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July 25, 2024 23 mins
Joe Biden calls his decision to step aside a matter of defending democracy. The 2024 Paris Olympics could also be the protest Olympics. Why is everyone obsessed with Olympic athletes’ sex lives? An increase in uninsured drivers is pushing costs up for everyone else.
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You're listening to Bill Handle on demandfrom KFI AM six forty and this is
KFI the speech last night by JoeBiden. A couple of comments about it
and some takeaways the way I viewedit. First of all, it was
pretty somber, and I would haveexpected that only lasted eleven minutes. It

was in some ways just a campaignspeech, deriding Trump not by name,
and pitching Kamala as the potential nextpresident hopefully. Now keep in mind there
was also a rally that former PresidentTrump had and he was up there for

two hours speaking, so very differentapproach. And so this is Joe Biden
saying I am done. He resignedas a candidate and stepped down and he's
done politically, he has retired.Now here is what was left off and
expect this well. First of all, he talked about his accomplishments, but

that's a given. On your wayout, you do talk about your accomplishments.
That's sort of a someone a retirementparty is not going to talk about
every time he or she screwed upor that is not going to be introduced.
It's about look what he she hasdone during a career and his extraordinary
career. I mean, when youlook at the fifty years of service that

Joe Biden has given to this country, I mean it is extraordinary. Congressman
for two minutes, senator at theage of twenty nine, forty years or
over forty years in the Senate,and the vice president for eight years,
I mean, and then president forfour I mean that's a long time.
And there were a lot of accomplishments, there were a lot of failures,

like any president. And here's whatwas left out, and that is the
reason for him leaving. And alot of Republicans were saying, oh,
he should have said that, heshould admit that he cognitive abilities. He
may not even know that he's missingcognitive abilities, but the point is telling
someone you're no longer there mentally isnot an easy thing to do. Now,

some Republicans are saying that him leavingis in fact anti anti democratic,
because fourteen million people voted for himin the primaries and just a few political
higher ups decided he has to leave. And it's just a really strange way

of looking at it. So Iguess, does that mean he should stay
and of course lose to Donald Trump, which he inevitably would so I just
don't get that thinking. So that'sone aside. Also back to what struck
me the most is a genuine humility. I mean, when you talk about

all of it, he's not takingthis well internally. I mean he genuinely
thinks he has the ability to govern. He annuinely thinks that his mind is
there. But talk to anybody whosemind is not all there and say you've
had it, You're done, youcan't drive anymore. I had that issue

with my father. I mean it'shard to give that up or to think
you no longer have the ability todo ABC or D. And when you
have people that are that close toyour advisors, are they actually going to
say to you, people that loveyou, are they actually going to say,
hey, you're out because you justdon't have the brains anymore. You

just don't have the cognitive abilities.You're just too old, especially to someone
who thinks that he is not tooold, and that's someone who is the
President of United States and you workfor that person. I mean, that's
not easy to say. And yetGeorge Clooney said it, but they didn't
say it in terms you don't havethe ability. Keep in mind, I

don't think anybody said, President Biden, you don't have it anymore. You
don't have the ability to be thepresident anymore, the way it was painted,
and it's true, there is nopath for you to win this against
Donald Trump. Forget about the reasonsyou do not have the political ability to

win this election. That's why we'reasking you to leave, not that you
are. Basically you're going out ofyour mind or you're losing it. And
he's aging very very quickly last nighton CNN. And I love the analysis
on CNN. By the way,I watch both Fox and CNN, and

frankly the Fox people and forget aboutwhich side of the coin you're on.
The Fox people are very simplistic.Everything Joe Biden says is wrong, Everything
that the right says is right,and it's that simples Your analysis doesn't go
deeper than that. Now you goto CNN and it goes deeper than that.
Now, whether you agree with him, it's one or the other.

