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July 28, 2024 17 mins

Movie Mike hops in for an emergency podcast to talk about the news that broke last night at Comic-Con in San Diego. Robert Downey Jr. is set to return to the film franchise as classic Fantastic Four villain Doctor Doom for the newly titled Avengers: Doomsday, due out in May 2026, and Avengers: Secret Wars, bowing in May 2027. Kevin Feige also officially confirmed the Russo bros. will direct these next two Avengers films. Mike gives his thoughts on if he likes the decision to bring RDJ back, if it feels like a cash grab and the one worry he has that will be crucial to the success of the next two Avengers movies. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hello, and welcome back to an emergency episode of Movie
Mike's Movie Podcast. I am recording this on Sunday, July
twenty eighth. The news broke last night that Robert Downey
Junior is returning to the MCU. He is gonna play
the Fantastic Four villain Doctor Doom in the newly titled
Avengers movie Avengers Doomsday, which is coming out on May twenty,

twenty sixth. They also announced Avenger's Secret Wars, which is
coming out in May twenty twenty seven. This is all
because they are having to shift their plans after they
lost and got rid of Jonathan Majors, who was gonna
be the next big villain. They were, you know, teeing
up King the Conqueror, and now that is no more
with good reason. We'll get into all those details, but

the big deal here is that Robert Downey Junior is back,
not as Iron Man, but as Doctor Doom. And I
have so many conflicting feelings, and the nerd side of
me is kind of losing my mind because I'm a
huge Robert Downey Junior fan. He did a fantastic job
as Ironman. Carried the MCU is the reason it was
so successful. But that is the nerd side of me speaking.

The film enthusiast side of me is saying, what is
done is done. They should let Tony Stark, Robert Downey
Junior rest and move on. But I think that's hard
to do because without Jonathan Majors and everything that we're
banking on, they're in a tough position. And I want
to start with the announcement last night because I thought
it was epic, and I think my initial feelings are

based on if I was in that room at Comic
Con and I was sitting there, I would feel overwhelming excitement.
And this is the moment where the Russo Brothers were
talking about introducing Doctor Doom. They didn't say who was
playing him yet, but then you see this person walk
onto the stage with the Doctor Doom mask, which is
this silver, metallic, big looking mask dressed in green, and

then you see him take his mask off and it's
revealed that it's Robert Downey Junior. So I put myself
into the position if I was there at Comic Con,
how would I feel in this moment? And I would
be much like those people losing my mind because if

you see Robert Downey Junior up there. You're gonna get excited.
You're not gonna be like all the nerds on the
internet right now saying this is terrible dat you lenden
brist decision Marvel has ever made. The people saying that
are the same people who said that Marvel was cooked after.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
Twenty nineteen an endgame.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
These are also the same people who have still gone
to every single Marvel movie just to complain about it.
So I can see it from that end, I could
see if you were gonna say that this was a
cash grab, I don't think it is that. If this
were a cash grab, they would have introduced Robert Downey
Junior returning as iron Man and iron Man for or

him just coming back into an Avenger and with all
the multiverse stuff which gets a little bit muddy here
and there. They could have got away with it, but
they didn't do that. They're bringing them back as a villain.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
So I think it is interesting.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
I'm still hesitant about it, but overall I am excited
and I like it. The big tagline that Robert Downeys
Junior told the audience from the stage is new mask,
same task, which I think is gonna be the real
indication of what his character is going to you know,
his motives are going to be in the comic books,

in the Fantastic Four film franchise, which has been historically bad.
It just hasn't been good in my opinion, which I'll
get into a little bit about why I'm worried about this,
But I think that is the interesting part. New mask,
same task, meaning that he is no longer going to
be wearing the Iron Man mask slash suit, but the
same task remains. What is that task? And I started

thinking about that. What was Iron Man really trying to do?
He was trying to protect the world. If you go
back to Age of Voltron and his motives in that movie,
he kind of went kind of Avengers backs, trying to
save the world. Yeah, so trying to do good, but
in turn created Oldtron, which ended up causing so much
death and destruction that you could convince me in that

movie Iron Man was a little bit of a villain
looking at him battling Captain America over having different feelings
on how the Avengers should be regulated. So in Civil
War they fought against each other. Again, you could be
on Iron Man's side, you could be on Captain America's side.
I'm more on the side of Iron Man, just because

