All Episodes

September 8, 2024 80 mins
On this week's Insider Podcast, Adrian Denny and Jonathon Schaffer are joined by Tucson's 2023-24 All-Star Forward Josh Doan. They talk about his historic first pro season, team fantasy football punishments and his roomates from last season Maksy Szuber, Aku Raty and Michael Kesselring. They all take a Buzzfeed quiz on what kind of smart they are by choosing fast food items and Doan takes a pick of who he would take in a shootout between Adrian and Johnny in this week's Rapid Fire. Johnny gives an update on the JR. Roadrunners preseason scores from the weekend prior and returning Host Kim Cota-Robles joins the show to moderate this week's drafts of favorite things to put in a smoothie and a special selection of favorite interview lines from Steve Potvin and other players. 
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
When you want more road Runners, We've got more road Runners.
This is the Two Son Roadrunners Insider Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
And we're not fighting they We're having a discussion.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
With the voice of the Roadrunners, Adrian Demi.

Speaker 4 (00:12):
What advice do you have for me?

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Drink a lot of water.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
It's pretty odd and your new best friend, my best friend,
Jonathan Schaeffer. The guys are already talking, so let's join
them right here on your Two Son Roadrunners Insider Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Starting your week with us right here on your Two
Son Roadrunners Insider Podcast, as you do hopefully every week
with John on the shaffer, I'm Adrian Denny. We're gonna
continue our roommate rivalry series. Josh Don't is our special
guest coming up in just a few minutes, So a
great podcast coming up with Josh. We're gonna see if
we can get in touch with Kim. It's been a

little bit since Kim Cutter Robeless has been on the podcast,
and uh, we kind of kind of miss her. So
after Josh, we'll see if we can dial up Kim.
Johnny hockey season is un way and we've got some
junior Readrunners scores, some junior Roadrunners wins to fill the
folks in on.

Speaker 5 (01:06):
Yeah, they had a really good weekend a fourteen underteam
going undefeated, So we'll have those scores for you momentarily.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
All coming up on this week's podcast. And Johnny, we
are adding another twist to our draft. We are going
to draft a topic and our draft picks we'll all
have audio to go with them. So that should be
something fun for the folks to stay tuned for here

on this week's podcast. And then we're gonna draft stuff.
We're gonna put in smoothies, We're gonna be healthy on
the podcast this week. We're getting ready for hockey season.
We're getting healthy, the TCC is getting ready for hockey season.
We'll have more on that. We've got Josh done, and
you know, when Josh, Josh comes on, we've got a
lot to talk about. We don't want to keep him waiting,

We don't want to don't want to drag it out,
So let's get to Josh here on this week's two
Sun Read Center podcast and joining us now via nomination
from one of his favorites. It is one of our
favorites joining us right now on this week's podcast, Maxie,
who should be talked to next on the podcast.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
That's a good one. Do you guys talk to Josh already?

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Nope, we have not.

Speaker 4 (02:23):
No, Yeah, I'll take Josh.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
We got him. What's up Josh?

Speaker 3 (02:32):
Unfortunately Zoobi had to be the one who recommended me.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
Hey, yep, it was uh Maxie Zuber your favorite, Josh?

Speaker 3 (02:40):
Yes, he is my favorite. That guy's the man hanging
out in dusseldorfall summer without me.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
Yeah. Yeah, he can't wait to see you. Can't wait
to get the gang back together?

Speaker 3 (02:51):
Oh yeah, I can't. I saw him last week, so
I think that's enough of him for a couple of
months from me. But I'm excited to get to camp
with him.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
How are you doing today, Josh? Thanks for joining us?

Speaker 3 (03:02):
Good? Yeah, thanks for having me. It's I'm in Utah
right now, just training and avoiding the heat of Arizona
for a little bit here. But I'm doing good and
had a good summer.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
How about you, guys, We're doing good. We almost had
Michael Kessel ring on the podcast. It sounded like the
phone situation connected to the car play and modern technology.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
Yeah yeah, Kess tried to He tried to hijack the
show for a half second. On accident, I think, so
pulling out.

Speaker 2 (03:31):
In my car right now, and we've got your puppy
involved as always.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Yeah, he's he's not a puppy anymore. He's upstairs in
this room, so he's not causing chaos. But he's one
hundred and ten pounds now and full of energy. So
it's been fun.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
Last year, at this time, he was like five pounds, right.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
Yeah, last year he was only eight weeks old. I
guess it was his first birthday five days ago. So
he's he's just a puppy still. I think he's got
that puppy energy and he likes to create chaos around
the house. But he's slowly mellowing down a little bit.

Speaker 2 (04:05):
And some tendonitis in his elbow from all those fastballs
he throws or what.

Speaker 3 (04:09):
Yeah, Yeah, he plays a little bit too much, fetch,
I think, and he might be going on the ir
for a little bit of time, but he'll be back
better than ever.

Speaker 2 (04:17):
Josh, you want to start it off with rapid fire,
We'll give you. We'll give you a word a sentence,
and you give us a word and sentence and it
usually goes pretty smooth.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
All right, let's do it.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
But but just to make sure, just to give you
an example, We've got one of MAXI last week on Rapid,
just just to make sure you know what we're doing here, Josh, don't.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
Oh no, sorry, idiot. Yeah, there it is.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
Hey, Yeah, that's how it goes, Josh.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
Yeah, all right, I understand the game now.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
I'm am sure.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
I'm going to get him Maximillian Zuber in there as well,
so I'll be prepared for his name to pop up.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
Yeah, well we'll see if if Johnny put him in there.
All right, Johnny lead us off man, All right, here
we go.

Speaker 4 (05:04):
You're thirteen months playing for the Roadrunners.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Exciting living in Tucson.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
I love it, but not quite as nice as Tempe.

Speaker 6 (05:12):
Chicago, Steele, elite, ASU, hard working, your NHL debut, fun
your dad, I had all slash mentor.

Speaker 4 (05:23):
Favorite AHL road stop.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
Calgary might not be the most profound one, but for
a lot of guys, but that's my favorite.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
I was wondering. I was wondering if Calgary, with all
the family would would enter.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
The midst there. Yeah, yeah, it does.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
Your shootout move stolen.

Speaker 5 (05:40):
You need a goal to win a shootout. Are you
taking me or Adrian to take the shot.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
I'm sorry, Jonathan, but I'm taking Adrian fair.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
That's fair. I'll give you that.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Johnny can announce it.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
Yeah there all call it a motivated all right, Max Zuber.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
Moron, Michael kessel Ring, Beauty.

Speaker 4 (06:02):
Steve Potvin as a coach, growing up, Energetic.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Steve Potvin is a pro coach, educational and helpful.

Speaker 4 (06:10):
Your NHL Draft experience.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
Exciting and emotional.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
Scottsdale Home TCC second home. Best thing to do on
a lazy Sunday watch.

Speaker 3 (06:20):
My fantasy football team struggle.

Speaker 4 (06:23):
Same favorite cheat meal, ice cream.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
Favorite dessert, second favorite.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
Dessert, ice cream cake.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
All right, love the sweet tooth.

Speaker 3 (06:33):
Yeah yeah, big sweets guy.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
So, Josh, you texted me last night. We got our time.
Time all worked out. I texted Johnny. I wasn't sure
when Johnny was going to get back to me because
Johnny was on a date.

Speaker 5 (06:46):
Oh yeah, yeah, good, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
Did you see my text, Johnny right when I sent
it or or later for you?

Speaker 5 (07:00):
So I saw it, but I just didn't respond to
it till later. But like when you said ten a
m Josh down, I was like, all right, cool, perfect,
I'll respond to this when I have a moment I
did see it, like right when you texted it to me.

Speaker 3 (07:11):
All right, the big quiet was it a first date
or is this a second or third date?

Speaker 4 (07:16):
This was a second one.

Speaker 3 (07:18):

Speaker 4 (07:19):
I hope she doesn't listen to this, but yeah, well
so thank you appreciate.

Speaker 2 (07:27):
Josh. Have you ever been to the Kentiki on Broadway
and Swan It's the Hawaiian Hawaiian bar down there.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
I don't think I have been to check it out.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
Yeah, you got it. Nice bar.

Speaker 5 (07:39):
Yeah, if you ever want like tiki drinks or like
even like Hawaiian food or anything, it's a good place.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
I like that.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
What have you been up to this summer, Josh? Any
any fun stuff, any fun vacations.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Yeah, I've kind of traveled a bit all of a sudden,
the kind of the hockey world was. I went to
Canada to train where I usually go up in British Columbia,
and I went to Boston for a week to see
my old teammate Timmy Lovell from ASU and and train
with him and his family up there. And while I
was there, I got to see noahkahon and and go
see the Cape for the first time in my life,

which was pretty cool. But other than that, I've just
been kind of grinding away and and trying to trying
to focus on on on this season and what I
need to do to get better.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
You mentioned you saw Maxie a week or so ago.
Who else has seen uh? From the gang out and
about as you've gone back and forth?

Speaker 3 (08:33):
Yes, I saw Maxie a week ago at at Yanique's wedding,
and and I saw Parker Poor a couple of times
over the summer, strength conditioning coach for a Tucson And
other than that, I haven't seen too many guys. I've
I've talked to him, I've seen Austin mcganski over over FaceTime,
and and Ben McCartney and Montagnan Yaboushi and some of

those guys. But I haven't seen too many people out
in the in the b ST here it's own area
this summer.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
Last week when we had MAXI on Johnny, how did
we not ask him whose wedding he was at? Like,
chances are we might know who's wedding in Arizona, Jan
and Jenna.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
Yeah, yan and Jenna's wedding. And I can confirm that
Maximilian Zuber is a terrible dancer. So anyone's wondering, and
that can be posted wherever you guys want. Because he
sucks at dancing, he's got heavy boots on the dance floor.
But it was it was a fun wedding and we're
happy for both Jenna and Joan as they head off
to Ottawa for their next adventure.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
Yeah. Excited, Uh, excited to see what that'll that'll bring
you know when when guys leave. But there's an opportunity
We've been talked about how we feel like Cam's opportunity
with UH with Minnesota is gonna be be big with
their defensive situation and and and Yan as well, and
we can't wait. I can't wait to cheer him on there.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
Yeah, oh yeah, I mean I'm excited to see how
they both do this year, and that's part of hockey.
Obviously you lose some friends to other teams, but we'll
keep in touch and keep close tabs on how they're
doing this year.

