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September 3, 2024 42 mins

After a week of vacation, Bobby records an emergency episode to talk about the misery he experienced in Italy, the announcement of Oasis reuniting and Linkin Park teasing a big announcement this week. 

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Everybody welcome to just me, and we're gonna put this
as a Bobby cast. A lot of things that I
want to talk about here, mostly because I've been able
to do nothing for about eight days. I had COVID
and I was kind of reset. The last week or so,

we were going on vacation and we were going to Italy.
We went to Italy last year and we missed our
last vacation this year. So we're gonna go to Italy
this year when we're taking my wife's parents with her,
which is very exciting because I love my wife's parents.
Anybody that I would say, yeah, we're gonna go with

my in laws, they were like really on a trip.
But actually I really enjoy being around them. Maybe it's
because I didn't have parents, maybe a little bit of it.
Mostly I just think they're awesome to be around. So
we go to Italy, and by the way, I'm going
to say some things here that I probably wouldn't say
on the radio show. You know, there are all these
levels now of passive listening and people who don't know

us in things we would say to people who do
know us. It's like saying something in a group of
close friends because they get you and the understand your
humor or your history, versus saying the same exact things
with people that you don't know. Maybe they just don't
get it at all and they feel a different way
about you. So I'm gonna just say some stuff here
that I probably wouldn't say on the radio show because

a lot of the people listening on the actual radio
show could be new listeners, could be very passive listening,
could be people for the first time, and they just
would go, that's weird, or that's unrelatable, or that's unlikable,
all those things. So I'll just be completely honest and
authentic here, not that I'm not be a little more

selective on the actual radio show. Okay, so we were
going to Italy. We went last year, but I was
approached probably four or five months ago about buying a
part of an Italian basketball team. And I love sports,

and I guess the reason I wouldn't say this in
the radio show is because people could hear this for
the first time and go, this guy is talking about
buying a basketball team from a foreign country, not knowing
like my whole backstory of I had nothing growing up,
and now it's like now that I have success and
I have some money, like, I want to go do
all the stuff I didn't get to do. And if
that's being a part owner of an Italian basketball team,

that sounds freaking awesome, like I'm doing kid stuff now,
except that's not really a kid thing. But I just
wouldn't say it like that on the radio show. But
that's the truth of it is. We were going over
there because there was a one it was awesome last year,
and her parents had never been and there was a
basketball team that is for sale and they wanted me

to be part owner. But because they're also taking the
venue and turning it like the arena, which is really cool,
which over the top of the basketball players, they have
like the soccer stadium, there's like a over the bench,
not the home team, but over the visitor bench. There's
like a cover because in Europe they just throw crap
and it covers the players on the bench. So I

went to go to the basketball team. But the crazy
part is before we left, I wasn't feeling great. But
a lot of times I just chalked that up with
I'm tired, and vacation is awesome once you're on it.
But leading up to vacation. I think, like with a
lot of other people in their jobs, you gotta sometimes

work two and a half times the amount they normally
do just to cover for whenever you're not doing vacation.
And for us, we did an extra full show on
Monday when we were gone, a ton of sponsor stuff
that we have to do for the week that we're gone.
So it was a pretty jam packed week. And not
only that, we had two twenty five whistle shows we
had to do way ahead of time, which is very
hard in sports. But because now DraftKings is the sponsor

of the show, they wanted a college preview at NFL Preview,
so we're having to fit in all these shows. So
I'm exhausted, but I'm often tired, and I think most
of that though, just from waking up really early in
the morning. But okay, so I'm not feeling great. And
we had a softball game. I'm playing a rec league
softball team now, and I went out and I wasn't

feeling great. But again I felt like I was tired.
I didn't play well, But okay, life goes on. Get on.
We fly to Italy and I think our trip was
Nashville to Chicago to Zurich, Switzerland to Florence, Italy, which

is a lot of flying. And we land and I'm exhausted,
but again, I just been on a play. I ain't
haven't slept, so I kind of just chalk it up
to that. And again, COVID doesn't even pop into my
head anymore, Like it's not even something where I'm like,
I wonder to have COVID, but I just wasn't feeling great.
But I had every reason and I feel great in
my mind. And so we land and we probably landed

