All Episodes

July 30, 2024 30 mins
Amy King joins Bill for Handel on the News. FBI to ask for Trump’s ‘perspective’ in shooting probe witness interview. 3rd child dies after U.K stabbing at Taylor Swift-themed event, as singer says she’s “in complete shock.” North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper removes himself from Harris VP consideration. Venezuela election: protests erupt as questions grow over strongman Maduro’s victory. Americans urged to be cautious in Mexico after arrest of ‘El Mayo.’ “The decided time has come to eliminate the Supreme Court as we know it”: McConnell on Biden pushing SCOTUS reform. Disneyland workers ratify new contract. Olympic officials postpone men’s triathlon due to pollution in the Seine.
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Episode Transcript

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You're listening to Bill Handle on demandfrom KF I am six fortys. Might
just like looking at everybody, becausewhen I make fun of you and I
harass you, I like to lookat the expressions. By the way,
Amy, the camera is off.There you go. Now I can see
your lovely countenance. And good morningare continents? Yeah? Or incontinence?

One of the chill is very veryinappropriate. Oh, I think it's count
nuns counting ounce And now handle onthe news, ladies and gentlemen, here's
Bill Handle and good morning everybody.On a Taco Tuesday, July thirtieth.
Neil comes back tomorrow and we goback to our regular full team and good

morning, I mean least start withthe good mornings right now. And then
I have a couple of things Iwant to ask Amy. First of all,
good morning, a me hi,Bill Hi, nice striped the horizontal
stripes, which of course make everybodylook today. I saw it. Well,
let me put it this well,God, that reminds me of a

very funny story. I always madefun of the fact that Marjorie is just
she's a little bit older than me, just a hair, just a touch,
And with that I would always makefun of her, constantly make fun
of her, of her age,being older than I am. Oh,
no, it gets no, itgets better than that, It gets better
than that. So when I woulddo an appearance, and she would normally

go with me on a public appearance, I would go and when Marjorie shakes
your hand, don't sort of glancearound her and comment on the attends that
depends that she's wearing, and justkeep looking straight at her and don't say
anything about those. And she that'sone the two three times says Bill,

that's it, You're done. Wewon't be discussing that anymore. There's one
other one too, that is reallythe best, in which she got upset.
But anyways, that was making funof her proposed incontinence, which she
keeps on reminding me time after timeafter time, is not the truth,
like Amy did yesterday. I mean, I don't know how many times Amy

said, no, there's no incontinencehere, No, it doesn't exist.
So anyway, I want to pointthat out. Anyway, Good morning Amy,
Good morning Ann. I know thatmade no sense. I know that
was a long story out of nothing, all right. I think it was
Kno that brought that up or anddid hey Cono, good morning Bill?
Okay, Oh, I have aquestion, Amy. Yes, as you

lock out of the five am showwake up call, you always think technical
director Cono and traffic specialist, Yes, right, Nick. You know Cono
runs a war and Nick sort ofreports on the traffic and tells us where
the traffic jam. Oh no,they do much more. Okay, that

is that like maintenance engineers that arebasically janitors. I don't think so.
Oh okay, all right, Soenough of that. I just wanted to
make fun of everybody. I wantto try. I appreciate our team,
Yes, I know, I do. I do am our team. Actually,
I do believe that when it comesto and I'm going to now you

know, break down and say KFIdoes have basically the best staff of any
talk station in the country. ThatI believe. But again, it's not
a question of how good we are, it's how question how it's a question
of how crappy they are. Alwaysthat's the case. Okay, yesterday,
real quickly, before we get tothe news. I had lunch at PF.
Chang's YEP with Jim by the way, and so I had asked the

waitress person. The female waitress I'dlike to order those lobster ravioli things that
are so good. I don't seethem on the menu. And she said,
we don't have them anymore. Isaid, what, you don't have
them? So now I am goingto take advantage of my vast, loyal

