Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, and welcome back to movie Mike's movie podcast. I
am your host Movie Mike. Today we are doing our
best and worst for the month of June. Have my
wife and cost Kelsey. How are you let me turn
on your mic? I feel like it's been a while
to have done this, even though it has it.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
Yeah, the month of June was simultaneously long and short.
I feel like June felt longs. We're just trying to
get to vacation.
Speaker 1 (00:21):
Yeah, full transparency, so over recorded the last episode way ahead.
That's also while we're a little behind on knowing the
best and worst, we're waiting for the entire month to finish.
Went on vacation, which we can talk about later. But
I just feel a little bit off just to start.
Speaker 2 (00:34):
Yeah, I was just frantically like unpacking another suit case
right before we started, So I'm a little sweaty for.
Speaker 1 (00:41):
Well, we're all good. Now we'll do our best and worst.
In the movie review, we'll be talking about Minions.
Speaker 2 (00:46):
Four Despicable Me for oh yeah, I keep forgetting the
Minions movies are separate.
Speaker 1 (00:51):
Okay, we'll do that, and then in the trailer park
we'll be talking about my old ass not mine. The
actual movie with Aubrey Plaza. It's comedy. Thanks for wanting clarification,
not me, but I will be talking about me getting older.
Thank you for listening, Thank you for me subscribe. I
think we're ready. We're ready, We're ready. Let's talk movies.
Speaker 3 (01:10):
In a world where everyone and their mother has a podcast,
one man stands to infiltrate the ears of listeners like
never before in a movie podcast. A man with so
much movie knowledge. He's basically like a walking IMTB with glasses.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
From the Nashville Podcast Network. This is Movie Mikes Movie Podcast.
If you are here, you kick us off. What was
the best movie you signed? June?
Speaker 2 (01:38):
It was towards the end of the month, one of
the last few days of the month, right before vacation,
we watched A Family Affair on Netflix with an all
star cast of Nicole Kidman, Zach Efron, and Joey King.
Speaker 4 (01:49):
And it was so good. I loved it.
Speaker 2 (01:51):
It was everything you would think that it was gonna
be cheesy. It's predictable, but it was so cute.
Speaker 1 (01:57):
Yeah. I don't feel like overtly predictable. I mean I
feel like it. It followed the beats of a rom
com and I feel like it was one that I
annoyingly knew how it was going to end. Yeah, because
it's kind of the way they set everything up, you
kind of knowing those first seas like, oh, they got
to come back to that. It's is fine.
Speaker 4 (02:14):
But I feel like the rom com is coming back.
Speaker 1 (02:17):
It slowly is, and I think Netflix is bringing it back.
Speaker 2 (02:19):
I think anyone but You, which I was reading on vacation,
I was reading a Vanity Fair article with Glynn Powell.
I was, I promise I was reading it, not just
like the pictures of Glynn Powell. And he talked about
how I guess at the beginning like anyone but You
was kind of flopping when it first came out, and
the TikTok trend of people seeing it and then like
putting them seeing it too unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield like
took off on TikTok, and then he and Sydney like
obviously kind of leaned into the drama of like are
they not dating, which they're not, but yeah, I feel
like anyone but you and then this.
Speaker 4 (02:52):
I love a rom com.
Speaker 1 (02:54):
I've grown to enjoy them because of you.
Speaker 4 (02:56):
Yeah, you were not a big rom com person.
Speaker 1 (02:58):
I think it's it's the format of it. It's very
I feel like it's usually light on a comedy. In
a rom com, there's usually a light on the comedy.
Speaker 2 (03:06):
Except for one of my favorite rom coms of all time,
which you had not seen, which is Crazy Stupid Love,
which has many twists urns.
Speaker 1 (03:12):
That's a good one. I think the one that I
was the most surprised that I ended up enjoying was
Ticket to Paradise with Joe and George Clooney. We saw
that in theaters and I was like, that is how
you make a rom com. I think the return of
the rom com is going to be really based on
us having those bankable movie stars, because it takes a
lot to really sell a rom com that people were
gonna go watch in theaters. And I think that's why
that movie did so well, because you had Julia Roberts
and you have George Clooney. I think that's why there
was also a slow build on anyone but you, because
even though they.
Speaker 4 (03:44):
Are notable, they weren't. They weren't like James aren't now
after it, and.
Speaker 1 (03:49):
They didn't have a legacy of all these movies that
just the normal American has like a just a reference
of so I feel like theirs is growing and they
will be that and maybe ten years, but I feel
like a family affair. If that one came out in theaters,
I would have been curious to see how it would
have done, because Nicole Kidman is at that level. Although
I feel like her film career now isn't as strong
as their TV miniseries, like that is what I go to.
Speaker 4 (04:14):
Nicole is her bread and butter, but her.
Speaker 1 (04:17):
In Aquaman movies not really going to doing it for
the acting gig or the paycheck. Oh that's the paycheck
all day. Because I feel like with her name zach Efron,
that movie would have done pretty well in theaters.
Speaker 4 (04:29):
Can we talk about how we saw her at the mall?
We saw her at the mall.
Speaker 1 (04:33):
Yeah, we were walking up to the mall going to
the Starbucks, which is like outside of kind of outside
of the mall where you walk in you.
Speaker 2 (04:39):
Can enter the mall or Starbucks or the mall through Starbucks.
Speaker 1 (04:41):
Yeah, and we're walking on the sidewalk and I noticed
her husband, Keith Urban first because he has very distinguishable tattoos.
Speaker 2 (04:47):
I feel like I noticed both of them, but immediately
I knew who it was, and you and I we
were just talking about this to night in the Costco
parking lot.
Speaker 4 (04:55):
We're really good at communicating with just.
Speaker 2 (04:58):
Like either like under our breath or like just like
not looking at each other but talking and we're both
just casually.
Speaker 4 (05:03):
They were like, it's Keith Nicole.
Speaker 1 (05:05):
And then I was like a little starstruck. As we
walked by them, I was star starstruck. And the fact
that it was both of them together.
Speaker 2 (05:10):
Put them together, holding hands, just casual. Outside the mall,
I saw one girl eating clock them like as they
were walking away, and her mouth just kind of fell open,
and I was like, same.
Speaker 1 (05:19):
Which is what happened. If you come to Nashville, you
could just go to the mall and encounter.
Speaker 4 (05:23):
We've seen a little the all. The list is.
Speaker 1 (05:26):
More so than you're gonna see like on Bride. They're
not gonna be on Broadway. They're gonna be getting their
groceries or shopping get very fancy stores at the mall.
Speaker 2 (05:33):
Yeah, they were. I don't remember which designer store. If
they had a bag of.
Speaker 1 (05:37):
Uh do say and let you yes? Yes's the one.
Speaker 2 (05:42):
Also, I would like to make a disclaimer then I
know I've joked several times on this podcast recently that
I find Glenn Paal attractive. I find you even more attractive.
I'm happily married.
Speaker 4 (05:52):
I just think Glenn is attractive.
Speaker 2 (05:55):
I would just like to put that out there because
I know someone's gonna listen and be like, Wow, she's
really talking about Glenn.
Speaker 1 (05:59):
Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing them in twisters.
Speaker 4 (06:01):
He also has the.
Speaker 2 (06:02):
Appeal that he's a longhorn, like he's like one of
the most famous alumni right now. Yeah, and I love
the spotlight on the University of Texas because I love
the University of Texas.
Speaker 1 (06:12):
So that one's your favorite. What would you rate.
Speaker 2 (06:14):
It, You're like, back to the topic, h, I'm gonna
give it four out of five.