And the person I like the beston CNN is African American Van Jones,
who is brilliant. I think he'sthe best analyst up there. And even
he said as in describing Joe Bidenand he revers Joe Biden, I mean
revers the man he worked for Obama. I'm talking about Jones, and he,

I mean loves Joe Biden and thinksJoe Biden is a great American.
Let's start with that. And hesaid, you could see in the last
two months how President Biden has deteriorated, just the last two months, and
so it was time for everybody,not time for Joe Biden. By the

way, he didn't think so heis a political realist, and he's obviously
a politician, has been his entirelife, and was convinced that there's simply
no path. And then in avery humble way, which I believe by
the way, he talked about howservice to the country, and no man

is above the country, and thatthe country is greater than any person.
No kings, we don't have dictators, obviously a reference to Donald Trump.
But I believe that he truly believesthat. I think he actually believes the

office of the presidency, like RonaldReagan would always wear a suit in the
oval office always And why is thatalways? Would his codon? Because this
office is where the president sits,not where Ronald Reagan sits. It's the
presidency. It's the oval office,and that's the way Joe Biden is the
way he used it. And letme ask you, for those of you

that are pro Trump, do youbelieve that he believes that the resolute desk
that position is greater than Donald Trumpcould ever be. I don't think so
that's my take on it. Anyway, I thought Joe Biden handled it very
well. Left out the he can'tthink any more part of it that he
doesn't have the ability. But thatwas what you would expect. All right,

the Olympics start what day, specifically, I think next week it was
tomorrow. The Olympics start. Okay, all right, the opening ceremony,
so this could be pretty exciting.I talked yesterday about what the opening ceremony
is going to be like. Andthey're going to be on the River Saane,

which has never happened before, andall of the athletes are going to
be going on these boats in Disneylandwhere they have you know, the the
parade where they have you know,the all the characters dancing in the middle
of the river. I think that'sthe way it's going to be, where
they're all going to be dancing andsinging and doing Disney songs. Maybe not,
but there I can't wait to seehow that's going to be pulled off.

It's never happened before. So hereis the fear. First of all,
security is going to be insane,like nothing you've ever seen. I
was listening to a story last night, watching the news story forty five thousand
security people at the Olympics. Imean, we're talking some very serious security.
So that's one very different. Theother one is the fact that there

are all kinds of great news sports, you know, things that you have
to take very seriously. Break dancingis now an Olympic sport. Now,
come on, really, break dancing. Although on the other side the Winter
Olympics you have that rock that youthrow down the curling where you got these
guys with brooms and janitors always winthat one all the time. This time,

though, in addition to all ofthat, break dancing the river saying
is the opening ceremonies with the athleteson the river is the possibility the probability
of protests, And this one hasto do with what's going on in Gaza
protests anti Semitism. And by theway, most protesters will tell you this

is not anti Semitism or not antiJewish. We are anti Israel. But
that line is so fine that it'stoo easy to cross. And so since
Israel is a Jewish state, itis a religious state, a democratic religious
state, but still religious and isJewish, well guess what. When you're

anti Israel, it can be arguedthat you're anti you're anti Semitic. Do
I necessarily buy that? I donot, But I think you're going to
see protests. Olympic rules say thatathletes, you're you know, you want
to give your political opinions muzzeltoff.They actually say that, by the way,

in the rules the IOC muzzletoff.You can go and do that with
interviews, television, radio, print, as long as you're not doing it
within the confines of the Olympic Gamesthemselves, which means not in the Olympic
village, not anywhere near the venues, has to all be outside. And
the fear is because there is somuch, so many demonstrations going on around

the world, you're going to seesome political statements being made while on their
podium. If you go back tonineteen sixty eight, Tommy Smith and John
Carlos to Olympic American Olympia Olympiads inthe two hundred meter they won I think
they won golden bronze on that oneas the American anthems, as the Our

Star Spangled banner was being played,and you could see this you want to
google this or on YouTube, thrusttheir arms up in the air with their
fists and black gloves, a blackglove on there, and that stood for
black power. Nineteen sixty eight was, of course, when the extraordinary political
uproar was happening, and there wasa political statement. By the way,

that's when they changed the rules andsaid that you cannot have political statements.
Before that really didn't even happen theOlympic Games. The athletes really didn't care
very much. They were not thereto make political statements. Today it's a
very very different animal, and you'regoing to see not just anti Israel demonstrations.

