Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Yo, uh, here we are. Whoa man, it feels good
to be back. I feel like I've been locked in
a cage for the last you know, five or six days,
and I mean, I can't wait to you know, just
talk all about it.
Speaker 2 (00:17):
Sounds like you love your family.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
I was not even out loving my family. No, I'm
talking about like being out in the wilderness and having
people to talk to besides my family. I am rearing
to go.
Speaker 2 (00:27):
Baby, that one down, turned that one down.
Speaker 1 (00:34):
Man, that music sounds good.
Speaker 2 (00:36):
Arnold is off. Today he was out on Broadways hungover.
Speaker 1 (00:40):
Oh that's weird. I've been seeing him on Twitter. Hit
on Ali Cox.
Speaker 2 (00:45):
I posted from Vegas a male sculpture with his Prince
Albert hanging out, and I called it Albert. I'm pretty
sure our Instagram is gonna get pulled down.
Speaker 1 (00:56):
For point called it Albert, or called it Arnold.
Speaker 2 (00:58):
Prince Albert.
Speaker 1 (01:00):
Got it? Okay, Well, yeah, here we go.
Speaker 2 (01:04):
Ray, we're gonna get kicked off the Graham.
Speaker 1 (01:06):
No, I don't think we're gonna get kicked off the Graham.
Let's rock and roll. Oh my goodness, it's a great
day to be here. Would you like to hear what
he has said? To Alex Simms on Twitter. Ah, I
don't know Arnold on X Arnold on X dude, Alex
Simms posted the other day, single is greater than dating
losers and I and Arnold replied I'm not a loser,
so let's date Arnold. Nothing back from Alex Simms. Okay,
and and then she wrote I am single and employed,
so am I seems like we have a lot in common.
We should grab dinner. Arnold no reply yet?
Speaker 2 (01:58):
Is that chick attractive?
Speaker 1 (01:59):
Why there are men old enough to be my dad
sliding in my dms. I'm not old enough to be
your dad, but you can call me daddy. It'll be
your dad, dude.
Speaker 2 (02:13):
We're freaking hiding behind the guys of Arnold hitting on chicks.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
I mean, I don't even know who this girl is,
do you know, Alex? Wait?
Speaker 3 (02:24):
Why is she showing up in our ALGERI there though
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (02:28):
We don't follow her.
Speaker 1 (02:29):
I don't know who she is here? Oh, Alex Simms,
former sports anchor, award winning journalist Heisman Voter, retired ballerina,
fantasy football addict su graduate Heisman Voter, I'm gonna need
to talk to her. Yeah, I don't have time for
men who don't have time for me. I got all
the time in the world.
Speaker 2 (02:51):
Speaking of Heisman, congrats to Travis Henry's minus ten thousand
odds right now to win the Heisman. You put down
ten thousand dollars in Las Vegas, Nevada. You went one hundred.
Speaker 1 (03:00):
Speaker 2 (03:01):
Wow, Wow, Well I just got short up while I
was sitting at Gordon Ramseys.
Speaker 1 (03:06):
Oh, you went to the burger place.
Speaker 2 (03:08):
Man. We went to Gordon Ramseys, We went to vander Pump,
we went to No Boo, what the others? Any Alexis
was only oh man.
Speaker 1 (03:15):
Let me tell you one night we were getting I mean,
we got our ass kick the whole time. We were
there in September and Andy, the buddy I was with,
you know him and his wife. We were playing Black Jacket,
playing in Hollywood, and we were playing Roulette, playing in Hollywood,
and we just kept losing. He goes, you know what
I'm gonna go do. It's like two am. He is drunk.
He goes, I'm gonna go give me a burger, And
he went and he got a burger, and we finally,
after about twenty minutes of losing some more money, we
went in there, and we went in there and I said,
how was that burger? He goes, that was the best
return on investment I've had the entire weekend in Vegas.
Oh my gosh, that was so good. He goes. I
don't know if it was so good or losing tasted
so bad, but I loved that damn burger.
Speaker 2 (03:57):
And when do you plant your flag no unintended and
you say I'm getting a burger, I'm getting pizza. It's
usually when you've been losing and you're just trying to
turn and get the hell out of what is happening.
Speaker 4 (04:11):
I'm getting a pizza.
Speaker 1 (04:13):
I mean, we're like, should we find another table out
of nowhere? There had been no mention of being hungry,
There had been no mention of going to get food.
And he looks just deadly eyes. Well, actually he looked
down on us, because he's like six foot six. He
looked down at us. He goes, I'm going to get
a burger. And we're like, yeah, sure you are. So
we sit down at the table, thinking he's gonna sit
down with it, and he doesn't sit down, and we
texted him twenty minutes later, where are you at? I
told you I was getting a burger, and that's where
I am. And that's where we found him talking to
some guy at the bar.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
Plant the fucking flag.
Speaker 1 (04:48):
Oh man, all right, let's start this show. Let's start
this show.
Speaker 4 (04:51):
Man, Man, We're gonna do it live. We oh the one,
two three?
Speaker 1 (04:57):
So loser? What up, everybody? I'm lunchbox. I know the
most about sports, so I give you the sports facts,
my sports opinions, because I'm a pretty much a sports genius.
Speaker 2 (05:09):
I was gonna burn.
Speaker 1 (05:10):
I thought I was gonna burn.
Speaker 2 (05:11):
Yeah, it's Cesarey Mundo. I'm from the North I'm an alpha.
Mel met a Broadway girl. Took her to the North Side.
She chose to go there with me because we are married.
In the United States of America, it is actual the
due process, so she was required to get under a
residence with me and move to the country. We have
two acres, we have twenty two kids, maybe twenty three.
At the Vanderbilt clinic, lunch over to you, man.
Speaker 1 (05:36):
No, man, I want to talk about Vegas. How was Vegas?
Speaker 5 (05:39):
It was good. It had been two years. It had
been two.
Speaker 2 (05:43):
Long, damn years. Damn long, that's what it had been.
It'd been way too damn long.
Speaker 1 (05:50):
Yeah, you get to Vegas all of a sudden you
turn into a bitch. What the hell were you wearing?
What were you wearing? What was that little satchel? You
looked like an absolute idiot?
Speaker 2 (06:00):
Got it for me?
Speaker 1 (06:01):
Was so stupid, Like that thing around your freaking waister,
hip or shoulder, whatever the hell it was. You looked
like an idiot.
Speaker 2 (06:09):
Dude. It's what the guys are wearing now, and you
carry your money in it. I had my sunglasses, my stuff,
and I had to put lotion in it. The temperature
drop guys. Before I left town, I was helping the
father in law. I wasn't hanging him. He was hanging
them and bagging him with a box truck. It was
a scissor lift. What the hell was it? It was called
a lift truck. It was called a bucket truck. And
he needed me to sort him and make sure they worked.
So I was doing that. Hands were dry talking about
Christmas light. You didn't say that, I digressed. Hands were
dry as hell. Father in law's in a bucket truck
hanging them. We had to get to the airport. Time
I got to the airport, I said, Baser, just like
your buddy said I need a hamburger. I said, damn it,
I need some lotion. And that is the first thing
I went and got at the convenience store is some
lotion because my hands were so dry.
Speaker 1 (06:53):
Nothing better than a thirty two dollar bottle of lotion there.
Speaker 2 (06:57):
And then I also was able to put that in
the fanny pack you're talking about on Instagram or wherever
it made it.
Speaker 5 (07:02):
It made it to Facebook because it was listeners.
Speaker 2 (07:04):
Right, Yeah, you.
Speaker 1 (07:04):
Met a listener. Someone posted a picture of you with
the listener and you're wearing this freaking device that looks
like an absolute idiot. I was like, who the is
this guy?
Speaker 2 (07:14):
Sometimes you take those pictures guys you never think they're
going to see the light a day, and hell they do.
Speaker 1 (07:19):
Everybody like a bottle thing a barber.
Speaker 5 (07:21):
I believe that was at the shoe. We met up
with that listener at the shoe.
Speaker 1 (07:24):
Now, did you just run into him or did they
text you or tweet you and say hey, I'm over here,
come meet me.
Speaker 2 (07:28):
No, if anybody was running into us, it was just
a one off. It was a sore losers locks tried
to meet up, never worked out.
Speaker 1 (07:35):
Was he there? Yeah?
Speaker 5 (07:36):
He was at a different spot though, and he was.
Speaker 2 (07:38):
Camping, and he drove up for the day. It did
one hotel and lost five hundred and then he went home.
And I don't even know if he listens to the
pod anymore.
Speaker 1 (07:44):
Yeah, because I haven't seen him put my locks up
that I've been nailing left and right. He hadn't put
him up.
Speaker 2 (07:48):
So we don't support that sore losers locks. But yeah,
the shoe was a good one. That was a good spot.
But we also there was another lady who met at Aria.
She came up and said, hey, I love the show.
Oh thank you, how are you doing? I don't want
to bother you? And then and belind it great lady.
I would love to talk to her for twenty minutes.
Speaker 1 (08:05):
I love it when they whisper it because it, you know,
it makes it a little bit like hey, guys. You know,
if you talk your normal voice is the same thing
as if you.
Speaker 2 (08:12):
Hey, how you doing. I don't want to bother you.
Speaker 1 (08:14):
Or Hey, I don't want to bother you, just want
to say hi. It's the same same thing.
Speaker 2 (08:17):
Yeah, and it was it was us man. We went
to Shanaia, so we went to the country stuff. We're
gonna see listeners of the Big Show. But those listeners
at the Shoe did not know they were fans of
the Little Show. But then that's how it got on
the Facebook and you saw it.
Speaker 1 (08:30):
Yeah, so tell me, I mean, let's talk about the weekend. Yeah, yeah, man,
just take any notes.
Speaker 2 (08:36):
I took notes. But sometimes when you take notes, you
think they're gonna be a lot funnier than they actually are,
and then you go back on them and they're just
absolutely stupid.
Speaker 1 (08:44):
Speaker 2 (08:44):
The bee note I had was Carbone and Aria. That's
where Morgan told me to She said to go there.
Speaker 1 (08:49):
Carbone is really good. Yeah, it's uh the one at
uh Cromwell, God, what Giata? That place is terrible. Did
you go to Carbone?
Speaker 2 (09:00):
No, she told me Aria. But Jiada is that the
Jiada chick that's on food now there, it's terrible. She's phenomenal,
but the restaurant's bad.
Speaker 1 (09:07):
The restaurant is so bad.
Speaker 2 (09:08):
Well, I'm gonna tell you. Gordon Ramsey wasn't that great.
Oh we got the nacho chip, I mean, and get
those on Broadway. We got you get a burger.
Speaker 1 (09:16):
We went to Gordon.
Speaker 5 (09:17):
Ramsey Burger and didn't get a burger.
Speaker 1 (09:19):
Oh my gosh, I do like the flame, Like when
you walk in it's all flaming. That looks really cool.
That the appearance of it makes it look spectacular. And
Andy's recommendation, I'm telling you, when he tells me it
was phenomenal, I believe him.
Speaker 2 (09:32):
At uh, this is a day en. But yeah, when
we got the burger, not the burger at Gordon Ramsey,
the lady comes out, it's ten am, Baser spots and says, hey,
let's get a burger. There's no line. Oh perfect, This
lady comes out without talking to anybody. There's a line
of twenty people. She sets up your little stanchion and
she sets up a stanchion around one guy. Nobody else
was stanching in, so we're like five feet away from him.
