Episode Transcript
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It's KMF I AM six forty andyou're listening to the Conway Show on demand
on the iHeartRadio app. It's ConwayShow all right, all right, on
demand one to four pm and thenlive four to seven pm. So there
you go. You know, rightafter Gary and Shannon listen to the podcast
and then well then we'll be onlive. You'll get a ramp up to
our live show on at four o'clock. So dink dog, all right.
We've a lot of news, alot of news going on, and the
Supreme Court is in the news,gun stores are in the news. Flights
delayed, Elton John and the Presidentof the United States, Joe Biden,
will be speaking at some point.Cruzer, you're in the newsroom, you're
a news guy. Was that supposedto happen a while ago? Ten minutes
ago? What's it was? Bidensupposed to speak ten minutes we're supposed to
speak? Yeah, about about twentyminutes go. And then I'm not sure
about the delay, but that hedelayed it for an hour or so in
about forty minutes from now, Anddo we know what he's going to be
saying or what he's going to betalking about let's we talk about the Supreme
Court ruling on the presidential immunity today. Is that right? Wow? All
right, Well, let's catch upto speed then with the Supreme Court and
what they decided. I guess earlier. They just released their decision today.
Find out what's going on with SupremeCourt. And this is a big deal.
People have said that this decision todayis one of the bigger decisions that
they've made, and it should havebeen made decades ago. Well, essentially,
this is a victory for Donald Trump. The Supreme Court's decision today says
that former presidents, as far astheir constitutional powers are concerned, are immune
to criminal prosecution. That sends thiscase against Trump, in which he's charged
with trying to subvert the twenty twentyelection, back to the lower court,
and that makes it very unlikely thatthis case, even a narrower version of
this criminal case is tried before theelection. This ruling was divided along partisan
lines six to three. Chief JusticeJohn Roberts wrote the majority opinion. The
former president's lawyers had argued that hewas entitled to absolute immunity for the charges,
playing into the idea of separation ofpowers, and the Supreme court found
that, yes, when it comesto official acts taken while in office,
there is immunity. But I liketo have that around here. Any indication
that that's going to happen around here. Total immunity for everything we say on
the air, everything we do onthe halls. None. No, But
the court also ruled that there isa difference between official and non official acts,
and that distinction would be determined bythe lower court, and former President
Donald Trump on social media today saidit's a big win for our constitution and
democracy. Proud to be an AmericanPresident. Biden's campaign weighed in saying today's
ruling doesn't change the facts, solet's be very clear about what happened.
On January sixth, Donald Trump snappedafter he lost a twenty twenty election and
encouraged a mob to overthrow the resultsof a free and fair election. Trump
is already running for president as aconvicted felon for the very same reason he
sat idly by while the mob violentlyattacked the capital. He thinks he's above
the law and is willing to doanything to gain and hold onto power for
himself. Now, the majority ofthe court did reject Trump's argument that this
indictment should be dismissed. But asfor immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts
while president, that is an historicdecision. Yeah, a pretty big decision.
Pretty big. This is an opinionthe Court has written for the ages.
It's probably the most important Supreme Courtopinion about the power of the presidency
and protections enjoyed by the president sinceNixon versus the United States, almost exactly
fifty years ago. So that wasthe July nineteen seventy four opinion. Wow,
July nineteen seventy four, long longtime ago. Now called it a
seismic decision. The next step,as far as this case is concerned,
would be for the District Judge TanyaChuckkin to hold an evidentiary hearing to decide
essentially what actions in this case relateto official or non official acts. For
example, Trump's discussions with the JusticeDepartment are protected as official acts, but
are his conversations and text messages withhis vice president Mike Pence. It's not
clear when that hearing would take place, but would certainly further delay a trial,
making it unlikely that it would happenbefore the November election. All right,
there you go, So President Bidenwill be speaking live to the nation
sometime in this hour. So youwant to call all your buddies or text
them and say, hey, turnon KFI because I think they're the only
station covering it. Don't look thatup. Don't look that up. I
think Krozer Are we the only Nah, don't it. We're the only station
with a note that's carrying worth them. Okay, all right, that's cool,
and we're going to be carrying thatas soon as it happens. Any
indication on when it's supposed to beat four forty five, half hour from
now roughly okay, all right,four to forty five, So you got
a half hour to call and texteverybody you know, everybody you know.