You're going to see anti Russian demonstrationsbecause of what's going on in Ukraine.
You may see anti American demonstrations becauseit's so much fun to hate America.
That's a hobby with a whole lotof people out there. Maybe anti
Chinese demonstrations because of the cheating thatthe Chinese do and the doping, So

we're going to see what happens.Although I have to tell you that demonstrations
make for a much more interesting Olympics. I like the Olympics, especially the
weird, weird events break dancing thisyear for example, And so inevitably,
what do we talk about this goeson around the world, the athletes stooping,

and the general consensus is it makesa lot of sense, for number
one, the discussion about something thatactually is true maybe are complete, well
more than excitement level, how welook at this. For some reason,
there's a lot of concern and we'relooking at this with a lot of focus

about Olympic athletes stooping more than normalstooping that we talk about, which on
this show we do constantly. Andwhy Well, because you've got young,
insanely fit, twenty something year oldathletes for the most part, who are
there for ten days, are beingaround very good looking for the most part

people, unless you're a Bulgarian weightlifter, then you're not so good looking.
Women disc cut you know the discrowers, Okay, I mean they weigh
four hundred pounds, so okay,not so good looking. But for the
most part. They are. Theathletes are, and they're at the height
of their sexuality in their twenties.And you know why not. They hang

together in the Olympic village and letme tell you, sex is not that
big a deal. I mean,we fantasize about it. We assume that
it's happening. They hand out millionsof condoms. They do in front of
every Olympic village and every one ofthe dormitories where the athletes live in for

a short period of time, thehousing, and so the assumption is there
now in reality, and these aresurveys, and these are anecdotal stories told
by athletes. Can tell you they'reso concerned about the games themselves. They
are. What they want to dois sleep and train or concentrate sex.

It isn't really a big deal nowafter they're finished, Yeah, not too
bad now. The only time thatsex is very important within the games themselves
is male wrestling. They're part ofmale wrestling is grabbing the fruit packages of
each other. And a lot ofthese athletes will not wear those protective cups

for the obvious reasons. It's justyou go ahead and just take a look,
and you'll see a lot of reacharound where the athletes. Well,
that's why I like men the wrestling. And look at those outfits too,
you know, very tight, skintight mm hmm. And when you see

those that fruit package they are,which looks very impressive, you think that's
a cup, don't you? Mm, Nope, it is. This
is an Olympic sport male wrestling inthe meantime, Is it true? You
know, let me tell you howfocused we are. There was a rumor

last time out that the Olympic organizershave implemented anti sex beds made out of
cardboard that if you are let's say, engaging with such physical activities basically,
if you're humping too hard and jumpingup and down, the bed collapses and

the beds this time around are alsocardboard beds that can be instantly dismantled because
they can just be taken apart.However, the rumor that that's the ability
to do that. No. Bythe way, a video showing the condoms
being handed out in the Olympic village. That's three hundred and fifty thousand views

on TikTok to this day. Theanti sex beds and showing the cardboard beds
which by the way are as strongas anything else, just that they're easy
to take apart. Was used inthe twenty twenty one Tokyo Games and are
being used this time. Around twopoint seven million views where the beds were

tested for durability and our interest insex at the Olympics. A lot of
data on that one. There wasan online survey conducted by Riz, an
app that uses artificial intelligence to giveflirting advice. God, I wish that
was around when I was dating.There's let me give you some advice going

into a bar saying hey, baby, you know what are you wearing?
That does not work when you're onthe phone with someone. So that is
actually I mean, I can't tellyou how many millions of users it has.
Anyways, it gives flirting a divice. And did a survey online survey
survey seventy percent of the people betweeneighteen and twenty seven are at least somewhat,

if not heavily, curious about thedating and romantic lives of Olympians.
Well, the coaches are saying,yeah, you know, when they're getting
ready for the next event, yousee how much stripping they do. Unless
let's go back to where I startedunless they are male wrestlers, and then

it all happens in the ring.Watch just watch. Okay, we're done
with that. See that one wasfun. Now I'm going to tell you
about a topic that is not fun. Here's a question I always get inevitably,
and that is Bill, I gotin a car accident and the other

side, the other driver, wasuninsured and it was his fault. What
can I do? Uh huh?And I immediately look to see I don't
know if you have a legal dictionary, but you can look one up.
Just a legal dictionary, blacks lawdictionary on you knew it on the internet,
and just go down to the essaysand you will see the phrase sol.

