All Episodes

November 6, 2023 46 mins

On this episode, Mike and Kelsey give their Best and Worst movie picks for the month of October and why you should watch and skip each of their picks.  Mike also shares his thoughts on the Variety article ‘Crisis at Marvel’ and the rumor of them reviving the Original Avengers including Robert Downey Jr. returning as Iron Man. In the Movie Review, Mike shares his thoughts on Priscilla. It’s about her life after she meets Elvis Presley at a party when she’s a teenager and he’s already a rock and roll icon in his 20’s. Mikes breaks down the actor’s performances, how their relationship is portrayed, Jacob Elordi as Elvis and how it differs from the Elvis film released in 2022.   In the Trailer Park, Mike breaks down The Fall Guy starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt. It’s an action comedy about a stuntman who finds himself working on a movie set with the star for whom he doubled long ago and who replaced him. The star then goes missing.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, and welcome back to movie Mike's movie podcast. I
am your host Movie Mike. Today, my wife and co
host Kelsey joins me. How are you.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
I'm good, aside, I'm being a little bit under the weather,
so sorry if my voice is a little scratchy.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
Best and Worst of the month is what we're gonna
do talking about all the movies we saw in October.
We're gonna get into some movie news too, which I
have read the entire Variety article diving into what is
happening at Marvel right now, so I'll give you my
thoughts on that. Kelsey has something festive coming up for
that segment, we'll get into the movie review, we'll get
into the trailer park. Thank you for being here, shout

out to the Monday Morning Movie crew. And now let's
talk movies.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
In a world where everyone and their mother has a podcast,
one man stands to infiltrate the ears of listeners like
never before in a movie podcast. A man with so
much movie knowledge, he's basically like a walking IMTB with glasses.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
From the Nashville Podcast.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Network, this is Movie Mike's Movie.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Podcast Best and Worst for the month of October. Kelsey,
you kick us off. What was your best movie of
the month. I think it's obvious Teller's The Flower Move
That is mine too. We had to go double here.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
A comboo bass movie of the month. There was no
other contender.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
I found myself coming back to thinking about that movie
more and more, and maybe it's a little bit overcritical.
Giving it a four. I still stand by it, but
I think after I watch it for a second time,
whenever it comes out on Apple, maybe it'll go up
a little bit. That given myself a little bit more
time to spend with it and look back on some
things I didn't like upon the first watch, maybe I

like it a little bit more and judge it a
little less harshly the second time. But is that a
movie you would consider watching again even though it's so long?

Speaker 2 (01:44):
Oh yeah, I bought it again, especially at home when
I can take breaks.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
And I did see an interesting survey come out recently
if there should be an intermission between movies shown in theaters,
and there are different options here, so let me know
where you stand. Twelve percent said yes for all movies
there should be an internation, twenty three percent yes for
movies two hours or longer, twenty four percent of people
said yes. For movies that are three hours or longer,

twenty five percent say no, and for some reason, seventeen
percent say not sure. Where do you stand on should
there be intermissions for longer movies in theaters?

Speaker 2 (02:17):
As a resonant member of the tiny bladder community.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
Okay, you represent that demographic.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
I'm going to shock you're gonna say no.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
No whatsoever, it messes up the flow of the movie.

Speaker 2 (02:27):
I don't have the lights to go up. I don't
want everyone to be milling around. No messes the flow.
When do you do the intermission? What if halfway through
the movie there's a critical plot point, You're just like,
all right, time for everyone to go pee, come back
in ten minutes for the action commenced.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
No exactly. I see a lot of things wrong with this.
So I don't have a small bladder, but I am
right nice. I'm right there with the no twenty five percent.
I say no because along those same lines, I think
a director would have to start thinking of when do
I place the brig It kills the momentum. There could
be spots where a theater just decide, hey, this is

where the break should be. Whether it be like ninety
minutes or two hours. I feel like that throws off
the flow of the movie. And when I go watch
a movie that I'm really into, I don't want to
lose that momentum.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
I feel like it makes sense in like theater because
you also have the performers who probably need a break.
But this is not a live entertainment and a live.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Show, I feel like there are more natural spots where
you can choose to break between act one and act two.
There's a different moment in a live performance where you
can say, Okay, here's a good time for an intermission.
In a movie, you don't have that because then you're,
like I said, you're gonna have to think, okay, where
should this story take a little bit of a break,
a little bit of a beat. People go to the theater,

but that's going to be chaos if people go into
the lobby, people go into the bathroom, and then everybody
comes back and you kick it back on.

Speaker 2 (03:47):
What if you have people in the intermission that run
into people who have just seen the movie, and people
in the bathroom are talking about what happens there's and
that are in their intermission gets spoiled. Also, if my
Queen Taylor Swift doesn't need an intermission. We all can
make it their movie. Just get up, go to the bathroom,
come back, ask the person next to you. If it's
a good movie, you can use context clues to figure

out what happened. If it's a terrible movie, then why
are you seeing in the first place.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Yeah, I think you can always kind of find a
natural point to go to the bathroom. Also, going to
the bathroom doesn't take that long.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
It depends on why people are coming to the back.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
I guess it depends what you have going on. But
I feel like I've timed how long it takes me
to go. I can be back in a few minutes.
I don't miss a whole lot. If you go with somebody,
you can tell them to catch you up real quick.
If you didn't miss anything, they're like, you're good. So
I also feel that adding on any time to a
three and a half hour movie is just gonna make
it feel so much longer. You're gonna spend the entire
day at the movie theater if you add any kind

of a break.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Yeah. Here's the other thing. Our theater, they only have
one concession stand upstairs. The downstairs one isn't open. If
you have people in the intermission trying to go get snacks,
they're all gonna be upstairs. They're all still gonna miss
parts in the movie, and then they're gonna be mad
that they miss parts of the movie, even in the intermission,
So no one's gonna be happy.

