Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
When you want more road Runners, We've got more road Runners.
This is the Tucson Roadrunners Insider Podcast. Happy, Happy, Happy Monday, everybody.
Welcome to this week's insider podcast. Jonathan Shaeffer here with
Arizona Daily Stars James Kelly.
Speaker 2 (00:18):
Speaker 1 (00:19):
We usually record this either after the game on Saturday,
you know, just kind of for an overreaction. There was
a kind of change in the arena with a concert
happening this past Sunday, or if we don't do it
Saturday night, we do it on Sunday as well. But
we did it because my voice was gone. We had
eleven goals over the weekend. Eleven goals against one of
the best defensive teams in the league, the best team
in the league of the Calgary Wranglers, scoring eleven goals.
We swept them. There are a lot of goal calls.
My voice was gone. The excitement was there. What a
great weekend for the Roadrunners, James. We talked about it
before this week, you know, the road trip that the
team had, going two and three against a pretty favorable
schedule with the Ontario Rain, our part in San Diego
goals Ontario Rain going into the road trip and then
the series against Henderson, Roadrunners snapped the three game winning
losing streak on the last the previous Saturday game went
two and three in that stretch, and we talked about
the Roadrunners just need to start that win streak. They're
at three now, They've gone to three wins in a row.
They swept the best team in the entire league. They
scored five goals on the best goaltender in the league,
Devin Cooley going into the week or yeah, most goals
he's allowed this season as well. Great week for the
Roadrunners for finally starting to see what we've expected throughout
the first few months of this year. And now the
team's on this hottest streak of the year going up
against the Coachella Valley Firebirds, which doesn't get any easier,
but you just feel the confidence is an all sky
high for the team right now.
Speaker 3 (01:55):
Yeah, it's a really good series for them.
Speaker 4 (01:56):
You know, you don't want to, you know, the fans
are the player is only get too high and lough.
Maybe the fans too too, but the players don't want
to get too high or too low. But if you
look back to the three game losing streak they had
and the three game winning streak they're on right now,
you probably have to say that the win streak is
more positive than the win streak than the losing streak
was negative because you look at the Calgary They're they're
top number one in the league, not just the division,
but the whole league. And you do that with losing
to that point terms of stats to your top goalie
right before the series starts. So it's a really good
series for the road owners.
Speaker 1 (02:32):
Yeah, and I think the first person we need to
talk about is Matthew Vilalta, right. You know, we said
the struggles that he's had to start off the season.
You know, he did get a win since October twenty fifth.
He got his first one since then on the Friday game,
and of course got the other one on the Saturday
because he started both games because we you know, we
weren't sure, I mean, depending on how Game one would
exactly go for the team, you know, as if you know,
if he was gonna start in Game two or not.
But honestly, I mean, he only faced twenty two shots
in the first game. The defense played phenomenally in front
of him as well, but he made the saves that
he needed to make in both games of this series,
but you kind of knew when he faced the twenty
two shots in the Friday night game, you know that
he was for sure going to go out there for
Game two because again, that's when Matthew Vilalta did for
US all last season.
Speaker 2 (03:25):
It's nothing new for him.
Speaker 1 (03:27):
Wouldn't be shocked if he started both games of this
upcoming series, because you know it's it's two games and
then not another one until Saturday in San Diego. So yeah,
but just what a what a response for Matthew Vilalta. Right,
you know, you're you're struggling to start off the year.
The wins aren't getting there, You're getting snake bit in
on these on these empty net goals, just you know,
things just not going his way. And then Jackson Stobber
gets called up because Stabur, you know, statistically, has played better.
You know, he's played he's given the Roadrunners chances to win,
and he was called up to Utah Hockey Club with
Ingram's day to day injury. And then Matthew Walta is
thrusted into the starting role facing off the best team
in the league, the best offense in the league as well,
and what does he do he shuts the door for
the road Runners, he makes the save that he needs
to make, the offense provides for him now finally, and
it was just a great story to have over the weekend.
For Matthew Wlalta, you kind of felt like he needed
this right, He needed the Stobourd to be called up.
He needed to start both games because I was talking
to Adrian Denny about it. You know, you can only
get you can't get in a groove when you're playing one.
Speaker 2 (04:40):
Game a week.
Speaker 1 (04:41):
And you know, maybe if Starber was still here, madd
he would be playing too. But I think the back
to backs and potentially back to backs of this upcoming
series which starts tomorrow, I think Matthew Wlalta has really
is really going to get his groove back. Now he's
starting a bunch of these games and now he's getting
the reps that he needs to get to get back
to the swing of things for himself.
Speaker 3 (05:01):
Speaker 4 (05:02):
So I was smad about that after the game, about
you know, playing playing both games and you know play
doing that, and he I remember last year, the Kodi's
goalie coach, when I talked to Hi when I did
a store on matt he said that well, he thought
that maybe the reason why Matt really expelled last year
is because he played so many games last year at
the end of I mean that last year of the
video season, when right after a prostop got called up,
and there's so many games, there's so many weekends where
Matt just played like the whole played played both games,
and so he really got into that groove. Beyond getting
in the groove where he just really was able to
develop something that he wasn't able to do as much
in Ontario and something that kind of Steve kind of
alluded to that maybe it will be a really good
thing for him to play both games this weekend. That
that's what Steve said that on Wednesday, and Matt, Matt
said the exact same thing that you said about He said, yeah,
you're really able to get into a groove and you're
playing both games. And he talked about, you know, it's
important to be able to play as a goalie, to
be eddie when you're not playing and when you're on
the bench right there for a game. But he also
said that, yeah, he loves to play. Obviously played two
games like that and he's probably hoping that he's gonna
get to play both games in this upcoming Coach Ell series.
Speaker 1 (06:14):
Yeah, it's gonna be two big games for Matthew Volalta.
I you know, you have Dylan Wells in a building
too for the time being. We know how great he
is for the team too. But you know, honestly, I
think just for the entire season standpoint, because again, Ingram's
only day today, he's not for the time being, knock
on wood. Uh, you know, he's not going on the
i L for the time being. So you know what,
Jackson Stopper can be back, you know, before the San
Diego series potentially maybe not this upcoming series against Coachella Valley.
