All Episodes

December 30, 2024 66 mins

In this episode we try something that has never been done in the history of our show and that's a crossover episode with 25 Whistles. Everyone has to bring a topic and we go around the room to give our thoughts. We thought the holidays was the perfect time to give you a SPECIAL EPISODE and something special. They did it on Chicago Fire and Chicago PD so let's give it a shot. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What do you mean we would be live? Yeah, live
on the pop station.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Yeah, we're good.

Speaker 1 (00:07):
All right, we're gonna go into this song. It's Sabrina Carpenter.
Here's espresso.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Oh. Here is Shaboozie, a bar song.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
All right, y'all. This is Tate McCrae, one of her
poppy ones. This is Billie Eilish and she did recently
come out and say she had a lot of good
sex this year.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
All right.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
This is dua lipa like how you do a Huh?

Speaker 2 (00:31):
This is post Malone. I had some help. Uh.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
Crossover hit here from Chris Stapleton starting over. Wow, this
one's on the pop.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
No, this isn't on pop. Man, you got that wrong.
You read the log log wrong. This is jelly roll.
I'm not okay, that's the crossover you meant to play.
All right, I'm gonna play this one.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
It is Hey there Hometown from Abby Anderson, Arnold's girlfriend.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Are you're kidding me?

Speaker 2 (01:04):
This is so good Arnold, We're not really playing it, dude.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
Stop stop.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
April December Camber.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
I didn't pull up my wall.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
Oh we got a nice tweet I forgot to read.
You know, it says nobody gives a damn about your
sore losers fantasy football teams. Thanks, Josh, appreciate it. Thanks
for listening.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
You never know which way to go because there were
other people that loved it.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
No, they loved it, Josh just he hates anything we do.
He likes to listen just to say we suck. So, yeah,
well let's start this. Yeah, let's start this sucker.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Right, it's not loaded, so I can't do it any sounds. Oh,
it's taking a minute, it's frozen. Oh okay, well just wait,
we don't need to start the show yet. Man, uh no,
we started it. No, no, but I'm saying we don't
have to do the intro yet. We can do the
intro in a second. How's it doing now? I mean
it's locked up, locked up abroad or just locked up both,
that's what happens, and people, here we go, we're back.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
Oh hey, whatever happened to locked up the show?

Speaker 3 (02:04):
I don't really watched that one.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
Really, you never came home. You never came home.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
I draw I take it back.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
I watched it and would watch that show for like
an hour while you're sitting there just like so hammered
and be like damn these dudes.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
Are crazy, dude. I don't know why I said that.
I actually I believe it was maybe my college time.
I would watch it and it would inspire me at times,
but then it sometimes it freaked me out that there's
people that have to live like that in life and
they don't get to live out their dreams, and so
it would weird me out. But also at the same time,
I go, man, dude, I got it made. Compared to
this dude in this.

Speaker 3 (02:36):
Cellar right now, I got the best life ever.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
I would sit there and watch that and go, damn,
they're really in there for seven years. They're in there
for thirty years, and they would do their visits through
the glass. I was like, this is how they have
to live. Where did it go wrong?

Speaker 3 (02:53):

Speaker 2 (02:54):
Where did it? And then it started making me like, man,
I feel like these people aren't that bad, but that's
what they are. They're good at manipulating people like I
felt so like some of them. I'm like, oh, come on, man,
they should let them out. They're so nice, but they're
really probably not nice.

Speaker 4 (03:10):

Speaker 1 (03:10):
I'm not a manipulator myself, So people that manipulate I'm
fascinated by, and a lot of them are in jail cells.
And yes, they're great talkers because the talking got them
into jail by something that they do, or they convinced
other people to commit a crime with them, or usually
great talkers have the ability to do good or do

really bad.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
And the ones that do really bad.

Speaker 1 (03:35):
Are the ones are in our local penitentiaries walling for
seven days.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
That's why they're able to manipulate the guards. They start
talking to them, They know what buttons like, which angles,
which pass to go down, what to talk to them about,
what to say to them to Maanthanum think, oh man,
this guy's really on my side, this guy really likes me.
I should run away to freaking Kentucky with them Evansville.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
And what the guards don't realize is those guys have
all the time in the world to think of their moves,
and they have nowhere to be. If I had nowhere
to be and no people to report to, this is
how my conversation would.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
Be, Hey, how are you, bro?

Speaker 1 (04:15):
I would be eye contact every I would hang on
their every word because you have nothing else going on
in the world when you're in jail. Oh my gosh,
I'm fascinated by this conversation, how are you? I mean,
there's nothing else pulling your attention away from that there,
whereas the guards got a family at home outside life.

Speaker 2 (04:37):
Hey you're hot. Oh my god, he's hol me I'm hot. Yeah,
you're the only chicky seas So of course he's gonna
tell you're hot. It doesn't matter what you look like.
You could look like the ass end of a donkey
and he's gonna tell you you're hot because you are
the only female that he has contact with. But then
they're like, oh my god, he has a crush on me.
Oh I haven't heard someone tell me I'm hot in
a while. Yeah, because you're not hot.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
There's a jail we drive by on our short cut
up north sometimes when traffic's bad. Wish I knew. I
think it's all women. We've never seen them out in
the yard, though.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
What about the one by Texas State. Did you ever
see that one when the women were out in the yard,
Because that was a women's prison right right off the highway.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
It was next to my apartment complex. We waited at
the bus stop and there were people in the jail.
They would come out and mow the yard and stuff
in their jumpsuits. Really, yes, So I was always thinking, man,
they're gonna snag one of these co eds. Oh, so
I just didn't want to be the one that they snagged. Yeah,
but I think so i'd always pucker up.

Speaker 2 (05:33):
It was a low security, I g. It wasn't a
big one, like it was a small They had to
be like, oh I was in jail, I know, but
it had to be low criminals because it's right there
on I thirty five, and it doesn't seem very secure.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
It's not very secure. But the cool thing about them
going in the yard is you see how they react.
I'm not saying they're zoo animals, but you kind of
observed them in that way. So when me and Baz
are drive by this one by us in Nashville, we
always want to just see him in the yard. Never
we've drove by there one hundred times. I don't even
know if anybody's in anymore, but there are cars on the
parking lot, so I think it really is still a jail.
Whereas Texas State Sam Marcus, we saw the facade, the

very front of it. What happened in the yard, we
weren't purviewed too, so I have no idea what went
on about the cool stuff was happening behind closed doors.
We just would see some guards come to work and
go through the front door, and then occasionally then Mo
and we'd all like huddle at the bus stop, you know,
wondering if they came at us, what we were gonna do.
I was just in my head, I was gonna run

away from them. But they're not gonna come for me.
They're gonna go after the blonde with some hangars.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
Probably most likely one.

Speaker 3 (06:34):
Of the dudes goes for me, Arnold, would they go
for you? Clench clenched.

Speaker 5 (06:40):
I'm with Abby.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
I knt cheat on herbyche he's running bulleged clinched. Uh.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
We had a girl in our neighborhood. She was the
younger sister of a girl in my grade, and later
in life she worked at the bass Drop jail. And
then I saw in the news that she got pregnant
by an inmate, which means illegal, so she was going
to jail. That indicted her. Yeah, it was kind of obvious.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
Evidence was in the womb.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
The evidence was in the womb. The DNA proved that
she did in fact have relations with an inmate. So
I believe she spent a little bit of time in prison.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
So that means that he would they would have interactions
together and they just do it real quick in a
corner or something.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Or in the jail, I don't know where.

Speaker 3 (07:25):
Yeah, in the ray I always fantasized one was han cuffed.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
In the janitor closet. I'm not sure how it works,
but yeah, let's start the show.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
But I mean you they allow them inmates to come
in contact with the wardens and stuff.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
I mean, if if they worked there, they probably have
the keys to different things.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
True, I would always be a war worried that they're
going to bang me.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Well uh inmate.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
Inmate hookups? Ray Uh?

Speaker 2 (08:01):
Yeah, all right, I'm writing We're gonna do it live.

Speaker 5 (08:05):
We oh the one two three sore loser?

Speaker 2 (08:11):
What up? Everybody? I am lunchbox. I know the most
about sports, so I'll give you the sports facts, my
sports opinions, because I'm pretty much a sports genius.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
Bro, whoever's computer this is, there is email after email
coming in whatever job they have. I don't want it,
and it's all over my screen. Guy, are you hearing
any beeps in your ears?

Speaker 2 (08:31):
No? I haven't heard it yet.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
Bro, I have this thing flashing from emails and then
over here it updates with a square this big four
inches by four inches every time this person gets one email. Huh,
this is a nightmare. We have to go to our
other room. Oh, email just came in.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
What's it about?

Speaker 3 (08:46):
AXS Event Guide get tickets?

Speaker 2 (08:49):
Yeah, you don't want you don't want to say what
it's about, because then we get in trouble for reading
someone's email on the air. That might get in us
some trouble, right.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
I just made that title up, good y'all. It says
that I'm from the North. I'm an alpha male. I
live on the North side of Nashville Broadway. Girl, we
got two point two acres. It's me our first Christmas
at the CRIZIB Absolutely.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Love our life. I hope you guys are doing well.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. Over to you lunch. Uh.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
In a few minutes, guys, we're gonna switch over to
a pod like we're gonna have a something come on.
You're gonna we're gonna go to commercial break and it's
gonna come back and you're gonna be like, what the
is going on? It's called a crossover. It is where
you know like Grey's Anatomy and now it's Chicago Fire
and Chicago PD they did like the characters would show

up on the Chicago p D and Chicago Fire and
they did collaborations and uh, Grey's Anatomy did it with
something else when that redheaded lady left, they did crossovers.
Rkle went onto full house one time. I just texted Bezer,
are you cool with me crossing over? And what did
she say?