Speaker 1 (04:59):
Yeah, i'd say you don't do them at all. If
anything you could at for very long movies, I would
say over three hours, because now it's so natural for
a movie to be two and a half hours, no problem.
But maybe anything over three hours. You could offer different
showings that have an intermission, which, like we've been talking

about before, that theaters need to offer different kind of
experiences for different types of people. I think that could
be one of them. That's not a hard thing to
do to build in a ten minute intermission for those
people who want it. Maybe it would encourage some people
who hate long run times to go watch a movie.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
It was actually really good idea.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
I also think that theaters would be into it because,
like you were mentioning, it would give them time to
go to the concession stand again. They go make more money,
they sell more candy, they sell more popcorn, or they
utilize the free refills for theaters that have that that
a lot of people feel like don't use that because
they don't want to go back to the lobby and
get a refill.

Speaker 2 (05:54):
So I want to miss it. So yeah, theaters, if
you're listening, maybe maybe intermissions aren't about it different.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Man, because like what you said with the Taylor Swift movie,
your theater was more calm and relaxed, and there were
some theaters that were totally just vibrant like a concert.
So I feel like they could have had different types
of showings for people who just want to sit and
enjoy the movie. Yeah, and the single long version of that.
So I feel like, yeah, there should be different types

of experiences that theaters should be looking into. I also
think that just generates interest, like, oh, what is this
kind of showing? It's a bring your kid from home
day showing? I don't know, something like that. Did you
have kid ones where your kids can run around?

Speaker 3 (06:32):

Speaker 2 (06:32):
You go, wow, I already forgot. I saw the eras.
Maybe this month?

Speaker 1 (06:35):
Is that my favorite? Oh? Is that your favorite?

Speaker 2 (06:37):
Are we having like a an on air audible?

Speaker 1 (06:41):
Because here's the thing that you can you can tell
me how far off. I am on this because I
didn't see it with you, and I said the fact
that it is not truly cinema because there's no narrative
to the Taylor Swift Eras movie. It is just a
concert film. So I feel like me going to see
it and reviewing it, it wouldn't really make sense because

it's just a concert. There's no behind the scenes, there's
no overarching story throughout it. Would you agree with that?

Speaker 2 (07:09):
I would agree. I think I'm gonna keep Killers to
the Flower Moon because she did also cut some songs
well Heartbroken.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
Even that was two hours forty six minutes.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
It was indeed, so even that's a longer movie. But yeah,
she cut like forty five minutes out.

Speaker 1 (07:25):
The other thing that we didn't mention whenever we did
go see Killers of the Flower Moon that our theater
started rumbling because there was an showing next door.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
No, it was literally vibrating.

Speaker 1 (07:34):
Yeah, theater was. Everybody was worried because like what is happening?

Speaker 2 (07:38):
Yeah, everyone started looking around it. And then I think
you just like hear the screams of twenty something year
old girls and teenagers and you're like, ah, the Eras film.
I was like They probably shouldn't have put that next
to such a quiet film.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
Yeah, it's weird because it's such a Killers has like
such like pensive moments, silence, and then you have Taylor
Swift blasting in the auditorium next to us. But anyway, yes,
we stand by both of our favorite movies of the
last month. We're Killers of the Flower Moon. Honorable mention
would be Arras Tour and then we both stand by
I'm surprised that you agreed with this too. No intermissions

in longer movies, no matter what.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
Yeah, I just think it's going to ruin the flow
of a movie.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
I agree. So now we'll get into our worst. What
was your worst for the last month?

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Oh god, this movie was so bad? Fair play on Netflix.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
What is this movie about? We've both watched it together.
You wanted to watch it? I did, and the trailer
looked good.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
Yeah, it's like it's about a Wall Street couple. She
gets the promotion, he doesn't, and it's about how their
lives like change after that.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
The movie was a train wreck. It was this is
a disaster described as an erotic thriller. Did you find
it erotic and thriller?

Speaker 2 (08:42):
You listen there are times when I understand that an
intimate scene in a movie adds to the story, and
then there are times where it's just like gratuitous and
it's like why was this here? Every intimate scene in
this movie, I was like, what am I watching?

Speaker 3 (09:00):

Speaker 2 (09:01):
I'm a little.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
Scarred the opening scene alone, Yeah, it's like, what are
we watching?

Speaker 2 (09:06):
I think we did say that. I think we said
what are we watching? I think you looked at me
and you said, what did you pick? And I was like, well,
it's supposed to be good.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
And it did get better after that.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
It's like HBO's obsession was showing the male anatomy. They
just just throw it on the screen.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
Yeah, HBO is known for that.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
That's how this movie felt was they were just like,
how can we It's almost like they were worried that
people were gonna lose interest in the movie and they
were like, how can we bring it back? How about this?
And everyone was like that's it. That's the plot point.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
I will say the movie won me back maybe about
the end of the first act that I ended up
probably enjoying it more than you did, because I would
end up giving it about a three out of five.
I felt like the story was still pretty good. There
were some things that I had to not suspend belief
on but just except for what they were and not
take it so seriously, which I thought the movie was

gonna be a little bit more serious, a little bit
more straight on, and then it was kind of more
of like a like a fantasy story almost for some people,
but for my worst I'm going with the movie I
reviewed last week five Nights at Freddy's. I gave it
a one point five out of five, and I stand
by that.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
I knew it was bad when you were like texting
me movies almost over. You never text during the movie,
and I knew it was bad when you were like,
it's almost over. Thank God.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
I had the weirdest moment after watching that movie, though,
because I couldn't see it any other way of people
actually enjoying that movie. And then I don't read reviews
going into a film because I want to have my
own opinion without any influence. And with that one, right
after I went and saw what other people said about it,
and people love that movie. And I think what I
missed is that it's kind of geared towards kids, and