We're like, well, we're not gonna voluntarily stand behind the stanchion.
And the guy that was behind the stanchion, you know,
he'd lost his ass trip and he just stood there
and he was stanching in and we all just looked
at him like you fucking it.
Speaker 4 (10:05):
He's like, what is my luck?
Speaker 2 (10:07):
I'm the guy that gets stanche in, And so we
all just walked up a foot and walked to the
front host booth. Poor guy he got stanching in. Dude,
poor guy's lost his ass. I think he's hit rock bottom.
He thinks his life is over. Hey things, Oh my god,
rock bottom.
Speaker 1 (10:24):
This is terrible. And then he gets stanching in and
just putting his places like, okay, I'm just going back
to the room.
Speaker 2 (10:30):
But anyway, what it was is the It was surrender Kobra.
When the guy goes hands above his head and watching
a sporting event, that guy was surrender Kobra. He said,
how much more can I get blown by Vegas? So
he thought it was humorous. Let's start, let's start the
trip man, Yeah, let me hear it. Yeah, So here's
how it started. Okay, I'm gonna take a drink.
Speaker 1 (10:46):
Guys, before I enjoyed that drink, I don't know where
you're drinking some water mixed with some red stuff or
is that just does it come red? Uh?
Speaker 2 (10:53):
I'm not answering that God comes red. Coach, got it.
Let's talk about the drinks in the studio instead of
the drinks in the Vegas hell. There's a lot more
in Vegas. We did about five hundred drinks while we
were there. Let me say this. We get in the
plane to go to Vegas. You know how I said,
we're gonna be there four days. Guys, I don't think
I know how to do math. I didn't know the
time change. I didn't know that there's f one, that
there's crazy cab lines, that there's airline industries that are slow.
I mean we got there late Wednesday night. We were
there Thursday, Thanksgiving Friday, and we left six am on Saturday.
We're there two days. So my whole thing about being
there four days didn't even go. Yeah, look at a calendar,
I guess before you go on a trip.
Speaker 1 (11:36):
Yeah, it really helps, like when you like plant it
out and figure out the days and the months and
the hours you're gonna be there.
Speaker 2 (11:42):
But the whole trip, I bought this book. It was
called John Sarahsani. It was the uh Sarah Sani Rules.
Speaker 1 (11:47):
Yeah, yeah, about surrendering during blackjack, which you're never supposed
to do.
Speaker 2 (11:52):
Did I told you that before we left? Oh, guys,
I read the whole book the week before. I'd read
it twice. We get on the plane. I printed out
all my sheets for sports betting. I had my three
bets memorized thunder King over. I was gonna go thunder
just Monday line and they won. I was gonna do King,
and they're against the Jets, so I was like, they
were an underdog, so they'll get so good return on
that wing. Who is King hockey?
Speaker 1 (12:16):
Thank god? Okay?
Speaker 2 (12:17):
And so then my other one guys they'd been sodomizing
and down below in Maui or something. Basketball, Michigan State
and North Carolina playing great guys. They'd been putting up
so many points. I said, all right, there's my three.
It's an over, and then it's thunder King. That's gonna
be my bet.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
Speaker 2 (12:32):
When I say, we landed, and I don't know if
F one's going on right now, but fuck it, okay, dude.
We sat for an hour and a half in traffic.
We landed at five. My bets started at seven, Vegas time,
so I knew I'd be perfect. I said, all right,
we can get there and I can place my bets
and everything. We go to places parlay. We're still in
the cab at seven. We sat in traffic for two hours.
I never got the bet placed it hit and I
never placed it the four hour. How we're a plane ride.
You guys, When I say that I studied and took
notes the entire time, that's not a stretch all for
not I didn't even get the bet play. So that's
how it started, Guys, I'm not gonna go down to
the dumps. Then we get into the room, hold on,
hold on. Then we get down at the end of
the room. There's this new thing where you can pay
a couple dollars and you gamble before you get to Vegas,
and if they choose you, you get a free upgraded room.
Speaker 1 (13:23):
Oh I love this.
Speaker 2 (13:24):
Okay, So Beezer says, hey, it's just a couple dollars.
You want me to do it? I was like, fuck, yeah,
we're in Vegas, why are we not gambling? Yeah, I
do it. So I checked back five minutes later. I go, hey,
so did we win the room? She goes, I don't know.
I don't really know how it tells you. It never
tells you. You basically just paid two dollars and you
don't get a free room. So then she gets another
hit from them. Hey, for thirty dollars, would you want
a pool side room? I'm like, yeah, that's the dumbest
thing ever. Why would we not want a pool side room.
Speaker 1 (13:49):
I mean, did we come to Vegas pool side?
Speaker 2 (13:51):
Speaker 1 (13:52):
Yes we did.
Speaker 2 (13:52):
Heys one hundred and twenty dollars. We can't to the room, caut.
Speaker 1 (13:59):
The pool closed for the season.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
Then it's twenty five degrees outside, Dude, there stop one
person out there. Dude, dude, there's fucking chairs thrown on
top of tables.
Speaker 1 (14:13):
It's closed for the season. Dude, they got us, they
saw us coming, They saw us coming from a mile away,
and we go, Oh, and the dumbasses haven't been here
in two years. They won't remember that it's cold outside
in Vegas. At the pool closes that for like two
or three months. It is absolutely closed.
Speaker 2 (14:35):
So in your head you're thinking thongs, DJs. There's none
of that it when it shutters for the season. Guys,
I believe maybe Omni is one that has an indoor pool.
Nobody else is open. It's fully shut so much you
make that up great easily, over hundred and so it's
not No.
Speaker 1 (14:52):
The laughs haven't stopped yet.
Speaker 2 (14:53):
Oh they can continue. We get into the room and
what is my dumbass? Do I open the sliding glass door?
They had like weather proof these Sunday clots doors, so
you weren't.
Speaker 1 (15:04):
Supposed to open it. I fucking broke the door.
Speaker 4 (15:08):
I broke the door.
Speaker 3 (15:10):
Maintenance, it's in my room for an hour fixing that motherfucker.
Speaker 2 (15:17):
Dude. How how could you start a trip with any
worse luck?
Speaker 4 (15:22):
And we hadn't even gambled yet.
Speaker 1 (15:24):
Well you gambled for that free room upgrade, dude.
Speaker 2 (15:32):
So I'm sitting there talking to the maintenance, and then
we finally just came to the understanding with the guy.
We go, hey, cause we're gonna have money and stuff,
we don't want a door that's open, and we go,
should we just get another room? And he's broke broken English,
and he goes, from what I got was yes, just
go do another room. It's because this could possibly fail again.
So Baser's down there, she's booking us another room, and
I'm just chewing in the bed watching this guy fix
my door for the first We had been seven were
there another hour, just sitting there. Wait what we had
not been to the tables and we'd been laying it
in Vegas for over three hours only in Vegas, and
so I need. I'm starving. Baser wants to go play
the tables already. So this is when I just did
a couple of stupid ass bets. I see Michigan State's
beating I was like, weirdly like root against my team's
root against my friends teams. I was like, screw it,
I'll do North Carolina. Hold on, hold on, it's a
live bet, So I just place it real quick, okay,
And so we're watching. We're at the link. I'm seeing
it on the TV's basers, losing getting rints that slot.
She's already down like two hundred. I'm like, well, they
fixed our door. And then we're looking up there the
TV where I'm down seven, I'm down ten. Then all
of a sudden, we get back to the room. We're
trying to like regroup and get our stuff together, and oh.
Speaker 4 (16:41):
My gosh, North Carolina's down three.
Speaker 2 (16:45):
Oh my gosh, North Carolina made a miracle three pointer
and it went to overtime. They made a three at
the buzzer, and so I said, holy shit, our luck
is turned around. So then we buy those bus tickets
or what is it, the tram whatever.
Speaker 1 (16:59):
It's called the monoail whatever.
Speaker 2 (17:00):
By the time I got into the monorail, they'd lost
the game. So I lost that game. Dude. They don't
have TV's on the monorail. So then that's when we
went to the shoe. The shoe is the first one
because we want to do Haras. But then we went
to the shoe. Horseshoe. I didn't even know it existed, dude, the.
Speaker 1 (17:16):
Hell's the horseshoes? The shoe, baby, I got VIDs, but
I've never heard of it.
Speaker 2 (17:20):
Dude. The shoe is great.
Speaker 1 (17:21):
Man, what's it by? Man?
Speaker 2 (17:23):
Uh, that's the thing with the monoail.
Speaker 1 (17:26):
You don't really know what it's by.
Speaker 2 (17:27):
Monareel. You're not gonna you never see fronts of stuff.
But isn't that pretty?
Speaker 1 (17:31):
That is cool. It's a shoe, dude. Is that what
Bally's used to be?
Speaker 2 (17:35):
Very well, Kobe, look at this. This is the shoe, Dude.
It's like cathedral.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
That is really nice. Help me look it up. It's
called the shoe.
Speaker 2 (17:41):
Speaker 1 (17:42):
Well, yeah, the horseshoe, the horseshoe last Vegas. Let me
look that up. Man, go ahead, keep on.
Speaker 6 (17:46):
Speaker 2 (17:46):
So we're at the shoe and at this point this
is when so Beazer's now she's doing more of her Oh,
this is when we made a fake fateful mistake. Oh boy,
we decided to dip into our day for fun, so
we would no longer have funds for day four. Okay,
but the drinks had started flowing, and so we forgot
that we had dipped into our day four funds. So
all day one and day four we're now in our
pockets on the first day.
Speaker 1 (18:14):
Wow, that is not a good sign.
Speaker 2 (18:15):
Okay. And so I was losing. I lost like some
Slovenian basketball game. I lost the Michigan State North Carolina one.
Keep in mind, I would have won the parlay that
I was gonna place. But now time was running out,
and it's getting later and later in the night. And
so we're at the shoe, Baser getting rinsed by the slots.
She hasn't won anything. I'm sitting there playing some craps. Okay.
That about when that picture happened, is when we'd had
all that bad luck and then we were starting to
win a little bit at bubble craps. Okay. Yeah, And
so me and Baser decided to go play a table.
And I am I'm like down in basketball, I'm sports betting.
Speaker 5 (18:55):
I'm down a couple hundred. Let's go play a table.
Speaker 2 (18:58):
I'm up from bubble, so I'm up hundreds. Okay, it's
probably a wash because I'd lost on sports. So we
go to the table and there's a dude roll in
the dice. It looks like fine table. Everything's good. And
there's people from out of town there, from overseas okay,
got it, And they're very touristy, so they're not speaking
the language and they are just running like renegades all
over the place. This one dude's throwing the craps and
he'd been doing good. It looked like he'd been winning.
We're still standing at the table, still waiting for him
to crap out so we can play. So then he
finally finishes and we can. We're sitting there, we're like
all in all right, man, it looked like he'd been winning,
is all I can tell you.
Speaker 5 (19:39):
He'd been winning. And so here we go.
Speaker 2 (19:40):
Man, we're with you. We're with you. We've got a
root for the table. Seven or eleven. This lady as
he's about to throw the dice, hand okay, so that's
over here, into the middle of the table, and.