Speaker 3 (09:52):
Hasn't responded yet. I'm waiting.

Speaker 2 (09:53):
Yeah. Uh, it doesn't mean we're dressing differently, that we're
acting differently. It's just that we're gonna do a crossover episode. Ray,
I'm now into men. No, that's not it. That's not
what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
I'm finally waiting for this day for my life.

Speaker 2 (10:11):
Arnold. I don't know if you're gonna be on the
pod or not. I don't know if they have enough room.
I don't know if they have a mic for you.
Just just you're gonna be in the room, but I
don't know if you'll be allowed to talk.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
Okay, I told my sister I'd try to get you
on the show. Guys, we're doing a crossover episode with
the twenty five whistles that we're gonna call it the
twenty five losers?

Speaker 2 (10:34):
Is that what it's called?

Speaker 3 (10:35):
I think so that's what the email says.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
Okay, Well I didn't read it.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
I didn't read the headline on the air, the title.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
No, No, it's okay if you read your own email. I
was saying, because it's someone else's email.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
I get an email from the porn don't read that
on the air. Is it in Texas? Because they're closing
that one.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
Dude, they're not gonna You're not gonna be allowed to
buy sex toys at the Walgreens anymore either. Geez had
a corner. They're gonna have to go to the triplesk
right there on slaughter in thirty five.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
Now they're supposed to do on a Monday night. Well
that wasn't it didn't register.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
I gotta hit it again. What are we supposed to
do on a Monday evening?

Speaker 2 (11:14):
It's a great question, bro.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
These emails will not stop.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
Why does he get so many emails?

Speaker 3 (11:19):
I don't know, but they're flying there and every single
time it pills up my entire screen with emails.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
That's weird because I don't get but maybe two emails
a day, and the most of them are spam like
I get like, Uh, let me go to our email
and I get here. Would you like to have hi lunch?
Ensuring the safety of your business is more crucial now
than ever. Luckily, Forced Security Solutions now offer security and
risk assessments for our customers in Texas.

Speaker 3 (11:46):

Speaker 2 (11:46):
Guess what I'm not in freaking Texas. Thank you for
sending me that. Let's see another one. I got one.
I got one from doctor Hughes. Hey, Tim and Tom here? No,
not Tim and Tom. Sorry, thank you? Dude? Last email?

Speaker 4 (12:01):
Do you like it?

Speaker 3 (12:01):
Tall? Dark and long? What the oh?

Speaker 2 (12:05):
I don't know what? Yeah? You want to go to
my hotmail account?

Speaker 3 (12:07):

Speaker 2 (12:07):
Oh, man, I get all sorts of ones in there. Dude.
Oh geez, hey, you're cute. Well, no crap, but let's see.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Oh they're talking about a Christmas tree.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
Oh, that's what it is. It was from pure scent.
Your Christmas tree regardless of the height and size.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
Elevate what clean means? No, I'm good.

Speaker 3 (12:25):

Speaker 2 (12:26):
Here's some sheets premium three hundred and fifty thread count.
I don't know what that means. Uh, your memories on
a canvas limited time savings. What why do you do
I don't want that low auto insurance? Browns prepare for
in state rivalry. Why are the Cleveland Browns emailing me?

Speaker 4 (12:45):

Speaker 1 (12:45):
Not making the playoffs promotions team though? Is Johnny on
the spot?

Speaker 2 (12:49):
I mean they are hitting me up. I've never been like,
I've never ordered anything from the Browns.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
The Browns are hitting you up.

Speaker 6 (12:55):

Speaker 1 (12:55):
The Titans I have gotten. Do you want to get
tickets to the new season ticket place? Do you want
to get tickets for the rest of the season. Do
you want to get tickets for one of the last
final games against the Houston Texas with the Titans? Titans
they got merchandise. Do you want to get a discounted rate?

Speaker 3 (13:11):
What was the other? Dude? They send me emails every
single day, but I always don't undersubscribe because I want
you never know when they send something.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
Like, they may send something good.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
That's why you always That's why I didn't say thing.
Major League Soccer pre sell access to FIFA World Cup
twenty twenty five pass. But I don't think it's the
real World Cup, Like, what is the FIFA World Cup
twenty twenty five that's not the World Cup.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Because I was gonna ask you the same thing, and
it's coming. They're gonna have some games at Giodas.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
Yes, but it's not it's not the World Cup. So
I don't understand what it is. What World Cup is
coming in twenty twenty five.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
Do you understand what the NBA Cup is? Because I
don't damn either. Nobody gets it. And the Bucks won it.
They did win it, but I watched it. I watch
it sometimes it's fun.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
I don't under stow scoring game?

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Did they just? Did you know why? Because they start
playing defense because they care, they want to and the
Thunder they couldn't hit a shot. I mean they were
brick brick.

Speaker 1 (14:06):
Okay, so they're no longer in it. So a Cleveland Cavaliers.
The Celtics are gonna run away with this one. They
got Unicorn, dude, Celtics are gonna run away with the.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
Never plays why. I don't know he's hurt and then
he's not hurt. Is he back? I don't know if he's.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
Back, freaking unicorn tail.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Oh, give kids like Cody a new start center for
child protection? Why are you emailing me? How did you
get my email?

Speaker 3 (14:30):

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Cody does need a fresh start, and that is good
that you have the opportunity to help a kid.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
Yeah. Oh, someone tried to log into my Facebook account.
I better change my password.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
You start hitting people that email you. Would you like
to come to the Sore Losers Convention, just random people?
Sore Loosers dot com. You can get your tickets. But
I'm telling you, Chiefs bar is badass. That open bar
happy hour on Friday night is gonna be unreal. Did
not know it's Morgan's favorite bar? Really, that was unsolicited.
She just came up and told me that I didn't

know that either me and Baz are. The one time
that we actually went to it is when it first opened.
The reason I say this is we're not downtown anymore.
We rarely go to bars, but we go, Hey, let's
check out Chiefs. Let's go swang in pull up. So
we pulled up. We didn't even have a drink, went
all the way up to the top. There was nowhere
to stand left.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
It was crowded.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
Yes, so the fact that we have this space, we.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Have the whole floor reserved for ourselves, like no one
else can come in that room. Badass?

Speaker 3 (15:24):
Yeah, you park a semi up in that bitch.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
Kobe White. Hey, oh yeah, I'm gonna head up to
the second floor dueling pianos because I'm here for the
Sore Losers Convention. Yeah, go on up. You can use
that private elevator right there.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Hey, and Kolbe, we got you some semi parking. It's
over there by Deja Vu. It's a strip club. They said,
you can park in the back. You do have to
get one lap dance per night that you're there, And
they said the good news is it's razor wired, so
no lot lizards can get in.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
And they said, who is it for him? We said
for Kobe White, and they're like, oh yeah, we know
him from last year. He's good evening barking three.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
We know him and the Martinez brothers.

Speaker 4 (15:59):
Hell roll in.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
All right, we're gonna take a break, but when we
come back, it's gonna sound a little different. We're gonna
be with some more people. Just sit back, enjoy it.
We're trying to put out more pods for you during
the holidays. So that way we did this, like, hey,
maybe we'll try this. Maybe it sucks, maybe it's great.
I don't know, but sored Loosers dot com. All right,
we'll be back right after this.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
I originally went to Ray. I was like, hey, at
like four in the morning. It was like radio and
do a joint episode, and Ray's like, yeah, sure, and
here we are. We turned off all the screens so
it wasn't reflective of either one of our shows, either
Sore Losers or twenty five Whistles. So this is like
when I Ran and Switzerland meet at the table of

a different country and they have to have everything has
to be exactly the same. So everybody feels even. And
the only I feel like we've negotiated the terms Ray
and I ahead of time. The only thing is you
have to bring something to the table, we'll panel it,
and everybody around the room go answer, oh interesting, And
RAYMONDO you get to start okay, because well you're not

were the ones who thought of this.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
You guys are are ambassadors.

Speaker 3 (17:09):
I guess Ray was just here. When I was here
early in the morning. There was nothing to it except
for Ray and I talking before anybody else.

Speaker 4 (17:13):
Gotta work O good.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
Yeah so Ray, So as long as it's not super timely,
because this is going to be from when we record
when we air it, people could die so know that correct? Okay, Ray,
it's on you. Yeah. This has been bothering me for
a while.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
And I can't really talk to Lunchbox about it because
it's awkward because it's just me and him on the show.
But so he'll bring to the show his soccer stories,
which is fine. He can't really talk about it on
the Bobby Bone Show because it's not that interesting for
our audience people in there, you know, driving to school
of soccer moms. So he'll tell his soccer stories and
it's fine. I hear the soccer story. That's all great.
And then I got my buddy South Beach. He goes, hey, man,

you got to get in on this Premier League bet
Chelsea to be the top two at the end of
the season.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
It ends in May. Man, you could make two thousand.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
So I got Lunch's stories, I got South Beach tell
me to get in on this bet. And then I
get an email Nashville sc wants me to be a
season ticket holder for four hundred and fifty dollars.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
Wow, that's not bad.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
So cheap tickets. Man.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
My question to y'all is this the universe is telling
me I need to be into soccer.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
I just don't give a dang.