Speaker 2 (10:09):
How'd your NHL experience last season parallel the HL experience
the year before in terms of having a month and
then going into the off season with the plan but
knowing what it was like.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
Yeah, I think it's it's very similar. Obviously experiences with
with kind of getting that first taste of of pro
hockey two years ago at Tucson and then taking that
next step and getting your first little taste at the
NHL level. And it's it's similar to my approach with
with going into the summer having that mindset that that
I know what it takes now, and I know what

it looks like at that next level and the things
you need to get better at and the things you
need to kind of focus in on and and and
that's something that I trust a lot of people in
my corner to help me and to go over some things,
go over some video and and rewatch the stuff to
see what I could do better and where I can
kind of grow my game. So it's funny how it's
kind of like a little bit of a deja vu

heading into this training camp again where you're going through
the same kind of process that you did last year.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
Tell us about the call up right, We just played
in San Jose. The Sunday night, you get the call,
it's on the news, everybody, everybody hears it. And then
the next morning you get on the bus with us
and fly southwest to Vegas to two soon.

Speaker 3 (11:31):
Yeah, I think they offered to fly me back and
get me to Phoenix. It was one of those things
where where I didn't know how long I was going
to be up or what the plan was going to be.
But I think in that mix of emotion and chaos,
you kind of want to be where you're most comfortable.
And that's something that our team and group in Twoson
did touch a good job of was making everybody feel comfortable,

and I think that was where I felt almost at
my safest, was just kind of being around the guys
and hanging out with them for another twenty four hours
to make sure I was feeling feeling okay and ready
to go. I mean, it's one of those things where
where you never know what's going to happen, if if
they're going to send you down after one game, or
if you're going to play multiple games. So it's a

short drive to my parents' place in Scottsdale, so I
figured I'll fly back with the guys at Tucson and
drive my own car up just so, just so I
had a vehicle when I was up for a bit.

Speaker 5 (12:24):
And after your fantastic NHL start, in addition to the
year you had with the road Runners for this upcoming season.
Just how do you keep that pace up to become
an every day NHL player.

Speaker 3 (12:37):
Yeah, I think that's that's what separates, uh separates those
guys is they continue to play at that level every
day and and they find ways to play to play
good and meaningful hockey every single night. And that's what
the main focus is, figuring out a way to be
consistent in every way you can. And I think the
AHL prepares you as well as any league to do that.
If you can be consistent in the AHL, then then

you're going to find a way to be consistent at
some point in the NHL. And I think that's kind
of the confidence that you got to look into and
kind of hold yourself too while while you're playing at
the next level. Is kind of that sense of belief
that you can you can compete and contribute every night.
And that's what my Folcus has been all summer. But
it's a different level, but it's also it's the same game,

just different people. So you kind of got to just
take it slow and worry about yourself.

Speaker 5 (13:25):
Yeah, And you had quite the experience, you know, getting
to the pro level, you know, growing up in Scottsdale.
You had one of the probably greatest mentors you can have,
your dad, you know, the teacher how to play hockey
as a young kid, and then going to the Chicago
Steel winning the Clark Cup, and then going back home
to ASU, and then starting your pro career in Tucson.
Just what was it like for you to, you know,

learn hockey at home, go to Chicago, and then come
back home to play in college and then start your
pro career.

Speaker 3 (13:52):
Yeah, I think that's that's one of the greatest things
about having a dad who played, is just the aspect
of him knowing the ups and downs and how to
play the game the right way, and and kind of
getting to watch hockey at home and learn from a
teacher basically every night. And then going to Chicago was
one of those experiences that I'll never take for granted.
I got to learn so much from some of the

guys there, and a lot of elite players that made
their NHL debuts as well this year. So we had
some battles, but I think going to Chicago really convinced
me how how amazing Arizona was and that that was
where I wanted to play my college and and coming
back to ASU with coach Powers and the group that
we had there was something that I really really felt
was going to help me and benefit my game, and

and and they prepared me for the pro level. My
freshman year, I was given every opportunity to be successful.
And then my sophomore year, we took a little bit
of a different approach to kind of prepare myself for
pro hockey and and dial it in defensively and be
a better two way forward because you're not going to
play in the in the NHL or the HL without
without trust your coaches. So they allowed me to do that.

And then I was fortunate enough to come to the
Coyotes organization with Tucson and now Utah, which is which
has been amazing so far. And it's one of those
things that have been pretty blessed to be on good
teams and to be working with unbelievable people and people
that understand the game that have helped me grow. And
it's one of those things where I'm pretty lucky and
pretty thankful for the opportunities I've gotten.

Speaker 5 (15:18):
Yeah, and how have you liked how the way the
Roadrunners have been able to develop players, especially in the
last three seasons. You know, we started with Mattias Mitchelli
who's in the NHL now. Michael Carconi had his first
full seat in NHL. He had a phenomenal season, and
we saw Dylan Gunther have his breakout year and now
you're kind of that guy too, had a great year
with the Roadrunners and you're pretty much ready for the

NHL now, So just how have you liked how the
Roadrunners have been able to do that?

Speaker 3 (15:44):
Yeah, I think that that list continues to grow every
single year, and they do a good job of building
confidence in their players, but they also develop people. And
anyone who comes out of out of Tucson is someone
that people want to have in their locker room because
of the way that they're kind of developed and molded
as a young kid in the room and Tucson, and

you learn how to be a real pro and and
how to how to play the game the right way.
And and that's something that you got to credit the
coaching and the management and Tucson for is they prepared
people to take that next step and to play at
the next level. And you look at guys like Matis
Micheli and how dominant he is in the NHL now
and and Dylan Gunn there obviously, and he had that short,
short little stint with with Tucson, and and how much

his game grew in that in that twenty eight games
that he had and and that. But you continue to
go back to guys at Connor Garland and and Bunting
and even Lost and Kraus and Dylan Strom had their
fair share games and Tucson and and you kind of
just you got to take it for you take it
for granted. How many good players and guys that are
are dominant the NHL have gone through Tucson And when

you look back at it, it gives anyone in that
room hope that there is a chance to play and
be successful in the NHL.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
We talked about Aku and Maxie a little bit at
the beginning, but how did you see them evolve like
on and off the ice last year, both coming over
in their first pro seasons in North America, from from
start to to the end, and both getting both getting
call ups.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
Yeah, I think I think it's hugely important that you
you mentioned their first it's their first pro year in
the US and in North America, and you could tell
on the ice their habits were that of pro pro players.
But to come overseas and to leave home and be
far away from family and friends, it's hard to do it.
And you got to credit both of them. I was

fortunate enough to live with both of them and to
learn from both of them, and you got to just
take it with a grain of salt that every day
isn't isn't the same for them as it is for you.
They're they're living a whole new world, and you almost
have to put yourselves in their shoes for a couple
of days. And I would struggle ify to go over
to Finland or to Germany to play my first pro
career pro games in those countries, and and they did

an exceptional job, and you and got to see as
the year went on they both developed and got comfortable.
And I couldn't have been happier to be up when
they both got their opportunity to play and to be
a part of their first couple of games is something
that I'll never forget. And to be able to talk
to them and share that moment with both of them
was really cool. And I can't wait to see what
they're both going to do this year. I think they're

both exceptional players, and they're both driven and want to
be in North America and want to prove. They blog
in the NHL and that's how you're going to get there,
is through the work and the dedication that they have.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
Looks like we've got another another group coming through going
to be playing for the first time in North America,
like Julian Lutz and Komatika and Maverick Lamorou and guys
that have been drafted in the last couple of years
and have gone to the development camps and now signing
contracts and ready to come pro What advice would you

give for them? Will you give for them when you
see them in NHL camp?

Speaker 3 (18:57):
Yeah, I think they're all great kids and guys that
I've got to work with in the past couple of years.
As as what our organization did so well was building
kind of groups of groups of kids together and at
development camps and stuff like that. And and Miko's a
kid who went to college and I got to talk
to him kind of through the process of going to

college already, and you see what he did with Denver.
He's a national champion, which I'm sure he's not going
to let me down on and he'll make sure that
I hear about Denver winning a national championship in time
or two, which which is fair. He did the work.
And and then Julian is an unbelievable kid that I've
got a chance to work with. And he's really close
with with Maximilian Zuber, So he's got to have some

patience and be a good kid if he's going to
be friends with Zubi. And then obviously Mav he's an
exceptional player in person. So I think you can't you
can't really say a bad word about any of those
guys in terms of how they are as people. And
and that's the most important thing is they're going to
come into the room and fit right in and be comfortable.
But I think that's part of it, is going to

justmphasizes that you got to be yourself. If you want
to have success in this league, you're gonna have to
be yourself and trust that people are going to like you.
And they're all good kids, they're not going to need
to worry about that too much. But if you're uncomfortable
in your own locker room and you're going to struggle
to be comfortable on the ice, versus another teams. So
it's one of those things where to get to know
the guys as quick as you can and to grow

with everybody, and then hockey will take care of itself.
They're here for a reason and they're going to do well.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
I'm not sure we got a whole lot of chances
to ask you about your All Star experience. Last year,
we win the game at Coachella, we race home for
All Star Break on the bus, you and Maddie flew
up the next day to San Jose, will win thirty
six hours and then a day or two off and
then we're back at it again in Iowa and things

aren't stopping through the end of the season. But just
tell us about your All Star experience and being with Maddie,
just you two guys representing Tucson.

Speaker 3 (20:57):
Yeah, it was short and quick, but it's it was
not a better guy to spend a couple of days
with and travel with than Matti Volota, and he make
sure to keep things light and and have a good time.
So it was an honor to go and represent Tucson
and play in that and in the skills competition in
the game, and to get to know some of the
other All Stars across the league. It was something that
was really fun. But it's one of those moments that

there's a lot of guys in the room that sacrificed
the low for you to be there, and and you
had to take a step back and kind of realize
how lucky you already get that chance, and and the
reason you're there is because you've you've had an opportunity
to play with some really good players, and Tucson and
the coaches have given you a chance. And it's one
of those things that I'll look back at and and
kind of remember for the rest of my life. But

to get a chance to share with Matty vee Is
is something I'll never forget too. He's He's an awesome
guy and and and the heck of a goalie. So
it was fun to be there with him.

