Episode Transcript
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It's camp I am sixty and you'relistening to The Conway Show on demand on
the iHeart Radio app. This isa great treat. You know, we're
part of the iHeartMedia conglomerate here.There's nine stations or eight stations here at
iHeartMedia, and one of the morepopular shows here is The Woody Show,
and one of the more popular guyson it is sea Best. Nice to
see you, Bob, I wouldsay, normally, nice to see mister
Conway. Under under normal circumstances,I'm leaving. I'm leaving the you know
my yoga over in Studio City.Wait, you you do yoga and Studio
City, yet you live over thehill. Well, I get around.
I know I'm coming back here becausetomorrow happens to be National Shopping Cart Day.
I didn't know that, And sowe're gonna have a big feature on
the Woody Show. I should havewaited a day. Yeah. So I'm
driving around and what do I hearbut Timo Judas over here? Okay,
who apparently whatever way the wind's blowing, that's right, the trend of the
day, that's right. Defending thiswoman who says that because she has children
with her she does not need toreturn her shopping car. Okay, I'm
gonna challenge you. I'm listening.Have you ever run into that case where
a woman said, I'm not goingto return the car because my kids are
in the car. In fact,I don't even approach either women or men
if I see small children with them, because I know side you, yes,
because I know they were gonna throwthat up as a shield, and
I could deal with the Oh,that's right. I don't respect the family.
I do not, but but Irespect people and their lazy attempts of
excuses. Go to this woman's TikTokpage, this doctor whoever. And by
the way, she's very very sureto tell you she's a doctor on all
her social media, So that's right, doctor of whatever psychology. Every comment
in there, I'm a mom offive, I managed to do it just
fine. I'm a dad of five, or I'm a single mama five.
But all my kids know karate sothey're able to take care of themselves.
But all of her arguments are absolutestraw man arguments. Okay, here's where
I think that she there could bea happy conclusion where both sides are happy.
If you have kids, then parkright next to a cart corral.
Very easily done, very easily done, or and many people explained this in
her her TikTok comments is, well, when you got to the store,
first off, there weren't mobs ofyou know, ninja's looking too a duck
abduct your kids, gros. Youwould have gone, you would have stop
sharing a crappy area. Well,yeah, yeah, you did that.
Well I won't I won't name anynames. Okay, but uh, but
you got your kids out, youput them in the cart. You walked
into the store with your kids,right, right, So when you get
back, the only difference there isnow you have groceries, right, that's
right. So maybe you load yourgroceries first, you take your kids back
to the cart return, and youwalk your kids back to your car,
just the reverse of what you didwhen you got there. You figured it
out going in. But now thatyou don't need your car anymore, suddenly
all logic has left your brain.Okay, that is a possibility. Fuck
what if she was taking her kidsback to the cart corral and then taking
them back to the car and abig eighteen wheeler ran over all of them,
And that's possible, and they allpassed away. I would be I
would be so bad you would cutthat from your show. The eighteen wheeler
that's going through the middle of aparking lot, that's right at ninety miles
an hour in the loading dock HEREAno, no, no, I get
that, but I'm trying to getthe loading dock area. They wipe this
family out, right. But see, this is the kind of stuff I
run into doing cart narks all thetime. Is people will throw they pull
these cars, the defenses out ofthere, but left and right. And
this lady and she thinks, becauseshe's looking right at the camera on her
little TikTok, and she's speaking verydirectly and very purposefully, and that she's
in an unassailable And then her excuseis about, oh, abductions are happening
shopping you know, shopping centers.They happen much more in other places.
But she doesn't address that, andshe doesn't say that, oh, these
shop these abductions happen when people wereturning their cars. She doesn't say that,
right, because that would defeat herpurpose. Right. So let's get
back to the cart arks. Yes, are there any new cartnark videos up?
