All Episodes

July 27, 2024 31 mins
Pam Handel talks baking and zhuzhing up store bought items. Sky of Sky's tacos is talking some of her favorite and most popular menu items. It's all on KFIAM-640!
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Episode Transcript

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Hey, it's Neil Savedra. You'relistening to KFI EM six forty the four
Purport on demand on the iHeartRadio app. Hey everybody, it's the four Report,
all Things Food, beverage and beyond. I am your friendly neighborhood Fork
reporter Neil Savedra had to you dothanks for hanging out today. You know,
I have a special guest with metoday and you may know her because

she's got a famous dad. Hername is Pamela Handel, of course,
the test tube spawn of mister BillHandel. Mornings here on KFI from six
to nine. And if you didn'tknow, she went to culinary school both
for you know, the culinary artsas far as cooking, and then went

on to France. Is that whereyou went? You went to France south
of France. Wow, she wentto France to learn pastry chefin. So
we were having a conversation the otherday about getting things at the grocery store
and then jujing them up, youknow, making them spectacular from their canned
or box state. And she goes, oh, I love doing that,

and I said, well, thencome on, let's talk about it.
So is there is there something offthe shelf that you always modify every time.
When I'm making pasta, I loveto use pasta sauce and jarred pasta
sauce is one of the most frequentlyused items in my household, especially a

tomato or a vodka sauce. Sure, and I find that one of the
easiest things to jush up. Asyou say, you got you gotta chefify
it. Of course, you gottaturn it gourmet. You got the gormutt.
So what is something? Is therea brand that you particularly like to
use? Right now? I've discovereda brand called Yo Mama. Ok and

where did you find Yo Mama atRalph's? Actually really yeah, it's a
vodka sauce, and it's actually reallydelicious, and you make it even more
delicious for really cheap, actually,with some really basic ingredients that personally,
I believe everyone should have in theirhousehold at all times. But that's just
me, Okay, So what arethe things that in a vodka sauce.

You've got that yummy, creamy,pinkish look to it. What are you
adding to make it even a littlebit fresher or homemade tasting? Well,
the first thing I do is Ilike to take either grape or cherry tomatoes,
whatever I have on hand. Icut them in half and then I
throw them in a pan with alittle bit of olive oil and I blister

them, which is super easy.It takes maybe five or ten minutes,
just get them really soft, andthen I pour the sauce in and that
just adds a little bit more texture, a little bit more flavor, a
little bit of freshness, chunkiness,which I really enjoy. If you don't
like the chunkiness, you can throwit in a blender after if you want,

but I personally like the texture ofjust the whole tomatoes. After that,
I really like to use this stirin garlic paste and you get it
in a tube. Oh it's great. I have those on hand as well.
They have parsley basil garlic and itreally chunky and then smoother. Right.

Yes, I always keep ginger andgarlic paste in my fridge at all
times, and I go through thosethings very quickly, but I always have
some on hand. So garlic goesin the pan. I fry it up
a little bit, and it's soeasy because if you want to, you
can chop up some fresh garlic.But I gotta admit, I'm pretty lazy.
When it's a pasta sauce night,I don't want to do sure very

much work, so that goes inthe pan. Of course, you add
a little extra salt. I addheavy cream if I have it on hand.
Heavy cream does go bad if youdon't use it a lot. You
can add whole milk. That givesit, you know, that milky,
delicious kind of both look and taste. And if you simmer it a little

bit, it does make it alittle thicker. And of course enough parmesan
cheese to drown a small country mmm. And honestly, with just those ingredients,
it makes it taste like it comesfrom a really high class restaurant.
That's awesome. And you know alittle tip on parmesan. If you're getting

good stuff, you can leave therind, the little back of the rind,
and you can just toss that in. I always keep my parmesan ryan,
Yeah, and then you pull itout, just let it melt a
little bit in there, and thenyou can pull it out afterwards and it
will give you that distinct parmesan orreggiano flavor, and that's awesome. So

you're just kind of kicking it upa little bit and using it as your
base. Yes, for cooking.That makes total sense. What other sauces
or things do you kick up alittle and how do you do those?
I eat a lot of Asian inspireddishes at my house. I find sturfry
really easy. Oh yeah, justto whip up really quickly, stir fried