Speaker 3 (18:15):
We'll go around the room now and we're going the
order we're sitting, Eddie.

Speaker 4 (18:18):
I will say that I went to my first soccer game,
the Nashville SCS that Is Soccer Club two years ago
and I loved it. I'm not a soccer guy. I'm Hispanic,
but never been a soccer guy. It's like back home,
you would turn on the TV, like on Sunday morning
and it would be a Mexican soccer game, like that

was just part of our life. But year back home totally.
But I know Mexicans games in Arkansas. It would be
in my home. I wouldn't watch it. I'm like you,
Ray never cared about it. But when I went to
that game, it was awesome, like pure energy the entire match,
like them running back and forth and the strategy of

passing the ball, try to move that ball down the
fielding us now.

Speaker 7 (19:05):
And then the guy comes and slides like right in
front of you while you're.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
In the same best feeling ever is if they slide
right where you are. It's like, that is the coolest thing.

Speaker 4 (19:12):
I'm gonna tell you something, boys, It's awesome when you
see it. Live.

Speaker 3 (19:16):
So what is your advice to him?

Speaker 4 (19:17):
Get the season tickets for that cheap.

Speaker 3 (19:20):
Five hundred bucks. You're gonna have to be actually be
a real fan. Yeah, there's thirty games, so maybe it's
ends up being twenty five dollars apiece if I did
the math correctly, so I would say, too, they're not
gonna be that good of seats. That's probably the lowest.
And you're not a diehard, I would say avoid. Soccer's fine,
there's the reason the most populart port in the world.
I'm sure.

Speaker 4 (19:40):
Have you been doing it again?

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Yeah, of course you have. Yeah. Now we're to watch
us play Cincinnati. They have a team FC sint No,
I'm a thing, but I do. I do respect it.
It's the biggest port in the world for a reason.
It's really exciting, and I think when people are like, man,
it's so slow. No, there's just people are running like crazy.

But just spend five hundred bucks on season tickets when
you're not a fan of something, and then your seats
aren't going to be that good. If someone want to
give you like ten thousand dollars season tickets, I'll be like, dude,
take those because you have good seats and you're a
fanet this guy over here. But you got to be
a fan to be a season ticket holder unless you
can sell them every week, and then that's just a

pain in the butt. I'd say avoid keep your money.
Find one of those you're weighing cricket leagues you bet
on at one in the morning. Focus on that, because
I feel like soccer for you or for me, it's fine.
Respect it didn't grow up with it, so don't love it.
That'd be a waste of money. And if you guys
are looking for the home games, you know how you

when you see a football game, the team on the
right is the home team. You always see a score, yeah,
on the oka on the field, okay, right? Not a
soccer guy, so go ahead tell me to the bottom
line or ESPN doesn't score. It's always a team on
the bottom or the team on the right was the
home team?

Speaker 4 (20:57):

Speaker 3 (20:57):
Yeah? In soccer, guys, get ready, now on the left right?
Oh god, dang, no way can you adjust to that way?

Speaker 5 (21:05):
What about the team on the top of the scoreboards
like that?

Speaker 3 (21:07):
Are that at home?

Speaker 2 (21:07):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (21:08):
I don't either that one.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
Just get with everyone.

Speaker 3 (21:11):
Is there a color jersey thing in soccer lunchbox home
jersey where home team was dark, other team was white.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
Oh that's a good question. No, because sometimes Nashal, I'll
see where's their yellow jerseys at home? Sometimes they wear
their black jerseys. So I don't know how they I
don't know if the like opposing team gets to pick
which jersey they're gonna wear, or if the home team
gets to tell you what color they're wearing and then
you adjust. I'm not sure how that works.

Speaker 3 (21:30):
But yellow is not white, right, Maybe do they have
a white jersey? They were on the road and yellow
is actually a primary color like in sports, home team
was one.

Speaker 2 (21:39):
You know, I don't think they have a white jersey.
You don't not that I can remember. When I watch them,
I'm like, I don't think so, because like MESSI they
had with Miami, they have a pink jersey and like
a black jersey. So I don't know how they determine
what they're wearing.

Speaker 3 (21:52):
I bet you Reid could google us how they decide
what jersey to wear? Not your a league? Do what
is our league called? Oh no, we're not, We're not America.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
We take the leftovers from premiere when they're on their
way down and they come over to MLS.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
Got it, got it, I'm gonna go pass them the
five hundred bucks. The sea's not gonna be good anyway,
and you're not a superman, Kevin.

Speaker 5 (22:14):
Yeah, I'm gonna say the same, but for a different reason.
I went to one game with Box. I think last
year we saw MESSI shout out Box, I was awesome
you went to that game. Yeah, it was cool. He
had a couple of ex chickens. I want to come.
I was like, yeah, it was great. It was awesome Messies.
I mean, he just toys with people out there. But
the reason I'm going to say no is because the
parking situation at Jodas is a nightmare. You have to
park so far and if you park close then you

just sit in traffic for an hour going out, and
so after like three games, you just get over it.

Speaker 3 (22:39):
I'd like to say on that I like football. I
don't go to a Titans game because its traffic because
tight and suck. And I love football. I don't love soccer.
I'm not dealing with the of a sport I love
and a team I'm like six out of ten, like
because of traffic ain't no chance.

Speaker 5 (22:53):
Same with concerts at Nissan, same thing. It's a night.
I mean, you better know that you're in for a
long night.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
Any Yeah.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
Do you get parking though, with the season tickets, because
that's game changer.

Speaker 3 (23:03):
For five hundred bucks your bike.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
No, you don't get parking. You can buy a season
ticket parking pass to park on the grounds, but however
long you've been a season ticket member, that's priority, and
sometimes they sell out. And I'm gonna tell you, the
first few games we went to is a nightmare to
park because you park on the lot or wherever on
the stadium, they make you park on the racetrack. Take
us two hours to get out. It was terrible. Then
one time we didn't get a parking pass, so we

just drove. We parked in someone's backyard for thirty bucks.
We were out of there and on the highway in
six minutes. It's absolutely easy once you get it down.

Speaker 3 (23:35):
Hey man, thirty bucks a game, though, dude, that's more
than tickets. Well, and then you also get access to
the messy game what Kevin talked about. That's the one
you really want to go. Does that even happen?

Speaker 4 (23:44):
I mean, I don't think that's guaranteed.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
That's like you get the play game, good luck and
coming back.

Speaker 5 (23:49):
What if they load management, load management?

Speaker 3 (23:52):
He doesn't play that did happen in Canada? I saw
that crap.

Speaker 2 (23:55):
Well, he does not play on turf field. So a
lot of places that have turf fields they get screw
rude because people pay a lot of money for the
tickets and they're like, where's Messi? Yeah, and they it's.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
But yeah, that's like buying hawk to a coin. Uh,
what do you think is gonna do? If you buy
turf tickets, you can look ahead of times, so he's
not gonna play there, Like what do you think?

Speaker 4 (24:12):
Then don't buy it.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
I don't feel Baptist people anymore if they knew he
wasn't playing on turis.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
Yeah. I kind of scam some people this summer because hey,
speaking of hawk tool, Miami was coming to Nashville, and
I knew that Messi was playing for Argentina during that window.
It was an international window where they had international games.
But the average fan doesn't know that. They think, oh Messi,
they see Miami Messi. So I put my tickets up

for like three hundred dollars a pop boom sold them.

Speaker 4 (24:40):
But you do see Beckham though, right got the casual?
Does he come?

Speaker 3 (24:43):
He didn't play, though, dude, but he goes to the
game watching executive.

Speaker 2 (24:46):
You want to go how binoculars and you look up
in a suite, he may be there.

Speaker 3 (24:50):
I wouldn't be.

Speaker 4 (24:51):
Guys, when you go to a game and you know
Romo and lances up there, you're not like, where are
they are?

Speaker 3 (24:56):
Split second? Nobody buys a ticket to go watch an executive.

Speaker 4 (24:59):
No, no, you don't buy too. But that's pretty cool
to see like David Beckham when I see like on
TikTok he walks on the field afterwards.

Speaker 3 (25:04):
Yeah, that's pretty cool. We got my ticket to do that.

Speaker 4 (25:06):
No, no, no, no, definitely not definitely.

Speaker 3 (25:08):
Not Okay, that's our advice. Ray, thank you. I don't
know who's you're taking.

Speaker 4 (25:12):
You're gonna do it.

Speaker 3 (25:13):
You're not a soccer guy, though, well, this guy always
throws around.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
I'm a season ticket holder, so I kind of want
to be a stakeholder too.

Speaker 3 (25:19):
It is a thing. It is a flex. You just
have season tickets, okay, Eddie.

Speaker 4 (25:25):
Yeah, so I saw like a while back, I'm on Rock,
I'm on Rob the same brown he was talking about
how when he played in the Bills game, he was
really really sick and he threw up, and it was
the interview was crazy because he said, I've never thrown
up before. Really, he's in his twenties Seinfeld and he

said he's never thrown up before, which I thought was bizarre,
Like Jerry Seinfeld didn't throw up.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
There's on that how I didn't watch, but do do
twelve shut I My desk sits that direction.

Speaker 5 (25:58):
That's true.

Speaker 3 (25:59):
Yeah, I think there's a whole episode on that.

Speaker 4 (26:01):
He would you google that how he's never thrown up?