Speaker 4 (19:51):
The guy goes, what the fuck.
Speaker 2 (19:54):
Fuck, He's like, fuck, what the fuck, And just like
starts looking at the dealers.
Speaker 4 (19:58):
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, lady, ladies.
Speaker 2 (20:01):
And the lady is still standing at the table. Had
no idea what she just did. So little did we
know she was turning the entire luck of the table around.
Speaker 1 (20:09):
When you piss off the roller, it's bad news.
Speaker 2 (20:12):
And so he what did he hit? He'd believe he
maybe hit a four and then crapped out. Then he
hit a seven and he lost. And so that's when
I whispered to Baser, this is night one. We got
tons left, tons left, So I whispered to Baser. I
said it, I always bet against the people. I bet
against him, and she goes, I don't do that, and
you're gonna play how I want to play. So we
didn't bet against the people, and for the next three
to five roles we didn't win one on a live table.
We were down one hundred and fifty bet in twenty
five A pop lost lost. And I'm not blaming on
the tourist. It stuck her hand out over the entire table.
Blonde of Brunette, brunette. But she was like sixty dude,
so not hot, yes, and so she she pretty much
just thumped the night Baser did a couple more slish
sir crappers. I was heading to bed. Dude, I still
hadn't eating. I'd been like twenty four hours. The last
thing I eat was a Mazzarell sticks at Tootsi's at
the Nashville Airport.
Speaker 1 (21:07):
That's not good man.
Speaker 5 (21:08):
And so then we woke up and it was Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1 (21:11):
Oh hey, I want to hear about Thanksgiving right after this?
Speaker 2 (21:21):
Good that but that night and like I said, because
we took out the money from the fourth day, it
wasn't pretty.
Speaker 5 (21:27):
So we're onto Thanksgiving. Yeah, and I said, hey, she had.
Speaker 1 (21:30):
Big Thanksgiving days plans.
Speaker 2 (21:32):
Yeah, we're gonna need Alexas, which was in Planet hollywo
it was in Paris, Okay, So we go to Paris
and we are just ready to have us a time. Dude,
I am starting on Mimosa's.
Speaker 6 (21:43):
Speaker 2 (21:44):
I started at a high noon, And I learned the
night before. You don't go get the high first of all,
you hope the lady comes up to you. If she
doesn't come up to you, you go to the bartender. No,
you go to the convenience store and get a high
noon because the bartender. Dude, I paid forty six dollars
for two high noons that link. I went around the corner.
I went around the corner to the convenience store. It
was ten dollars apiece. Okay, so always just go for
the inn, hotel, casino, convenience or whatever. So I learned that.
Speaker 1 (22:09):
I mean, I thought you'd learned that at coaches conventioned
one when Miguel and then we're going to the convenience
store instead of ordering from the waitress at the freaking
sports book. They were going to the little convenience store
at the front of uh where do we have the
one at Westgate and bring them in their plastic damn
bags and drinking them. I thought you would have learned
from them. You know, Miguil will save you money, dude,
loker will cost you money. Bet on the Cowboys.
Speaker 2 (22:31):
All right, here is another near miss. So we're gonna
go to Alexis. At Paris, we had reservations on Thanksgiving Day.
First of all, people are just blowing through this. They
don't know it's Thanksgiving, and a lot of people overseas
don't celebrate Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1 (22:42):
Yea, yeah, it's only an American holiday.
Speaker 2 (22:44):
So we rocket we're at Alexis We're at Paris and
I go to the Rotel roulette table. I'd say, Baser,
I'm playing some damn roulette. I just got to play stuff.
I know I'm not doing how you say where we
can't bet against the table. I always bet against people.
And so we go up to the roulette table. Dude,
I start hitting boom, and I'm doing columns column so
I'm putting baders in it, know it. I'm putting like
I might. I was putting one hundred down to the
table out of time, Okay, fifty and fifty boom got it, boom,
boom boom, winning like three or four at times. So
I'm up like five hundred this minute. Miami Dolphins guy,
he musts have been there for the later game. He
comes up all decked out. He had one chip. He's
like shaken. He sees me going hot, and I was
being a dumb ass. I had the games on, had
the Bears game started yet, No, they're about to start it.
They're just about to start it. Don't get me started
on that, and I'll continue. And so he throws his
chip on red because I was just being a dumb ass.
Like guys, according to the board, Red's guaranteed to hit,
and like, shit was hitting my way. So he throws
it on there. He wins. Immediately we're giving high fives.
Speaker 1 (23:38):
This is when it gets good. When people are high
five and that's the best.
Speaker 2 (23:41):
Well, this is when it turns. Another bad luck of turns.
So I'm doing columns, guys, and if you know them,
it says three to one, but right above the column
is like thirty three, thirty five and thirty six. Yeah,
And so my dumb ass I was I had the
high noon, That's why I mentioned it, and I'd also
had a mimosa, and so I put my two columns.
I'm thirty five and thirty six, and so the guy
told me that I was actually betting thirty six to
one odds.
Speaker 1 (24:08):
Yeah, So it hits and.
Speaker 6 (24:10):
I win, and I'm like, oh my god, Oh my gosh,
another win, another win.
Speaker 2 (24:16):
And the guy goes, no, no, it hit twenty six
your callumn one. But you had your numbers on just
thirty five and thirty six. I was like, oh my gosh.
And he showed me it, and I maybe at one
or two off on the numbers, but he showed me
the twenty six was right next to the thirty five,
and I go, how much would I have won if that?
He said, you'd a hit for two thousand, dude, I
would have hit for two thousand.
Speaker 4 (24:40):
But it was a near miss.
Speaker 2 (24:42):
And the minute I did that, I got him the
hell off I left.
Speaker 1 (24:45):
I was.
Speaker 2 (24:45):
I still left like three or four hundred up.
Speaker 1 (24:47):
Speaker 2 (24:48):
So from that, and then we went to brunch and
it was Thanksgiving now question, and then went on to
the games. Then we can move on to the games.
Speaker 1 (24:53):
Brunch, did they serve you a turkey dinner?
Speaker 5 (24:56):
No, it was because we'd hit it before noon.
Speaker 1 (24:58):
Okay, I didn't spill brun if it's like still like,
do they do it like a traditional Thanksgiving green bean castle,
role all that?
Speaker 2 (25:05):
Or is it just a regular meal? It regular meal
at noon? That's when they get crazy and wacky. Okay,
And you just gotta love service nowadays. You walk to
the front of the restaurant, the lady's like, I go, hey,
how's it going. We're here to eat it, and she goes, Yep,
you're just gonna go through here and around there and
back around there and then take a left over there
in her restaurant. So I go there and back there
and go right background, we end up in the kitchen.
I'm like, I don't know.
Speaker 1 (25:27):
Your hostess gave me.
Speaker 4 (25:28):
The worst fucking directions I've ever got in my life.
Speaker 1 (25:30):
Well like they're like, you're American, you want to cook
your turkey dinner, so they send you to the kitchen. Man,
I all inexperience here at Alexa unbelievable.
Speaker 2 (25:37):
And then with some we were street side and we
got it was kind of cold. We got a heat
lamp and dude, it's just funny. You're just seeing people
walk by for Thanksgiving, not giving a hell about Thanksgiving.
Speaker 4 (25:48):
They don't give a crowd turkey.
Speaker 1 (25:50):
Hats or nothing.
Speaker 2 (25:51):
Some guy was carrying like a cornstock and I was
joking like, oh he's mom. He's bringing the cor and
he's got his head. Dude. It was the most bizarre thing.
They don't celebrate the giving in Vegas.
Speaker 1 (26:01):
Got it.
Speaker 2 (26:01):
So that was that. Then we had to our spot
Cosmo for the games.
Speaker 1 (26:05):
Love it and having it.
Speaker 2 (26:07):
We were doing.
Speaker 1 (26:07):
But how packed was Vegas? Was it pretty that?
Speaker 2 (26:10):
This is this is where I can explain it. It
was not packed, But the stupid ass f one would
shut down all the escalators. Yeah, because they stand they
were tearing everything down. Right, They tore a lot of
it down. Some of it was still up. But the escalators, bro,
they were all shut down. You had to walk up them.
And then the hotels were all normal except for Caesars
and Bolaggio.
Speaker 5 (26:31):
There was maybe a million people in each of those.
Speaker 2 (26:33):
Okay, bro, you could not You couldn't play a table,
much less walking like you would just laugh. We went
to go look in the botanical gardens, dude, and it
was surrounded by people. When I say you couldn't even
see any of the gardens, you couldn't. It was all
just people. I'm like, I don't need to observe people.
Speaker 1 (26:48):
I do love the fact that you had. Here's the thing.
When I first went to Vegas, I didn't understand that
you needed to take breaks from gambling and go see stuff.
Don't just I used to grind and think I had
to be at the table all the higher time going
to see the botanical gardens. Let me tell you, at
at Blagio, they are phenomenal, but it wasn't doable. Well
I didn't know that, but I'm saying, for most of
the time, it is so cool to see what they
were able to do with damn flowers fantastic.
Speaker 2 (27:16):
Could never see them. Okay, we were on the outside
looking in. And then Caesar's I got some pictures put
on sore losers. Sadly, I couldn't never play their tables.
There was that many people in there. It was like,
excuse me, man, yup, yup, Yeah, excuse Laura bang yep, yep, dude.
It was insane. I've never seen a Vegue event that
version of Vegas before, and it was in just those
two hotels.
Speaker 1 (27:39):
Yes, Caesar's, I don't like their layout. It's very cramped
as it is. I feel like it's just not a
very conducive place to gamble.
Speaker 2 (27:47):
And it's shopping. You got people with bags.
Speaker 1 (27:49):
It's just it's not I don't like the layout of Caesars.
I'm not a big fan of Caesars, but if they
want to invite me to come stay there, I will
come happily. I love Caesar's, but as it is now,
I just don't like the layout. It's very crowded, crazy,
it's all jammed together.
Speaker 2 (28:03):
And we dipped into Caesars.
Speaker 1 (28:06):
Did you go to the shops the form at Caesars
or no?
Speaker 2 (28:09):
We walked. We walked a crap. Yeah, that's where vander
Pump was. So that's where we did a meal there.
But then Cosmo was for Thanksgiving for all the games.
Speaker 1 (28:18):
Got it Cosmo, And we were able to get a
seat at the sportsbook.
Speaker 2 (28:22):
No, no, yeah you could have, but I'd have been
sitting next to like an awkward guy. That's like eating
a banana, got it. You know what I'm saying. I'm
not trying to do that. And so we're camped out,
We're on the craps machines, okay, doing the bubble craps.
Bubble craps, and dude, I did a live bet everything. Yep,
that's what it was. That was. That was the next day.
That was on Friday. So my first bet of the
day was a live bet and I did over forty
three and a half this total. It was at forty
three when your boy Caleb Williams throws the ball in
the air and it doesn't hit the ground in time
and with one second, guys, oh you need it was
a field goal.
Speaker 4 (29:00):
The Bears run out thirty.
Speaker 2 (29:01):
Dude, I threw the ticket in the trash because I
thought the game was over. I'm just being funny. I'm like, ah, fuck,
this ticket threw in the trash. When they then had
a chance to kick a field goal. I got the
ticket back up out of the trash.