I thought it was going to be a straight on
horror movie kids. But because the video game is so
popular with kids and people love those characters, I feel
like if you didn't have a relationship with the video
game and growing up with it, you didn't really get it.
So for the first time, I kind of felt like
a crusty old crist who didn't enjoy a movie that
all these all these young people are loving. I felt like,

what the youngsters. Yeah, I feel like ten years ago
that was me loving all the Marvel movies and critics
being like, ah, those are so stupid and terrible. So
it was a weird moment for me of like not
knowing about this fan base. And it was also an
instance where I posted the review and I got crushed
online because everybody was like, ah, you look like a
type of person who would say this, and I'm like, man,

I really didn't know that there was such a passion
for five Nights at Freddy's. So I don't think I'll
go back and rewatch it. But I saw like clips
of people talking about it, and it almost convinced me like, man,
maybe there was something I was missing out here.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
But maybe I saw the wrong movie.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
But if they make a sequel, I'll be interested in
it now because it was so successful and made so
much money on a very low budget, which was also
surprising to me that a movie like that would crush,
even the fact that it came out on Peacock at
the same time. You think people would just run to
Peacock and not go as much to see it in theaters,
but it just crushed and dominated. So that was one

I was like, I'm glad for the success of it
because I love seeing movies that have a really small
budget do really well at the box office, and I
think horror is the genre where you can do that,
spend a little bit, create that environment and that feeling
for the viewer, and then just cash in on it.
So I just missed the boat on that one, but
I stand by it. I still think it's a terrible movie.
I don't get it. I don't understand it. And if

that makes me sound old and then a touch on
that one will still be it. That's my first one.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
People really said, you look like the type of person
that would say.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Though, yeah, they told me my review was an l
was that my little brother? Maybe it was all right,
that's the best and the worst of the last month.
I want to switch it up a little bit and
get into some movie news. We've each brought a story
we want to share that has happened and developed recently,
and we'll just kind of talk about it. So what
do you have in movie news? Kelsey?

Speaker 2 (12:50):
First off, I would like to tell you I'm sorry
I crammed eleven cookies into your VCRH.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
I know where this is going, guys.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
It's the twentieth anniversary of Elf, which does indeed make
me feel old.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
I can't believe that movie is twenty years old. And
I think of Elf as a modern classic, but now
it's not that modern anymore, because before it was like, ah,
I don't think they can make any more Christmas classics
that will watch every single year, and Elf became that.
Now the movie has been out twenty years, so it's
just like a.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
Classic twenty years And anyone that lives in New York,
I'm really jealous because on November seventh, they are lighting
up the Empire State Building in green and yellow, which
looks like Buddy the Elf.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
This sounds like your dream you love New York City.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Which I'm so sad because we are going in a
few weeks we're just like missing the boat. But they
are doing like an interactive experience where you can go
take a picture with a life size cut out of
Buddy the Elf. So I will be dragging you to that.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
Oh yeah, you love New York, you love Elf. This
is like everything you right now.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
This is all I want. And I couldn't sleep last night.
I was doing some online shopping. I like to tell
you on the podcast, So okay, this is I'm just
gonna start telling you about my purchases on the podcast
in front of an audience.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
So they're doing merch for the twentieth anniversary. Yes, and
you already purchased something I did.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
I bought it this incredible elf pillow from Pottery Barn.
This is not they are not paying me. I did not.
I promise you. I bought this pillow with my own
money and it is the coolest pillow. Because sometimes merch
is like kind of cheesy.

Speaker 1 (14:20):
Let me see it. I actually like that good because
it's going on the couch. So I don't love Christmas
as much as you do. I'm not a gringch.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
By al say that.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
But you like love Christmas yea.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
And Christmas tree is already up it's the one in
our bedroom went up on November first, and the only
reason that the big one didn't come until November second
is you were out of town.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Yeah, I guess I don't get into the decorating side
of Christmas. You love that part of it.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
I love it makes the house feel Cody.

Speaker 1 (14:46):
I like that it doesn't look like cheesy Christmas stuff,
which I usually associated with.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
I've also found we have a family tradition in that
my brothers and I and now you after marrying into
the family, we all wear matching Elf shirt on Christmas
morning and we sit on the stairs and take a picture.
And I did see that the Warner Brothers shop has
a lot of cool new shirts, so I think I
found our Christmas attire.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
So we're replacing the Bye Buddy, I hope you found
your dad. Why they're dead?

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Yeah, the Narwall shirt. Because my thirteen year old brother
lost his. I don't know where it is. Now.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
We candle mag.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
That my little brother does have a Texas twang. He
doesn't think he does, but he does, and he's like,
I don't know where it went.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
And I did say they're also going to put it
back up on Max. So we can stream it on Christmas.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
Yeah, they're really really leaning into like the merch collapse,
and I don't know, maybe next week I'll come report
on another purchase. Can we just have like a safe
space every week where I just tell you everything I've
bought for the house. But it's on the podcast.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
It has to be movie related.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
All of these things are Elf. They're doing some ELF candles.
You know, I love a candle?

