Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to kfi Am six forty on demand.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
A land running with milk and honey. That terminology, that
promise is given again and again by God to his people.
Exodus three eight is where you hear that first, and
then often you hear about the land of milk and honey.
Honey is a reference that comes up a lot in
scripture as well. This land, this image of a land
that has so much abundance, that is productive and prosperous,
is what's described in Psalm one nineteen one oh three.
The word of God is compared to the sweetness of honey.
There's something about the work that's involved, the productivity that
goes with it that makes this substance honey so precious
that it's something that's used by God in scripture to
describe prosperity, productivity. God's empire kingdom is like that of
the bees. It's organized, it's productive, it's communicative. If you
go back to the name Deborah actually comes from the
Hebrew word for bee. Now that as interesting backgrounds when
it comes to word studying in the Hebrew of where
bee comes from. And I won't get into all of it,
but the belief is that this female version of the
word for word actually deals with that something is being produced.
Some say that it has to do with it being arranged.
Some say that it has to do with order, that
it speaks of order. Some say that it has to
do with the noise, that it's that the bees seem
to speak. Strangely enough, bees do speak. Bees have their
own language, They have their own homes, They make honey,
they produce something. They speak this language that they have to.
They let other honey bees know where the good flowers are.
They have an appreciation for life and things like flowers.
They care for their offspring, and they have a weapon.
They're armed to defend those things that are important to them.
Honey bee colony essentially consists of a queen, drones, and workers,
but they all play a very specific and a very
important role in a survival of their community, and the
honey bees go through through a change. Start out as eggs,
the queen bee lays the eggs she oversees. She is
mother to most of the members of the colony. The
larva stage theaker. The worker bees at this point take
care of the larvae, feed, they clean them. The pupa
after molting several times. The larvae will cocoon the adult
The male adults always drones, females maybe workers or queens.
All the females are nurses and care for the young.
Do you see a structure here? You see a pattern
of purpose. Worker bees do have stingers on the end
of their abdomen, and this barbed stinger has a little
venom sack on it, and even when it stings you
and it pulls away in defense, it continues to se
The venom continues for the muscles around the sack to
contract and push and deliver this venom also that it
can protect its structure and its purpose. Now you see
the honey bees flying back and forth, but you don't hear.
What you wouldn't hear or understand is the very sophisticated
method in which they use to communicate. Some refer to
it as a type of dance, but ultimately it's a
way for them to communicate. Now, something else that flies,
something else as wings, it's an insect. Is the fly itself.
The Hebrew word for flies the bub And you've heard
that before because of the term bills the bub, which
is often translated as lord of the flies. And there's different
interpretations as to whether that means someone who can control
the flies or someone who uses the flies to do
their bidding. But the zebub, the terms abub in Hebrew
kind of has this idea, like the verb to zigzag,
to move back and forth randomly without purpose. Interesting thing
about flies. They don't have the home like the honeybee.
They like to be around, even eating dung, decaying flesh,
the breakdown of organic matter. They make nothing, They have
no product or anything that's produced. Do they speak no language,
They don't care for their offspring, and they have no
weapon to defend. Larval flies or maggots have to eat
rotting organic matter. Throughout history and mythology and literature, the
fly often represents agents of death and decay because of this,
And what I want you to ask yourself today is
are you a bee or are you a fly? Do
you have purpose in the things you do? Or do
you zig and zag through life? Are you constantly going
to and fro without any focus, any sort of construction,
just kind of living through life, going from dungpile the
dung pile, the dung pile, regardless of the consequence. Or
do you have something so important, so purposeful in your life.
Are you willing to defend it? Do you create something
that's so precious that other people want it, like honey,
that the very product you make becomes an illustration of
wealth and productivity, knowing what it takes to make honey,
knowing that the process can only be done in that
familial type structure where people have positions and jobs and orders,
and people focus on what's at hand, what they need
to do to produce something so wonderful. Or do you
have that mentality like a fly only looking for the
dead the ugly. And it's not that flies don't have
their own purpose. They do. God's not stupid. But when
you see the difference between the chaos of one, the
seemingly purposeless life of one, and the beautiful structure and
purpose filled life of the other, I think it's legitimate
to ask yourself which category do you fall into? Do
you see yourself in that place of wanting to be
a part of that family with structure, with purpose, with
a product, whatever that product might be in your life
that you produce, that you bring to others, that brings
joy to others or somehow benefits them, or is it
just about flying from one lump a dung to the
other Jeff, Welcome to the Jesus Christ Show.
