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July 30, 2024 21 mins
A half-million record and one app: The group behind a massive effort to ‘clean’ voter polls. California’s news industry is shrinking while misinformation spreads… here’s what the numbers tell us.
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You're listenings KFI AM six forty thebill Handles show on demand on the iheartradiop
and this is KFI bill Handle hereon a Tuesday morning, July thirtieth,
Big Stories Well, starting at ninepoint fifteen and tells me it's the women's
gymnastics, the all around, andyou gotta see Simone Biles, who of

course is the US's and the world'sbest gymnats will compete in all four events,
the vault, the uneven bars,the balance beam, the floor exercise,
and that starts. I guess nineto fifteen our time this morning.
Fifteen minutes after the show is over. Now, I want to spend a

minute talking about what's going to happenin this election, the presidential coming up
in November. If you thought theattack on the election itself was big in
twenty twenty, it's not. Thatdidn't even come close to what's going on
and the attack here, especially ifDonald Trump wins. Already it's set up

to attack every vote in the battlegroundstates. California. They're not going to
attack the vote because doesn't matter,but the battleground states in someone I think
Georgia Joe Biden won by eleven thousandvotes and that's it. So the attacks
are going to come like crazy.In the event of a Trump loss.

What will the argument be rigged?It's already being said. If Trump loses,
it's rigged, it's fraud. Thereis no such thing as a fair
election if Donald Trump loses the election. So let me tell you about one
sidebar, one spin on this.There is a nonprofit group called True Vote,

and what it does is allow anapp called the Ivy three, which
allows individuals you me, to gothrough voter roles and question where people live
and then tell the authorities there areproblems with the voter rolls. There are

irregularities, and you have to straightenthose out and a lot of money is
being spent because you can't just ignorethat. Authorities can't ignore that, and
that allows individuals and election officials acrossthe country have been inundated with complaints about

inaccurate voter roles. By the way, Democrats, not a chance. It's
all Republicans, it's all Trump supporters. That who is doing it, because
again, we are not going tolet Trump lose this selection and we're going
to use whatever tool we can.And one of them is complaining about inaccurate
voter roles, and the government hasto deal with it, use resources,

use tax payer money reviewing the listsof registered voters, because it has to
respond. And officials are saying,and I've said this for years already,
there is so much safety and safeguardsin the system relative to the way it
used to be. Last election wasthe most secure election in the history of

the United States, even though fraudwas alleged over and over again with no
evidence. I might add, youknow, there were sixty three cases give
or take filed across the country allegingfraud. You know how many one zero?
You know why when asked for evidence, zero was presented. Matter of

fact, this True of the Votehas one of the most interesting ones.
So True of the Vote is avery conservative, Bassist, Texas based nonprofit
and it has been peddling debunked votervoter fraud theories. I mean, just

over and over again fraud. Oneof them is three million votes were illegal,
people voted twice, people were votingthat were illegal aliens. By the
way, this was what president formerPresident Trump touted. He said that after
he lost the election, millions ofvotes were fraudulent. Well, that's been

completely debunked. It's not true.But this organization using this app man that
is coming up the works. Thefounder, Katherine Engelbrecht, has called on
followers to help clean up the voterrolls. That's what they're there for,
not because of any political view orany political side, even though they're all

conspiracy theorists. It is all abouta fair and free election. That's it.
That's it. And the question is, then, why are you all
Trump followers to the very last one. That's incidental, that doesn't matter.

We are here to maintain democracy inthis country and we don't want a fraudulent
vote. What if Trump wins,we will dismiss any request for a recount,
as happened in the last election.So there is this Texas based group

called True the Vote and its electionmonitoring organization that has long pedaled voter fraud
theories, all of them debunked,And what the founder has done is called
on her followers to help clean voterroles which are filthy. I guess and
I'll tell you explain what's going onin one of the arguments that was used

in the last election. And there'san app called IV three that enables individuals
us to research voter data and submitvoter eligibility challenges which have to be addressed.
And for example, well, firstof all, let me tell you
seven thousand people have been using theapp. Big deal, right, only
seven thousand people, and they've challengedalready more than half a million records across

battleground states. Forget about him.No one's going to No one is going
to attack California's voter roles. Firstof all, the Democrats don't do that.
And second of all, it's awaste of time. It's the battleground
states where all this fraud is takingplace. And those seven thousand people have