But I think for the season long standpoint, you kind
of have to give Matthew Valalta the keys to both
of these games because then you then you'll really get
more reps, uh to get really back into the swing
of things. And then basically Matthew Volalta has another two
great games against Coachella Valley, Jackson Stobber comes back all
of a sudden, you have two hot goaltenders. And we
talked about this earlier this year. Uh, you know, just
just wait till Matthew Walalta gets his groove, Jackson Stabber's hot,
Matthew Walalta's hot, and all of a sudden, the Roadrunners
have two really hot, uh talented goaltenders moving forward.
Speaker 2 (07:23):
Let's get to our first interview by of the night.
Speaker 1 (07:26):
James, you were downstairs for the post game with Matthew Wolalta,
Ausbi Gansky and Steve Popvin talked to Matthew Volalta after
the wins and you know, just asked him about his
start to the season and just what he's been able
to accomplish in these last couple.
Speaker 2 (07:41):
Of games and what he's gonna try to do moving forward.
Speaker 5 (07:44):
Yeah, it's off. See you know, like you said, you
gotta you know, I gotta stay even keeled. You gotta,
you know, roll with bounces that don't go your way,
and you know when they do go your way, you
know what, so you gotta roll with them too, and
you can't get too far ahead of yourself. You know,
just two games I think we have I don't know,
fifty some games up now, so you know what I mean.
Our mindset is, they don't no one cares what we did,
you know today or yesterday, you know, not the game's over,
you know, we gotta do it again tomorrow. So you know,
has some pods, has been preaching, and you know, I
think as a group, we had the right mindset, you know,
the last couple of games here, and you know, we
got to keep the foot down and keep working. And
you know, we keep working hard. You know, I think
we're going to keep getting the results we want.
Speaker 1 (08:29):
Yeah, it's it can't be easy for a goaltender to
start both games. You know, the the forwards, they're coming
in on and off the ice, you know, every minute
or so. But then you have Matthew Volalta who's in
the full sixty minutes each game. Bearing when he has
to leave leave then that maybe for a potential delay penalty.
But I don't think people realize how much work it
is for Matthew Wlalta to start back to back games.
Speaker 4 (08:54):
Yeah, I feel like we talk about how how physically
demanding is her wrestling, you know, sports like that. We're
really getting physical and you see how how tired guys
get when they have fights in hockey.
Speaker 3 (09:04):
So I feel like it's kind of amped up like that.
Speaker 4 (09:06):
And you know when when they're really when they're really active,
and then there's a lot of periods where they're not
where they're waiting and they're having to analyze stuff from
when the puck's on the other end. So it's really
intense to to play back to back games like that.
Speaker 3 (09:22):
And it's something that I was on.
Speaker 4 (09:24):
Surprised that you're looking at Utah that they had back
to back nights and I thought Jackson would get in,
you know, when they played in Toronto. But it's a
it's just it's just really intense to play two games
like that back to back in the in the at
this high level.
Speaker 1 (09:38):
Yeah, and especially yeah James in the National Hockey League too.
I mean, can't be any easier to start back to
back games. A little shocked, a little shocked that Jackson
Stauberd didn't get the didn't get the helm. I mean,
Vemok has been phenomenal for Utah to start the season,
but uh, you know, going to go against a team
like Toronto and Jackson stabber again, he was hot before
his call up. He he was doing great for Tucson and
I feel you sometimes need to reward your players for that.
So a little unfortunate Jackson Stopper didn't get his start,
But you know, it's Okay, Again, it's all a process,
and obviously Utah Vimeoka does give the Utah Hockey Club
a better chance to win at the moment. So with
that being said, you know, I'm sure Stabur and or
Volalta will get their shot eventually this season, you know,
bearing anything that could potentially happen, whether it's injuries or
just wanting to have a third goalie on the roster
for Utah. But speaking of which, you know, again going
back to the two games, now, it doesn't get any
easier for Volalta. He has two days off yesterday and today.
The boys are practicing today. It's probably just a light practice. Now,
thing's going to be intense, I'm sure. And then you
have Tuesday Wednesday games and then of course you do
have Thanksgiving and Friday off. But now the Roadrunners will
be playing their third and fourth game and what a
six day span or so, So it doesn't get any
easier for the guys. Coachell had a couple of rest
days for themselves, so with that being said, you know
they're gonna be more rested than us. But I feel
like you kind of want this short string of games
when you're hot, you don't want the time off, you're
you want to keep going when you're feeling fresh. I
think that comes for for everyone working in this sport.
Like I can't believe there's more games tomorrow now, And
I feel like the broadcasts on Friday and Saturday went
really well considering some things going off the charts technical wise,
but other than that, like I'm fully game mode ready,
Like I'm kind of happy that we have more games
coming up. Of course, you need to rest the voice
a little bit more. Uh, you know, it's if you
can't tell, it's still a little bit off, but uh, definitely,
we'll be drinking a lot of tea tonight before tomorrow's game.
But if you're listening on this Monday. But with that
being said, it's another short string of games for Tucson
and it's another quick turnaround for the road Runners, and
Matthew Wlaltza will presumably be starting both of the both
of those games. And here he is right now on
that quick turnaround for the road Runners.
Speaker 5 (12:01):
Yeah, one hundred percent. I love playing a lot of games.
You're kind of getting your rhythm obviously, you know, on
situation like this this weekend, when I get to play
both it's Uh, you know, you get moving and grooving
and you're just you're just playing the game. I find
like when you sit for a while, you know, you
kind of it's harder to find your group. And you know,
i'd like to know my guy who likes to play
a lot. So I think that's bang on. You know,
the more I play, the better I feel. And you
know what, sometimes I may not always be like that
where you get to play, you know a lot of hockey,
and we just got to keep working hard and have
a positive mindset and uh, you know, strive to get
at one percent.
Speaker 6 (12:40):
Better every day.
Speaker 1 (12:41):
Yeah, that's a that's a great point, James. These guys
love playing hockey. They want, you know, multiple games and
a short string of days. I mean, that's why they're here.
They're here to play hockey. And I think they're extremely
excited to have a couple more games coming up.
