All Episodes

December 1, 2024 • 29 mins
Wanting to finally find religion
Prayer to help people
Nephew stole credid card
Angels coming to Earth
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to KFI on demand vern Welcome to the
Jesus Christ Show.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Hey, how's it going.

Speaker 1 (00:10):
It's going well. How can I help you?

Speaker 3 (00:13):

Speaker 2 (00:13):
I was raised Catholic, My mom was really religious. I
was always an agnostic from an early age. Never very
religious or spiritual though, but I always just kind of
lived by the teachings of Jesus. I couldn't help, you know,
it's just who I am. But lately I've been finding

that I want to be religious or more spiritual. Okay,
I just can't do it. It's not in me.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
It's it's like.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
My default is to just be agnostic or even atheist.
I don't know, okay, but my mom has Alzheimer's and Simon's.
That's really what brought it on. Like I feel like
I need something more because just to see here like this,
she was basically a saint, and it's to see this

happened to her. It's just really shaking me up. And
I don't I feel like I need something more, you know.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
Yeah, that makes sense. Now when you say religious or spiritual,
what does that mean to you?

Speaker 2 (01:19):
Uh, just to have something or fine, I don't know.
I just can't do it.

Speaker 1 (01:28):
Well. Atheism is sort of silly. I like that you
come from the standpoint of agnosticism, because atheism it's like
kind of you know, there's no God really exactly. But
the agnosticism it comes from. Agnosis without knowledge means that
you just don't know. So what can you know? Let's

look at a few things. What can you know? First
of all, everywhere you look, everything in this world is
continued upon something else. The wood comes from the tree
which came from you know, the acorn which came from
the tree which came you know, and it keeps going
back and back. Everything kind of points to some origin.

You look around and when you see complexity, you don't
think that it came from randomness. Complexity usually comes from
a complex mind or something thinking. So if you come
across a book, you don't say wow, that must have
just erote it into the shape of a book. You'd say, wow,
that is a book that someone created. There's something about

this world where when you look at it, it screams
that it was created. Just like if you went to
Mount Rushmore and looked at Mount Rushmore, you'd never say, wow,
that probably is from erosion and the water just happened
to make it look like for presidents. So there are
many reasons, really legitimate scientific reasons to believe, at least

in the possibility of a creator. So where's your hang up?
Why does it seem unreasonable to you to believe that
there's a god?

Speaker 2 (03:11):
I don't like the scientific level. It doesn't bother me.
I don't care about creationism or revolution or any of that. Like,
I guess it's a personal level. I just like lately,
I'll find like I want to like pray to God,
but I'll have to like keep myself from doing it

for some reason.

Speaker 4 (03:32):
I'm not sure you.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
Have to force yourself not to pray.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Yeah, you know what you're like desperate for, like feeling bad,
and you like want to do it, I'll like keep
myself from doing it. I'm not sure why Why do
I do that?

Speaker 1 (03:46):
Maybe you feel dishonest because you don't feel totally connected,
and you feel like maybe it's hypocritical, you know, going
to him just when you're in pain.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
Yeah, it's something like that.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
There's nothing wrong with that, you know. It's Imagine it
this way, imagine you thinking, Wow, you know what I
hate hospitals. Can't stand them. They're cold, they just I
don't know something about them, and I know I broke
my arm, but I always stay away from hospitals, so
I'm not going to go in there. I feel hypocritical
to go in there with a broken arm. Well, that's

kind of what a hospital's for. So God is similar
that when you call out to him in need, it's
kind of what he does. So it's not hypocritical in
that sense. It's as a matter of fact, I hate

to break it to you, but it's quite naturally built
into who you are when you were created. It is.
You don't need to tell any living creature it has
a mother, even if it's mother's not around, it knows
it had a mother and that that's why it's there.
And you, regardless of where you land with God, your

body knows. Your body was there in so many ways
before you were. It's like it knows God, and it
knows God is there, and it's reaching and calling out
to God because it knows. It knows inherently that God exists. Right,
So reach out to God and see what happens. Just

focus on it for a while, think about it, Maybe
read a little scripture something that maybe gives you comfort.
There's nothing wrong with that anymore than if you've got
a cup of cocoa for Pete's sakes and it gave
you comfort. So why not try this and pray and
ask God to hear your prayers, ask God to direct

your life. It's God for insight and allow those things.
That's all you're doing is just stopping. You're never going
to feel anything. You're never going to experience anything. Not
that it's about just experiencing something, but you'll never ever
make that step if you keep stopping yourself, and then

what then You've got nothing. It's been bringing peace to
humans for thousands of years. It's one of the most
unexplainable parts of this faith is the strength and peace

that it gives to people. Doesn't make their lives perfect.
Defecation still occurs, brother, I assure you, and there will
be problems always, but it has given people the ability
to peacefully keep their lives together in times of great torment,

trial and frustration. And that's worth something looking into, don't
you think?