and constantly diminishing audience and ask youlet's start a campaign. Okay, I'm
going to ask. I've never donethis. I want to ask, is
a favor to you as a favorto me from you? And I want
all six of you who actually givea rats ass about the lobster ravioli at
PF Chanins to join me and saywe want loves of reveoli back we want

okay, never mind, you know, I don't know how many people get
to jump in. I've never hadlobster ravioli at PF Changs and that was
just I don't know what they calledit. It was in his creamy sauce
and it was lobster rab and itwas now the lobster rab at Anaheim White
House is on a whole different level. You will never have lobster ravioli like

that ever in your life. Allright, U did we just do our
food segment and it's not even Friday. I know it's foody Tuesday. Okay,
fair enough. God, this wasa weird one this morning where I
threw around the stories. Okay,let's just get into the show if you
don't mind. As a matter offact, as you mandate, this is

it. It's handle on the newswith Amy and Me Neil back tomorrow lead
story. All right, So ithas just been announced that the FBI has
asked Donald Trump for a victim interview, a victim perspective on the assassination attempt.

Okay, so I'm just thinking,what's he gonna say. Didn't see
anything, didn't hear anything. AllI knew is my ear all of a
sudden hurt like hell, I wentdown and the next thing I knew,
as I was being shuffled off,the only view I had is of the

Secret Service details crotches, and that'sall I could see. Okay, now,
what so, I don't know whatthis is going to do other than
we're going to get Trump's perspective inthe shooting probe, okay, and then
make a big deal about it.You know what, what were your thoughts,

mister president? I thought I wasgetting shot at That was my thoughts.
Anything else? Yeah, yeah,I was thinking of a baseball game
the other day that I thought waskind of fun. Anything else, Yeah,
the lobster ravioli at PF Chains,that was on my mind. We

can move on a tragedy at aTaylor Swift themed event. You probably heard
about that stabbing in the UK yesterday. A third word child has died,
five others. Let's see, threechildren were killed five others seriously wounded in

a stabbing attack at a dance andyoga class that was themed around Taylor Swift's
music. Yeah, this is heartbreaking. And they never see this in the
UK. I mean, they justdon't see this kind of violence in the
UK. Seventeen year old just walksin there, starts stabbing people and now
kills three kids. And the seventeenyear old is still alive. They didn't.

Yeah, they took them into custout. Yeah yeah, so sad.
But Taylor Swift posted on social mediasaying that she was shocked and felt
awful about it. Yeah. Bythe way, this is Liverpool, where
the Beatles came from, so youthink that, well, no one knows
who the Beatles are anymore? Whoare Taylor Swift fans, Kamala's pool of
potential vps has gotten smaller. NorthCarolina Governor Roy Cooper has taken himself out

of consideration to be vice president orto be the vice presidential running mate.
A decision on who Kamala Harris wantsas her running mate could come within a
week. Harris's camp is to makeit says it's going to make the announcement
by August seventh. She'll be talkingto the top contenders, according to sources,
but it's not clear when those discussionsare going to happen. Yeah,

a couple of things. He's sixtyseven years old, and right now that
seems to be an issue aged clearlybecause of all the issues. Josh Shapiro
Pennsylvania, and I think I wouldguess that it's a governor and it's not
going to be Arizona Senator Mark Kelly. I just I believe that because these
governors are too important with the electoralcolleges, the electoral College coming in the

electoral votes. So if I hadto guess Josh Shapiro. Also because Josh
Shapiro's Jewish, Kamala Harris's husband isJewish, so I guess she just likes
Jews, not just saying, bythe way, I don't, I'm not
reflecting. You know, maybe Iwould say studies have shown sure, why

don't I do that? Okay,that aside, You've got Shapiro because Pennsylvania
has I don't know many electoral votes. I give the twenties Governor Tim Waltz
Minnesota and Kentucky Governor Andy Bashier.And these are swing states, very very
important to Kamala Harris's campaign. Imean, without those swing states, she's

done and she has to get more, certainly than Trump does. And then
my favorite transtation secretary, Pete Bootages, I think he is absolutely wonderful.
I think he is if I hadmy brothers, I would nominate him as
the replacement for Joe Biden. Andhe is now the attack dog. He

is the premier attack anti Trump attackdog. But the way he does it,
I mean, the guy is brilliant. You should see him. Fox
brings him him back on a regularbasis and he rips into the commentators on
Fox. He's just smarter than theyare. Well, he's smarter than most
people out there, and he's justgood and they still bring him back.