Ye just went to new Zealand's gota nice compilation from the Land of
the Kiwis, and they were verynice. Do you find that people in
New Zealand are more prone to Ibet that of the people in New Zealand
return their cart It's it's close.So one guess the country that always I've
been to that always returns their cartswith brown folks say Ireland. I have
not been to Ireland yet. Itwill be this summer of Japan. Oh
okay. It was ninety five percentor so in New Zealand. And in
fact I ran into a mother andshe, oh, I never heard any
cart knocks before. Tell me abouthim, and she She's sat there and
talked with me about cartnarks for likefive minutes. She loved the idea and
the fact I said, I'm sorryto keep you so long. She said,
no, it's okay. My kidsare in the car. Needed a
break from them. This stupid doctoron TikTok Okay. Look she lives in
New Zealand, not in Los Angeles. Okay, okay. Los Angeles sucks
when it comes to protecting your family. It's very difficult. When you were
in New Zealand for business, forcartn Arks. Yeah, for really just
to let mean, you know,you a little business and pleasure a little
tax right off. Where else haveyou been with Cartner? Oh, We've
gone to the country, England,AUS, Australia and Japan, of course.
And you're doing Ireland this summer.Do a whole short in France,
Belgium, England again. I've goneto Scotland and Little Ireland. I got
some family there. You say youhave been a Japan You're going to Japan
Japan last year. Yeah. Haveyou seen the bike racks that they have
there? Which ones are these?The underground ones? No? Oh,
well yeah, they're those are alittle like vertical garage. Yeah, like
an elevator that goes down and parksyour bike there. I mean they're they're
fifty years ahead. That's what theysay. Japan is living in twenty fifty.
There's no there's like you learn athing or two for Japan, a
lot a lot from Japan. It'sclean as hell, right, you know,
nobody's killing anybody. And I sawthis in Japan. I saw a
sixty minutes episode that must have beenyou know, ten years ago. But
do you know who the yellow backpacksare? The yellow jackets. I am
not these they're kindergarten age kids,okay, and they have to take two
subways and a bus to get totheir school. And they they're only five
years old, four or five,six years old. But if you put
a yellow backpack on, it tellsthe rest of the public that they are
not with their parents, and you'vegot to look out for them. And
everybody in Japan looks out for thesecommunity right there. Yeah. The one
thing I noticed when I was thereis that if you are a crosswalk and
there's no there's no traffic at all, but the SCIgen says, don't walk,
they're not walking. I've walked acrosstwo intersections today and I never walk
anywhere. I beat the light twicetoday. That's why a lily they do
that. Yeah, they respects rules, respect to authority, follow things.
Everybody backs into parking spots over there, which makes it easier and simpler to
get out. Well, it's safetybecause you know you can swing your boot
when you're pulling into or backing intoa parking spot. It's very unlikely there's
gonna little kids run around that parkingshot. But when you're going out into
speaking little kids again into the mainarea. You don't know what's coming and
going each way. So it's alittle safer in this that everybody does it.
I always back in, but fora different reason is because when you
have a car that's seventeen years old, a lot of times trip lay is
part of your life, right,and so they can't jump your car if
it's part than you know, thewith the engine the hood. Yeah,
exactly, all right? Where dopeople find it online? The Woodies Show
are cart arks at cartarks on allsocial media platforms, YouTube, et cetera.
And we're doing a special National Shoppingcart Day edition of cartners tomorrow and
the what do you show on aninety eighty seven here locally? That's really
Tomorrow's really National shop I think it'sthe day it was invented or something like
that. But you will have wellwe'll address this this doctor in more in
depth and then place some some myencounters. Way, you haven't addressed this
on the show yet, no,because we were waiting out late, we
waiting for the holiday. Okay,all right, check out the Woody Show.
As I told Belly, Oh,it's the only show in Los Angeles
that I'd take a pay cut ifI could be part of it and I'd
lose this show. You have towork at wake up five am. Yeah,
but Robin would say, no,we're not doing that, all right,
Seaba's nice to see it, man, pleasure to have and come on
at anytime. You're always a greatfriend of the program and of everybody here.
