Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to KFI AM six forty on demand.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
So Thursday has come and gone, Thanksgiving Day has come
and gone. And it's interesting how just prior to Thanksgiving
all that you see cooking shows, magazines or how to
prepare turkey, how to prepare your Thanksgiving meal? Right, that's
all you could see. Now it's after Thanksgiving and what
seems to be popping up everywhere is how to prepare
your what your leftovers? Everywhere? How to prepare your leftover
overs this year? How to use your turkey and stews
and soups, whatever it might be. And that's a good thing.
That's a practical thing. When you're dealing with so much food,
you have a feast of sorts. The last thing you
want to do is take the leftovers and toss them out.
Shows that you're a good steward with your money, with
your food, with your time. Very practical. So it's bound
to be that type of the year that leftover has
become something very important. My producer Neil loves to cook,
loves to take things from the pantry that look like
nothing and make them into something. Loves the concept of
taking leftovers and making something wonderful again. Out of them.
In that sense, it's good that sense leftovers wonderful. However,
you wouldn't serve leftovers on Thanksgiving night. They're a byproduct,
their byproduct that you use, a resource that you use again.
But serving them to your guests originally giving might be
considered tacky. The whole point is to come together and
bring those those great fruits of labor to the table.
There's a poem about leftovers dealing with God that I
want you to hear. Source is unknown, but it speaks truth.
Leftovers are such humble things we would not serve to
a guest, and yet we serve them to our Lord,
who deserves the very best. We give to him left
over time, stray minutes here and there, leftover cash, we
give to him such few coins as we can spare.
We give our youth unto the world to hatred, lust
and strife. Then, in declining years, we give to him
the remaining of our life. Not Paul points to the
way some of you might treat God. It's very easy
to get wrapped up in the world. Right now, during
the holidays, It's very easy to get wrapped up in
everything that goes with the world. Now you've got to
get gifts, and now you've got to do dinners, and
now you've got to get together, and all kinds of hubbub.
But really it's about the most simplest things. It's about
breaking bread with one another, about loving on one another
and spending time with one another. All the other stuff
is gravy, as they say, But the leftovers that God
loves are the practical ones and not throwing out food,
reusing it and making sure you're a good steward of
your money and your time. The leftovers God hates are
when you don't give God his due, and that God
gets your scraps, the little things that come after everything
else because you're constantly focused on what the treasure's here,
the things that you need here, building your empire here,
building up your treasures here. Matthew six nineteen through twenty
one says, do not store up for yourself's treasures on earth,
where moth and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in
and steal, But store up for yourself treasure's in heaven,
where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where the
thieves do not break in and steal. For where your
treasure is there, your heart will be Also, it's so
easy to get caught up in the things of the
world to think that you need more and need to achieved.
And there's nothing wrong with achievement, there's nothing wrong with growth,
there's nothing wrong with hope or goals or any of
those things. All good, all godly. But is there balance
in there? Is there a timeline in there for God?
Or does God get your leftovers? Does God get your scraps,
little things that they come at the end of the meal.
God is not your cosmic dog waiting at the end
of your bountiful table for you to finish the meal
and then throw him a bone. The Father wants to
participate in life with you, wants to be invited to
do so. And I know that it gets very easy
to get lost in this life. But certain things should
remind you. Holy days that you call holidays now were
originally there to do that, to re center you, to refocus,
to show appreciation to God, to keep certain days holy,
not because the date mattered or something like that, because
it was important to stop. It was important to spend
time with God, to be thankful for the things in
what you have in life. And the last thing you
want to do is take the remnants, the scraps from
those things and throw them to God. You're called to
love God and to worship God and to praise God
with all that you are. That means all your talents,
your gifts, yes, even find answers. All these things play
a part in one form or another. You don't need
to give to your broke that's not being very wise
or practical with your money. You don't have to start
a Christian band because you like playing music. It's not
the only way to do it. But if you have
gifts and abilities, you want to utilize them for God.
You want to take all those things that God gave
you and give them back in some way. That type
of respect, that type of reverence and appreciation of who
God is in your life should come to you easily.
It's good not to be wasteful with your food. Those
kind of leftovers no problem, but you wouldn't serve them
to your guests on things. So being in a mindset
where you would serve your leftovers to God should be
something that stops. Now. The balance in this life is
so key. There are those that go off the spiritual handle,
want to give away everything, and on the surface that
doesn't sound bad, does it. However, I hear the aftermath,
the frustration, the feelings of abandonment when people give up
all that they have and then feel as if God
has somehow left them. Because the things that you have,
you should have to provide for you and your family.
But God should be a part of your family. It's
not that you'd give all your money to one child.