rice, vegetable, stirfry anything Ican throw in a pan and whip up
in a couple minutes. And Ireally like I actually recently made a three
ingredient sauce and it is sour creamsoy sauce. I use the lower sodium
because I like to control how muchsalt I put in my food. Sure,
And chili crisp, which is avery specific ingredient, but you get

one jar and it lasts you forever, and you just use the smallest amount
and it adds a beautiful garlicky chilioily, but not in a really gross
way. And it's not like it'sunctious. Ic of it is. It
has umami. It got ummamy yo, mama ummammy. And it also a

lot of times when you're doing thosethings that you think it's gonna add heat,
does it add heat? Honestly,I use about the size of a
pinky fingernail. I don't add muchof the oil. I add the solid
part of the chili crisp, andI just stir it in, not even
enough to change the color, justenough to add that garlicky chili crisp flavor.

It does not add heat. Thesour cream dairy cancels it out.
You can add more. If youlike it's spicy, you can add less.
It really is to taste, startwith less and go for more depending
on what you like. What aresome other things that you buy off the
shelf that you kick up a littlebit, some other things, honestly,

just basic stuff. Sour cream isthe base of almost every sauce I use.
Really. I really like Mediterranean stuffas well, And one of my
favorite sauces that I make almost everysingle week is just sour cream, garlic
powder or that garlic stir in paste, depending on your what I feel like,
and lemon juice, salt and pepper. That's it. That's the whole

sauce. Yeah, the basics really. You know, I know a lot
of people think to be chefy,you've got to add a thousand different things
to it. But The reality isyou can get really great flavor from a
handful of ingredients. Some of thebest things that we eat are the simple
ones. Absolutely, and honestly,it's just about trying it and adjusting it

to your taste. I have madethat sour cream garlic lemon juice sauce dozens
of times, adjusting it each time, and I found the perfect ratio of
ingredients. It really is just aboutcontinuing over and over finding the perfect amounts
for what you like. And thatsauce goes on anything Mediterranean. To be

honest, do you ever kick upany frozen foods? Is there? Like?
Do you put stuff? If youget a frozen pizza for whatever reason,
do you add anything to it tothink it tastes fresher? Definitely?
Absolutely. Grated czrella cheese is oneof the biggest things, and mozzilla cheese
is pretty hard to grate because it'sso soft. So what I do is

I throw it in the freezer untilit hardens up to a point where you
can grate it. I do notlike to buy pre shredded cheese because it's
coated in a powder that stops itfrom melting. Very well, yeah,
it's in there. To keep themfrom sticking to each other, but in
doing so it ends up right.Yeah. Also block cheese tends to be

cheaper than the pre shredded stuff.Oh, most definitely. There's no handle
or anything like that. All right, stick around talking to Pamela Handle.
Pamela Handle is the daughter of BillHandle, but she went to culinary school,
and we're just talking about, youknow, going to the grocery store.
You grab something, but you wantto taste fresher more homemade, some
tips and tricks that you can doto kick it up a notch. So

stick around. We'll be back withmore. It is the four Port of
Neil Sevadri KFI AM six forty.You're listening, do you The Fork Report
with Nil Sevedra on demand from KFIAM six forty. Hey, everybody,
it's the Fork Report. I'm yourfriendly neighborhood Fork reporter Nil Savedra. How
do you do? Happy Saturday toyou, Thanks for hanging out with us.
Right now, we're talking to myfriend Pamela Handel. I've known her

so long, i knew her beforeshe existed. She is the daughter of
Bill Handle, of course, fromthe Bill Handle Morning Show heard here Monday
through Friday from six am to nineam. But she also went to culinary
school, not only for cooking,but also for baking and pastries and all
that yummy stuff. Do you bakemuch these days? I live in a

house with a very small kitchen,and the way I bake requires a lot
of space. So I haven't donemuch baking recently. But occasionally I'll get
in, you know, some cookiesor a cake or so, but nothing
to the level that I did whenI was in school. Are you sloppy?
What do you mean you need alot of space? There's a lot

of equipment, yeah, that Iuse, Like a kitchen aid itself takes
up some Seriously. Yeah, they'rea beast, a heavy beast, but
man are they fun to use.Oh? I love what's your favorite pastry
to make? This is gonna soundvery stereotypical, but I love to make
macarons because they seem so simple.But it's the little things that really count.