Go check out cart and Arks onlineand check out what what hour you
doing that tomorrow It'll be in yourdrivetime. Hem right there, eight am
tomorrow National Shopping Card Day. That'sgood depth, okay, thanks, funny
nice Yeah, and also the animationyou did is beautiful pleasure. It really
is one of the coolest things we'veever had done. You're listening to Tim
Conway Junior on demand from kf Iam six forty big dog with you,
all right, Lala after six pm. Man, we covered a lot today,
Krozier. It's almost like working inthe yard. So much work we've
been doing. I'm exhausted from workingin the earth. Yeah, I am
too. I we we cleaned upthe garage and man, it's it just
never ends. Know, that isexactly right, It never ends. I
was moving Jen and I were movingliteral boulders, a big yesterday the high
beach ball. So yeah, yeah, at least no, at least up
to hip hippie maybe something. Yeah, they beach. Where did you get
them? They were in our yard? Oh you moved them around? Yeah.
Uh. Every part of my body'ssore. You know. There must
have been some kind of volcanic activityor something with those mountains that are directly
north of you, because every singlehome that I've ever been to or looked
around or friend owned in the baseof those mountains is all rock. It's
there's rocks everywhere. Yeah. Well, there's the dam that was built there,
I don't know, fifty seventy yearsago or something like that. That's
all that wash comes down there fromlike the where the Mount Baldy area is
up there, and I think that'sjust, you know, one of those
geological things over time. That's whythey yeah, they call them Clare Mount
potatoes because you can't go an inchor two digging in the ground without coming
across a rock or oversize. It'sit's unbelievable. Yeah, all right.
A buddy of mine had a houseup there and they literally had to bring
in a bulldozer to dig down likefour or five feet throughout the whole property.
Just put dirt in because it wasall rock. It is it is.
It is miserable to dig in thatgrounding. It is every time you
put he put a shovel in.He was banging a rock. Swing a
pick. You're hitting, you're gettinga spark. Oh boy, digged along
with that. But it's good workman. You feel good at the end
of it. You accomplish something that'sright your house. And then you take
one of those dirty showers where youcan see the dirt coming off. You're
just pulling off. Yeah, thebest showers it evercoosie, and then have
a little something something, you bringit down a little. It's a good
night after that, is right.Yeah, When you work your ass off
and you can hit a jacuzzie anda bottle of wine, that's something else.
Sure, Yeah, all right.If you have a Kia and there's
they're offering an anti theft upgrade foryou, because evidently Kiya is fairly easy
to part with, and if theyare, they got a solution for it.
Might be a quick fix to anation wide problem. Ke owners pull
into Lakewood Center Mall. It's azip country. Answer a few questions iPads
are hooked up to their Ignitions andminutes later, success software is updated free
of charge to make their Kias harderto steal. Well, that's cool.
They'll upgrade your your software in yourKia to make it a little more difficult
for these guys to leave with yourhard earned money, your your car and
you spend a lot of money onJanet Garcia wishes she'd gotten the update months
ago. I got it bag,They really fixed and all that stuff.
So it was at the like,the collision censor for a whole month,
that must have been awful, Yana, it was? She has just one
of many collision center for a month. Did she say the collision censor for
like a whole month? A month? Wow, that's usually a total a
month of the collision center. Thatmust have been awful, Yana, it
was. She has just one ofmany key owners who may have fallen victim
to a TikTok trend or video showhow to steal Kias using a USB cable.
Ah, that TikTok is so fun. Night shows people let to steal
your car. Kia says cars withIgnition buttons and fops were not affected,
but some turnkey Ignition models between twentyten and twenty twenty one did not have
immobilizers, which would have made itharder to start without a key. The
brand, as well as Hyundai,saw thefts of some of their cars rise
by one thousand percent in just threeyears. Isn't that crazy? A thousand
percent increase in the theft of theseKeyas and Hyundais. So I have heard
about the TikTok challenge and all that. So you know, anything going to
make the car a little bit youknow, more anti theft deterrent than hey,
go ahead and just perform it anddo it and don't have to worry
about it. There you go,do it, There you go. They
were doing that all week and theyended it yesterday. Oh they were going
to be it for free. Yeah, did you take yours in? No?
