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August 2, 2024 24 mins

Mike gives his SPOILER filled thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine. Only listen to this episode if you’ve seen the movie or don’t care to have it spoiled. Mike talks about the cameos, funniest jokes and where the movie lost him. He also talks about what is next for both Deadpool and Wolverine in the MCU.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hello, and welcome back to movie Mike's movie podcast. I
am your host Movie Mike, and today it is a spoiler,
yes spoiler version of my Deadpool and Wolverine review. So
only listen to this episode if you've seen the movie,
or maybe you're somebody who just doesn't care about spoilers.
Maybe you didn't have any plans on seeing this movie,
or you're gonna watch it whatever it comes out on
Disney Plus, or maybe you've already had the movie spoiled

for you, because it's funny that Disney and Marvel are
so adamant about audiences not spoiling their movies, but for
this movie, it was so hard to avoid that. Really
a lot of the actors spoil the movie themselves. And
maybe it's because came out on the same weekend of
Comic Con. You have Ryan Reynolds, you have Hugh Jackman

there promoting it, and they bring out the cast from
the movie. That is a spoiler. Because I really feel
like with Deadpool and Wolverine, you couldn't really spoil the plot.
A lot of it was at least the setup was
revealed in the trailer. It's a Deadpool trying to save

his world, In order to do that, he needs to
go find what is called the Anchor Being, which ends
up being Wolverine because after he died in Logan, it's
causing his entire timeline to crumble, so he has to
go find a different variant of Logan. He uses this
technology given to him by this person who says, hey,

if you come help me with this mission, I can
make all your dreams come true. Because Deadpool is kind
of having an identity crisis, he tried to become an Avenger,
went to have a meeting with Ironman. Instead he got
Happy Hogan, which it was great to see the one
and only Jon Favreau back in that role. They had
a fun little conversation, but it ended up as a

result him telling them, you're not ready for this. You
want to be an Avenger because you think you need
to be really to be an Avenger. You do it
because the people need you. Ah wisdom brought to us
by Happy Hogan. So he's pretty much checked out or
being Deadpool, but then he gets this opportunity from this
what later we find out as a rogue agent who

is telling Deadpool that he's working with the TVA to
prevent the pruning from happening, but really he is going rogue,
trying to do his own maniacal things. So Deadpool travels
through these other timelines. That's where we get those epic
comic book accurate shots of Wolverine and all these different
comic accurate scenes, which was my favorite part. I think

out of that in the cameo I was expecting the
most was the fight with the Incredible Hulk, which we
had just the sneak peak of. It looked almost like
they just maybe reused some footage from Avengers one or
maybe Age of Ultron. We did get that classic comic
book cover wherever you have Wolverine's claws with the Incredible

Hulk's face, just as a reflection in those that perfect
There were a lot of details in this movie that
were so comic book accurate that I really enjoyed, and
I feel like as a comic book fan, those were
there specifically for us. If you aren't too familiar with it,
you probably think, oh, that's cool. But I feel like,
out of all the aspects of this movie, that's what

really spoke to me, even though at other times it
fel a Ryan Reynolds was I know, the whole thing
with Deadpool is making fun of itself, poking fun at
the MCU, poking fun at Disney. And he even said
before this movie came out that, hey, the plotline is
gonna be pretty paper thin. It's really just a way
for us to make inappropriate jokes, a way for me

and Hugh Jackman to make fun of each other and
just have a lot of fun and a lot of
just nonsense fight scenes. And I think I would have
been okay with that, knowing what Deadpool is, knowing the
history of the franchise. But I think it was the
moments that I saw that this movie could have been
something more is what kept me from thinking, oh man,

this is good, but it could have been so much better,
because you do see more character development from Deadpool. He's
no longer with Vanessa. He is trying to achieve something
that is larger than him, which is why he wants
to join the Avengers, and then he gets this chance
to do so, and that's why he jumps on this opportunity.
He goes on this adventure with Wolverine, essentially lies to
him telling him, hey, we go do this and save

my world. The TVA will save your world. Even though
he was lying to him. Later drops a joke about that,
and we see a different side of Deadpool, I would say,
in that first act leading up to the second act,
and then I feel the movie became a little bit
overstuffed of just trying to jam in all these jokes.
It felt a little bit more to me like Bill

and Ted's Excellent Adventure, where it was just really two
dudes hanging out, getting into weird situations, encountering all these
different people in these different worlds via cameos, and yes,
that is a journey in itself, but it felt more
just like the plotline of an eighties comedy than like
a real movie in the MCU that I was expecting,