Speaker 3 (10:06):
Yeah. Hey, I was wanting to know if she could
be saved for one day and then lose your falnation
in like two days. No, so once you're saved, you're
always saved.
Speaker 2 (10:18):
Yeah, if you're actually saved. I mean, it's it's really
comes down to. I mean, imagine two people going out
and then coming home to their family saying, hey, we
just got married, and they go, oh, wow, that's really wonderful.
Where'd you get married? Well, one of our friends said,
we were married. Just looked at us, pointed at the
two of us and said, we were married. Well, are
they an ordained minister?
Speaker 1 (10:46):
Speaker 2 (10:47):
Are they a justice of the peace? No, captain of
a ship no, So they just married you. Yeah, well
that's not a marriage. They don't know that. There's there
really is nothing to it, so depending so it makes
a difference. In that case, you weren't married at all,
so it's not like you were married and didn't get married. Likewise,
when it comes to salvation, you either are saved or
you're not. And if you're saved, then no, you can't
lose it. What what could you possibly do that is
worse than the blessing that is the blood on the cross.
Basically you'd have to say, oh, I did something that
was so bad it's worse than the goodness of Christ.
Does that make sense?
Speaker 3 (11:42):
Well, yeah, okay, So the churches that say, well, you're
going to say, and you know, since you are saying,
then you're not saved.
Speaker 2 (11:53):
No, there's no one that stops sinning because they're saved. Now,
if you're living in a state of rebellion, it's uh,
if you're living in a state where you just are
kind of flipping the bird to God every day and
doing whatever you want and not caring, then the likelihood
of you being saved.
Speaker 3 (12:13):
I've always went back to what Paul said. You know,
Paul says, the things that I should do, I don't do,
and the things that I don't do, you know, et cetera.
Speaker 2 (12:23):
The spirit, the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak,
of course, but there's a there's a difference between open
rebellion and flaunting it versus every you know. The difference well,
you know, when you're working towards some thing or you're
you know, there's the old joke of W. C. Fields
and do you remember W. C. Fields?
Speaker 3 (12:45):
Speaker 2 (12:46):
Okay, so he's he's reading the Bible and somebody was
surprised by that and they go, what are you doing?
And he goes looking for loopholes, looking for loopholes. So,
if you are looking for loopholes in life, if you're
constantly trying to find a way to do what you
want outside of God's will, then yeah, you're probably not saved.
You want to tell people you are. There are plenty
of people that have done that. But if you really care,
you're doing everything you can to live a life for
God every moment you can, and God knows that. Marty.
Welcome to the Jesus Christ Show.
Speaker 4 (13:25):
Good morning, Jesus.
Speaker 3 (13:27):
Speaker 4 (13:28):
Hi, I just want to say a few things very
quickly before I get into my question. I came to
know you personally very young, at the age of five.
I'm fifty three years old today, and just want to
thank you publicly for always being there and always never
ever ever letting me go through anything without knowing that
you were there for me.
Speaker 2 (13:55):
Well, Glory to God. That's wonderful to hear.
Speaker 4 (13:58):
Yes, I have a question and for the first time
in my life, just wondering what a spiritual battle truly
is My firstborn grandson became very ill two years ago,
is ill today as we speak. And you've been so
faithful to guide and give this family strength, because without
you we couldn't have done it. But I have other
believers around me that keep saying or asking me what
is the spiritual battle that your family is going through
and why, and as though there were an evil something
looming over us, even though you've been so faithful to
be there every step of the way for us during
this trying time. And so I'm confused why other believers
would I would say that or question.
Speaker 2 (14:57):
That, or they are they acting as if it's like
a something or some sin broduct that you brought in
and then therefore this is somehow punitive.
Speaker 4 (15:06):
Yes, yes, and I'm blown away and I'm confused about that.
And we lean on you every day and every step
of this way. You have shown us that you are
there and have never left this family.