Oh absolutely, yeah, And whenthey turn out, well, it's
just so satisfying. What's your favoriteflavor and filling to make? I actually
really like to make passion fruit macarons. Oh, passion fruit is one of
my favorite flavors. It's a littleharder to find in the United States,
but if you can find it,I like to make a passion fruit buttercream

to go inside. Wow. Ifind it really goes well with the almond.
So ooh that sounds good. Okay, back to tips about jiging up
or taking things off the shelf fromthe grocery store and making them a little
more homemade, a little fresher,a little brighter. What are some other
things you like to work with.I like a lot of people try and

get more vegetables into my diet,sure, and so I get fresh veggies
when I can, but frozen veggiesare usually cheaper and more accessible. So
yeah, and the freezing process nowthey're super fresh. Yeah. It doesn't
ruin the nutrients and things that peoplethink it does. It's actually a great

way to keep good vegetables in thehouse. Yeah, and they taste just
as good if you can do itright. So what I like to do
is I usually thaw them out anddry them off with some paper towels,
because too much water can really screwwith the cooking process. But if you
thaw them out and you dry themout well enough, what I like to

do is put them in a bigenough bowl, drizzle them with a lot
of olive oil, and then dependingon what I'm eating, even just a
little bit of sot and pepper,or I have this really good lemon rosemary
salt, or if I'm doing somethinga little more ethnic, I have curry
powder or zatar seasoning or anything Ihave on hand, and I just give

it a really good toss, andthen I usually use my toaster oven because
it's really easy. It preheats reallyquickly, do one layer on a baking
sheet, and I toast it untiltender and brown. And honestly, it
tastes so good. It's so muchbetter than just your regular steamed veggies,
and it can really elevate a dish. Brown food is yummy food. Brown

food is delicious food. Indeed,that's a great one. And I think
the things about vegetables, they dohave their own flavor profile, but what
you put on them can really change. Like you said, the little different
cultural seasonings can change, you know, how they marry with another protein or

whatever your having on your dish.Absolutely, and I've found that using different
types of proteins and carbs then youusually use can totally change your experience.
I never really ate couscous until recently, and now I found the combination of
couscous and chickpeas one of my favoritethings well really and honestly to me as

a side dish or no as amain dish actually, And it can be
pretty cheap because you can buy couscusand chickpeas in bulk and use it,
you know, however many times aweek you want, and totally change it
depending on what spices you use.Wow, that sounds delicious, all right?
Uh, what's your next go toitem that you can pull off a

rack and judge it up? Well, if we're just going with the non
perishables and we're not talking about pasta, honestly, rice, oh rice.
You can do so much with rice. And I actually use chicken or beef

broth or stock whenever I have onhand when I'm cooking it instead of water.
It lends so much flavor to therice. And what I usually do
is my rice cooker has a browningand saute setting, so I throw in
a little bit of olive oil andbutter in the bottom, maybe some green
onion whites fry that up. IfI'm doing an Asian inspired dish. Some

of my garlic and ginger paste andthen I just fry up my rice for
a minute and then pour in myliquid. And honestly, that itself can
be a dish if you just crackan egg over it, so you're toasting
up your rice on that a littlebit. Yep. Absolutely, mmm.
I like that because you know,sometimes, like you were saying about couscous

and garbonzobeans or what have you,it's like, when you're doing that,
you can make it a meal ontoitself. Yes, you definitely can,
and it's filling and it's delicious.Do you ever I know, you went
to school for pastry, being apastry chef and all of that. Do

you ever take box cakes and thingslike that and modify them as well?
I do, definitely. And actuallya lot of what I learned about modifying
box cakes I learned from my mom, and a lot of that I took
what I learned from my mom,and I took what I learned from pastry
school, and I kind of marriedthose two together my mom growing up,

my mom always had a bunch ofdifferent kinds of extracts in the house,
so we had orange extract, almondextract, of course the standard vanilla extract.
So we never had anything just plain, you know, chocolate cake or
vanilla cake in the house. Italways had a little bit of extra,
as you say, and there wasalways cinnamon and everything. And so I
remember the first time I actually didsomething like that was I took box brownies.