No, I looked at my car, I think is not in that
little pile of issues with that.Do you have a fob or a key?
I got out a fob. Nogood, I have a key.
I have a key to get mydoor too. How old is that?
I literally have to open my doorwith a key. If you laugh at
me, came there, knock yourass out. You need the door to
your car. Right, that's thedoor to my car. Yeah, I
mean I literally take a key outand stick at the door. Open it
up. Angelo. Didn't you justhear me Threatenedkrozer. Don't you don't think
I'll go easier on you. Youdon't think I can come down to a
long beach wherever you're working and justyou know, keep your car. I
bet I could, I bet?I bet. It's six thirty Okay.
If I could jump in the carnow, I could be down there by
seven thirty. Key your car,I could be home by eight thirty.
You have to find your keys first. Ah, how dare you all right?
The DMV is cutting down in personvisits, thank god, thank god.
Hopefully they'll make it a little moredifficult for you to do business there.
Starting today, those kiosks and doingsome of the stuff online will be
your only options for certain tasks thatyou'd normally walk into a DMV office to
take care of her. Now.The DMV says that last year there were
more than two million visits to officeslike this one and conquered that involved relatively
straightforward tasks like renewing a driver's licenseand other things. So starting today,
you will only be able to dosome of those things online. Here's a
list of the tasks and the thingsthat are changing. Okay, this is
a list. Don't have ask thispart of the show. This is a
list of things that you can't goand do or you can do. What
is it? What? Let mesay of the tasks and the things that
are changing. Okay, these arethe ones that are changing. These are
the ones you won't be able todo in the DMV anymore. All vehicle
registration renewals that are not pasted dowill have to be done online starting today.
Most driver's license renewals as well.If you need a copy of a
vehicle registration records or driver's license records, you now have to do that online.
Ah, everything's going to online withthe DMV, as well as replacing
a lost or stolen ID or driver'slicense card. Now, the goal is
to have fewer people coming in personto DMV offices and cut down on as
many as two hundred thousand visits everymonth related to those tasks we just mentioned.
Okay, that's a good idea cutdown on traffic by making people do
it online. I get that.I get that. If you don't have
internet access at home to do someof those tasks. The DNB also has
self service kiosks at grocery stores andother retail outlets. You can take care
of those tasks at those self servicekiosks as well. Okay, but if
you are at a grocery store,keep your eye out for Sea Bass.
He can make your life a livinghell. He's the cart narc. He
has a great series online on YouTube. He's on The Woody Show tomorrow eight
eight am. It's National Shopping CartDay. And if you don't return your
cart to the car corral, andif he's in and if he sees that,
he can turn your life upside down. Since I've been watching the Sea
Bass and the cart narcs, Iif it's raining or one hundred and twenty
degrees, I don't care. I'mtaking the card back because I don't want
to be one of those idiots inthe video. And you can avoid being
in the in the video by takingyour card back self service kiosks at grocery
stores and other retail outlets. Youcan take care of those tasks at those
self service kiosks as well, orjust do them at home. And again,
the goal is to get to fewerpeople coming into DMV arts like the
one here behind us and conquered.You should expect shorter lines and wait times
if you do have to come into take care of other DMV business and
the changes go into effect today,that is great, all right. Since
I was a kid, I've alwayshad a dream and it's finally coming together.