Speaker 5 (21:51):
One of the reasons probably why you made the All
Star Game, of course, and all the goals you scored,
but eight of them being game winning ones. You know,
you're starting to become kind of their clutch. But that
was kind of the overall mentality of the whole team.
We had a lot of one goal game wins, but
you know, in those moments for you, just what was
going through your head when you would score a goal

with just minutes left to go in the game. Was
it just locking in the moment or is it just
kind of happening?

Speaker 3 (22:17):
Yeah, I think it's we had a good group with
a resilient group, but that was putting a lot of
opportunities where we were tired or down late in the
game and we'd come back or win it late and
and and that's just that's part of the game where
where we work hard as a group and practice hard
with with our coaching staff, so we have a little
bit of juice left in the tank at the end
of games. And I think we saw a lot of

that this year. But that's one of those things where
I mean, in my game, it's it's kind of trusting
the process and if you don't score early, if you
don't get a goal or a point early, just sticking
with the game plan and then you're going to get
your chances and when you do capitalize. And that's something
that my whole life I've kind of focused on, is

staying patient and not gripping your stick too tight or
worrying at the end of the game if someone's going
to go win or not, because you put in the
work at the end of practice, and you put in
the work throughout your life to be put in those opportunities.
So just to kind of stay confident and when you
get a chance and then put in the back of
the net. And I was fortunate enough to do that
a couple of times this year when when need be.

Speaker 2 (23:20):
You guys are all sports fans, you in particular a
huge sports fan, and you've got your your fantasy leagues
and stuff. Who would you say is among the best
in fantasy in our locker room from last year? And
who who? Who was rebuilding?

Speaker 3 (23:36):
Yeah, there's a couple of guys rebuilding last year. I
think Ryan McGregor is always among the top of the
top when it comes to fantasy sports. Curtis Douglas stinks
he's among the top, but he kind of he's hit
or missed depending on the year. I think he had
a good squad last year, so I mean he might
be for in for a downfall this year. But you

never know. We got a pretty competitive group which may
accept a little bit more fun because there's there's always
a little bit extra stakes on the matchups each week,
and and that and that's will kind of get you
through the season and get you through the dog days
when when it isn't that's fun at the rank, he
got an opportunity to talk about some football or baseball
or basketball, and and I think that's what a lot

of our group enjoys. So we kind of grew together
early on in the season last year through that. And
I know Greg. He's sent out the fantasy football invites
last night or a couple of nights ago, and he's
already taken some heat for for some of the rules
or the scoring system. But I trust him. He might
have thrown my name out to everyone else that it

was my idea as well to get him off his back,
But he's a good commissioner and and and I trust him.
So it should be a good year for fantasy sports.

Speaker 2 (24:49):
Is there anything for the last place? Person? Like the
first place right? The money, the the you know, however
however that works a last place. We've seen some fun
stuff on TikTok, you know, last week or a couple
of weeks ago, we talked about a guy who finished
in last place in his fantasy league and he had
to spend twenty four hours in Vegas with twenty bucks

and that was it. We've talked about guys being locked
in the McDonald's, locked in the waffle house for twenty
four hours. What do we do.

Speaker 3 (25:19):
I don't know if we had one last year because
I think I can't remember who lost, but I don't
believe they were with the team at the end of
the year, so it made it a little bit harder
to enforce our last place. But I think this year
we're brainstorming ideas before the draft happened. I think we
have to have what we're going to do picked out.

We've seen a couple I think, I like the one
I saw someone at the guy had to go to
the Minnesota Vikings band tryout and try out in public
in front everybody, and that's pretty dentaritating. So I think
I actually think that the leader right now was the
loser has to stand on a corner in downtown University

by by u of A and and act like a
mime for a couple of hours. And so we'll see.
It depends on who gets it, how how active they'll
be in participating. I think if if Dougie, Gregi or
I end up losing, then it would be it'd be
pretty entertaining to watch, but there's a couple of guys
that are a little bit more, a little more shy

and and not willing to participate. So it should be
something along the lines of that. I'm assuming.

Speaker 5 (26:27):
Yeah, I think we had we were going to do
one one year where you put someone in a cage. Yeah,
you start throwing a bunch of grocery items at them,
like catch up milk, eggs, just all kinds of stuff.

Speaker 4 (26:42):
So, but that's a that's a that's a new one.
I haven't heard of it.

Speaker 3 (26:46):
I haven't heard I can't. I don't know who cover
that idea, but it's it's a good one. I'm sure
there's a lot I think. I mean, I honestly think
you should have to do something in public, whether that's
singing or dancing or or something that that no one
really wants to do or are not very good at.
It makes a little bit more entertaining and fun. And
if you lose, then then you should have to do

something like the odds of losing aren't very high, so
you should probably dial in a little bit and figure
it out.

Speaker 5 (27:12):
So at ASU, did you study anything that you know?
Maybe one day after you're done playing hockey that you
would want to go back to, or any other academmic
interests that you're doing during college.

Speaker 3 (27:26):
Yeah, I didn't mind. I like some things in school,
I don't. I don't know if I ever ever go
back to school. It's it's one of those things where
I like being involved in hockey and sports and and
whether that's coaching or managing. I think that's kind of
where my heart kind of lies at the end of
playing hockey. But I enjoyed like sports journalism because I

like stats and numbers and stuff. So who knows, Maybe
maybe I'll take some lessons from you guys throughout the
throughout the years and see if I can maybe joining
at the end of my career. But right now it's
it's just just focusing on hockey and and that's about it.
I mean, school is school is school. I didn't really
make it out of the generic classes when I was

at ASU. I was there for a year and a half,
so I was I was still in calculus and stuff
like that, which unfortunately doesn't really excite me too much.
So I don't know if schooling was I was maybe
just a little bit too good or I left a
little bit too soon, I think for finding out what
I wanted to do.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
What about other sports? Right? What of those sports do
you play? Have you played? Do you like?

Speaker 3 (28:37):
I played soccer and baseball growing up. I'm a big
fan of both baseball obviously with the Snakes and the
d Backs. That's that's my squad and they're rolling three
games back of the Dodgers right now. Big Grand Slam
last night from Corbyn, Carroll and j Mark got to
say for my fantasy team, so that's always big. But

soccer is just starting up. The Premier League started last week,
so I'm pretty big into that and having some European
roommates kind of draws you a little bit closer to
that game. And then golf is I think every hockey
player plays a little bit of golf, so I've grown
up playing that and enjoy it. But my game's a
little bit shaky right now. I gotta go, I gotta
go hit the course. I think later today and try

to dial it back in.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
All right. We started this a month ago and it's
really kind of become fun. BuzzFeed quizzes. Can we take
them and then we give them to you, and then
we compare all of our answers, and Kim's involved and
she gives the BuzzFeed quiz on good days. There's been
days where we've had to find the BuzzFeed quizzes and
it hasn't gone as well. But today we have a

really good BuzzFeed quiz submitted by Kim. We've all taken
these and now we're gonna give it to you and
we're going to see see how it goes.

Speaker 3 (29:52):
All right, let's let's see.

Speaker 2 (29:54):
All right, here we go. Have you done one of
these before?

Speaker 7 (29:57):

Speaker 3 (29:58):
Okay, so that is good experience.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
Yeah, we're totally new too, but experts already.

Speaker 3 (30:04):
So yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
All right, here's the quiz. Everyone is a type of
smart based on their fast food choices, so we're gonna
find out what kind of smart are you? Josh?

Speaker 3 (30:17):
Okay, all right, all.

Speaker 2 (30:19):
Right, here we go. Sometimes he's got a little long.
For instance, this one has nine multiple choices. Who has
the best Who has the best French? Rise? McDonald's, Rby's, Burger,
King Shake Shack, Chick fil A, five guys, Wendy's, Deltaco,
what a burger?

Speaker 3 (30:34):
I think McDonald's is the o G fries, so I
gotta go with them.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Gotcha. Choose the best pizza Dominoes, Little Caesar's, Marco's Pizza Hut,
Papa Murphy's, Papa John's, Domino's. Gotcha?

Speaker 3 (30:49):

Speaker 2 (30:50):
What Chaine has? The superior Chicken Nuggets, KFC Popcorn Nuggets,
Carls Junior Chicken Stars. Yeah, Chick fil A. Just skip
right to it.

Speaker 4 (31:01):
I like it the point.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
Pick the ultimate dipping sauce McDonald Sweet and Sour Chick
fil A in and out spread, RB sauce, Popeye's buttermilk
ranch mix. What a burger spicy ketchup?

Speaker 3 (31:15):
Probably in and out spread?

Speaker 2 (31:17):
Okay, good call. If you had to pick one burger
to banish from the planet, which would it be? So
I take this, Johnny to be that it sucks and
we want it off right. It's not sacred. All right?
Here we go. Five guys, cheese burger, McDonald's Big Mac
in and out, double double, Burger, King Whopper, Wendy's Bacon
eat or shake shack shake stack?

Speaker 3 (31:39):
Oh wow, Probably Wendy's, to be honest. Another four are
pretty good.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
We'll take Wendy off here, and finally pick a dessert
to end on the McDonald's vanilla cone, the dairy Queen Blizzard,
the Subway.

Speaker 3 (31:54):
Cooky Dairy Queen Blizzard.

Speaker 2 (31:56):
Okay, all right, Josh, we've got your answer.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
All right, what do we got here?

Speaker 2 (32:02):
You are numbers smart. You're a very logical person. You
like to organize and make sense out of chaos. Naturally,
you're great when it comes to math and anything required,
require anything requiring hard thinking.

Speaker 3 (32:17):
There we go. Congratulations, it sounds pretty good.

Speaker 2 (32:23):
Yeah, you were loyal consistent to your brands. Johnny, what
did you get?

Speaker 4 (32:26):
I got the exact same thing.

Speaker 5 (32:28):
Yes, yeah, once you once you start naming off like
your stuff, I'm like, we're gonna get the exact same one.
But Josh, I mean you did say you're into you know,
the journalism and sports stats, so you know, maybe that langs.

Speaker 3 (32:39):
With it exactly. Great minds alike, I've heard.

Speaker 4 (32:42):
Exactly all right, would you get Adrian?

Speaker 2 (32:46):
I got you? Guys will love this. Words smart?

Speaker 4 (32:50):
Oh oh yep, yep, that makes so much sense.

Speaker 2 (32:54):
I'm great with words. I'm a good writer. I love reading.
I have a natural gift when it comes to conversation,
and I am what some would call a talker.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
Oh there you go.