I added a little bit of instantespresso powder. Mmm. Oh yeah.
And honestly that changed the game forme. Oh yeah. People don't
understand that. I think it's gonnataste mocha, but really, what it
does is it enhances the chocolate flavor. It does. It doesn't taste like
it doesn't taste like coffee. Alot of people who aren't coffee lovers,
like my sister, she cannot standcoffee, cannot stand the taste, cannot

stand the smell. She tried thosebrownies, couldn't even tell. Wow,
Well, those are all great tips. I know we only had you for
a little bit today, but whenwe were talking yesterday and talking about you
coming on, I got excited becauseI get asked this more than anything else's
substitutions making stuff off the shelves tastea little better and I know you gave

excellent tips today and it was,of course, as always, good to
see you, Pamela Handle, ladiesand gentlemen. Thanks for coming on my
friend. Of course, I hada great time. Nice to see you.
We'll be back. Go nowhere.It is the Fokport. I'm Neil
Savadri, KFI AM six Sporting.We're listening to the Fork Report with Neil
Savedra on demand from KFI AM sixforty. If it's the Fork Report on

Neil Savedra, thanks for hanging out. You know. Twala Sharp comes on
at five o'clock today with so KyleSaturdays, of course, and he came
in here with high praise and bowingto the queen as we have our next
guest in here, and we weregoing to talk about, of course Sky
Gourmet Tacos with Barbara quote unquote SkyBurrell, and Twala's like, no,

no, look she's here, Neil, you have no idea. Back in
the day when the beat was overon wheelsher, we used to make pilgrimages
over to Sky's taco I mean theshrimp tacos, the pineapple cheesecake. I
mean, Mike, this woman isa goddess. Of tacos, Like this
is quite possibly the most excited I'veever been about any guests you've ever had

in here. This you have noidea. Let me just put it this
way. I've known Tuila for along time now, and this is what
Tula sounds like if he was actuallylit on fire. Hey I'm on fire.
It's a it's a great night tonight. But I've never seen him this
excited, unless he might be talkingabout Star Wars or something like baby like
Kayla. Kayla came over and Isaw the name, and I'm like,

that's not Skystockers, Like I gotgoosebumps. You have no idea what your
food meant to us coming up,It was an institution for every single person
at the Beat. You are blessyou and and you're just your culinary skills,
you are amazing. Look at that. I had to come in and

show you just nothing but love.You have no idea Like for me,
this is this is an emotional modefor me because I haven't had this.
You don't know in so long.I mean the Beat, we believe we
shut down to like two thousand andeight, and so we weren't in the
area anymore and just this right now. This is such a moment for me.
You don't even know this is Oh, this is this is this is

a true tree food food does Yes, thank you from my heart so much.
I mean you've touched me so becauseI don't think of it like that.
I think it's magnificent because it's foodand I love food and I love
to share good food. But foryou to come here and say this,

it's made all thirty years worth everything. No, the thanks goes to you,
seriously. I mean it would bringus together in the kitchen. I
mean we would and I would bethe one that would go down to pick
up the orders, and it wouldand it would like it was the thing.
We'd be in the hallways and itwould be like I was the deliverer.