And maybe that was dumba me to want from it,
but I think it was just seeing the little fringes
and tinges of that which led me to think, oh,
this could have been so much better. And also when
it comes to how I want my Wolverine Logan is
one of my favorite comic book movies of all time.
If I had to break down the list of even
spanning DC and Marvel, that would definitely be a top

ten one for me because I like that more r
rated vicious approach to the character, and this, of course
was a different Wolverine, a different logan in a different timeline.
He was played way different than the logan in that movie.
I was just hoping that somewhere would combine the two.
So they get thrown out into the void. That's where
they meet the villain Cassandra Nova, who is the twin

sister of Professor Charles Xavier. This was the other problem
I had, as I felt that her character as a
villain was just so underutilized and kind of wasted because
you had so much going on with dead Poll and Wolverine,
having them fight against each other, which there were some
great fight scenes, having them set up, all these cameos,
the big fight scene later in the movie, all the

dead Pool variants that came out. It was almost like
her character was introduced, but she never really felt like
a full on threat because she was there in the beginning,
came back later almost towards the third act, and then
after they almost kill her, they let her go. She
goes back to the other timeline to take over and

tries to harness all the power. They end up saving
the day by joining two hands together and stopping her
from doing that maybe or maybe not killed her. We
didn't really find that out for sure, but then it
was just kind of like, oh, she's the villain, but
she's not really inhibiting them from doing anything. She never
felt like the big bad to me, even though she
had some great powers, obviously being the twin sister of

Professor Charles Xavier like that is such a cool character.
But I feel like she was almost the big or
even like c storyline out of all of this movie
because there was so much going on. So once I
realized that it wasn't really feeling to me like a
true mcu film, I had to start interpreting it as
a comedy. To me, a comedy coming out in twenty

twenty four probably has a threshold of about a four
point five unless it is so good and hilarious. Very
rarely do I think a comedy could be a five,
because really, what makes a comedy great is rewatchability over time,
and when I look back on comedies I would rate
a five. I would think of Dumb and Dumber, Billy Madison,

Happy Gilmore because they grew up with those. I rewatched
them time and time again, and I have a close
connection with a comedy. I think that is what a
comedy movie does and is it becomes a part of
your life. So going to see something in theaters that
is a comedy, I don't. I think it's gonna be
a five right off the bat, so I was maybe

hanging on the four point five, and then with it
not really having that big moment with the villain really
having a whole lot of gratification at the end, I
still feel really great about where I stand at a
four at a five. So what I feel that they
sacrifice plot for was for the cameos and also was
just for adding in all of these funny gags. So

let's get into the cameos now. My favorite out of
all them was Chris Evans because not only was it
the cameo of seeing Chris Evans in an MCU film,
it was the misdirect and the joke. You see him
in like this blue tattered garb hanging over him and
you think, oh, it's Chris Evans, says Captain America and

that just felt like a joy to me. But you
notice his hair is a little bit different. They don't
reveal any kind of Captain America logo on him, and
then when Ryan Reynolds is waiting for him to say it,
I think he's gonna say Avengers as symbol, he says
flame on and you realize that he is not Chris
Evans Captain America. He is Chris Evans as Johnny Storm

from the Fantastic Four movies. And it took me a
little bit to realize exactly what this movie was going
to turn into was not so much about Deadpool joining
the MCU and being the savior. It was really him
closing the chapter on his time with the Fox legacy
and all those characters and all those villains, and maybe