Speaker 3 (12:55):
It's no big surprise.
Speaker 4 (12:56):
But I asked the guys after going into this up
stretch where they have those those quick those two quick
series in succession, and then they're comparing it to that
that stretch where they had like nine days off or
ten days off for what it was, and all the
ones I talked to and Steve were like, oh, yeah,
this is what we live for. So it's something that
you know, it's it's a great time to be playing
games so quickly, I mean the game it are such
quick succession. You could hear their workers back there preparing
the arena for the concert on Sunday nights, so it
was such a quick turnaround.
Speaker 1 (13:26):
Yeah, it's been to like twenty four to seven here
at the Tucson Arena Roadrunner games on Friday and Saturday,
concert here on Sunday, and then literally as I walked
in this morning, uh you know, they're they're like literally
finishing up like the ices back, they're finishing up hooking
up like the ice mics and everything. So just a
phenomenal job by the Tuson Arena staff to you know,
do this also quickly. I can't even imagine, like, you know,
staying up overnight converting this ice hockey ring to a concert,
and then after the concert having to do with the
next day because the Roadrunners are bad for practice this
morning here on Monday.
Speaker 2 (14:04):
So uh yeah, great job by them there.
Speaker 1 (14:07):
He used to quick turn around just as much as
the players are as well. And yeah, just a great
sweep for the Roadrunners over the Wranglers. Very impressive two wins.
Roadrunners now over five hundred at eight and seven, and
now they face off their Coachella Valley Fibers. Let's hear
from head coach Steve Pobn on the sweep of the
series against the Wranglers. James, you ask your uh, your
usual what do you think of the series? And you
have Steve Pobn that right after the game.
Speaker 7 (14:32):
You guys are powering through some quite a few games
here in the next week or so, is to this weekend,
to this week and then one right after Thanksgiving?
Speaker 2 (14:40):
Speaker 7 (14:41):
What are you doing to keep healthy and just keep
from getting banged up too bad?
Speaker 1 (14:45):
Yeah, I know.
Speaker 6 (14:45):
It's a it's a growing season, a lot of games,
a lot of travel. We're lucky enough to be home
right now for quite a few of them. So just
taking care of the body, a lot of rest, recovery, eating,
eating well, sleeping well, and just doing little things in
practice to make sure we're sharp for when games happen.
And that's what happened tonight.
Speaker 3 (15:03):
Speaker 7 (15:03):
Then you had three assists today. What was working for
you out there?
Speaker 3 (15:06):
Speaker 6 (15:06):
I know, I was playing with some good, good line
mates today with jam Oldo and he big. They they
did a lot of the dirty work. I was just
able to somehow sneak on the score shoot. But at
the end of the day, we got two wins and
that's what we're gonna look for this week.
Speaker 7 (15:18):
Or awesome, thank you, thanks.
Speaker 2 (15:21):
Well, James. That's what happens when I label stuff wrong.
Speaker 1 (15:23):
That was actually Austin Beganski with our with our very
own Brad Kerner, uh Paganski having three points over in
the Sea or in that game alone in the Saturday
night victory, and all of a sudden, Austin Bergansky's on
a nights three game point streak for himself. He's up
to six on the year as well, and his season
also started off pretty slowly, had one point up until
his three game uh point streak.
Speaker 2 (15:52):
Now that is up to five.
Speaker 1 (15:53):
So he has one goal and four assists for this
current three game point streak, and uh yeah, he's played
great for the road Runners. I think he was one
of those guys that was kind of under the radar. Yeah,
of course the captain for the team, but uh he
was still playing great. Just the points were just showing up.
And now they're starting to show for the Roadrunners captain.
Speaker 3 (16:10):
Speaker 4 (16:10):
Usually, I mean, obviously you don't pick a captain based on
the stats, or maybe not usually, but a lot of
times you don't do that. You pick and based on
the reaship skills. But he was the guy who hadn't
really even put him the stats, but he really tore
it up this weekend, had his first goal on was
it first goal on Friday, and then yeah, at a
ton of points on Saturday. It's one of the things
that when you score six goals and you score five goals,
you're gonna have a lot of guys in the statue
and he was one of those guys.
Speaker 3 (16:34):
He was all over it.
Speaker 2 (16:36):
Yeah. Great.
Speaker 1 (16:37):
It was just an overall great scoring by by everyone.
Kyler Yamamoto three games in a row with multiple points,
Ben McCartney four points in his last five, ardam Duda
three in his last four. I mean, the scoring has
just all a sudden come to life for the road Runners,
and again in a series in which they're playing the
best team in the American Hockey League against well, not
the first game they were playing Calgary's backup goaltender, but
then they went against Devin Cooley, who was statistically the
best goaltender entering that weekend. And now you can start
seeing guys nearing that double digit point mark. Sokolov sixteen
points in fifteen games, Agazino twelve and fourteen. Robbie Russo
is third on the team in points with ten assists
in fifteen games. Five of his assists or a part
of me six of his assists coming in power play fashion.
Kyler Yamamoto I just mentioned nine points in seven, Akuatu
nine and fourteen, Hunter Drew eight and ten, Sam Lipkin
who had three goals over the weekend series as well,
his first career multiple point game coming on Saturday seven
to ten, and then Ben mccartneyho I just mentioned on
a nice little streak for himself. Seven and twelve. We
saw Josh doone kind of come back to life. He
had four points over the weekend slay with two goals
and two assists, and yeah, the scoring has kind of
come back for the road Runners. Uh, you know, it
was kind of, you know, not struggling, but we weren't
seeing it as much entering the weekend, and for them
to do it against the Wringers was quite impressive.
Speaker 3 (18:10):
Yeah, that was the.
Speaker 4 (18:10):
First thing that when I talked to Matt about, you know,
getting those that getting those two wins again, he talked
about how well the guys saw while the Skaters are playing,
And obviously, if you think about it, the reason why
they won those games is they scored so many goals
and they scored really well. And that's the thing that
they've been talking about on mattson that where he just
he's been playing well, but he wasn't necessarily gatting that
run support that Steve said. And this is literally where
they got a bunch of bunch of score, but of
scores and and not only that, but a lot it
was very well, you know, there are guys who have
multiple points, but for the most part is really spread
out and really really what you like to see a
lot of variety and scores.