Speaker 4 (06:24):
Ice Paths.
Speaker 1 (06:25):
I was close to giving it a three point five,
but I feel like for me, this level of rom
com is probably at the peak. What you gave it,
like a four. I feel like, even if it does
everything perfectly, the Mexican Achieve is a four just because
of the format, because it's familiar, but it's not really
like pushing the like I would probably put anyone but
you higher than that. Yeah, I had a four point
five because I feel like that was just more refreshing.
So for a family affair, I would lean towards the
three out of five.
Speaker 4 (06:51):
I would say too that like Nicole Kidman was so
funny in this.
Speaker 1 (06:53):
Their chemistry was great, which is all the they've been
in a movie before.
Speaker 2 (06:57):
Yeah, and they'd played lovers before or in a movie.
But the interviews with the three of them doing like
the press tour are.
Speaker 1 (07:04):
So funny, which is also what sells a movie.
Speaker 2 (07:07):
Joey King admitting to zac Efron that she was like
in love with him as a child and had merch
with his face on it is hilarious.
Speaker 1 (07:13):
It is crazy.
Speaker 2 (07:14):
It's so funny, Like she's like, oh yeah, she was
like you were my world. I had a poster of
your face and it's acts just like Okay, I mean
that is crazy.
Speaker 1 (07:21):
Like all those actors who came up in the early
two thousands now have the new Hollywood that looked up
to this.
Speaker 2 (07:27):
She's only like twenty four. She was like six when
high school musical.
Speaker 1 (07:30):
Okay, that is even wilder. Yeah, for my best of
the month, I think I'm also going with the Netflix
movie also with Glynn Powell. I think I'm going with
hip Man. That was June two, That was at the
very beginning.
Speaker 4 (07:41):
Of gen RT. Yeah. Yeah, that was a good one.
Speaker 1 (07:44):
And I think it's because just maybe a week before that,
on my episode, I was talking about how I felt
Netflix is kind of ruining movies because they're putting out
crap like the Jennifer not the Jennifer Lorence, the Jennifer
Lopez movie about AI and and it's changing people's perceptions
on movies because they're putting out these very low quality
movies and people are just thinking, oh, that's movies right
now because you can go and watch it for free.
I think was because that movie came out right after
I did that episode and talked about that, and then
I ended up enjoying it as much as I would
going to see a movie in theaters. It Man was
so good, Like it had everything, and we're talking about,
you know, rom coms. I feel like that is a
perfect date night movie because it has the romance, but
it has the action, It has the twist and turns
light on the thriller. I wouldn't call it a full
on thriller, but it has it has like that action movie. Yeah,
I was kind of more of an action yeah, more
action than a thriller, but it just keeps moving along.
I feel like it takes a little bit at the
beginning to kind of feel out the format and the
just the level of storytelling from the director link Later,
who also did Daze and Confused School of Rock. He
just has like this style.
Speaker 2 (08:53):
He did that Everybody Wants Some which was like one
of Glenn Pal's first movies, so it was them teaming
up again and they wrote it together.
Speaker 1 (08:59):
Also a tech this connection there, but I feel like
his way of storytelling. It's a little bit of a
slow burn at the beginning, but once it gets going,
I feel like, oh, yes, like this is what I
came here for. So I think I was surprised of
how good and engaging a Netflix movie was for me.
Speaker 4 (09:17):
Did Linklater do? Okay?
Speaker 2 (09:19):
There was that movie something about a boy and years
boyhood Boyhood Ye okay, that was also a slow burn,
but that one won Oscars.
Speaker 1 (09:28):
Yeah, I feel like that movie's a little bit overrated
because the best thing about that movie is that they
did get together every I don't know, maybe a few
years every year or so to film it. So it's
the actual actors aging as it went along and I
feel like story wise, it's just like this is just life.
I'm not really there's not really a plot to it.
Speaker 4 (09:46):
But acclaimed movie that, Yes.
Speaker 1 (09:48):
That is one. So I do like him as a director,
and I was just happy that there was a Netflix
movie that didn't feel like, oh, this is just content.
It actually felt like, oh, this is actual a film,
not just a movie we throwout every single week. And
excitement wise, that one just was the most exciting movie
for me.
Speaker 4 (10:06):
Agreed that it was exciting.
Speaker 1 (10:08):
Now we'll talk about our worst before I kind of
recap everything we watched.
Speaker 4 (10:11):
Did you rate it?
Speaker 1 (10:12):
I gave that one. I think gave it a strong
four point five out of five. Back when I reviewed it,
I would give it.
Speaker 2 (10:18):
Okay, it's gonna sound weird that I'm gonna give it
higher than my favorite, but I would give it.
Speaker 4 (10:23):
I would also give it a four point five.
Speaker 1 (10:25):
I feel like that. I feel like you can rate
a movie higher but it not be your favorite, because
that almost happened to me too another movie. In my
honorable mentions, I can feel like a movie is better
than another movie, but still enjoy the one that's not
as good because it probably means a little bit more
to me.
Speaker 2 (10:40):
I also just liked the I loved the cast dynamics
of a family affair.
Speaker 4 (10:44):
Yeah, I thought that was one of the best parts.
Speaker 1 (10:47):
And it's just it was funny too.
Speaker 4 (10:48):
That's funny. Yeah. So yeah, Netflix, but on some good stuff.
Speaker 1 (10:51):
Maybe they waited till the middle of the year to
finally put out some good stuff.
Speaker 2 (10:54):
They put out Dallas Cobbie Cheerleaders, which we'll talk about in.
Speaker 4 (10:57):
Tv mm hmm.
Speaker 1 (10:58):
All right, what was the worst movie you saw in
June in your opinion?
Speaker 4 (11:02):
Easy Bike Riders.
Speaker 1 (11:05):
I don't feel like it was an inherently bad movie. Now,
it was just a little bit pointless and a little
bit boring.
Speaker 4 (11:12):
Speaker 2 (11:13):
I didn't like the storytelling. I didn't like that Jody
Comer's character. I understand that, like the movie is based
on a book that this author did interviews with her
and wrote the book, and I understand, but the way
that they did it in the movie was they were storytelling.
Like she would say, oh, couldn't believe when X event happened,
but we as viewers hadn't seen X event happen yet,
So then after she did that little interview, then we'd
see it happen.
Speaker 4 (11:40):
So it just was like weird.
Speaker 2 (11:41):
So then the scenes and they were usually surprising, things
wouldn't feel surprising because she just told us they were happening.
I also, the Midwestern accent they made her do was unconscionable.
Speaker 1 (11:52):
They all I had kind of weird accents.
Speaker 2 (11:53):
Yeah, I don't know what they were got Midwestern.
Speaker 4 (11:57):
Speaker 1 (11:57):
And I hate referring to movies as dude movies because
I feel like any movie can be enjoyed by anybody,
but I feel like that one lean more towards a
male audience. And whenever I put that review out on
YouTube last week, there was a big find the comments
over people who were like, you don't understand it because
you were never a part of a motorcycle club. I
was like, so, if the prerequisite to enjoying this movie
is a bike, that's that seems like.
Speaker 4 (12:21):
A really narrows your audience.
Speaker 1 (12:24):
You're not a superhero, so you did not understand Madam Webb.
Oh my bad man.
Speaker 4 (12:28):
I don't even think superheroes understood at nobody did.
Speaker 1 (12:31):
I did see Emma Roberts defending that movie. She was
saying that the reason I do so well is because
the internet just likes to take jokes and run with
it and make fun of everything she credited. The downfall
of that movie was because of the Internet.