like two or three pm. And we check it out
room in Florence. But you really don't want to go
to sleep because if you go to sleep, then you're
way off. So then you just have to stay awake
until night and try to go to sleep, and it's
the quickest way to catch up with the jet lag.
So we do that. I wake up the next morning
and I don't feel great, but again I haven't felt
great in like four or five days, and I have

every excuse to think of this is why I don't
feel great. We go and we look at the basketball team,
we go to look at the arena, We sit with
another one of the owners of the team. It was
a great meeting. It was me and Caitlin and Kaitlyn's dad.
Her mom stayed backal and probably woud have said back

to its supportive and okay, cool, So go back and
go to sleep. And I'm starting to get it a
little like a like a type thing. But again I'm tired.
I have every excuse thing. I'm tired. Wake up the
next morning and we're gonna go and we're gonna look

at like the statue of David, the statue with a
that it's supposed to be the perfect man. Michelangelo sculpted him.
And they had a weird thing about penises back when
they made these sculptures, and it's I guess it's not
the weird thing about penises, but they did not make
the penises. Let me say this again, I'm sure they

sculpted the penises as accurately as possible. And then in
my mind, because again on all these sculptures, they look small,
and I'm thinking, if I am in whatever society this is,
if I am deemed so important that they're going to
sculpt me, I should then have the power say make
my penis larger. In the sculpture than it might actually

be in its natural state. But then I think maybe
they didn't say that because the size of the penis
wasn't what it is today in which men associate and
compare them with masculinity in manhood. Maybe it wasn't that
at all. Maybe it was the opposite. Small. No, but

the penises are very small in these statues, so it
must not have been a thing, because I can't imagine
one single person now getting a sculpture like this and going, man,
that penis is way smaller than mine. But yeah, I
just gouldn't leave it. Like if like Baker Mayfield gets
a statue unveiled it, oh you, and he's fully clothed
in pads and his head bands just a little loft.

They're like, oh, the statue is a joke. By dang,
they put a tiny pecker on a statue. And those
guys are like, yeah, leave it, why not, who cares?
No one will look anyway, But anyway, it's weener is everywhere.
And I was just thinking, man, this is I wonder
when this happened, Like what part of our culture did
we start to go The bigger the ding dong, the

more manly and again I say that half joking, but
you know, guys obviously always make those jokes, and if
they have a small one, they're embarrassed. And that's what
I think about sometimes. But so we decided to go
on the tour, and that Caitlin and I went last year.
It's not a tour. We hired a tour guide to
walk us around and show us to places and explain

things mostly, and part of the explanation was when you go, see, David,
what is it here? What are these buildings? Because we're
in Florence. It's very old part of Italy, although all
of Europe is way older than we are in America.
So I was feeling real bad though, and I didn't
want to back out of the walking tour because that
what a what kind of wimp does that? One with
a small penis? And so I'm on it for like

an hour and a half and I'm feeling real bad.
I go with my wife and I'm like, I can't,
I can't do this any longer. I feel so bad,
and so she's like, okay, going back to the room,
and it's like a twenty minute walk back to the room,
and so I'm like okay. So I go back to
the room and I start to really have some sinus

stuff and I have really bad allergies here at home.
So I'm just say, man, I must have brought my
allergies with me. Again. I made every excuse possible. I
don't even think about COVID being a real thing right now.
I know it's a real thing. I know it's a
but I don't It's not in my thought process of
what I could possibly have. So we're leaving from Florence.