It's an important deal, it's important, and tell them to turn on KFI
and we'll knock that out for you. I got a letter in the mail.
Always like to read letters from themail because that means somebody went out,
got the address, got a stamp, wrote it out, sent it
in and miraculously I got it.Yeah, that's the getting to the building
is an easy part, right yeah, getting it in your hands, all
right. So it says dear misterConway, that's kind of formal. I
like that. My wife, Susie, and I were fortunate enough to attend
the Dean Sharp Live Audience show lastNovember, and we were thrilled to meet
you in person. Oh, that'svery nice of this lovely couple. Susie
has been a listener since you firstjoined in twenty ten and became a fan
in two thousand and fourteen. Ittook four years out to a warm up
period. There's warm up periods intime. Let's not pylon here. Hold
on, let me I think I'vemisread that Susie's been a loyal listener since
you joined KFI in twenty ten andbecame a fan in two thousand and fourteen.
Now it's a that's an insults prettyclear. Yeah, it's as clear
as they come. All right,my wife, my wife in parentheses.
We'll be thrilled if you could please, if you could please be so kind
as to autograph this photo that wastaken at the November event. I'ven't closed
a prepaid return envelope. Guy thinksI'm broke. Okay, all right,
we extend our kindness wishes to youand everyone at KFI Radio, including Angel.
It's another insult. Hi, thankyou very much. Ding from Fresno.
They live in Fresno. Peggy andSusie. Oh that's kind of cute.
Night Peggy Sue, Peggy Sue,that's kind of cute. Oh,
Perry, I'm sorry, Perry andSusie. Sorry, we'll look now we're
even, but it does. See. So Susie's been a loyal listener since
you joined in twenty ten and becamea fan in twenty fourteen. Interesting,
all right, well hi Perry,Hi Susie, Yes, Hi everybody.
How you doing. Nice to seeeverybody? All right, well there you
go, all right, all right, it's a great week. Have a
good week in everybody, okay,alright. And then we got a picture
of her. She looks lovely andshe's got a very decent husband who went
out of his way to put thisall together. Hopefully she's not listening,
because it's I think it was supposedto be a surprised Maybe he wasn't.
Maybe you don't to that though,Like you're surprised on Christmas your birthday is
a picture of me. Wouldn't youwait, wouldn't you like throw it back
at the guy that gave it toyou? Well, what's going on with
you? You know? Happy toyou? Wait a minute, you got
me what a picture of me withthis guy on radio. He's wearing a
Santa Claus shirt and my dress saysho ho ho on it, or it
says oh oh oh mine if youhold it upside down, says ho ho
ho. That's kind of an oddshirt for the holidays. Ho ho ho.
Interesting. All right, we're live. We're waiting for Joe Biden's speech,
and you know it'd be addressing thenation from the White House at around
four forty five. You we willbe carrying it live. I guarantee you
right here on KFI. If we'rein the programming or in commercial text all
your bodies, text all your friends, tell them to turn on kfive because
you'll definitely want to here what's goingon today from President Joe Biden. You're
listening to Tim Conway Junior on demandfrom KFI AM six forty. We're going
to listen to President Biden sometime inthe next half hour. I think it's
supposed to be right around four fortyfive, and he'll be addressed in the
Supreme Court. But a lot ofpeople may are speculating that he may say
something about his campaign. Maybe he'sback into it, maybe he's dropping out.
I don't know. There's speculation onboth sides, so who knows.
