Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Mandy Connell Show is sponsored by Belle and Pollock
Accident and injury Lawyers.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
No, it's Mandy Connell, Many Connell on KA.
Speaker 1 (00:13):
Ninety one, f M, Got.
Speaker 3 (00:17):
Study and the Noisy Grey Many Connell keeping really sad thing.
Speaker 4 (00:26):
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to a Monday edition of the show.
Speaker 3 (00:30):
I am your host, Mandy Connell. And that right there
is Anthony Rodriguez. We're calling him ay Rod today. A
Rod is in the midst of a very big decision
right now. He is deciding whether or not to pull
the trigger on Lincoln Park tickets.
Speaker 5 (00:46):
Speaker 4 (00:46):
And I'm I'm I'm such a bad influence that he's
going to do it. You did it, didn't you.
Speaker 2 (00:50):
I'm literally heading next as we speak. Okay, yep, yep, yep.
Speaker 6 (00:55):
You have to.
Speaker 4 (00:55):
Okay, here's the thing.
Speaker 3 (00:57):
I'm not one to say just go out there and
blow a bunch of money on on our tickets.
Speaker 4 (01:00):
I'm really not.
Speaker 3 (01:01):
But you love this band. They're probably never going to
tour again, and you have to take the opportunity.
Speaker 4 (01:09):
You have to do it.
Speaker 3 (01:09):
You must do it because I gotta tell you, as
you get older, the people that you are like, oh,
I'll see them the next time they die.
Speaker 4 (01:16):
You're like, well, I missed that one.
Speaker 2 (01:20):
Band of all time right here, I can't take any risk.
Speaker 4 (01:21):
Yeah, you gotta go, you gotta go.
Speaker 3 (01:23):
You absolutely have to, because everybody should have that experience
with your favorite band.
Speaker 4 (01:27):
Everyone should. So, uh, I'm a bad influence, but right now,
good for you.
Speaker 3 (01:32):
So let's see the blog real quick while it's finishing that.
Today's blog has a bunch of stuff on it.
Speaker 4 (01:37):
But frankly, there's some stuff that's not on the blog
that I want to talk about.
Speaker 3 (01:41):
One of it involves a rod. The other involves cost
saving tips. And I just realize you guys might like
my cheapness.
Speaker 4 (01:51):
It might be genetic.
Speaker 3 (01:53):
I mean, is that a possible thing that you could
have thriftiness in your DNA? Do you think do you
think if I was like birthed by my parents but
then adopted away by a completely different kind of family,
maybe a family, because you know, ultimately, when people fantasize
about getting adopted away or something, they never go to
worse accommodations, right, They never go to like, yeah, I
hope I live in a trailer park and you know,
in a bad part of town. They never do that
it's always like I'd like to be adopted and become
a princess.
Speaker 4 (02:22):
That would be lovely.
Speaker 3 (02:24):
So let's just say I got adopted into a family
and then I was a princess. Would I still be
thrifty because I'm thrifty. I'm not thrifty about everything. There
are certain things that are worth the money to me,
and I'm not gonna lie. As more money has become
available in my life, what I enjoy has tended to
trend upward. Let me just say that there are things
that I take for granted now that like twenty one
year old Mandy would almost be appalled at.
Speaker 4 (02:52):
But I just saw an article that made me think
about all that. So let's do the blog first.
Speaker 3 (02:55):
Then we'll talk to a Rod not about Lincoln Park,
but about a ridiculous situation he's been dealing with.
Speaker 4 (03:01):
Now I don't even know how long, I feel like
forever and uh.
Speaker 3 (03:04):
Find the blog by going to mandy'sblog dot com. That's
mandy'sblog dot com. Look for the latest posts, and then
look for the headline. This is one eighteen twenty four
blog a new Israeli Colorado Chamber of Commerce plus elder abuse.
Speaker 4 (03:20):
Click on that and here are the headlines you will
find within.
Speaker 2 (03:23):
Tikets bought office half of American, all the ships and
clipments of say that's a press plat.