We're only there like two days before we were going
to Rome. And we're leaving from Florence to go to Rome.
And before we get in our ride because it's a
couple hour drive up, I go to a pharmacy and
I'm like, I'm I need some medicine. I'm gonna get
a couple of COVID tests. But I'm scared to even
get COVID tests in Europe because I think if I

just buy one, they're gonna be like the nerdy man
got a COVID test, maybe we should lock him up
in European prison and make sure he is sae. I'm
already that kind of thing, Like I feel like somebody
is watching me as they say that, and so I
get my COVID tests. It doesn't matter. I'm feeling terrible.
And we go to Rome, and so we've been in
Europe two days of a nine, nine or ten day

total trip, and as soon as we get to the
hotel room in Rome, I take a COVID test and
boom double positive. Well, I guess two's a positive positive.
If you're watching the video here, this is the test.
I felt so bad. I had had COVID a couple

of times when COVID was going around and workplaces were
shutting down, and I felt three times as bad with
whatever version of this was then than I did any
other time that I had it. And I told my
wife and I was like, you, you can't get this,

And so she went and got a different room. And
I said, a hotel for six seven days by myself.
That was it. That's all I did. And you're I said,
a hotelle of by myself for six seven days. Never left.
I had like two full days of meals when we
got there, and I posted all the pictures on Instagram.

But I was so freaking sick that it was one
of those sicknesses where you get so sick, that you're
just upset at yourself whenever you were well, that you
weren't appreciative because I was so sick. My head hurts
so bad, my throat hurts so bad, my nose was running,
and I was angry at myself for not enjoying the

times I wasn't sick. It was that kind of illness,
and so you should check on me. But I didn't
want her to get it. I didn't want her parents
to get it. Luckily they never got it. But my
ninety percent of my European vacation was me with a
really bad case of COVID. I called my doctor and

I was like, hey, what's up. When can I come home?
He was like, well, the rules now, and he gave
me I don't remember what the rules are now, their
American rules. It's like, if your symptoms go away and
it's a couple of days, just like chilled in the
next episode. I think that's exactly what he said, just
chilled in the next episode, boom boom. But that's so

that's what I did for like four or five days.
I was I was really sick. Simples went away after
a couple of days, and then we left it. We
left early a day early or twelve hours early, because
I was like, I don't have symptoms. I will put
a mask on my face. My doctor says I can
now leave. So we left it day early or maybe
like thirteen hours early and got home. It was. It

was a brutal, brutal, brutal, brutal, brutal few days. I
did not think that COVID was even something that people
got anymore, or maybe if they did, it was like
so light. And I know some of my friends have
had it and they were like, now, it was not
near as bad as it was the first time. But
for me, my European vacation sucked is seven days. I

do want to address a couple other things. One because
I posted If you look at my Instagram, I posted
a couple of picture I'm in the same clothes and
all my pictures. You want to know why, because it's
the only clothes I had on when I was able
to be outside and walk around, because for the rest
of the time I was locked in a freaking hotel room.
But if you go to my Instagram, mister Bobby Bones,
You'll see I'm in the same clothes for any picture
I posted from Italy when I posted a picture. There's

always somebody who goes. You guys took photographers with you
everywhere you go, or you guys have bodyguards with you,
and they're not saying it in a way of like, oh,
that's really cool, you're taking a photographer with you. That
wouldn't even be cool. I that would just be weird too.
And also the pictures weren't that great. They were good pictures,
but it's not like photographer as pictures. I say this

again just so everybody watching and listening to this can understand.
In my personal life, I never ever travel with a photographer,
nor have I ever ever. In my professional life, I
shoot a lot of content, and so you hear Read
on a lot of these shows. Read travels with me

and shoots too much access, shoots the podcasts. When I'm
on tour, he shoots pictures and video. But I've never
Caitlin and I have never, for any trip we've ever
been on, ever travel with a photographer or taken read
because that would just be weird. So no, I don't
travel with a bodyguard for personal reasons whenever we're doing
anything personal, and I don't travel with a photographer but

people think it's like they're really getting one on me.
They're going, oh, it must be nice travel with a photographer.
One my wife can take a phone and put on
like a stump, balance that thing, like freaking mister Miyagi,
huh the crane and karate Kid take a perfect picture.