So to be a balanced parent, a balanced member of
the family is to put into it in a way
that's healthy and beneficial for all involved, and not put
yourself in a place where the enemy can get a
foothold and make you regret your decisions. If you are
good at music, it doesn't mean that it has to
be a Christian band. You can still praise God in
many ways using those gifts and abilities. The important thing
is to use them and always use them to the
glory of God. Talking about leftovers, why, because everyone talks
about leftovers after Thanksgiving. You can't turn on the TV
or look at a magazine or even in the newspaper
without seeing some story on how to use your leftovers. However,
although when it comes to food, leftovers are a good thing,
you certainly wouldn't serve them to your guests the first
time out right, it's not what Thanksgiving is about. However,
that tends to be the meal that God gets is
your leftovers based on whatever you have, and really you're
called to give God, to give to God from every
part of who you are and everything that you have.
Your talents, your money, your time, none of these things
should be your leftovers to God. Always seeking new ways
to serve and to glorify God should be the concern.
In just a little bit, we want to take your calls.
As always. You are welcome to bring your thoughts, your
questions dealing with theology, God, religion, spirituality, world views, or
if you're going through something in life you want to
talk about it, you can call us as well. We'd
love to hear from you anywhere in the US of
a dial eight seven seven Holy Host numerically eight seven
seven four sixty five nine four sixty seven. The disciples
themselves use their talents, and if you remember in scripture
that I looked for people that had certain abilities, you
may have thought, well, that seems weird. Why would you
choose that? Why would you choose fishermen for example? Well,
fishermen were known to be people with work ethic. It's
just not something you could sit by and let happen. Now,
there might be some women right now saying, hey, why
my husband fishes. Trust me, you can sit around and
just let it happen. But as fishermen, when you're doing
it for money, that really you had to be out
there for long periods of time, very dedicated and focused
to that one task. You have to add great, great patience.
And if you remember in Scripture, I said follow me,
I will make you fishers of men, speaking to Simon,
Peter and Andrew his brother, and they left it all
and followed me. And this happened again, as there were
others that we came across. But for you know, the
beginning of the art of fishing, this produced a particular
type of person. Could be very strenuous. Work had to
be a very coordinated effort, if you had partners, and
you couldn't just sit around being lazy and doing nothing.
Now were fishermen did They tend to be a little
salty in their language and attitude. Yeah, But my concern
was to get those with that work ethic. And here
are people in scripture that use those gifts and abilities
those talents of being able to gather fish with patience
and technique and coordinated effort and use them to the
glory of God. And that's what I want to do
with you. I want to take your abilities and the
things that you do well, and I want to use
them to the glory of God. Brent, welcome to the
Jesus Christ show.
Speaker 3 (13:34):
Yes, I have a small question. It's confusing me slightly. Okay,
after Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights, Satan
walked up to him and said, worship me and I
will I will give you all of this, and he
was talking about the earth. My question is, who is
the ruler of the earth today? Is that Jesus or
God Satan. That's where I'm confused. I'm getting into some
conversations with people, sure, and it.
Speaker 2 (14:04):
Can become confusing based on understanding the stations of the individuals.
In this case, always God controls everything. However, for the
non believer, the God of this world is going to
be Satan. Okay, so, and scripture talks about that that
that the God of this world is really going to
be based on those that don't believe, those that are
wrapped up in in uh in unbelief for the ones
that are going to be bound by it. Second Corinthians
four to four. The God of this age is blinded
the minds of unbelievers, speaking of the devil lowercase g
so that so that they cannot see the light of
the Gospel, the glory of Christ, who is the image
of God. So the people that will be blinded by
it and really subjects to the devil will be the unbelievers,
not the believers. So what it s means is not
that the devil has full authority. What it means is
that the devil this has become the playground of the
enemy in such a way because of the choices of
the individuals with free will, that he, in fact, it's
like being voted there, he in fact becomes the god
of this world because people want the devil more than
they want God. Now those aren't the believers, those are
the non believers. So as long as people are calling
upon that kind of wickedness, or as the Satanic Bible
that has only one commandment, and that commandment is due
as thou wilt as the whole of the law. So
as long as there are people that just want to
do what they want, then yes, they're going to be
serving that particular God. But make no mistake that the
Holy Father, God in Heaven has power and dominion over
everything and merely allows the enemy to have his on
earth for this time, because in that process becomes a
purification that is necessary for humans to make their decisions,
and to make a pure decision for love. In order
to do something good, you have to have the option
not to do something good to make it have any valuable,
any value. That's what makes that choice a moral one
and not just a choice. So in practicing and participating
in that and choosing God, you have to have the
option not to choose God, and in not choosing God,
you choose the enemy. And that's what makes him powerful
on this planet. But he is not a God in
that sense. He has power here as long as people
give him power here, but not to the believer. The
believer is separate and apart from and only brings the
enemy into things when they choose against the will of God.