that would acclude me in more to some of these cameos,
because that is essentially what it was in the movie.
He is trying to save all of his family and
friends in that timeline. And it was really a way
of them saying, oh, it's all of these movies from
the Fox generation, which if you don't know, Disney bought

the rights to Fox, which includes X Men, Deadpool, Fantastic Four,
and that is a big reason why all of these
characters are now in this movie. But they were pretty
much saying in this movie, like that's all done. They
had like the slide show with all the footage at
the end credits with Green Day playing over the top
of it. And this movie was kind of a funeral

for all the things that they did for the superhero genre,
even though historically those movies haven't been great, but they
are nostalgic. We got the first appearance of Deadpool in there,
we got the Fantastic Four. We had nine iterations of
Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine, and it was saying goodbye to that.
Even though I'm not really sure that they're closing the

chapter on that because now that they bought the rights
to all those characters, we have the Fantastic Four movie
coming out next year. I still feel like they will
utilize some of those characters throughout at least some of
the Deadpool movies moving forward, maybe in the Secret Wars movie.
But Chris Evans as Johnny Storm was my favorite cameo

and also my favorite joke out of the entire movie.
My second favorite joke was probably in the open sequence
whenever Deadpool is dancing tood bye bye bye, whenever he
uses Wolverine's clause after he dug up his grave and
uses them to kill TVA agents. That was just such
a cool image to me of seeing Deadpool with his

clause trying to be Wolverine getting stuck in that guy.
He's all bleeding everywhere, which was a great opening sequence.
It was fun. It's at the tone. I think if
you saw it in three D, that was probably the
only real time that it utilized that, And it was
in that opening scene I was like, Okay, this movie
is gonna be great, and probably about the halfway mark

is where I thought, Oh, it's not really going to
turn out to be the movie I thought it was
going to be, but I still ended up enjoying it overall.
My second favorite cameo it had to be Wesley Snipes
because I think I was the most surprised by that one.
Him returning as Blade from all the Blade movies, which
the first one is just a fantastic superhero movie that

I feel doesn't really get It's celebrated enough, and they're
supposed to be making a new Blade movie, so it
was cool seeing him return. Obviously, Ryan Reynolds was in
the Blade movies back in the day, not the first one,
but I believe the second in the third one, and
I don't really think they got along. While making those movies,
but apparently they've stayed in contact. At some point in

the last twenty years, Ryan Reynolds reached out to him
and Westley Steinpes was all in for it and even
makes a joke in the movie saying that he is
the one and only Blade, So I don't know if
he's going to be back or that was just the
way of him taking a stab at my Herschela Ali
who is going to be in the new Blade movie
if it ever sees the light of day. My third

favorite cameo had to be Channing Tatum as Gambit, probably
because it's coming off X Men ninety seven, which was fantastic,
who I feel was the best representation of Gambit that
we've ever had. And if you don't know the history
of Channing Tatum, he has been trying to play Gambit
for fifteen years now. It's really the the same relationship

that Ryan Reynolds has had with Deadpool, which he first
played him in Wolverine the Origins movie, where everybody hated
that iteration to Deadpool. He had his mouth soone shut
and it was just a complete waste of that character
introduction and for the longest time, look like we would
never see a comic book accurate of Deadpool until Ryan
Reynolds fought so hard for it and finally made it

happen and now turned it into a full blown franchise.
Well along those same lines, Channing Tatum for fifteen years
has been trying to do that with Gambit. At one
point he was supposed to play Gambit in one of
the X Men movies, but he had to go to
the Gi Joe movie of all things, which ended up
not being a great version of Gambit, not really comic

book accurate like we have now, we wouldn't have got
to this cameo. So for those who maybe didn't really
know all that backstory, it was just like, oh, Gambit
is being played by Channing Tatum and he's speaking in
this really thick Cajun accent, which if you didn't watch
the animated show from back in the nineties or didn't
watch X Men ninety seven, maybe you didn't know that.