We'll come back. I'll tell youwhat it is. But it's finally
coming together. Society is caught upwith me in my dream. And now
society is doing something that I onlydreamt about and they're doing it starting last
weekend. And so now I gotto come up with a different dream because
this one's already been realized. I'llcome back. I we'll tell you what
We'll come back, all right,all right, that's the point. That's
the point. You're listening to TimConway Junior on demand from KFI AM six
forty. We have a You know, since I was a kid, I've
always had a dream of moving toFlorida. It was one of my big
dreams of my life. I wentdown there as a child that was six
years old, and my dad andmom took me there. Maybe it was
five or four, but I doabsolutely remember the hotel. I remember the
the no I must have been youngerthan I must have been three or four,
but I do remember the hotel.I remember the kids pool. I
remember one of the activities was theythrew pennies in the pool. Went to
try to get the pennies out ofthe pool. And I do also remember
the cinnamon buns in the hotel lobbythat we got when I was I must
have been three or four. AndI have always loved Florida. I've always
dreamt of moving to Florida, maybein retirement, maybe working there. If
you live there, crows right,for about six years, six years,
you enjoy it. What I remember, I was between two and eight,
Oh I see, okay. Andwe were in Miami, so that's a
very specific. Yeah, in themid seventies at that point, so you
know, Cuba and all that goodstuff. I was there for a good
period of time in Miami and Iand so I've had many many dreams of
packing up, and I remember packingyou know, in my dream, packing
up and moving to Florida and livingin Florida. Thought how cool that would
be. But now I guess peopleare having second thoughts about moving to Florida.
And it's odd because I always thoughtthat that's like the dream place to
live in this world. Like theweather except there in the summer summer is
nasty. Oh humid, Yeah,nasty, nasty weather. The summer,
this is beautiful. You know,you can't ask for a nicer setting.
Months into the pandemic, Dennis Colesold his Connecticut home and, like hundreds
of thousands of Americans, headed toFlorida. That was me. I want
to sell my house when I retireand moved to Florida. Many drawn by
the state's lower taxes and sunny skies, tought the panacea that I had in
my head. But now he's preparingto put his Florida house on the market
and move back north. You havepolitical issues in Florida that are just ugly.
We have costs. I could probablydeal with those. I don't think
the political idea, you know,the political differences of me and Florida would
be too widely separated. You havepolitical issues in Florida that are just ugly
that we have cost skyrocketing. Floridahas been among the fastest growing states in
the nation since the start of thepandemic, and twenty twenty two alone,
more than seven hundred thousand people movedthere, but at the same time,
nearly five hundred thousand left, thelargest number since the Great Recession. We
spoke with dozens of former Florida residentswho have recently left the state. Among
the reasons they gave a soaring costof living. Yeah, it is ex
defensive. A lot of people wantto move to Florida, very expensive.
Florida has had one of the nation'shighest rates of inflation. Last year,
car insurance was up twenty four percentand homeless insurance jumped forty two percent.
Home prices have risen sixty percent sincetwenty twenty. Maybe I won't be going
anywhere too expensive. They love theblues guys and the dolphins in the water,
but this comes at a price.John Dezetel has spent two decades selling
Florida real estate. Are you gettinga lot of calls from people who move
down here during COVID who are nowlooking to leave? Yeah, we are.
And what's the number one reason they'regiving? Politics? Politics? Florida
has recently enacted some of them,like two reasons politics politics, Florida has
recently enacted some of the most conservativelegislation in the country, including a near
total ban on abortions and restrictions onhow race and sexuality are taught in schools.
My in migration people want to movehere to do politics. My out
migration, people want to move outof here to the politics. A spokesperson
for Florida Governor Ron De Santis saidthat under his leadership, Florida led the
country and domestic in migration in twentytwenty two and saw the highest population growth
rate in generations. Look, thishas always been a transient state. People
come and go. That's normal.I think our policies have attracted folks for
Cole who considered himself a moderate conscuctionand it's amazing listening to his voice here
this is the governor. Look,this has always been a transient state.
People come and go. That's normal. I think our policies have attracted folks
for court and during the presidential campaignwhen he was running, you heard his
voice every single day. Every singleday there was a clip of Ron De
Santis and talking about whatever his issuesare. But the moment he stopped running,
man, you never heard the guy'svoice. It's been like three months
since you heard any audio from thattime. For Cole, who considered himself
a moderate conservative when he moved toFlorida, the state's political shift to the
right has contributed to his decision toleave. He was fighting with Disney.