Speaker 1 (15:51):
Do love candles? For my movie news?

Speaker 2 (15:54):
I wasn't then talking about ELT?

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Oh what else you have?

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Just how much I love it? And that it is
the season to watch Elf. It's the season to start
watching Christmas movies. Was it twenty twenty that we watched
every Christmas movie known to man? Including some terrible ones.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
We went in deep into the vault for Christmas movie.

Speaker 2 (16:10):
We even went like Christmas with the Cranks Vault, which, oh,
as you know, not a good one.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
But we'll start with off this year.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
Okay, great, thank you. Can I get that on writing, Yes,
I'll write it right now. Okay, okay, I'm done for
my movie news. I read this entire big article that
Variety did on Marvel being in.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
Trouble, which a lot of things stuck out to me.
I think the big headline is that apparently there were
discussions of rebooting the original Avengers with Robert Downey Junior
Scarlett Johansen coming back, and I feel like the reason
they would do that, we're already rebooting, not rebooting, but
just doing another story and bringing back the original Avengers,

and I don't know how true that is.

Speaker 2 (16:49):
Too soon.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
Essentially, what the article says is that Marvel is in
crisis right now, one because a lot of their quality
of films hasn't been up to par, therefore kind of
diminishing the brand behind Marvel, which for the longest time
you just saw Marvel and thought that's going to be
a great movie. But now you see Marvel and you think,
ah might not even be that good, which it just

shows you, like how quickly things can change.

Speaker 2 (17:15):
From a business perspective, it almost feels like they scaled
too fast. It's like when the hype was hot, they
were like, We're throwing everything into this, from making TV
series or doing all of this stuff, and it just
it feels like those businesses where they scale too fast.
The Belgium, many stores, the interest ees.

Speaker 1 (17:34):
I watch a lot of those company man videos on YouTube.
That is usually the problem. You have a successful store,
they want a franchise, they start doing all these things,
and then they can't manage all the projects and then
the quality goes down. I think that is what happened here.
I think it all traces back to twenty twenty. So
Endgame came out in twenty nineteen, and then twenty twenty
with the launch of Disney Plus and the launch of

all these TV shows. I feel like they were trying
to scale too fast.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
The TV shows like One Division Great Great, like they
could have they could have stopped there.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
Yeah, because then with She Hulk and all the other
ones that have just been kind of subpar, it takes
away from the excitement of a new Marvel show or
a Marvel movie coming out. So I feel like, really,
what is hurt Marvel was the Disney Plus model, which
also was hurting Disney at the same time, which people
aren't mentioning, but the fact that there's just so much
content so quickly coming out so soon, the visual effects

have been suffering. I just feel like it became so
big that they wanted to keep that same momentum going
the entire time that they had riding up till endgame,
and it just kind of broke down, and you also
lose a lot of those big characters. And then the
thing is Marvel started with unknown characters. There is a

reason whenever Marvel movies were first made that they came
out with Spider Man, Fantastic Four, and the X Men,
because those were the biggest comics. Naturally, those would be
the first big movie they would make. And then Marvel
sold off the rights to those movies. So then they
started in two thousand and eight with Ironman, who wasn't
the most popular Marvel comic. And that's exactly how they
built the entire MCU with using the lesser known characters

that they had the rights to to make the films
with Thor and Captain America. And but that's what their
model was, Let's use these lesser known characters that we
have the rights to and create something unique and create
a cinematic universe. That is exactly what they built their
brand on. But now that you don't have those characters anymore,
you don't have those actors, they're trying to do essentially

the same thing they did back in two thousand and
eight with all these newer characters, that they do have,
but the interest just isn't there as much because of
the saturation. So I feel like it's a saturation problem,
which leads me back to the point I brought up
before that Marvel could go the way of the Western,
which the Western film was the most popular between nineteen
forty five and nineteen sixty for fifteen years. You look

at the timeline right now, from two thousand and eight
to twenty twenty three, that's fifteen years. That's the same
run good mental math skills. Oh thank you, it's the
same thing happening. You're bringing out the same type of
stories inside of the same genre. The audiences just start
to wear down a little bit too many movies, and
then what happened back in the sixties is you had
the rise of sci fi, therefore making the Western look obsolete.

I feel like that's gonna kind of happen right now
if they don't make a big change. I still think
you can make superhero movies. I just think you kind
of have to scale back the budget and make something
a little bit more novel. What I think Marvel is
missing is what DC is about to crush it with
and having these else worlds that are rated r that
are not in this big continuous this happens and this

movie connects with this one. They're just their own thing.
But I think the problem that Marvel has is being
connected to Disney. They just want the money and they
want all the things to go back to Disney World
and disney Land, so it kind of cuts back on
their creativity a little bit. And even with Kevin Figi,
who oversees Marvel, he spreads so thin right now that

he doesn't really have the same attention to detail that
he had early on when developing the MCU, and that's
why nothing really feels cohesive anymore. So I didn't really
think Marvel was in trouble until I read this article
and saw everything kind of laid out. And now the
whole issue they have with Jonathan Major's probably not continuing
as Kang, and they have really haven't had any time

because of the writers strike to write him out of that,
they may go with Doctor Doom, who I don't love
that decision because Doctor Doom seems so cheesy in the
Fantastic Four movies. Unless they really give him the right tone,
then you have the villain issue again.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
I would like to say that we definitely agree with.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
Them writing Jonathan mac oh, Yeah, just.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Making that known that, Yeah, I'm not on the side
of him.