So anyway, I think you're goingto see a lot more of Pete boodage
age. He's sort of in therunning, but not really. Okay,
enough of that. Well, therewas some calm early yesterday, but a
storm is brewing in Venezuela. Protestshave broken out in several cities after authoritarian
leader Nicholas Maduro was formally declared thewinner, of course, the presidential election.

Of course he was. He isthe person who put the election commission
together. I mean, it washis choice as to who was on it,
and there he was going to win, come hell or highwater. You
know, the main guy who wasrunning was not allowed to be on the
ball but ballot. There was adecision by the election mission that the main

candidate the opposition couldn't even be onthe ballot. So now you have a
stand in who in fact has hadwon the election. I mean, there's
no question it was overwhelming support foropposition. Of course Madua won. He
was going to win, come hellor high water. So there we go
a strong man once again. Andby the way, Maduro Chavis before him

has systematically destroyed the Venezuelan economy likecompletely. Venezuela used to be actually the
richest country in all of South America. Matter of fact, Caracas was known
as the Paris of South America.Destroyed. Seven million Venezuelans have left.

Anybody who has any kind of marketableskill education is gone. Okay, let's
move on. American tourists on alert. A Virginia based private security firm is
urging Americans who are commuting to workor traveling in Mexico in the next few
to watch trusted sources and avoid gettingcaught up in any street violence that might

break out. The Mexican border stateof Chihuahua is preparing for a worst case
scenario due to the arrest of thetop two Sineloa drug cartel leaders in the
US. They were arrested in ElPaso, Texas last week. Officials are
saying there could be a different responsefrom criminal groups if it turns out that
it was either a surrender or abetrayal between different factions of the same cartel.

Yeah, anybody want to go toMexico these days? No, I
don't think so. You've seen acruise ships ads, now, you know,
let's go visit some dead bodies cruisebecause that's basically it stopping off at
here. It is you want totake a Mexican cruise. And by the
way, you know I love cruising. I mean, I've been on thirty

five cruises. It's fine to takea cruise down in the Mexican riviera.
As long as you don't get offthe boat, then it's a great cruise.
Short of that, you got someissues. President Biden wants to make
some big changes to the High Court, and that's getting some big pushback from
Republicans. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnellfired back after the President announced that he

wants to put eighteen year term limitson the High Justice the High on the
High Court, he wants to haveenforceable ethics codes, and oh and also
wants to overturn the High Court's decisionthat grants presidents certain immunities while they're in
office. In an op ed,McConnell said, the President says he wants

term limits to his own justices,never mind what the Constitution says, never
mind the advice and consent roll ofthe Senate. And then he goes on,
yeah, that's kind of interesting becausethe Constitution doesn't say word one about
the number of justices or what theterm is. Well, he's not looking
to pack the court right now,No, I understand. But even term
limits, there's nothing in the Constitutionit says, I don't believe that it's

of lifetime appointment. I have tolook at that. I do believe that's
true. But it's not changing thecourt. And by the way, he's
right about changes that are made thatBiden is just super pissed off that it's
a super Republican conservative court. However, term limits makes a lot of sense.
I mean, do we want ninetyyear old justices, Well, that's

a problem. Do we want Congressto say that presidents are not immune,
which they can do, by theway, Congress can pass that law.
And as far as the code ofethics that's enforceable, boy, that's a
tough one. We certainly don't wantthat, do we. We don't want
any ethics code to be instituted,because right now there is no ethics code.