Speaker 5 (33:04):
It's funny because, like you know, you say like, oh,
I'll just take a bus quiz whatever, and then they
end up being extremely accurate. You know they're not it's
not just random stuff. So that was a that was
a really good one.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
And then Kim this, this could not be more spot on.
Kim is people smart, Kim is really good with people. Yeah,
people look to Kim for leadership and encouragement. Kim thrives
off of the energy of others and they love being
around Kim.

Speaker 3 (33:30):

Speaker 5 (33:31):
Yeah, that's one of the best ones we've done. That's
like extremely accurate.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
It was a fun quiz because I was telling Johnny
Josh like I had a hot take on every single
one of those. It wasn't like yeah.

Speaker 3 (33:43):
Yeah. So then yeah, I guess I'm trying to think now,
Like I think you realize when you look at like
your buddies and your friends and their orders, when you
go to certain things, you can kind of tell if
who orders what, they're a little bit different personalities than
you are kind of similar. So I guess it makes
little bit of sense.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
I think so too. You know where I really judge
somebody around food? Do they finish their meal?

Speaker 3 (34:07):
Yes, I don't.

Speaker 4 (34:14):
I take it home, I take it out.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
I know you do. I know you do.

Speaker 3 (34:16):
Not you. I'm a slow eater.

Speaker 2 (34:19):
Me too.

Speaker 3 (34:20):
I finished my food, but I'm a slow eater. So
maybe that's another thing gry And we're just slow eaters.
Like we enjoy our food when we get.

Speaker 5 (34:28):
It exactly, don't need to scarf it down. And if
I don't finish it, I take it home and like
it's lunch the next day. Like I literally have leftovers
for lunch here today at the office.

Speaker 2 (34:37):
So I love I love food so much, I just can't.
Like that's why I have to really be careful because
I eat anything that's around. I have snacks at my house.
I don't get chips, like just because I'll eat it all.

Speaker 3 (34:52):
Yeah, there you go. Yeah, you gotta watch it. That's
I don't have that problem. I can have all the
snacks in the world. I might eat some of them.
I'll never finish up. I it's it's the slow process.

Speaker 2 (35:03):
Hey, speaking of did you give Mike any anything for
his shopping list for Trader Joe's.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
No, I told him, actually, no, we got some chicken coming,
some ground beef, some steaks, And then I told him
to grab whatever snacks he thought looked good and and
we'll go from there. I'm hoping he grabbed that. Trader
Joe's has those mini ice cream cookie sandwiches that are fantastic.

If if no one's had those before, you got to
check them out. They're amazing. It's like my favorite dessert ever,
aside from the dairy Queen Blizzard. But they are. They're
good and if and if you go to Trader Joe's,
you got to get them and try them.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
I'm surprised he's not back from both both stores yet.

Speaker 3 (35:49):
Yeah, I don't know what he's taking. Yeah, so he's
probably going for joy right around in my vehicle, hitting
hitting speed cameras and whatnot.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
So or he's just sitting and sitting in the driveway
listening to the car play waiting for this to end. Yeah,
because he knows. He knows we drag him on.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
Yeah, oh yeah, if he comes home.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
Any any anybody you think we should talk to next
on next week's podcast.

Speaker 3 (36:17):
Yeah, I think there's a couple of people, but uh,
I think the top of the list for me right
now has to be Uh. It would be a good
one for you guys to talk to. I saw you
guys talk to Cam he big already so and Booch
maybe maybe Bear? Have you talked to Travis Bear?

Speaker 2 (36:36):
And yet we did? We got Travis and Dougie. We
got Dougie.

Speaker 4 (36:41):
Yeah, a lot of people.

Speaker 3 (36:43):
Try to dig Morgie. Have you guys got Morsie?

Speaker 2 (36:48):
We did? We had him early, We had him early.

Speaker 3 (36:50):
On My goodness, you guys, who have we not got
off here?

Speaker 4 (36:54):

Speaker 3 (36:55):
Have you goto?

Speaker 2 (36:57):
Yeah? Yeah, we went. We went through our list last week.
We've done a pretty good job. We haven't gotten yet.

Speaker 3 (37:06):
Is hard to get he's way over there. And yeah,
and he doesn't pick up his phone too often.

Speaker 2 (37:11):
Is he back yet?

Speaker 3 (37:13):
No, he's I texted him the other day. He's he's
in Finland for a little bit longer. I think so,
I would say, but he's he's hard to get a
hold of. What about I'm assuming you got Maddy.

Speaker 2 (37:25):
V We did? We got him first?

Speaker 3 (37:27):
Yeah, yeah, I remember seeing that one.

Speaker 4 (37:31):
Have we talked to yet?

Speaker 2 (37:32):
We haven't got?

Speaker 3 (37:33):
We talked to Wells is a good one?

Speaker 2 (37:34):
We haven't.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
Yeah. I talked to Wells. Talked about his favorite music
artist he's got. He's got some interesting music taste and
he's a bad golfer. He's actually he's not actually a
bad golf but you can tell him I said he's
a bad golfer because he'll get pretty round.

Speaker 2 (37:50):
You know, we will we.

Speaker 4 (37:53):
Yeah, play for.

Speaker 3 (37:54):
Him, play it for him, say wells, he's the worst
golfer of all time, and then play that for him
to see what he says.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
We sure? Will you know us perfect? Perfect before we
let you go? Any questions for us? Josh?

Speaker 3 (38:07):
Yeah, actually I got a question for you, guys. I
don't know if this is your guys department, but it's
been it's been a year and a half. I'm still
waiting for a follow back from the Tucson on Roadrunners
Instagram page.

Speaker 4 (38:20):
Yeah, it doesn't follow you.

Speaker 3 (38:22):
No, they I think they're they're playing hard to get right.

Speaker 4 (38:25):
Now and Adrian, are you on it? Are you on
the phone right now doing it?

Speaker 2 (38:28):
Yeah, I'm on our Instagram. I'm going to get it.

Speaker 3 (38:31):
Wow. I didn't follow them back again today. I don't know.
Maybe I'm banned or blocked by them for some reason,
but I've been trying to follow them for a couple
of years now. Just nothing.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
That's insane. I don't think.

Speaker 5 (38:45):
I don't think the account gets notifications when people follow it.
Just because there's so many so maybe it's.

Speaker 3 (38:49):
Just yeah, it's just lost. But I've been tagged in
a couple of things, so I'm like, maybe I got it.

Speaker 4 (38:57):
And I've been following you back.

Speaker 3 (38:59):
I'm assuming the just thought that they did or something,
and it's yeah, just assume too. Yeah, I'm like, someone's
someone's got to be just forgetting here. I'm I was
getting a little bit sad for a second forgotten already
in Tucson after after a couple of months since the

season ended. But it's all right. And then are you
guys coming to main camping all up in Utah.

Speaker 2 (39:28):
Or Yeah, we hope to be there. We would love
to be there perfectly.

Speaker 3 (39:33):
That would be fun. It's it's pretty and I mean,
I know Adrian loves Utahs is he makes his trip
up here every once in a while, so second home
for him. But I guess do you have any recommendations
this weekend, Adrian for things to do in the Utah area.

Speaker 2 (39:49):
Yeah, if you're if you're looking for for a day trip,
go up a little Cottonwood Canyon to Snowbird. Their October
Fest is going on really on the way up there.
You could uh, you could find a hiker. Two.

Speaker 5 (40:01):
I've been to Snowbird. Snowbird's awesome.

Speaker 3 (40:04):
So they got there. They got a festival kind of
thing this weekend.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
Yeah, Octoberfest should be going. And you can also ride
their tram to the top of the to the top
of the mountain and look over. See the entire has
something to do. Then this weekend, that that would be
where i'd start.

Speaker 3 (40:22):
All right, well, I appreciate the recommendations.

Speaker 2 (40:26):
Oh yeah, I could do it all day.

Speaker 3 (40:28):
Yeah, I'm sure. Hey, you're you got You're good with words,
so I'm sure you can't told us so.

Speaker 2 (40:34):
The lake that the length of this interview at forty
one minutes, also says something like it too.

Speaker 3 (40:40):
I think, yeah, yeah, I think I'm not a very
talkative person to either.

Speaker 2 (40:44):
So we're just we're just keeping you company till Michael
Kesselringe gets back.

Speaker 3 (40:48):
I know wherever he is right now. It takes forever
to go from one place to the other. We've been
setting up our apartment for way too long. It's well,
it's his townhouse and I'm helping him set it up.
But it's been it's been a I've been building couches
for him and mounting TVs it's been quite the quite
the work.

Speaker 4 (41:08):
He goes shops and takes forever.

Speaker 3 (41:10):
Yeah, yeah, he goes in shops and I'll do the
hard labor back at the house.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
It's it's it's perfect. It's gonna it's gonna be a
great uh great, uh roommate situation again.

Speaker 3 (41:21):
Yeah, hopefully, hopefully.

Speaker 2 (41:23):
And when we send guys up to you, Josh, we'll
just add him right to the uh, right to the
manifest Yeah, put him right to work with you and Mike. Yeah,
thanks for coming on, man. We appreciate it, really appreciate it.
And always great to me. Always great to catch up.
And we'll be uh, we'll be watching and you got
our numbers and we're following you on Instagram from road

Runners h L and I think we've got everything covered there.
We go, all right, have a good rest of your day.
Tell Mike we said hi, and uh, we'll get him.
We'll get him soon.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
Yes, we'll do it. Thank you, see you, Josh, Thank thank.

Speaker 2 (41:58):
You, Josh. Johnny. You'd think we went in numerical order
this summer on the podcast with our guests, because we
get Josh. Towards the end, he tried to nominate ten
guys who'd already talked He knew most of the guys
we already talked to. He was right that Aku's hard
to get a hold of because I texted him yeah
and it turned green and it turned green, oh yep,

and never got back to me. Always gets back to me.
So maybe a different phone situation, probably different phone inland.
So we keep working on that and we will get Aku,
if not next week, in the foreseeable future, as we.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
Say, we always say that.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
Coming up on this week's podcast, can you picture Michael
Kesselring just speeding around Utah, just driving past the speed
camera doing thirty six and a twenty five, just like
four or five hours in a row of doing that,
just going through safety first, every buddy, safety first.

Speaker 4 (43:02):
But I can just imagine.