Speaker 1 (21:42):
As much as I loved him and amp Man, he
shouldn't be Kang the Conqueror anymore. They could recast him,
which I feel like would be the easiest choice, since
they don't have a way to write him out because
they were basing everything on that character. I think switching
to doctor Doom would be like, oh, Man, but he
wanted to see King.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
That just sounds like a dumb character name King.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
No, oh, doctor Doom. People love him because of the comics,
which he's great in the comics, but if you look
at the Fantastic Four movies, he looks so cheesy. So
you'd have to make him a lot more like Thanos
and give him some kind of a human quality to
make me really interested in Doctor Doom.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
But he's a therapist.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
Oh yeah, everybody's biggest fear therapy facing your demons. But yeah,
I think they need to scale back. I think they
need to make movies for a more modest budget. I
also think the problem Marvel has is they don't have
the same source material, like the same great stories that
DC has. Which, as you know, I mean getting more

into comics.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
Lately, wasn't aware.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
And I'm really more drawn to DC's stories because they
can be grittier and they show you a different style
of superhero. And then when I look into the Marvel
back catalog of comics and try to find the one
singular story for some of these characters, it's not as
strong as it is on the DC side. So I
feel like they need to dig through their source material

and find the really great stories that showcase their superheroes
in ways they haven't yet, instead of kind of going
back to that same well that has been kind of
the MCU style of making movies with the comedy and
the fun, lightheartedness.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
The well has run dry.

Speaker 1 (23:20):
Yeah, they need to go back and talk to some nerds,
which is what I would encourage them to do now. Yes,
create like a focus group of some hardcore comic book
nerds and ask them what are your favorite stories and
what do you think we should be making, because I
think that is essentially what you have to do is
go back to the people who know the source materials
so well and the fans that are so passionate, the

fans that were there with you in the very beginning,
in the early stages, rooting you on, talk to them
and find out what they want to do and what
they want to see on the big screen.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
It's actually a really good idea. Just hold like a
focus group like Comicon. Yeah, I mean you already got
all the nerds in one room when you host Comicon.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
That's all you have to do. Talk to some nerds
because when.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
As to self proclaimed nerds, we're not hating on the nerds.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
We are nerds because whenever movies get announced, you see
the nerds comment first, you know, referencing the comics. I
feel like that's where your answer lies, finding those stories
and then also finding directors.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Who answer lies on the Facebook comments.

Speaker 1 (24:15):
Look, it kind of does like as dark and dismal
as that may seem. Of like listening to the people
who are just shouting on their keyboards, sometimes there is
something there that you could talk to them about. But overall,
I don't think the article pointed out anything that I
hadn't really seen. It was just seeing it all kind
of laid out and all the pieces kind of fitting

together that they are on a bit of a decline,
which I don't think they are by any means going
to be terrible and completely out for the next five years.
I feel like it's really crazy that you make a
few bad projects and everybody kind of jump ship. I'm
not quite ready to jump ship yet. There are some
things I'm excited about coming from Marvel, but I do

think they need to step it up a bit, especially
with James Gunn taking over DC. Forgetting he went from Marvel, Yeah,
which people overlooked that he just crushed it this year
with Guardians at the Galaxy three that was such a
big hit. That was kind of quietly like everybody didn't
really contribute that to the MCU, but that was a
really big moment for them this year. How much do
we think that paycheck is to go from one to

the other? Oh tons of money? Nice, But with him
going over there and taking over making a new Superman
movie and generating some interest over there, if he can
do even a fraction of what he did with Guardians
with Marvel, imagine what he can do with DC. But again,
I can also see the same issues they have of
him being involved in so many projects and directing things,

and whenever people get spread so thin, the quality just diminishes.
So I think they just need to bring in some
more people and not base everything on one person, or
they need.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
To just like truly take a hiatus, create some like
I don't know, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I mean,
people miss a good Marvel movie and then come back
with something so strong. Stop putting out one two.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
That is a great point and one I think would
solve everything except for their pockets. Well yeah, because yes,
going away and really spending some time to you know,
give viewers a chance to miss them.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
Give writers a chance to have a break.

Speaker 1 (26:13):
Give the VFX artists a chance to have a break,
who have been just work crazily to get all these
projects out on time, and the quality is suffered. Give
everybody a break, recharge, and come back with some really
great content instead of, like you said, just cranking things
out over and over again. But again, it's a giant
business now they can't do that.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
And it, yeah, it sucks when things like that become
such a moneymaker because it's like it's just another cog
in the wheel now of their machine.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
But we stand by that reviving the original Avengers right
now would be a terrible idea, right these don't I
think you need at least ten years. Twenty twenty nine
would be the earliest you could do that, even if
it's some I know they're in the multiverse saga right now,
and anything kind of goes which I'm also kind of
tired of the Multiverse right now. To be honest, I
loved it in the beginning.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
It's very confused.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
I think time stories are kind of starting to wear
on me a little bit of different timelines. They were
so interesting and fascinating early on, but everybody's trying to
do it now. I think after the Flash, I kind
of told myself, I'm a little bit done with the multiverse.
Just give me some great, straight ahead stories, some characters
to root for, some hype moments. That's all we really want.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
Give me like one, just like one time, present, day, past, future,
just one pick one.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
I also don't want movies to connect anymore. I don't
care about that.