Speaker 3 (26:03):
Yeah, so that is very rare, but continue on so rare.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
So I want to ask you guys, like, what's the
craziest throw up story that you've ever Yeah, because mine,
I'll start with mine. Mine was crazy, Dude. I was
home for Christmas. I didn't seen my friends for a while.
This is like when we were in college and we
went out, we partied hard, came home the next came
home that night, and I woke up at four in

the morning and it felt like it was in a
swimming pool. Oh, it was so bad. And my parents
were just like they were so sweet about it, helping
me like get in the shower and everything. But that's
the craziest Heck, dude, that was nuts and I don't
remember doing it.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
You feel so happy about that is the weird part.
I can't wait to tell.

Speaker 2 (26:43):

Speaker 6 (26:43):
So apparently Jerry has a streak of thirteen years without vomiting.

Speaker 3 (26:47):
So that's what the episode said. Wow, thirteen years of
that and.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
I can't wait. He's never got the flu, like as
a kid, he never got sick.

Speaker 3 (26:54):
But didn't vomit because you poop saying, you know, at
your body getting rid of stuff. I have to think
because I don't have a I don't have a throw
up story other than getting come back to me, Kevin.

Speaker 5 (27:05):
Yeah, mine's probably gonna be. When I was in high school,
we got we got in trouble, me and two other
players on the football team. This is in springball though,
and our coach made us come in on a Saturday morning.
He was like, he kicked us out of practice that
day and he's like, you better come back on Saturday morning.
We're like, yeah, whatever. So we were out in party
Friday night and we came so hung over on Friday

and he made us run laps around the track and
all we were doing after I think one or two laps,
so just throwing up, and I remember is captain Captain
Morgan and I've never drink.

Speaker 3 (27:36):
The team. I was like him as captain, that's cool,
but that was rough.

Speaker 5 (27:42):
I hated that, hated that haven't drink Captain Morgan.

Speaker 3 (27:45):
Since I have mine, I wrote about it my book
Fell Until You Don't. We were playing Million Dollar Show
and it was a night Garth was playing with us,
and all we have, all these massive acts that are playing.
I was so sick that day too. I could go
to the Minute Clinic or the whatever that's called have
a orn different names for those places, and I'd get
it steroids check or whatever, and all driving. And I
didn't go to sound check because I remember the band

Perry did sound check, and these guys had like funny
stories about the band period sound checking because in a
peculiar way, and are you ready like all these things,
I don't even know because I wasn't there, and so
I miss all sound to miss everything, and it was
like ten minutes told the show star. I was vomiting
like crazy outside the Ryman and I vomited, vomit, vomited.
There's nothing left you know how you vomited. There's nothing more,

it's just oh yeah, yeah, yeah, And so it just
got to a heave. So once I knew it was
a heave, went out and did the whole show, and
you know, only heaved twice during the show, but I
turned my back. I was like, oh, thank God. And
then we just back up and keep going. I wrote it,
I forgot. I wrote about that, but it's not a
It was vomiting all up until that point, and then

there was empty. There was nothing left. My body still
wanted to get That was what was weird about the
human body. Why are you trying to get rid of
something you don't even have? More like if there's something
bad in there in your body? Did the Hall show,
Garth finished, Then show was over. I went back home
with six for like three days. But I thank the
good Lord above because I think he got me through it.
I wasn't drunk, though it's a terrible feeling, terrible feeling lunchbocks.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
Yeah. See, when I drink, I don't throw up. I
for some reason, could drink a lot, never threw up.
So I'll take you back to when I was nine
years old and i'd been sick for like four days
and I was finally feeling better and my mom I
was like, can I have AJ spind the night. She's like, yeah, AJ,
can spend the night. You know your fever's gone, no problem.
So AJ spins the night, and I guess I woke
up in the middle of the night and I had

pewked on my bedroom wall because when I woke up,
it was just coming down the wall in the morning,
like it was just like a big old black and
that's one of my memories of throwing up. I was like,
how did I wake up onto the wall and go
back to sleep as a nine year old? And AJ
was sleeping in the bed right next to me, and
I was like, huh, that's.

Speaker 3 (29:50):
So weird and didn't know. Sounds like you were blacked out, Yeah,
drunk on gummy bear but not drinking.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
Yeah. But the worst is when I pass out, like
because usually now I pass out when I throw up.

Speaker 3 (30:00):
I'm like, every time, even if you're sick, yeah, unconscious.
So if you throw up every time, even if you're sick,
you pass out drunk, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
No, No, I don't. I've never only when I'm sick,
Like when I'm sick.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
I thought you just normally didn't. So you never throw
up drunk. No, but if you do throw up, now
you pass out.

Speaker 2 (30:17):
It passed out, lights out, find me on the bathroom floor.
Do you know when it's coming? Uh? Sometimes?

Speaker 3 (30:22):
Have you ever had it come and you not know
it is coming in and all of a sudden you're
pased out somewhere?

Speaker 2 (30:25):
A lot of times I woke like I mean when
I mean five years ago, I got a bug and
my wife got a bug, and I was downstairs upstairs,
she was downstairs. And I went to the bathroom and
I was over the toilet and the next thing I
did is I woke up and I was laying in
my vomit on the ground and I was like, oh,
that was weird. I passed out again, and I did

it again, and then I was laying on the couch
and I was like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna throw up.
And I started walking to the bathroom and I felt myself.
I was like, I'm going to pass out, and I
tried to grab the like molding the doorframe, and I
I didn't make it, and I woke up to my
wife shaking me. I had fallen down. My head was
against the wall, and I was just passed out. And
then I crawled to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet,

And that's why I went to the yar.

Speaker 3 (31:10):
That nine year old thing is that happened to you
without you ever knowing it was gonna happen the rest
of your life, Like you're passed out and vomited. No,
that wasn't at nine years old when you didn't know it.
Don't think that was you passing out before you vomited
and just not remembering.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
I mean, now you say I never even thought about that, I.

Speaker 3 (31:22):
Mean that was the first time that happened, because it's
been happening in your whole life. You just didn't know
because it hadn't happened yet.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
Yeah. So now now I build a fort like around
the toilet or the bathtub, and I put blankets or towels,
and I make it so that way if I fall over,
I'm falling onto something soft instead of just boom. And
I have to wake my wife up if I know
I'm gonna throw up. That way she can wake me
up from being passed out like the other day, she
I mean months ago. But I passed out and my

hand was in the toilet and my head was on
the floor.

Speaker 3 (31:52):
You basically need a puke in a bounty house till
you live.

Speaker 4 (31:54):
That's crazy. He has to prepare for it, like I'm
about to throw up. Let me get my little ten here.
Why do what happened to.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
Your body where you're just like out?

Speaker 2 (32:01):
I don't know. I went to the er that won
five years ago and they did an EKG and all that,
but they said I was good. They couldn't figure out
what's wrong with me, but they gave me.

Speaker 3 (32:09):
Do you remember ever act? Do you ever see it
come out of your mouth? Have you ever seen throw
up come out of your mouth?

Speaker 2 (32:14):
Yes, I've seen it, like I never when I was
a year.

Speaker 3 (32:16):
Awake for that.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Yeah, afterwards, you passed it in the middle of throwing up.
I pass out, so.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
You're probably throwing up some while you're out.

Speaker 2 (32:24):
Yeah, because I've woken up where I'm just laying in
my throw up. It's pretty intense, man.

Speaker 4 (32:30):
It's scary.

Speaker 3 (32:30):
I'd like to see it.

Speaker 2 (32:31):
And that's why I'm like, I am so glad I
wasn't a puker when I drink like a fish, because I.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
You wouldn't have been a hard drinker. I bet you
couldn't have been. You'd have freaking been dead.

Speaker 4 (32:41):
Wow. Crazy about Lunchbox two is he doesn't get hangovers,
which is nuts.

Speaker 3 (32:45):
He has a superpower that we don't even know yet.
Something we're starting to put the pieces together. There's something
about him that if he just figures out to put
pieces together, you're gonna be able a fly or some crap.
That's cool, dude, Yeah, congrats, you're welcome.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
It's scary. My wife freaks out. I mean, she thought
I was playing with her because she was pregnant. When
I passed out against the wall like a I was
a dead body and CSI and she comes down. That's
not funny. That's not funny. And then she freaked out
and I was.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
But you could also use that to your advantage. You
just when you don't want to do something that's right,
I'll send you on the floor, takes trash out and
then don't open your eyes. Then make your feel guilty.
Read all right, sorry, Ray, that was disgusting.

Speaker 1 (33:23):
I'll try to keep mine. But this is advice. So
there's two things. When thrown up and partying with chicks,
you don't want the chicks. This is when I was
single back.

Speaker 3 (33:32):
In college with my best friend South Beach, and he
taught me this.

Speaker 1 (33:36):
So you never want chicks to see you throw up
into the game. They're not gonna hook up with you.
And then you never want a bar bouncer to see
you throw up, or you're gonna get booted at the bar.
And I always told South Beach, I said, hey, dude,
I can't do tequila shots. Well, we're on Sixth Street,
I would say, the library. What were some of the
wooden nickel?

Speaker 3 (33:50):
Is that correct? Is that one of them nickel? It
might have been that spot.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
Okay, and we're there and the girls wanted tequila. Here
we go, so we all do the tequila shot and
immediate I still to this day really don't do tequila shots.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
I'll if I have to. And I could feel to
throw up.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
Immediately went in my mouth, and so I remembered in
my head, Okay, I gotta find a trash can, and
South Beach said, don't let the chicks see and don't
let the bouncer see. So I found the trash can.
Immediately into the trash can, and I just kept walking.
I just kept walking. South beach is up there partying
with the chicks. They all came downstairs like, oh my gosh,
where did you go? Like, wasn't really feeling the party? Yeah,
you know, it was kind of lame up there. What
are you all doing?