Speaker 2 (15:19):
Well, I'd like to think that maybe they're miss they're
missing something, or that really when they're saying spiritual battle,
that they're just referring to the generic term. There are
spiritual battles going along in every Christian's life, every single
one of them. And that's part of the protection and
growth process of earth. That's one of the reasons why
you're here, and you're not created in heaven, you're created
here on earth. There's a purification process that goes through
this life and every Christian in this life that you're
going to experience. Romans five three says more than that,
rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance. So
those trials that suffering one Peter four twelve, Beloved, do
not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes
upon you to test you as though something strange were
happening to you. You shouldn't be surprised. It shouldn't be
out of the norm for a Christian to go through
things through garbage. And it's the old bumper stick because
you know how Christians love the little sayings, the old
bumper sticker. That's not what your future holds. Who holds
your future that's important is really the key. And either
there's some misunderstanding as to that concept of spiritual battle,
but really you should want to welcome it in the
sense that it's part of the purification process that God
is with you throughout the entirety of it. Rejoicing in
those things are good because in those trials is where
God reaches in it and has glory. I mean, listen
to the ton of your voice when you talk about
the things that God has done in your life, you know,
and those times when I've stepped in and those times
where you felt My presence and all of that is
you can only talk about that because there are trials
in your life. If everything was perfect, you know, what
are you going to say? Well, life is great and
God is good and everything's fine. You know how dull
is that the things in life that are commonly referred
to as trials are the things that make your life
unique to you, and your experience is unique to you,
and your endurance and strength and spiritual growth unique to
you and your family in this case, and that's not
a bad thing. It's bad in the world. You know,
we were having this discussion earlier about what's bad and
what's good, and the world gets confused about those things.
There are many things that are painful and that can
cause pain or turmoil that are good for you. And
so I wouldn't look at that as a as a
pejorative or a negative term. When someone says spiritual battle,
I would look at that as you know, you you
go through Ephesians and you see where it talks about
the armor of God. What do you think the armor
of God's for spiritual battles? Spiritual battles exactly to protect
you from evil. And if if you could see what's
taking place on a daily basis in the spiritual realm
around you, in the battle front and angels with swords
drawn to defend and all these things, it's quite fantastic,
beautiful and terrifying to those who don't believe. But you're
a believer and you're covered in that. And if and
if somebody says you're going going through a spiritual battle,
you look at them and say, thank you.
Speaker 1 (19:04):
Speaker 2 (19:05):
God sees you in the light that you are worthy
of protection, you are worthy of refinement, you are worthy
of being in a place that you can glorify God.
And that's what comes from trials.
Speaker 4 (19:19):
And we do every single day we give God the
glory because we give you the glory because of the
fact that you have proven doctors wrong. Every time we
receive bad news, you do. Your perfect plan is shown
to us. And you've been so faithful to do that,
and this family has grown spiritually and pulled together and
has brought us so closer. But we lean on you daily, daily.
Speaker 2 (19:53):
We lean on you, and people see that, and that's
part of your testament of faith and it's part of
who you are. And it's not about the outcome. Everybody's
always saying. You know, you see these Christians that are
always walking around with smiles, and you know they're not
always happy. It's not about always being happy. It's a
joy is different. Happiness is a momentary feeling of joy
due to a happening. Something happened and you go, now
I'm happy. But joy, true joy comes in times of pain.
It's an understanding that God is there and that God provides,
and it's a it's a constant and you're gonna have
highs and lows, and there's gonna be good things and
bad things that happen to you by the world's standards,
but ultimately you keep that attitude Marty, that God is
with you and that it's all to glorify God, and
you're ahead of the game. People misunderstand things. I think
about this for a second. Every time you refer to
someone as courageous. You know, if you think of firefighters
or law enforcement or military or any of these people
that put their life on the line for you want
to daily basis, for your freedoms, for the peace of mind,
all of these things, your protection. That the very things
that you call them, the very attributes that you find
noble or heroic or courageous, don't exist without turmoil, without fire,
without gunfights, without you know, ugliness and adversity. That really
it's that purification. It's those trials that really show the
character of an individual or shower, show that the true
faith and makeup of somebody. And this attitude, not that
you certainly don't have, Marty, but this attitude that I've
heard from time to time with Christians, that it's Christianity
is supposed to make everything okay, and that you're always
fine and there's never a problem. More, there aren't these tests. Now,
spiritual battle is true, but every Christian should be going
through a spiritual battle of one kind or the other.
And I'll tell you something, the closer you get to God,
the more that you might experience because it's like the
hotter the fire, the more refining that fire, the hotter,
it will get.