Nobody takes some for us, or we'll just ask somebody.
I don't like asking people to take a picture, so
weird dynamic because I don't like asking people to take
a picture. But I definitely don't mind taking a picture
for people if they're like, hey, we take a picture,
Like I really do the best I possibly can to
take a freaking good picture, Like I'm like, up down,
take a nineteen to them. But I do not want
to ask any want to take a picture. I feel
like that's just a little too much.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
Hang tight, the Bobby cast will be right back. Wow,
and we're back on the Bobby Cast.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
So this is an interesting situation that happened to me,
or that at least was proposed to me. I got
a message from the Athletic department at the University of
Oklahoma and they said they are having different I believe
they used artists or celebrities or something like that. I

really can. I don't want to go to that whole thing,
but yeah, to come out because what they're doing between
the third and fourth quarter every year or every game,
excuse me for the rest of the year, is they're
having someone lead in a Toby Keith sing along. So
that's what the request was. Would you mind coming out
to an Ou football game between in the third and

fourth quarter and leading Toby Keith sing along? I believe
red Solo Cup. And I've only ever been an Arkansas fan,
and I think if you know me, you know that diehard.
And I think my initial answer just would have been
I don't think that's for me, because I never want

anyone to think that I'm carpetbagging and acting like a
fan of something that I am not. Now, I'm not
not a fan of Oklahoma. Now I have learned as
a husband. My wife is a massive Oklahoma fan, her
parents are massive Oklahoma fans. I like to see them happy.

Now when they play Arkansas, I do not want to
see them happy, but I like to see them happy.
And so I've been not rooting against Oklahoma, and at
times I've been betting on games for Oklahoma to make
me root for Oklahoma. So I am not anti Oklahoma
at all. Actually, I would say if five is exactly even,

I'm probably like six. But still I thought man board
that I want be like a trader if I did that,
because I definitely wouldn't want to go do it for
like promotion of me and to be on the field

at ou But after I stopped being a selfish douchebag
and stopped only thinking of myself, listen, I knew Toby
and I liked Toby a lot, and not only was
like Toby a guest on the RATEDEO Show, which I
think we were the last show that he ever did
before he passed away, which was crazy because nobody, nobody

that I knew, was expecting him to for just to
wake up and be like Tobey Key's passed away like
that was a surprise for a lot of people, even
like at John Day, who I knew who I was
texting with, who was very sad because him and Toby
were close, but he didn't know. So I checked my

douchebag card and I thought I really liked Toby because
Tobi was always super nice to meet, big, boisterous personality.
I didn't always have to agree with them, but I
don't agree with anybody all the time, even me. Sometimes
I'm like, man, I was really stupid one I said
that or did that or felt that way. But Toby like,

let Eddie and I open for him. It shows big shows.
We did festivals with Toby. We uh At the Florida
State Oh You game, Toby was up in the boxes
and Jake and I went over and like a so
I put the ou thing, which, by the way, I'm
not even an hater. I just never want to be

a fraud in the Arkansas world because that is so
important to me. And I said, yes, of course I
will do it. And so I'm gonna go and lead
the crowd. Is I don't know if I'm supposed to
announce this, So not not really announcement. Mostly it was
more like an internal struggle on should I go sing
I know you even though I'm not seeing. I'm just

leading the crowd. I saw the first one. It was great,
it's super cool. So because of Toby, that is what
I'm going to do. It's not this weekend coming up,
that's the Arkansas Oklahoma State Weekend. It's the weekend after that,
and Arkansas is playing like UAB University of Alabama Birmingham,

and I'm gonna be in Fayetteville the two days leading
up to that game at the coach cal basketball camp.
So but that's what I'm doing then, And I spent
a good five minutes going I can't do it. I'm
too loyal to Arkansas. I think one of the good
things about being an adult, one of the maturing parts
is sometimes you realize that you're just a terribly selfish
douchebag sometimes and it's not always about you. And I

was asked to do it, and it's not just about
whatever connection I feel like I have to the state
of Arkansas's most heralded program. But I'll be very happy
to do it. And I'm actually looking forward to doing
that too. And I love ouse athletic director Joe c

Like I love that dude. I And again, I'm just
gonna say this, just what everyone understands what I'm coming
from here. I don't I don't personally donate any money
to the University of Oklahoma. They don't ask me for
any money, right. I didn't go to school there. Also,
I didn't go to school to Deniversity of Arkansas. But
that was in Arkansas. It's all we had, and I
would have if I didn't have to have a job

at seventeen, eighteen years old, and I already had a
job on radio, and I was not going to give
it up. And I am officially an alumni now that
I'm a doctor honor? What is it? A not honor?
What's my I'm a fake doctor? What do I think?
I'm sure it'll come back to me, but so. But