Speaker 4 (12:45):
Not one was bad.
Speaker 1 (12:46):
I was like, that's a bit of a stretch for
my worst. Well, speaking of Dakota Johnson, It's Am I Okay,
which came out on Max.
Speaker 2 (12:53):
Which I'm so disappointed that that wasn't better because it
was directed by tig Nataro and her wife Stephanie, and
I thought it was going to be phenomenal, and I
kind of think, I'm just not into Dakota Johnson as
an actress anymore. Which we rewatched Peanut Butter Falcon on
vacation and I was like, she's so good in this.
Speaker 4 (13:11):
She was so good in.
Speaker 2 (13:12):
Chachaw, real smooth, and then it was like Madam Webb
steady decline.
Speaker 1 (13:17):
For a period she was one of my I would say,
maybe not top five, but top ten actresses because she
was consistently putting out hit And it's just wild to
me that it takes two movies to me like to
change my perception of her, which just shows you how
kind of fragile your career is as an actor that
you can do one just terrible movie and then follow
it up with a not so great movie, and then
people really start to question going to see her movies.
Speaker 4 (13:42):
I would also like.
Speaker 2 (13:43):
To put a disclaimer that maybe part of the reason
neither one of us enjoys because neither one of us
identifies as queer and like, we're not in that space.
Speaker 4 (13:52):
So I don't want to like.
Speaker 2 (13:53):
Completely smash the movie because maybe some people did identify
with it.
Speaker 1 (13:57):
Yeah, what happens in the movie is it's her her
just questioning her sexuality later in my life, which was
the whole premise of it, of like how would that
be if you went your entire life without being your
true self? Yeah, I think it's a great premise. It
was just poorly executed and her character. I just feel
like it came down to her acting.
Speaker 4 (14:16):
I was gonna say the same.
Speaker 2 (14:17):
I really think it's like her delivery, like her portrayal
of like awkwardness.
Speaker 1 (14:22):
She doesn't do it well.
Speaker 4 (14:23):
She doesn't. It's really weird.
Speaker 1 (14:25):
She's so dry, and you feel it's just so unnatural
and that she's not being sincere whatsoever that it makes
it hard to watch, It makes it hard to believe
her that. I just feel like maybe she was having
a bad time while filming that movie that she was
just not into that perform, which they.
Speaker 2 (14:43):
Think they filmed that back in twenty twenty two. It's
a while to come.
Speaker 1 (14:46):
Out, and I just felt like overall it didn't allow
me to grasp onto anything with their character. And I
also just felt like her character really didn't go anywhere
throughout the entire movie, So it felt really weird to me.
I gave that one a two five, which I feel
like unless you're like a die hard Da Cooda Johnson fan.
Speaker 4 (15:05):
Unless you're Chris Martin.
Speaker 1 (15:06):
Yeah, that's probably the one who watched it and really
enjoyed that movie.
Speaker 2 (15:09):
Which also, I mean, she's already like in a weird
Hollywood sphere because she has an EPO baby. But then
it is also like dating or maybe engaged to engage
Chris Martin, so then like Gwyneth of it all and
then like her stepdad was Antonio banderas whatever. But she's
also really good friends with Jeremy Allen White from The
Bear and his ex wife, and she's godmother to their children.
Speaker 1 (15:32):
Did I know that?
Speaker 4 (15:33):
I was just like, Wow, this sphere runs wide.
Speaker 1 (15:37):
The clip I think about a lot now when I
see Dakota Johnson. Is that one when she was on Ellen.
Speaker 4 (15:42):
Oh Ellen, when she ended Ellen, you.
Speaker 1 (15:45):
Didn't invite me to your birthday party? That's not just Ellen,
I did.
Speaker 4 (15:48):
Okay, Now that was the time that she did dry
awkward humor.
Speaker 1 (15:51):
Well, yeah, that was good without her even trying unless
that holding was playing.
Speaker 2 (15:54):
That was a good portrayal. Yeah, she just hasn't hasn't
been strong in the last few things. Then there's another
movie that she's gonna be in. We just saw the
poster for it.
Speaker 1 (16:03):
Oh yeah, I don't.
Speaker 2 (16:04):
Remember the name, but I saw that she was in it,
and I was like, I don't know if I'm gonna
see it.
Speaker 1 (16:07):
Normally I would be all about it, and I'm like,
I don't know. I'll give it another one to round
out all the other movies we watched in June. We
started off with Hitman. Inside Out two was right up.
There would be my favorite Bad Boys four, which you
surprisingly good chuckle, the Bike Riders, which we already talked about,
a family affair. I give it three out of five.
A Quiet Place Day one was also one that.
Speaker 4 (16:30):
I didn't think I was gonna like it.
Speaker 1 (16:31):
And you cause you don't like horror movies, and I
told you it's a little bit more on the suspense side.
Speaker 4 (16:36):
Than it is, and I still don't like suspense.
Speaker 2 (16:38):
But the thing is, so we got to Scottsdale very
early on vacation and we were like, let's see if
our room's ready. It wasn't. It's really Let's go walk
around the mall. It was a great mall. It's like
three stories. Yeah, get a lot of mall laps in
and then we ate lunch and I was like, I
don't want to walk around anymore. I was like, what
if we go see a movie and like probably fall
asleep because we've been up since three Central time.
Speaker 4 (16:57):
We're like, okay, I couldn't.
Speaker 2 (16:59):
Fall asleep because I was so in the movie I
wanted to nap, and I was like, dang it, I
really like this movie.
Speaker 4 (17:04):
But I also just love Lapita Niango.
Speaker 1 (17:06):
She is great. I feel like on compared to all
the other ones, it was probably my second favorite. The
original I still think is the best, which you haven't seen,
although I'm not sure you will enjoy that one as
much because that one's a little bit more I wouldn't
say on the horror side, but a scary side, because
a lot more takes place at night. No, no, No,
a lot more jump scares. I would say, I'm good
with this one, so I feel like this was the
perfect one for you to jump into. We'll leave it
at that. You don't need to watch any other let's
st end up making. I just don't know if I
could do another Quiet Place because I feel like I
didn't get what I wanted out of this one. It
was still enjoyable to me, and I'm glad that it
did pretty well. Even though he said it's already gonna
be on I think Prime in like a month, which
is weird for it to have a pretty strong opening
and then a month later already being on a streaming service.
I still think that window is getting a little bit
too tight for the movie industry to continue.
Speaker 4 (18:00):
I have a couple takeaways from it.
Speaker 2 (18:01):
One, if the Quiet Place were real, the children in
front of us in the movie would have been eaten
by the creatures because we're so obnoxious.
Speaker 1 (18:09):
It is a PG thirteen movie, but I feel it's
not a movie you can take kids too because the
movie is quiet.
Speaker 2 (18:15):
They just talked the whole time, and their parents were there.
And I know that I'm starting to sound like an
old person. I mean like the youths these days. But
it wasn't just like chatter. It was like they would
wait till quiet parts and like say something out loud.
Speaker 1 (18:27):
It was more of a joke to them.
Speaker 2 (18:29):
Second takeaway, I would never survive simply as everyone who
listens to this nose. I cannot shut up, So I
would not survive.
Speaker 1 (18:39):
I wouldn't survive because my snacks are too loud.
Speaker 2 (18:42):
Your snacks are so loud, and you wait till things
are quiet.
Speaker 4 (18:47):
Specifically in the movie the movies.