Speaker 1 (29:13):
We never had a chance to kick a field goal.
Speaker 2 (29:15):
You did.
Speaker 1 (29:16):
You were at like the thirty when he threw that
ball in the lh sacked and then thirty seconds left
on the clock. We have one time out.
Speaker 2 (29:24):
This is where it was. I needed a field goal
right here.
Speaker 1 (29:25):
And all we have to do is call a time out,
draw up a play, get eight yards.
Speaker 2 (29:30):
What's your coach, fluberfloss or what's his name?
Speaker 1 (29:33):
Dumbass? Is his name? Dumber flash, dumb flass ever fluse
ever fucks up ever ever never ever coach again in
his life. Oh my god, here's the thing. It's a
weird thing because I wanted him to get fired. I
want to lose the game because we're not going to
the playoffs, so I'd love to get a higher draft pick.
But at the same time, to see such idiotic incompetence
was so frustrating, And part of it is on Caleb Willi.
When he gets up, he has no urgency. When he
gets up, he just sitting there and he's changing the
play at the line of scriptage, just hike the damn ball,
or right when he gets sacked, time out, time out,
There's thirty seconds left on the clock. You draw up
a play that gets you eight yards. That is plenty
of time to run your field goal unit on the
freaking field. But iber dumbass. This, this is how eber dumbass,
how stupid this guy is. Last week we played the
Vikings and they got like a sixty yard play to
Jordan Addison and he threw the challenge flag and do
you want to know why? In the postgame press conference,
they asked him, Hey, why did you throw the challenge
flag on that play?
Speaker 2 (30:41):
He said he was thinking about it or something.
Speaker 1 (30:43):
He said, it was an explosive play, so we were
hoping the rest would see something on the challenge. So
you had no idea why the fuck you challenge the
damn play. You just threw it hoping that the ref
would see something on the challenge. Then you have this
timeout with thirty seconds to go, and you're just like,
you know, what, what is? What is raw dogg? It
just raw dogg? It just go ahead and just freaking
look like a bunch of clowns on national TV. I
mean only twenty five million people watching, and it looks
like you have never coached a football game in your life.
And they ask him after the game what happened there?
He goes, well, I liked our plan. It just didn't
work out. What you liked your plan of running around
and just wasting thirty seconds? Absolute idiot, absolute more. He
is so stupid. I'm so glad he's fired. The first
time in one hundred and five years they've lost. No,
the Chicago Bears have fired a coach in the middle
of the season. There are reports about players going after
him in the locker room. I mean, nobody liked that dude.
He should have been fired last year. I'm so glad
we lost that game because if he would have, you know,
called the timeout, we would make the field go and
end up winning that game. Guess what, he would still
be our stupid ass head coach. So I'm so glad
his dumb ass is gone, and I'm glad we lost,
But I do not like looking so stupid. And Caleb Williams,
part of it is on you. When you see the
clock running down, you don't have a play, call it
time out. Back to Vegas.
Speaker 2 (32:20):
Okay, Yeah, these are just three of my god, these
all happened that day, and there were three of my
favorite craps moments. So before the Alexis we went to Alexis.
At Paris, we went to the Harras, which is very rundown. Yes,
we rode the monoail there. Dude, I go there and
they have one of my electronic craps tables, got it,
and there's nobody playing. And I said to the guy, hey,
can I bet against myself? Because even the audio says,
if you'd like to be the shooter place craps, you
got to place it on seven past passline.
Speaker 1 (32:51):
You do?
Speaker 2 (32:51):
And I go, well, that's what the audio said. And
so I go, hey, sir, can I actually bet on myself?
And at this time, Beazer's off to other machines. So
I can actually bet against myself? I liked against the table.
He goes, yeah, of course you can. So I do.
Don't passline, hit hit chill, just do a little five
lose hit hit hit up two or three hundred. Bailed
on that guy. So if you guys are in Vegas,
go to Harras. They have the electronic machine Big one.
Nobody plays it.
Speaker 1 (33:17):
Yeah, no one plays it because it's like a glass floor.
Well it's not even a real felt like when you
go when you go to gamble, you want to feel
that felt under your fingers. You want to see the
dice bounce off that felt and hit the wall. You
don't want to hear it go clunk on a freaking
ice rink.
Speaker 2 (33:32):
You might be right on that because also the plastic
on the table doesn't match up perfectly. No, my dice
flew off like between five and ten times.
Speaker 1 (33:39):
That's it's so stupid.
Speaker 2 (33:41):
Yeah, so we did that. We had the drinks were flowing. Uh,
they did good. My best drink of the day is
going to be at a different hotel. But yeah, Haras,
go to that electronic you'll see its craps. There's never
anybody there, free money. Then we're for some reason, we
ended up at the Shoe again. It must have been
right next to the link. It was maybe the first
stop on it. So we're at the Shoe, my favorite
craps player. We go to another table. I'm like, peyser,
let's go to a table. I'll do your dumb ass
thing where we bet with the table. We're all part
of a table, but this time we didn't bet because
this guy was that hot.
Speaker 1 (34:09):
Oh he had a wind suit on, big old dude.
I mean, what do you mean a wind suit like
the wind yeah? Like no, like it straight, like we
used to wear back windbreaker pants and jacket.
Speaker 2 (34:21):
And he'd throw it and he.
Speaker 1 (34:23):
How was his form? Like what did he do?
Speaker 2 (34:25):
Well, you're here about to hear it. That's what I
like to hear rowes it? That scratch?
Speaker 1 (34:31):
Speaker 2 (34:33):
And I was like, oh my gosh, payser. I think
after he throws the dice every time he says ass scratch.
And so she's like, okay, shut up, shot. And so
we're just watching him because he's that hot. He's not
laying in any sevens. We're all we're doing is watches.
He's throwing it hard soft, he's like balancing himself and
then he throws some English on it, so he's like balance.
He's like good, he is good and throws it as scratch?
Speaker 1 (34:58):
Did he say? Ask?
Speaker 2 (35:01):
Goes up to the table again, A scratch. There's motherfucker's
saying ass scratch. Ever every time he throws it.
Speaker 1 (35:09):
I love a superstition, love it.
Speaker 2 (35:11):
And I notts. I wanted to get the exact thing
that he won because you would have loved this.
Speaker 1 (35:16):
Tell me he had the all tall, all small hit
him all.
Speaker 2 (35:18):
It wasn't that one. It was uh the craps guy
would say, ass scratch. He won the little ones for
three hundred. That's good, okay, and so all small. But
then that's the two, three, four, five, six. You ready
for another bad luck one? So we did have one.
Speaker 1 (35:36):
I don't like bad luck ones, but yes, they're very entertaining.
Speaker 2 (35:38):
So we did have a one roll with this guy.
His next role as scratch, he's doing that. It's freaking hilarious.
He's saying ass scratch after he throws.
Speaker 1 (35:47):
I'm gonna tell you this right now. I'm marking it down.
Next time I played scratch, Next time I play craps
and I roll, I'm gonna yell ass scratch every single time.
Speaker 2 (35:54):
If you're at the shoe, you'll know this, dude, because
I've never heard somebody yell mid throw and yell ass
scratch at that. And so he rolls his next one.
It's an eleven boom. No, no, no, this is a
table where the eleven is a number and seven and
eleven isn't a winner. Do what, bro, So I'm celebrating
with Baber. Hey, we're giving DAPs.
Speaker 1 (36:16):
I didn't know you were with Rod Babers. I thought
you were with the Baser.
Speaker 2 (36:18):
I was with Babers. And so when suit dude starts
laughing and he's like, oh shit, man, should you thought
you thought that was a winner, didn't you? And I'm
like why, he goes, yeah, it's just a number at
this table, dude, it was a no winner. I lose
the next one. Oh no, it was another badlucker.
Speaker 1 (36:36):
Hey, you win and you can't even win, dude, dude,
you can't even win.
Speaker 2 (36:39):
So it was the it was the hairs. I love
that table. This table is great because the guy gave
me great things to say. And then what was the
third Crab's tale? I'm trying to think, maybe we take
a break and.
Speaker 1 (36:47):
I will take a break and we'll be right back.
Speaker 2 (36:51):
Think of that story, please, I need.
Speaker 1 (36:53):
I mean, this is great. I'm glad you don't meet
in every many stories.
Speaker 2 (36:57):
These stories are fantastic, the little ones, the Horror Shoe,
the Baser. Oh so, I don't know if I'm just
was drunk or what, but dude, when we were at Cosmo,
we were there for like five hours watching all the games,
At one point we'd lost our money. Then we took
more money out of the ATM, which is fine. We
went there with a little extra. It was Bazer's birthday.
Speaker 1 (37:16):
Yeah that's great. I forgot this extra having birthday.
Speaker 2 (37:18):
Guys, when you lose your money. At some point we
were just watching Brady. It was just soothing watching Brady
when you've just been cleaned out and rinsed by the casino?
Speaker 1 (37:26):
Is it just like a normal bars. You go to
the bar, so hey, it's her birthday, they give you
free drinks.
Speaker 2 (37:30):
Right, Probably should have tried that. Oh h dude. Drinks
were not coming along very fast at Cosmo. And those
girls there were a little bit at tude.
Speaker 1 (37:41):
Yeah, they're kind of snobby at the Cosmo. But Cosmo's amazing.
It's a beautiful place. It's a little up andy up.
Speaker 2 (37:46):
But they do have their hangars out.
Speaker 1 (37:48):
They do. They got nice outfits of the Cosmo. I
love the Cosmo. My wife used to work for the
Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas and we used to get free
rooms once a month. It was amazing, fantastic. But I'll
tell you what, I have never one gambling at the
Cosmo never ever. Ever. It is like it knows I'm coming,
and it's just like, oh my, it starts opening the
floodgates and just whoops, my ass.
Speaker 2 (38:09):
That was the best sports book by far Cosmo part
people were partying their ass off. There was one annoying
Lions fan. They didn't cover. They won by three. I
think they had to win by like thirteen, and he's
kept yelling.
Speaker 4 (38:19):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, that's us.
Speaker 2 (38:22):
I mean, I get you guys won, but you guys
are really two touchdown favorites, Like you couldn't have won
a bet, Like I know, you didn't win a bet
to shut the fuck up. Yeah yeah, dude, he's.
Speaker 4 (38:29):
Like, that's us, that's us.
Speaker 1 (38:31):
You shouldn't be yelling, that's us. That's us when you're
barely hanging on against the Bears. I mean, we are
a dreadful team and you were ten and a half
point favorites. I mean, it's not like you guys dominated.
You guys don't look that good. I'll tell you this
right now. The Eagles are the best team in the NFC.
The Eagles are the team to beat in the NFC. Yeah,
you heard it here first, I understand the Lions have
this record. The Eagles are the best team in the NFC,
mark it down, go ahead.
Speaker 2 (38:55):
And so then we go, this is us. Okay, buddy,
like you guys are, we're not leaving. No, I dude,
I wouldn't say anything. When you're losing your ass off,
you just pucker up and sit down. Okay, we're not
leaving except what we are. But no, so then we're
we're betting there. But they also, guys, watch out for
this shit. They have these new things. What did I
tell you? Betting against craps is how you win. They
have these new machines called easy craps. You can't bet
against it? What yep? So all these bubble craps that
me and Justin went and found, the Skag Brothers in
Evansville says it says bubble craps, bubble crabs. Now the
new ones say easy craps or crapsless craps. You literally
cannot bet against it. You can only bet a seven.