Speaker 1 (18:49):
Yeah, and that's what we were kind of used to last season, right,
the variety of the scoring. Uh, with so much of
the depth for the road Runners. And with that being said, uh,
you know, we talked about, you know, the new faces
are really the unexpected faces that the Roadrunners had within
the top scoring spots. But you know, I obviously Josh
Doon and Yamamoto played way less games than Igor Sokolov
and Andrew Agazino. But then you know, with Yamamoto being
fourth on the team despite playing just seven games in
the points and even for one hunter Drew's standpoint, only
playing ten games this year, four less and five less
than a couple of other players with eight points on
the year. And then Sam Lipkin all of a sudden
now you know, seventh on the team in points as well,
and then Ben McCartney and Josh Stone.
Speaker 2 (19:36):
You're really liking the way that everyone.
Speaker 1 (19:38):
Has contributed, and you know, Kim Kodoroblaz before our pregame
show on Friday, said it's gonna be a full staff effort,
and that's what it really was. It was a full
staff effort for the guys. You know, they put everything
on the line. They got it all together. The goaltending
was there as well, and I think it also felt
a little better, you know, little sweets obviously, you know,
regular season, but a little sweet that it was against
a team that swept the road Runners last year in
the calder Cut playoffs.
Speaker 2 (20:09):
We asked Steve about that as well.
Speaker 1 (20:10):
You know, obviously it wasn't the you know, as a
head coach, that's the one thing you want to forget about.
But I think a lot of guys returning, uh still
kind of felt that a little bit from the Wranglers
last season. And you also asked Steve about that, just
getting the sweep on the Wranglers and kind of getting
a little revenge on the Calgary Flames affiliate. Let's hope
that I labeled this one right. Here's Steve right now
on sweeping the Wranglers.
Speaker 8 (20:35):
We're trying to get to our game. You know, I
to be honest with you, we respect Calgary and what
they did last season that had we at least for
from our perspective what we're trying to gain momentum in
our game and enthusiasm and in our in our way.
But you know, of course, you know when you look back,
it's it's nice to be able to get some retribution,
but it's more about trying to get to our game
and get our guys, you know, some continuity and and
some consistency. And that's basically what we tried to do
all all week to prepare and I thought we did
a good job of doing that.
Speaker 2 (21:15):
Yeah, it was.
Speaker 1 (21:16):
It was a great job, you know, I think, uh,
I think when it comes to a hockey team, James,
It's just it's finding the identity. You know, you gotta
find your identity to start off this season. I don't
think the Roadrunners necessarily had it yet, but now we
have finally found the identity, uh in these last two
games in this Weeep versus the Wranglers.
Speaker 3 (21:35):
Speaker 1 (21:36):
And now it's up to the road Runners to just
keep the identity going into this years against the Coachell
Valley Firebirds.
Speaker 3 (21:42):
Yeah, that's one of the things.
Speaker 4 (21:43):
If you remember from last year, Calgary was at the
top of the division, really high for up until I
think it was like January, and then they started kind
of fade away and then they end up seventh, and
you know, obviously we're all surprised to see them, see
them in the seventh spot and playing against number two
too soon. So it's a it's a league that they
have a forgiving playoff structure, no doubt the division and
probably if you're talking about a major league, major league,
probably too many teams make the playoffs. But with the
way the development, with the way that the league is,
what so many guys getting called up, it's it's good
to see so many teams to move in and so
it's forgiving, so you can have a chance to kind
of relax and not a lot of a lot of
pressure at this point the season. So the Runners were
able to kind of find their groove and hopefully this
is going to be something that's going to continue through
the through through the new year.
Speaker 3 (22:32):
Speaker 1 (22:32):
I think that's what's more impressive is that the road
Runners went from a losing streak to a winning streak.
All of a sudden, there are five and four lost
through their road dropped to five and seven. Now they've
won three and our bow back over five hundred once
again and now eight and seven. And you know, to
go from a losing streak to a winning streak is
not easy by any means.
Speaker 2 (22:53):
You know.
Speaker 1 (22:53):
Maybe sometimes you go on a losing streak, you win one,
then you lose a couple more. You know, those are
the teams that don't get back to that consistent base.
The Roadrunners were able to. They got two of them
against the best team in the American Hockey League and
the captain ostabmcgansky five points in his three game point streak,
three points on the Saturday night victory which the Roadrunners
scored the six goals, winning six to two, and Osi
mcganski was also right there after the game for postgame
to shed some light on going from a losing streak
to a winning streak.
Speaker 3 (23:26):
I know it.
Speaker 6 (23:27):
Wins and losses happened throughout there. It's just how you, uh,
you bounce back and you learn from it and you
and you grow as a team. And I thought, uh,
these two games, I thought we really uh we stuck together.
We grew as a team and executed how we were,
how we planned. And I think we can we can
grow from this and we can take some positives. There's
definitely some things we need to uh to work on
and to sharpen up. But uh, at the end, it's
it's two wins against a good, good team, and we're
really excited about that.
Speaker 1 (23:54):
Yeah, I think it is exciting now, you know. And
Polga had a good Uh We're like, he god, what's
the word now? Now I'm blanket. He had a good point.
Pogo had a great point. You know, there's wins and
losses come in the season. Every team goes through a
losing streak. Every team goes through hot streaks as well.
And we talked about last year, you know, the road
Runs didn't really have their their big losing streak until
kind of near the end of the season. This time
it just started a little bit earlier. But you know, again,
it's not how you start, it's how you finish. And
I think for the Roadrunners right now, it's just finishing
off the month of November with a couple more wins.
And boy, if the Roadrunners are able to get a
sweep over Coachella Valley and go into San Diego and
i five game winning streak, it would be huge for
the team because you know, we know Coachell is doing great.
They're currently on a seven game point streak right now.
They've all of a sudden climbed the division. They're fourth
right now, but that's because they played way less games
than San Jose and Colorado. But they're nine to five,
one seven game point streaks, seven to one in their
last ten games. So this isn't the Coachella Valley team
that we saw in the beginning of the season now
was near five hundred.