Speaker 4 (03:32):
Today, I'm the blog. We've got a new Chamber of Commerce.
Speaker 3 (03:35):
It's time to recognize that there are things an old
person shouldn't do. How about those broncos? Which part of
the holidays do you look forward to? Paulis causes an uproar.
Three men in Aspen could be part of a big
theft ring. Our mountain lion population.
Speaker 4 (03:50):
Is doing just fine.
Speaker 3 (03:51):
The Secretary of Defense Dominee has some shady stuff in
his background. A Colorado will lead the Energy Department. The
Griswold cover up is worse than expected. Carrots will kill
you now.
Speaker 4 (04:02):
Diversity rules, but only the right kind of diversity is
Matt Gates's nomination dead on arrival.
Speaker 3 (04:08):
Biden gives the go ahead for long range Ukraine strikes.
Justin Bateman and how jen X launched Trump back into
the White House. I think the Trump's dance is storming
the nation. If you're traveling this Thanksgiving Black Friday is dead. Hey, guys,
make sure you're not doing these things. A daily walk
can help you lead a longer life. Why aren't chicken tenders.
Speaker 4 (04:30):
Taking over the world? Will Wicked be good?
Speaker 3 (04:34):
HESBLA may be ready to talk, why gun grabbers shouldn't
be making laws about UFOs and all that This dog
has a drinking problem. When you get married, your immediate
family changes. Don't forget the lights of Elitch Gardens. The
Broncos new team member.
Speaker 4 (04:48):
Is the cutest thing ever, Pelosi is done, and Mika
and Joe kiss the ring.
Speaker 3 (04:54):
Those are the headlines on the blog at mandy'sblog dot com. Okay,
there was a lot more stuff on that blog that
I remembered putting on that blog just about an hour
and a half ago. Sometimes I'm working on the blog
and I think it's not I think it's not as long,
and I think maybe I should keep looking and find
some more stories. Today was one of those days, and
apparently I overachieved. So there's a lot of stuff on
the blog today that we will absolutely not get to,
but you should still look at because it's very interesting.
Speaker 4 (05:23):
And the videos today I like a lot. One of
them is just a young.
Speaker 3 (05:27):
Woman coming to grips with something that is so fundamental,
and that is when you marry your husband. Becomes your
immediate family, right, and then your parents and your siblings
they become your extended family. It doesn't change anything about
the way you feel about them. But then your spouse
should be or I guess I should say husband or
wife becomes your immediate family.
Speaker 4 (05:48):
And your spouse is your team, right. And it always
kills me when it's always moms. I've never seen a
dad do this, And maybe you know a dad who
did this, but I have never seen a dad do this.
But it's always.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
Moms who don't want to let their children put their
spouse first. And that's the most that's the strongest foundation
of marriage. Like you are on a team from this
point forward, and everything you do, every choice you make
should be putting that team.
Speaker 4 (06:20):
First, right.
Speaker 3 (06:21):
And it's just it's kind of interesting to see her
work her way through it, but it's not odd at
all to me. I mean, I think that's it's also
one of those really hard things as a parent.
Speaker 6 (06:32):
To see.
Speaker 3 (06:35):
Your kid change in ways that are uncomfortable. You know,
they change politically, they change, it just things as they
grow up and as they are adults, and it's really
hard as a parent to just recognize it's their life
they have to do things.
Speaker 4 (06:51):
Their way and you're just there to support and love
and that's.
Speaker 3 (06:54):
It, I mean, honestly, unless asked. So that's a great
video that's on the blog today. I also have video
on the blog today.
Speaker 4 (07:00):
There's a cur I should have put it not safe
for work warning.
Speaker 3 (07:03):
Because I have to give the Colorado Republican Party and
Kyle Clark credit. I know, I know you guys, I
know it's Gray Kerry Cray, but the kolor Reader Republican
Party posted audio from the Secretary of State's office to
county clerks and this was out last week. I just
never got a chance to talk about it, and they
released it, and that forced a reckoning that is continuing
to happen now and Kyle Clark's been following it like
a bulldog. And essentially, the Secretary of State's office told
these clerks, you know, we probably weren't going to tell
you about this password leak because we didn't really want
to deal with the media firestorm that was going to follow.