Speaker 3 (17:03):
So being a follower, being a Christian, then the ruler
of as you stated earlier than the ruler of the
earth is God always is the people's choice to let
them determine who their ruler is going to be.
Speaker 2 (17:19):
Yes, John twelve thirty one says, now is the time
for judgment on this world. Now the prince of this
world speaking about Satan will be driven out. But before
that time, people will have a choice to either serve
the enemy. People say, oh, well, I'm just not going
to serve a god. I don't believe in God. You
are serving one or the other. That's the way this
planet works. But God allows that. God allows that because
he also knows that there are those that will choose
against the enemy and choose good and go towards God always.
So that it's not that God has released full authority.
It's that the enemy has so much authority in the
filth and the pollution of this world, and in that
darkness and that ugliness that people bring upon this earth.
The enemy has power and strength in those places. Then
that makes the enemy a very powerful creature here on
earth in that context, so much so that that the
enemy could offer me the greatest cities of the land
as a temptation. Right, But only the things that are
temple temporal, only the things that can rock, only the
things that will go away, and never the things that
are eternal, and God is about eternity, not just about
the temporal eighty ninety one hundred years. You're on this planet, right,
There's more to it than that. So the enemy, by default,
because of the way people choose against God, then he
gets the vote on earth, which gives him the power
and the authority on Earth that God allows with that
particular agenda, knowing that true love can only come from
the option of not having to do it. And so
the enemy kind of capitalizes on that on this earth
and becomes powerful in that sense. But not always. As
John twelve to thirty one points out, there will be
a judgment and he will fall during that judgment as well.
Speaker 3 (19:38):
Thank you very much, you made it very clear.
Speaker 2 (19:40):
I appreciate You're very welcome. I appreciate you taking the
time to call. I know that that can be a
confusing one, especially when it comes to the enemy and
the way the enemy plays It seems as if, well,
you know, why would God allow this? Well, this is
part of your pureification process too, and people have to
have the right to choose against God, and in doing
so they choose the devil. Mark. Welcome to the Jesus
Christ Show.
Speaker 4 (20:16):
Good morning to you and the Lord.
Speaker 2 (20:17):
Bless you, man, thank you, thank you.
Speaker 4 (20:19):
Hey, you know I'm reading Job. I've read it a
couple of times and and and you know, I love
the Lord and I know that you know, the Lord
has you know, knows everything, future, present, pass, knows what's
going to go on and everything. And I just don't
understand why, if if the Lord knew or God knew,
that Job wasn't in a budge from from him and
go with Satan, why did he put him to so much?
I mean, you know, here on earth you got your children,
and all his children were killed, everything was taken away
from him. And it seems to me just because like
it was a bet from God to Satan that hey,
I'll bet you can't do it. You know, I'm gonna
allow you to do this to him, but don't kill him.
But if he knew, Job wasn't in a budge, why
would you put him do that? And I don't understand it.
Speaker 2 (21:01):
Well, you sort of answer it yourself when you said
that God knows. God knows the past, present, and future,
so it wasn't for his knowledge. So you have to
look at the fact of well, whose knowledge could it
be for? Could be for the devil, and it could
be for Job that when scripture, you notice that even I,
when I walked this earth, would ask questions that you
knew I knew the answer to, but I asked them
so that the person I was asking could get the answer.
When you look at different parts of Scripture when people
are called to really heavy things, the story of Job
absolutely looks like it's some sort of bar bet between
the Father and the devil. And that's not the case.
And what's not known is how those things might have happened.
Regardless that those things could have happened in a normal
course of life. People do lose family members, things do happen,
people do get ill. So it's not about that that
when someone gets ill, this is God and the Devil
making a bet. In this particular case, it was really
a point of showing the Devil and even Job, the
intensity of Job's faith, not about God coming to some
understanding or even using him as a robot. God tested
Job within the realm of Job wanting to be tested. Job,
it says, was righteous man and somebody who's sought God
and the things that he did. But ultimately, everything that
you see Job go through, you can take parts of
it and look at your life and go wow. You know,
Job pushed through during this, even with bad counsel from friends,
even all the things that were going on in his life,
he continued to stay focused. And so are you. You're
supposed to be focused on God through all things. Right,
So there's lot. There's a lot that's taught through this
as well. Now you there there are many that go
into service to fight for this country, not because this
country is perfect and or everyone in it is perfect,
but because the premise or concept of this country is
perfect in their eyes and one that's important to defend.
That doesn't mean that it's always going to be righteous.