Speaker 2 (27:28):
Yeah, like I think, I think you also alienate because
then people feel the need to have seen everything.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
That is a great point. I feel you you've.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Set that quite a few times. I feel very smart.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
This is why you're cos because it is daunting to
tell somebody, hey, there's a new Marvel movie coming out.
The first question is, well, do I have to watch
every single other of the thirty two movies they've made. No,
you just needn't watch the like. You just need to
get people to a point that they just want to
go watch one movie, be entertained.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
Like I think Black Panther was one of the best
like standalone they've ever done. I have a friend who
hasn't ever seen any other Marvel movies. She's seen Black
Panther like three times. She was like, I loved it.
It's great.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
Go back to that original model. Trilogies thinking trilogies Part one,
Origin story, Part two, the emotional unraveling, Part three, the conclusion,
the big epic ending of our hero.

Speaker 2 (28:16):
That's it trilogies, which just reminds me not a topic
for today, But we haven't talked on here about them
turning Harry Potter into like a series on is it Max?

Speaker 1 (28:24):
Yeah? Oh yeah, that's a story for another day.

Speaker 2 (28:27):
I have a lot of thoughts about that.

Speaker 1 (28:29):
But anyway, I could probably go on this.

Speaker 2 (28:31):
Yeah, you got to talk about this way longer than
I got to talk about Elf.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
I'm sorry. It was a long article and I had
a lot of things to say about it.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
It was a lot of passion.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Anything else you want to mention before we go?

Speaker 2 (28:42):
Honorable mention for the month. A couple of good books
there we go, one called The Last life Boat. Of
course it is a World War Two I also had
a breakthrough on that. I remembered I used to read
historical fiction as a child, and it was like, that
makes a lot more sense. So yeah, the Last life Boat,
it's a good one.

Speaker 1 (28:58):
I would have an honorable man, but I feel like
I went too long in the marvel. I did read
The Dark Knight Returns, which is now my favorite graphic
novel that I've ever read.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
I love that you found a hobby only because when
my sevenths of four boxes come in the mail every week,
it's like, well, that's my hobby.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
Because books are hard for me to finish, but graphic
novels I can sit down and read and there are pictures,
and there are pictures. So we'll come back, we'll do
the movie review, and we'll do the trailer park after this.
Let's get into it now. A spoiler free movie review
of Priscilla. You have Kaylee Spainey playing Priscilla in this movie.

Jacob Elordi plays Elvis. The movie is directed by Sophia Coppola,
who is a great director. She wrote the script for
this movie based on the book written by Priscilla Presley
who Priscilla is also an executive producer on this movie.
And I feel that is a very key role in
how I interpreted this movie and how I ended up
enjoying it so much, because to say that the dynamic

between Elvis and Priscilla's relationship is toxic is controversial is
kind of an understatement when you really look at the
facts that he was in his twenties already a superstar
whenever he met Priscilla while he was in the army
stationed in Germany. She was an army brat and she
was fourteen years old when they first met and started

spending time together. So the first twenty minutes of this movie,
it was really me getting adjusted to the idea of that.
And yes, this was back in the late fifties early sixties,
so maybe it was a little bit more common back then,
but still really weird. And I feel the way we
have Elvis placed in our heads as being this superstar

that is so beloved, I don't think this movie was
trying to diminish his reputation. It was really just telling
Priscilla's side of the story. It wasn't trying to paint
him in a bad life or even give him the
spotlight in this movie, because it is all from her
side of the relationship. But what this movie helped me
understand is what it's like to be married to somebody

who is that big of a icon and that big
of a presence, to be with somebody who is not
only famous, but gets everything that they want, has all
the money to do anything they could ever imagine. Going
back to the early stages of their relationship where she's
fourteen years old, Elvis is in the army and he

just lost his mother, and that's kind of where their
relationship really begins to grow because he was homesick, lost
his mother, and he needed somebody to confide in, and
that is what Priscilla became for him. She helped him
get through that time. She was the only one who
really saw him in those dark, intimate moments and became
somebody that he really leaned on. And in the book

she says that their relationship was strictly that. So the
interesting part for me to see in this movie was
seeing a side of Elvis that we haven't seen before.
We all saw the Boz Luhrmann movie last year, which
is very big and flashy, over the top, but that
movie focused so much on his music and his career
and really the relationship he had with Colonel Tom Parker,

his manager, and it was kind of their struggle, his
manager being the villain and Elvis being the hero of
that story. Here, it's a little bit different. Elvis isn't
really seen as a good guy. He's also not the
main focus of this movie. All the things that happened
to Priscilla throughout the film are as a result of him,

but it's all how his actions and his power influence her.
So it's a much different story that I really ended
up finding to be a more interesting story because it
was a side of him that we've never really seen before.
And it's really showing the dynamic of somebody married to
somebody so famous who ends up treating her the same
way that he treats everybody on his team. And it

was so interesting to see that dynamic that it's almost
that she wasn't a real life person to him. She
was as how Prisilla described him in her life to
be kind of his doll, that he would dress up,
tell her what to where, tell her how to speak,
tell her how everything he controlled which rock stars, famous people, actors, musicians,

they get so used to getting their way in every
aspect of their life that he took that and translated
into how he controls the person that he's supposed to
care about the most. There are moments where she is
the most important thing in this world that you see
throughout the film, but there are also moments where he
kind of forgets that. It shows Elvis's ability to lose

his temper in a second, his relationship with pills and
sleeping all day and partying and having all these people
around him all the time, and the toll that takes
on the partner in that relationship with Priscilla having to
stay at home when he goes on tour. We see
that side of him, of him being seen in tabloids

cheating on her and trying to tell her that it's
all made up. So there's a lot of manipulation. There's
a lot of gaslighting. There was a lot of grooming
early on, even though that that wasn't really known to
be a thing back in that time. That is exactly
what this movie shows. And again, I don't think it
was set out to villainize Elvis or tarnish his image.