One of the problems that I heardfrom somebody who's in the Democratic Party,
they said they're having a money problemif they do this, if they pull
Joe Biden off the ticket, thateverybody who donated to the Democrats off of
a Joe Biden commercial, thinking they'redonating to Joe Biden is do their money
back, and so that could bepotentially be a big problem. So it
gets complicated politics, very complicated business, very complicated who's in, who's out,
who's running, who's not, verycomplicated business. That's why I don't
really like to follow up much,you know, too complicated. I leave
it to specialists like Alex Michaelson andMichael Krozer. Nope. But there are
a lot of people still follow politicspretty pretty closely. But I was surprised
that only fifty million people saw thatdebate. I thought everyone was going to
watch that. I thought it wasgonna be like one hundred and fifty two
undred million people. But I guessthere's still a big part of this country
that doesn't care. Just they don'tcare. I get that. I understand
that Santa Monica's having some problems.No good. Remember they had the homeless
guy that was trying to drown thewoman, another homeless guy they dragged women
into the bathroom, another homeless oranother guy that visited a bar in Santa
Monica and then knocked out the bounceror the owner or made her deon killed
him. And then there was theproblem in Venice, which is just a
little bit to the south, wherethe guy raped two women and killed one
of them. She was on lifesupport for some time and then she died.
So there's a big problem in SantaMonica, major, major problem.
And there was a big brawl overthe weekend. If you heard about this,
but a lot of people are fightingin Santa Monica. Go on a
sunny Saturday at the beach, Definitely, it was like my day off,
and I thought it was going tobe it was your day off, or
it was like your day off.Each Definitely, it was like my day
off, and I thought it wasgoing to be a super chill beach day.
Yeah, it turned out to beanything but super chill. A super
chill beach day ah, I likesuper chill Beachcay Beach. A fight that
broke out between multiple men left onestamped and another with a broken ankle.
Oh no, it's going on withthe fighting in Santa Monica, in a
scene that had dozens of officers takingover Tower fourteen to break up the fight
and treat those injured. I've neversince had that kind of police presence something.
Yeah, especially on a chill day, you know, I like,
on your day off. It's onthe beach. So that's why we were
a little startled by it. Threemen were taken into custody. I guess
the guy's fighting didn't get the chillday memo. They weren't chill on the
beach. They're fighting, fighting eachother. It's on the beach, So
that's why we were a little startledby it. Three men were taken into
custody for assault with the deadly weapon. How about that? How about that
saw the deadly weapon on the beachin Santa Monica less than a week excuse
me, less than a week aftera guy tried to drown a woman and
bid another woman's ear Cinta Monica.It's great when I was growing up,
man, you didn't have any carein the world. You go to Santa
Monica at midnight, I start abonfire, drink on the beach. Maybe
find a lady friend to hang outwith a couple hours. That would been
nice. Didn't get quite get there, but it was really a cool hang
when I was a kid growing up. Now during the day they're fighting.
During the day, they're drowning people. What is that place like at night?
Mustardy for assault with the deadly weapon, one for battery, and a
fifth for sexual battery. Daniel Russellis visiting from Arizona. Yeah, how's
that going? Guys here from Arizonagoes to the beach with his kids.
Hey, you guys want to hunt? What the hell? Nine ound of
people fighting? Daniel Russell is visitingfrom Arizona. Oh, bad time to
visit. Daniel Russell and says whileshe didn't see the fight, the whole
incident put her on alert. Therewas like three ambulance firetruck and then the
whole area was surrounded with police vehiclesand there's probably like twenty five officers and
then they took metal detectors. Butwe saw people walking away, but we
didn't see any altercation. We justsaw the aftermath. Why would they have
metal detectors? Want police vehicles andthere's probably like twenty five officers. And
then they took metal detectors. Butwe saw people walking. Oh, they
took their metal detectors. I thinkpeople are still doing that. Huh.
And we get a metal detector andyou walk along the beach for six hours
to find eight cents and change.Okay, all right, And then they
took metal detectors. But we sawpeople walking away. But we didn't see
any altercation. We just saw theaftermath. Yeah, he got there too
late. Show was over. Tensionswere already high. Two last week,
a registered Here we go. Herewe go with the recap of last week.
Last week, a registered sex offenderterrorized three women near Tower thirteen,
got to drown one of them inthe ocean at nine thirty in the morning,
one a seventeen year old girl.Earlier this month, a manager at
a bar on Main Street was tragicallykilled by a customer who now faces homicide
charges. What's going on? SantaMonica's got to get it together. It
is not it is not. Nobuenessthis over there in Santa Monica. And
last month three people were attacked onFourth Street near Broadway. Two were stamped
and a third was punched. WhatTwo were stamped and a third was punched.