Speaker 3 (34:24):
They had no idea. I threw up.

Speaker 1 (34:26):
The bouncer never booted me out. But the key was
I found a trash can. And the second after I
threw up, take off walking. Just keep moving, Bouncer's not
gonna really tail you. And at the same time he's like,
did he just throw up? Because usually people hunch over kids.
Just keep it going.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
And then you're totally fine, and everybody goes, You're awesome, dude,
you want to bounce out of space.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
And I'm like, yeah, it's so lame, man, let's roll, baby.
But I was really the weakest one of the bunch,
but I seemed like the coolest.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
Yeah. Inspired, So that's smart.

Speaker 2 (34:55):
It is smart. If you stay hunched over the trash,
can you draw attention to yourself?

Speaker 5 (34:58):
You gotta make it quick.

Speaker 3 (34:59):
I'm inspired. It feels like two things. Want to ask
about your story there? One when must you have to
take shots like that? Because you said un less you
have to when everyone's doing it. Group think you're the outsider.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
You're saying when you're getting peer pressured and you succumb
to peer pressure. If it's me and Baser at the
house and she goes, let's do shots, I'll be like,
shut up. But if you're at a bar with other.

Speaker 4 (35:19):
People, yeah, then you tell her like that shut up.

Speaker 3 (35:22):
Yeah, she knows my style. I don't do shots, but hey,
it's New Year's Eve. We gotta do a shot. You
got to. You're gonna have a bad year. Everybody's doing it,
You're gonna have a bad year. I'm just kind of
you have to or blank. But there are ways to
get away without not taking that, which I've done many
times with people that don't know that I don't drink.
I'll take fake shots just because I don't want to
talk about it. People don't know, but I need to
fill fill in the blank. If you don't blank happens.

Speaker 1 (35:45):
It's it's there's something with a community with taking a
shot with a bunch of people. The one person one
person that doesn't. It's just like some weird juju. I've
never been the one person that doesn't, so I don't
know about it.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
I have many times I'm doing pretty good.

Speaker 4 (35:57):
They call you. He's right, they call you names and stuff.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
That's okay, you can't okay, I'm already a b. Oh yeah,
I'm already being a P. So A didn't in fact,
you know, somebody calls me that I'm the biggest B
and P there is.

Speaker 4 (36:14):
And then they put it right in front of it.
Yeah you pe.

Speaker 2 (36:17):
Or you telling you if you're scared to go to church.

Speaker 3 (36:20):
Yeah, we do that too. I guess I'm already all in.
You can't really hurt me. I do it all okay. Uh,
mine's a little more on the sports front. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
I'm on.

Speaker 3 (36:30):
You know, that's a good point. I unfairly said that.
That's a great, great, great great. Uh. If you have
something in front of you, like for you to write
it down, it can be even it doesn't matter. I
just want nobody to be able to change their answer
once to hear somebody else's answer, and I will go
last in case someone has my answer. I don't want
to feel like someone has to tell the same story.
I just told everybody, everybody, good good, who's the greatest

college football player of all time? And I'm also going
to say there is no, right, a wrong answer, because
you can. You can cherry pick data in any way possible.
You can go freaking Newt Rockney if you want the rock,
who's gonna fight you?

Speaker 4 (37:09):
Galloping ghosts.

Speaker 3 (37:12):
I'm gonna not get to say any more names. Who's
the greatest college football player of all time? And support
your facts? Kevin is supposed to pin down. It's your order anyway.
So looks like you're ready to go. Is everybody everybody
in and all right? Kick off, Kevin?

Speaker 5 (37:27):
Yeah, I'm gonna go. Reggie Bush still to this day
hate USC, but that is the best player I've ever seen.
There is a Tim Tebow, Mike Vicked great, but Reggie Bush.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
The names because you're taking our names away. If you're
saying other people, okay, you know the rules, that's the
biggest You just did the biggest douchebag thing you could
do in this to say other names. Well, I was
gonna say, uh, Newt Rockney, and I was gonna, but
we may want to say them. You know our rules,
but they don't.

Speaker 5 (37:50):
You say, then you can, then you can back it
up after you say your name.

Speaker 3 (37:53):
D be alert.

Speaker 5 (37:54):
Okay, Reggie Bush greatest of all time?

Speaker 3 (37:56):

Speaker 4 (37:56):

Speaker 3 (37:57):
He got dB alerted.

Speaker 4 (37:59):
It's never a good dang dude.

Speaker 2 (38:01):
Back it up, do multiple names, lunchbox, It's easy. It's
the guy that Reggie Bush stole the heisman from Vince Young.
I have never seen someone on a football field dominate
the way he did. It was a man amongst boys.
He was so much more athletic, faster, everything, stronger. He was.
He was must see TV. Vince Young form my eyes,

best college football player ever.

Speaker 3 (38:25):
Thank you for only saying one person. We should do
a chain like when you do get a turnover and
it says douchebag on it, because.

Speaker 4 (38:32):
Well you wear it.

Speaker 3 (38:33):
Yeah, because I do ducheback stuff half the time too,
and I should have to wear it.

Speaker 5 (38:37):
A goldfish.

Speaker 3 (38:37):
You have that guy there that's right, like the goldfish,
like when they after wear the goldfish. Right. Yeah, I'm
glad you guys watched the Rose Bowl back in two
thousand and five. I'm gonna choose a different year. Give me.
I was gonna choose Johnny Manziel, and I'm going to
choose Johnny after both of you guys. Both of you guys,
go ahead, Johnny Manzel.

Speaker 1 (38:58):
I had never heard of the guy, and I was
at my friend's house and word just started circulating.

Speaker 3 (39:03):
Man an M's beating Bama A and M's beating Bama. Man,
who's your quarterback? Oh it's Manziell Manziell. Oh they're ahead,
Oh they're behind.

Speaker 2 (39:12):

Speaker 3 (39:12):
This is Johnny Football JFP, Johnny FF. This john his
name's Johnny. It was what his last name's football? And
they're like Johnny Football. He just threw at seventy yards
throw on the TV. Who is this Johnny football?

Speaker 1 (39:27):
Guy, dude? And since that day it was appointment TV.
I lived with lunchbox dude CBS. At two thirty, I
was watching Johnny Football. If we were out at the bar,
the loudest you would hear is when Johnny Football was
getting beat by Old Miss. Those were the loudest, craziest yells.
Johnny Football changed everything. You had to watch his games.

When you say word got around, would that be the internet?
Internet wasn't as strong back then. Well, he was a
around two thousand and seven. I lived with him.

Speaker 3 (39:57):
Actually, never mind, Johnny Football was twen thirteen, and do
you say the internet really was in the thing? Okay,
we lived around twenty thirteen. We lived together.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
The signal was weak at our house and what we're
trying to say eight.

Speaker 3 (40:12):
Out of it? Like, all right, so he must have
been there a couple of years.

Speaker 1 (40:15):
So twenty twelve is when I first heard about him,
and it was just it was ever. Everybody just start
saying Johnny Football. His last name's football.

Speaker 2 (40:22):
Everybody went, man, that's crazy. And so that that greatest
of all time? Since he was so great, he elevated
his team and took him to a national title.

Speaker 3 (40:28):
Right, well, he got the heisman, he didn't have the team.
But it doesn't have to be a team event.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
I'm just asking him because the greatest, Vince Young took
Texas on his back. He got robbed of the Heisman.
But the greatest of all time, he said, guys, get
on my back. I'll just go ahead and throw it.
Oh you don't want to throw it. I'll just run
it to the end zone, touchdown. We'll win in the
national title.

Speaker 3 (40:44):
Greatest of all time, and I'll open a steakhouse.

Speaker 4 (40:46):
Yeah it didn't last though.

Speaker 3 (40:48):
It didn't. And you know when famous people.

Speaker 2 (40:50):
Do formost former real world house, right.

Speaker 3 (40:52):
Fats people do restaurants and actually own them. Well, Johnny
got their name. The Money Bar you had the money
by A and M. You got you go to A
and M. The biggest and best bar there is the
money bar, and that's his. And that's a fact bones
you telling me, I don't know that they can't. Yeah,
that's the fact that you don't know that he might
be right, he's got merch. I gotta go though, I

have to.

Speaker 4 (41:14):
I went to Di's and they said when I got there,
they're like, man, you just met mixed miss Ditka.

Speaker 3 (41:20):
Possibly, so I figured he owns he's old school. Most
of the guys now leased out their names.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
We saw her any Banks at it.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
Yeah, old school guys. But now, like even all the
artists here, they don't own their bars downtown, they leased
their name right rights getting sad he didn't know that
they lease out their name. It's like a bar group
owner that will pay Miranda and then she'll design it
and her name's on it and she gets paid a
fee plus a percentage of like back end. Yeah, I
mean to break your hearts.

Speaker 4 (41:47):
That's okay.

Speaker 3 (41:47):
But old school is different because I don't think they
did it like so like an Ernie Banks or Mike Ditka.

Speaker 4 (41:53):
So there you go, Eddie best college football player just
one place. I'm gonna go back to a guy who
wasn't very good.

Speaker 3 (42:03):
Besides, that's a weird.