Speaker 5 (43:05):
I just loved picturing the him shop, Michael Kestling shopping
taking forever, you know, not because I struggle with shopping too,
just be like, oh wait, I needed this.

Speaker 1 (43:14):

Speaker 2 (43:14):
Here's here's how you know that Michael kessel Ring is
a methodical shopper because he's a cat owner. Yes, people
that own cats are calculated and you know, maybe maybe
a little different.

Speaker 5 (43:31):
Yeah, you know what I'm saying yeah, like I'm a
cat owner back at home, related.

Speaker 2 (43:37):
And structured and patient and take their time. And I
can just see Michael Kessing walking down the aisle with
his uh, with his cart picking stuff up, reading the
nutritional information.

Speaker 5 (43:49):
Yeah yeah, yeah, he reads everything. He has to read everything.
He makes sure that he makes sure he's getting deals.
He looks for like the the two for one deal
or something like that and uh.

Speaker 4 (43:58):
And then while he's doing that, taking forever, Josh Stones.

Speaker 5 (44:01):
Back at the the house, building building everything.

Speaker 4 (44:05):
So kind of a good dynamic duo TV.

Speaker 5 (44:08):
Yeah, I like getting everything ready to go, taking care
of the animals.

Speaker 4 (44:12):
Michael's gone.

Speaker 2 (44:13):
Yeah, he gave us a tour of the house.

Speaker 4 (44:16):
It was nice, nice little Yeah.

Speaker 2 (44:17):
We cut him off as always, we you know, said
the podcast to break, and then all all the good
stuff happened when guests happens. When guests come on, I say, Hi,
nice to see you. I'm hitting record.

Speaker 5 (44:29):
We'll talk of the podcast, so miss any But then
we kind of stopped it too early because there's still
some good stuff we're talking about. But it's just because
because it becomes so conversational and you're just like, ah,
like why did I why did it stopped before? But
it's okay. It was still a really good interview. That
was really fun to catch up with Josh.

Speaker 2 (44:46):
About Josh picking me to shoot the shootout over you,
I mean, and this is what I liked about Josh
picking me to be the shootout guy, and then I
nominated you to announce it. He said, I will take
Adrian to take the shot. No offense.

Speaker 5 (45:02):
Yeah, yeah, no, I was not offended at all. I'm
the one who put that one. I put that uh
that one where use your legal name? Yeah he did,
he did. I liked it nice and nice and professional.

Speaker 2 (45:13):
So if you read the description to our podcast, it says,
each week, Adrian, Jenny and John Schaeffer bring you the
latest on the Roadrunners with special appearances from Kim Cotter Robless. Yeah,
how about a special appearance from Kim Cotter Robless?

Speaker 4 (45:29):
Hey guy, Jim, Kim's back return Kim.

Speaker 2 (45:34):
When Johnny and I started a few minutes ago after Josh,
you were all dressed up.

Speaker 8 (45:40):
Yes, you look like the claw from a meeting I
had on and yeah you did have this you changed.
I just took my suit jacket off. That's all I did.
I'm just wearing a top underneath my I'm not going
to the club the.

Speaker 4 (45:57):
Claw Thursday morning at ten am. I don't see why not.

Speaker 2 (46:04):
Hey, hey Kim, you said you saw me in downtown
Tucson earlier this U I saw you this morning.

Speaker 4 (46:11):
I didn't honk.

Speaker 8 (46:12):
I didn't realize it was okay, So this is kind
of weird.

Speaker 9 (46:15):
But I saw you walking down Church as I'm taking
my son to school, and I glanced at you. You're
on the sidewalk, so I just glance at you because
there's there's some extres everywhere.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
Did anything stand out about you when I'm walking down
the street.

Speaker 8 (46:32):
Stand out about me?

Speaker 2 (46:33):
Or about about me?

Speaker 9 (46:35):
Well, that's what I was going to say, is that
for a second, because you were right there by TPD
for a second, and you always see the cops and
detectives walking back and forth to court and like street
taco and stuff. For a second, you had something on
your right hip or maybe in your pocket.

Speaker 8 (46:51):
That I thought was a gun. So I was like, oh,
it's a detective and I don't know what it was.
So at first I looked at it.

Speaker 2 (46:59):
The handcuffs on the Is that what it was? I
always have in case I need to make a citizen's arrest.

Speaker 8 (47:04):
Oh god, I could see that happening.

Speaker 4 (47:06):
I could see that too. You see agent making his
citizens arrest. He has to protect.

Speaker 10 (47:14):

Speaker 9 (47:14):
And then as I'm passing you, I literally said, oh,
that's Adrian. And my son was like where where?

Speaker 8 (47:20):
But it was you were walking and then you had
just turned the corner around like the church area, so
and I.

Speaker 9 (47:26):
Was I was getting the green light, so I could
not stop because I had to get to school. So yes,
but for split second, I thought you would very much
appreciate that.

Speaker 2 (47:33):
I thought you were coph So at that angle, you
didn't see me double fisted my circle K forty four
ounce soft drink and my breakfast smoothie.

Speaker 9 (47:47):
Really, see, I didn't see that. That sounds like an
insane comments, such a fool. But wait, what was in
your circle K cup? What were we drinking this morning?

Speaker 2 (47:57):
Coke zyero with a splash of cherry coke zero and
blue out in de Oh yeah, blue mountains?

Speaker 8 (48:03):
Yeah you lost you lost the blue Mountain.

Speaker 2 (48:06):
Yeah, that's a little that's a little bazads to it.

Speaker 4 (48:10):
That's a good way to put it. Some energy, some energy,
that is the perfect word for you.

Speaker 8 (48:14):
Adrian pizzads.

Speaker 2 (48:16):
Thank you, Kim, thank ye.

Speaker 4 (48:17):
I'm just good with his words. I love that he's
good with his words.

Speaker 2 (48:21):
Johnny, you've got some scores to read for us. In
the podcast Junior Roadrunners over Labor Day Weekend, coach Dave
Stanning us all the results because he knows we'd love
to keep up. We love to read him and uh
okaym let's go over to Johnny with a sports update
on the podcast.

Speaker 4 (48:39):
I know it's just like old times, yeh okay.

Speaker 3 (48:41):

Speaker 5 (48:41):
On Saturday, August thirty, first, the twelve underteam defeated Mission
fourteen under White six to two and Flagstaff fourteen Under
seven to three. The twelve underteam lost to Mission twelve
Under White nine to two and tied with the Arizona
Coachinas twelve under Green five to five. The ten under
team lone eighteen to one to Arizona Titans ten under

Blue and then lost ten to six the Arizona Titans
ten under Blue again. On Sunday, September first, the fourteen
under team swept the ADHL fourteen under Bucks Orange, winning
the first game six to four and then six to
two in the second match. The twelve underteam defeated the
ADHL twelve under Bucks Orange four to two, but then

lost eight to five against the Arizona Titans twelve under Red,
and then the ten under team lost eight to two
to the ADHL ten under Bucks and then fifteen to
one against the Mission ten under White.

Speaker 2 (49:38):
Johnny always loved talking about roadrunners.

Speaker 8 (49:41):
So fourteen you went undefeated, then, yes, very that's awesome.

Speaker 4 (49:46):
They did good. They did really good.

Speaker 2 (49:48):
Speaking of U junior roadrunners and roadrunners. I saw Eric Brinza,
who runs our ice over at the TCC a couple
of days ago. I said, when's your ice go in?
He said tomorrow going in at the TCC. How about that?
Yay was talking back. I was talking with Stephanie, their
marketing director, on my way uh right before Kim drove

by me and didn't honk and wave this morning, and
she said, yeah, arena's starting to feel cold again.

Speaker 5 (50:15):
Oh, they're gonna get nice and cold again. Yeah, it's
like the coldest, it's gonna be the coldest place in Tucson. Yeah,
during during the winter because it's like and especially when
it's early in the season. It's October, it's not cold
here yet, but it's also just super nice and it's
you know, you're walking outside to the arena, you don't
have your jacket on you the moment you walk in
and you got to put on the jackets.

Speaker 4 (50:36):
So looking forward to those days again.

Speaker 2 (50:38):
Yeah, and we're getting, uh getting ready to go to
Rooky face off in LA. The roster announced some familiar guys,
including one that we had the podcasts last week and
he didn't even tell us if it's going to Rookie Camp.
Maxi's zuber Lighton Moore never Colamorou could see him or
some Duda could see him. Anson Thornton along with Mika Metika,

Julian Lutz, Sam Lipkin, Well Gavin and then Colbadwan and
Tiz Againla the first round picks. But uh, I won't
see them this year. But yeah, Rookie Camp is ready
to go. Our road runners coaches will be be running
that and our our first guys will will be.

Speaker 8 (51:19):
On the ice Kim and that's that's gonna be in LA.

Speaker 2 (51:22):
It's gonna be in l A. Yeah, we're at a
next weekend this weekend, Yeah, thirteenth or the sixteenth.

Speaker 8 (51:28):
Where are they at?

Speaker 2 (51:30):
I think it's uh, I mean.

Speaker 5 (51:33):
It might be the I would say, I think it's
like King's Ice, Yeah, practice and then Ontario Stadium.

Speaker 2 (51:39):
Yeah. I would say mostly be housed at the UH
arena that we talked about all during the bubble year,
the TOYA, the Sports and Performance Center. Yeah, the practice
rank I think is where the majority of it will
take place. But I can uh, I could pull it
up right here, Kim, since you're asking for.

Speaker 8 (52:00):
Uh, I'm just curious.

Speaker 5 (52:01):
Usually what they do is the host team will play
in like a big arena, the l A the king To.

Speaker 2 (52:10):
Sports Performance Center in El Segundo, where the Roadinners played
Ontario four times during the COVID bubble year. So we'll
be watching for for the guys there.

Speaker 5 (52:22):
I went to the one last year in Vegas and
as my first interview with Bucie, which we used for
the Talk with Montana Talk with Rodin's head coach Steve Potman. Kim,
do you want to moderate some drafts? Let's do this, Okay,
Kim is going to moderate our drafts, so we've got

an official host. Me and Johnny are going to draft stuff.
Will put in the smoothie because uh, inspired by my
breakfast smooth yes.

Speaker 2 (52:52):
This morning and uh. And then Johnny and I are
going to draft audio of our favorite interviews this year,
our favorite interview answers this year, and we've got the
actual audio, and I.

Speaker 9 (53:09):
Get to how much authority do I have as moderator
over this because I'm gonna choose at the end, right,
who's got the better draft?

