
What six eleven left to go in the third bag.

Speaker 5 (01:07:00):
Carlos comes crashing in for his second of the year.

Speaker 2 (01:07:05):
That is the goal that counted, because yeah, yes, yes,
it was sitting with that. Yeah, yeah, that was that
one's going to count. Loved it. So in San Diego,
the San Diego's team president, Matt Savant is sitting right
below me, especially on years like this when we go
seven and one again, yeah, going nuts, and then then

he he turns around and then then he he he
really this year. Turns around one time and he sees
my diet cokes lined up draft like. He's like, she's
like six diet cokes. I'm like, well, I'm shoving some
of my backpack because we're going to Palm Springs after
the game. I just had to get him out of
the hotel room. Yeah. I drink about four games.

Speaker 4 (01:07:52):
Yeah, He's like, interesting, have you ever had and I'm
sure you haven't, but have you ever had an issue
where you're on the road and you know you have
your election goal call and someone just has to have
a comment about it or someone gets mad. Look people
look looks, okay, lookings, Okay. I've had I had my
moments in college too, where I got allowed for the team.
I people are looking back at me, like, what's this

kid doing it?

Speaker 2 (01:08:13):
There? People look all right, Johnny, I think you went
twice in a row? Did I go twice? Yeah, that's
all right. You were just on such fire. I wasn't. Oh,
I apologize, that's all right. I'm going to keep us
in San Diego. This is the last game of the
year in San Diego, April seventh. Read Runners finish a
weekend sweep, finish seven to one against the Goals. Take

another I eight border trophy right here and here comes.

Speaker 5 (01:08:40):
The big lefty for San Diego.

Speaker 11 (01:08:43):
He's gotta score to extend it pasta job works in
out of Valta.

Speaker 5 (01:08:47):
Maddie Nice. The same for the road Runners.

Speaker 11 (01:08:49):
What three to two in the shootout is Valalta take
sole possession of the AHL lead and win Nice?

Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
There was all right, always getting to win, always all right,
I get one more, right, Yeah, you get one more? Okay,
I get one more and uh it's not me. Oh
you throwing it to Cross Eye for Charles Bear one
time We're off the Pike Store, Ben McCartney and the road.

Speaker 5 (01:09:19):
Runner take Hey Tu to one lead.

Speaker 2 (01:09:24):
That was good man. I saw so many, so many
moments in that game.

Speaker 4 (01:09:30):
And again, that was my first time doing play by
playing a while since probably college, and there's so many
moments whe I almost lost my voice. My voice was
starting to go at the end, especially when we want
it at the end.

Speaker 2 (01:09:39):
But thank you for that. I didn't know you're gonna
throw me in there. Thank you. That was awesome. That
was awesome. Great draft. Yeah, great draft. That's it. That's
uh is that the show. I was gonna give you
a roommate quiz, and now that we've already kind of
talked about him, it's kind of uh, kind of you know,
not great uh subject matter why for the flow of

the podcast, But let's do it anyway. Acquis at the end.
Okay quiz at the end of the podcast, Johnny Maxie Zuper,
Josh Doone, Akuratu, Michael Kesseling, who's the oldest, who's the youngest? Okay, oldest?
I'm going to go with.

Speaker 4 (01:10:15):
Oh, Michael Kassoring, yep, okay, got it.

Speaker 2 (01:10:19):
That's good. Oh, well, and then you want me go
in order? He was, yeah, yeah, go get tell me
the youngest and then go, oh okay, middle youngest. I'm
gonna go with Aku.

Speaker 4 (01:10:30):
No, let's see done, done youngest, No, super youngest.

Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
Suber's youngest. Maxie is August twenty fifth, two thousand and two.
Aku is second oldest. That's an easy one, right, it's
second oldest July fifth, two thousand and one. Josh is
February first, two thousand and two, and Max in August
twenty fifth. To at least I got the oldest. Yeah,
good job, there you go. Good luck to everybody winning
their pizzas. Yes, yes, favorite favorite part of the podcast,

favorite interview. Let us know, we'll give you pizzas. You
can find us on Twitter, email. However, however you get
in touch with this is fine, whatever, whatever's easiest for you.
Another great podcast. Johnny, Uh, do you have a song
to take us out? Because you were gonna pick the song? Yeah,
I do.

Speaker 4 (01:11:17):
I'm gonna go with a red hot chili pepper song. Yes, oh, Californication, California.
I was just pulling up my my app Yeah, Californication.

Speaker 2 (01:11:26):
We're gonna throw it out with that joy everybody, and
we'll talk on the body.

Speaker 9 (01:11:40):
Psych trying to steal your mom's lit little girl, come
sweet and dream of seal sween pot show and if.

Speaker 14 (01:11:50):
You want these kind of dreams, it's calithoron case show.
It's the edge of the world in non of wisdom civilization.
Some may rise in the Eastern least. It's settling about

the location. It's understood that Hollywood itself California case.

Speaker 9 (01:12:30):
He Sudan Maro Wi, the braids, the spell of aging.

Speaker 14 (01:12:34):
Clever, the schemnist this your gender is that?

Speaker 15 (01:12:38):
Why away?

Speaker 5 (01:12:41):
Perthfoni in the co.

Speaker 14 (01:12:45):
O course of.

Speaker 15 (01:12:49):
CREAMA califerch s s creama califer shar shine.

Speaker 14 (01:13:09):
Mary mcgondy, a fait to the Worldcome a very young consolation,
a teenage guy with the baby and sacking eye on
information and buy me a stone a bully on. It's
kind of phone a cage show. Space may be a

fatal frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement. The
cold man.

Speaker 2 (01:13:40):
Can you hear this?

Speaker 5 (01:13:41):
Fiercing sounds off?

Speaker 14 (01:13:42):
Station in station and now.

Speaker 16 (01:13:44):
Are on not borrow?

Speaker 14 (01:13:46):
It's kind of phone case shows only to raise my
little praise control of my music liverybody's been there, and
I told me no records.

Speaker 16 (01:14:10):
Leston, get a cord, My Coursal, Dream of calif Case Show, Dream.

Speaker 15 (01:14:24):
Of calif The Cat Show, Dream of Califor, The Case Show,
Dream of Califor, The.

Speaker 5 (01:14:36):
Chase, Shine.

Speaker 14 (01:15:00):
Shot, Sean Leeds to a verfeted also pres creation an

earthquakes out to a girl's guitar. It's just another good viboration,
entire of waves. Couldn't say the word of cardifon.

Speaker 15 (01:15:53):
Hey Sagon very.

Speaker 14 (01:15:54):
Well, A break to Standada.

Speaker 1 (01:15:57):
Ja Singer than the rest there is now.

Speaker 15 (01:16:00):
But this is what you're driving.

Speaker 16 (01:16:04):
First Ball, get a cold.

Speaker 15 (01:16:08):
Hocolo, Gena Callisbert, The Chess Show, Gina Callisbert, The Chess Show,
Gina Callisbo Ches Shine, Gina Callisbad, The Chest Shoe
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