Going on. They can't control thisplace, the Santa Monica man,
they're gonna They're gonna have to becausethe people who own property and live in
Santa Monica hate this crap. Theyhate it and they wanted taken care of
and they're gonna take care of it. Maybe heavy handed, maybe not,
but there's gonna be some action.The shock wasn't enough to scare most off.
I mean, I know it's dangerousout here, but I don't know
what the hell you know, justuh uh free ball it out there.
I mean, I know it's dangerousout here, but I don't know.
We were just like taken back.I guess, like seeing like that there
was an actual crime scene down here. I love how casual people are.
Yeah, you know, it's kindof you know, people are getting murdered
and rape, but uh, youknow, we come here every year,
so we enjoy it. Santa Monica. You gotta get together, man,
got to get it together. It'sbeautiful city, beautiful area overlooking the beach,
probably one of the most beautiful cliffareas in the world, and yet
all this crap is happening on topof that cliff and below that cliff as
well. I rely on say.President Biden will be speaking sometime in the
next half hour, so you'll hearit right here on KFI. Was that
changed again? No, I don'tknow. Okay, everything's very fluid.
You're listening to Tim Conway Junior ondemand from KFI AM six forty. We're
waiting for the President of the UnitedStates, Joe Biden, to speak.
It'll happen between now and five o'clockif you're listening here on the West coast.
If you're on the East coast,it'll be between now and eight o'clock.
And then figure out Mountain and Centralon your own. I'm not doing
that, Sharon Belli, Oh,is a smart woman. No arguments,
that's it, just that, noarguments. Okay, let's leaders, just
ready for the punchline. Nah,dig go Angel and her mom is even
smarter, that's right. Would yousay your mom's smarter than your Oh my
gosh, yes, yeah, yeah, me too. But she came up
with something that I think I havenoticed, but I've not said anything because
I just thought times have change.But your mom is very observant, thank
you. When she was growing up, you know, maybe a couple of
years before I was growing up.I'll give her that. When you played
outside, the hottest time outside wasnoon to two pm. Those are the
hot hours you went to the beach. Make sure you get between noon and
two. You really watch that sunscreen? Yes, now now like three to
six. Yeah, what happened?I don't know. I don't know,
but it's not noon to two anymore. Something major has gone on in this
country, and I don't know ifit's global warming, global heating, global
cooling, one of the globals.I think God is. But I don't
get it. I don't understand it. I mean that should that shouldn't that
significant change shouldn't have happened in ourlifetime. I mean, I'll look at
tomorrow. I'll look at the weatherhere tomorrow and tell you what it is.
It's not getting better, Okay.The hottest tomorrow is going to be
at two pm to three to fourtwenty two pm to four twenty in Burbank.
But noon to two pm is coolerthan two to four, noon to
two tomorrow, and Burbank is coolerthan two to four. I don't know
what that is. Maybe i'll lookat it. Maybe I'm just looking at
the wrong day. I'll look atanother day. All right, we'll look
at the Tuesday. On Tuesday,the heat starts from let me see,
okay, tomorrow, from noon it'llbe eighty two till two pm, eighty
six, and then at two pmit goes to eighty seven, eighty eight
and then eighty nine. It's warmertomorrow and burbang from two to four than
it is from noon to two.When I was growing up, that was
never the case. Noon to twois always the hottest two hours, always
every single day, winter, summer, every day. And now it's two
to four, two to five,two to six. If you live up
in Oregon, it could be twoto six. So that's a major change
that we've had in our lifetime,and nobody's talking about that. That's kind
of weird that nobody's talking about.Then let's look up an Oregon. Okay,
okay, so in Oregon, I'moutside of Portland. Remember this number
Bello eighty okay, eighty From noonto two pm, it'll be eighty to
eighty seven degrees. Okay, it'sgonna go up seven degrees noon to two
pm tomorrow, no Friday, okay. So it goes up eight degrees from
noon to two pm, and thenfrom two pm until four pm it goes
from eighty seven all the way tofive pm, it goes to ninety.