So like what I like to do is just number,
just a number on those. No, it's just you can't
bet the no pass line. You have to bet the
pass line.
Speaker 1 (39:48):
But you say crapless, so that means there's no seven
and eleven.
Speaker 2 (39:51):
Loser no crapsless is something different. It's no way to win,
is what I'm telling you. That's the reason they did
these machines. Guys. What I like to do is dodge
the landmine. I talked based of this, seven's always going
to roll. You just got a dodge the land mind,
So you want to kind of bet against it. So
do you want seven initially or do you want seven secondarily?
So would you like to have seven only the first
roll or every other role? I'll pick every other role
every time that's considered betting against the table. So that's
what I love to do. Dude. These machines say easy craps,
so you have to avoid those because you can't do.
Speaker 5 (40:23):
It at them avoidance.
Speaker 1 (40:25):
He I will not go to that. I will go
just go play regular craps because I don't even understand
the rules of no craps or crapless or easy craps
or easy crabs. I mean, that's the girl down the street.
But that's another story.
Speaker 2 (40:35):
And so I don't even want to stick too long
on this one because maybe I was drunk at the time,
but I swore the audio was giving me the next
roles audio, so it would say it'd say if it
was an eight, it would say five three easy eight
easy eight. Oh it's a nine, easy nine. So for
whatever reason, I was kind of hearing the inside. I
went from one hundred and twenty playing my little craps
bubble watching the football at the Cosmo basers doing her
slots weren't doing good.
Speaker 1 (41:05):
At one point she saw so she played that ring
of fire. When I told you about the fire stick,
fire stack, what'd you tell me?
Speaker 2 (41:10):
She did, Heidi, and she did buffalo. At one point
she won seventy two free spins. But continue the bad luck.
She had accidentally hit like the eighty cents spin instead
of what she was playing eight dollars. And it was
a difference of like sixteen hundred dollars and sixty dollars. Yeah,
so the slots were not good at all. She got
absolutely cooked on slots. But so I was here in
the audio, I want a quick three fifty, And then
we got out of there. Then we went out. That
was our Thursday, because that's when we had to go
to uh was that our dinner night. That's when she
got me to go to vander Pump And we did
all that.
Speaker 1 (41:41):
Friday, then got some good drinks. Man.
Speaker 5 (41:43):
Friday is when I'm gonna give you guys some good recommendations.
Speaker 1 (41:46):
Okay, are you ready for this? Get your notepads out,
hold on, hold on, let me get it.
Speaker 2 (41:50):
I said, Baser, we haven't. That's when we did Gordon
Ramsey because we did Alexa Thursday. We did Gordon Ramsey Friday.
We needed food, went there ate there, didn't get the burgers.
Speaker 1 (42:00):
The did we go to.
Speaker 2 (42:00):
Shanaya Shnaiowa was Friday. This is the night that Friday night,
and so we know we had to play it a
little cool. And I said, hey, women, Aria lunch game.
Me all these drink tickets. We rock over to Aria
Free Drinks. They yeah, I go to. I was like,
hey man, I got these drink tickets. And you know,
the Aria sports book is so tucked away, it's so stupid.
There's a bunch of guys back there, guys, excuse my
friends jacking each other off. I'm like, you don't know
where you're supposed to get a drink. There's girl, there's
one of the one of the betting apps has like
thirty people higher.
Speaker 1 (42:35):
D It's like a freaking vulture. You walk up, Hey,
do you have the app? Do you have the appy app?
And they just jump on you. It's like, guys, leave
me alone.
Speaker 2 (42:42):
Yeah, And I'm like, they're like, hey, we can give
you a free twenty dollars bet. I'm gonna leave sweet
one hundred. I'm gonna need like, actually eighty of those.
They're gonna cut it. And so we get there at lunch,
I go, hey, let's get the best most expensive thing
we can get. We get the Red Bull Vodkas, two
of them, and they're awesome. We're doubling up, we're drinking, dude.
That's when we started playing bubble craps. Baser fell in
love with it before I think she was just one
off in it, kind of playing half assed, saying, oh,
I don't like betting against the table. This is when
I taught her my style of betting craps dude. And
we sat there at this table. You guys saw the
instagram I made fun of a cowboy. This is where
we had the games on. We had like Colorado, we
had the under on that one Boise stay. We had
Chiefs on in the afternoon. We had the games on.
We had a roulette table. Don't worry Chiefs not covering
it is the only way that I lost my parlay
five teams and one to one thousand, but the Chiefs
read sixteen to three but ended up losing the game.
Awesome on the game, in my book, they lost it.
Speaker 1 (43:36):
Yeah, you're right.
Speaker 2 (43:37):
Have my TVs on had Roulette, always just sitting there
off in the horizon, never played it, just sitting there.
And then we're sitting there playing our bubble craps. We
had a blast, dude, the entire afternoon until Shanaya. We
played for four hours. We cleaned, we'd clean up to
three hundred cash out put. We'd both reinvest twenty dollars,
get it back up to one hundred and fifty cash out.
We won four six hundred dollars just playing with these
seth That's awesome, guys. The best servers in Vegas. Counterintuitively,
or at the Aria, Dude, that girl came around every
five minutes. We had no less than twenty high noons,
five red bull vod be cuz hell. I think bays
are at one point ordered a whine. Dude. That girl
was flying around there bringing us drinks.
Speaker 1 (44:22):
That's phenomenal that I remember that my first time in Vegas,
I sat at a blackjack table with this guy from
Georgia and he the waitress wasn't coming around enough, and
she finally comes around and goes, listen, I'm gonna need
a bud light every five minutes. She goes, So you're
gonna have to finish the one before I get back.
He goes, don't worry about that, and he goes. And
then when I pass out, bring one every three minutes.
And that lady was there every five minutes. And I
was like, holy shit, this is the best place in
the world. I was twenty one years old, man, and
I remember that day vividly, vividly, and I was all
the way I was all the way down the stratosphere,
and I didn't have any money get back, man, and
I having to get money to get back to the hotel.
I was down in my last few dollars.
Speaker 2 (45:05):
This took a turn.
Speaker 1 (45:06):
Yeah, but I'll never forget that guy. And I spilled
a drink on the table and he was like, get
this guy sippy cup. This guy needs a sippy cup.
I wonder what that guy's doing now. That was one
of my That was a good Vegas memory.
Speaker 2 (45:17):
Go ahead, man, So we took those three four hundred
dollars that we had, and we both went over to Roulette.
We had a blast. I'm talking guys, drinks coming around
right downside of Hobviers.
Speaker 1 (45:27):
Yes, dude, I know exactly where you're talking about that
bubble crap. It's literally, guys, it is literally four steps
from the upstep to the bar of Javier's. The little
entrance it is right there, and there's an intersection. Two
walkways come together right there. Know exactly where you're talking
about the bubble craps.
Speaker 2 (45:42):
When they opened, it must have been an afternoon opening.
They had a line of about fifty people.
Speaker 1 (45:46):
Dude, the place is always jam packed. Was your prices
have gone up though? Fifteen dollars from margarita It's getting
too expensive.
Speaker 2 (45:53):
So we had taken those winnings and in the first
time I heard Bazer say, she goes, I love this.
I mean it was the first just Mas, that's the
enjoyment she has. We had an absolute blast. Did I
yell some vulgar things? Yeah, but I kept it cool
because Bezer was there. Then we go over to Roulette, dude,
and when I say I got hot, ascratch ascratcht Dude,
I got so damn hot I've never even bet like this.
The minimum was twenty five dollars. I would have never
played roulette minimum twenty five dollars. Dude. I was taking
single chips and putting it on five numbers and hitting
won every you'd hit one, miss one, but when you hit,
you win like almost a stack of one hundred. Boom, dude.
At we're at eleven hundred, twelve hundred, thirteen hundred. Then
we got Tanaya. Dude, it all hits it. Once I
see that I lose the Chiefs bets, I'm like, fuck,
I thought i'd win another thousand, and I got a
piss so bad, and I said the lady at the table,
I go, can Baser play for me? I was like,
this is my wife, she's just been kind of sitting
in the background. Can she please do my chips? And
lady goes, no, the eye in the sky has just
been seeing you do them, so only you can play
your chips. Is that factual? I don't fucking know. I
don't think so okay, so maybe we could have won
another thousand.
Speaker 1 (47:01):
I mean, I've been sitting at a table before and
like Ryan gets up, or my wife gets up, or
Garrett gets up, Missy gets up and I started playing
their chips for him. I mean, you just gotta get
a cool dealer like I mean that, that's crazy. I've
never heard that.
Speaker 2 (47:13):
Well, she's about eighty, that's probably why. And also I
probably shouldn't asked. I should have just told Baser to
do it. But Basier relates to them by the book.
That's fine. Apparently in Vegas you're supposed to go by
the book when you're playing blackjack. Yeah, didn't play any
of that. Didn't do one hand of blackjack. Uh didn't know.
Speaker 1 (47:26):
After you read that whole damn but hold on, no, no,
So you had this whole fucking philosophy. You read this
dude's book about surrender, when to hit, when not to hit,
and you didn't even play blackjack.
Speaker 2 (47:41):
And that, ironically enough, it was more about money management
than blackjack. Here, So guys, I did not do one
slot spin. I did not do one hand to black jack.
I did not do one keno.
Speaker 1 (47:52):
And what's another if you play keno? Please emails. We
know the storms is at gmail dot com and you
and you listen to this show, I am going to
block you from downloading this damn show. I have never
met anybody in my life that plays Keno, Because here's
the damn truth. I see it. I don't have a
damn idea how you play it. I don't know anything
about it, but I people sit around and play that shit.
They are ninety years old. There is nobody that listens
to this podcast that plays Keno. Continue.
Speaker 2 (48:19):
So we're at thirteen hundred guys, and what happens. The
piss monster hits me. She says, Baser cannot play for me.
I'm about to piss my pick. I'm literally doing the
piss dance. And in Aria, the finest casino there in
all the land. Okay, and our other girl, we've tipped
her well, she gave me so many damn high noons.
I've never even seen him flying around like that. At
one point is a graveyard of cans, and I'm doing
the dance. I gotta piss, I said, I gotta go.
We got Shanaia, I gotta piss. She can't play for me.
We gotta go, close me out. She gives it all,
gives me a thousand dollars chip, give me these hundred
dollars chips, all kinds of stuff, and she goes, did
you did you not see all these numbers hit.
Speaker 4 (48:52):
They go, yeah, that's awesome. All right, I gotta piss.
They gotta piss, Baser, let's go, I gotta piss.
Speaker 2 (48:56):
She goes, looks at Baezer, she goes a lot of
numbers hit while he was here with me. Basically, you
gotta temper. Tipper bro, I had a thousand and Oh
my god.
Speaker 4 (49:12):
I tapped her up underdollar tip. Guys Vegas got me
and I tipped her.
Speaker 1 (49:20):
Out under down. I tapped her.
Speaker 4 (49:25):
It's down to this day and our earth.
Speaker 2 (49:27):
It was the dumbest thing I've ever done. It was
another bad luck moment. She caught me when I was
about to saturate and defecate on myself.
