All Episodes

July 26, 2024 27 mins
Amy King joins Bill for Handel on the News. The Obamas endorse Kamala Harris for president. Gov. Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California. Man charged in Northern California wildfire as blazes scorch the West. Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambada, co-founder of Sinaloa Mexican drug cartel, in US custody, source says. French rail lines disrupted by ‘coordinated sabotage; ahead of Paris Olympics opening ceremony. Harris and Trump at odds over presidential debate. Boeing Starliner officials may know ‘root cause’ of issues with astronaut flight. Disney, Hulu, and MAX launch streaming bundle at up to 38% discount.
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Episode Transcript

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You're listening to Bill Handle on demandfrom KFI AM six forty. That's how
I measure my reputation and my professionality. It's not so much that I'm good,
it's just how everybody else sucks.And now Handle on the news.

Ladies and gentlemen, here's Bill Handle. Oh boy, it is Friday.
It's a foody Friday, except there'sno food today. Neil is on vacation.
He's back next Wednesday. Do wehave anybody filling in or is it
just me? All right, wecan talk about my salad if you want.

Oh boy, okay, I hopethe Nielsen people are listening to this
one. Okay, let's talk aboutyour salad. What about your salad?
Amy, it's a good low calories, yeah, delicious treat. There you
go, foody Friday. Oh okay. By the way, you don't need
to lose weight or keep you know? Do you? Are you careful about
what you eat? Not as carefulas I should be. But it's everybody

come on. But all right,morning cono Bill. You also talk about
my salads? You want? Yeah? What's that? When's the last time
you had a salad? Yeah?Yeah, exactly? And good morning.
Wow, salad is mean salads.I love salads, okay, yes,

whatever. I like salads which arehalf full fat dressings, right, nuts
and half lattuce. Oh yeah,lots of that, A little steak.
Yeah, so we're did I havemy breakfast already? I did? I
had a bagel with ham and cheeseon a bagel. Nice. Yeah.

Cheese from where that's right, Hamfrom where that's right. I no longer
buye go to the store and buyboars Head black forest ham medium sliced because
he's got too expensive. Fourteen bucksa pound. All right, that's enough.
Where you can get black forest hamat Costco for for seventy nine pound.

See, we've we're already doing foodyFriday. We haven't even started yet
and we're into foody Friday, allright. Guys. Homeless news today,
Opening Olympics, opening ceremonies today,and this can't wait to see it.
I mean it starts ten to thirtylive on streaming. But NBC which has

the it has the games, andit really starts tonight at seven thirty and
it's recorded stuff there and they gopast the you know, the boats go
past these landmarks, for example,Notre Dame, right where They're going to
have all these fire special effects likethey do at the Pirates Caribbean, you

know, just to make it lookgood. That is a joke. Notre
Dame is burned down to the ground, you know, joke. They're rebuilding
it. They are, they are, But I thought you were being serious.
I was like, really, they'regoing to do pyrotechnics that note edam
after the fire. Yeah, wouldn'tthat be great? Yeah? Yeah,
it's the French and it's I can'twait, I really can't and a lot
of it. We don't know what'sgoing to happen, but it's something new

with that Eiffel Tower. They're comingin with some kind of new laser technology
they've been experimenting with and no oneknows that looks like, you know,
a ton of drones out there.It's gonna be pretty high tech, it
really is. It's gonna be goodstuff. I can't wait. Okay,
a lot of bag yettes, I'lltell you that, a lot of them.

And I'm gonna do a little storylater on about what to expect and
the Russians who are not going tobe there for the fourth time in the
row. You my favorite sport guyby and they've won more medals in it
than anyone else. Did you knowthat? And what what would that be?
Wrestling? And homosexuality is illegal inRussia and they still win the goals.