Speaker 4 (42:05):
He wasn't very good in high school. He was just small.
And then he wanted to go to a school. They
didn't accept him. He had to go to a junior
college just to get into the school. And he told
I'm not done. I'm not done. And he told the coach,
I'm gonna get into this school, and when I do,
I want to play for you. And the coach said,
you do that, You're in. He did it despite what

everyone told him.

Speaker 3 (42:28):

Speaker 7 (42:31):
He made the Notre Dame football team and played the
very last game of his senior year. He dressed and
played and made a sack on the last play of
the game. Rudiger, let's go.

Speaker 4 (42:52):
You want the real truth. I had Vince youngerriden down.

Speaker 3 (42:55):
Why would you pick Vince young because he was awesome?

Speaker 4 (42:57):
He was amazing, And you know what, that was the
time when I that's okay.

Speaker 3 (43:00):
You could have said, that's why we didn't.

Speaker 4 (43:01):
No, I didn't want to piggyback off lunchbox. I went, Ruy,
that's where you went.

Speaker 2 (43:07):
I thought you were gonna go Tony Romo or someone.

Speaker 4 (43:09):
I was like, oh god, I don't remember Romo in college?
Was he was he like popular in college?

Speaker 3 (43:14):
No, Northern Illinois, Western Illinois.

Speaker 5 (43:19):
When he said J c row if cam Newton.

Speaker 3 (43:22):
Cam Newton may be one of the most dominant ever.
Yeah ever? Yeah for me? The easy, easy answer, and
I'm not a massive fan of him at college. Was
Tim Tebow won two titles, has a freaking statue, and
I thought, man, it's's lame, like they lost, and he's like,
prom to God, We're gonna never lose again. They freaking win.
Like there's so much Lord of t Bo. He won

the Heisman, UH finalists a couple of times, won two titles.
I remember see him as a freshman the SC championship campus.
Chris Leak was the starting quarterback and Tebow would just
come in inside five yards and it was just automatic
and so amazing college player, probably the best college player

that I've ever seen. Didn't translate super well to the NFL.
One even like the quarterback awards, like Dave o brien's
quarterback right mm hmm, won the Davey O'Brien was like
the guy, so I would go Tim Tebow is probably
two it was insanity with Tebow more than anybody else where.

Everybody was kind of enthralled by manziel Is close to that.
Definitely a insanity to Johnny Football as well. But Tebow
was multiple seasons, multiple championships. I'm gonna go Tim Tebow
met him, Oh okay, yeah, he was at a private
He was at a private club in Nationville.

Speaker 1 (44:45):
Not anybody can get on into on the streets, but
I luckily I was with Bazer when we were dating.
My wife and her friend both too blonde hotties, and
they got us. It was called Citizens, So it doesn't
even have a menu, it doesn't even have a website.
We go back there, Tim Tebow's there. He wanted to
meet the chicks. I said, I got to come with
I'm the boyfriend. The guy goes, all right, you can come,
and so I go calling chicks back. No, it was
more a managers. They just wanted people to kind of

be a there's one people to meet him because they
knew he was famous.

Speaker 4 (45:09):
That's him.

Speaker 3 (45:10):
Tibo was no. Tebo's also a raised story guy, so
let's not. I just don't want anybody to assign themselves
because I've met Tim many times. To assign Tim Tebow
to for sure, he might yell that's a fact at
the end, as he does sometimes just no, Rai's a
good storyteller. Yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 2 (45:25):
I got a feeling they were doing shots right.

Speaker 3 (45:27):
No, he wasn't drinking. Tim Tebow was just watching the
NBA Finals. Yeah, prb.

Speaker 1 (45:31):
He was chilling and his manager kind of brought some
people over. Heye, Tim hate Tim. And then manager exchanged
numbers with the other blonde we're with and we went
to a sidebar and we tried to meet up with
them at a hotel but it never worked out. But
Tebow really, I feel like his manager wanted to party
with chicks more than Tebo. Tibo was wanted to watch
the NBA Finals, but got to shake his hand, took
a picture and I didn't smile. I didn't want I

was a little tipsy. I didn't want to screw it up.
So when the picture Tim smiling and I'm like this
stone cold, you gonna throw up because he got kicked
out at Tebow's Yeah. Really the nicest guy ever. He
did the show once I did. Paul Finebaum, he was
a guest, came on the bus and sat for twenty minutes.

Speaker 3 (46:07):
It's like Bobby, I don't know him. I just met him,
but he came on set because we had met, but
he came into sat forever and talked. It was I
think I met him three times every time. Nice of
him before, but he's always like, where are the chicks?
And I'm like, Tim, oh, get the blondies. That's a fact,
all right. Two to go, Kevin.

Speaker 5 (46:27):
Yeah, I'm gonna need some advice here.

Speaker 3 (46:29):

Speaker 5 (46:29):
All four of you are married, right, and I am
newly engaged, and I've been battling a couple of things
since being engaged, finding the right balance between sports and
what she wants to watch, because lately I've been watching
some reality TV on a Thursday night when there's an
NFL game on, and as a survivor, if the Patriots

aren't on, I'm not you know, I'm like, Okay, we
can do it tonight. And I'm trying to find the balance.
So I guess I'm coming to each of you like,
is there a percentage? What what's your advice? Lunchbox will
go to you first.

Speaker 2 (47:00):
There's not really a balance. We watch more sports than anything,
just because at night she goes to bed earlier she
gets tired, and so she's like, I can watch maybe
thirty minutes, and I'm like, well, the episode's an hour.
I don't want to start one and stop it. She's like, okay,
I'm gonna go to bed, or she'll just scroll her
phone while I watch sports. And so I dominate the
channel changer.

Speaker 3 (47:18):
Right, No, seriously, but the advice is dominated.

Speaker 2 (47:21):
It sounds like, yeah, yeah, you control the channel changer.
And but you do have to sacrifice some things if
it's not a big game, like if it's you know,
the I was gonna say Patriots, Like if it's like
the Cowboys versus the Panthers, who gives a crap? It's like, oh,
you know what, I don't. She's like, you don't want
to watch football? No, it's okay, not tonight because she
doesn't realize what's a big game and what's not. So
that's how you can do it.

Speaker 4 (47:39):

Speaker 2 (47:40):
But I would say we watch eighty five percent sports
at night and fifteen percent regular show.

Speaker 5 (47:44):
But you like Survivor, like you like watching it with
her love that's different. I'm talking about shows that you
don't like to Oh.

Speaker 2 (47:50):
I used to watch The Bachelor, which with her, But
you just get into it.

Speaker 5 (47:52):
Yeah, Like I got into this new show called Though Ultimatum.
IM gonna lie, guys love it.

Speaker 2 (47:57):
See That's what I'm saying. Like the one where they
do the design the America's Exile Model cake off No
with is this cake? Is it Queer Eye for the
Heidi Klum and they do the fashion shows and one
gets cut Project Run. I hated it. I was like,
this is so stupid, But then by the end you're like,

all right, I'm cheering for this person. I want them
to win.

Speaker 4 (48:20):
Lunches answers like I just watched the reality stuff. I
love it.

Speaker 2 (48:25):
Sports. You're gonna adapt your your your tastes are going
to change.

Speaker 3 (48:29):
So how does that help him with sports? He wants
to watch.

Speaker 2 (48:33):
That's what I'm saying. You got to give some to
get some. But eighty five percent you control the remote control,
you control that channel.

Speaker 3 (48:39):
Changer, So get eighty five and get fifteen.

Speaker 5 (48:41):
Yep, seems healthy.

Speaker 3 (48:43):
I do like his idea because I think we all
do it too. We act like, yeah, I'll not watch
worry about this game. It's not to watch it. When
it doesn't we were't gonna watch it, But.

Speaker 5 (48:51):
You have to make it known. I'm missing this game.

Speaker 3 (48:53):
But it's okay, Yes, it's okay, all right, mind simple.

Speaker 1 (48:56):
The best thing you can bring into the bedroom with
you is the iPad and you're watching her Hallmark movie.
You got the game going too. They don't mind YouTube TV.
You can put it on the iPad, you can put
it on your phone. I've never missed a game. You
kind of pay attention to the movie. My wife controls
the TV. I really don't even know how to log
into some of the stuff.

Speaker 3 (49:14):
But but you don't watch it with volume, then I assume, Yeah,
I never get to hear the announcers. I just do
my own play by play. Oh it's a dude pass threw.

Speaker 1 (49:27):
So if there's a penalty and stuff, I never know
that because I have no volume.

Speaker 3 (49:30):
You know, I don't. My wife wouldn't be cool with that, really,
if we're gonna watch something, it's because she'd rather if
I'm gonna watch something else, just go watch it another
room and not be distracted. That's nice that your wife
would do that, And like she's like, she just wants
you to sit next to her.

Speaker 4 (49:43):
Is that what it is?

Speaker 3 (49:43):
Yeah? Yeah, mm hmm.

Speaker 4 (49:46):

Speaker 3 (49:46):
That wouldn't flow to my house. She's like, we're gonna
watch the game. Just go watch the game.

Speaker 4 (49:50):
Oh she would, but that's a green light, right.

Speaker 3 (49:52):
You're like, okay, yeah, but then I still owe her.
But I'm just saying, I don't know. It's a if
that were that's awesome.

Speaker 2 (49:58):

Speaker 3 (49:58):
If she's like I wanna watch this and you're like,
I'm gonna wat a game in my lap, I'd never
have to worry about anything again. I do that all
the time. She watched whatever you wanted.