So just not telling the people who are in charge
of election integrity and security at the county level, just
not telling them was their answer to something that was
so egregious that It should have been the first call
they made simply to say, hey, better make sure all
of our others say if guards are in place. That
should have been the first call that was made Jenna Griswold.
Speaker 4 (08:06):
And I'm hoping.
Speaker 3 (08:07):
And the reason I want to give the Colorado Republican
Party credit for this is this is what they.
Speaker 4 (08:11):
Need to be engaged in.
Speaker 3 (08:13):
They need to be engaged in making sure that no
one forgets how incompetent Jenna Griswold is and how disastrous
her office has been for elections in this state. And
anybody on the right or the left that cares about
election integrity needs to demand collectively and loudly her resignation
because she has no business in this job none. So
keep amplifying this stuff, keep doing all this stuff. This
is what the party is supposed to be doing. You
you didn't help any candidates get elected, but you can
keep the pressure on Jannet Griswold because she's really horrible,
you guys.
Speaker 4 (08:53):
She's really horrible at her job, and her job is
critically important in Colorado. She's the one that's supposed to
make sure that we can trust our entire electoral process,
and she is a hyperpartisan hack, and I you know,
I don't use that word lightly for her, it absolutely fits.
I don't think she cares about election integrity.
Speaker 3 (09:18):
I think she cares about how she can be how
she can leverage her position as Secretary of State to
gain more prominence in the Democratic Party so she can
move her political career to what she've uses the next step,
and that is to the governor's mansion in you know,
in the next election cycle.
Speaker 4 (09:34):
You know, That's what I think her goals are. And
her job is too important to.
Speaker 3 (09:39):
Leave it to someone who've used it only as a
stepping stone to a bigger and better thing. I don't
know if she envisions herself, you know, as the first
female president of the United States, but my god, I
would not surprise me if that's.
Speaker 4 (09:53):
Her line of thinking. And we just can't have somebody
like that in this job. It's too important.
Speaker 3 (10:00):
And if she had any I mean, can you imagine,
you guys, And maybe this is just like we have
done such a bad job teaching young people about character
and why it matters that she doesn't even have the
self respect to resign from that office. Anyone else when
faced with the level of incompetence that she's.
Speaker 4 (10:20):
Currently being faced with.
Speaker 3 (10:21):
Would out of I mean out of personal shame. I
would step down, out of embarrassment. I would step down,
And instead she's just defiant with no real under you know,
have you heard her once say, you know what, I
realize that things have not been running well and we've
had all.
Speaker 4 (10:39):
Of these issues. But I want to fix the problem.
Speaker 3 (10:43):
So we're gonna fix the problem, and we're gonna be
totally transparent about how we fix the problem. We are
never going to do what we've done here less and learn.
Speaker 4 (10:51):
I want to move forward.
Speaker 3 (10:51):
She hasn't got any of that, and at this point,
no one would believe her because she just shows open
defiance instead.
Speaker 4 (10:58):
So hats off to the Colorado Republican.
Speaker 3 (11:01):
Party for finally aiming their ire at the right place. Finally,
sometimes blind squirrel finds a nut and they found theirs
right in there.
Speaker 4 (11:12):
So that audio is on the blog.
Speaker 3 (11:15):
I couldn't play all of it on the air anyway,
because there's curse words. Curd well, a curseword that's enough.
Speaker 4 (11:23):
Coming up a little bit later in the show. I
believe Jeremiah is coming on at twelve thirty a rod
Is that correct? Yes?
Speaker 3 (11:30):
In DD we have or are about to have a
brand new chamber of Commerce in Colorado and it is
the Colorado Israel Chamber of Commerce. We're going to talk
to Jeremiah Behrenberg about it at twelve thirty and find out.