Speaker 1 (18:48):
If I made a movie, I would make the opening
scene much louder because it always happens after the title
card show. The first scene is always so quiet. I'm like,
this is prime snack opening time. I would make it
allowed the beginning start with some explosions, start with some
big sounds because it's always so quiet. And then I'm
over here with my snack, Like it's not even.
Speaker 4 (19:07):
That your snacks themselves around. You eat snacks.
Speaker 2 (19:10):
You yeah, smarter, Yeah, you wouldn't survive because you're snacks.
Speaker 1 (19:14):
I eat like a rat. I feel like some of
them wouldn't survive either, because some of the sounds that
they were doing quietly I'm like, there's no way that
it's that quiet.
Speaker 2 (19:22):
I was like that, I feel like that defeats purpose,
Like you're not being that quiet?
Speaker 4 (19:27):
Yeah, you got.
Speaker 1 (19:28):
It has some workarounds, I guess to make it entertaining
and to make the plot move along. But I'm like,
that would not be that quiet. But I did enjoy
it shockingly and then kinds of kindness. It's Orgos Lantimos,
who also.
Speaker 4 (19:41):
Did poor things, which I loved.
Speaker 1 (19:44):
And you did not enjoy this so as much. I
think the format. I didn't really fully think about it
going into it that it was going to be three
separate stories. It kind of felt like watching three episodes
of Black Mirror, Twilight Zone, or like the Simpsons Treehouse
of Horror episodes where you have the same cast of character.
Well you have the same cast, but they're all.
Speaker 4 (20:02):
Locked the cast. So I was like, this is gonna
be great.
Speaker 1 (20:04):
I ended up I didn't love the first part of
it as much, which I was like, am I gotta
enjoy this whole movie. It's two hours and forty five
minutes so long. But I love the second story and
the third one, what I felt was the strongest one.
The hard thing about this one is you kind of
just jump into the world, doesn't give a whole lot
of backstories, and it never gets cleared up. Yeah, there's
just not that many details, and even by the end
of it, you're like, exactly what happened. It's a lot
of you having to make up things in your head
of like what exactly went down and why it all
had any meaning.
Speaker 2 (20:37):
We also did not see it in the most comfortable
viewing experience. It was not showing in a normal regal
and this one did not have the reclining seats. And
if I'm gonna see a movie for three hours, I
need to be comfortable, and I was not comfortable.
Speaker 1 (20:48):
I ended up enjoying it. I feel like it's a
movie that I'm just glad they can be made right
now because it's so weird, so and so different and
has just no traditional strugt sure to a movie that
you go see in theaters. I loved it. I think
I'll probably enjoy it more or would have enjoyed it
more at home, just because I feel like the format
of it felt a little bit weird. It felt like
we were watching a TV show. Yeah, just back to
back to back episodes. Because it is three separate stories.
But I just think acting wise, Jesse Plemons and Emma
Stone together so good. It's just like you just have
the kind of normal cast of characters that you get
in the Logos Rogos Lantino's movie, So you have.
Speaker 4 (21:28):
The most acting anyone's seen Joel when doing well.
Speaker 1 (21:31):
That's true. I've never really seen him in anything until
this movie. Oh yeah, so good. And then I feel
like the reason a lot of people won't like it
is because it is so weird. The sound, well, the
overall score of it is really overbearing, and it gets
a little bit like we're still doing this. And then
also his calling card as a director is very nudity,
like explicit nudity, like to the point of like why
did that even happen?
Speaker 4 (21:58):
There was one.
Speaker 2 (21:58):
Scene and I was like, I'm not a prude when
it comes to watching things.
Speaker 4 (22:04):
But I was like, is this to be neat this?
Speaker 1 (22:08):
And I think about it too, and I'm like, you
know what, it really didn't.
Speaker 2 (22:11):
It didn't like they could have alluded to what this
scene showed without showing us. And I feel like because
he alluded, Jesse Pleman's alluded to what was coming. And
I was like, is he And I was like, Okay,
I could have just run with that in my brain.
Speaker 1 (22:24):
There were even other parts that I won't spoil for anybody,
but he just like they didn't really need to show that. No,
but I feel like it's that shock value. And also
when you do have kind of a calling card as
a director, you make it bold, you make it memorable. Yeah,
and we even like in movies have kind of gotten
away from sex scenes and nudity altogether. I feel like
it's very rare to go into a theater now to
see it.
Speaker 4 (22:47):
So I also wonder.
Speaker 2 (22:48):
Truf that's because he is a foreign director, and I
feel like in other parts of the world.
Speaker 1 (22:51):
Nudity is not That's a good point.
Speaker 4 (22:53):
They're not as weird about it as Americans.
Speaker 1 (22:55):
It's just a little bit more natural. Yeah, not a
censored free the nip.
Speaker 4 (22:59):
Okay, this was way.
Speaker 1 (23:00):
Past free the nip.
Speaker 4 (23:02):
There was a lot of freeing the nip.
Speaker 2 (23:03):
Yeah, free the nip and show the nipend though, sorry
if you have kids listening to this.
Speaker 4 (23:10):
The car away from this now.
Speaker 1 (23:11):
So that was our best and worst and the recap
of everything we watch now we always do a TV show,
what are You Going with that was your favorite show.
Speaker 4 (23:19):
America Sweethearts, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
Speaker 1 (23:22):
This is car Well, the CMT one is the one
we bonded over.
Speaker 4 (23:27):
I have watched that one for years, and.
Speaker 1 (23:29):
You got me into that because I am a huge
Dallas Cowboys fan. You love the show. I'm not big
into just reality shows that you would consider trash TV.
Speaker 4 (23:37):
Yeah. I didn't even really get you into that.
Speaker 2 (23:40):
You sat down on the couch one day while I
was watching the original Dallas cowboge trailers making the Team,
and you're like, I don't hate this, And then you
watched a season with me, and then it got taken
off of CMT. So the Netflix did a little different.
It wasn't just making the team. It was like four
episodes were about making the team and then the other
four were kind of throughout the season just a little darker.
Speaker 4 (24:00):
THEMT one.
Speaker 1 (24:01):
Yeah, it shows you more of the toll it takes
on their personal life, the low amount that they make
actually doing it, and pulls back the curtain a lot
of what it actually just goes into the emotional aspect.
Speaker 4 (24:14):
How much they damage their bodies to do this.
Speaker 1 (24:17):
That was wild. The overall creepiness of guys. I think
the most shocking thing I learned is the reason they
have the football whenever you take a picture with the
cheerleaders because there's a no touching rule because they used
to get to handsy, Which that's crazy that they had
to have this just explicit of a no touching role
that they give the men a football to hold so
they security card leaders.
Speaker 4 (24:39):
Yeah, at least one with them the whole time.
Speaker 1 (24:41):
They had that creepy tour guy that got put on blast,
which was weird.
Speaker 4 (24:44):
That was weird. I wonder if job.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
I just think the overall just the I feel bad
as a guy watching that over women of like them
wanting their phone numbers, just like, oh my god, they're
just they're humans. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (24:58):
And they even said they're like, we put on these
uniforms and people see us as a piece of meat.
But I also think their whole thing of like we
do it for the prestige was like a little culte.
Speaker 1 (25:09):
For that reason because it's so much of an honor
to be one. You don't make any money from them, Yeah,
and it's not that they're not a profitable organization, very profitable.
Dallas Cowboys the most lucrative sports brand in the country,
and then the cheerleaders themselves as the brand, also make
money with the TV show, with the calendar, all the
things that go that they you know, produce. As just
the unit.
Speaker 4 (25:37):
The cheerleaders themselves, you have to pay for everything.
Speaker 1 (25:40):
Yeah, they get one uniform and they don't make any
adjustments to it throughout the season.