Short of being impeached, the SupremeCourt justice can do whatever they hell
he or she wants. By theway, I don't even know why this
has become news. You know why, because it's impossible. It will never
happen. It is a non newsitem. Cohnsen said it's dead on arrival.
Even if he didn't say that it'sdead and on arrival, why do
they It's akin to the articles ofimpeachment being introduced by either crazy right wingers

or crazy left wingers against insert nameof someone of the opposite party that can
be impeached. I mean, that'show crazy we've gotten. Okay. Oh
and by the way, according toArticle three of the United States Constitution,
Supreme Court justices do serve lifetime appointmentson the Okay, I stand corrected.

I didn't mean to correct bill.No, No, that's fine. You
know I when I'm wrong, Ihave no problem. We won't be doing
this again. So that's one thisyear. Okay, you don't get two.
Uh, it's uh. But thatcan be changed with the Constitutional Amendment.
But that requires what two thirds ofCongress and two thirds of the states,
is it. Yeah, that's alot. That's a tough Yeah,

it's very very rare when you getthat. So why introduce that now?
If you've got six months left ofthe term and you've got a lot to
get done. Why is he spendingtime on this now? It's a statement
against the conservative Supreme Court and he'sjust putting it out there, and I
think he's just floating a red tipof the edge of a balloon in a

barrel kind of thing. Right.Yeah, So the happiest place on Earth
may have the happiest workers on Earth. I don't know about that. But
fourteen thousand workers at Disneyland have approveda new contract deal that they announced last
week after the three union members actuallyhe's fourteen thousand members of three unions,

so that they would go on strikeif they didn't get higher wages. They
were also looking for some different somechanges to seniority and changes to attendance policies
and that kind of stuff. Lookslike they got a lot of it and
the deal is done. Ye knowwhat was the story? I think it
was last year about and it wasa significant percentage of people that work at
Disneyland were on food stamps and itwas a little tough. It was not

a wonderful story. I think maysome of them may have been part timers,
but it's a tough way to go. Disneyland is not known as Costco
or Trader Joe's where they pay reallygood wages, or in an out burger
where you had benefits and across theboard. That's just not Disney's reputation.
So we don't know the terms ofthis. I'm assuming the base hourly has

increased, longevity increases for senior castmembers. I haven't been Disneyland a long
time. How many people that stillwork at Disneylander are like one hundred and
forty a f you are because theylove working there and they've been there for
a long time. They're also gettingnew premiums for cast members. I'm wondering
what those are like, because youknow that if you work at Disney,

you get certain benefits, you getdiscounts and certain goodmunts to the parks,
and that counts on Mickey hats.No, counts on a lot of stuff
like what, well, all themerchandise, all the Mickey hats. No,
it's more than Mickey hats, Okay, merchandise Disney. It's also stitch

themed, Lady in the Tramp theme. Yeah no, I'm making my point,
I think here ko Yeah no,no, I I get that completely.
Stop Woke has been stopped for good. A federal judge has permanently blocked
restrictions Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Republicanlawmakers placed on handling race related issues in

the workplace. It's called the IndividualFreedom Act, but it was better known
as the Stop Woke Act, andit was intended to prevent teachings or mandatory
workplace activities as suggest a person isprivileged or oppressed based on their race,
color, sex, or national origin. So the Chief Justice said, yeap,
granting a permanent injunction because the StopWoke at violates free speech rites into

the first and fourteenth Amendments of theConstitution. Yep. So we'll see how
far that goes. Big political issueof course for DeSantis, anti woke.
By the way, real quickly,I'm looking at Anne and is that a
peanut butter and banana sandwich? Isthat what you're eating? What would pretending
we're Elvis Presley here? Thank you, thank you very much. Yeah,

that is wow. Is it reallypeanut butter and banana? Yeah? Oh
yum, No, it sounds delicious, yum. Yeah, I'm English muffin.
Well he didn't do the English muffinpart. It's a little too chee
chee, so it had to bewonderbread. But hey, by the way,
how old was he when he died? Forty two? Right? And