Whether it's the whole LGBQ thing,it's just that there are so many things
that make it uncomfortable for a lotof people to be here. Okay,
well, this guy's a liar.This guy's bsing he was not a conservatives.
He's telling people he was a conservativeconservative moderate. He wasn't. He
wasn't. He's a far left wingliberal and that's why he doesn't like it
there. So I'm not with thisguy. But he's lying to everybody make
it uncomfortable for a lot of peopleto be here, leaving him and others
so full of crap, leaving himand others looking for a break with that
guy outside the Sunshine State, Yeah, the Sunshine State. Did you live
all eight years or six years inMiami when I was younger, Yeah,
well, my dad passed away.He lived in Saint Petersburg outside that's beautiful
in six and he had left abunch of property, most of them upside
down. But it was a seriousthought for me at that point in time,
whether or not I was going tomove there, maybe try to take
care of those properties and looking atall. They ain't kidding about the cost
of living in Florida. For astate that doesn't have what is a state
income tax or whatever, it isbrutal there. Insurance is almost next to
impossible to get. Yeah, nohomeowners Yeah. Yeah. With the hurricanes
and the flooding, and a lotof insurance companies have bailed in Florida.
Yeah, there are for people.For as much as people want to talk
about the differences between California and Florida, there are a lot of similarities too.
Yeah. And they're supposed to getwhacked by a lot of big storms
this year. Yeah's supposed to beparticularly bad this year. Yeah, pretty
pretty nastic. All right, Well, the society has caught up to me.
I thought Florida was the dream.I guess I'll just stay in burd
Bank. You're listening to Tim ConwayJunior on De Maya from KFI AM six
forty The Pride. It's Pride Month. Maybe you've noticed sitting on TV on
the news. It's all over thenews and the Pride fly is now flying
everywhere. I passed the Burbank UnifiedSchool District. They're headquarters in Burbank on
the way to work today, andthey got the big Pride flag out there.
It's downtown, it's the LA Countybuildings, it's everywhere. It's a
big deal to get that flag upthere. And now top tag Gon with
this flag. Mayor Karen Bass madeit official today she signed an ordinance that
allows the LGBTQ plus Pride flag tobe raised at City Hall for June.
Her move came out to the LACity Council. We're doing a story,
croach please city Hall for June.Her move came out to the LA City
Council unanimously approved an ordinance that wouldallow the Progress Pride flag to be raised
at the Civic Center at other locations. In a statement, the mayor wrote,
she is proud to have signed thehistoric motion, adding quote, now
more than ever, we must standtogether. We know that the harm that
discrimination and hate brings, and I'mproud that in Los Angeles we accept our
lgbt QIA plus community with open arms. Is she a member of the crew,
Mayor Bass? Is she part ofthe crew? You know, Robin,
I have honestly, no idea.You can't ask anybody. There's no
like hotline. No, there's noway to find out. I mean I
could ask you to ask around.Yeah, got it? Have you done
anything for Pride Month yet? Me? No? I was thinking about going
to uh the thirty one Flavors,the Free La Parade. Oh that's this
weekend. Yeah, it's uh.Whereas it West Hollywood or Hollywood? Honestly,
I am not entirely sure. Theysaid it was at a park,
but a lot of people were sayingit was downtown, which made no sense.
Oh yeah, maybe downtown, butthere's a big park downtown. Maybe
that's where it is. Have youbeen to it before? No? Not
since they split them? Oh youhaven't. Now there's two yeah and then
Eli. Yeah, you can loseyour card there maybe unless you keep up
on these things. You know,let's throw you out of the crow.
You have to go back to card. That's right, that's right, you
got to keep that card. Allright? We have that earthquake happened yesterday
in Pasadena three point five. Ididn't feel it, but some people did
just because they needed it. Wasit this morning? I don't remember.
There must be a sign a magnitudethree point five earthquake gave a brief jolt
to parts of the Southland this morningor it was this morning, it was
yesterday, it was yesterday. Iget my earthquakes mixed up. I thought
it was yesterday because my daughter feltthat I didn't feel it and I was
up. The earthquake caught on livestream at Holy Family Church in South Pasadena.