Speaker 4 (25:45):
Yeah, they're like, you have to stay this.
Speaker 1 (25:48):
Yeah, some of the values I feel like we're from
still from like the seventies. So that show was wild.
I think I enjoyed it more because it did pull
back the curtain, but also because it followed throughout the
season and you get to see him at like different
points of the you know, different how the Cowboys were
doing and how that affects them, how if they go
to the postseason.
Speaker 2 (26:07):
They we got to see the Dolly Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1 (26:11):
Then when it got to the playoffs, I know what
happened obviously because it was last season. In the game
against the Package, I was like, hey, maybe they changed
it up.
Speaker 4 (26:19):
You're like, oh, I have to relive this.
Speaker 1 (26:21):
I was like, hey, maybe something changes and they win,
we go to the super Bowl. Yeah, it's a documentary,
they can't change it.
Speaker 2 (26:26):
My other honorable mention was I binge watched Owning Manhattan
on vacation, which I love a reality show centered in
real estate that's probably fake, kind of like Selling Sunset, Okay,
but this one the guy really is a realtor and
he'd been on a Bravo show for like twelve years,
and it was about his agency, his brokerage in New York,
but it was I love real estate in New York,
I feel like more than I do LA, because New
York real estate is like so lucks in some of
these like townhouses and brownstones. I made you watch just
the parts where they showed cool apartments, but you hate
reality tving.
Speaker 1 (26:59):
Yeah, I'm just like, nah, show me the apartment. What
do you watch house Hunters? I'd rather see that.
Speaker 4 (27:03):
I love reality TV for.
Speaker 1 (27:05):
My TV show. I'm still watching season four of The Boys,
which I think has a couple episodes left at the
time of recording this, I think so far my least
favorite season so far. But even with it being my
least favorite season, it's still way better than most shows
this year. I just feel like it's kind of a
lot of the same, very violent, and I just feel
like the plot isn't really moving a whole lot in
this one because they're gearing up for the final season,
which will be the next one, so it's kind of
like that in between, but hopefully the last episodes will
be really strong. I'm also watching The Acolyte I always
mess that word up on Disney Plus, which is a
Star Wars series, and I really haven't been into the
Star Wars series. I think the only one I've gotten
into was The Mandalorian, and that's the only one. I
really love this one. I feel like it's pretty good.
Sometimes people just hate them for no reason because I
feel like you can't really make Star Wars fans happy
at all. But this is that I have been watching
every single week when it comes out. And then I
also got back into Dragon Balls Super which over vacation
watched about I don't know twenty five thirty episodes because
they're like one hundred and twenty something in the season,
which is a lot to tackle. But I feel like
now that I've I guess through what maybe a third
of it, I'm just gonna go all the way through
because it's like aired from like twenties fourteen fifteen to
like three or four years, so I'm gonna keep watching that.
Speaker 4 (28:28):
I love that you found something that you can.
Speaker 1 (28:30):
I enjoy it. Twenty minute episodes.
Speaker 4 (28:31):
Bench watch, It's great.
Speaker 2 (28:32):
My book of the month, I'm gonna go with one
called The Authenticity Project, and the premise is that this
man writes in a notebook and it's like, what if
we all know each other's stories? And he leaves it
somewhere and then someone else writes in it and it
ends up being this tale of like how all the
characters are interconnected. I think would make a great film.
I've been trying to cast it in my head. I
don't have that. I will have to provide an update.
I'm trying to make my dream casting.
Speaker 1 (28:58):
Well, you loved it.
Speaker 4 (28:59):
I loved it.
Speaker 2 (29:00):
It's a good When I finished it, I started it
before vacation and then finished it like the first or
second day did we were on vacation.
Speaker 1 (29:06):
My graphic novel that I read over vacation was Old
Man Logan, And the reason I read it is because
I feel like dead pull and Wolverine is going to
pull some story elements from that.
Speaker 4 (29:16):
Which reminds me we need to watch Logan.
Speaker 1 (29:18):
Yeah, that's the only you watched both dead Pools and
you haven't seen Logan, and I feel like the new
movie is gonna pull from it because it's from the
trailer and from what I've read about it so far,
it's a different Wolverine. So I feel like they're gonna
pull from old Men Logan where he takes place. He's older,
he's not Wolverine anymore. He's out, like living on a
farm and trying to give all that up. Something really
tragic happened to him, so he's like, I'm not gonna
beat him anymore. And I think that's the one they're
gonna pull from to be in dead Pool Wolverine. But
I'm so excited for that movie coming out this month.
Speaker 2 (29:49):
I No, I can't keep track of all the different
like Deadpool wasn't in the universe and then Logan's in
the universe side.
Speaker 1 (29:57):
Yeah, I tried. It was different for a minute. It
was and Fox and now it's all together.
Speaker 4 (30:01):
It's a lot of great movies this month.
Speaker 1 (30:03):
That and Twisters are just the ones they just can't
wait for.
Speaker 2 (30:06):
I can't wait to see the Channing Tatum Scarlett Johansson
rom com from Apple TV only because it hasn't been
like publicized at all.
Speaker 1 (30:13):
Yeah, I don't know if it's gonna do well, but
I'm holding on to hope that them two together will
be good. I'll see anything anything else you wanted to
mention about vacation. We went to Scottsdale slash Phoenix. Best
and worst of vacation best, I'll go. We went to
a Diamondbacks game, which our thing has kind of been
going to different cities and going to.
Speaker 4 (30:32):
Yeah, we just kind of somehow made that our thing,
which I love.
Speaker 1 (30:35):
We've been doing a little lot. We went to Chicago.
We saw a game Atlanta, obviously, which is only a
few hours from us.
Speaker 4 (30:41):
We still need Sinnati.
Speaker 1 (30:42):
We still need to go to Global Life to see
an actual Rangers game. We've seen them in Atlanta, just
haven't been to Arlington yet. Yeah, and hopefully we can
go to more. Worst, I would say freaking out.
Speaker 4 (30:52):
It was so hot, and we went there three years
ago for our honeymoon, which is why we went back.
Speaker 2 (30:57):
But it had rained the last time we were there,
so it had cooled down, and so I don't think
we fully understood how hot it was gonna be.
Speaker 1 (31:04):
Waking up to ninety degrees is interesting.
Speaker 2 (31:06):
That was a lot, but there was cloud cover a
couple of days. The spa pool was nice and cool
and had like a cover and we could use that,
like the day I got a massage and then the
other day is we also just enjoyed the room.
Speaker 4 (31:19):
It was kept like sixty six the whole time.
Speaker 1 (31:21):
That was nice. Not our electricity bill exactly. Crank it down.
My favorite part of vacation.
Speaker 4 (31:25):
Crank it down. Yeah. The best it was just getting away. Yeah,
think it was nice. I don't really. The worst was, yeah,
the heat. I don't really have a worst.
Speaker 1 (31:34):
Yeah, luckily everything went pretty according to plant.
Speaker 2 (31:37):
Yeah, we got a Bronco was our rental car, which
we were so excited about.
Speaker 1 (31:41):
Yeah. Growing up, our family car was the Bronco. We
took so many trips in that thing. That thing brought
us back in to Mexico several summers. And that was
my first car. Like that's what I drove to college,
not college, high school in so I feel like I
have fond memories with the Bronco, and then I don't.
I just always wanted to drive a new one. It
was awesome.
Speaker 2 (32:02):
Yeah, and what else was I going to say? The
resort we stayed at was lovely, great food, pools were nice.
It was nice just to turn off, for.