Speaker 4 (50:05):
You guys, this is simple. We all have this excuse
because we all do sports podcasts. All you gotta say
is I gotta work. I have to work, So just
give me. I really don't want to watch these games.
Just give me three hours, maybe six I have to
watch these games, and then we can do whatever you want.

Speaker 2 (50:22):
My wife does say sometimes she goes, I know you
have to do it for the podcast. She does say that,
and I'm like, yeah, you're right.

Speaker 5 (50:27):
You know, her parents, my fiance's parents, one time on
a Saturday, they were like, you need to watch the
games today, right, Like, we'll set it up for you.
I'm like, yeah, she got it. I got that podcast.
You know, perfect.

Speaker 4 (50:38):
You got to start that early dude, say this is
my career, this is what I do.

Speaker 5 (50:42):
I have to watch it, gotta pay the bills, take
care of your daughter.

Speaker 3 (50:45):
If you use this, I do. But if you do
it a lot, you out use. You have to use
that very spirit like sporadically and intentional. Because I did it
every week. I did every Sunday. I gotta watch it.
And she's like, well, then you're just not gonna be
educated because you're not spending ten hour every Sunday, every
day every So if I do say that, I either
mean it or I need a little cheat. But I can't.

I can't leave it consistent.

Speaker 4 (51:10):
I use that excuse so much that my mom, when
she was with us for two weeks and she went home,
she told my sister, like, Edie works so much. That's
fun because not only does he have to go to
the studio, he has to watch football all day.

Speaker 3 (51:21):
Where it gets me in trouble. Though, if I choose
to do something on a Sunday while football is on,
that's like recreational. It's like I'm gonna go play golf,
So no, we have to watch all the games or
if I'm gonna go, and that's bitten me before, or
it's like, hey, we're gonna play pick a ball. It's
one o'clock. It's just gonna buy to pick aball. No,
you gotta work, don't you. I would do that. I'll
that you gotta work. You gotta watch your games. And
I'm like, no, I'll just catch up on this on

this speed. You can watch them. And she's like, so
the next time I bring it up, well, can't you
do that speed thing you do? You just gotta be
dealt be dell. That is a tool, that's a weapon.
Can't walk on care You can't use that sword everywhere
you go.

Speaker 5 (51:55):
Let me just quick follow up. Then sometimes I get
her involved in some parlays and bets that I have
just to get her into.

Speaker 3 (51:59):
The game on that job.

Speaker 4 (52:02):
Start your marriage.

Speaker 3 (52:03):
Yeah thanks boys, Yeah, we all salute that. Uh I don't.
I don't have a good answer.

Speaker 2 (52:09):
Do you let her pick some of the bets or
do you just say oh, this is.

Speaker 5 (52:11):
What I'll say, hey, this is and then I'll be like, yeah,
you know, five bucks for you, five bucks for me.
She's like yeah, so it's just ten bucks for me.
So and then I let her be Oh, this person's
got to get this many yards or catches, whatever.

Speaker 3 (52:21):
It is, and just tell her. My wife wild strategize
me if it's a arcas always back basketball game. There
have been times I'm like, hey, it's a big game, uh,
because if I do call it now, we have a
rule if I call it or she calls something, I
want you to do this with me. And it's over
an eight on the scale, we mean it. And but
I'll be like, this is a big game, or I've
got a big basketball game. I'm gonna have to watch this.
She's like, they're playing in North Texas, it's not a

conference game, like the mother, so she would just check on.
You know, she's a massive sports fan. Though I don't know,
I'm pretty fortunate my wife's a really big sports fan.
Just in general. She's not gonna watch game she has
no interest in and I'm not either knows I'm betting
on it, or we have to watch it for hey,
for work, or but she's enough of one to like
know what's up. So I can't really get away with
the lies. So I kind of just pick and choose

the ones I have to hope I get some of
the ones that amid and give up on the easy ones,
but make it a point that I gave up the
easy ones.

Speaker 5 (53:13):

Speaker 3 (53:13):
Yeah, though even though I know she she knows I'm lying.

Speaker 4 (53:15):
That's tough for you, man.

Speaker 3 (53:17):
Yeah, it's great because our family are massive sports fans.
Are on the holidays, so it's on TV all the time.
Her dad massive sports fans, so we watched a lot
of sports. But that what's awesome is also what's hard.
What's awesome is that she's a big sports fan and
she can watch whatever. But also she knows enough to
call me on my bull crap, like parksall's got a
big game to not I need to watch because they're
playing North Texas. It's not even a conference game. Yeah,

it helps when you got a winning team, I mean,
so yeah.

Speaker 5 (53:43):
Yeah, why don't in football?

Speaker 3 (53:44):
Right, Yeah, yeah, that's good.

Speaker 5 (53:46):
That's hard With the Patriots, well yeah, she was with
me there in the Celtics running the playoffs this past
year and that was too much for me. But she,
I mean, she liked it, but she was like, if
you did that for you know, during the Red Sox
Patriots like year round, He's like, that's a lot. So
she's lucky at the same time.

Speaker 3 (54:02):
Final final question for the panel lunchbox.

Speaker 2 (54:04):
Yeah, I just want to know why athletes all go
for the same chicks, Like, I don't understand they have
the all these hot girls in the world and they
go for the same ones. Like just recently, Cody Bellinger
got traded to the Yankees, and the problem is his
wife was used to date gim Carlos Stanton for like
a year. They were dating for like a year, year

and a half, and then she married Cody Bellinger. So
they're sharing a locker room and they both I'm gonna
assume relations with the same woman. Christian McCaffrey is married
to Danny am Mondola's ex chick, Chloe Kardashian was with
lamar Odom then she goes to Tristan Thompson. It's like, guys,

can you go outside and find different chicks?

Speaker 3 (54:48):
Why is this ray your theory? I really don't have one.

Speaker 1 (54:52):
I'm guess I'm they're used to the type of stuff
from that athlete.

Speaker 3 (54:57):
So, oh he flies in private jets. Oh it's I
only has one game a week. So they almost don't
even cross sports because they don't know what about the athlete.
I think he's asking why, why don't.

Speaker 2 (55:07):
Think just go somewhere else, find a different chicks fought
chicks either love country singers, athletes, musicians, and once they're
in that lane, they're in it.

Speaker 1 (55:15):
Bro, So you're just talking about lanes, like, rarely do
you see a chick date a radio guy and then
go to an athlete.

Speaker 3 (55:25):
Well, I already, because there is an education. There is
an education that happens when you're with someone in a
certain profession where you have the education to know how
to get back to other people in that profession. I
can understand that, but I think that analogy is pretty much.

Speaker 2 (55:39):
I feel it's just so weird, like how they're going
to share a locker room, Like that's like for a
year and then you married or that. How weird would
that be if we've worked together every day?

Speaker 1 (55:50):
Well, and I bet you could find where they have
kind of hung out before at a similar type event.

Speaker 2 (55:55):
And the worst is Stanton had her first Should we tell?

Speaker 4 (55:58):
Should we tell Lunchbucks?

Speaker 3 (56:00):
Different show?

Speaker 4 (56:00):
Dude, we all dated your wife?

Speaker 3 (56:01):
Different show.

Speaker 7 (56:04):

Speaker 4 (56:04):
I think that the pool is very small and like
listen world, nah, But but I think it's dangerous for
some of these professional athletes to just try dating a
regular person because they don't trust them. Are they only
in it for my money and my fame?

Speaker 3 (56:18):

Speaker 4 (56:19):
But they have these girls, these group of girls. They're like, oh,
Stanton dated this chick, Like she's not she's cool. Man, Like,
you'll like her. Okay, cool, Stanton did. He's rich, He's
like me, so I'll give her a shot. He marries her.
I think that's how that happens versus like, oh yeah,
there's only five to choose from. I just think that
it's a trust factor. You trust this group of girls
that kind of know each other.

Speaker 3 (56:41):
I think it's a combination of things. I think it
does happen more. It's weird when basketball players like he's
dating her, but she's been married to him, and before
that she was with him. I don't think it's as
common as we feel it is because it's a story,
because it's not so common. If there were seven girls
dating all the guys, I don't think it would it's
a story because it's not super common. When it is

a story, it's hilarious or awkward like that. I also
think athletes, a lot of athletes and sports have a type,
and a lot of these girls fit that type. And
I think it's a combination of the education of how
to get into the circle, which is hard to get into.
How do you know where basketball players are? Well, if
you're with one for a long time, you know kind
of what they do, where they go. You know people
that know other basketball players, they can set you up.

So I think it's a type that most athletes like.
Different athletes like different types. Olivia Colpo, though, did it
just a lot of famous people? It wasn't just for what?
But yes, that would be weird. So I think it's
a type. I think it's a No, it's not super common,
but it is common enough that it's really interesting when
it does happen. I bet it happens in other industries too,

but they're not famous, so we don't really hear about it.
Does happen in music? Look at Sean Mendez, right, what
do you who you think Driver's Lives was written about?
Whenever it was who Driver's license?

Speaker 4 (57:58):

Speaker 3 (57:59):
And then Sabrina Sabrina Carpenter right, look at all the
other girls in all the world like but he he
has a type.

Speaker 2 (58:06):
Like Derek Fisher. Derek Fisher played for the Lakers. He
dated uh Matt Barnes' ex wife.

Speaker 3 (58:13):
They fought.

Speaker 2 (58:13):
They get think he might have married her? Did he
married her? Where they were teammates?

Speaker 4 (58:19):
Do I remember something with Matthew Stafford and his.