Okay, guys, are we readyto do it? Sure? Why
not handle on the news? Amyand me and me? Because Wayne is
not here? Lead story and Neilisn't here either. Oh yeah, why
am I conflating Wayne and Neil?It's just weird. I don't know.
We thought you had gotten over that. I thought I had. I don't
know when anyway, Yeah, Idon't get it. I don't I'm still

not used to Wayne being gone andNeil being here and what are we in?
Two months? Just finishing month seven? Yep? Yeah, okay,
give it a couple of years.But there are people that when I had
the surrogacy agency, there were peoplethat work for me, honest to god,
for three years. And number one, I didn't know their names or

I forgot their names or didn't knowhow long they were working here. And
it was all female staff because itwas in utility and you dealt with women
and their you know, their theirprivate parts, not in r casey re
public parts, but you know fallopiantubes and uterine lining and uh, you
know over ease and granular fluid wherewe know the parts, Bill, we

know the parts and then the andthen the cervix and uh you know,
and I can go south from there, but I'm not going to. Okay,
guys, let's do it. Leadstory. Yeah, big surprise,
BARACKA. Michelle Obama endorsing uh KamalaHarris for president? What a shocker?
Uh? Now is it fair tosay she has it? Yeah? I

think so. Yeah. Is anybodyeven bothering going against her? Even when
Biden uh was going up for theterm and he started doing his campaign,
that was only Dean Phillips, youknow, the congressman who ran against the
Biden against Biden. Now and there'sno one running as her, you should

get Dean Phillips on again, becausehe was. I saw an interview with
him earlier this week. I lovehim. He's not happy about the kind
of what they're calling the coronation.Yeah, and he is. He's phenomenal.
I've never been as impressed with apolitician. And I've interviewed some politicians
in my time. I interviewed Schwarzeneggerand Ross Perot when he ran, I've

interviewed Jimmy Carter after the presidency.Barbara Bush one of my favorite favorite people,
and he's right up there. Californiagets its marching orders to clear out
the camps, Governor Newsom issued anexecutive order this kind of came out of
the blue yesterday, calling on stateofficials to begin taking down homeless camps around

the state. He said, it'san urgent thing, we got to deal
with it. And the order comesa few weeks after the US Supreme Court
ruled in favor of Grant's Pass Oregonthat was ticketing homeless people for sleeping outside,
and the ruling rejected arguments that anticamping ordinances violated the Constitution's ban on
cruel and unusual punishment. Yeah,cruel and unusual punishment is not easy to

argue, never has been. Andwhen it comes to even the death penalty,
that's not cruel and usual. Probablytorture would be, is my guest,
that would be cruel and unusual.But no surprise Supreme Court making this
order. And here's the controversy isstate agencies are going to clean out encampments.
Where do people go? There isno homeless shelter on any state property

that exists. So we'll kick himout, and he turns to the local
governments and NGOs on governmental organization,You take care of him. In the
meantime, they're out the door.As far as we're concerned, it's an
insurmountable problem. It's just totally insurmountable. Well, we wouldn't have nearly as

many wildfires if we didn't have peoplelike this, prosecutor say, Guy,
a forty two year old man,has been arrested for starting a fire near
Chico. This fire started on Wednesday, it's exploded, it's now torn through
one hundred and sixty four thousand acres, and apparently officials say that somebody saw

the man pushing a flaming car downa sixty foot embankment that created the fiery
chaos, and then the guy wasseen calmly leaving the area and was blending
in with other people who were tryingto get away from the fire. You
know, that doesn't mean that hestarted the fire on purpose, and arson
is an intent crime. You haveto intend to start a fire, and

pushing a flaming car down into I'msorry, did he push the flaming car?
Witnesses saw a man pushing a flamingcar down in a mix. Okay,
I thought he drove down at first. I thought maybe his car was
on fire and he's trying to pushit out of the way or something.
But it doesn't appear like that.Okay, we'll find out. Well,
he's much more dastardly than he sounds. El Maya is in custody. His
name is Ismael Zimbata. He's aco founder and alleged current leader of the

Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel. He's inUS custody along with the son of Joaquin
El Chapo Guzman, who is JoaquinGuzman Lopez. He's another alleged leader of
the cartel in federal custody. Bothmen facing charges for leading the cartel's criminal
operations, including the deadly fentanyl manufacturingand trafficking networks. That's according to Attorney