Speaker 2 (53:17):
Yeah, you've got the floor.

Speaker 5 (53:18):
Yeah, you have the floor. You you pick first each round.
You'll pick who goes first each round, and h yeah,
you'll determine who had the better draft first time that
someone's gonna moderate the draft between ad and I.

Speaker 4 (53:29):
So it's gonna be fun.

Speaker 9 (53:30):
Well, let me ask you this, did you guys? So Adrian,
I know you have a smoothie this morning, your smoothie guy? Johnny,
are you a smoothie guy?

Speaker 5 (53:38):
Not necessarily, but like if someone says, like, hey, you
want to go get smoothie, I was like.

Speaker 8 (53:43):
Yeah, sure of course, but you're not making them at home.

Speaker 5 (53:46):
No, I'm not making them at home. One time I
did live off of smoothies for like a week was
a couple of years ago. During the summer, I got
really bad strep throat and I was at the point
where like I could even chew food where because it
was just hurt so bad. So I was living off
of smoothies for a week. I kept going to like
Juice It Up, Jamba Juice, like any kind of smoothie place,

and yeah, so it's like the only times I was
really really drinking. My brother sometimes at home likes to
make smoothies too, so uh, yeah, just whenever it's offered
to me, I'll have one, but I'm not making one myself.

Speaker 9 (54:17):
Okay, gotcha, gotcha? And wait, Adrian, are you a smoothie
place guy or you making them yourself?

Speaker 2 (54:22):
I'll do both. Uh, I will make it myself or
I will go pay nine bucks for one, Okay, whatever, whatever,
whatever's most convenient at the time.

Speaker 5 (54:31):
I feel like Adrian has the upper handle on this one.
He's he knows smoothies than I do.

Speaker 8 (54:35):
He loves smoothie.

Speaker 5 (54:37):
I was inspired for this topic, so I was like,
that's why I started making Yeah, it's good, it's good
every morning. It's a good bread No. A lot of
tons of people have smoothie for breakfast. It's a great
breakfast thing.

Speaker 4 (54:47):
And it's quick too.

Speaker 9 (54:49):
If you guys haven't been to chop shop yet, have
you guys been a chop shop It just opened on
Campbell and Glenn.

Speaker 8 (54:57):
It's an amazing menu. It's a super great whole food,
healthy menu.

Speaker 9 (55:01):
But they do a really good smoothie. They have some
really great protein smoothies over there.

Speaker 8 (55:06):
So just a heads up. Yeah, yeah, okay, you guys ready.

Speaker 2 (55:11):
You're going to start with smoothie.

Speaker 11 (55:13):
Certain topic of conversation. Back up here, Kim, don't let
me try and host over you again. Yeah, no hosting.
You're not the host now. I'm just passing to Torch
to Kim.

Speaker 8 (55:25):
All right, if you are certain we're going to.

Speaker 2 (55:28):
Be manager of the best drafted movie.

Speaker 4 (55:30):
Oh, let's do it, all right, who's going first?

Speaker 8 (55:34):
I think I think Johnny you. I think you're going
to go first.

Speaker 4 (55:36):
I'm going first.

Speaker 8 (55:37):
Yes, all right, this is your number number one?

Speaker 4 (55:42):
Yeah, this is my number one. Number one for me? Watermelon.

Speaker 8 (55:47):
Oh interesting, okay, okay.

Speaker 4 (55:50):
We're on to a really bad start. I love watermelon.
That's why.

Speaker 8 (55:54):
I that's more of like a juice than like Oh.

Speaker 4 (55:58):
So right, I think of juice.

Speaker 8 (56:01):
Let's uh, let's see what Adrian's number one is.

Speaker 2 (56:04):
No calories, no rules, no guilt on our you ask him,
I'm gonna.

Speaker 8 (56:07):
Take Yeah, that's the number one answer got.

Speaker 5 (56:15):
I was excited to pick that one I didn't get
to Now I should have picked that, all right, Well
what number?

Speaker 3 (56:22):

Speaker 4 (56:23):
All right, next for me? Blueberries? Okay, we're back on track.

Speaker 5 (56:30):
We're I think bananas perfect, okay, like that for me,
I think this is also like a dark horse no
pun intended.

Speaker 4 (56:41):
Dark chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate.

Speaker 9 (56:44):
Okay wait wait wait, so well you're not making them yourself,
so you requested dark chocolate in there. It's like chunks
of chocolate that are getting mixed.

Speaker 8 (56:54):
In or is it a syrup?

Speaker 5 (56:56):
I would say, like chocolate, Okay, dark chocolate chunks will
go with that, yeah, okay, add some add some flavor
to it if you're if like, let's say you're getting
a peanut butter smoothie with dark chocolate chunks. That's that
sounds pretty good.

Speaker 8 (57:08):
Yeahs and watermelon and watermelon.

Speaker 4 (57:10):
Yeah, this is good.

Speaker 5 (57:11):
This is quite the smoothiet. Maybe we should make these
in real life and then.

Speaker 8 (57:14):
The other taste that would be fantastic. Let's do that, Adrian,
what's your number three?

Speaker 2 (57:18):
Since Johnny stole blueberries, I'm gonna just say assorted fruit
like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries assorted, frozen fruit okay, and I
can still get my blueberries.

Speaker 8 (57:28):
Frozen fruits are the way to go also okay, yes,
frozen fruits.

Speaker 4 (57:34):
That's good.

Speaker 5 (57:35):
Big favorite for me here too, Mango mango smoothies. Yeah,
it's like it's something you could just put in by
itself and bag. I just had a mango smoothie. It's okay, Okay,
So I.

Speaker 2 (57:45):
Say, no calories, no guilt. Yeah, but I like almond
milk better than real milk. And yeah it's a third
of the calories at least, so I'm gonna take almond milk.

Speaker 4 (57:55):
Yeah, it's really good. Oat milk. I like oat.

Speaker 3 (57:58):

Speaker 4 (57:58):
At first I was like something like why would I drink?
Then I had one.

Speaker 2 (58:01):
You know, our team meal eating area at the TCC,
there's a little fridge over in the corner and it's
got all yeah milks, milk, almond milk, goats milk.

Speaker 4 (58:12):
And juice and juices. Sometimes steal the apple juice the.

Speaker 8 (58:20):
But there's not goat milk in there.

Speaker 4 (58:22):
You just no, I think goat seriously.

Speaker 8 (58:26):
To goat milk.

Speaker 12 (58:28):

Speaker 4 (58:29):
Yeah you did say milk.

Speaker 9 (58:32):
Why I could see like aku like goat's milk being
his thing or MAXI for sure.

Speaker 8 (58:39):
Yeah, all right, we're off topic. Johnny. What's your number five?

Speaker 5 (58:43):
Oh my gosh, dragon fruit. That's that's a that's a play.
You guys had dragon. I love dragon I had that
in Nicaragua once for like the first time, and we
had dragon fruit smoothies and they were so good.

Speaker 4 (59:01):
They're so good.

Speaker 3 (59:03):

Speaker 2 (59:03):
I did take mango papaya. Oh what's papaya again? It's
a knockoff of a mango. It's just like green instead
of yellow.

Speaker 9 (59:15):
Yeah, it's like yellow orangish. Also, it's it's like mango.

Speaker 2 (59:20):
Yeah, I'll take it.

Speaker 3 (59:21):

Speaker 2 (59:22):
You think that's a good comparable substitute.

Speaker 4 (59:25):
It's all about substitutes too. When it comes to some smoothies.

Speaker 9 (59:27):
I want to tell Adrian because I feel like you
make smoothies at home more if you put some frozen cherries.

Speaker 3 (59:36):
In your.

Speaker 5 (59:38):
On my list, yeah, I should have had frozen cherries.
Cherries are yeah, cherries, frozen cherries. That would have been
good to think about. Also coconut. I don't know if
you're a big coconut person.

Speaker 3 (59:50):
But no.

Speaker 9 (59:52):
But also dates, if you put a few big dates
in your smoothies, it adds texture. And it's so good
for your got health. Try if you get a chance.

Speaker 4 (01:00:03):
Yeah, health.

Speaker 2 (01:00:04):
I think that's it. I think, I.

Speaker 4 (01:00:07):
God, that's it.

Speaker 8 (01:00:08):
And we're at the end and I'm gonna you know, Johnny,
you lost.

Speaker 4 (01:00:14):
Me with water Honestly, that's fair.

Speaker 5 (01:00:17):
I just got excited thing about fruit, and I love watermelon,
so I was like watermelon, and I realized, like, no,
that's more of juice, and I'll give I'll give Adrian
that one too, because.

Speaker 8 (01:00:28):
Yeah, this is really and he started strong with peanut butter.

Speaker 5 (01:00:31):
I mean, really, I wish peanut butter was my top three.
I wish I said that first. Actually, now I think
about it, but.

Speaker 8 (01:00:39):
Yeah, you had the gold you had a golden opportunity.

Speaker 4 (01:00:42):
I did.

Speaker 8 (01:00:42):
That's okay, that's.

Speaker 2 (01:00:45):

Speaker 4 (01:00:45):
Those are drafts. You have a golden opportunity. I don't
take it.

Speaker 9 (01:00:47):
Yeah, and let's see what happens with interview responses. Now,
I'm very curious about how this is gonna go.

Speaker 5 (01:00:54):
This one's gonna be fun. This was a great idea
by Adrian, by the way, this was his idea.

Speaker 8 (01:00:59):
So okay, so how are we gonna do this.

Speaker 9 (01:01:01):
You're gonna you're gonna say what your response was, and
then you're gonna play the response so.

Speaker 5 (01:01:07):
That yeah, you're talk about that. So should we just
like play it or should we just say, like what
the players responding to?

Speaker 2 (01:01:15):
What do you what do you think fit's best?

Speaker 5 (01:01:17):
I think let's make Yeah, let's let's like explain like
where it was. Maybe if we know where it was exactly,
just like quick description and then just play it. I
think that's the best way to do it because if
we just played them, kids will be like, what were
they responding to?

Speaker 11 (01:01:32):

Speaker 5 (01:01:32):
Yeah, we know because we literally look through all of
our interviews. I looked through all the interviews on my phone.
That was a fun afternoon yesterday. Going through honestly took
me a lot quicker than I thought. I kind of
just remembered, like, oh, this guy had a good response
this day, and I just like found it. So I
thought it was gonna take me a while, but uh yeah,
I found a lot of good ones.