I don't give Oklahoma any money. But I have a
great relationship with their athletic director, who I'll does an email,
he'll call and talk to me. I know all about
his family. I should say this to a bit of
my Oklahoma relationship in a positive way is because DJ Gasso,
brother in law, now coaches just an assistant on the
softball team, assistant coach. His mom is Patty Gasso, who

has won seven national championships at Oklahoma. And I do
go and route for Oklahoma to win softball games. Absolutely.
I love Patty. She's a freaking stone cold killer, the
greatest of all time. So that is my OEU allegiance there.
I do root for Oklahoma softball, but I don't root
for them more than I do Arkansas Softball even before
DJ was there. That all that needs to be said.
But that's where I met Josie too, by the way,
which while I have a great relationship, I have a

better relationship with the athletic director ohe you than I
do at the University of Arkansas, and I give them
a ton of money. Like the the ou athletic director
called and was like, hey, we would love because they
were they were doing a big deal about joining the SEC,
which is a big deal, and they were like, hey,

day one, would you want to come out? Can we
pay you to come out and do as It'll be
a free show for this dude that my schedule wouldn't
allow it allow it. I just had something on my
calendar I couldn't get out of. But they were gonna
pay me a bunch of money or a decent amount
of money to come over and like play a free
concert whatever. And I was like, man, that is so
nice to you, Joe to think about to even ask

if I'd be able to do it. And then we
tried to help them, you know, find some But I
love that guy. Where a bit in the opposite at
the University of Arkansas like editing, and I just go
and do free concerts and they give all the money,
and then I think, yeah, the athletic director Sharks showed
up for a little bit. I just don't really have
a good relationship with It's not a bad one. It's
just I guess I thought I would be better than

it is. Maybe I'm just there's a loser. Uh, But
I'm gonna go sing. I think I'm gonna lead Red
Solo Cup, which is cool. It's crazy too. You know.
We were in Italy and I saw Morgan wall and
hat on what I think was an Italian. I'm not
sure it was an Italian. Could have been an American, but
I think it was an Italian. That's pretty cool. Country

is blown up, like you think about Yeah, we have
three three new stadium macs in country music. I'm not
even talking about Kenny, who's been a state I'm not
up Timers up, Boom, gotta go check out this auction.
I'm not talking about Kenny, who's been doing stadiums for
a while. And there's a difference in stadiums in arena

is arenas where basketball teams play, stadiums where football teams play.
The difference in venues is like twenty thousand versus seventy thousand,
so stadiums Massive Kenny can do stadiums. Garth did stadiums.
But we have three new acts now that are doing
stadiums in country music, Morgan Wallin, Zach Bryan, lou Combs,

and it's crazy. It's the popularity of country music all well,
especially in America right now, but all over the world.
And it's also Morgan Wallen had them, and it just
reminded me of how cool it is that Morgan is
freaking transcended like he has, which something I don't really
talk about with the Morgan stuff. You know, when all
that blew up and he got in all the trouble,
I was so right and I was the only person

the next day that had the balls to come on
and be like, this is how I feel about the situation.
The next morning, and you had all the people the
other you know, people that do their shows the social
media be just saying things like just very generic things
like we just can't have this, and I would agree
with that, but I got on the air and I
was like, Okay, look, you can't say it. We shouldn't

cancel them, but he's got to check out for a
little bit and probably needs to do some learning on
why that can't be. So the whole thing, I got crushed.
This is something I never talked about. I got crushed.
I got Let me tell you why I got crushed
because I was. I feel a bit sensible in that
you don't have to wipe Morgan off the face of

the earth, because any mistake that anybody makes, as long
as you're not hurting a kid or an animal killing
somebody like I believe, you should have the opportunity to
bounce back. I do because a lot of times you
just didn't know any better. The second part of it
is I didn't cancel them, and I also didn't say