It's three degrees warmer from two tofive pm than it is from noon to
two. And so, Bellio,I think you're onto something here, and
I think you know that it's unusual, and it's happening here in Burbank as
well. I see Lee's falling alreadyon treing. Is that I don't know
because of the heat. I don'tknow. I see Lee's falling that shouldn't
be falling until September or October.Yeah, same here. At first I
thought it was just my fikiss trees, but I noticed the park the streets
are full with the leaves, andI'm like, h yeah, they're dying.
And that's something from Colorado that thatjust happens in the fall. That's
right, and it should happen outhere in the fall, right, But
it's happening now. I know.I don't like it. I don't like
it at all. I don't either. Something's going on didn't we have a
reporter here? It used to say, then we did, didn't we have
a reporter here? When we wentto them. We went to them live
there was a fire or something.Yeah, he or she it was a
he supposed to say that. No, it wasn't a he or it was
a he or she. And theysaid, oh, there's something going on.
Something's happened. Yeah, something.Yeah. We went went to them
and I said, you know,it's a so and so in Glendale there's
a fire. What can you tellus? And the person said, oh,
there's something going on. I'm like, okay, is that it?
It's a wrap huh, something happeningout there. You were here first,
you in the studio. There's somethinggoing on, something going on, and
Bellie and I can't. Bullio cameme, you're doing the Bring Go you
can hear that? And I said, yeah, that was odd. Went
to the person reported and said,oh, there's something going on. Well,
look they nailed that. They nailedit. It's about the facts.
Yeah, that's a fact. Itwas accurate. It was broad, but
it was a fact. There's somethinggoing on. But that was that was
crazy day. And Bellio and Ialways make fun of that person whenever we
see a news story like, oh, there's something going on. I don't
think that person still works here though. I don't think that was years ago.
Jez Grocer. Maybe it was Crozier. It took me a second to
remember, you know who it is? Yes, Okay, go to so
and so on Glenda. What's goingon? Oh man, we're out here
in Glenda. There's something going onthat it that's a wrap on. Yeah,
all right, back to you.That's great. All right, we're
waiting for President Biden to speak.Take up, Tim, I've taken a
walk around, I've talked to people. I've got me all the all the
information necessary to come to you withthis from both good. What do you
got, Croach? Something's going on? That's so great. Somebody who's never
been to journalism school or even beenyou know, been in a coma for
eight years could say that you wakeup from a coma, Hey what's happening?
Something's going on? I don't know. Something's happening. All right.
We're gonna do the president's speech assoon as it looks like it's closed,
because the lights have gone on wherehe's supposed to be speaking live from the
White House, So so things goingon. You're listening to Tim conwaytun You're
on de Maya from KFI AM sixforty. We're going to go live to
what sounds like President Biden right now. No one, no one is above
the law, not even the Presidentof the United States. But today's Supreme
Court decision on presidential immunity that fundamentallychanged for all practical purposes. Today's decision
almost certainly means that there are virtuallyno limits what the president can do.
This is a fundamentally new principle,and it's a dangerous president because the power
of the office will no longer beconstrained by the law, even including the
Supreme Court in the United States.The only limits will be self imposed by
the president alone. This decision todayhas continued the Court's attacked in recent years
on a wide range of long establishedlegal principles in our nation, from gutting
voting rights and civil rights, totaking away what woman's right to choose,
to today's decision that undermines the ruleof law of this nation. Nearly four
years ago, my predecessor sent aviolent mob to the US Capitol to stop
the peaceful transfer of power. Weall saw with our own eyes. We
sat there and watched it happen thatday, attack on the police, the
ransacking at the Capitol, a mobliterally hunting down the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
Gallows erected to hang the Vice Presidentof Mike Pence. I think it's
fair to say it is one ofthe darkest days in the history of America.