Speaker 1 (49:36):
She caught your weak dude. She saw it, and you
tipped her one hundred dollar chip.
Speaker 2 (49:43):
So then we went to Shannaia had a blast, sang
our asses off.
Speaker 1 (49:47):
I'm good with Shania man, dude, she actually.
Speaker 2 (49:50):
Sang and it was really rad. It was at play Hollywood.
Speaker 1 (49:54):
Are we Dustin? What did you see Dustin there?
Speaker 6 (49:57):
Speaker 1 (49:57):
Oh, I don't know. I just I know him in
He's friends. I know him through Abby, not Abby Arnold's girl,
but Abby from Austin and Uh, he was at Shanaia
and he said, Oh my god, hurry to Vegas, come
see this show. It was phenomenal. And he was at Shanaia,
and so I thought, maybe you knew Dustin.
Speaker 2 (50:17):
Does Dustin live in Austin?
Speaker 1 (50:18):
No, Dustin lives here. Man. He's tall, kind of bald.
Speaker 2 (50:25):
Have you ever met him? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (50:26):
Dustin and Damien. His dude is named Damien. He knows
bj I think just hang out with them.
Speaker 2 (50:36):
Yeah, I know them.
Speaker 1 (50:38):
Dustin was there, dude, did you hang out with him?
Speaker 2 (50:40):
No? We never met. Oh, dude, I cannot believe we
were talking about the same people. That's insane. So then
we went to Nobu before it was real quick. I'm
not a big fan of that type of stuff with sushi.
Speaker 1 (50:52):
Oh, sushi's so good.
Speaker 2 (50:53):
Sorry, guys, not my meal. That may have also might
have given me the neurovirus. I wasn't shitting right here
like four days. But hey, then we went to bed
Boom Cash. I'll give you my money. Piece lost someone
some craps. Bubble was amazing. Can I please just tell
you the Uber rider home on the next day.
Speaker 1 (51:11):
Yeah, let's take a break and the I'm gonna hear
the Uber ride to the airport from Vegas or from Okay,
we'll be right back, go for man.
Speaker 2 (51:22):
Uh fuck. So we were supposed to stay actually all
day on Saturday. I had the neural virus in my
butthole and we just we built at six am. We
had an earlier flight. I'm okay, I had the neural
virus in my ass. Okay, and we also we were
kind of gambled out. Dude, we had played seventy two
straight hours of bubble crabs.
Speaker 1 (51:45):
Yeah, that's why, okay, okay, And I'm not just oneing
you at all. I mean, it's not Saturday's college football
as big as day, all these rivalry games, planting flags,
and you're on a fucking plane because your butt hurt.
You're a little butt hurt over Vegas, and so you
bail when you can be watching some of the most
amazing college football action of the year. But no, my
butt hurts a little bit. Let's book an earlier fly, baser.
We haven't been here in two years. I can't tough
it out for another four hours because I need to
get home and lay on my couch instead of sitting
in a sports book. Totally understand your rationale, but I
know how freaking OCD you are and how uptight you are,
less stress, more life. But yeah, let's fly home early.
Go ahead, man.
Speaker 2 (52:26):
And then as as we're deciding to fly home early,
this one guy on our patios that actually nobody used.
It was freezing cold. There was one guy actually out
there and he goes, yeah, we're from Texas. We're smoking.
Every street smells like smoke there. Man, good luck you
have been there a minute.
Speaker 1 (52:41):
But he's smoke or weed weed.
Speaker 2 (52:44):
He's smoking on the back patio and he goes, hey, man,
you want to come smoke up. We're like trying to
get ready and get the hell out of the.
Speaker 1 (52:49):
I'm like, right, no, man, I got a coronavirus in
my butthole. Man, hey man, we're from Texas. And I go,
no shit, dude, I'm from Texas. He goes, what I
gotta do the last because because no ship, dude, we're
from Texas. And he goes, what part were you from Texas?
I was like, dude, Austin, He goes, ship, Man, that
ain't Texas. They were all from Dallas, and they like,
ship that ain't Texas.
Speaker 2 (53:26):
Because they're a little weird at Austin, I guess that's
why he said it ship dude. I laughed my ass off.
Speaker 1 (53:34):
That is hilarious because.
Speaker 2 (53:37):
I said it so confidently. I was so proud that
I was from more there for he was like he's
He's like, uh, those guys would have been fun to
party with. But I had to go, I know, but
your but hurt.
Speaker 1 (53:48):
Man, I understand. I ton'tally understand.
Speaker 2 (53:50):
And the only reason I want to tell this was
because it's just me to say. Uber drivers are driving
me crazy. Stop with your life stories and talking. Just
drive the damn car. I hope Baser had selected because
I have no idea why you talk so much. We
get in the car, dude, and he didn't know how
to find us, and then we hear a whole explanation,
Oh yeah, this is him. Oh yeah, the luxer and
hair is yep, they always get mixed up. And then
Ari and Cosmo. There's a lot of mix up there. Yeah,
and the link is gonna get really confused with a
horseshoe right on there. And and then I hit him
with a funny line and nobody even laughed at I
was like, oh, well, dude, if you need to know
the backway from the link, all the way over to
Harris where we came and found you. We can tell
you because we just walked it, dude. So we get
in with this dude and that's how I knew the
traffic and the way. The way there was so bad
it took five minutes to get the airport. But he
talked the whole five minutes. Oh yeah, So what what
shows you guys go to? Oh, we're interested in I'm
no yo, Vegas dot com. Just go to Vegas dot com.
Try group on. You're gonna get some of the best
price you've ever heard of in your life. Yeah, that
will be the best way. What did you guys do
Ticketmaster or something like that.
Speaker 1 (54:49):
Speaker 2 (54:49):
No, I did Game Time, and dude, I'm slightly hung over.
I got neurovirus in my button. This guy is talking
a mile a minute. Yeah, game time, man. I had
people come in last week there from Florida and they go, yeah,
we ended up purchases on Ticketmaster. It was two hundred
and then I told him about Vegas dot Com. Then
I told him about groupon there's half the money they saved,
like sixty dollars. You guys just always got to consider
those websites when you're trying to do that. Oh yeah,
and then well, why are you guys leaving town and
the rodeo is coming to town. I think you guys
were some rodeo fans. No, man, we just gamble, just
come to drink.
Speaker 1 (55:17):
Yeah yeah. My sister's friend's going for Cowboy Christmas this weekend. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (55:20):
Man, we just just come here to like gamble, like
and just fucking let loose. Dude, I don't we have
rodeos in town. Man, I can't let you guys leave
for the rodeo. But the f one.
Speaker 5 (55:28):
You guys totally missed the f one.
Speaker 2 (55:29):
Yeah, it's crazy.
Speaker 1 (55:30):
Speaker 2 (55:30):
So what you'll see here is this is an eight
billion dollars Yeah, apparently it's like eight billion dollars. Just
all good, bro. It was like that for the entire
five minutes to the airport. He gets out, and the
final thing he hits me with as I'm leaving is
he goes that pink bag is that your girls at
yours are not even in a guess? I mean this
is that. I'm like, so I grabbed the bag, figure.
Speaker 1 (55:47):
Damn Fanning pack on. He He's like, oh it is
your bag, you bitch.
Speaker 2 (55:54):
And so then and then his final joke of the day,
he hits me with a dude, I'm like, I'm walking
away from this guy and Laura's basers being cordial and
still talking to him.
Speaker 1 (56:03):
And that's when you tipped him a hundred and no. God,
come on, man, don't do me like that, dude.
Speaker 2 (56:11):
And so that his final joke to me, as I'm
out at the neurovirus up the asshole, he goes, Yeah,
you see this curb right here, careful, man, don't trip
over it. And there's gonna be a cousin of this
curve right here back when you land in Nashville. Just
watch out for his cousin when you get there. What
in the literal, dude?
Speaker 4 (56:31):
Those were my final moments in Vegas.
Speaker 1 (56:34):
It sounds like the Martinez Brothers on Facebook.
Speaker 2 (56:36):
Good god, I got hit by a whirlwind of comedy
in about five minutes. That's all I got, man.
Speaker 1 (56:46):
Welcome home, dude.
Speaker 2 (56:48):
Man, that was a whirlwind. Worn out.
Speaker 1 (56:51):
That was great. You said you took some nose. You're like, oh,
they're funnier when I had them that Those were funny
as hell, dude. That was a great height. Bravo. You
lived it up for me because you want to know
what I did. I didn't do jack shit because my
family was coughing their ass off. We had walking pneumonia
for the three kids and the wife. And let me
tell you, so, I watched the football. I hung around
the house. We didn't even go outside that much because
the kids couldn't really run around because if they started
running around, it was they start coughing their ass off.
But you want to want your Vegas bad luck, you
know it stayed here in Nashville with me because I
watched football on Thursday. Great, you know whatever, nothing exciting.
Then Friday you got the Chiefs and Raiders, and I'm like,
let me look and see what I can bet. Let
me see. Oh, two tight ends, two star tight ends,
Brock Bowers and Travis Kelcey. Oh both to get seventy yards.
If I put that in a parlay, it pays five
and a half times your money. I like that.
Speaker 2 (57:50):
Actually, oh my.
Speaker 1 (57:51):
God, that's so easy. They're the only two weapons on
each team. So I put one hundred dollars down to
win five hundred and fifty, so the payout would be
six fe Travis Kelcey in the first half has six
catches for sixty two yards, has two catches for twenty
one yards, and I'm like, God, dang it, how why
did I do this? Bowers come on Aid and O
call you fat piece of cold. Just throw them the
damn ball.
Speaker 2 (58:21):
I learned he was a quarterback when the game started, and.
Speaker 1 (58:23):
They come out and the second half and the only
person that played for the Raiders was brock Bowers. He
threw every ball to brock Bowers. Brock Bowers ended up
with one hundred and forty yards, I mean, doubled what
I need him. Travis Kelsey ended up with sixty eight fucking.
Speaker 2 (58:39):
Yards and what was your total?
Speaker 1 (58:41):
Seventy? He had sixty two In the first half, he
caught one ball, one ball and the second needed both
of them, both of them, Like what the hell? I mean,
all they did the first half was throwing the ball
to Kelsey. The second half they had to like they
didn't know how to play with their own dicks. They
couldn't even catch to five me.
Speaker 2 (59:00):
I was like, what are we doing?
Speaker 1 (59:01):
And I do believe if I'm remembering this correctly, there
was at one point Travis Kelsey caught a ball and
it was like eight yards and then he laddled into
samajp ryds, so he doesn't get credit for those eight
fucking yards. Samaj p Ryan gets credit for all of them.
But how do you have sixty two yards in the
first half and only gets six yards the second half?
Speaker 2 (59:25):
That's the gambling gods.
Speaker 1 (59:26):
I was like, you have got to be kidding me.
Speaker 2 (59:29):
You're healing with the family eating turkey, you think it's
a lock for the second half.
Speaker 1 (59:32):
I mean leftovers on Friday going, holy shit, I'm about
to get paid.
Speaker 2 (59:37):
You just got to get paid. Is being on your
phone you start coughing.
Speaker 1 (59:43):
I'm like, oh, my wife's oh no, are you getting sick? No, no, no,
it's not it's not that I think I'm gonna throw up.
Are you getting sick?