that'll kill you every time. Really, it was peanut butter and bananas.
I'm just telling you, Okay,onwards, enough words. Hard to go
for the gold if you can't getin the water. The men's individual triathlon
at the twenty twenty four Olympic Gameshas been postponed because of bad water quality

in the river. Then, ofcourse this has been an issue for a
while on whether it was safe,and they deemed that the letter levels were
safe, but of course Paris gotdumped on that increased bacteria levels and everybody
said, you know what, wejust can't risk it. So we're putting
it off again until tomorrow. Butthen we were talking to Anezzi Kata and
she says they're expecting more rain tomorrow. Yeah, they should do it,

and should do the triathlon swim followedby the diarrhea event, and I think
it's going to get phenomenal ratings.Yeah. By the way, good choice
of words that you had when doingthe story. Okay, let's move on.
The former head of the NRA needsto stay away for a while.

A New York judge has banned WayneLapierre, the former head of the National
Rifle Association, from holding a paidposition with the NRA for the next ten
years. But then he also saidthat he's not going to appoint an independent
monitor to look into the gun rightsgroup's finances. Cohen said the state's request

for a monitor was not the correctremedy and suggested that outside oversight would be
time consuming, disruptive, and wouldimpose significant costs on the NRA without giving
it any benefits. Come on,there's outside monitoring being issued, orders being
issued constantly into organizations and corporations,etc. By the way, La Pierre

found guilty, by the way,or at least a libel millions of dollars
on personal expenses taken out of thatorganization. The NRA just a ton of
money that he misspent, great trips, right, lots of clothing, you
know, all kinds of fun stuff, cars, I mean, all of
that. So Biden's not the onlyone passing the torch. North Korean later,

Kim Jong UN's daughter, who isn'tyet a teenager, is getting lessons
to take over the country. That'swhat South Koreaspy Agency is telling lawmakers.
She has made her first foray intothe public eye. That happened less than
two years ago, but apparently he'sgrooming her to take over as his successor,

and you don't know who it's goingto be. I mean, this
whole dynasty is so weird. Asa matter of fact, Kim Jong UND's
dad had originally chosen the older brother, Kim Jong UN's older brother, to
be his successor. And this isa family dynasty North Korea. It's whoever's
in charge chooses, and it's alwaysa son or a daughter. Actually it's

always a son or has been.And his older brother got very squirrely,
went to Disneyland under or Disney Worldwith the costume masquerading as someone I mean,
and he was assassinated. And whenKim jong un first started, you
remember he was twenty six or twentyeight years old when he first came into
the leadership of North Korea, andeverybody thought this guy was in the last

two weeks. He even looked kindof stupid and slow. And it turns
out that he has taken over withan iron fist. The guy was a
lot smarter and a lot more wilythan anybody gave him power, I gave
him credit for. And look atwhat he has been able to obtain in
terms of power. And he hasbecome a strong man completely. Well,

he's deified, he's not just aleader of North Korea. There was the
great documentary done on this ophthalmological groupthat went to North Korea aboard the ship
whatever ship it was, and gavefree cut cataract surgery because they just don't
have cataract surgery up there. Anda woman who an elderly woman who didn't

have eyesight for fifty years or sixtyyears. So there's a news conference and
there are pictures, big posters ofKim Jong un in every single room in
all of North Korea. And thedoctor who performed the surgery is in the
room at the news conference, andshe said, and she says, I

can see now, turns to theposter of Kim Jong un, thanks him,
cries, claps everybody in the room. And then you have the doctor
over there, who clearly is choppedliver. I mean, the guy is
totally deified. Just wanted to doa story about how crazy it is over
there. So this is Kim JongUN's preteen daughter who has already been chosen.