Now, the man who sent thatmob to the US Capitol is facing
potential criminal conviction for what happened thatday, and the American people deserve to
have an answer in the courts beforethe upcoming election. The public has a
right to know the answer about whathappened on January sixth before they asked to
vote again this year. Now,because of today's decision, that is highly
highly unlikely. It's a terrible disserviceto the people of this nation. So
now now the American people will haveto do what the courts should have been
willing to do but will not.The American people have to render a judgment
about Donald Trump's behavior. The Americanpeople must decide whether Donald Trump's as soult
on our democracy on January sixth makeshim unfit for public office. In the
highest office in the land. TheAmerican people must decide if Trump's embrace of
violence to preserve his power is acceptable. Perhaps most importantly, the American people
must decide they want to entrust thepresident once again, the presidency to Donald
Trump, now knowing he'll be evenmore emboldened to do whatever he pleases,
whenever he wants to do it.You know, the outset of our nation.
It was the character of George Washington, our first president, to find
the presidency. He believed power waslimited, not absolute, and that power
always resides with the people, always, Now, over two hundred years later,
today's Supreme Court decision, once againit will depend on the character of
the men and women who hold thatpresidency that are going to define the limits
of the power of the presidency,because the law will no longer do it.
I know I will respect the limitsof the presidential powers I have for
three and a half years, butany president, including Donald Trump, will
now be free to ignore the lawI concur with. Just as Sodomyer's descent
today, she hears what she said. She said in every use of official
power, the president is now aking above the law. With fear for
our democracy, dissent end of quoteassociated the American people, dissent. I
dissent. Hey, God, blessyou all. May God help preserve our
democracy. Thank you, my God, protect your chance. Joe Biden spoke
President Joe Biden. Not really anythingnew, just some shots at Trump.
Krowzier. That was from the WhiteHouse, right, It was, sir.
It seemed like a campaign speech,you know, going interesting. I
thought, you know, and youkind of you might have heard at the
end there were reporters right there thatwould try to ask him questions. At
the end we pulled out though wayI don't think it was even good answer
paper works right out, but itwas I I was curious whether or not
they were going to be any journalistthere to ask him anything after us,
you know, like Thursday, becauseyou got to imagine what the first question
actually would have been if they hadactually been able to ask a question,
right and and he just walked away. He just turned into said, scrubb
because with this little thing that you'retalking about, it almost kind of sounds
like I can't pain speech saying,you know, there are now no limits
to what the commander in chief cando. That's what he said. It's
there was a fair amount of speculationbecause he came he was saying, Oh,
I'm going to talk about this.All of them, like major networks,
all just a sudden just started speculating, Oh, could this be something
about his campaign and meeting with hisfamily at Camp David and you know,
all this stuff after the debate onThursday, right, and there was nothing.
I think what he wanted to dois he wanted to come on TV
and to show everybody he's fine.I think that's what happened. Yeah,
and not answering any questions from journalistsputs them in a little bit more of
a safe space to do that too. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So
all right, Well that was that. I hope everybody enjoyed that. If
you missed it, it was fairlyshort and all in. Ninety five percent
of it was the Supreme Court andhow they have given president's immunity and that
really has never been challenged since nineteenseventy four when Nixon was in office,
but his challenge because of Jack Smithand his crew going after Donald Trump.
And so it now looks like thattrial, even if it goes to trial,
will be months and months, maybeeven years after the election. So
we just keep churning, we keepgoing. No sign of Joe Biden dropping
out of the race. So ifyou're a big Joe Biden fan, is
big relief today He's going to stayin. He's going to stay in and
fight like hell. So there wasthat earlier on during the John Colebelt Show.
He had Adam carollan. I thinkyou could say a friend of ours,
right, a friend of the program, Adam Carolla. And when we
came back, we'll play that foryou, the Adam Carolla portion from the
John Colebelt Show. So if youmiss that, we'll play it for you.
This is a three pm Maybe you'reworking, couldn't afford to take off
work to listen to the program,Well we'll do it for you. All
right, very good. We're liveon KFI AM six forty Conway Show on
demand on the iHeartRadio app. Nowyou can always hear us live on KFI
AM six forty four to seven pmMonday through Friday, and anytime on demand
on the iHeartRadio app.