Speaker 2 (59:49):
No, no, no, no, it's not that. There's two minutes
left in the game. He's twelve short and I'm like,
what in the what two yards short?
Speaker 1 (59:58):
And there was a point in the second half drivers
Kells He's opening over the million drops the damn ball, Like,
You've got to be kidding.
Speaker 2 (01:00:05):
Don't start with me on drop balls, dude.
Speaker 1 (01:00:07):
Oh my god. That was the highlight of my freaking weekend.
That was the highlight of my freaking weekend.
Speaker 2 (01:00:12):
Well, I got a betting lock. You want a betting lock.
Speaker 1 (01:00:14):
Yeah, it's gonna be the Denver Broncos minus six tonight.
Take it to the bank. They are gonna they are
gonna crush the Cleveland Browns. They are gonna crush them.
Speaker 2 (01:00:24):
I always like leaning over the kiosk and asking a
local a tip, and so I asked him on Friday.
I said, hey, man, what's uh? On Thursdays it was
three NFL games? I said, what's a bet? Man? Give
me a bet? Give me a bet? And he said,
take or what? Leave what? Take it or leave it?
He goes, I always wait till the games live. When
the team's down by two touchdowns, you can live bet
the losing quarterbacks passing yards, and he said, he always
bets over two hundred and he hits seventy percent of
the time. But my question is, since when can you
ever live bet passing yard?
Speaker 1 (01:01:09):
You can. You could live bet rushing yards, receptions, anything.
Speaker 2 (01:01:14):
I've never seen that.
Speaker 1 (01:01:15):
You can do it. I don't know, depending on what
point of the game, but you can do it. I've
seen it.
Speaker 2 (01:01:20):
He said, he hit seventy percent of the time.
Speaker 1 (01:01:22):
I don't believe it. We're gonna take a break, we'll
bright back. I mean, I don't have any great stories, man,
from my weekend. I literally didn't do much. It was
cold here and we did nothing.
Speaker 5 (01:01:38):
That's the problem when you can't compete with Vegas.
Speaker 1 (01:01:40):
Now I can't compete. I don't have stories like that.
I don't. I mean, we had turkey, and I had
more turkey and more, and if I have any more
fucking turkey, I'm gonna kill myself. Like I am done
with turkey for another month. Like I don't want any
more turkey. Like all we did was have leftovers for
turkey for lunch, leftover turkey for dinner, leftover turkey the
next day for lunch, leftover turkey the next day for dinner.
I mean, I am done with turkey. I don't even
really like turkey. I'd rather have ham all day long.
Turkey is highly overrated, but please, no more damn turkey.
I don't even want a turkey sandwich from Jersey. Mike's
no turkey, no turkey. But there was some good cost football.
And I'm gonna say this, Ohio State sucks. What are
the top three favorite at their quarterback sucks? Me and
justin have said it all year. He say, Will Howard sucks.
I mean, go back to k State. I can't believe
that's the best quarterback they can find.
Speaker 2 (01:02:33):
Well, I don't worry. Last year they found worse Devin
Brown and mccordy. Cordy the well.
Speaker 1 (01:02:37):
Kyle mcorr is doing fine at Syracuse.
Speaker 2 (01:02:39):
Speaker 1 (01:02:40):
Here's my thing. If Ohio State is still in the playoffs,
they are, It's stupid, they are, dude, wait for the
drop tomorrow. This is why, this is why I hate
the twelve team playoff. Ohio State does not deserve to
be in the playoff.
Speaker 2 (01:02:56):
Then that means that that means they didn't even have
to win that game, and now they're not in the
championship exactly.
Speaker 1 (01:03:00):
They get an extra week of rest.
Speaker 2 (01:03:02):
The difference is they're gonna have to play two games.
Speaker 1 (01:03:04):
They get a week of rest to get ready for whatever.
And that coach, I don't know. I mean, you should
fire Ryan Day. He's awful. How do you not beat
Michigan when they have a walk on quarterback at your place? Unbelievable?
But not even that a fight breaks out at midfield
because Michigan. Hilarious, Because my kids are watching the damn
game and they're like that, ah, that, how come they're
not shaking hands. Oh, they're shaking hands. Their hands are hitting,
shaking their face, they're shaking that guy. I mean there
was some guy. I'm watching that game and the fight,
the melee is that they called it people. Some of
those people are about it. Some of those people are
I want to fight guy. I mean, they were not scared.
Speaker 2 (01:03:44):
The guy said, he's like, they're not planting the fucking
flag on our field.
Speaker 1 (01:03:47):
And they went out.
Speaker 2 (01:03:48):
I mean it was a world war.
Speaker 1 (01:03:50):
I mean they were going in like I mean just
straight into the I mean, one guy into fifteen Michigan
players and he's just swinging and I'm like, damn, anyd't
even have a hell. I'm like, you are about it?
You are not You're you're not about it. There's some
people that stand on the back and act like they're
about it. And then there was people that were about it.
What about Arnold?
Speaker 2 (01:04:09):
If he plants the flag at our sore loser's flag
at Titan Stadium and they shoot him, We're thinking that
did the other teams copy then because they saw because
all of a sudden, why on Sunday morning did it,
say Melee Clemson, Florida State, Florida and Florida's state.
Speaker 1 (01:04:29):
Melee at North Carolina, North Carolina State. Who knew North Carolina?
North Carolina State gave a shit about anything? Why are
they melee? And they both suck? But to Melee at
North Carolina, I mean, oh my god. But then the
funniest part is the fight is breaking up. They've done
the pepper spray, they've done it all, and then you're watching.
Then you're watching the guy with the flag.
Speaker 2 (01:04:50):
He's going on me.
Speaker 1 (01:04:51):
He's going on the outside of the circle. And here
he comes back around in the Ohio state session and
they start up in the fucking flag off the poll
and I'm like, oh, here we got yeah boys, and
gush Johnson, you're a dumb ass. You are such a loser.
Oh that is so unnecessary. There's no room for that
in college. But shut them up. The planning the flag,
they just whooped their ass with a walk on quarterback.
Let them do whatever. The fighting I mean, planning the
flag is gonna become illegal. They're gonna tell them, hey,
you can't do that. I don't know what's gonna happen.
They got one hundred thousand dollars fines, which is nothing
to that school. And then Ryan Day, let me tell
you how dumb this dude looks.
Speaker 2 (01:05:33):
No, he's just.
Speaker 1 (01:05:34):
Standing there and then and it's all getting broken up
and people are going by him. He's like, what happened?
What happened? What can you not see that? They're fucking
going fist the cuffs right there? Bro, Like, hey, coach Day,
they are I mean, pepper spray has been used and
you're sitting there going, hey.
Speaker 2 (01:05:52):
Did you see the All American girls? Did he taps?
She was running away from there? She got after right
in the tent?
Speaker 1 (01:06:01):
I mean, what happened? What happened? So, I mean, if
you're Ohio State, here's my thing. He has to be fired.
He's terrible. But if you want to keep him, keeping that,
it's your business. But if you're gonna fire him, do
you fire him now before the playoff, which they shouldn't
be in the playoff it's stupid if they're in the playoff,
or do you wait till add to the playoff? Is
very confusing because the new playoff system, all these teams
can't fire their coach. Ohio State wants that guy gone,
but you have to keep him if you're in the
play I don't know. But here's the thing. If Indiana
is not in the playoff, it's stupid.
Speaker 2 (01:06:30):
They are in the playoff. Well are they playing against Oregon?
No State playing against Oregon.
Speaker 1 (01:06:37):
So I don't know. If Indiana's in the playoff, oh.
Speaker 5 (01:06:39):
But the stupid thing is Penn State will then be out.
Indiana will be no.
Speaker 1 (01:06:42):
Penn State's end no matter what they are.
Speaker 2 (01:06:46):
India's not in over Ohio State.
Speaker 5 (01:06:49):
Why because Indiana never played Oregon and Ohio State.
Speaker 1 (01:06:52):
They lost to Ohio State, but they beat Michigan. They
have one loss. If if Ohio State is still in,
then that Michigan game means it.
Speaker 2 (01:07:00):
Absolutely Indiana's not in because Ohio State sodomized him.
Speaker 1 (01:07:05):
Wasn't that a blowout? It is like a fumble, a
punp fumble like I was big, ended up being like
forty to ten, And I'm just saying it makes me.
This is what I hate about the playoff is that
that game, if they're still in, it means nothing. It
means and if you watch that game, you're like, does
Ohio State really deserve to be in the playoff? They
really deserve to be in the playoff.
Speaker 2 (01:07:24):
I was on a plane.
Speaker 1 (01:07:27):
Oh my god, Oh yeah, I forgot. We bought her.
Speaker 2 (01:07:29):
We landed in Mason, showing it to me.
Speaker 1 (01:07:32):
I mean, I haven't heard of word. I haven't heard
a word from Justin.
Speaker 2 (01:07:35):
Oh it's a dark place because in Djoku needs fifty tonight.
We're out of the playoffs too, Ohio State ripper mcgoo's
go down.
Speaker 1 (01:07:44):
Then I saw that.
Speaker 2 (01:07:46):
I saw it.
Speaker 1 (01:07:47):
Joe cute, but let me tell you, I mean it
was crazy.
Speaker 2 (01:07:53):
Justin's final text, we lived by the Dick, We die
by the dick. We are brothers at arms until he
which will most likely be tonight.
Speaker 1 (01:08:04):
He said his eyes. It's a wild, wild, wild week.
Here's the thing. Texas dominated the game. Did you watch
the Texas game because you were home by that.
Speaker 2 (01:08:18):
I was on the plane.
Speaker 1 (01:08:19):
No, no, no, I was passed out with the anal
neural viruses. Texas dominated that game seventeen seven. But at
the same time, you were still like, oh my god,
they might lose this freaking game.
Speaker 2 (01:08:32):
It was so weird.
Speaker 1 (01:08:33):
Their defense was amazing. Quinn yours makes some like he
just lost the ball. Sometimes I don't know what is
wrong with their offense, where they dominate the game, and
then at the end of the game, you're going, oh
my god, A and M's gonna win.
Speaker 2 (01:08:46):
Did you see McConaughey at what Okay, dude, he's strutting
all of the sidelight he got it's an away game,
getting the fuck off the field?
Speaker 1 (01:08:55):
Question, at what point does McConaughey even to get the
fuck off the sideline?
Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
Dude? At what point he's given each player Texas death?
At what point if you're a player like I don't
care about this, dude, No, no, these players like who
the fuck is this guy?
Speaker 1 (01:09:07):
Dude? Like, name me the last McConaughey movie.
Speaker 2 (01:09:12):
Cowboy, I mean, And then he was over waving in
A and M.
Speaker 1 (01:09:16):
He's like, like, name the last McConaughey movie. The only
thing he's relevant for right now is standing on the
sideline at Texas football games with a bunch of nineteen
and twenty year olds. McConaughey, go sit in a suite, dude, Like,
what are you doing?
Speaker 2 (01:09:30):
You said it best, dude. When can we get the
flags out of the middle of the field. When can
we get McConaughey off the side?
Speaker 1 (01:09:36):
I love, I mean, I think the flags is great.
I think it's amazing.
Speaker 2 (01:09:40):
It is, but now guys are treated like it's war.
Everybody started going quite crazy. Can you imagine West Virginia. Dude,
they got their muskets, they start shooting.