everybody just forget it. It's the same as it was yesterday.
So because I was in this weird middle ground, I
wasn't getting attacked by both sides, which was it was
a crazy time and I just remember being like, I'm
not looking at anything for like months, and I was
getting called the people. The woke folks were going since

he wouldn't cancel Morgan, he's a racist and we'll call
him the I don't know extremely conservative folks. Although don't
want like to turn. That's not really the turn, but
we'll just call him that for this. They were like,
the fact that you were even saying he should have
to take a break for a minute shows that you're

just big old woos. And I'm like, wait, where is
the nuance of you can screw up and go and
take a minute and fix it, but you do need
to take a minute and fix it, and then you
come back and be like, oh, yeah, I got it
and I messed up and I'm not gonna do it again,
because man, that sucked and I learned a lot of things.

That's what I said, That's what I said the next
morning after that. It was brutal. It was crushing from
both sides. But it's really cool to see Morgan do
as well as he's doing for many reasons. One of
those reasons being he just makes freaking good music. Two,

I think he absolutely deserved It's not even a second chance,
but I think everybody should have an opportunity, including myself.
And I'm saying this mostly because I've screwed up so
many times. I gotta find a million bucks that I
just want to be able to prove that, oh yeah,
that was a screw up. That's not going to happen again.

And I've learned why that was a screw up. So anyway,
all that because I saw the Morgan Wallin had and
so obviously Morgan went away for a while, and I
remember it was just an odd time because both both

sides were just shoving sticks in me. It felt like
in all my holes. In the end, it's exactly what
I said happened is what happened. And I feel pretty
good about that now. I didn't feel good then. And
I remember once Scooba Steve messaged me and was like, hey,
do you want to have Morgan on the show? And
I was like yeah, sure, but and this is like

six months my timeline may be a little off on
the months after it happened. And I was like, yeah, sure,
but I have to ask about the situation. I can't
have him on and not ask and he was like cool, cool, cool,
and so I was like all right, cool, Yeah, he's
gonna come on, not sure when whatever, And somebody had
sent me a message on Instagram and they were like, hey,
he's Morgan wall I never come on the show. And
I was like, yeah, he's coming up. He's coming on
sometime soon. I didn't know the exact time because Scoopa

said you want him? I said yes, he said cool,
everyone's agreed. Whatever, And like the president of Morgan Wallen's
label sent me a text message cursing me out for
saying he was coming on the show, and I remember thinking,
I really think he is, or at least I was
told and I wasn't like teasing a specific day or
I wasn't making it like a bit. But I remember

the Seth the president of that label message of me.
And so that's always been fine cool. I mean I
don't know him, know him. He's always been he's never
been a bad thing. But I remember him like cursing
me out in a text of me thinking what adult
man talked to another adult man like this? Like if
he would have said that to my face. I'm not
a puncher, so when I punched him, but I definitely

would have been like are you okay? Like who curses?
Who talks to it? Maybe i'd have given him a
good shove. I don't know, but I like him, And
now I think maybe i've seen him since Maybe I have,
maybe haven't. I like the guy in person, He's been nice.
I saw him with Jake's daughter's birthday. He was super nice.
But I remember him cursing me out in a text message,
and I was like, what a douchebag coming from another douchebag.

But I would never talk to another human like that
and curse him over something like that because I did nothing.
There was nothing I don't need. I don't need a
single guest on my show. This is my feeling. I
don't need a guest on my show period. My show
is not a show where I depend on anything other
than me. That's why I've been able to change formats.

That's why I've been able to pick my format. That's
why I've been able to last through these different forms
of right because and mostly it's because I feel like
I'm the only thing I can depend on. So and
by me, I mean me and my crew. Like personal stories,
I don't need it. I don't need artists. Artists come
and go. I like Morgan. I would have loved to

have him on, had him one. It wasn't a stunt
in any way. And I just remember him messaging me,
cursing me out, me being like, what are wrong with
this guy?