challenged at this point more than halfa million records, and they're just starting
because the call is out there,join us and attack the fraud that is
going on. So, which isone of the fraud. Well even former
President Trump said this during the votewhen he argued the vote was rigged.
There were voters out there that allhad the same address. That's proof of

the fraud. Didn't know which waythey voted, by the way, because
you never know, but just thesame address that proves fraud already. Well,
let me tell you the same addressfraud These were homeless people that had
the homeless shelter as their address becausethey didn't have any other address. That's
not fraud by the way, that'san legitimate address for voter registration. There

were mass a number of people thatvoted twice. Where's the proof. We
don't have it, but we knowbecause there is. We have one poll
worker who says that he looked atthe number of votes that came in and
in one area they were all JoeBiden. So the recount had to happen.

Oops, wrong, didn't happen.Well, in this case, what's
going to happen is true the vote, and it's going to get enough people
it will gum up virtually the entirevoter registration process and attack every single voter
district, especially ones that are righton the edge or they go democratic.

Let's attack and the resources are goingto have to be used because the authorities
have to respond. And a lotof the conspiraus conspiracy theory debunked over and
over again, and the election officialsare saying, even I mean we even
talk about conservative Republican election officials aresaying, we have the guardrails. We

can't just throw someone off a voterregistration without calling them or trying to call
them and try to figure out what'sgoing on. Well, it's all fraud.
It's all fraud. Lawsuits are readyto be filed and be prepared for
a super contested election coming up inthe event that Donald Trump loses. I

mean, that's the point where we'vereached, and it is so scary.
There's no such thing as a freeelection anymore in this country. It doesn't
matter what the guardrails are unless theRepublican wins, then it's a free constitutional
election. And by the way,that is an argument that is going around
and it's getting traction and where havewe gone to? Where have we come?

You know, as much as someof these I'm not crazy about either
one of the candidates, you knowwhat. I have enough faith in election
officials at this point, with thesafeguards that have been put in the system
as a result of lawsuits and truethe vote. But it doesn't matter,
It doesn't matter if the Democrats lose. I'm just talking about in any race,

by the way, any battleground state, if a Democrat loses, it
is fraud by definition. And howmany people going Yeah, absolutely no question
about it. And that's not asmall percentage either, Just one quick one.
There are people that are not involvedin dealing with attacking the voter registration

who are doing it for political purposes. They actually believe in good faith that
our system is completely rigged because theyhave bought into the conspiracy theorists. And
I know people, people, smartpeople that have absolutely bought into the conspiracies,

this one being one of them.I mean, we've gone crazy talking
about going crazy. And by theway, I get emails all the time
about Bill, I'm a liberal wackoAnd how dare you say the things you
do well and you're so biased?Yeah, I am biased. I am
biased against conspiracy theories. I ambiased against news that has absolutely no basis.

In fact, I am biased againstQAnon. I am biased against those
people that say there's a pedophile ringunder a pizza parlor in Chicago, that
Democratic congress people are dorking little boys. Yeah, yeah, I'm biased against
that. And let me tell youwhere I get my news. I get

my news from what I consider legitimatenews outlets. Now, they can be
biased. CNN is biased, butit doesn't make stuff up. New York
Times can be biased, it doesn'tmake stuff up. And here is the

problem. The news organizations that thatdo not make stuff up, that actually
attempt to be objective, are fallingapart. Now I'm a dinosaur. Okay,
All billy are so old in crotchetyyou don't understand new technology. Well,
here's what I like to do onSunday morning. On Sunday morning,

I get two newspapers. I getthe LA Times and the New York Times.
Saturday, I get the Wall StreetJournal. And you know what I
do. I have my cup ofcoffee, I put a bagel in the
toaster, and now I'm reading thenewspaper. I'm reading either the New York
Times or the LA Times. Andto me, and I read the newspaper,
I like the idea of holding anewspaper, folding it and having the

crease in the wrong place. Andto me, Sunday morning, eating a
bagel without streaks of ink on itis just not the same. So yeah,
I'm biased, and I'm seeing whatI consider legitimate news sources falling apart,
literally falling apart, and it ishorrific. And where is it falling

apart? Two? Of course,you know where it's falling apart. To
it's the Internet. It's the Internet. The conspiracy theorists out there. Case
in point, the election twenty twentyelection. You know, that's seventy five
percent of Republicans believe it was rigged. I'm talking about, not crazy conspiracy