Captain America is a little bit too much of a
boy scout for me. So I tend to side with
Ironman's motives, but I don't think he's right one hundred
percent of the time. You could have a little fringe
of evil in him. So I'm wondering how they're going
to introduce him, and if it's new mask, same task,

he could still be trying to save the world, but
maybe something just flips in him and suddenly he is
a villain, because maybe he's going a little bit too extreme.
Even looking at Thanos, who has been the greatest villain
in the MCU, he has also had if you look
at it from a different perspective, maybe he was doing
the right thing.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
So maybe they introduce him.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
I don't think they could bring him back as Ironman
in any capacity where he flips to doctor Doom, but
maybe something in that realm of him wanting to do
good at some point and then just going full heel
and becoming doctor Doom. I'm excited to see how it's
all going to play out. The other thing that is
exciting is that the Russo Brothers are returning who have

really been the driving force in the MCU for the
movies that we all love, going all the way back
to Captain America Winter Soldier in twenty fourteen, Captain America's
Civil War in twenty sixteen, Avengers Infinity War in twenty eighteen,
and they also directed Avengers Endgame in twenty nineteen. Since then,
they've had add some success, put out some good decent movies,

even Cherry with Tom holland The Gray Man, but I
don't really think they've had a big monster hit outside
of the MCU. So I really think Marvel is in
a place where they want the hits, and they're coming
off a historic weekend with Deadpool and Wolverine making two
hundred and five million dollars at the US box office,

which is great, but I still don't think that movie
is enough to propel this next sphase forward. They need
something bigger, They need something that packs a little bit
more of a punch, and I think that punch is
Robert Danney Junior teaming up with the Russo Brothers again
and with them doing two Avengers movies within two years again,
Doomsday coming out in twenty twenty six and Secret Wars

coming out in twenty twenty seven. I'm seeing this again
as how we got Infinity War going right into endgame,
maybe even doing it the same way where they film
all these movies at the same time, so is feel
very cohesive and at the end of the day, as
much as US nerds and MCU fans want to think

that all these movies are just being made directly for us,
which I think, they try to put.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
A lot of what we love.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
The characters that we're familiar with, and I think that's
probably due to a lot of the criticism of people
saying that the MCU is over it's because we don't
have as many familiar faces. But then when they bring
back a familiar face, we're like, no, we don't want
that either. And at the end of the day, they
are in the business of making money, and not just
a little money. They don't just want to clear ten

twenty million dollars. They want to make movies that make
billions of dollars. So I think you go back to
that bread and Butter Robert Downey Junior and the Russo
brothers to do that. So I have no reason to
be so hesitant or skeptical.

Speaker 2 (07:53):
Of the Russo Brothers. When you just look at.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
The movies I mentioned, they haven't made a bad Marvel movie.
Why would I I think now that they would forget
how to make these movies and turn out a turd?

Speaker 2 (08:04):
And why is this all happening?

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Well, Jonathan Major's was being cued up to be that
next big villain, that big thanos threat that the MCU
always needs. He got into some trouble. A New York
jury found Jonathan Major's guilty of harassment and assault on
a former girlfriend, which caused Marvel to cut ties with him.
And I was growing to like Kang. I think they

did kind of a bad job introducing him in Loki,
and then in one of the most lackluster Marvel movies,
ant Man three, where he's supposed to be this next
big threat, got to you know, tee up for the
next Avengers movies, and then it was just kind of like, oh,
this is our big villain. So maybe it ended up
being a blessing in disguise that that didn't pan out

and they got to move on to something bigger, because
if they would have just recast King the Conqueror or
shifted to another villain, even if it was Doctor Doom,
but somebody else playing him. That wouldn't have had that
big of an impact. Announcing it at Comic Con it
would have been okay, cool, because even with Hugh Jackman
returning his Wolverine and making a lot of money over

the weekend, I don't think that would be enough to
propel this next phase of the MCU. You need something bigger.
And while Robert Downey Jr. Is still down to make
these movies not be Iron Man anymore, I think you
take him while he's still at that age where it
still makes sense, and I think he is down for

it because he has made between four hundred and four
hundred and thirty five million dollars with all of his
appearances in Ironman movies and Avengers movies and Spider Man movies,
So almost half a billion dollars that Robert Downey Junior
has made and well earned. He has essentially been the
foundation of this entire film franchise. But now I'll get

into what worries me. I think the fact that that
it is relying so heavily on the Fantastic four movie,
which is coming out next year. They announced that Comic
Con that the Fantastic four are going to be a
part of these next two Avengers movies. Historically, they have
not been good movies, going back to the films of

the two thousands, which are incredibly cheeseball. And people were
so excited about Fantastic Four. I wasn't really buying into
the hype because they've never been my favorite group of superheroes.
I know how important and impactful they were to Marvel
as a whole when it comes to the comics, have

some of the best selling comics of all time, and
we're really the foundation early on in Marble, and that
is why they have had so many stabs at making
good movies, because Okay, these are known, beloved characters, but
for some reason just doesn't translate on screen.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
Why do I think that is? I think their.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
Superpowers are a little bit corny. They've worked in the
comic books, especially way back when Marvel was just starting out,
but as a whole watching that on screen isn't that exciting.
They had the failed Fantastic four movie back in nineteen
ninety four that gave us this classic line from the
thingnn man, We're all gonna go get some help. That's

what we're excited about. And then Julian McMahon played Victor
von Doom aka Doctor Doom in two thousand and five,
and I didn't really want any more of Doctor Doom,
even though he is a great villain. I'm currently reading
the new Doom comic book run at Marvel right now,
and that's fantastic. But there's a big difference in something
working in a comic book than working on the big screen.