Speaker 2 (30:47):
The Bobby Cast will be right back. Welcome back to
the Bobby Cast.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
And okay, listen, he could I've been having a bad day.
Oh but what I did? It was my old number
and I had an Austin number. I moved to Nashville
for like and had my Austin number for ten years.
Is a five one two Austin number. And I had
a new number, but I was still using the old
number a little bit. We used to on the air.

I'd joker at Bobby two phones because there was a
brief period of like three months where I kept two
phones because I didn't want to miss anything on my
old But I was transitioning to my new and he
had messaged my old number and I was like, oh,
this is Bobby's phone anymore. I'm a college student at
University of Texas. Who is this? Why are you texting
a teenage girl? And he was like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to text a teenager. I
never told him it to me, but I do have
the screenshot of that and I showed it to a
few people. It's pretty funny, but like, what can I
And the weird thing is I like him and he
could have been having a bad day and I haven't
thought about that story. But I'm all dogging into here,
going from the top of the dome, as we said

in nineteen ninety doing this podcast. But that's a weird one.
And I got what kind of adult man cusses out
another adult man in a text message? I saw the
Olympic rings are gonna stay up on the Eiffel Tower
according to like the mayor, that stupid, that's trashy saw
someone compared to leaveing Christmas lights up all year. I
agree with that as the terrible It is terrible. Saw

the tower Eiffel Tower last year. It's pretty cool. I
have a couple of other notes here. Oasis is getting
back together. I'll do another music thing that's pretty freaking cool.
Loved Oasis. My wife is now listening to a little
bit of Oasis because it is in her algorithm on

TikTok and I don't know if our algorithms just like
touched each other, like since my phone was near hers,
it picked it up because I got I got a
lot of Oasis reunites algorithms quick background brothers an Oasis
Liam and Noel Liam. Liam's the singer. Younger brother Noel
is mostly the writer or the older brother. They freaking

hated each other, fought forever, but they were like the
New Age. They were the biggest group in the world
for a long time, not just UK, not just but
like what's the story Morning Glory or their second record
I'm just going again from I could be wrong. Second
record that like we had access to was like a

such a massive part of culture if you were between
ten and twenty thirty. I mean even now, give somebody
that knows three chords a guitar. Two Today is gonna
be the day that I ever thought back to you.
By now you should have somehow realized what you got

to do. They're gonna play that one now. My favorite,
but probably because if you'd like a band, and they're
not my favorite band of all time, I was a
massive fan. But another big one is Champagne sup and
Ova we Are They're gonna tay a man on this side.

That's a good one. Do they never man Laes advising
there some mysmo oh Champions Supernova was awesome, Uh, probably
my favorite hit of theirs. And s Sally can't wait.

She knows it's too late. She's walking umber and away,
but don't look back in anger. But don't look back
in anger her to say, at least not today, broom.

It's pretty cool. Oasis back together. The bands i'd like
to see get back together, Rascal Flats, mm hmm, that's
all I got right now.

Speaker 2 (35:16):
R E. M.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Hoody got back together like that shout out Hoodie's all
I got right now. Lincoln Parks doing a thing, which
super cool. And I saw they put a clock up
on their TikTok And I was a pretty big Lincoln
Park fan, not near as big as Oasis, and it
was way after uh, but I was a moderate Lincoln

Park fan. But I like the MTV record they did
with jay Z. Awesome but crawling in my gain these
words again up beer. You know Chester died. He was
the singer and Mike Schnoda was the rapper. One day.
I don't know why try uh, but yeah, they're gonna,

they're they're gonna, they're doing something. And I think they
are going to have a new singer just for the tour.
And I was watching a TikTok of some of the
singers that that are rumored to have been on the list,
and I have them here, and I I think it's
got to be the the woman I hope because she
could go. Let me find it here. Man, I know

I said it on my TikTok. That sucks and I
think I ribboned it. Mhmm, here we go. So that's
Bonnie Frasier, right, come on, that's so legit, that's so legit.

I hope, I hope it's her. That's so legit. I
would go watch that show. And I'm not a big
somebody dies replace him? But who is right? Who is?
Who is? Final?