Speaker 2 (07:01):

Speaker 4 (07:02):

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Now you are living with your.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Mom, yeah yeah, and you're taking care of.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
Your primary caretaker. Yeah, and why do you take care
of your mom?

Speaker 4 (07:25):

Speaker 2 (07:26):
Pretty much? I'm the only one.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
Well, you're a good son, and I think that that
goodness comes from somewhere and it's not going to kill
you to explore a little bit and allow yourself the
freedom to do that. So why don't you poke around
in a little bit? Yeah, dabble if you will, and

then you give me a callback with any questions you
have if you come across something.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
Alright, all right, thanks, that's helpful.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
I would really like to talk to you again, so
I hope you take me up on that. Okay, all right, Verne,
you have a good night. There's oftentimes when you're searching,
there's a frustration, and sometimes when people have been rooted
in a particular way, or they've been frustrated with the

faith or maybe even not even introduced to it very much,
that it becomes foreign. And in that process of frustration
or maybe ignorance about the faith, it becomes a feeling
of hypocrisy, like, oh well, now if I, of course,
if I accept it, or if I go into it,
I'm just being a hypocrite. And I don't want to

be a hypocrite. So that rebellion sets in and no
one does anything explore, test, all things hold fast, that
which is true. Just explore and let it speak to you. Sandra,
Welcome to the Jesus Christ Show.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
Thank you.

Speaker 5 (09:08):
My question is there's so often just this this morning,
someone called me this prayer urgently needed, and of course
I will pray for this person in their situation. But
I don't know why. I mean, I know that my
prayers are not I don't think they're going to influence God.
But I don't believe God is going to say, oh,

Sandra has prayed for this, well, let's let's fix it
for her. You know, I can pray for a guidance,
but God's already going to guide people. I can pray
for God to comfort them, my children to heal, but
God's already comforting them. He's already guiding them. So I
don't know what the purpose of my prayers are. Okay,
I'm not going to change God's mind. I don't think no,

of course not.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
There's not. It's not some God's not sitting in heaven going,
oh my goodness. Okay, Sandra just nailed it. Really, that's helpful.
I did not know what to do. That's not the case. However,
there are things, a couple things to be learned one
if you have children, and sometimes there's things that you

can do around the house that are easier for you
to do by yourself, but to share with them, whether
it's cooking, cleaning, working in the garage, gardening, whatever it
might be. Kids tend to make a mess, takes longer
to do it, but there's something about connecting with them
in the process that is separate and special than the

task at hand. And God wants you to participate. And
by conversing with God and spending time with God, it
builds the relationship. So you're not helping God in the
sense that God needs your help. It's easier to do
without you, but God loves you so much he wants
you to participate. That's one factor. The second factor is

that and I I love using the analogies with parents
and children because I think it's helpful for people to
understand God in a parental role at times. But when
you take a child to the grocery store, all they
want is the sugar, cereals and all the garbage, right,
and they say, I want this, I want that, I
want this, I want that. Now think of that as

like a prayer. The child's praying in front of their parent, Mommy, daddy,
I want this snack, I want this cereal. That's not
so the parent knows what the child wants, so the
parent could give it to them. It's so the parent
can use that opportunity to teach the child what they
should be having. So when you pray, even for someone else,

that listening and waiting for God's response is a way
of learning about what God wants, not God learning what
you want. So there's the major difference, and people get
caught up in that that what you're doing is teaching
God what you want and or need, and really it's
about you saying it so God can either correct it

or grant it so that you know that your once
are in line with the will of God. That's what
it comes down to. Learning to be focused on the
will of God, Sandra, that is the key. And there
is nothing that's going to be said or done that's
going to change God's mind. Even in scripture where people
are praying and God says, okay, well check and see
if there's you know, ten good people in that land

and I won't destroy it when talking about Soloman Kamora,
and it's like, oh well, so really, God was just
looking to have his mind changed. No, God does the
things he does or allows people ask questions, and I
did this quite a lot in scripture as well. You'll
see that I will ask questions of people, you know,
whose face is on the coin, things like that. It's

not because I didn't know whose face is on the coin.
It's because I wanted you to think about the process
and learn as well. Carolyn, Welcome to Jesus Christia.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
Oh, good morning Jesus, and thank you for taking my call.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
My pleasure. You've been so very patient. How can I
help you?