I was the cook. I wasa deliverer. Yes, oh,
Neil, I don't know if youare ready. I don't know if your
taste Bud's already. This is quitethe best tacos ever made, ever made.
This pineapple cheesecake, it's it's sonext level it wow. Yeah,

you want to take somebody to haveit. Bite into that cheesecake. I
just I'm overwhelmed. No, No, I'm over I'm the one that's overwhelmed
because I'm like, I can't believeyou're here, and I'm just like,
yeah, yeah, I'm excited.I'm excited. I'm sorry. I had
to come in. I had tocome in and show you your your your
your just due and and again andbow down because wow, Wow, that's

magic. That's what food can dowhen it's done right. Oh look at
that so much. Thanks t JoalaSharp coming up at five o'clock. He
just hit he lit up. BarbaraBurrell a Cake Sky is the founder of

Sky's Gourmet Tacos Now. Their tagis Mexican Food with a splash of Soul.
It was inspired way back when whenshe focused on I know what I
want to do. I want tobecome a restaurateur, and that she said,

I know that I want to dotacos. So as an African American
woman in Los Angeles, why didyou wake up and think tacos. I've
been doing tacos all my life,you know when you started twelve? Oh
wow, considering when I started,which was late in life, it was

all my life, during divorces,during marriages, during whatever, I always
sought out the taco that soothed mysoul. Okay, and then I figured
out how to make the tortilla.Okay. Then I figured out I like
this. I like this. Thisis personal, and then I want to
take it public after a while.Wow. And obviously it hits a certain

way when people have it, becausewe all know the secret ingredient has to
always be love. If it isn't, you don't have love and passionate food,
then it's just technique and ingredients.That's correct, and that's culture.
That's so true. That's so true. So you were moved. When did
you start the restaurant. I startedthe restaurant. It was March fifth,

nineteen ninety two, at one fortyfour pm. I said, it was
just myself and my sons. Isays, open the doors. We'll never
They said, we'll never see youopen the doors. We'll never be ready
if we don't open up. Yeah, and we opened them up. I
looked at my watch, I said, one forty four, let's go.
When we come back, we're gonnaeat that food. We're going to find

out more of that that journey thatbrought us to this point. Now we're
going to taste the food. Obviouslyto see Tula sharp respond that way,
something that meant so much that hejust sees a logo and says no,
no, and uh, the mostawesome thing in the world. And I
tell you that that Twala tells nolies. It's not in it, it's

not in his being. He willtell you what he feels in any moment,
and he will not tell you anythingthat he believes to be Alie,
It's just awesome. I'm so overwhelmed. He was exciting, thankful. I
feel like I met Twala when hewas seven years old on Christmas mornings.
Right. He was doing backflips.He's like, oh, all right,
so stick around. We'll be backmore with Sky Burrells. So we talk

more about Sky's gourmet tacos and we'regonna do some taste and we come back.
Five three zero three West Peco Boulevardis the location. We'll tell you
more when we come back. Itis Forkport on Neils Vader Kim six.
You're listening to The Fork Report withNil Savadra on demand KFI AM six forty.

Hey, everybody, it's the ForkReport, all Things food, beverage
and beyond. I am your wellfed host, Neil Savadra. How do
you do. Don't forget. You'vegot mister Twalla Sharp coming up at five
with so Cal Saturday, you've gotSteve Gregory with Unsolved, then you've got
Before the Coast and Coast to Coast, and tomorrow at six a m.

Is the Jesus Christ Show. Don'tforget to stick around for that. If
our wonderful audio director Tony Sorrentino hasto be up and I have to be
up to produce, then you shouldbe up to listen to the Good Word
in the morning. All right.So we are hanging out right now with

Barbara Burrell aka Sky from Sky's GourmetTacos, and we're having lovely chats.
As now we know we're going intothe best part is where we get to
taste the food. So why don'tyou break down? I mean, just
this, this is lovely. Thispotato taco. Let's start with this one.
Tell us a little bit about theingredient potato. You know, potato

taco was necessary because we have vegansand vegans demand certain entree. That's okay,
So we had to figure out whatwere we going to do instead of
just a regular potato, Let's havepotato and let's crunch it up, and
of course if you're not a vegan, just a vegetarian, we can put

regular cheese on it, or wecan put vegan cheese on it and a
toss of cabbage and a little cilantro. But it's done on a separate grill.
That's the most important. Okay,Yes, so it's not mix,
no, no, So we havea true vegan grill for true vegan nights,
and I salute them. We have, of course the vegan meat.