Speaker 1 (01:09:48):
West Virginia didn't win games. I think they did win
this game.
Speaker 2 (01:09:51):
Dude, fire the cannon. Texas has the can and they
start shooting the.
Speaker 1 (01:09:57):
Oh yeah, that's a good point. But in the same
Texas coach made the Longhorns get off the A and
M logo in the midfield, Sarcas was like, get off,
get off, get off, get off, get off. The fights
were amazing, but I mean, it's so damn funny trying.
Speaker 2 (01:10:12):
To do a postgame interview and go to commercial.
Speaker 3 (01:10:15):
Oh my god, you taft the all American girl down
to you, and then you got Joel Klatt do a
scrace to the second liberty rights of an American.
Speaker 1 (01:10:28):
Oh my god, got shot so stupid.
Speaker 2 (01:10:31):
I couldn't even hear the audio, and I know that's
what they say.
Speaker 1 (01:10:34):
And then the players are rubbing their eyes. They all
got pepper spraying their water in their eyes.
Speaker 6 (01:10:38):
I saw the highlight and I was say, oh, they
caught pepper spraying the brother They couldn't see dude, Ohio's
they cop peppers rad the Michigan players.
Speaker 1 (01:10:50):
I mean, I think he was just spraying and baging, like.
Speaker 2 (01:10:54):
At one point. If you're a cop out of football,
I gotta go with the peppers thing.
Speaker 1 (01:11:00):
Those guys, I mean, those guys couldn't handled it. They
had a pepper spray.
Speaker 5 (01:11:04):
Those dudes are huge, I know, and they are I
mean I got knocked out dead.
Speaker 1 (01:11:09):
Yeah, I know, there's bad news for the chief.
Speaker 2 (01:11:10):
Pylon cam hasn't video to football crossing the end zone
all season, but it showed a ref fall on the
ground and dying. I'm like, guys, at what point can
we turn off the pieline cam.
Speaker 1 (01:11:20):
The fights were, I mean fantastic, fantastic, but Ohio State
should not be in the gods darn playoffs, so damn stupid.
But yes, and everybody had to watch that earlier game
and decided, you know what, if we win, we're going
to plant that flag. And I mean, please go back
and watch the video and after the fight is breaking up,
and that Michigan dude knows exactly what he's doing when
he circles on the outside of the whole melee and
comes running through the state football players again. And that's
when them and riffs the flag off the dampple. I
was dying laughing so hard, except for my kids going that,
how come they're not shaking hands, They're not shaking his
families all around, they're not being good sports. Ah. Yes,
so it's called an asking again.
Speaker 2 (01:12:07):
A dude, you had families gathered around on a tradition.
Speaker 1 (01:12:12):
It was amazing.
Speaker 2 (01:12:13):
Speaker 1 (01:12:13):
Let me tell you back to fantasy football. Dude, let
me tell you I have won again. If I get
into the playoffs, you can't say I didn't earn my
spot because last week I took down the Chilanka Was.
I took down the first place team chilanka Was. This
week I took down another first place team, the Connors
Spy Squad. Holy ass.
Speaker 2 (01:12:36):
The reason we're not shocked is I thought you were
out of the playoffs. I'm in the well.
Speaker 1 (01:12:40):
I am the lowest. There's four teams tied for first.
I'm the lowest scoring one. I beat the Chilangos last
week and I beat the Spy squad this week. My
team has risen from the ashes. You need another I
have a shot next week.
Speaker 2 (01:12:55):
I need a miracle.
Speaker 1 (01:12:56):
But I have played the toughest teams. I've beat their ass.
My team is coming together and it all comes down
the next weekend, and I can't freaking wait. We are
gonna practice hard this week. We're gonna draw up some
great plays, and we are gonna try to say do
you believe in miracles?
Speaker 2 (01:13:15):
Dude? We did all the math perfect. The only thing
we didn't do is every one of our guys gonna
buy the final week of the season. We're in first place,
we're the only team in first place right now, and
we're not gonna make the playoffs. How bad is that math? Dude?
We have five guys gonna buy the final week in
the season.
Speaker 4 (01:13:30):
We fucked ourselves.
Speaker 1 (01:13:32):
That's funny.
Speaker 2 (01:13:33):
That's funny. We can't even feel the team, dude.
Speaker 1 (01:13:39):
There's no one there to get the first place.
Speaker 2 (01:13:41):
And the playoffs. Dude in jok who he needs a touchdown,
but he's not gonna get it. The Broncos defense is
too good. Cleveland won't even score.
Speaker 1 (01:13:48):
They'll score. But guys, hopefully it goes in joke you,
but hey, take take the Broncos the night. Guys, they're
gonna they're gonna win, They're gonna cover the six. They're
gonna cover the six. I mean, it's great. And I
tried to call Battersbox last he's not taking calls at
this time. Happy birthday, batters Box, A very special birthday
announcement to you. Very happy birthday. I hope it was
a great one. He is absolutely devastated by the Niners.
He is not talking.
Speaker 2 (01:14:12):
What if everybody? That's even worse. McCaffrey out with a calf.
Speaker 1 (01:14:16):
Oh man, that's bad. Everybody that dried to McCaffrey. I'm sorry,
it's been rough and how did.
Speaker 2 (01:14:22):
I even forget to say it. Bob Menery is in
Nashville for the next twenty four hours. What he was
in Vegas, Baser was DM and him to try and
hang out with him for me. Now I'm back in
Nashville and he's coming to Nashville for a day.
Speaker 1 (01:14:37):
Oh my god, we gotta hit him up, dude, We come.
Speaker 5 (01:14:40):
And do the same podcast with him. He's gone off
the deep bend.
Speaker 2 (01:14:44):
Dude. Oh he needs a welfare check.
Speaker 1 (01:14:47):
Yeah, I mean, what don't we It was crazy? But yeah,
I mean I watched Oregon. They looked good and they're
playing shitty Washington. But besides that, notre Dame looks good.
I don't know if they're good. I mean they look good.
They're not playing great teams, but they look good. Texas
is so confusing. They whooped that ass, but then they
didn't whoop that ass. It was very confusing, very confusing. Man,
what a weekend. Whoa damn plant that flag? Ohio State
people are so pissed. It's like, hey, win the game,
don't worry about planting the flag.
Speaker 2 (01:15:19):
I can't believe they lost. Dude, Dude, I've never seen
a plane. Dude. There were so many co Eds looking
at the scores. I'm like, this is dude. College football
is king. Every person in the plane was watching the football.
Everybody baser chegging the Vandy ball score. College football is king.
It's insane. The airport was a buzz at eight am.
I'm running to the bathroom and all I hear is
people Melee's buzz in Ohio State, Michigan balls, Kentucky, not them.
Speaker 1 (01:15:48):
Can I tell you the best thing about my weekend?
One day, since my in laws were here and the
kids woke up, the inn laws got up with them.
I slept till nine thirty. I don't think I've slept
to nine thirty in six years. Then I took a
two hour nap. Man. Wow, I was like, you know what,
I'm tired. I'm gonna take a nap. It was amazing.
Speaker 2 (01:16:08):
You're right, that's better in Vegas, man, No, no it's not.
Speaker 1 (01:16:10):
That was the highlight of my weekend. Man, all right,
Happy Monday, guys. I don't know, do we miss anything?
Speaker 2 (01:16:16):
Ass scratch, ass scratch?
Speaker 1 (01:16:19):
Did we miss anything? I mean, it was phenomenal.
Speaker 2 (01:16:21):
We covered it all.
Speaker 1 (01:16:22):
Oh man, yeah, we covered it all.
Speaker 2 (01:16:25):
All the Thanksgiving Macy's Day parade.
Speaker 1 (01:16:29):
We did watch a little bit of that. Kids were
excited about that.
Speaker 2 (01:16:31):
They don't play that in Mesinos. No, see, I forgot
his Thanksgiving Dude. People there heard a different world.
Speaker 1 (01:16:40):
I mean, who knew is that so many people love
that Macy's things. Giv me Anathy parade like it's a
big deal.
Speaker 2 (01:16:44):
My wife does she didn't bring it up once. D
That's a different world out there, it is. I need
to get back people on Thanksgiving just walking around dude,
like they founded this country. I did hit him.
Speaker 1 (01:16:54):
I did hit up Geary and said, hey man, what
if we took a guy's trip to Vegas for like
the football? Like playoffs weekend.
Speaker 2 (01:17:00):
I think that'd be awesome like NCAA.
Speaker 1 (01:17:02):
No, like college football or in NFL. Yeah, but he's like,
I could do that because we last year they did
a guy's weekend in Vegas for like a college football weekend,
like an A and M road game, because one of
our buddies is a big A and M guy. But
he was building a house this year, so we couldn't go.
I didn't get to go last year. I'm like, dude,
I'm in this year. They didn't do it this year.
I'm like, damn, man. They didn't bring nice clothes. They
just sat in the sports book all day. I mean, god,
I miss it. All right, man, I have a great Monday.
If we missed anything, please email us. We have the
sore Losers at gmail dot com. Hit us on the
Facebook page, uh tickets Sore Loosers dot com. The convention
is like a month and a week away. A month
and a week it's about right. Yeah, we'll see in Nashville.
Hopefully you're gonna come. All right, we out.
Speaker 2 (01:17:48):
The Yeah, add it to the list. Dude. No blackjack,
no keino, no Caribbeans, uh, no four card poker, no
sports book. I was kind of just in the periphery. Oh.
The one thing I was gonna tell you what, I
didn't go up to a kiosk or I didn't go
up to a live person and place a bet once.
But you're gonna be pissed about you know how you
lost hold on. But I did once. I'd had a
couple of drinks and I wanted to make for fucking
sure that the Giants scored. That I lost the bet
that they didn't score. I bet that they would be
under two touchdowns in the first half, and they were over.
Oh Giants, Cowboys. I bet that they'd be under two
touchdowns in the first half and that it was over.
And so I gave it to the guy. I didn't check.
I hadn't done a thing with a person that it
was Ai. All I did is kiosk the whole time.
I go, hey, man, since we're in the second half,
do you mind checking this ticket. I just want to
make sure he plugs it in. On the screen it
shows not a winner. He's like, not a winner, man,
and I was like, yep, that's what I figure. Thanks,
Man walked and on the screen is flatting not a winner.
So I can at least say what up to one
of your people wants.
Speaker 1 (01:19:12):
Dude, thank you, man, thank you. I appreciate that. God,
you're so dube. Oh in Miami, get them out of here.
They're not in the playoffs. Get him out of here.
They suck.
Speaker 2 (01:19:22):
They can't be in Wait, they lost, okay, so yeah
they're not. But Clemson or some one of those.
Speaker 1 (01:19:29):
Clips, I hope, please, m you win one.
Speaker 5 (01:19:32):
Of those teams down there has to be in it.
Speaker 1 (01:19:35):
If Clemson wins Boise States like a number two, they
get sodomized.
Speaker 2 (01:19:41):
Hey, Georgia, Georgia balls, Bama, Michigan, Ohio State. Guys waiting
for you, Boise State.
Speaker 1 (01:19:49):
They're gonna beat him by seventy
Speaker 2 (01:19:52):
Dude, gentry, good break Barry Sanders record and not win
the Heisman's It's it's great, man, it's great.