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August 31, 2023 8 mins

This bonus episode is special!! Amy's cousin, Amanda Rieger Green, is leading you (& Amy!) through a 5-min guided meditation that will help you open up and make space for all of the amazing things in your day. Try to do this meditation 7 days in a row and then see if you can keep going after that! It will be a game changer if you can commit! 


Listen. Enjoy. Like. Subscribe. All the things. And most importantly, have the day you need to have! 

Amy Brown // // @RadioAmy

Amanda Rieger Green, MPH // // @soulpathology

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thank you for coming over to the free meditation. Amy
here and Amanda Riga Green's gonna walk us through this. Now,
this is a five minute meditation that is going to
be a game changer for you. So the challenge will be,
don't just download this and do it once. Come back
to it seven days in a row. If you want

to go longer, great, but that's where you're really going
to start to see it working. You can listen to
this at the beginning of your day. Whatever works for you,
just try to get it in every single day. If
you're here with us, I'm going to sit here and
do this meditation as Amanda leads us through it. It's
like we're all sitting together. Do it a meditation.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Here we go.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
Wherever you are, find a comfortable seat or lying down.
Taking a deep inhale to start through your nose, fill
your body with oxygen. Open your mouth, auto sigh of
reliefs again, deep inhale, filling your lungs, creating space in

the body. Inhale longer than you want, hold exhale, big.

Speaker 2 (01:16):

Speaker 3 (01:21):
One more deep inhalation, oxygenating your entire body, your entire being,
maybe even allowing you to expand beyond your body. Hold, hold, exhale, release,
now beginning to tense your body up from the tips

of your toes, through your ankles, your legs, your knees,
your fist, your arms, your chest, your shoulders, your jaw,
your head. Hold, hold, hold, release, feeling the energy leave
your body, the sensations. Let's repeat this two more times.
Tense up, tense up, tighter, tighter, bringing together fear, pain, aggravation, disease, discomfort, tighter, tighter, tighter, release,

allowing everything to fluidly relax into your body, Around your body.
One more time. Tense, tense, bringing in anything that is
causing you discomfort, pain, aggravation. Bring it all together, cultivate it,
culminate it. Exhale, release, relax, let it go, send it

out into the universe. If you need to shake your hands,
gently move your body a little bit, it's okay. Let
the body know it has permission to fully relax. Bringing
your hand now one hand, the left hand to the belly,

the right hand to the chest, gently feeling the rhythms
of your own breath. Maybe you can feel your heartbeat
or your belly gently rise and fall. Relax your jaw,
release the tongue, from the roof of the mouth, literally

giving the body permission to relax, to be in a receptive,
calm state. The mind the ability to shut down some
of the chatter, creating time and space for yourself in
your mind's eye, the empowered voice in your head repeat

after me today, I am available for love.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
Today. I'm available for peace today. I'm available for healing today.
I'm available for joy today. I'm available for happiness today.

I'm available for kindness today. I'm available for generosity today.
I'm available for security today. I'm available for fun today.

I'm available for ease today. I'm available for fill in
your blank today.

Speaker 3 (04:58):
I am available to receive all the gifts that God's
wondrous universe has to give me. Releasing your hands, coming
into your mind's eye, finding stillness, finding peace, smiling at

the time and the space you've cultivated in your mind, body, spirit,
knowing that you were taking steps toward greater healing, clarity, happiness,
and alignment. Deep inhale to come back to your body,

back to your breath, open your mouth, audible sigh two
more times inhale, oxygenating the body, sending life for sin.
Exhale release one more deep breath, filling the body with oxygen, light, hair,

sending it out beyond your body. Now exhale, release, coming
back into this space, into your own presence, and ready
to begin again wherever you are.

Speaker 1 (06:24):

Speaker 2 (06:24):
I must stay. I must stay.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
That would buy so fast? See five minutes. I mean,
I know that if meditation is new to you, which
it was for me as well earlier this year, and
I think, well, my mind wanders while I'm doing it,
so I'm just not good at it.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
Well guess what.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
Even some of the expert meditators out there, their mind
wanders too, but all they do is redirect back into
the meditation. They release the thought. They don't judge themselves
for having the thing or say they're bad meditators. They
just acknowledge the thought and release it. So that's a
little tip from me that I have to do it
all the time, especially with my ADHD brain. Acknowledge the thought,

release the thought, and go back to the guided meditation.
Acknowledge the thought, release the thought, go back to the
guided meditation.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
So hope y'all enjoyed that.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
Thank you, Amanda.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
You bet just remember that the body and the mind
are powerful, and when we the more time The more
space we create with our mind, our breath, and our body,
the more alignment and healing we get to have. That
creates clarity within ourselves.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
And I love that today I am available for, I
am open to that is.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
Oh, that was good.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
That's good for me.

Speaker 3 (07:45):
Think of it as conditioning your day, conditioning your space
today I'm available for.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
Yeah. And this is what a great way to set
up your week.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Every single day, you're going to be so open and
available to all the things, all the things, all right.
Thanks Amanda,

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