That doesn't mean that they're not going to have blood
on their hands. That doesn't mean that they're not going
to go through war, which is ugly. It means for
something greater they push forward. And that's the same with Job.
It didn't matter. See, humans tend to look at this
world as the end all beat all. This is it.
This is the most important part of all of it,
and God sees it as reverse. This is not the
most important part. Heaven is, and this is just merely
a purification process prior to heaven. So what you value
and you look at even family are not the most
valuable things to God. They're important as they teach you
about the family of God. They're important because they teach
you how to be selfless. All these things are important,
but it's about what's understood about that process of family
and living is what's important for heaven. So when God
does certain things, it may look like, oh, wow, he's
trashing his own creation, something that if you did would
be a sin. But for God to do it, it's
not because what God's doing is purifying his creation and
testing it beyond measure so that you know, the most
important thing is is that the person grows and continues
to grow towards God. Job's a heavy book, no doubt
about it, and it's a one worth reading more than once.
But keep in mind that all these things are not
like you know, what was the movie Trading Places, where
they're making a bet in a bathroom for a dollar
over two people's lives, seeing if they can ruin one
and make one better. That's not what it is. It's
God saying, hey, natural things are going to happen. People
are going to lose family, people are gonna, you know,
get sick things are going to happen, and and my man,
Job is going to hang tight and going to hang
with me throughout the entirety of it. And that's to
prove to the enemy and also to prove to Job. Catherine,
Welcome to the Jesus Christ Show.
Speaker 5 (25:31):
Hi, Jesus Hello. I'm a big scheme of things. God,
who always was and simply is, made us. Why did
he make us? We seem to be such a complicated mess?
Speaker 2 (25:45):
Oh boy, I could ask you the same about children,
couldn't I.
Speaker 5 (25:48):
Yeah, Well, I just want to know why God made.
Speaker 2 (25:51):
Us, because that's the simplest answer. People get caught up in, well,
what's the meaning? God is a creator? By definition, there
is no need for a meaning. That's a very human
trait to go, well, why why are we here? Or
why did God create us? There is no need. I
had no need whatsoever. I didn't I wasn't lonely. I
didn't go, Gosh, it would really be nice if I
had this. I just did. That's simply it.
Speaker 5 (26:17):
Anybody, It's a complicated mess of a creation.
Speaker 2 (26:21):
Oh but it's so beautiful and really the humans tend
to be stuck in the middle of things and never
see the end of the story. Could you imagine if
you watched It's a Wonderful Life and you stopped, you know,
three quarters of the way through, it'd be a horrible film.
It'd be the status film on the planet. But if
you watch it in its entirety to the very end,
you see that it is truly a wonderful life. Alex,
Welcome to the Jesus Christ Show.
Speaker 1 (26:54):
Hey Jesus, Yes, listen. I have a question about why scripture,
the themes of scripture seem to become more popular than
the actual words of scripture.
Speaker 2 (27:11):
Okay for example, Okay, for example, you.
Speaker 1 (27:15):
See like horror movies and and action films where you
see angels or demons. You might even see like references
to not often visuals, but references to before horsemen, and
it all seems to be more it's more like the
writer just taking those ideas, those names.
Speaker 2 (27:42):
Well, you mean, Hollywood's stealing ideas all the heck, you say, right,
I know, yes, the Bible has been picked in pilfed
and all kinds of stories. I mean even you know,
wonderful and creative films like The Matrix Really deal Neo
is a is a Jesus type character, and that's throughout
script throughout film, you'll find scripture in there and concepts
because the concepts are really quite masterful, and people try
and reject them, or they you know, kind of pick
and poke what they like, and in doing so they
remove it and they pass it along to someone else,
not with it, not saying that it's with scripture. And
there's many tons of films. I mean, the Green Mile
is about a character called John Coffee JC who has
the ability to miraculously heal people and and was a prisoner,
and uh, you know, there's the concepts will continual be
taken by by Hollywood and writers and the like. Because
the concepts are powerful, doesn't mean people are accountable to
them or that they want to dive in and see
why their power full. They just kind of use them
as literary devices, I know, but.
Speaker 1 (29:05):
That's just it. I feel like I feel like that
there should be a certain a greater degree of appreciation
there of reference. Sure, I'm not, I'm kind of agnostic.
I'm not sure what I believe or how strongly, but
I know that there's power in the verses, and I
feel like the best way to do something is to
get it accurately, and I'm often turned off by the
way people talk about things like how angels think like
they you know, they're they're actually kind of sad to
be up in heaven all the time. They're board or something, and.
Speaker 2 (29:46):
How you know what, Unfortunately we're we're up against the
clock because you're just getting to a place where i'd
love to poke more at. Maybe we'll have time.
Speaker 1 (29:54):
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