And they did turn it up to probably attend with
this depiction of him, and they even made a joke
that nobody knows who Gambit is because he never really
had his own movie. He was never really fully featured
like all the other characters that we had in this
cameo scene. So other cameos we had was Aaron Stanford
returning as Pyro from the original X Men movies, which

he was also in the trailer, so that one really
wasn't a surprise. We had Jennifer Garner coming back as Elektra,
which she was that character in Daredevil and Electra back
in the two thousands. With the other joke they made
was about her and Ben Affleck, which was another story
that news sites picked up and started using, which was

a spoiler because nobody knew that she was going to
be in the movie, but they were like, Jennifer Gardner
takes jab at ex Ben Affleck. You also had Daphney
Keane returning, who was the Lauda in Logan, which that
was another one I didn't know up until the point
that Hugh Jackman posted a picture of him and her
together on her red carpet. I really wish that one

wouldn't have been spoiled for me, because again I love Logan,
and that entire scene was set up for her character
to be revealed at the very end, and I already
knew what was coming, so that was a little bit lame.
The other one I picked up on was Cowboy Deadpool
was voiced by Matthew McConaughey Blake Lively, which I think
we all kind of knew was gonna be Lady Deadpool.

She teased it pretty hard. Maybe minor spoiler going into
the movie. I was still expecting Taylor Swift to show
up in this movie as Dazzler kept waiting for it
and never came. I guess they didn't really introduce any
new characters. It was just bringing back old characters. And
the only reason I thought that is one it was
a rumor forever. But the day it came out, she

made an Instagram post on it telling people to go
watch it. And I know she's friends with Huge Jackman,
with the director Sean Levy, and obviously with Ryan Reynolds.
So I was like, either she is posting that because
she is friends with everybody, or she is hinting to
her fans, hey, go watch this movie because you may
or may not see me. Maybe that was a tease

within itself. If so, it got me, But I guess
for me, all of the lass really came in the
first part of the movie. Towards the end of it,
the whole meta self awareness kind of started to wear
on me a little bit. It even got to the
point where I felt that Ryan Reynolds was just making
fun of us for even enjoying this genre of movie,

and in turn was making fun of you the viewer,
instead of just making fun of itself. And I think
the one point in particular, which felt like the lowest
form of comedy to me, because almost the type of
comedy that it uses is just referencing other things, and
I think I was confused to thinking that, and I

think sometimes we must take references to other things as
just being funny jokes, to the point that at one point,
all Ryan Reynolds says is the proposal just saying the
name of one of his movies, and that is supposed
to be a joke. While early on in the movie
he made a funny joke about watching Gossip Girl and

having an extra bone in his body when he does that,
that was a good joke. But to go from something
like that to him just saying the names of projects
he's been in led me to believe, like, oh man,
that's a little bit lazy there, which leads me to
start thinking about all the cameos and exactly what they
were doing here of just putting people in for the
sake of putting people in. By the end of the movie,

the whole thing felt a little bit overstuffed that they
were more focused on fitting in all of these gags
and all of these jokes that very rarely do I
want a Marvel movie to be longer, But because they
crammed in so much, because it revolves so much around cameos,
that two hour runtime really wasn't enough, because I needed

about thirty minutes more of story to really get what
I wanted out of this movie, which was just having
a little bit more substance to both Deadpool and Wolverine.
We had glimpses of it with Wolverine opening up to
X twenty three having that kind of heart to heart
with her that even though he wasn't her Logan, they

were able to kind of have this conversation that she
and Logan would have had, the Logan who sacrificed himself
to save her and to save her friends. He opened
up there about the reason that he wears the costume,
which I love, is because it's in order to honor
all the X men who died which he hated the suit,

but they wanted him to wear it. All he really
said was that they all died because of him. He
went out and got drunk. When he got back, they
were all dead. And I think it was also me
kind of wanting to see more of that because I
thought they were gonna pull from Wolverine Old Man Logan,
which I'm gonna spoil this graphic novel. If you haven't

read Old Man Logan and you want to read it,
skip ahead about thirty seconds so you miss this detail.
In that graphic novel, it is revealed that the reason
he stopped being Wolverine is because mister Sinister created this illusion.
He thought he was killing bad guys, but he actually
ended up killing all of the X Men, killed Cyclops,