Speaker 4 (25:06):
Yeah, and it's He had a good point that you
know obviously that you don't want to get too high
and too low, but also it is honestly, it is
rare for to go from a losing streak to winning
streak like that. Usually you have like a game where
you recover and you end the losing streak and maybe
you don't win the next one ever, But and on
top of that, it's the losing streak was against three
different teams, whereas the winning streak is against the two
of those were back to back against the team in
the league. So you know, that's really impressive and it's
something that you go back and look at it. They
had that really frustrating game last Friday night when they
were in Henderson where they they had a lot of chances,
but they weren't of the you know, they weren't in
a capitalized and so they had players only meeting the
famous players on his met Since then, they've gone on
that tear and one of those three games.
Speaker 1 (25:53):
Yeah, you know, sometimes you kind of just I wouldn't
say a wake up call, but sometimes you kind of
just need to sit down with everybody and just say, like,
you know, guys, what do we need to do. You know,
we need to look in the mirror and you know,
figure it out. And Steve, that's what I remember that
second game in Henderson, walking in the pregame, doing my
pregame interview with Steve, and a lot of the guys
were like, we're gonna ship sail here, like we're gonna
turn things around and it's gonna start tonight.
Speaker 2 (26:24):
And it did.
Speaker 1 (26:25):
We got the two one victory over Henderson, you have
a Moto, scored the two goals for us, and then
got the big victories over the Wranglers in the sweep
and again, yeah, I'm a Moto man. He has been
just so impressive for the Roadrunners, three straight games with
multiple points over on a four game point streak with
his which is a current team high right now, and
you know, again, like it just feels like an NHL
player out there playing on an AHL team. And as
much as of course we want him to be back
up in the NHL suit as possible because he is
an NA player, Uh, you know, man, I think the
Roaders just need to take full advantage while we have
him on our roster right now because he has been
just phenomenal for the Roadrunners.
Speaker 4 (27:10):
There's a lot of guys that you think are going
to be called up pretty soon, but he's definitely one
of those guys that he's very near the top of
the queue, top of the top of the line, because
he's just the guy who you look at how long
he played in the National Hockey League up up until now.
Obviously I'm not saying that he's stopp playing in the
National Hockey League, but you look at how long he's
been playing in it, and he's been playing with guys
like McDavid and I'm playing for those really good Oilers teams.
So it's really it's really a situation where the Runners
are honestly lucky to have him, but they're very fortunate
that they were able to that.
Speaker 3 (27:43):
The NHL.
Speaker 4 (27:45):
NHL execs didn't really see him as an NHL player
at the time, but he's really showing that. Yeah, he's
definitely an NHL player.
Speaker 1 (27:53):
Yeah he really is. And he's just so quick out there.
And that line that I love, the line of him
pogo and he big. That line was absolutely phenomenal. Uh
in that second game, really overall in the entire series,
and we saw James for like one of the first
times in a while where the lines didn't change at all.
We delighted the pairings did so well on the Friday
Night five three victory that Steve kept the exact same
line out there for the Saturday night game and that
same those same pairings did the work. They they they
thumbed the Calgary You know, it's it's funny to say that,
not saying that I was expecting the Roadrunners to not
do the sweep, but you know, even if you even
if we went one and one, we take it. But
we got the sweep, and I think that was just, uh,
the best part of how the night went. But yeah,
that line of Paganski getting three assists on the night,
Yamamoto with one goal and one assists, and then Cameron
he Bigh scoring his third goal of the season, if
I'm not mistaken, and you know, it was just one
of those just impressive outings from that certain line. And
again I think everyone contributed, even the Juggernaut line of
Travis Baron, Kurz Douglas and Hunter Drew, even though not
getting any points. You know, they they always set the
tone like they usually do. We saw a couple of
fights over the weekend as well, and yeah, all the
lines just contributed and wouldn't be surprised if we just
kind of saw similar pairings for these upcoming games on
Tuesday and Wednesday Tomorrow and Wednesday.
Speaker 4 (29:23):
Yeah, Steve said they he thought they were Calviri didn't
play in it as well as they're kind of usually
do on Friday, but they came back and Saturday and
played play a lot better. You know, they obviously don't
going to get swept. They have a lot of pride
there and they their team is used to losing, and
so they came out there and really tried to try
to set the tone, try to do that, but their
own unders pushed them back and the Runners really controlled
that game. It's something that Steve said after the game
that you know they didn't It's something that when they
have such a lot, so much stuff that they have
right there that they have in the team, and when
they're coming coming in the series, they're kind of you know,
five hundred, you know, kind of not not playing as
well as you think they would play. You're gonna shift
up the line up a little bit. But they they
decided to keep the keep the line up, keep the
keep the lines. I'll keep them, I'll keep them the same.
When they were able to that really paid off and
we'll see what We'll see how they line up on Tuesday.
Speaker 1 (30:15):
Yeah, Steve has done a phenomenal job with the pairings.
Speaker 9 (30:20):
Speaker 1 (30:20):
You know, we had the first one of Sokolov, Agazino
and Josh Stone, uh, Paganski, Yamamoto and he big third line,
Sam Lipkin, McCartney and Aku Ratzu, and then the fourth
one of Curtis Douglas, Travis Baron Hunter Drew. How impressive
was that, James, I didn't even look at a sheet.
I just remembered that from from Saturday, so that I
was trying to That's why I was delayed a couple
of times, goes on back. I'm getting this right. Uh,
But yeah, so great pairings we saw last year of
just all the flip flop of the lines, which was great.
It was a great way for the Roaders to kind
of keep everything different each game. But sometimes sometimes consistency
is good and it gives the guys time to uh
you know, kind of match with each other on these
line pairings. And you know, I'm not saying it was
it was part of the struggle, but I think in
the beginning of the season, Uh, it was kind of
hard to find those Uh there's those consistency on the
lines and for the team to have or do what
they did against Calgary these past two weekends. Might see
then be the same or Steve Favin wants to if
he feels like he needs to, he'll change it all
up because that's just the way the Roadrunners work. And
if it's a if it equals to wins, then so
be it. We'll we'll be fine with it too. And again,
it gives all the guys, uh, constant consistency as well.