General Merrick Garland. Yeah, thebiggest fear of these traffickers have is coming
in the United States. That's it, because they're going to do twenty years
in a max, a federal maxprison. And that's that's exactly what's happening.
By the way, El Mayo isbig in the Sandwich World. Did
you know that? I know,but I let's go ahead. Okay,

treble on the trains. So openingceremony for the twenty twenty four Olympics happens
today, and just hours before that, France's high speed train lines were targeted
by what are being called malicious acts, including several fires set, some lines
cut on the high speed rail system. French officials are calling it coordinated sabotage

to disrupt travel. A large numberof trains were diverted or the service was
canceled, and the railway company issaying that some athletes were even on a
couple of the trains. Yeah,this is a big deal you talk about
sabotage because like many European countries,France relies on that rail system. Matter

of fact, the first high speedrail system was the Bullet train in Japan.
The second one out was the cnfC what do they call that?
The high speed rail in France.I forgot the actual name of it,
but you can go top of Franceto the bottom of France in five hours.

Thing goes at two hundred and seventymiles an hour. Pretty impressive anyway.
They these app sabaturially able to shutdown a whole lot of it there,
figuring eight hundred thousand people are affectedover the weekend. That's a lot
of people before they get everything backonline. To debate or not to debate

is up for debate. So yesterdayVice President Harris accused or yeah still Vice
president accused former President Trump of backpeddlingon a debate They were supposed to debate
on September tenth, Biden and Trump. But now with Harris stepping in,
she's saying, hey, let's debateon September tenth. And apparently Trump's campaign
is saying it's not going to committo any debates until the Democratic Party actually

chooses its nominee. And didn't hesay any place anytime? He did,
And so Harris put that out onsocial media. What happened to any place
any time? But they say thatit would be inappropriate to schedule things with
Harris because the Democrats very well couldstill change their minds. I don't think
they're going to I think they're goingto debate. I think so too.

I hope they do. Yeah,TGF that's it. That's the name of
the train or TGIF or the train. I don't know. Still stuck in
space. They've been troubleshooting this forweeks. They've been testing stuff on Earth.

They're trying to figure out what happenedwith the Boeing Starliner, so it
took astronauts up to the International SpaceStation. There's some issues with it.
They're trying to figure it out,work it out so they can get them
home. But they've been up theresince June sixth. They were supposed to
be up there for a week.Yeah, and they're still not ready to
say when they can bring them back. Well, there was they were almost

about to issue a timeline, andthe officials said, you know, we
can't actually use the word never ina press conference or a press release.
They have no idea when these peopleare coming back. But you know it's

fun for them, I'm sure.Yeah, I guess because you have Mark
Kelly, who was up there fora full year. Yeah, So it's
not like they can't be up there. And there's we're actually talking to a
NASA astronaut who's heading up there,or supposed to be heading up there next
month, Colonel Nick Haig. We'vebeen talking to him on wake up call
and he said, they're just they'rewatching he goes. They're not worried about
it. They're always planning for thesecontingencies. But it could affect his launch

date. Yeah, and what didthey do when astronauts go up there?
They are set in terms of theirjob description. They're supposed to do X
numbers of experiments. They are they'regiven jobs. These people are just sort
of hanging out. I think thatthey're communicating with everybody on the ground and
they're saying, hey, since youhave the time, why don't you do

this experiment. I think that theykeep him busy. But we're talking to
Colonel Haig, I think the weekafter next and we'll be asking him about
that. Hmm, yeah, Ashot or not. FBI Director Christopher Ray
suggested investigators aren't sure if former PresidentTrump was hit by a bullet or shrapnel

during the attempted assassination earlier this month. Came during his testimony before Congress.
I mean he was, you know, clearly wounded. I mean does it
matter, what's what would the shrapnelthat would be hitting the I don't know.
Well, here's what we know.You know what's interesting because that was

Wooden's That was a wooden platform,wasn't it So for a ricochet, it
would had to have bounced off somereally hard surface and that except it was.
You heard the first shot and yousee him go right for his ear
on the first show I saw,and there's a picture of the bullet whizzing

by his head. Huh. Andwhat we do know is that one of
the guys who was shot was hitin the chest and in the liver.
He just got out of the hospital. Another one was shot, and then
of course Corey Comparatour was killed.Yeah, would you like a bag with
that? That'll be ten cents please. Fast food chains McDonald's, Chick fil