Speaker 1 (32:12):
Which I feel like has been hard for me to
go on vacation. I feel like you've been pretty good
at telling me, like, hey, just turn your brain off,
enjoy it, don't think about everything else.
Speaker 2 (32:21):
Before you got into like comics and graphic novels.
Speaker 1 (32:25):
I had nothing to read, like a pool beach guy.
Speaker 2 (32:29):
So like last year we did Tahos we could go hiking,
which was fun, but I like, sometimes I just really
need like a do nothing vacation, and yeah, I love
to read, so I was kind of like, I don't.
Speaker 4 (32:40):
Know, you need to find a hobby, and and you did.
Speaker 1 (32:43):
I read too. I read a man logan like I
mentioned in The Long Halloween, which is an animated movie now.
Speaker 4 (32:49):
And then you read some of your recriupment book.
Speaker 1 (32:52):
I gotta finish that. I got like one hundred pages left.
Speaker 4 (32:54):
Some most who have gotten through a book in a while.
Speaker 1 (32:56):
I know, all right, we'll come back and we'll give
our spoiler free review Minions for which I don't think
we can spoil this Despicable Me for gosh, I forgot
Despicable Me for they're just so cute and adorable they
steal the show. But no na, all right, we'll talk
about that next. Let's get into it now. A spoiler
free movie review of Despicable.
Speaker 4 (33:21):
Me for there you go.
Speaker 1 (33:22):
I only got it right. The premise of this movie
is pretty easy. The family is back. They now have
a baby, Grew Junior, and he hates his dad. He
torments so he loves the mom doesn't love Grew, So
Grew spins pretty much the entire movie trying to win
the love of his son.
Speaker 4 (33:39):
That's like my youngest brother.
Speaker 1 (33:41):
That he hated everybody in the beginning, truly for like
four years. You guys can't even go out to dinner
because he would just scream.
Speaker 2 (33:47):
No, he would he he was the type of kid
that he was, like when I'm done eating, everyone at
this table is done eating, and if you don't take
me out of here, everyone in this restaurant will be
done eating.
Speaker 4 (33:57):
So we did a lot of chilies to go pick up.
Speaker 1 (34:01):
Your little brother was Groo Juty. You've met him, yeah,
So it starts out with their reunion from nineteen eighty.
Speaker 4 (34:08):
Five at the Villain School the Villains.
Speaker 1 (34:10):
School, and Grew tries to arrest the roach guy named Maxim. Yes,
he gets thrown into prison and then he escapes prison
and they have to go into hiding because he's going
to come and well, we don't know what's going to
happen to Groo, but he's going to come get revenge
on him. So they have to go into hiding to
this place called Mayflower, and then they have to take
on some new identities and pretty much just hide out,
Which how can you hide out as being grew so
distinguishable and so weird.
Speaker 4 (34:43):
And having like seven minions look with you.
Speaker 1 (34:45):
Yeah, that's the part they didn't explain is like, Okay,
the family has to go, they have to get new names,
but you're allowed to take three of the menus to
three millions, like people aren't going to put the pieces
together from the minions.
Speaker 2 (34:57):
And the rest of them went to work for the
Anti Villain League, which they were terrible at the job.
Speaker 1 (35:01):
Which the Despicable Me movies really have the same format.
You have a villain introduced who is gonna have some
evil plan that involves them encountering grew them having to
take down the villain, and then the minions always have
like a b plot that ends up being my favorite
part of it.
Speaker 4 (35:18):
I have soft spot in my heart for the Minions.
Speaker 1 (35:20):
And what this movie introduces is the Mega Minions, yes,
which they get these superpowers, which their b plot is
almost a parody of superhero movies, which I think is
why I found this movie so funny.
Speaker 4 (35:32):
Yeah, the Superminions.
Speaker 1 (35:33):
They're kind of like an Avengers Fantastic four X Men hybrid.
One of them has like a laser beam, which is
kind of like Cyclops. One of them is pretty much
literally the thing because he's big and made of bricks.
I guess one of them is kind of like Superman
a little bit. Yeah, and then there is just a
scene for seeing parody of Spider Man two whenever he
stops the the bus on the railcar. He did that
in Spider Man with his web, but in this one
his arms are stretchy, so he does that. I thought
that was great a parody of Spider Man too. I
feel like Despicable Me is kind of in a way
bringing back like the parody animated movie Filling the Void.
That is s trick.
Speaker 2 (36:14):
I mean, the first Despicable Me came out in twenty ten,
which is wild, and now we've done four Despicable means
and two separate Minions movies.
Speaker 1 (36:24):
It's a bill multi billion dollar franchise.
Speaker 2 (36:27):
At and it's still going. And here I am a
thirty something year old, adults were still playing it.
Speaker 1 (36:32):
But I do feel that now after watching this one,
I realize how much younger the audience leans like what
they target towards. Yes, which I feel like in the
beginning maybe wasn't the case. But I was also fourteen
years younger when those movies came out. But now I
can see how they are so much different than say
an Inside Out Too, which we also saw, you know,
just a few weeks ago. How that movie, I feel,
is almost more for adults because I don't know that
a kid is gonna get all the themes from Inside
Out one or two.
Speaker 4 (37:03):
This it also hasn't probably felt all the film.
Speaker 1 (37:06):
Yeah, so I feel like that's almost now more towards adults.
But I think what Illumination does great with movies like
this or Migration or the Super Mario Brothers movie is
just making fun movies for kids, and also where it's
not so focused on the human element. That's why you
have the minions. I feel like when you take the
humans out of it, it just becomes more fun, because
it's more fun than cuddly and dumb. Yeah, and there's
also what kids love a good far joke all the time.
They're filled with far jokes, filled with fart jokes. And
it's also a movie that the main character isn't necessarily
a good person because he's a villain. Yeah, so I
think that's what makes it funny.
Speaker 4 (37:44):
Become a family he's a reformed family man now.
Speaker 1 (37:46):
But if you look at it, he's he still does
bad things. So in addition, well, I think what also
sets this movie apart the franchise as a whole is
the voice acting is really good.
Speaker 4 (37:58):
I'm gonna say we had a great addition to this one.
Speaker 1 (38:01):
Will Ferrell plays the new bad guy. His wife is
played by Sophia ver Gotta, who is also They just
I feel like, put so much more into this role
then normally when you get animated movies like this that
aren't Disney or Pixar, they just grab big celebrities and
they essentially do their same voice and it feels like
they put no effort into it. But I feel like
to be in a Despicable Me movie, you have to
like really take pride in like Will Ferrell is. You
can't really tell it's him because he's doing an exit
and it's so animated all over the place. Sophia Argotta
like her, but it's also it fits the role, and
it's more cartoonish. It's amped up a little bit, it's
not just her reading lines off a piece of paper.
Speaker 2 (38:42):
And then you have when they moved into Mayflower, there's
a house next door, and then there's like a whole
plot with that daughter wants to become a villain. She's
voiced by Joey King. She's just doing a lot of
press stwars this month. Yeah, and then her mom is
voiced by Chloe Feineman and I love Chloe Feynman.
Speaker 1 (38:59):
Then on the fans side, you have everybody returning, Steve Carell,
like we talked about, Christis Wwig, and then Miranda Cosgrove.
It was also now in her thirties, still playing a kid. Yeah,
which I feel like, I love what they said going
into this movie that they have decided to just freeze
all of them in time, none of them age, they
remain kids. I think that is great. I feel like
maybe once they get to Despicable Me, like nine or ten,
maybe they age the mump a little bit. But I
feel like that's what makes these movies great. You know,
going into it exactly what it's going to be, You're
gonna get the last from the Minions. Although I do
feel like they spoke a little bit less in this one.