theorists. I'm talking about across theboard. Now, Look at the LA
Times, look at the New YorkTimes. Talk to CNN, now,
even talk to Fox because Rupert stopthat one in its tracks. When Fox
was reporting Fox News. We're nottalking about the talk show hosts Laura Ingram

and Tucker Carlson and all that.I mean, I expect them to say
what they expect. I get that. But Fox News was reporting that it
was rigged, and you know,where do you go with that? So
you have these major news sources arejust losing it. Newspapers are cutting back

their newsrooms. They just can't affordit anymore because people are going to their
devices. You know, most people, young people that I owned with the
last survey and it was like eighteento thirty one year olds or whatever,
over half of them get their newsfrom TikTok, YouTube, Facebook's where they

get their news. And you go, how about the organizations that actually do
produce news, nah, nah,not interested. And the reason that the
newsrooms are falling apart is because advertisersare quickly leaving because where is the advertise?

Where are the advertising dollars? Go? They go to the place where
more and more people are looking atnews. And here's my belief. Studies
having come out, I believe thatmore and more people who believe the stuff
that comes out of the internet aremore likely to buy. They're more likely

to buy into this product. You'llget longer, you'll get more girth,
you'll last longer. Oh yeah,Now I don't know if you buy the
stuff here. I mean when Ihear commercials, not necessarily on KFI,
when I hear commercials or see commercialsor see print whatever, making these outrageous

claims, which welcome to America.We have a First Amendment right to say,
outside of medical fraud, well,you know, that's just who we
are. And so one of thereasons newsrooms are doing so poorly is because
no one is really paying attention toCertainly, newspapers are just basically gone.

I do it on weekends because Ienjoy it. But during the week the
papers are up on the computer screenand I pay attention to the La Times
New York Times. I said,I don't go to the internet. I
do not do that, and toomany people do. So let me talk
about the financial spin on this,because where do people get their news that

don't use news outlets like the LATimes and New York Times, CNN,
the BBC is they go to theInternet and start looking at TikTok whatever and
where who carries it? Right?You've got Google for example, that's even
Amazon not so much news, butAmazon is using data that the news organizations

are pitching, are promoting, areactually releasing. So there are two bills.
Senate Bill thirteen twenty seven would chargeAmazon, Mada, Google a data
extraction extraction mitigation fee. Why becausethey collect data from news outlets, and

news outlets are not getting any moneyand they're arguing, it's our content.
We want to get paid for thisbecause if we can get paid for at
least our content, that helps.A matter of fact, the Senate Bill
three it's in twenty seven says thatthis data extraction mitigation fee is going to

go towards supporting local newsrooms. Straightout, We're going to give money to
local newsrooms and meta Google, Amazon, you're going to pay for it because
you're using that content. California haslost a third of its newspaper since two
thousand and five. It's really crazywhy we're turning to social media for news
convenient speed. We've gone from twentyseven percent of everybody looking at the platforms

for news to forty eight percent intwenty twenty four. I mean, I
can give you the stats like crazy, but there is you pay for content
is what they're asking these major platforms, and they want to be paid for
the data also, not just content, but data that they're getting from It

makes sense to me, you know, I mean, you got if I'm
using your product on my platform andI'm making money, isn't it fair?
I think so. All Right,we are finished with the show today.
Quick reminder of the podcast is droppingtoday at nine o'clock and today is going

to be about the crazy ass congresspeople and senators we've had in the US
kind of fun Thursday and putting somethingtogether that I'm recording today, and that's
about the Olympics. Now, notjust the Olympics, because you can hear
or see anything about the Olympics.This is about food at the Olympics.

Historically food that the athletes have toeat and people that go to the Olympics
and how they're eating at restaurants.That's a big story. And also I'm
going to do some of the events. The events I mean we're seeing,
for example, breakdancing for the firsttime, rock climbing for the first time,

and some of the stuff that's beengoing on since the start of the
ancient Olympics. One of my favoriteone was mule racing. You get the
fastest mule out there. And oneof the initial events was horse racing,
except the last part of it theracer had to jump off the horse and
on foot, race with the horseand see who wins. So there's some

really interesting events that have come andgone. And so that is Thursday at
nine o'clock. We'll talk about thatin the meantime. Tomorrow morning we come
back start all over again, Amywith wake up call at five o'clock and
then Neil comes back, and soit'll be the two of us and Amy
from six to nine. This isKFI AM six forty live everywhere on the

iHeartRadio app You've been listening to theBill Handle Show. Catch my show Monday
through Friday, six am to nineam, and anytime on demand on the
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