Speaker 4 (11:44):
Look, what's the endgame here? What are we trying to do?
What are the goals? Is it just about trade and
business relationship? We don't know.
Speaker 3 (11:52):
We're gonna find out at twelve thirty and now a Rod,
let us just have a few moments. And this is
not a sports show, Okay, I don't pretend to be
a sports show. Can we all just have a minute
about what happened yesterday?
Speaker 2 (12:05):
God bless Boneigs.
Speaker 4 (12:06):
I mean you guys that that game felt like old
Broncos rubbing.
Speaker 3 (12:12):
Oh my god, it was so good. It was dominating
both sides of the ball. Everybody was firing on all cylinders.
Speaker 4 (12:18):
It was just it was so magical.
Speaker 3 (12:20):
But I got to tell you a Rod, when the
second half started, I had to like check myself from
being like.
Speaker 4 (12:27):
Oh God, I hope they don't blow it, you know
what I mean?
Speaker 2 (12:29):
I was like, third quarter rows have been real, I know, and.
Speaker 4 (12:32):
I just I wouldn't allow myself to remain excited until
they came out and they played as well in the
third quarters they did in the second quarter. It was like, Okay,
now I can take a breath. Now I can believe it.
Now I can believe Well.
Speaker 6 (12:45):
The last home game would have you think in that
very thing against the Panthers, they got to a sizable
lead and they didn't really close it out. Sean was
not happy after that game. This one they took that
to heart and said no, no, we're going to finish
this domination on both sides of the ball and bow ceiling.
As as Javonte Williams, running back for this team, said,
I don't know if there is one. It just keeps
it keeps going. He just continues to get better and better.
And looked some of those throws, some of those throws.
Speaker 4 (13:15):
Such perfect, Yeah, so perfect. That's highlight.
Speaker 3 (13:17):
That was a highlight reel game for bow Knicks, just
in terms of where he put the ball, how he
put the ball though you could see him checking off
his receivers.
Speaker 2 (13:25):
It was.
Speaker 4 (13:25):
It was glorious to watch as a football fan.
Speaker 6 (13:28):
First three hundred yard passing game for him in his
career four touchdowns.
Speaker 2 (13:32):
He only had one more. Well, I guess you. Oh no,
I'll look at the wrong.
Speaker 6 (13:39):
He only had one more incompletion than than touchdown passes,
five incompletions, four touchdown passes, and half of those were drops.
Speaker 2 (13:48):
Right. I mean, he was just electric, and I mean,
I mean, I'm just saying he's starting to look more.
Speaker 3 (13:53):
I'm starting to get I'm starting to get hopeful that
we are going to, you know, be a well I
I believe for sure, But I mean, it's not just
bo Nicks, though he gets all the accolades, but the
defense is playing lights out.
Speaker 4 (14:07):
They are so good.
Speaker 2 (14:08):
The offensive weapons around him are playing quite exactly.
Speaker 4 (14:11):
It's like the whole team.
Speaker 3 (14:12):
Everybody played well yesterday and it was just such a
glorious thing to watch, and it just reminded you of.
Speaker 6 (14:18):
What's possible next week. The Browns a week after, and
you got Colts. Chargers are tough. But then Bengals and
Chiefs playoffs could happen, could happen?
Speaker 4 (14:29):
Yeap believe we both leave. So I got excited about that.
Speaker 3 (14:33):
I also wanted to talk about another sports thing since
we're since we're having our annual sports segment, you know,
we'll get it in before the end of the year.
Last week we were talking about Bronnie James, and I
don't know if you've heard the story. If you're not
an NBA fan, let me just give you the real
condensed version. And the condensed version is this, Lebron James
arguably one of the top two all time greats, top
five all time greats in the history of the NBA.