Speaker 4 (39:37):
Yeah, I wanted more Minion like I.
Speaker 1 (39:38):
Wanted more Minion quotes, just because I think that's always
our favorite part because they speak a hybrid of Gibberish
and Spanish, and it's funny that that was my favorite part.
Ganpo And then the director and creator of the Minion
is actually the one who does all the voices of them, yes,
which he didn't direct this one, but he was a
director and co director on the first three and I
think both of Dominions movies, but this one different director,
but he still does the voice for it. It was
a little bit more slapstick in this one because there
was a lot of them like slapping each other's butt
or doing other dumb things of like the whole gag
of the one being stuck in the vending machine throughout
the entire movie was funny. It's also like their misdirection
on jokes, Oh, this would be the obvious thing for
them to do, but then they do the complete opposite.
Speaker 2 (40:26):
Like Also I think about as we get closer in
age having kids in the next few years, like I
want to also enjoy the movie. We're taking your kids too, Yeah,
I don't want.
Speaker 1 (40:35):
To be bored, which I feel this one had the
most adult joke in a kid's movie in a while.
Wherever the youngest daughter has a pet goat and she's
trying to teach the goat tricks and she tells it
to sit and it poops on the floor.
Speaker 4 (40:52):
And she's like, I said sit, and none of the kids.
Speaker 1 (40:55):
Got it in the In the movie, I was like,
I was like, hey, they really went for it there.
Speaker 4 (41:00):
Speaker 2 (41:00):
Kind of reminded me of the Shrek. Watch your shine,
your shoes, Please stay off of the grash on your shoes,
wipe your face.
Speaker 1 (41:08):
Yeah. And going back to my favorite part of them
parroting the superhero movie is they kind of made a
commentary on like people being sick of superhero movies and
like whenever superheroes quote unquote save the city, they usually
leave the city in ruins destroy which is funny because
on the flight back from Arizona, I started watching the
First Avengers and I like skipped to the end the
final battle scene and it's like them saving New York City,
but when you look at all the collateral damage, it's
literally in ruins, like all buildings are torn down, everything's
on fire. I feel like they should make a superhero
movie or.
Speaker 4 (41:46):
They clean the city where they or they have.
Speaker 1 (41:48):
To take into account that maybe they have so many
strikes against them, like hey, last time you saved the city,
you literally destroyed it. You have to be very cautious
of what you are doing where you were throwing people,
because you know, they throw some of these villains into
like a building, they're killing people in there, and they
don't mention that. You know, some people have taken some mits.
And I think the boys on Amazon probably comments on
that a little bit. But they should do a superhero
movie where they have to clean up afterwards. But also,
you can't freaking tear down a building to save one
person and you should break out the villain.
Speaker 4 (42:23):
You should write that one.
Speaker 1 (42:24):
I'll work on it right now. Okay, I do have
a superhero movie I'm writing. It's about a Mexican superhero.
I have a couple of different Mexican superhero ones. One
of the like an aging Mexican superhero, which is kind
of my version of the Dark Knight returns, and then
I have another one about well, I won't.
Speaker 4 (42:40):
Say yeah, don't give your ideas away.
Speaker 1 (42:42):
Anyway, I want property. So overall, what would you rate menon?
Dang it almost said it again.
Speaker 4 (42:53):
I'm gonna give us all a three.
Speaker 1 (42:55):
That is exactly where I'm at on this one. Yeah,
because in the middle it's not as good as I
would say the first two, which I.
Speaker 4 (43:02):
Feel because they were also novel.
Speaker 1 (43:04):
They were novel then, but I feel like the first
two had more just big elaborate action, more adventure, and
I feel like overall that really established like all those
characters where you really got to know them. They really
actually went through changes in that a little bit more
going through the motions. On this one of I almost
feel like the level of the story was probably more
of like an episode of a TV show, but it
was kind of stretched out. It was still enjoyable and
still fun, but I feel that now they're kind of
just stretching out the franchise of making them again and again,
which it has been a while since they made one.
For me, I think I want another Minions movie before
I want another Despicable Me, just because I just want
I just find them funnier when they're at the center
of it, even though they don't speak a whole lot
that you get a lot more out of it because.
Speaker 4 (43:50):
When it's funny, it's hilarious.
Speaker 1 (43:52):
So I think I'm more curious in them as just
minions doing minion things that I am what the family
is actually going through right now, and with them not
aging the family, I don't know that they could go
on another adventure with the baby, and.
Speaker 2 (44:07):
I feel like we'll still keep getting illumination. Is gonna
ride that cash cover.
Speaker 1 (44:10):
That's truely, there's making them a lot of money.
Speaker 4 (44:12):
They're gonna keep writing that train.
Speaker 1 (44:13):
But yeah, I'm a solid three out of five. I
think if you have young kids, they're gonna love it
in theaters.
Speaker 2 (44:20):
And I think I would say Despicable Me four was
better than Kung Fu Panda four.
Speaker 1 (44:24):
Yeah, That's what I also feel like when it comes
to some of these kids movies is they're going way
beyond like the classic, like just trilogy of them, like, hey,
make a four, make a five, make a sick.
Speaker 4 (44:35):
Some of them are past their shelf life. Yeah we
don't need another one, but this one was good.
Speaker 1 (44:39):
Kung Fu Panda should have been one, two, three, no
need for four. Toy story. I feel should have ended it. Three,
are giving it five, We're doing five, probably gonna do six.
Despicable Me is the other one. I feel that it
is up there and been around so long that it's
still gonna be good.
Speaker 4 (44:55):
It's still good, still good.
Speaker 1 (44:58):
All right. That is our thoughts on this Spickable met them.
It's time to head down to movie.
Speaker 4 (45:09):
Mike Traylor, Paul.
Speaker 1 (45:11):
If you encountered you from the future, would you take
advice from future you? That is the premise of this
new movie starring Aubrey Plaza. It's called My Old Ass.
But in this movie, first you have a teenager who
goes on a summer camping trip, takes a mushrooms and
then goes on an entirely different trip where she starts
seeing her future forty year old self, thinking ah, that
was just a crazy mushroom trip. Turns out it was
actually her future self who goes and puts her number
into her cell phone so then can communicate with her
from the future and her forty year old self from
the future is played by Aubrey Plaza, who is now
offering all this advice, telling her who and who not
to have relationships with, giving her guidance on love, family,
and all the things that you experience as a teenager.
So I love the premise of this movie first of all,
even though nothing we really haven't seen now at this
point when it comes to a coming of age movie. So,
by no means do I think this movie is going
to reinvent the category of coming of age film. But
I don't think it needs to because really you kind
of get the same themes as long as it hits
you on an emotional level. I love a coming of
age movie if it's done well. It also takes place
during the summer, So two of my favorite things, and
then you throw in a third one of my favorite things.
Aubrey Plaza, who is now forty years old. When this
trailer came out, she was thirty nine turning forty. So
the parallels between this movie and real life are there,
and I guess to me that is the most shocking
thing that she is forty thinking back on her time
in Parks and rec Her first film was in two
thousand and nine, a movie called Mystery Team, which was
the YouTube comedy group Derek Comedy, which one of those
members was Donald Glover. He put her in that movie.