Speaker 3 (13:08):
My husband is about to be listening online, so this
question is coming from both of us, okay, and you've
helped us in the past several years ago, and I
was just kind of thinking about it in my head.
I'm going I feel like part of this is one
of those things where you go, how should your yes
be your yes? When it seems so difficult at times?

But we've worked so hard to continue to work towards
more obedience in you and with you, and this is
a little bit harder. We don't have children of our own,
and we've kind of been surrogate parenting, you know, everybody
else's kids and my family, and we even have a
god daughter that's not really a god daughter that lives
with us and her child. But about a month ago,

well it's been about two months now, my husband I
to my nephew that he can work for us on
the weekend so he can earn his money. He's sixteen
now we should just be giving him things. And wanted
to help him, you know, try to find his manhood
and stuff, and you know, incremental ways. And we were
planning for a big fundraiser party that was happening here
the house, and I gave him my credit card to

put back in the draw for me. And I had
to tell you when I did it that day, my
head goes, am I trusting correctly, and I guess you
got got to move forward at some point in time,
and the credit card was missing, and I knew it
was missing. I have thinking my husband had had put it,
so wehe else in the safe. I said, did you
can you please verify it's in the safe. I just

hadn't seen him in the door, and you know, time
gets away, and neither one of us checked in with
each other, and the bill came in and Wednesday evening
we were reviewing it and as a week a week
ago Wednesday, and it turns out there's all these uh
felonious charges on there. Immediately called a credit card company,

and you know, as I'm looking through it's the thing,
I realize there's a charge close to a seven eleven
year his school. And I said, oh, my gosh, I
think this is my nephew. And at first I didn't
want to confront my his mom my sister about it
because I didn't want to heart it be upset and uh,
you know, you don't want to be too quick and
and you know he has a history of stealing. You know,

he's done it as a as a small child, and
he's really yeah, I mean he always has. And they're
a divorce they're in a divorce there. She's a divorce mom.
And when he was about turning four, I think, up
by thereabouts, I had convinced her to move from down
to here in our area, and I said, you know,

this is a pretty great place to raise a family,
and we'll be a support to you. And we've always
been that and maybe even to my husband's detriment, you know,
and that I've had to yield has taken me many
many many many moons to yield to your command, to
ubitate it to my family first and my husband first.

I've taken on way more than I should have with him.
And my husband's been a great husband to me, and
he's miniatures and he's minister to me. To do the
right thing and to abide by him.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
It sounds like it sounds like you guys got good
heads on your shoulders. What what what question do you
have for me?

Speaker 3 (16:21):
Well, he now the credit card charges that we know
are his, I asked her. She did some research for me.
She went into his room and found some receipts, so no,
definitely belongs to him, and I have to do a
written report. And I think she kind of hinted to
me that she's afraid of that because they're going to
take it out of her and she's you know, title

money and all that, and I just in my head,
I kind of let it go, and I talked over
my husband's told him, you know, look, I know God's
going to provide for the right thing. We just we
got to continue to do the right thing here and
not acquiesce. But our concern is how do we love
on him, how do we not abandon him, how do

we continue to nurture him? But my husband says something
very profound the every day and it kind of blew
me away. He says, you know, it's not that we
haven't been there for him, It said, because it seems
like we haven't had a partnership with her completely to
get this to the right place. And he goes and
I don't want him in our home. And at first

that was really hard for me, but I realized, you know,
our god daughter deserves the right to be safe, and
our god grandson serves the right to feel safe, you know,
and taking things kind of it impacts that everybody's you know,
vulnerability in your home. So I'm kind of there, you know, finally,
you know.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
So you're thinking about kicking the sixteen year old out
of the house.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
Well, my husband says that he's not allowed in our
home anymore.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Okay, So they don't live with you, or they don't
know they live in.