His son, after a very mediocre year at USC where
I mean it was a mediocre year. He didn't play
the whole season, but it was a mediocre year, he
got drafted by the LA Lakers just so Lebron James
and Bronni his son could be the first father and
son team to play in the NBA on the same
team in a game together, and they did that. But
Bronni was not ready for prime time. He didn't even
look like he was ready for college. So they sent
him down to the developmental leagues, which is like the
minor leagues, to get a little seasoning and work on
his game so he'd be ready to come back up
to the Lakers. And then they announced last week that
this kid, he's only playing in the away games for
the team that he's playing with, So he's excuse me,
in the home games. He's not going to play any
of the away games. So this guy, who is supposedly
being groomed as a star is given such preferential treatment
that there's no way his teammates don't resent the.
Speaker 4 (15:57):
Hell out of him.
Speaker 3 (15:59):
And not only that, what are you teaching this kid
about perseverance, about grit, about paying your dues, about all
of those characteristics that separate the good from the absolutely great?
When you look at the work habits of the absolutely
great at any level, it's next level, and it's not
even close.
Speaker 4 (16:19):
And Brownie James has not shown any of that. They're
ruining this kid's chance at a future. I really believe that.
I don't see this ending well. The kid has never
had a face diversity.
Speaker 2 (16:29):
He changes name to James. Did you not see that?
Speaker 5 (16:31):
Speaker 4 (16:31):
Week, they should. This is like the ultimate NEPO baby situation.
Speaker 3 (16:35):
And don't get me wrong, I have no problem with
kids of very successful business people or celebrities. I have
no problem with them taking advantage of their parents' connections
to get ahead in life, because, let's be real, we
would all do it if we could, right, Like you're
telling me you wouldn't turn down some plumb job because
of somebody your dad knew, you're an idiot. You're an idiot.
Speaker 4 (17:00):
But nonetheless, I think they're ruining this kid, not just
for basketball but for life.
Speaker 6 (17:06):
Well, what's what's kind of funny is I don't think
Lebron can last long enough for this, but his next
son is arguably gonna be better Bryce Bryce James, and
I don't think Lebron can play long enough.
Speaker 2 (17:17):
Maybe he can.
Speaker 6 (17:17):
He wants to play with both, but the next one
is the one he probably would want to play with
because I think Bryce is gonna wind up being better.
Speaker 2 (17:23):
So he's gonna have. It's gonna have. This is gonna
happen again if Lebron can hang on.
Speaker 4 (17:27):
First of all, though, the whole, the.
Speaker 3 (17:28):
Whole notion that Bronny came out early after a very
nothing Burger season out of USC just so they can
have this publicity stunt, Like, what does that do for
that kid? Now he has no chance of getting a
college education. He obviously isn't good enough for the pros,
you know, but he needs to have something in life
that he works for and that he feels like he earned.
Somebody just hit the text line his dad is a billionaire.
Enough said, but think about how many kids, rich, rich
kids end up doing dumb things or dying of drug
overdoses and all of that stuff. It's because when you
don't have anything that you personally can aspire to and
achieve and know you did it on yourself, you have
no purpose in life.
Speaker 4 (18:14):
You have zero purpose.
Speaker 3 (18:15):
And that's when people start to stop to lose sight
of what's important. When you lose your purpose and you're
just drifting through life, that is when you make terrible,
terrible decisions. And I'm telling you, they are not doing
this kid any favors, and I am if i'm Lebron
james wife. At what point do you recognize that you
are gonna protect your child into a life of dependency
and misery because you've robbed them of the opportunity to
try anything and fail. Failure is such an important part,
such an important part of life, and your job as
a parent isn't to protect your kids from failing.
Speaker 4 (18:51):
It's to help them.
Speaker 3 (18:52):
Understand that even if they do fail, they have still
gained from trying and the next time they're gonna do better.
That's your job as a parent, not to stand there
with your parachute on, you know, waiting to swoop in
and solve all the problems. And to the texture who
pointed out blog shows one eighteen twenty four, isn't it November?
Speaker 4 (19:10):
You are correct? Texter, you are correct. Hey, have you
seen any I believe shirts yet?
Speaker 6 (19:17):
A rod?