killed Jubilee, and he couldn't live with that. He went
out to live in the middle of nowhere and was
never called Wolverine again. Okay. End of a spoiler inside
of a spoiler podcast, just because I really think you
should read Wolverine Old Man Logan if you are a
Wolverine fan, if you haven't really dipped into graphic novels.
That is one of my favorites from Marvel but when

it came to deadpooling Wolverine, they really weren't here to
make you feel anything. They were wanting to make you laugh,
just have a good time, and on the service level,
that is what this movie is, and I think it
was just at the end of it, I feel that
almost nothing was really accomplished. It was supposed to be
the closing of the Fox chapter, but that didn't even

fully happen. Because Wolverine is still around. It leads us
to believe are they going to team up for another one?
Because really this wasn't Deadpool three. It was Deadpool and Wolverine.
It was kind of a side quest. It wasn't so
much the continuation of his story in the first one
in the second one, which I don't know that they

really could have got to a dead Pool three now,
I think moving forward from here they can. And it
didn't really feel like now Deadpool is fully in the MCU,
So maybe this was just that, just a side quest
movie put out to make money, because it is already
going to hit the billion dollar mark by next week,
which is way sooner than I expected it to. Even

back when I did my Summer box prediction, this was
on my list of being a billion dollar movie this summer.
I didn't think it would make that much money that quick,
But again, I think they succeeded in having that urgency
knowing that this movie was going to be spoiled for
you left and right if you didn't see it on
the weekend it came out, So that probably added to

those numbers. I even stayed for the post credit scene,
which I've been telling you guys that I'm a little
bit over those. I just feel they become a little
bit gimmicky as time and time went on, of teasing
the next thing, and of so many people just being
excited for the post credit scene more so than the
actual movie, always thinking about that next thing, of Oh,

they're gonna tease this character, They're gonna tease that character.
I want the best things inside the movie. I don't
really want to wait around for the post credit scene,
and this one it doesn't tease anything, but it is
a joke revealing that Chris Evans' character did actually say
all those awful things about Cassandra Nova, so his death
was justified. So what I think is next for Deadpool

in Wolverine, Well, they were teasing that scene and him
asking about why start crying. Is he's holding me with
my clothes all tattered up, it looks like he's dying.
I think we will get back to that at some point,
maybe in Secret Wars. So I'd have to assume that
Deadpool does maybe not become an Avenger, but whenever Doomsday happens,

or maybe leading up to Secret Wars, he either finds
a way to sneak himself on on the team or
they are so scarce on superheroes that they turn to Deadpool.
I really don't think that Wolverine will come back, even
though he is in the comics a part of Secret Wars.
I almost feel like after watching this movie, they would

reserve him for making a sequel to this one, doing
another dead Pool in Wolverine too, which you could really
just branch off this franchise. So I want to believe
that Marvel and Kevin Figi over there have this entire
thing plotted out, and they specifically put that scene in
there to kind of show us where they are going,

kind of blatantly foreshadowing on what's to come. I still
feel like there's gonna be a little bit of a
divide between the characters. They acquired from Fox. I do
think they have to get this planet and timeline thing
kind of straightened out a little bit with all the
multiverse and things happening in different places, and maybe that

is what Doomsday is gonna be. Doctor Doom is gonna
come in and put it into the multiverse, put everybody
back in just one timeline so we can stop jumping
around and have a little bit more of a cohesive
story and feel more like it did in those early
phases of Marvel. So that is where I think we're going.
I'm still pumped for Doomsday, still pumped for Secret Wars.

I still think there is a space for a movie
like did pull in Wolverine, because I do believe that
different types of genres can exist in the MCU. On
the comedy side, they need to make a horror MCU movie.
I mean, we kind of got glimpses of it over
on Disney Plus. But like a full on horror movie.
You can have your mom comms, you can have your

full on action cop military movies. It can all exist
under this umbrella. But those are my spoiler thoughts. We'll
be back next week with a brand new episode recapping
our best and worst of July and until next time,
go out and watch good movies and I will talk
to you later
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