Speaker 3 (17:51):
A nearby city, which is you know, kind of cool that,
you know.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
Okay, Well, setting boundaries is a wonderful thing. But the
child obviously has entitlement issues and probably because you know,
many things have been taken from him, and he feels
like he's missing out, and unfortunately a lot of young
people tend to have those attitudes. But in his life situation,

from what you're describing, he has a pretty gross expectation
of what life should be giving him. Have you have
you guys sat down and talked with him face to
face about this.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
We haven't had a face to face. My husband had
an initial conversation with him, and finally, just for the
first time, a day or so ago, I had said
to my sister, you know, your son hasn't called and
apologized to me, you know, to me personally, and so
she goes and she just got quiet. And then he
called back about thirty minutes later and apologized.

Speaker 1 (18:48):
And what was his reasoning? What did he say?

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Didn't tell me reasoning. I don't know if he told
my husband or not, because he mentioned, but when I
talked to my sister that day, he told me. He
told my sister at least that he was mad at
me because I decided not to pay him that day,
and I had discussed it with my husband that we
shouldn't pay him every time he comes that weekend. We
should try to teach him how people get paid, like

an art We have a small business, you know, we
pay on the first and the sixteenth, so that he
would learned to wait like most adults have to do
for paychecks.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
So he was going to get paid for that day's work,
just not on that.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
Day, correct, Okay, And so that apparently that's what he
told her, is that he was upset because he didn't
get paid that day.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
Well, that's not a way to deal with it, now,
is it.

Speaker 3 (19:35):

Speaker 1 (19:36):
No, Well, I still think that that it would have
been better rather than oh well, he talked to him,
and then I talked to I think that you guys
share this card. You were sharing the responsibility, and you
both should have sat down with him face to face,
not over the phone, and said we we know you
took the card, and we know that you used you

charged things. How much did he ring up on it?

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Just under a thousand dollars?

Speaker 1 (20:01):
Under one thousand dollars?

Speaker 3 (20:02):

Speaker 1 (20:03):
Did Was he expecting a thousand dollars worth of payment
for the job that he did that day?

Speaker 3 (20:08):
Oh there's no way, there's no way.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
That that's that's beyond him, you know, in a sense
of entitlement. That shows you how much he thinks he's
worth and how much he doesn't think you guys are
worth I would say that you need to sit down
with him face to face and say we knew about

these charges. We love you and and but love doesn't
always come, you know, with hugs and kisses. Sometimes there's
there's love that needs to be tough to teach. And
so there's going to be different ground rules about you
being in our home and being around our store, or

about the business or any of these things that that
he's going to have to show himself accountable again before
you guys trust him with certain things, and he's going
to have to realize that is But to say he's
not coming an easier nephew to say he's not coming
around your home. If you guys are the best influence
for him, why wouldn't you want him to be around

you guys's influence now? Is it more work for you? Yes? Yeah, yeah,
it means you're gonna have to lock stuff up and
you're gonna have to not let him be alone in
the house. But to to not have him come around
seems like now he's missing out on the benefit of
who the two of you are in his life and
can be.

Speaker 3 (21:36):

Speaker 1 (21:38):
You know, doesn't that seem like, I mean, it's the
easiest way to do it. Yeah, but there are wounds
that need to be bandaged, and there are wounds that
need to be amputated. Correct, And you amputate only when
you're trying to protect the rest of the body, right, correct.
And I understand that that's the desire, and as a man,
it makes sense that your husband goes to that, Hey,

I need to protect the rest of the household period.
That is the smart attitude to have initially. However, I
think that the balance in all things that with the
two of you coming together, you should look and say,
how can we mend this in a way that we
still protect ourselves. And that means build boundaries, lock things up,
have the visits, be quite specific in what you do

and how you interact, and it means more work on
your end when he's around. Never leave him in charge
of these things at this point in time and see
if he grows through it. If not, then he has
mental issues. He has issues dealing with stealing and these
types of things that need to be taken to another level,

and you need to get professional help.

Speaker 3 (22:48):
Great, thank you so much, You're welcome.