Speaker 3 (58:23):
Wife said that she hooked up with the backup quarterback
at Georgia.

Speaker 4 (58:27):
That's it, that's it.

Speaker 3 (58:28):
Yeah, make him jealous though? Was what that was about?
More than But why would you?

Speaker 2 (58:36):
I don't know she That seems crazy to me is
that she came out and said, hey, yeah we were dating.
He wasn't serious enough and we were just casual. So
I went and slept with the backup quarterback to make
him jealous. It's like, boy, man, you make him look.

Speaker 3 (58:46):
Like a Did she say slept with the hooked up with?
Because that made a different definition hooked up?

Speaker 4 (58:51):
Oh the hook I immediately assume hookup is.

Speaker 3 (58:54):
That's a definition, though I don't hook up his makeout
only hook up. Hook up can be made take out
and my there's no right answer, right so we can
fight about it all we want. Sure. Hook up to
me is it starts at makeout and it can go
all the way being bang boom, But it could be
anywhere in the thing. Hookup could be mouth only, like
it could be mouth on mouth. It could be mouth
on bottom, right, But hookup would be anything where it's

private and you're doing makeout or more. But you can
have sex album hooking up but you don't have to
that would be But I don't know. She might have
said slept. I felt like she said hooked up with
But I do not know. But yes, that's a weird
that's a weird, weird story. Good question, man, But I think, yeah,
we'll never know because we're never going to be famous
athletes never. I mean I might pick a wall.

Speaker 2 (59:35):
Still professional pick Yeah what but Kevin, why tell you?
What's your theory?

Speaker 3 (59:43):
No? I don't know.

Speaker 5 (59:45):
The weirdest part about that is that their teammates now
like there's one thing to be in the same industry,
like artists, but.

Speaker 3 (59:50):
They weren't like Belinger.

Speaker 5 (59:52):
Yeah, I agree, but now it's like, well, like he
should have had in his contract like a no trade
clause to wherever John Carlos Stanton is.

Speaker 3 (59:58):
I think did he have a no trade? No, he
didn't have one. But still it's the Yankees. I think
you're gonna give that up. That's just go play for
the Yankees and maybe won a title and be the
awkward guy's with your girl, or like go play for
the Royals.

Speaker 5 (01:00:12):
But but I also think some of these guys just
like that. They like that like a weird thing inside
of them where they're like, yeah, I kind of like
that she dated somebody else in the industry.

Speaker 4 (01:00:21):
That's your fetish too.

Speaker 2 (01:00:22):
I mean they're going to go to function Yankee Punctions.
She's going to be standing there with Belgium. Hey, gin Carlo,
how's it going.

Speaker 3 (01:00:29):
It might not be weird to them though, that's yeah,
I don't like it. Lives well, No, you have a
fetish what I'm talking about, like you like to sit
in the corner on watch It sounds like clucker. We're
just saying, like some people, life happens.

Speaker 4 (01:00:40):
And yeah, what right, it's called plucking.

Speaker 3 (01:00:45):
Please tell me when you're when you're not a participant,
you're an observer. You like to cluck.

Speaker 2 (01:00:49):
That means you watch.

Speaker 3 (01:00:50):
No, I know what it means. I'm just saying, where
does it come from. I've never heard of this term.
I mean sometimes, Oh, he's in the clucking.

Speaker 2 (01:00:56):
That's what the Liberty University president. He was into clucking.

Speaker 3 (01:00:59):
He was a clucker.

Speaker 2 (01:00:59):
He watched the pool boyd hook up with his wife.

Speaker 4 (01:01:02):
You ever watched that movie.

Speaker 3 (01:01:03):
I know the story, but I want to know the
root of clucking. I do know what the ucking part is,
but I wonder what the cluck is because it feels
like it's a combination of words. I believe it's cook
a cuck I think cooking. Oh, I see, I know
what cuking means, and I don't know that that's the same.

Speaker 4 (01:01:19):
What two words am I trying to put together? I
know the second word? What's the first one?

Speaker 3 (01:01:23):
What do you mean?

Speaker 4 (01:01:24):
Because cooking is two words?

Speaker 3 (01:01:26):
Right? You don't want to be called a cut? So
look up. I want to know the root of clucking.

Speaker 4 (01:01:33):
So did they say it in that in that movie
or that documentary.

Speaker 1 (01:01:38):
I don't think they ever used the word, but they
made sure they gave you the understanding that he wasn't involved.
He would just stay in the corner with a video
camera there.

Speaker 3 (01:01:45):
I mean, no, they have Mike cooking is also as well.
That's not how I would have cooking different, but it's
but it kind of is the same. Ish too make
a man a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with
his wife for being sexually unfaithful to him, But that's
not watching like if Ray had. I'm gonna take me

out of this. Let's say Reid was married and Ray
had sex with Reed's wife. Reid wouldn't know, but he
may be a cut. But I need to know clucking.
What that's rooted in. I need to know the cluck
because that's got to come from something.

Speaker 6 (01:02:19):
Cluckings are what hims do.

Speaker 3 (01:02:20):
Right, clucking chicken? I don't see anything.

Speaker 4 (01:02:30):
Being a chicken because you're just sitting there watching.

Speaker 3 (01:02:32):
What is clucking mean and slang to express disapproval? Mm hmm?
What is a stupid knive person?

Speaker 6 (01:02:40):
I think it is c U c K I n
G from Urban Diction Dictionary says a man who lets
his wife or girlfriend have sex with other men.

Speaker 3 (01:02:47):
So, okay, so it's cooking, Okay, a cook?

Speaker 6 (01:02:54):
Did I don't even I don't know where clucking came from.

Speaker 4 (01:02:56):
Did we make that up right?

Speaker 3 (01:02:57):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:02:57):

Speaker 3 (01:02:58):
I've heard it for a long time, and I've heard
CUK using the different sense of like, dude, you got cooked.
It's like somebody bangs your girls don't even know about it, like,
and you're like you still don't know about it? But
I didn't know clucking cut? Why is she clucking? So much.
I'm not a chicken for him now never mind.

Speaker 1 (01:03:15):
No wonder, nobody ever knows that party is what I'm
talking about when I talk about clucking, just.

Speaker 3 (01:03:19):
Walk away, cool dude, ros and chickens man making chicken noises.

Speaker 2 (01:03:25):
Well, cuckhold comes from cuckoo birds. They lay their eggs
in a different nest. So this is laying your eggs
in a different nest.

Speaker 3 (01:03:33):
And any of my clucking, the l now.

Speaker 2 (01:03:35):
Just cooking cuckoled. That's what the cuckoo bird does, and
that's where you get cooking.

Speaker 3 (01:03:41):
That's it. Hey, what a show, guys.

Speaker 4 (01:03:43):
Wow, we learned a lot here today.

Speaker 3 (01:03:46):
Did we know nothing? But did we have fun? Yes? Yep,
that's it. Anything you guys want to say over there
over on the uh Sore Losers invention and note it's
on your feet too, So yeah, Sore Losers dot com
for convention tickets are selling out. It's coming up very
very soon. It's probably, I mean it's going to be

just an awesome time. We hope it's gonna be awesome.

Speaker 4 (01:04:09):
I saw you guys scoping out a venue.

Speaker 2 (01:04:11):
Oh yeah, we're at Chiefs Bar on Friday and Saturday,
and we're at a category ten on Sunday, uh Luke
Combs's bar.

Speaker 3 (01:04:17):
So and I've already made a promise. So maybe it
isn't gonna be as fun as past year because I've
said I'm not getting as drunk. I don't say, get
tickets and go. Maybe it won't be as fun as
the past year. Both times in Vegas, I almost couldn't
fly home.

Speaker 1 (01:04:28):
It was that bad. I mean, I was pacing in
the hallway bayser of my wife. I don't I don't
know if I can do it. I I don't know
if I can get on this flight.

Speaker 3 (01:04:35):
I made it home. Then in Nashville just about died
that Monday. So I said, this year moderate drinking. Write
this down not as fun as last.

Speaker 2 (01:04:43):
Man shots I had that open bar happy hour on Friday.

Speaker 3 (01:04:48):
It will be Yeah, some trash cans there keep moving.
Any any night cucking events ever known.

Speaker 1 (01:04:55):
There is the party bus, which always gets really wild.

Speaker 2 (01:04:58):
Pep packages yep, how me.

Speaker 3 (01:05:04):
I mean, let's be real. There's been people in the
past that the one guy said, what do you think
you want to hood up with? My wife? That's cooking.

Speaker 2 (01:05:10):
I told me, I GISs what I wanted to.

Speaker 3 (01:05:12):
Wow, Wow, I'll pass I was like, I was live streaming.
The guys like, man, if you want a kiss er,
I don't care. I'm like, shut the camera off, all right,
thank you, thank you.

Speaker 4 (01:05:26):
It's crazy out there.

Speaker 3 (01:05:29):
If Kevin came over and did a show with you guys,
would that be a version of podcast cooking?

Speaker 2 (01:05:34):
Well, you got you guys would have to watch in
the corner.

Speaker 6 (01:05:40):

Speaker 3 (01:05:43):
We sit in the corner while Kevin's I'm videoing. What
great take?

Speaker 2 (01:05:49):

Speaker 3 (01:05:49):
Oh god, he said, that's so good.

Speaker 2 (01:05:51):

Speaker 3 (01:05:52):
You like when you lead him into a segment like this.

Speaker 5 (01:05:55):
Set him up better?

Speaker 3 (01:05:56):
All right, that's all right, thank you. You got a
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