A, at least some of theirstores are now charging for bags around Los
Angeles ten cents. What do youdo when I can't understand if you're eating
here and they put you in thoselittle recyclable trays hopefully, what do you
do when you go to the counterand they come on. I guess you

bring your own non disposable bags.I don't know, because you can't not
get a bag. Like if yousaid, oh, you know what,
I don't want a bag, justhand me my big Mac, they won't
do it. I didn't know that. And how far do you go with
this because obviously a lot of ithas to do I don't think it's a
revenue call. I think it hasto do with the environment and how much
landfill goes in in the plastic withthe bags because they don't have well,

they do have paper bags. Theydo have paper bags. All the fast
food places have paper bags, don'tthey. I think so, I think
so, And then I don't knowhow far you go with this. How
about those cardboard containers that the Frenchfries. Maybe they just hand you a
handful of French fries. That's alawsuit waiting to happen. Oh yeah,
okay, A new three for onebundle has arrived. Disney plus Hulu and

Max are now going to be offeredtogether as a bundle at a discounted price.
So that's Warner Brothers and Disney gettingtogether to do this. And the
company said, if you bundle thethree, you can get it for sixteen
ninety nine a month with ads,twenty nine ninety nine a month without ads,
and that's an up to thirty eightpercent savings over buying each individually.

Now keep in mind you're a I'mone that uses everything across the board.
If you don't want ads, whichis when you talk about streaming streaming with
ads, all you're doing is addingand network. It's to me, it's
regular TV. So I go withoutads, and so Netflix is my go

to. So Netflix is now whatwithout ads is eighteen nineteen dollars a month?
Is that what is going to?And this becomes thirty dollars a month
if you want to add Discovery,which I love in Disney Disney Channel I
like a lot because it gives menational geographic I don't watch the movies,
which I should because the Pixar stuffis great. So how much is that

thirty plus eighteen? So that's fortyeight dollars Now we're at five hundred and
something change a year. Now we'retalking some real money. Yeah. So
not only is there commercial creeps,what's happening in the world of podcasts too.
You remember podcasts were non commercial?Okay, now, because I just

started my podcast Tuesdays and Thursdays,by the way, we drop it at
nine o'clock right after the show andgo to the iHeartRadio app and to sit
on any other platforms right now,not right now, So it's right now
only on the iHeartRadio app and it'sthe Bill Handle Show podcast. Just thought
i'd pitch it and guess what commercials? Commercials? What is that about?

We'll be back right, this islife. We'll be back in a moment
after these messages. Although I'm notdoing that now, so we'll do that
in a couple of minutes. Inthe meantime, Amy, let's continue.
Sounds like the making of a TVshow somehow. Nine one one Live.
Apple is updating its safety features foriPhone users. They say it's to help

a thirties get a better picture ofwhat's happened in emergency, So iPhone users
will soon be able to live streamvideo on nine to one one calls.
It would allow users to video chatwith nine to one one dispatchers and emergency
responders. Makes sense to me.I'm surprised it hasn't been done earlier.
This is great because now everybody whouse a video Now there is no such

thing as an accident or a policeencounter without some video happening. Matter of
fact, that poor woman who waskilled in the cop where was it?
Where the cop has just been chargedwith murder. If it weren't for if
it weren't for video, the copsprobably and even her son said, if
it weren't for video, the copswould have gotten away with this because they

both would have said she went afterthem. She had a pot of boiling
water that she turned out not tothrow with them. She's literally picked it
up and put it on the counterand the cops shot her in the head.
And its video is why the copis charged with murder. So this
is a great idea, absolutely terrificidea. Move over Google. Here comes

search GPT. So you know there'schat GPT. Well, open Ai has
begun testing search GPT, which willcombine its AI technology with real time information
from the web, which will letyou to search information the same way you
talk to chat GPT. It's openai first kind of fora into directly competing

with the Google. Yeah, andGoogle owned this market, I mean totally
owned search. Yeah. It's tothe point where it is a verb now
you Google. It's that simple.It's like you don't reach for a tissue,
you reach for a Kleenex or aband aid. I mean, it
has become part of the conversation andpart of the description of what it is.