Speaker 4 (31:36):
Yeah, sir, In this league with players moving up and everything,
injuries and stuff like that, you do want to change
up the lines a lot. But and it's something that
I always check. I was like, oh, so who's playing here?
Who's playing where? You always check that, But you do
get that positive. It does work well when we have
that consistency guys playing together, and when you have that
full practice week to play together.
Speaker 1 (32:00):
Yeah, yeah, full practice week to play together. Previously, now
there's not a full practice week. The guy has obviously
had Sunday off and then have a day here together.
So you know, with with that being said, you know
it's just gonna be a I wouldn't say light practice day,
but just one day of practice is not a lot.
But again, with how the Roadrunners played the short stretch
of games. This is perfect for the team right now.
I think this is awesome that we have games tomorrow
and Wednesday, because now the guys don't have time to
really think.
Speaker 2 (32:29):
They just have time to do.
Speaker 1 (32:31):
And what they're gonna do is hopefully get some more
wins now against Coachella Valley, a team that we've you know,
had a lot of great games against in the past,
had the playoff series two years ago, technically won the
series by one point at going four to three, zero
to one against them, And yeah, with that being said,
it's going to be in an amazing series coming up
against them. Another thing, James, another aspect, and I think
the Roadrunners did a great job with this on kind
of taking full advantage of was the power play. We
talked about how much the Roadrunners haven't really been given
a lot of power play opportunities, you know, going into
this matchup, and then all of a sudden they score
a couple over the weekend versus the Wranglers, and now
the road Runners have the best power play percentage in
the entire age Hoercific the Pacific Division at twenty two
point six.
Speaker 4 (33:27):
Yeah, that was a thing that they weren't able to
during the losing streak. They they were getting even during
early in the one even though one when they won
and Henderson when they had two goals, they weren't able
to They weren't scoring a lot of goals. But then
one of the big factors, and that was the power play,
and they were able to really step up and get
get a power play. Go on on Friday and get
a couple. I'm going two for three on on Saturday.
Speaker 1 (33:50):
Yeah, And gosh, I wish I had the stats right
in front of me. But UH, there was a point
where the road Runners were given about eleven power play
opportunities in five games.
Speaker 2 (34:03):
That's not a lot.
Speaker 1 (34:04):
That's not a lot of power play opportunities, uh in
five games, but over that stretch versus the Wranglers UH
and and and also we've had three straight games with
a power play goal UH as well for Tucson. And
trying to do all the math off the top of
my head, I believe the Roadrunners were able to score
four power play goals UH in eight total opportunities in
these last few games for Tucsons. So that's just taking
full advantage of your opportunities. Because again, it's not like
the Roadrunners have become frustrated with not getting power play opportunities. Uh,
you know, they've stayed calm and composed, and I think
that's what's also been huge for this team because we've
seen games before where Tucson takes a lot of penalties
and things kind of go out of spiral. We saw
those in the first couple of games of the year,
but I don't think it's really been the case to
in these last few games as Tucson's take advantage of
the power play.
Speaker 4 (35:01):
Yeah, it's the trilling, pressive. Hell, they've been able to
capitalize on those power plays. I mentioned they were two
for three on Saturday, doing a lot of penalties in
that game, and a lot of a lot of penalties
in a Friday game where they are one for two
and then they were a perfect two and zero on
the on the p K and then they were one
for three on the PK on on Saturday. But it's
really impressive how they're able to capitalize on those there.
You saw Rueland season where or sple Off was getting
those one timers and getting it in, and then they
had that in the Henderson where they had the fake
where they came back around and they looked like he
was gonna do one time where the Kyler came in
and scored. So they're really getting the power power play
unit for the Runners. Although all the special teams overall too,
especially the power play unit, they're doing really well and
they deserve kudos for the Roadrunners.
Speaker 1 (35:48):
Ah, James, as we're recording right now, the Fellas are
now taking the ice for their practice. Yeah, I'm at
the arena everybody, in case that wasn't obvious, already at
the arena right now. We're getting a lot done today
with the upcoming game tomorrow now with the quick turnaround
for two son.
Speaker 2 (36:02):
All right, James, I got the stat right.
Speaker 1 (36:03):
So the Roadrunners have been given eight power play opportunities
in the last three games.
Speaker 2 (36:09):
Honestly, that's not a lot.
Speaker 1 (36:10):
I mean that's maybe average, maybe average, you know, maybe
three per games of the average. Obviously sometimes teams get
like five or six on a good night. But the
Roadrunners have scored four on those eight power play opportunities.
So the Roadruns are hitting a fifty power play line
in the last three games, also scoring a power play
goal in the last three games as well, and now
the road Runs have the best power play in the
entire division. Obviously, I haven't played as many games as
a couple of these other teams, but that's just quite impressive,
and I gotta highlight Robbi Russo to Speaking of the
power play, he now leads the team in power play
points one more over Igor Sokolov who has five, Andrew
Ragazino is up to five now with one going for assists.
Josh Doone getting his second power play goal, He's now
up to three power play points on the unit as well.
But man for Robbie Russo, six of his ten total
points this year on the power play. He leads defenseman
in points as well, all coming on assists, So he's
got ten assists on the season, which I believe also
leads the Tire Roadrunners team right now. So yeah, I mean,
what an impressive outing and what a great signing that
Robbie Russo has been.
Speaker 2 (37:21):
Yeah, those ten power play.
Speaker 1 (37:22):
Assists currently leading the team right now, And you really, James,
you just really like to see these off season acquisitions
just performing well. You know, I think at first we're
highlighting more of Igor Sokolov and Andrew Ragazino, but then
now Robbie Russo ten points, Kyler Yamamoto nine points. You know,
I guess you can consider part of the off season
was signing Sam Lipkin to that three year entry level contract.
He's now up to seven points on the year. Ardam
due to three year entry level contract at six points
on the season. And of course we know how jack
great Jackson Stabber has been but he's still with the
Utah Hockey Club for the time being. So what a
great job that this staff, this you know, John Ferguson,
g M b A and just what everyone has done
to bring these guys into the building.