Speaker 4 (19:17):
Should we go out in the corner of the Manta?
Speaker 6 (19:19):
No, they definitely exist. I haven't seen them that I am,
and I guess they absolutely exist.
Speaker 2 (19:22):
Are ready? Okay, a little light on them. That's okay,
all right, that's okay.
Speaker 4 (19:26):
Let's see here.
Speaker 3 (19:28):
All right, we're going to bownicks has drive. Yes, indeed, yes, indeedy.
What's the best way for us to get her out?
Talking about Secretary of State Jannet Griswold, Vote for the
Republican the next time, campaign for the Republican the next time,
donate to the Republican next time. We're Jennet Griswold is
not going to be forced out unless Democrats demand she go.
The only thing I would say is keep shining a
light on everything she does, because I guarantee you there
will be more missteps in the future because she doesn't
care about her job, clearly, and if nobody forces route,
she's just gonna stay.
Speaker 4 (20:02):
We will be right back. Keep it on, Kowa.
Speaker 3 (20:05):
He is the US side of the team that has
created the brand new Colorado Israel Chamber of Commerce. Jeremiah
Behrenberg is here in Denver and his business partner is
where Jeremiah.
Speaker 7 (20:17):
In Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv.
Speaker 3 (20:18):
So you got one foot there, one foot here, different
pockets at the same pair of pants. Tell me a
little bit about the Colorado Israel Chamber of Commerce.
Speaker 7 (20:26):
Well, thank you, Manny, and thank you for having me
on the show. It's great to be here.
Speaker 8 (20:29):
You know, I helped co found the Colorado Israel Chamber
of Commerce earlier this year to serve as a business
bridge between Colorado's thriving industries and Israel's world renowned innovation ecosystem.
And I did it together, as you mentioned, with my
business partner now, Jordan Kastrinski, who's a fellow Colorado from
Denver who moved to Israel about ten years ago and
lives in Tel Aviv, and he and his team are
deeply connected across Israel's high tech venture capital and startup ecosystem.
That's part of one of the value add that we
see as our organization playing to be that business bridge
between Colorado and Israel.
Speaker 4 (21:08):
Why now, what sparked this particular move right now?
Speaker 7 (21:12):
Well, I'll tell you.
Speaker 8 (21:13):
You know, there was a Colorado Israel Chamber of Commerce
back in the early two thousands, you know, and that
was before many of the amazing innovations that we've seen
take place over the last twenty years. And frankly, there
are other sort of similar style Israel Chambers of Commerce
in other states across the country.
Speaker 7 (21:29):
And the question is why.
Speaker 8 (21:31):
The reason is is that each of those states has
identified incredible opportunities that Israeli innovation can bring to their
state's economies in terms of jobs, in terms of innovation,
and in terms of economic growth. So to answer your question,
why now, Well, because we don't have one, and because
we see such potential. We also know that there is
already great trade and commerce going on between Colorado and Israel.
And you know, I'm from Denver, I grew up here,
and I love Colorado. I lived on the East Coast
for too long, and I moved back here during COVID,
and I was so excited to get back here. What
I found was a thriving international sort of relations, international business,
international activity, environment going on and I immediately got plugged
into that. And you know, there are other chambers of commerce,
like the Germans have one, the Swedes, the French, the Japanese,
and you know, so there's a great operating environment here,
great excitement for international growth, and not just Denver as
a global city, but Colorado as a state connected internationally.
And that is truly our aim to be a chamber
of commerce for the whole state front range, western slope,
north and south.
Speaker 7 (22:38):
This is not just a big city initiative.
Speaker 8 (22:40):
And so it's been very exciting this past year connecting
with stakeholders and players around the state and everyone's been
uniformly excited about it.
Speaker 3 (22:47):
Well, there's a you mentioned that there's a lot of
business going on currently. Where are the natural partnerships do
you see? Where are the industries or techno knowlogies or
innovations that you see are kind of like a natural
fit for Colorado and Israel.
Speaker 7 (23:03):
Well, and that's a great question.