Speaker 1 (22:51):
But it sounds like you guys have such a loving
heart and are really trying to impart that to him,
which is worth more than a thousand dollars for sure,
But no one needs to go through that. And as
far as as going through the regular process, absolutely you
have to with whatever consequences come. You can't protect the

daughter in this case and teach the son because all
you'll teach him is that there's gone there. If you
do it right, there's always going to be a way out.
The consequences can be dodged. So unfortunately, you have to
make sure that you file the paperwork and that you
bring in law enforcement and that you do it right.

I know that that might affect your daughter and that stinks,
but she needs to be accountable for this as well.
This is her child, and if she's got a child
who's got issues, she's not going to take care of
it if mom and dad are always stepping in. And
this this is one of those ugly parts of family

dynamics that sometimes people grow through these things and go
through a shoplifting stage or do things it's never okay,
but sometimes you can see that it's in a stage
and they pass through it, and they're going to go
through it and it's going to be fine. And then
there's other times where there's other issues. The fact that
he justified it, I'm proud that he said why I

don't know, but he actually said, well, you know, I's mad.
I think that gives you something to work with. And
you can go back and say, you know what I
thought about that, And maybe we didn't explain well enough
as to what the process is, but you're going to
have to learn this because you can't keep stealing from
a company who's waiting to pay you every two weeks.

That's the way many people get paid. Some people get
paid once a month, depending on their job. So you
said we were trying to teach you and wanted to
make sure, and I want to make that clear that's
what we were doing. We weren't trying to skip out
on paying you. We would never do that because that
is improper. But it's improper for you to go and
to take this money when we showed you trust to

do so. And so now we love you and that
doesn't change. However, the trust issue is different, and we
need to work back towards that earning that trust and
if you want to do it, we want to do it.
If he says no, well you should trust me just
because or any of that, say, then you let us

know when you're ready to come back into our lives
with the structure that we're going to set out. So
that's going to be the final test to see where
this boy is. Dave, welcome to Jesus Christ.

Speaker 4 (25:47):
Show yes, I'm in wink in Nebraska and make this
real quick here and we'll welcome those down here.

Speaker 1 (25:53):

Speaker 4 (25:53):
Actually, with all my heart, I wish I really could
speak to Christ himself on the phone. But don't we
all ability.

Speaker 1 (26:01):
Well, yeah, maybe you need a new phone plan.

Speaker 2 (26:04):

Speaker 4 (26:06):
My question is we all know that there is a
war in heaven. There's fallen angels and angels war going on.
And my question is what do you think about And
I'm taking near future falling angels visiting Earth with new

technologies and.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
And like what kind of new technology? How would that change?

Speaker 4 (26:34):
Probably energy, different things that will be able to make
the world better, having peace seemingly come to mankind and
basically deceiving people into believing that they should believe in
them instead of.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
Oh you think the mask reading is like extraterrestrials and.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
Like, well, there's places in the Bible and general talk
about fallen angels visiting the earth.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
You mean Genesis, uh, when you're talking about the Yeah,
the Nephlom And okay, well, there's there's arguments as to
who that is and if it's angels or not because
of the context might lend to a different understanding, So
that that that lends itself to interpretation because it talks
about procreating and Matthew talks about how angels are not

married nor given in marriage that they don't have they
don't have sexuality, So there are either possessing humans uh
and using their bodies to procreate, but angels do not procreate,
So there couldn't be like half man half angels, as
some theorize with the Nephilam. But having said that, I

will say that that technology is not needed. There are
people that are have been visited by both good and
bad angels throughout scripture, and there's no reason to believe
that that's any different today. So people can be visited
by angels both good and bad. And it says that
even the devil himself can mask great as an angel

of light. So there are those that are counterfeit that
try and come and appear to be one thing or
the other to people to distract them. The key in
all of this, Dave, and this goes with any of
these people say they have apparitions, or they have dreams,
or they were taken up in a spaceship or all
you've got to do. And this was a question that

I said over and over and over and over and
over in scripture, who do you say that I am?
And the answer to that is what's important. And really,
if you come across anything supernatural in life, if it
steers you down any path and says that there's a
new Testament in addition to the old and New Testament,

or that there's new words, or that God has something
new to say, or that God what was said in
scripture is wrong, or we're going down in this new path,
that we're changing out things. Any of that that is
not of God. So you check it against Scripture to
know where it's from. And if it's not of God,
then it's not worthy of your time. Remember, more importantly

than all this craziness going on during the week, spend
time with your families and remember these words, I Am
with you always. Kfi Am six forty on demand
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