Speaker 4 (01:01:49):
I'm excited for this. Let's do it well. First on
this one.

Speaker 8 (01:01:54):
Adrian is going to go first on this one, all.

Speaker 2 (01:01:57):
Right, And I am going to make this easy since
I interview one person and he's the best interviewing them.
Everything I have is from Roadrunners head coach Steve pop Yes,
especially when we're getting ready to cut down an oak.

Speaker 13 (01:02:13):
Give us an opportunity every night to be able to
take down that oak tree with consistent effort. And if
we don't have them, we're not able to chop that
tree down.

Speaker 2 (01:02:22):
Adrian, it's time to go do it. Steve, get get
out the acts. Is that what you take an oak
tree down with. I'd show up, but I wouldn't have
the supplies and the stuff. I'd want to help, but
I need I need some supplies from our equipment staff.
But let's go. Let's go take down the oak tree.

Speaker 10 (01:02:36):
Let's go too So I think in today's modern world
we'd probably use a chainsaw, but you know, for for
the art of trying to get our point across and
motivating the boys, we're going to try to take consistent
action with our acts and take that tree down.

Speaker 13 (01:02:51):
It doesn't matter how many chops it takes.

Speaker 2 (01:02:53):
Boys have already started there, they've gone without it exactly.
I appreciate it, Adrian, Thank you. Thanks Steve.

Speaker 5 (01:03:00):
Man, I forgot about all those those you're you're on it.
You you might have been my twice today. God, that's good.
I forgot you guys had all those great analogies, like
near the end of the year, is that when it
was was it at the end of it was not? Yeah,
I think it was like it was definitely second half.
I think like late March through April is when like

we had all of those things going on.

Speaker 2 (01:03:24):
That was great.

Speaker 4 (01:03:25):
That's a good one.

Speaker 8 (01:03:26):
That's a good yeah, good reference.

Speaker 5 (01:03:28):
All right, Yeah, I'm excited for my first I think
this is good because we just we interviewed him a
few weeks ago, so Montana and your Bucci first ever
Roadrunners interview I had with him at rookie training camp.
We used this line in the intro for the podcast.
We're still using it right now.

Speaker 4 (01:03:47):
This was my first pick. It's pretty odd it was
that quick.

Speaker 5 (01:03:52):
But I asked him, what advice do you have for
me in Tucson? He says, drink a lot of water.

Speaker 4 (01:03:57):
It's hot. We used it all throughout the year. That
was my first pick.

Speaker 8 (01:04:00):
And wait, real quick, did you listen to him when
he gave you that advice your first year here? Were
you drinking lots of water?

Speaker 2 (01:04:06):
Did it?

Speaker 5 (01:04:07):
I've been I've been drinking water. I did learn I
might have told a story already. I did learn that
sometimes you need gatorade for electrolytes because I'm englfing one
day in like this really hot weather and I drink
a but I would drink a ton of water, but
I still felt like crummy after because I realized I
sweated so much. I'm like any electrolytes, so drink water.
But if you expect to do anything physical outside in

this heat, bring gatorade and just have the two just
keep drinking the fluids.

Speaker 8 (01:04:33):
So got it hit the gato buddy.

Speaker 4 (01:04:35):
Yeah, So that's that's one thing I learned.

Speaker 8 (01:04:37):
But yeah, all right, all right, all right, Adrian, I'm
ready for your number two.

Speaker 2 (01:04:41):
My second favorite answer from Steve this year is, uh,
how do we build an engine?

Speaker 14 (01:04:48):
Steve were either going to be, you know, building a
catalog tonight or building a ford. It doesn't matter. We
just got to do the best we can to to
build one of them, and build it hard, and build
it strong, and build it together.

Speaker 2 (01:04:57):
Looking forward to see let's go to son, let's go
build some men, and let's get two points. I appreciate it.
Thanks Adrian.

Speaker 3 (01:05:05):
That was good.

Speaker 4 (01:05:05):
That's enough. That was also another good one.

Speaker 9 (01:05:08):
I love build it hard, build it strong, Build it together.
That's like, that's like a theme for they could be
like a branding tagline for the season. Build it hard,
a strong, build it together. That's fantastic. Man, Where Steve
come up with this stuff?

Speaker 2 (01:05:21):
Reads a lot of books, talked to a lot of people.

Speaker 5 (01:05:24):
Yeah, Private, up and down, Oak Tree, thousands of interviews, crazy,
three hundreds thousands might fee.

Speaker 2 (01:05:32):
He reads and listens and listen to podcasts, and he.

Speaker 4 (01:05:35):
Knows what's up. He knows what's up.

Speaker 5 (01:05:37):
All right, next one for me. This was Hundredrew's first
game as a road like, first game playing as a
Roadrunners against the San Diego Goals. He had a really
good first period. I listened back to this and he
just kind of predicted of what the seasons to come
for him and the team.

Speaker 2 (01:05:53):
Yea, it was weird for sure to start.

Speaker 3 (01:05:54):
Uh. I was saying before the game, it feels weird.

Speaker 2 (01:05:56):
To have this uniform on against that one. But I'm
happy to be here and we have a good group.
But I'm really excited to move forward this year.

Speaker 8 (01:06:04):
Weird for sure. Yeah, he just says weird for sure.

Speaker 2 (01:06:09):
I love that.

Speaker 5 (01:06:10):
Yeah, because he used to play with the Goals, so
that was playing his old team, and he just had
that really good game and then he ended up having
a good year with a really good team.

Speaker 4 (01:06:19):
So that was a fun one.

Speaker 2 (01:06:20):
And if we wouldn't have had something from the school
day game and our best interview answers of the year,
that would have been that was the school Day game,
right to hear all the kids in the background.

Speaker 4 (01:06:28):
Yeah. Yeah, a lot of energy, a lot of energy.
I can't wait number three for me. Kim and Steve
are running a race.

Speaker 13 (01:06:36):
You're running a race. You know, you never stop three
quarters of the way in and you know, a lollygag
through the line. You got to try to do the
best you can every day and be ready to run
through the line. And that's that's what our intention is
here tonight. And it's going to take a you know again,
just a healthy collective mindset.

Speaker 2 (01:06:56):
Let's do it, Steve, let's go run the race. Let's
go get two points. Let's go too.

Speaker 3 (01:06:59):
So I thought you were going to use the axe
on the tree.

Speaker 14 (01:07:02):
But we'll run.

Speaker 3 (01:07:04):
We'll run right through the line, and you like, I
like it.

Speaker 2 (01:07:06):
You think I'm gonna turned down a run. No, that's true.

Speaker 3 (01:07:10):
On me.

Speaker 2 (01:07:10):
I should have known.

Speaker 8 (01:07:13):
Yeah, he's got to sit and read something.

Speaker 9 (01:07:15):
He's got he's got a prep and he's got to
be like, Okay, today I'm going to talk to Adrian
about building a pyramid.

Speaker 8 (01:07:21):
How do we build a pyramid? How do we like
create a damn?

Speaker 9 (01:07:24):
Like, he's sitting there, he's coming up with analogies that
he knows are going to land with you because they're
so good.

Speaker 8 (01:07:31):
Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2 (01:07:33):
He prepares for the interviews, no questions.

Speaker 4 (01:07:34):
Oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:07:35):
Does anybody else know Montana did a couple of weeks ago.
He told us he spent the entire morning preparing for
the podcast.

Speaker 4 (01:07:43):
Right, yeah, that's good.

Speaker 8 (01:07:44):
Oh did he really Yes? Yeah, that is a sign
of maturity.

Speaker 9 (01:07:48):
That is, like the prefrontal cortex is growing and developing
when you start prepping for interviews.

Speaker 3 (01:07:55):

Speaker 4 (01:07:55):
Yeah, all right.

Speaker 5 (01:07:58):
So this one because like this one kind of just
stuck with me for the year for a nickname for
one of our players, and we used it as a
caption for our recent one on one with this certain player,
Maxie Zuber, who we talked to recently. I interviewed Justin
Kirkland back in November, and he gave me the nickname
that they call Maxuper.

Speaker 2 (01:08:20):
That's reasons.

Speaker 4 (01:08:24):
Big Zuoberuve. I just like it.

Speaker 5 (01:08:28):
It sounds like a Subaru because you know, Max is
just big and forceful. He's like a wheel drive, all
wheel drive. He's a big car. And then I just
like the nickname Zubu.

Speaker 9 (01:08:39):
So he threw me up because I wrote down Maxie,
but that it was actually Justin Kirkland in the interview.

Speaker 5 (01:08:45):
So oh yeah, Justin Kirkland is the one who revealed
that that's what they call him on the team, Zubu.

Speaker 4 (01:08:52):
Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 8 (01:08:52):
That's awesome.

Speaker 2 (01:08:53):
Great, Alright, with my fourth pick, we're gonna go over
ten minutes into a pregame interview with me and Steve.
We've been on the road for a week, probably game
number sixty six, but just too much to talk about.
Let's go do it. Let's go to Son, Let's go
get two points and get back home.

Speaker 14 (01:09:14):
Yeah, enough of the chatter. Hey, let's get after it.

Speaker 2 (01:09:16):
Yeah, we gotta go.

Speaker 4 (01:09:17):
Let's go, let's go, we gotta go.

Speaker 2 (01:09:22):
We're ten plus minutes our pregame, a third game of
a three game in four night set.

Speaker 5 (01:09:28):
I love it sometimes when because you you send me
the interviews to play, and sometimes you send me like
a really long one and I'm just like, oh my gosh,
how are we gonna fit this in our pregame show.

Speaker 4 (01:09:40):
But we find a way to do it. Always find
we find a way to do it.

Speaker 8 (01:09:44):
I think that was the most Canadian I've ever heard
Steve sound when he said enough of the chatter.

Speaker 2 (01:09:49):
Eh Yeah, he was rushed.

Speaker 4 (01:09:51):
Yeah, ye had to go.

Speaker 5 (01:09:52):
He had to go coach a game for Canadian on us.
He was ready to roll, all right. So next one
for me, this was this was a big game for us.
We beat Coachella Valley and our road finale with you
know a lot of our our backups on the team
or are just guys who you know, come up from
the EHL, we're resting.

Speaker 4 (01:10:12):
A lot of guys went into Coachella Valley beat them.