Speaker 2 (38:09):
And now we're starting to see the results.
Speaker 3 (38:13):
Yeah know, they're they continue to impress. I mean the
front office.
Speaker 4 (38:18):
I mean there was a couple of years ago where
they brought in Stephen caffer at the trade deadline and
they pushed him and got them in the playoffs, and
then they added they both threw the team that off season,
and they both came again this offseason.
Speaker 3 (38:30):
It's a it's a it's a really impressive.
Speaker 4 (38:34):
Front office that they have that they you know, they
share with Utah because you know, Utah has the same
front office that are interns of hockey hockey operations, has
the same front office as Arison the head and and
they work really well together.
Speaker 3 (38:47):
And they.
Speaker 4 (38:50):
Another impressive another impressive off season they had.
Speaker 1 (38:54):
Yeah, and I think that's and you know, we've highlighted
this so many times, and even last season. You know,
a lot of I feel like a lot of NHL
to HL affiliates, you know, the NHL team obviously, you
know we are a development team at the end of
the day, but you know you still have to give
credit where credits due where you know, John Ferguson and
Bill Armstrong, you know, they they want this team to
succeed just as much as the Utah Hockey Club does.
And yeah, it's still work in progress for Utah. You know,
they've had some strings of wins together, they have had
some strings of losses together. But we are seeing the
the offense contribute, you know, loving what Dylan Gunther has
done to start the season, and with everybody else in
the building right now. And you know, Michael Kesslering being
a great story starting last season with the road runs
and ending it off in his best season of his
career h with the Utah Hockey Club. And now of
course another great story of Jackson Stauber playing up there
Maverick Lameru only a couple.
Speaker 2 (39:52):
Of games with us.
Speaker 1 (39:53):
He's kind of like the the new Michael Kessing of
this season. Uh, you know, we don't know when he
will be back or if he'll ever be back. But yeah,
you know at the end of the day, where we're
still the development team, you know, we want to develop
these guys as much as possible and when they're ready
for the NHL, they are of course, Like you know,
example of Josh Done coming down to play with us
to get his groove back, and now he has four
points over these two games. And now if Josh Stone
begins to get hot for Tucson, it's kind of just
like a watch out, you know, whether it's he spends
the rest of the season here or not.
Speaker 2 (40:23):
We know what Josh Jones able to do when he
gets hot.
Speaker 1 (40:26):
But yeah, again going back to the just the management
of the Roadrunners just always appreciate what they've done for
this team to keep everyone keep to keep it a
successful team.
Speaker 2 (40:37):
For the Roadrunners.
Speaker 1 (40:38):
Again, it's just as much as the Coyotes were rebuilding
and now Utah Hockey Club rebuilding, it was a rebuild
for the road Runners too. And this past offseason we
talked about, you know, kind of the Roadrunners going all
in right now, you know, with the off season acquisitions
and getting Matthew wo Walter back, signing Jackson Stobber, It's
it's an all in season for Tucson, or at least
the start of many all in seasons because a couple
of these guys we've have for multiple years now. Obviously
it was a bit of a slower start, but three
game win streak, and you just, I mean, James again,
I'm a full optimistic I'm always optimistic. Kim's always calling
me out for it. I'm always saying like every game
is going to be a victory. But you just feel
like this is now the start of a great run
for Tucson and it comes now, hopefully against the Coachell
Valley Firebirds team on a seven game point streak, and
it's going to be another huge series. And I just
love that it starts tomorrow. I'm so ready for hockey.
Speaker 4 (41:36):
Yeah, there's a lot of reasons for optimism with this
win streak because you know, you're they're doing it with
Jackson up with the NHL and with a lot of
guys who hadn't been putting up numbers in terms of
stats early seasons that are now really tearing up and
really you're lighting off the score sheet and they're playing
well on offense, playing all defense, playing well, POWA play,
playing well on PK.
Speaker 3 (42:00):
You know.
Speaker 4 (42:01):
So there's a lot of reasons for optimism going to
this series. And it's another you know, they're got kind
of a revenge series, you could say. You know, they
had the they swapt Bickersfield early in season, who was
actually one of the few team the only team that
had the winning record against twoson last year. They made
that statement, and then they they lost to of course
to Calgary in the playoffs last year, so they.
Speaker 3 (42:27):
Got that revenge against them, and.
Speaker 4 (42:30):
They have you know, coach all of Ela coming in
that you know, it was a couple of years ago
when they lost him in the playoffs and it was
a three game series as opposed to getting swept. And
you have a lot of changes, I mean, you have
a lot of changes like Austin against he was actually
on coach out at that time. But it's a big
series again, kind of a revenge series for the guys
who are left over from a couple years ago.
Speaker 3 (42:49):
So it's a should be another interesting series.
Speaker 1 (42:53):
Sorry, I just I started laughing because I almost forgot
we got to play Brad Turner's I Hey, I have
a question interview. But yeah, James, that's a that's a
really great point with Baker's Field too. You know, Bakersfield
had Tucson's number last year. We went two and six
against them, got the sweep versus the Edmonton Oiler's affiliate
in October. Calgary swept us last year in the first
two games of the Color Cup playoffs.
Speaker 2 (43:17):
We sweep them back.
Speaker 1 (43:18):
Obviously, I know these are just regular season games, but
feels good. It feels good in the back of your head.
You never know when we're gonna be facing these guys.
You never know when again, James, like, if Calgary for
some reason has another collapse mid season, or the Roadrunners
going some insane run coming up, and you look at
the standings and maybe Tucson has the edge on Calgary.
You're going to look back at a series like this
and say that sweep was so huge for Tucson to
give them. Put them in the spot right now and
the Roadrunners face off the Ring was again very soon.
We have two games tomorrow and Wednesday versus the Ring sorry, Firebirds.
And then obviously Thanksgiving off Friday, we bust the San
Diego game versus the Goals, come back for a few days,
and then we fly over the Calgary to face out
the Wranglers at the Saddle Dome. So these two teams
are going to be seeing each other very soon. And
now it started, it's going to start feeling like the
Revenge Games or the Revenge Series for the Wranglers because
we swept them and now they're going to want to
play hard on us. So, uh, you know, it's kind
of good that the Roadrunners are playing the Wranglers and
four games, uh, you know after these next three matches,
so then you know the Roadrunners can stay hot, then
they'll stay hot against a really good team.