But back to the potato taco.The potatoes are the red new potatoes are
grilled, okay, and of coursethey're they're nicely seasoned and put basically on
a high heated first so they canbrown. I want a little brown on
there, Yeah, brown and flavor, that's right. And then when you
listen, then when you do that, the shell you kind of full of

shell over and it gets a littlecrispy, and you've got this fabulous potato
taco sauce of berry on it.Yum. It's good and it's and it's
it's filling, but it's not overpoweringthe good taco. I think. I
think it's a great taco. Goodgood. We're on the same page.

Okay, perfect size street taco stylewhere you just just two three bites and
you're you're in. Oh yeah,of course with some gaya pinto or some
black beans and rice, which islovely as a side. What's the best
seller shrimp taco? Shrimp tacos.That's the killer, that's the one that

replies off the shelf at Skytaco.So one. Yes, yes, we
started with the shrimp taco day firstday, and the shrimp. I wanted
the shrimp to be first of all. Let me say this some years ago
and starting there was maybe a shrimptackle, but it was an unqualified shrimp
tackle. Okay, So we qualifiedthis shrimp tackle by making it, making

it in a seasoned shell. Ohthat way you've got you've got this superior
taste that comes right through, sowith the shrimp, also with the shell.
Okay, So the tortilla here isnow it's flavored as well. Yes,
it's dipped. Look at that.That's it. I need to get

a picture of that because and thatI mean I'm getting my fingers are getting
orange from that. It has It'sgot love every inside outside and everywhere in
between. And was this the firsttaco? This was this is the first
of five. Only had five tacoswhen I started, and I thought I
had to be sure. Who countsI don't know nine nine. Yeah,

are some of them seasonal or no? Well they are they can be.
When I say they are the veggietaco, it isn't seasonal because we can
use the beans. We use ourpentle beans, which they are vegan,
and also we use the black beans, season herbs. Good stuff in there.
Okay, girl like good stuff.But when you talk about when you

talk about a taco, shrimp taco, a shrimp taco, you're talking about
the shrimp have to be prepared justright. Please don't don't don't don't overcook
those shrimp. We just fight willNo, they become a circle that real
tighten. Oh can't stand it,can't stand it. And that's why during
also catering shrimp very difficult. Youhave there has to be a certain temperature

which they go out and when youget there, shaping dish goes on so
we can continue to cook that way, you don't have rubber. So with
the shrimp taco, what we thoughtwe would do in starting is like see
what happens with this shrimp taco becausewe didn't know if it was going to
be a cellar or not. Well, let me tell you something. People
would come. We'd be delivering.I mean, I be delivering shrimped tacos

forever, Okay, not really realizingthat they like that combination, this seasoning.
Oh yeah, the seasoning is good. Okay, the shells dipped,
it's dipped. It's all done inbutter. Hello, I'm tasting all of
that and now I've got it allover my hands and I'll be licking my
fingers for the remainder. They're yellow. Everything is covered in the spices.

Now, that's fantastic. That isa great you know, like you should
be proud. This is delicious.For those of you want to know more,
you go to skys Gourmet Tacos dotcom, skysgurmet Tacos dot com.
On Instagram, it's Sky's Tacos,Sky's Talk and take a look. They've

got their marketplace address which is fourthree three three. Uh, where's the
Admiralty Way, Admiralty A D MI R A L. T. Y
Way and then fifty three oh threeWest Pico Boulevard. The Mothership, the
Mothership, Yes, that makes thatbrings Twala to his knees and made him

respond like he was seven years oldagain. He just was like a kid,
maybe cry. Oh he's he's he'sa sweet man, but he's very
stoic too, so it's fun tosee him really rack. Thank you Sky,
it was a pleasure to meet you. Oh what a pleasure to be
here. Thank you so much.Absolutely, the pleasure is ours. And

I can't wait to come check outthe place in the place and have the
food there. But what a pleasure. Thank you, good things, God
bless you I received that. Thankyou so much. All Right, have
a wonderful one of a weekend.Nil Savedra KFI AM six forty Los Angeles.
You've been listening to the Fork Report. You can always hear us live
on KFI AM six forty two tofive pm on Saturday, and anytime on

demand on the iHeartRadio app.

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