They tried it again in the twenty tens, which also
gave us this horrendous line from the twenty fifteen movie
where they come up with the name Fantastic four right
at the very end. Come along way since the garage
got to say it's fantastic say that again.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
It's fantastic, Yes it is, guys, I got it.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Ready, and then it shows Fantastic four. So the only
real hesitation I have is that the success of these
Avengers movies are going to rely on the success of
the Fantastic Four franchise. They did announce the title at
Comic Con, the Fantastic Four First Steps. It's supposed to
take place in the sixties, so maybe that will change

the tone of this movie, because they can't do the
same thing over and over again that they have been
doing and hasn't worked. So it also makes me wonder
where the Avengers movies are going to take place. Are
they going to take place back in the sixties.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
Secret Wars, the.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
Comic book series came out in the eighties in nineteen
eighty four, which is my favorite limited run series.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
He's in Marvel.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
I have two of the comics, issue one on this
wall in this studio and Secret Wars eight that has
the Black sym Spider Man on my wall because I
love this series so much, and out of these two
Avengers movies, that is the one that I'm the most
excited about. But man, it comes out in twenty twenty seven,
that is so long. So in Secret Wars, there's this

all powerful being known as the Beyonder who takes all
of Marvel's superheroes to a planet called battle World, and
they all are forced to fight against each other. You
have the X Men as one team, you have the
Avengers as another team. You also have the Fantastic Four,
so they are all kind of randomly transported here and

then through all these mixed messages are pitted against each other,
which is a great story. Initially, before this news was announced.
Kevin Figi was saying that there would be sixty plus
characters in the next Avengers movie, so it is going
to be a big task to take on. So I
think that's also why they are bringing the Russo Brothers back,

because they did that with Endgame, having to make one
of the biggest fight scenes of all time with so
many characters, So you want to get somebody with that
experience to pull it off again. And I think from
that story, the thing I'm the most excited about is
the black symbiote Spider Man being introduced in the MCU.
If you can bring Tom Holland back, oh man, that

is gonna be so good. So I feel like there
is a lot to be excited about. Once people get
over the fact that Robert Downey Junior is back, He's
not Iron Man. And I can already hear the argument
of people saying that I can't think of anything new anymore.
We just bringing back the same characters. I think that's
fine because those people are still gonna go watch the

movie and they're still gonna hate it.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
There's no pleasing those people anymore.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
The thing I have to think about is that I
feel that Marvel is still making movies for or the
same Marvel fan from back in two thousand and eight.
It's gonna be different in the next decade after these
Avengers movies. It's gonna be more on the run that
Star Wars is doing. That they really don't care about

the original fans from the seventies and eighties. They are
focused so much now on just making new fans. Whenever
that happens, then maybe they even they flip me and
I will be a fan of these Marvel movies anymore.
But I think that they're still trying to encapsulate that
energy they created with the Infinity saga, but bring it

into the Multiverse saga. I also think that this is
kind of the culture that we harbored. We have become
accustomed to being excited by cameos, being excited by.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
Actors coming back.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
We've bought into the Multiverse, which is kind of a
double edged sword.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
As much as I liked.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
It in no way home now it kind of gives
them the ability to do anything and just say, hey,
it's the multimers. So we as fans have put our
money there saying that we do want to see that,
and they're going to chase that money and do more
things that bring us back into the theater to watch
something like that. So I wasn't upset about No Way Home.

I can't really be upset about them.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Bringing back Robert Downey Jr.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
Now five years is a little soon, so I think
that's why they decided to bring them back as a
villain and not the same character.

Speaker 2 (16:28):
So those are my thoughts.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
I wanted to do this emergency podcast because I did
an entire Marvel episode coming out on Monday, July twenty ninth,
and didn't want that to just not make sense that
I didn't address this whatsoever. So that'll be up tomorrow.
I'll be giving my mount rushmore of Marvel movies and
heroes and villains. I'll also give my spoiler free review
of Deadpool and Wolverine. So until next time, go out

and watch good movies, and I will talk to you later.
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