Speaker 8 (23:04):
And when Jordan and I sat down to map out
our sort of business plan, you know, we were inspired
by some of the leading sectors that Colorado is at
the forefront of and we saw that so many of
those sectors had their counterparts in Israel set up in
the same way, and so we saw those synergies and
what we landed on were essentially four to six areas
that we see as really ripe.
Speaker 4 (23:30):
Speaker 7 (23:30):
The first, which I'm really excited about, is water.
Speaker 8 (23:33):
And we know that Colorado has its water stresses, its
water scarcity issues, both from usage and.
Speaker 7 (23:42):
Speaker 8 (23:42):
And you know, when it comes to water, there is
no country in the world that's better than Israel because
they're also water scarce because they're semi arid, and they've
they've you know, they've they've been at the forefront of
these activities and they engage internationally. So we're working with
Israel's National Water and their water technology Innovation network. So
I think that's one area, and we've been told by
many stakeholders here that that's a key area that can
help Colorado in certain ways.
Speaker 3 (24:10):
I will tell you when I when I went to Israel,
one of the things that was so shocking to me
was how much produce is created in a desert, right,
I mean, you'll be driving through a desert. It's not
it's I don't know what people think Israel looks like,
but most of it is just like hard scrabbled desert
with a few bushes and rocks here and there.
Speaker 4 (24:27):
I mean, it's it's not a lot to look at.
But then all of a sudden.
Speaker 3 (24:31):
You'll see rose and rose of greenhouses, and you're thinking,
they're growing so much produce in the middle of a
desert and doing it without using a.
Speaker 4 (24:38):
Lot of water.
Speaker 3 (24:38):
It's pretty impressive that I saw, you know, I see
that kind of stuff, and I'm like, first of all,
California needs to be working with Israel on desalemization. Like
there's so many opportunities for water and farming and things
of that nature.
Speaker 4 (24:50):
So what else do you have for me?
Speaker 8 (24:51):
Yeah, well, and just to pigging back on that, absolutely,
I mean Israel and that died the you know, the
cherry tomato, but also drip irrigation, and we recently found
out that there's there is an Israeli drip irrigation company
already here working on the Western slope helping Colorado farmers
save water by reducing their use through drip irrigation in
a zero carbon gravity gravity lad way. So beyond water
and also related to sort of agriculture, we're looking at.
Speaker 7 (25:19):
Speaker 8 (25:20):
You know, Colorado has recently been is a Governor Polus
led initiative to position Colorado as the leading biotech capital
of the country, to attract companies from California and Boston
and you know, the MIT sector to come to Colorado
because of so many reasons, our talented workforce are availability
of lab space, and so that's actually a Governor of
state led campaign to brand Colorado as a bioscience capital.
So we're going to do that for essentially the Israeli
biotech community to say, hey, if you're coming to Colorado,
we're coming to the US, check out Colorado.
Speaker 7 (25:53):
So beyond that, we're also looking at aerospace and space tech.
Speaker 8 (25:56):
You know, Colorado is obviously number two in the country
when it comes to aerospace and space tech, and that's
you know, it's it's everything from you know, launchers to
satellites to you know, technology and cameras in space. And
then we also have energy. Quantum is obviously a major
push here in Colorado. Cybersecurity and and energy. So there's
a lot of sectors. It's a lot to cover. Yeah,
we have to be thoughtful about how we go about this,
but it's exciting to see the interest.
Speaker 3 (26:26):
Who do you want to join the Israeli or Colorado
Israel Chamber of Commerce. Who is this open to Who
would you like to see coming to be a member
and how can.
Speaker 4 (26:34):
They do that?
Speaker 7 (26:35):
Absolutely, and you know we are a membership organization. That's
how we envision this.
Speaker 8 (26:39):
You know, I don't want this to be sort of
Jeremiah and George and sort of leading it. We want
the participation of the community. We want members, we want partners,
and frankly, that's what I've spent a lot of my
efforts this past year doing.
Speaker 7 (26:50):
It's is engaging with.