Stake a break. Okay, whatdo you think, Oh, we
can do one more story. Okay, this is a big news that has
to do with your blood. Anews study shows that a blood test can
determine whether you have Alzheimer's disease,and it's diagnosed it with a ninety percent
accuracy right now. So instead ofhaving to, like, if you have
memory problems, you go to yourdoctor, Instead of having to get like

a spinal tap, which is expensiveand invasive, the blood test apparently can
show whether you have it. Yeah, it's really difficult to tell Alzheimer's versus
dementia. And I've had Jim Kinyand other doctors as to try to be
explained. You know, my insertname relative here has Alzheimer's. No,

may just have dementia. We reallydon't know. It is not that easy
to diagnose. But this one,I guess We're getting better and better.
You know. Medical science just keepson going forward more forward by the moment,
just like about everything else. Thisproperty could be yours for a price.
The Yamashiro Restaurant has sweeping views ofHollywood and other parts of Los Angeles.

It's got seven point three acres thatgo with it and has been used
as a filming location and for movieslike Kill Bill and Gone In sixty seconds.
And now the Sushi and Asian restaurantis for sale for one hundred million
dollars. Well seven over seven acreson that hilltop in Hollywood. That is

pretty impressive. Magic castle is upthere, isn't it right next to Yamashiro?
Isn't that part of the property?Oh? Is that what the yama
Shiro is right above it? Yeah, I've been there. Yeah, those
fried rice balls delicious. Yeah.Those poor rices, you know, they
walk around and they're very, veryupset when that happens. Well, anyway,

one hundred million dollars oysters accepted.It's Hollywood oysters, okay, trying
to get you off of I knowI could. You know, I can't
help my you know, I cannothelp myself. I think it's genetic.
I think I am wired for thelowest, common, depraved level of life.
And by the way people's you know, people always ask is handle the
same off the air exactly? Heis. Let me tell you it was

a rough childhood, a little bitshaky in the Southland. A four point
nine earthquake hit in the Mojave Desertyesterday afternoon, struck about one o'clock.
It was centered outside Barstow, aboutthirteen miles away. And I think the
bigger news is that it was feltin Burbank in Pasadena, lost in Long

Beach, and then to the eastit was felt in Las Vegas. Did
you feel it? I did not. Yeah, this is sand moving in
the Mojave Desert. I mean,you know, a couple of lizards lost
their footy. Big deal. AnOlympics commentator has been canceled. So commentator
Bob Ballard worked for Eurosport. It'sa European PayTV company. He's been doing

sports since the mid eighties. Butthat all ended because he made a sexist
comment about the Australian women's swim.Come on, come on, please please,
And so here's what he said.I just think this is crazy personally.
On Saturday, the women did thefour by one hundred meter freestyle relay.

Team Australia won gold. Great,right, Well, there was something
of a delay in leaving the centerbecause they were celebrating. Why wouldn't you
And Ballard said, well, thewomen just finishing off. You know what
women are like hanging around doing theirmakeup. And he got fired for that,
got fired for it. You know, it's the world has gone so

crazy. For example, I cannotmake fun of the Greek women's basketball team,
the women who have mustaches. Icannot make fun of that because,
oh, you can't say that anymore. Okay, we're done. If we

had the same standards as the EuropeanTV, how long would we last?
Thirty seconds? Well, I couldsee you would have been removed about what
ten times in the last hour.Uh yeah, yeah, yeah, although
there's nothing you know, really sexist, No, it was, you know,
you make fun. Okay, youknow women, you know it's stereotypical,

and it's a fun stereotype. Youknow, like guys drinking beer and
you know, the beer bellies,and you can't make fun of it.
And you know, men are pigs. Okay, you can't say that because
oh and by the way, menare pigs. And by the way,
the Greek women's team really does havemustaches, and you know you can't say

that anymore. Nope, nope,off the table. Okay, we're done.
Guys. This is KFI AM sixforty live everywhere on the iHeartRadio app.
You've been listening to the Bill HandleShow, Catch My Show Monday through
Friday six am to nine am,and any time on demand on the iHeartRadio app,

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