I just think it was telling her side of the
story and based on her own words, based on everything
that she put in that book, and I think it's
very powerful. I found myself to be more moved by
Priscilla than I did Elvis last year, and I think
it's because it's an A twenty four film and it
just has a grittier feel to it, even down to
the actors' performances. I found myself being fully into Jacob

Ulordi as Elvis. Didn't fully look like him, but there's
the wardrobe. I didn't really see him and think, oh,
it's just a guy from Euphoria. I bought into the
fact that he was playing Elvis. I thought he had
the voice down pretty well. Maybe all the mannerisms and
show jomanship like of Elvis wasn't really showcasing this movie,
but I don't think it was supposed to. It was

really more geared towards the Elvis at home, and even
the way they reference him in this movie. They call
him E or EP, so it's kind of pulling the
curtain back a little bit more than we saw in
Elvis in seeing him just as human as he can be,
because he's not going to be a fully human character.
To have somebody that famous at that time, in no

way they're going to be human. So it was as
human as I think that we're going to see Elvis,
and showing his dark side even more so than we
saw in the film last year, because yes, that one
did showcase his addiction and the way he had to
fight through performances and once he got to Vegas and
all that, but this one showed more the effects of

him popping pills, the effects of sleeping all day, and
the effects of his temper. There are moments in this
movie where it gets very hostile between the two. You
see these fits of rage come out of him and
then quickly apologize, therefore adding to the dynamic of their
relationship that things were not good. The thing I wasn't
expecting to find in this movie was comic relief. The

movie was oddly comedic, not really on purpose, but there
were moments in the movie where they kind of made
Elvis out to be kind of a buffoon, to be
kind of a dummy, so there were moments in my
movie theater screening where people were laughing, and I feel
like that added a different level of tone to the
story of having these little moments where, oh, these are
normal people, even though they seem like larger than live figures.

So I thought that was a nice touch. I really
credit that to director Sophia Coppola, who I thought did
a fantastic job directing this movie and really getting some
amazing performances out of everybody. And also shout out to
the wardrobe department on this movie and the soundtrack and score.
They didn't use any Elvis songs. I think there are
a couple moments where they show some of his live performances,

but they really did a good job of keeping the
focus off of Elvis, which is probably hard to do
in a movie like this when and he is so
dynamic when he is on screen. It's having that ability
to shift it over to Priscilla to show the effects
that his stardom is having on her. And the score
also had like these really nice eighties inspired modern almost

rock hip hop type songs in between certain scenes. I
think specifically in the scene whenever her first big transformation
into how Elvis tried to get her to look exactly
like he wanted her to look. There were little moments
like that that really made it feel like an A
twenty four film because it took it out of the
time period and really modernized it. So I really like
that aspect of it too. Kind of reminded me of

what Boz Lherman always does and did with Elvis, of
putting these really modern tracks in places where you don't
expect them. So overall, when all was said and done,
and I know I keep comparing it to Elvis, which
maybe isn't the most fair thing to do, but I
found myself enjoying this side of the story more because
I think when it comes to biopicks, I love the

grittier side. I love the side that showed all the biggest,
darkest moments, which I don't really think Elvis focused on
that so much. This was really just almost a slice
of life story because when you look at the story
on paper, it's not a traditional story format, doesn't really
follow an act one, two, and three. It's really just
telling their entire life story. So I feel like it

was directly taken from the book. So I think what
the movie served as was just a really deep dive
and a character study into these really gritty characters. So
I found that way more enjoyable in the big lavish
musical movie that we got last year, because it's really
just plays more to my taste. It plays more to
the dark side of the story, which there are a
lot of dark elements when you break it down. So

really the only issue I had was the subject matter
of getting over the creepiness of the relationship early on.
But once I figured out that it really wasn't trying
to villainize anybody, and also reading what Priscilla had to
say about this movie being made and it really being
a representation of the story she wanted to tell, I

find myself having more comfort and knowing that it wasn't
somebody making the movie of just trying to monetize off
of that. So that definitely bumped up my scoring. So
for Priscilla, I give it four point five out of
five Gracelands. It's time to head down to movie.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
Mike Traylor Paul.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
It's rare that I have an audible gasp while watching
a movie trailer, but seeing Ryan Gosling and all his glory,
like I can admit when a guy is really good looking,
and I feel like Ryan Gosling and I are not
even the same species. I feel like if I worked
out as hard as I wanted to, I could not
achieve even a tenth of the level of his physique.

But for that reason, he makes for a great actor
to throw on a screen and make me want to
watch every single second that he is on there. But
he is in a new movie with Emily Blunt, and
it's a movie that very much reminds me that Ryan
think Gosling is a very diverse actor. Not only does
he take on roles that I feel challenge him, but

he flourishes in them. And with every project he takes on,
he reminds me that he can really do it all.
He can do the comedy, he can do the action,
he can do the drama. He can sing, he can dance,
He can do all these things so well, and man,
it just makes you jealous that there's a person out
there that is so talented. But the new movie is

called The Fall Guy. He plays a stunt man who's
kind of washed up and now he's working on a
movie set with one of the biggest stars in Hollywood
and ironically, he is somebody who he stunt doubled for
a long time ago, and this guy's kind of replaced
him as far as being the star now, Emily Blunt's
character is the one directing the movie, and where it

all comes crumbling down is the big A List star
goes missing and Ryan Gosling has to find a way
to bring this guy back, and in turn, when the
heart of em only Blunt where it seems like they
have some kind of relationships, some kind of pass where
they dated, or he's been trying to get with her
for so long, so if he brings the guy back,
he wins her heart. So before I get into more

of what this movie is about, also the interesting person
who is directing this movie, which gives me some pretty
good perspective on what to expect. Here's just a little
bit of the Fall Guy trailer.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
Tom Ryder, the biggest action stall on the planet is missing.
You need to bring him back.