Speaker 3 (44:35):
Yeah, it's you talked about.
Speaker 4 (44:37):
You know, maybe if this the standards get really weird
and they might face them again, you know, and you know.
Speaker 3 (44:44):
In the first round.
Speaker 4 (44:45):
But obviously, you know, there are a couple of teams
that are really good and you expect to them to
go deep in terms of talent, so maybe they face
off in the semi finals or the or the division
finals or something. So it's something that you always want
to have that kind of of having swept them, and
not just in terms of little points, but in terms
of psych in terms of psychology where you know that
you can beat this team and you know you can
only beat him, you can beat them back to back
like that. So it was a really good, good series
for the Roadrunners.
Speaker 1 (45:15):
Yeah, it really was great series for twoson three game
winning streak season high Roadrunners also acquiring their season high
with the six goals on Saturday six to victory. Scored
five goals on the Friday victory. Fourth time this season
that Roadnuners scored five goals. You can say now fifth
time this year that the Roadruners have scored five goals.
Are better on the Saturday night victory eleven to five,
outscoring the Wranglers in that season sweep.
Speaker 2 (45:45):
They weren't close games.
Speaker 1 (45:46):
I mean, the Wranglers had that lead for a bit,
you know, when they took a two to one lead
in Game two. There were moments where they, of course
had momentum, that's what you expect from a great team.
But James, those were games where the road Runs just
controlled the whole time. And I think that's just what's
more impressive about the sweet They weren't close games.
Speaker 2 (46:01):
There weren't games where it's like who's going to win?
Speaker 1 (46:04):
You know, I feel like there's the moment maybe in
game one, of course you kind of knew the Roadrunners
kind of had it all the way. But yeah, you know,
for game two, once Cameron Heebiks scored that go ahead
goal really quickly right after, I think at that point
you knew two songs going to win this game, and
they controlled it the rest of the way.
Speaker 3 (46:23):
Yeah, they just really took over.
Speaker 4 (46:24):
I mean you didn't really they did early on in
the second period. Calgary did take that lead, but you
just felt like that whole game where they were just
it was just a road Uners game. They weren't going
to lose that game. It's truly impressive because you would
think that, you know, it'd be the other way around,
where Calgary the first place team, We're like, no, that
we're going to take over this game. It's cute, you
know that you won that first game, but no, we're
gonna take over one a secondame. But no, it was
the other way and the Roadrunners were the ones who
just dominated the whole game.
Speaker 2 (46:53):
Yeah, they dominated the whole series.
Speaker 1 (46:55):
We'll look to do so again another against another hot
team like the Firebirds did. They just swept the Wranglers,
who were the hottest team in the league, and I
think the Roadruns can do the exact same for the
fire Birds. All right, James, before we get out of here,
before we let everyone go into the rest of their mondays,
gotta play. Hey, I have a question interview with Brad
Kerner as he caught up with Steve Povin after the game.
Speaker 7 (47:17):
You know, it's the second night of a back to
back and we won both of them, So I have
a question for you it. Tonic's question is when was
the last time you rode a bike?
Speaker 8 (47:26):
Oh, that's a good question. It would have to be
last summer.
Speaker 3 (47:31):
Speaker 7 (47:32):
Yeah, we had the tour to two Song going today,
so I figured that'd be a good one.
Speaker 1 (47:36):
Yeah, And I haven't mentioned the tour to two Song
going on this past weekend. It was a very busy
weekend here at the you know, the entire Tuson Convention Center.
Speaker 2 (47:45):
Uh, not just the arena. James, what's the last time
you rode a bike?
Speaker 4 (47:51):
When we thought of the question, we thought of the
you know, outside bike, So the stationary bike a few
years ago but okay, it's been a really long time.
Speaker 1 (47:58):
I don't remember a stationary bike. We'll take a stationary bike.
A bike is a bike. Last time I wrote one,
I think last summer. Last summer I visited my friend
a lot in Long Beach and he always wanted to
go biking, which I was terrified of because I hate
biking on the streets. I don't want someone to hit me,
especially that I don't see him coming behind me. So
I don't like riding bikes as much. So a tour
to twoson is definitely not for me. Well, James, thanks
so much for joining me again. Great show. Roadrunners on
a three game winning streak. We'll try to make it
four and five against the Coachella Valley Firebirds.
Speaker 2 (48:31):
Game two is tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (48:33):
Kim Coderolas and I will be on Happy Hour leading
into Roadrunners warm up. We're going to get Matthew Violalta
on this week's show as well, so watch out for
Roadrunners Happy Hour. You can listen to the episode afterwards
if you do miss it at Tucson Roadrunners dot com
slash Happy Hour. We will see you at the Tucson
Arena tomorrow. Don't forget everyone as well, we have an
oven mid giveaway this upcoming Wednesday for our Thanksgiving game
for the first fifteen hundred fans to enter the arena.
So if we want to get to your oven Mid
as well, go to tucsons dot com, slash tickets or
ticketmaster dot com. We'll throw things off with lights to
Tucson and we will see you tomorrow at the TCC.
Speaker 9 (49:16):
Gotta see the lights for two soon, gotta pack, don't
get a gotta see the lights of two soon. You're
coming back. We get just been my little on there
sity candid listen with the kid, but two soon. My
heart is a yearning like bronzing my wheels. Arginer in
can't we be there with her by in the Catalina?
The lights of too sun shining and hello be aloner
well Neversona he it isn't reaching this guy.
Speaker 7 (50:21):
You gotta see the lions of Tucson. I got him back.
Speaker 9 (50:25):
Get a new gotta see the lions of Tucson.
Speaker 6 (50:29):
Be coming back.
Speaker 9 (50:30):
We will get a new Bob.
Speaker 4 (50:36):
Follow you gotta see the lights are too so I
got back to the moon.
Speaker 3 (50:43):
Get the moon.
Speaker 9 (50:44):
Gotta see the lights too soon? Many coming back?
Speaker 2 (50:47):
Will you get a mom,