Also in two thousand and nine, she was in the
Adams Sandler movie Funny People, And fifteen years later, she's
forty in doing this role, which I still have her
in my head as being a new hatress. And it's
probably because even though she's seven years older than me,
I somehow feel like we're the same age, just because
her characters coincided with my age back in two thousand
and nine somewhat. So I think it's just that I've
grown up with their TV shows and her movies for
so long now that it feels like, Wow, all the
people I loved when I was younger are now getting older,
And I think, for me, just turning thirty three back
at the end of June, although I'm not middle aged
forty yet, I am starting to feel the themes of
this movie already and thinking of what it would be
like to go back and talk to my younger self.
So we'll get into that, we'll answer more of that question.
But before I go full existential crisis, here's just a
little bit of the my old ass trailer. Who are you, Elliott?
Speaker 2 (47:53):
Speaker 4 (47:53):
I'm you, You're me? What's up? I don't have a
gap in my tea yet. Where are your retainer left? Boobs?
Speaker 2 (48:00):
Speaker 4 (48:02):
I'm actually got a form being middle aged. I'm thirty
nine years old. That's not middle aged. No, that is
middle aged. No, it's not. I am a very young adult.
Speaker 1 (48:10):
The only thing you can't get back is time.
Speaker 4 (48:12):
It goes by so fast. If we weren't the same person,
do you think you'd even like me. You're just saying
that because you're young and dumb.
Speaker 1 (48:20):
But if you weren't young and dumb, you never be
brave enough to do anything. I love the quotes in
that trailer. If you're not young and dumb, you'd never
be brave enough to do anything. The only thing you
can't get back is time. And I am a very
young adult. All three of those quotes I am going
to lift from this trailer and start using in my
everyday life because I feel like those hit and I
feel like if I were to go back and talk
to my teenage self, I wouldn't listen to myself. And
I think that's the thing with a lot of people
who get older. I start to feel like I have
more of a grasp on life, and I feel like
I have more tools that if I could go back
and tell my younger self this, that I would have
so much more of an understanding of that time. But
I wouldn't take the advice. And I don't even really
like giving out advice to younger people now because I
feel sometimes there are just things you need to learn
by yourself, and it's through that growth that you develop
this wisdom. But somehow passing it down to others just
doesn't really have an effect, I feel, because you learn
so much more about the things you do wrong, really
than by taking advice. Is how I feel. And it's
all the mistakes I made early on in my life
that have gotten me to the point where I'm at now.
So if I were to go back and tell my
younger self sixteen seventeen, eighteen, nineteen year old me, I
would be robbing myself of that experience. What I avoid
some things along the way, Yeah, But it's those things
that I remember and look back on and feel them
in my bones because they built the person who I
am today. And in this movie, it looks like Aubrey
Plaz's character is going to try and prevent some grief
in our life events, some horrible situations control her love life,
which on the surface would be great. You don't want
to see yourself go through that pain. But I think
the lesson just by this trailer that I think we're
gonna get from this movie is it's all those things
that really make up life. And I've been starting to
think about recently of how I was kind of young
and crazy, even though I really wasn't a wild person.
But I think the way I feel that I was
young and crazy is I was doing things without really
thinking a step ahead. I just kind of acted like,
this is what I want to do. One of those
very first memories of me doing that was me moving
from my hometown of Waksahatchee to Austin, Texas to go
to college and just figure out what I wanted to
do with my life. And looking back now on how
hard it is to move to a city where you
don't know anybody, I would struggle making that decision now,
but at seventeen years old, that is all I wanted
to do and was going to do it no matter
what anybody was going to tell me. And I did it,
and it was the best decision I ever made in
my life because it created this chain of events that
got me to where I am today, even leaving Austin
and moving to Nashville for the job I have now,
I couldn't go back to even just twenty five year
old me and think, oh, I'm going to drop everything,
pack up my entire four focus, and move to Nashville
and start an entirely new, different life. I feel like
it was me being young and stupid and careless that
got me to where I am now, So I value that.
So I think if this situation happened to me and
my forty year old self in seven years, went back
to my teenage self, I don't think I would listen
to myself. I would want to know where I ended
up and where me and Kelsey are and where my
family is. But I don't think I would go and
start manipulating things to change any course of my life.
And I think I look back on advice people did
offer me early on in my life, and I'm not
sure that I listened to any of it. I probably
would have benefited from it, but again, that first hand
experience of you making mistakes is so much greater than
listening to somebody's advice. This movie is directed by Megan Park,
who made her directorial debut back in twenty twenty one
with a movie called The Fallout that you can watch
on Max. It stars Jenet Ortega. It's a pretty heavy movie.
It's about these two students that bond after a school shooting,
and that is how the movie starts. It's very much
the fallout of that situation and the emotional toll it
takes on young people who experience that. And although it's
not a big elaborate plot and then it doesn't have
all these layers to it. So I thought it was
a really strong directorial debut for Megan Park, who was
also known for playing Grace on the TV show The
Secret Life of the American Teenager. Not that familiar with it.
I'm really invested now with her as a director, seeing
her go from The Fallout to a movie like My
Old Ass. I even think that title itself is a
bit of a gamble. Some people won't go see a
movie because it has not even really a curse word,
just a word that some people people aren't too comfortable
with putting in a title. And you think, oh, titles
of movies really don't have much effect on people anymore,
but they do. A bad title can keep people from
going to a movie. What I think in this case,
it's R rated, probably gonna be a little bit raunchy.
It does center around the character doing drugs, which is
the fuel for the entire plot, So I think if
you're okay with that, you're probably okay with the word
ass in a title. But I always love that risk
because with movies that want to reach the most amount
of people and be palatable for everybody, sometimes it's okay
to say I'm going to take a stance here. I'm
going to call this movie what I want to call
it and keep my integrity as a director. It makes
me think of the Zach Efron and Nicole Kidman movie
Family Affair that recently dropped on Netflix and how it
had a much different, more vulgar title when it was
being developed, and I think if it would have kept
that title, it would have made a lot of people
not watch that movie. So sometimes you go the PC route.
That is a much more comfortable title when you have
your actors out promoting it and talking about it in
an interview. So I think here it works. They even
say the title of the movie in the trailer. It's
actually a reference to Aubrey Plaza's but which is funny.
So again, I love that this movie is entirely centered
around a very transformative summer family love, rethinking everything in
your life before you go out and be a real adult.
The movie is coming out on September thirtieth, and my
very young adult self is gonna be there at that point.
Speaker 4 (54:35):
Is this week's edition of movie Line Tramer par and that.
Speaker 1 (54:40):
Is gonna do it for another episode here of the podcast.
But before I go, I gotta give my listeners shout
out of the week. Thank you all for such a
great warm response from our interview last week with the
director of the original Twister. Had so many messages, so
many comments about that interview, so really appreciate everybody checking
out that episode commenting on social media, which is where
I'm pooling this week's listener shout out from. If you
missed it, just go back one episode in the feed
check it out. You can also watch the full interview
unedited on YouTube. But this week's listener shout out of
the week ghost to Kim who commented with the secret
emoji the Twister emoji and said who commented with the
secret emoji which was the Twister and said, we just
had my kid's second birthday party that was Twisters themed
in parentheses to Nato had the movie on in the background.
Definitely with you on the favorite movie category. So thank
you for that comment, Kim, thank you for listening, and
thank you for that birthday party idea. As much as
I love this movie, I don't know why I never
thought of that as a kid. I mean, I can
picture the cake now with a Twister on it. You
throw some cows and the Red Ram truck on there,
it would be perfect. So thank you for listening to
anybody else who is about to celebrate a two year
old's birthday party and also loves Twister. I know it's
very specific, but feel free to steal and use that
at tnato birthday theme idea. And until next time, go
out and watch good movies and I will talk to
you later.
Speaker 3 (56:10):