The name brand and it's are wegoing to go? You know,
just go to I guess instead ofGoogling, you open AI huh or the
search. I don't even know howthat would work, but I think it's
going to be Google. The verbis going to be Google no matter what,
for the rest of our lives.And then Google Google will probably follow

suit eventually and have its own AI. Oh yeah, work the same way.
Oh yeah, everybody, yeah,of course it has to, all
right. Barbie has made an impacton the real world. So when Barbie
leaves Barbie Land for the real world, she must keep up with regular health
maintenance, which includes seeing a gynecologist. So a new study says Barbie had

an influence on online search interest ofterms like gynecology. In the week following
the release of the film in Julyof twenty twenty three, there was a
fifty one percent increase in searches forgynecologist and gynecology. If you'll remember,
in the last scene she goes toafter going back to the real world,
she heads to the doctor's office.I don't know if that's true, you

know, I think people are justspreading rumors. Maybe I shouldn't have put
it in that phrase phraseology on thatthank you? Ann Okay, I don't
get it, okay, spreading,Okay, all right, thank you for
that. Yeah, you're welcome.Trump gets another legal win. A federal

judge has said that former President Trumpcan move forward with his defamation suit suit
against ABC News. The network wastrying to get the lawsuit dismissed, saying
it was spurious, so the lossitwas fouled in March and argued that anchor
George Stephanopoulos defamed Trump by saying onthe air several times during his show this

week that the former president had beenfound liable for raping the writer Egene care.
Yeah, and this is just avery technical it's one of those you
it's it's very nuanced because he wasfound liable on not per se rape,
but on sexually abusing and defaming her. Sexually abusing under New York law or

under a federal law is not actuallyrape, although the judge afterwards said,
well, in the commonly understood parlancerape, this is rape. But that
was just his opinion. I don'tthink it was in the opinion. And
so he is going to argue thatby the way, the judge only,
the judge only said this is goingto go in front of a jury,

whether that can be construed or itcan be defined as rape. Is rape
enough of a general term that itwould encompass this, And so all the
judges saying, Okay, we're notgoing to allow the dismissal of the case.
It's just go forward to a jury, So they don't talk about the
merits of the case under these circumstances. So I don't know. I would.

I would give it to ABC myselfbecause being found guilty of sexually abusing
someone, what the hell is that? Other than rape? Don't mess with
the Kimoto. Komodo dragons, accordingto a new study, have teeth coated
in a thin layer of iron.The teeth look a little bit of orange

and apparently the iron helps concentrate theserrated edge and it's something according to a
zoo keeper and animal care manager atZoom Miami. It makes them much more
formidable. And the komodo dragon hasa common ancestor with dinosaurs. Well,
it looks like a dinosaur. Itdoes it does, especially the way it

to choose and eats and grabs prey. The other thing about this thing,
I got to tell you, thisis one dangerous guy. Not only can
rip animals or people to shreds.It also has a paralytic in its saliva
and a blood thinner, which meansthat when it bites any creature, it

bleeds out. That's so bizarre,pretty potent stuff. Yeah. Have you
seen Kimodo dragons? Yeah, they'rereally cool. Yeah they're great. You
want to have one as a pet? No? No? Probably not?
All right, Red Lobster might notbe going away. They did filed for
bankruptcy, but they may have anew owner. Red Lobster is close to

emerging from bankruptcy with a new owner. In a court filing this week,
it said it will accept an existingsale offer from Fortress Credit Core, which
is a lender experienced in restaurant managermanagement. They've got a hearing set for
next week for a judge to approvethis sale. I happen to like Red

Lobster. I always have. AndI'll tell you what broke them though,
is that all you can eat shrimpthat just wiped them out twenty bucks for
all you can eat shrimp. Theylost a ton of money on that,
especially the ones that were near theWest medical offices. People going in and
getting opinions on bariatric surgery. Thatwas really problematic. For red lobster.

That is a joke, by theway, because that refers to people that
are very heavy going in to seeif they go forget bariatric surgery, but
having lunch before or after see thatsort of worked, isn't it not?
Particularly? Hey, you try,you try? All right, guys,
we are done. You ever eatinga red lobster? I have not.

Oh they're great, You're a littlecheesy. They have the cheesy bread.
Their roles are just excellent, excellent. All right, guys, we are
done. KFI AM six forty liveeverywhere on the iheartrad app. You've been
listening to the Bill Handle Show.Catch my Show Monday through Friday six am
to nine am, and anytime ondemand on the iHeartRadio app.

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