Speaker 2 (37:38):

Speaker 1 (37:38):
I'll talk about it. Tears on my Instagram of artists
that I like to have as guests on my show,
and it's not what artists do I like the most
because there were people I didn't put on there that
I felt I couldn't even judge as a or as
a guest. Sometimes I know too much about people that
it makes it hard for me to interview them. Brett

Elder is one of my best friends. I didn't put
them on the list. It's hard for me to interview Brett. Also,
Brett doesn't love do interviews, but I didn't put them
on the list. It's like because I don't love Brett Dirk,
same thing. John Party like I'm really close to them,
but that it's John. I say he had kids, not

as much, not as but yes, John, I could still
feel like I called John and he would come over
and help me do whatever, because but yes, but I said,
give me. They said, who do you like? Let me
do the questionnaire who's favorite country artists? Interview? And I said,
I based this on the generosity of the artist to
allow me to navigate the interview, but also gives really good,
unrehearsed stories based on where the interview goes. And I

teered them out tier. And this is the tier that
didn't really count because it's you would have them on.
I would have these people on the show anyway, even
if they sucked. But they don't suck. They're awesome as interviews. Dolly, Reeba,
Garth and Brooks and Dunne, all four of them a
plus as interviews, and you see why they're great and
they have lasted so long every time. Then I have
my tier of I will never say no, I don't
care even if what they're promoting is them farting into

a walkie talkie and selling that because their interview is
going to be so good. Jake Who it doesn't matter,
something's gonna happen, Urban who I love and my The
goal with him is to try to get him to
go oh. I've never been asked that before. Keith is
a musical genius but also a nerd with music, and

it's hilarious to me. The last time he came in,
I got him talking about guitar tone and I saw
him just light up. I love it, love what Keith
comes on. That's a challenge for me. Landy Wilson, Lanny
and I have been a day warner before she had
a record deal, which has been super cool. Blake obviously, Luke.
I have a relationship with Luke if. We worked together
for four years on American Idols, so that's fun. Jelly

Roll before jelly popped. I think jelly Roll is super
loyal to me and us because when he popped, we
were already there with him, which is super cool. I
got very fortunate there. Bands can be really hard. I
did that tier bands can be hard, but there are
three bands that I love to have on band. Sometimes
it's a power dynamic of who do you talk to?
Sometimes the other people get jealous. If you just talk
to the lead singer, sometimes the lead singers, not even

the main talker, like a Fallout Boy. But there are
three bands that I love talking with them because like
I get the dynamic, I know the people, and everyone's
gonna give a story if they raise their hand. And
that's Dan and Shay lady A and Brothers Osborne for
different reasons. I'd put Christ Apleton, who hates being interviewed.

Chris Apleton hates doing interviews. He's just a quiet, shy guy.
I love Chris. Now. Part of that may be because again,
Chris and I have a relationship that goes back even
before he went on CMAS, before he blew up, and
so my favorite thing is to get Chris laughing because
when he laughs, he laughs hard. I love it. I
just love that guy. The other one is the category

of I don't really see him as much as i'd
like to, but they're good when they come on to
McGraw and Billy Currington are in that I'd put my
favorite new artist. It's probably Nate Smith. I think the
tier is new favorites, but I don't have enough reps
in studio with him yet. But Nate Smith is so
funny that he's been on like three times. I love

having Nate Smith on, but I can't put him in
the big category yet. I haven't had him on like
minimum seven times or whatever it is. But he has
a ton of great songs. But he's so funny. I'll
even take a phoner, meaning I'll even talk to them
on the phone, which we don't do a lot of
phone interviews. But Miranda, and then my final tier is
I thought he hated me at first back in the day,
but now it's always money when he shows up and

quite possibly low key the kindest artist in Nashville, and
that's Kane Brown. I take a bb repella for that dude.
He's such a good dude, not a full bullet. I
take a full bullet for anybody. Kane Brown is such
a good dude. And he's not the most outspoken, not
the loudest guy you're gonna meet. I just thought that
many hated me, but I loved him. I love him now.

All right. That's it, big shout out everybody, thank you
and we'll see you soon.

Speaker 2 (42:01):
Bye, everybody, Thanks for listening to a Bobby Cast production.
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