It happened a few minutes before tenand was centered two point three miles
southwest of South Past Oh. Here'swhat it sounded like at the church,
just because they needed it. Theremust be a sign. It was right
in the middle of the homily whenthe church started shaking on. Senior Connolly
able to use the moment in hissermon, later saying it's a reminder to
pause and reflect. Some people grabbingfor the pews to hold on. Despite
the jolt, mass continued on acrossthe south Land. No damage or injuries
were reported because of that earthquake.Reminder there are things bigger than us in
this Lad's right, all right,don't forget clipped starts tomorrow. That's the
documentary. We talked about it earlierin the program. Donald Sterling saga and
it's going to be what everyone's talkingabout starting on Wednesday. Everyone's going to
be talking about this documentary. Soyou've got to be up on it.
You got to be up on it. Look at it. Yeah, it's
hard to believe it's already been tenyears since the sterling scandal rocked LA.
The callegations of racism and misogyny endedwith the former Clippers owner banned from the
NBA forced to sell the team,and now a new mini series is bringing
it all back to life in atown where basketball has a long and storied
history. Unbelievable stuff to the sportalso has a dark and woeful polar office.
That's right. For roughly a quartercentury, the Los Angeles Clippers were
the laughing snock of the NBA,and the team's owner, don't bring Black
people to my games, was calledthe worst team owner in all professional sports.
That says something, especially when youhave the Cincinnati Reds owner. I'm
collecting, you know, Nazi memorabia. All right, Moe Kellys, whether
can you believe that's already ten yearsago. The time is going by quicker
and quicker. That's outraged. Ifsomebody were to ask me how long ago.
That was I'd say four maybe fiveyears ago. Yeah, it feels
like four or five. That iswhy what's on tonight's Big Show bub We'll
have to talk about the top moveout cities in America for twenty twenty four.
In other words, people are movingout of these cities and where they're
going, the most stressful airports inAmerica. And for some reason, people
don't listen to me when I saystay their ass out of the water.
More people than ever are drowning inOrange County. Oh, drowning that mean
shark. No, No, that'salso a reason to stay out of the
old water to the shark attack indel mar The bee swarm is shut down
Manhattan Beach Pier. It was aninteresting weekend. Yeah, you could beaches.
You know, I bet you're alot like me. My my family
goes camping every year. I gowith them, but we stay in,
you know, we stay we stayin like a cabin or a little like
a small hotel room. So I'mnot an outdoorsy guy to sleep at night.
And We've been going there for Idon't know, maybe twelve years,
and I've it's on a lake.It's beautiful lake and a big, huge
dock. There a massive lake andI have never been in the water.
Yeah, I did all that stuffas a kid. I went swimming in
the lake. We'll go to thebeach and boogey boy or but I have
not. I went camping at JoshuaTree. All that stuff stopped at age
seventeen. When's the last time you'vebeen in a pool or water? Last
time? I was in this aplace called Megan's Bay, US, Virgin
Islands, on a cruise and Igot really bad sunburn. Yes, black
people get sunburned. And that wasit. So I want to say maybe
seven eight years as touch one.But I could see the I can see
the sand blow. It's one ofthose clear oceans like I can see nothing
could sneak up on. I'm withyou, man, I don't like being
in the ocean when you can't touchthe ground the bottom of the ocean.
Yeah. I know how to swim, but I don't want to have to
swim. Yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you. I didn't like
going I didn't even like you know. I shower every day, sometimes twice,
but I don't even like getting wet. I just don't like it.
No, I'm a clean freak.When it comes to taking showers, I
am too, but I don't likeit. I don't like it. I
just don't like you know, it'sreally a great feeling, is showering before
you go to bed, that niceclean feeling when you get in that bed.
It is, Oh, it is. I usually worked out at night,
so that's why. Yeah, no, you do? OK? All
right mooe. Kelly's all grew upnext right here on KFI AM six forty
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