Speaker 1 (22:18):
Speaker 2 (22:18):
Peter one point seven says, so that the tested genuineness
of your faith, more precious than gold that perishes, though
it is tested by fire, may be found to result
in the praise and glory and honor at the revelation
of Jesus Christ. The purification of gold goes through a
heating process, in a process of trials, if you will,
And Scripture talks about the dross being scraped off the
top and thrown to the side. The dross is the imperfections,
it's the it's the oils or certain minerals that shouldn't
be there or whatever does that during the heating and
purification process, that which doesn't burn out, that doesn't just
burn up, goes to the top. When you're heating these
metals and getting them pure, and you see those stamps
on the side of metals, whether it be jewelry or
what have you, that talk about their purity that comes
from the heating, that the processing of those metals to
get them to a point of perfection in the eye
of the maker. And if you're a believer, you should
be going through these things. You should be going through
experiences that are tough, that are testing that that are
purifying who you are and what your faith is, and
that you shouldn't be surprised, as it says in one
Peter four twelve, you shouldn't be surprised about fiery trials
in your life. You should be content with God's grace
and you should know that you're going to go through
these these tests. So if anyone comes up to you
and says that you know and uses it as a
as a negative term or says that, oh, like the
it's some weakness in your faith. On the contrary, it
could very much be due to the intensity of your faith.
The enemy putting special attention on you, and I want
to attack you because of the intensity of your faith,
and that should be understood, and don't take it on yourself.
And the weight on your shoulders is if you've done
something wrong, because that's not the case. Jim, Welcome to
the Jesus Christ Show.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
Hello, Holy Host, Hi Jim, How can I help you?
Why would God put people in hell or taking a
brand or a mark of a sixty sixty six in
their four hair right hand when it's going to be
the only way they can buy or sell.
Speaker 2 (25:02):
Well, that's up to interpretation as to whether that's what's
going to go on or not, whether it's six sixty
six or tattooed, And there's been a lot of speculation
as to what the so called number of the Beast
is and what that will mean. It's not that somebody
goes to hell for that. The hell is created for
those who reject God and don't want to be with
God for eternity. So in the case of speaking about
the Book of Revelation and the things that are talked
about there, that really the sign or this symbol is
about rejecting God in totality. It's not just about exchanging
things or you know, for money or using it for commerce.
It's not about that. It always comes down to the
one unpardonable sin spoken about in scripture, and that's rejecting God.
It's rejecting technically rejecting the Holy Spirit, who brings you
to Me, who brings you to the Father. So if
you are at that point where you do what is
spoken about in scripture, and keep in mind in the
Book of Revelations, it's not very specific. It's a sketch
of something that will take place. Many people thought that
that was going to be credit cards. Some people thought
it was social security numbers. People have thought all of
these things that it was going to be some sort
of this is the mark of the devil. But it's
not about oh now I've got a tattoo, or there's
this mark on me, I'm doomed to hell. That's not
how it works. It's not some weird technicality that God's
looking for to boot you out of heaven. It's a
specific and wilful act of rebellion, turning away from God,
flipping God the finger and saying I don't want you
in my life, very specific, and that's done with will
and intent. It's not accidental. It's not all well, I
needed to buy bread for my children. So there may
come a time, trust me, things may get worse, and
there may come a time where you have to make
a decision between your existence on earth and the pleasures
on Earth and God and so what you see as
just simple commerce, there may be a time when things
get to a place where you will have to make
decisions against certain pleasures or certain experiences on Earth. I mean,
you do that every day with girding yourself and making
sure you're in line with the word of God. Rather
than in doing whatever you want. So there may be
this time, and this is speculated by different theologians, where
you'll have to make decisions against things that you think
are normal everyday comforts. But is it about some sort
of weird technicality. No, it's not about that at all.
It's the rules stay the same through the entirety of scripture,
and that is that as an act of rebellion, if
you get to a place where you reject God and
you say, essentially I don't want to be with you
here on earth. I want to do what I want,
I want to do it when I want, and I
don't want you looking over my shoulder. I don't want
you guiding my life. I don't want you involved in
my life. Then God will say okay, and then in
that process you have essentially severed your relationship with God
unto death. Keep in mind that you know, people make
decisions all throughout their life, and you can make a
bad decision and make a good one, but unto death,
at that point of death, it's done. It's like the
bullet leaving the gun and entering a body and you
kill them. You can't go Oh, now the consequences look
too harsh. I want to reverse it. It's done so
essentially it comes from the love of God saying either
you say that my will be done, or I look
at you one day and say thy will be done.
Speaker 1 (29:10):
K F I am six forty on demand