Speaker 5 (01:10:15):
Dylan Wells had a phenomenal game and he kind of
just took that role of you know, he knew he
was the backup of the team, but he was going
to play when he was called to action, and uh,
he had a phenomenal game. And we just had a good,
really good interview bite from him.

Speaker 1 (01:10:30):

Speaker 15 (01:10:30):
I mean I've been through it before, It's not my
first time, which obviously makes it a little.

Speaker 3 (01:10:33):
Easier to handle.

Speaker 2 (01:10:34):
But I mean, I know my role here.

Speaker 15 (01:10:35):
Maddie's had an unbelievable season, and you know, I'm just
trying to support him as best I can. And I
know that if I get called upon.

Speaker 3 (01:10:41):
I'm ready to go at any minutes.

Speaker 15 (01:10:42):
So I just try to stay dialed every week in practice,
pick up little things, watching Maddie play, and you know,
just go out and have fun when I do get
the chance.

Speaker 2 (01:10:50):
So I did that tonight.

Speaker 8 (01:10:53):
That was a good one.

Speaker 3 (01:10:55):

Speaker 8 (01:10:55):
Where was that?

Speaker 2 (01:10:56):

Speaker 3 (01:10:56):
Was that?

Speaker 5 (01:10:57):
That was?

Speaker 4 (01:10:58):
That was at Actressure Arena with the team on that one.
It was loud.

Speaker 5 (01:11:02):
We had just one I remember Steve came off the
eyes we like embraced each other, were like, let's go.
We were so pumped, uh And then I just knew
I had to grab Dylan Wells and like you can
just tell, the adrenaline was so there for everybody.

Speaker 4 (01:11:15):
That was such a great win.

Speaker 8 (01:11:17):
That was That was good? That was That was a
good bite. I like that one.

Speaker 2 (01:11:21):
How about this one? When you're interviewing your favorite coach
and your favorite song is playing in the back.

Speaker 14 (01:11:28):
We're talking a lot about operating within one mindset and
and making sure that we you know, we play the
right way, and we we we think of our details
and our passion and our heart and our will.

Speaker 2 (01:11:38):
First, let's go to song. Let's do it, Steve, Let's
have a night change that.

Speaker 4 (01:11:48):
I did it?

Speaker 3 (01:11:48):
Did it?

Speaker 4 (01:11:49):
Where was that I was?

Speaker 3 (01:11:50):

Speaker 2 (01:11:52):
It was in Henderson, formerly named Dollar Loan Center for
me and Steve can't even hear each other because the
music so loud that it worked for that sound bite
right there.

Speaker 4 (01:12:02):
Third, it's not called Dollar Center anymore.

Speaker 2 (01:12:06):
No, it's called the Lee's Family Center. Oh, I didn't
know they changed the name the Lee's Family Liquor Center.
I think, huh yeah, I no clue they changed the name.
Check check our pressure lease this week when we announced
our preseason schedule of exactly what the place is called.
Get that right, it's not.

Speaker 4 (01:12:25):
I will double check that. Don't worry. I'll make sure
to get it right. I like him.

Speaker 8 (01:12:28):
That's your takeaway, Johnny, and not the.

Speaker 3 (01:12:32):

Speaker 8 (01:12:32):
I don't even know what Steve said, because I was
only I only heard the song.

Speaker 4 (01:12:35):
I just didn't know.

Speaker 2 (01:12:37):
Did you hear how fast I ended the interview?

Speaker 5 (01:12:39):
Yes? You did?

Speaker 4 (01:12:40):

Speaker 8 (01:12:40):
And then you just start dancing the song?

Speaker 2 (01:12:43):

Speaker 5 (01:12:46):
So last one is from a player we are dearly
going to miss camp Karate uh now with the Minnesota
Wild organization. UH, we've been saying he has a really
good chance of playing within the NHL this year with
just the situation that he is in.

Speaker 4 (01:13:00):
And he dealt with some injuries this year as well.

Speaker 5 (01:13:02):
But I talked to him just about the death we
had of the team, and we had great depth the
whole season and just kind of exemplify just how everyone
felt of how this team is when you know, guys
were injured and guys were stepping up.

Speaker 3 (01:13:15):
Of course.

Speaker 12 (01:13:15):
You know, we got so many guys on this team
that can do you know, a bunch of different jobs.
And we've been successful this year, like you said, you know,
barring a lot of injuries. And that's what deep teams
are built for, you know what I mean. You know,
you gotta it's never fun, like I said earlier, but
injuries are part of it, and you have those guys
that step up and play really well in.

Speaker 2 (01:13:34):
Those tough situations. So for me, that was great.

Speaker 12 (01:13:38):
Obviously it allowed me to heal up and and get
back to one hundred percent. And yeah, I'm just looking
to uh contribute as much as I can the rest
of the way and stay healthy.

Speaker 4 (01:13:51):
There you go. There it is.

Speaker 9 (01:13:52):
I like that what deep teams are built for. Yeah,
it was a nice little nugget. There's some good nuggets
in these interviews.

Speaker 3 (01:13:58):

Speaker 5 (01:13:58):
Our guys are good, man, Our guys are really good.
They make the interviews really fun. You know, we asked
the questions, but they give us the good answers too.
So that was a fun little project.

Speaker 2 (01:14:06):
How about that draft? That was a good draft raft audio.

Speaker 4 (01:14:11):
Yeah, that was a draft.

Speaker 5 (01:14:13):
I have a good idea for the next draft. I'll
tell you when we're off or reveal on this podcast.
How about best Adrian Denny calls from last season. Yeah,
that's a good one, right.

Speaker 9 (01:14:25):
Yeah, I have I can't hear Adrian during the game,
so I have no ideas.

Speaker 4 (01:14:33):
I don't know. I think Adrian, let's go.

Speaker 2 (01:14:39):
Kim, thanks for stopping by.

Speaker 8 (01:14:40):
Thank you so much for having me. It's so good
to see you.

Speaker 3 (01:14:42):

Speaker 8 (01:14:42):
We're almost back.

Speaker 2 (01:14:44):
Special appearances from Kim next week on the podcast to
kind of wrap up summer, We're gonna give away some pizzas. Yes,
if you've been listening to the podcast all summer, download
like subscribe listen next week because you might win some pizzas.
We've added some more depth again to the blue line,
another two way contract, which means the road Runners did

another defenseman that we didn't uh didn't expect just based
on depth the numbers, so we'll cover that. Johnny finding
out some new stuff about his uh his car. We
didn't talk about cars this week. We're out of time,
but we'll bring uh car talk back next week on
the podcast. Kim, You're always welcome to join us. Thanks
for moderating our drafts. It's the most organized, structured, disciplined

we had the drafts go so.

Speaker 9 (01:15:35):
So it was difficult because Potzi had so many good nuggets.
But honestly, I loved Zubaru and I know my role
from Welles like, yeah, I think it's Johnny.

Speaker 5 (01:15:46):
I think we split the drafts. We split the drafts
honestly though loved all Steve's too. That was like really
clever for you to that was awesome. That was we
both had really good ones. So I had I had
the best interview in the game, and I lost the
draft the best guy for ever, the best interview in
hockey for every every single cut I lost.

Speaker 4 (01:16:08):
You want the smoothies, you want the smoothies, but also
Adrian has food.

Speaker 3 (01:16:12):

Speaker 9 (01:16:13):
Yeah, we had the interview that's gonna last with me
all day because I will be singing Third Eye Blind
in my head.

Speaker 2 (01:16:21):
Yeah good tunes. Yeah, let's take everybody out with Third
Eye Blind next week on the podcast.

Speaker 16 (01:16:48):
Then she leaves to me said she you whoo motivate sends.

Speaker 17 (01:16:56):
Goes around and he goes down with me A smile.

Speaker 16 (01:17:00):
Up for you, whoever what you want to do coming
over you keep all smile. What we go through, will
stop through the rhythm to buy to you and.

Speaker 7 (01:17:08):
To me to you like to go to the first
dropping down the line.

Speaker 16 (01:17:11):
I could go to with the curse, come and let
the place, so take the state we give in the games.

Speaker 6 (01:17:16):
Place to say, I won't sell.

Speaker 17 (01:17:20):
Get me through this semi time, time to line the babies.

Speaker 8 (01:17:25):
The baby won't something.

Speaker 2 (01:17:29):
I'm not listening when you say good.

Speaker 16 (01:17:37):
This guy would go and stop sticking tips up into
my nose and nobs. I could get back there someplace
that smiling in the pictures.

Speaker 2 (01:17:51):
You would take so ex I wants to left you
up until you like it.

Speaker 16 (01:17:54):
Won't stop a ball come down and keep stopping with
the TikTok with above.

Speaker 2 (01:17:58):
For the top and there the fucked up I want
to hit it. I was leaving that above the gainst.

Speaker 16 (01:18:02):
Bit about the gain sad me.

Speaker 17 (01:18:04):
How to look at back there to the prince, move
out those we've been start to How do I get
myself back to the fake well? She said, will so, Dan,
you can't me through this semi time time of life, baby, baby,
a long time baby.

Speaker 7 (01:18:26):
I'm not listening when you say good I believe in
the sub beneath my toes.

Speaker 4 (01:18:35):
The beat gives a feeling and a dee feeling. I
believe in the feats, the.

Speaker 11 (01:18:39):
Boos and the fool I thought can make me.

Speaker 16 (01:18:42):
Why when I'm with you a few I got guy
and that would be all right, all right?

Speaker 7 (01:18:50):
And when the planking, missy saxy was cut there you
know the CONTI with you.

Speaker 16 (01:18:56):
On the most a feeld, I lie.

Speaker 2 (01:18:58):
And I walked off.

Speaker 16 (01:18:59):
Into survive those thanks you were when without only.

Speaker 17 (01:19:02):
Dressed you know, the freeestance and much done, best out
little red belly.

Speaker 16 (01:19:06):
Day doctor, do look up around the belly, face down
on the mattress.

Speaker 4 (01:19:11):
Something else do you get me to this.

Speaker 2 (01:19:17):

Speaker 4 (01:19:18):

Speaker 17 (01:19:20):
Won't something else?

Speaker 4 (01:19:23):
Not listening when you.

Speaker 7 (01:19:24):
Say side the bars up things. They sound bout that

there was a pety back, then.

Speaker 4 (01:20:05):
A lay back, then maybe then

Speaker 10 (01:20:08):
Start get the prett
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