That's what you can do. You'reout of luck. And here unless
you have uninsured or underinsured insurance andyou buy insurance exactly for this situation.
Other side has no insurance or hasso little insurance, it's not going to
cover your damage. They have notchanged the minimums in fifty years. It's

still fifteenth already fifteen thousand dollars.Liability for a single accident or multiple people
or accidents thirty thousand dollars. That'sit. You can't get a bumper today
for fifteen thousand dollars, and yetthey haven't changed the rules at all.
So what do you do, well, you buy uninsured under insured insurance and
it's pretty expensive. So you knowwhat is actually happening. The increased in

uninsured drivers across the board is happeninglike crazy. And we're not talking about
poor people who can't afford insurance thatused to be the case. Oh no,
No, The numbers of uninsured motoristshave just exploded. I mean it's
gone up from good god, tofourteen percent of drivers or uninsured, and

that's up from eleven percent just threeyears ago. Now this is the problem
because it's getting worse and worse.I mean why while inflation is kicked in,
of course, and housing is moreexpensive, it is more expensive.
I used to look all of itup. And you can still drive without
insurance. I mean it's hard toeat without food, and it's hard to

live if you don't have a placeto live, but you can drive without
insurance. And that's what people aredoing like crazy, which means those us,
those of us who are left buyinginsurance, what do you think happens?
We're paying more and I mean alot more. And as that's the

other thing, the other question,I get g bill. I was paying
twenty five hundred dollars a year formy insurance, which is good insurance coverage,
and renewed it expired because they goyear or year and all of a
sudden, they're now looking I'm notlooking at five thousand dollars. How do
they do that? Well, theydo that because they have to make money,

and they're not making any money becausethe person that hits you doesn't have
insurance. So your insurance company hasto write you a check when the other
person is at fault when there isno insurance, and so we are left
to pay and I mean big,big bills, And inevitably I'm asked the

question what can I do? Igo, you can pay the bill.
But can they do that? Ofcourse they can do that private companies.
I can charge anything I want.If I'm selling you a product and I
want to double my price, Okay, now what, Oh, you can't
do that, Well yes I can. I can't. Where in the world
do you think I can't sell youa product for what I want? However,

California insurance rates are regulated by theInsurance Commissioner but at the same time,
the insurance commissioner, you say noto all insurance, can't raise insurance
now, is letting it go crazy? Otherwise, these companies leave California.
They're just out the door. Wecan't afford to be here. So here

are the choices that we have,allowing more insurance to cost a whole lot
more, or the companies leaving there'sno insurance at all. I mean,
it's just that nuts. When Ihad my surrogacy agency and we had insurance
policies that we bought for all ofour surrogates, and the insurance company said,

no, thank you anymore. Theywouldn't cover a maternity for surrogates.
And we were out there looking andlooking and looking, and the only insurance
policy we could get for a periodof time was from Lloyd's of London.
And I can't even tell you howmany hundreds of thousands of dollars we were
being charged. And we went tocourt and you know, I'm not going

to go through the whole thing,and we ended up doing okay. But
the point is is that the personyou hit or the person that hits you,
probably you were in fourteen percent ofthe time, twenty percent of the
time will not have insurance, andyou have to buy insurance. If you
want insurance, it's gonna cost youa whole lot more. Welcome to California,

where, oh wow, the costof insert name of anything here goes
up like crazy. That's the problem. It's another problem I just throw at
you because California is such a great, great place to live. All right.
This is KFI AM six forty liveeverywhere on the iHeartRadio app. You've

been listening to the Bill Handle Show. Catch my Show Monday through Friday six
am to nine am, and anytimeon demand on the iHeartRadio app.

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