Speaker 1 (41:27):
On Jodie's movie is Dead. Why, I mean, you're a
stump mad Nobody's gonna notice you. That's your job, no offense.

Speaker 2 (41:34):
I mean some taking you find Ryder, save Joji's film.

Speaker 1 (41:40):
You get the love of your life, back. I'm not
the hero, I'm just the double do.

Speaker 3 (41:46):

Speaker 1 (41:47):
Not only is Ryan Gosling visually appealing in this trailer,
but all the stunts that they get to play around with,
I think are gonna be a lot of fun. Now,
usually when it comes to making a movie about making
a movie, the movie ever turns out to be good.
It's just kind of a lame line. You have to
walk to make it interesting and not to make it
too meta. I've never really seen a movie about a

movie really win me over, But I think is there
seems to be a pretty good story here underneath it.
And the movie is based on the TV show from
back in the eighties. I don't think it's really gonna
follow a major plot line from that, aside from the
fact that Ryan Gosling is playing the same type of
stunt performer. But I think there will be a lot
of things to play around with if you are doing

stunts for a movie. Inside of a movie, there are
scenes where Ryan Gosling's character is set on fire where
he's crashing cars, but then when you go into him
in the real world where he's trying to find this
alis star and bring him back, he is also doing
these same types of stunts, but at that point it's
not on the fictional movie set. It's just on a
real movie set that we are watching. So yes, it

does get a little bit meta to make a movie
about a movie, But just by watching this trailer, I
think they make a pretty clear distinction of what is
happening on set by the way that those shots look.
They look very glossed up and Hollywood like, and then
you pull it back a little bit and there's a
sense of realism. So you have Ryan Gosting looking great,
you have those stunts looking great. You also have a
lot of great wardrobe shots in this movie and the

different outfits he has been put in throughout his entire career.
He has some iconic looks. So that is something I
look forward to now when going to watch a movie.
And maybe it's because recently I've become more interested in
the way that I dress and interested in fashion in general,
which I always just saw it as like, oh, you
have to have a lot of money to know fashion
and to be able to wear nice clothes, But I

think it really comes down to finding your own unique style,
and really fashion is just being intentional and doing something
with purpose. So it doesn't really have to cost a
whole lot. Is something that I've learned so now when
I go watch movies, I often look for inspiration based
on movie characters and what they wear. And of course
I'm not going to get something that cost a crazy

amount that they spend in movies, but looking at what
they wear, it gives me, Okay, what can I find
that I can afford that creates a similar look making
my own and makes me feel confident like I was
on a big screen. I like doing that too, And
just by looking at this trailer and some of the
different outfit choices, which some are a little bit out
there and outlandish, but I always leave a Ryan Gosling

film inspired by what he wears and what they put
him in. So maybe this movie will give me some
choices to pick for him later down the line. And
then you put him with Emily Blunt. I think they
are really great pairing that I haven't seen together on
the big screen. She also rarely makes a bad movie.
Both of them together are two actors who rarely make
a bad movie. If ever, I just have them on
that level of top tier actors. And then you have

director David Leach who we've talked about recently when I
did my review on Bullet Train, which was a really solid,
fun and funny action movie that kind of went a
little bit under the radar when it came out late
last summer, but I feel like more people started watching
that and appreciating it after it came out on Netflix.
But David Leech knows action, and he also he knows comedy.

He's done movies like John Wick, Deadpool two, Bullet Train,
which I mentioned, so I think he's gonna pull from
all those inspirations to make this movie. But the other
cool thing that excites me is David Leech was a
stunt performer back in the day. The first time he
ever met Brad Pitt was working as his stunt double
on Fight Club. So knowing that he has this long

history of being a stunt performer and then directing a
movie about a stunt guy who's kind of past this prime,
I feel like the reason he made this movie was
also to tell his story. And when you get a
director who is passionate about what they are doing and
also pulling from personal inspiration, I think that's a home
run that it's gonna have a lot of heart with

somebody who has the arsenal and the tools of how
to make that movie come to life. So maybe it's
a little selfish of him to make a movie that
hits so close to home, but they always say, right,
work on what you know. So that is why I'm
really interested to see how this entire movie plays out.
The trailer just looks fantastic, and the movie is coming
out on March first, twenty twenty four, so that's why

I'm excited to see it next year. And yes, you're
probably thinking, why do you have such a crush on
Ryan Gosling? And to that, I say, well, who doesn't said?

Speaker 2 (46:10):
That was this week's edition of Movie by.

Speaker 1 (46:13):
Tramer Bar and that is gonna do it for another
episode here on the podcast. But before I go, I
got to give my listeners shout out of the week.
We had an interview last week with Frederick Yahnay talking
about his work on Killers of the Flower move and
the process behind getting music made for a movie. I
asked you to comment with the music note and this

week's listener shout out who left that secret emoji is
Ashley Kennedy. She wrote, enjoyed this interview and can't wait
to watch the movie. So thank you Ashley, thank you
all for listening, and until next time, go out and
watch good movies and I will talk to you later
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