Speaker 8 (26:53):
Partner organizations, but also reaching out to companies and members.
So we envisioned membership being well from those sectors that
I just mentioned. We want companies in those sectors, ranging
from small and medium to larger companies, to take a
role and play a role because what we can A
lot of people will say, what are you going to
do because sometimes, like you know, Chambers of Commerce, well,
they all do it in their own way. But we
want to do more than just be an education platform,
which we do want to be that. We want to
showcase the best of Israeli technology for Colorado and we
want to showcase Colorado in Israel as well.
Speaker 7 (27:27):
But secondly, what we want to do is be a connector.
Speaker 8 (27:30):
We want to play the role of helping Colorado companies
identify and create partnerships with their Israeli counterparts in ways
that can benefit them. So that's a lot of actual
boots on the groundwork, and that's why Jordan and his
team in Israel are so critical to this effort. But
we also see sort of downstream professional services firms being
important here. I mean, you know, I work closely with
the Denver Office of Economic Development and Opportunity DIDO. I'm
going to shout out right now to Stephanie Garnika. He's
leading the way for making Denver such a great attractive place.
And Israeli companies have come to Colorado and set up shop.
So they set up shop, they buy some real estate
or rent office space, they hire Colorado workers, and so
there's a whole downstream benefit to service providers here that
want to be part of our community to help kind
of make Colorado a welcoming place for Israeli companies to
come here and get settled. And so there's a lot
of ways to get involved, and yeah, check out our
website at Colorado Israel dot org or send us an
email at info at Colorado Israel dot org.
Speaker 3 (28:33):
I also put on the blog today there's a big
kickoff event. Can people come to the kickoff event to
learn more? Because they put a link to that on
the blog today.
Speaker 7 (28:40):
Absolutely, that would be great.
Speaker 8 (28:41):
We'd welcome that, you know, send us you can, you
can put the link there or send us a message
for more information.
Speaker 7 (28:47):
You know, we are inviting.
Speaker 8 (28:48):
We hope to have a speak if the governor actually
address the event in some shape or form another.
Speaker 7 (28:53):
The you know, it's not just we have the Denver
mayor kind of teed up and maybe.
Speaker 8 (28:57):
Aurora mayor as well, and you know, we want to
have voices from across the state as well, and that's
a process. We'll also have speakers from an Israeli company
that's based here in Colorado and a Colorado investment firm
that invests in Israel.
Speaker 7 (29:13):
And that's actually a very interesting aspect.
Speaker 8 (29:15):
There are four investment firms here in Calora that invest
in Israel, both in the Tel Aviv stock exchange and
also in the VC sort of startup space. But you know,
we also want it to be a fun networking event
because not just like talking of people, we want people
to be engaged.
Speaker 7 (29:30):
We want them to find value in being part of
the community.
Speaker 3 (29:33):
Well, to wrap up, we've got Jeremiah Beharenberg is with
the Colorado Israel Chamber of Commerce. The event we're talking
about is Tuesday, December third, from five to six thirty
and it is going to be at Hogan's Level Downtown.
You can find all that information get your ticket at
the blog today. I got it all there, and you
can also find out more about the organization. I think
this is a great organization, Jeremiah, and I hope that
you and your partner have phenomenal success and bridge some
gaps and help, you know, create more lines of communication,
because that's really what's going to save us all in
the long run.
Speaker 4 (30:09):
I very much appreciate your time today.
Speaker 7 (30:11):
Thank you very much. Man, it's great to be here.
Speaker 4 (30:13):
All right, Thank you, sir.
Speaker 3 (30:14):
That is Jeremiah Behrenberg with the Colorado Israel Chamber of Commerce.
Speaker 4 (30:18):
We'll be right back.
Speaker 3 (30:18):
Keep it on, Kawa, Anthony. Did you watch the fights
Friday night? Did you watch him?
Speaker 2 (30:23):
I just watched the headliner.
Speaker 3 (30:25):
I watched the two undercard fights, which were absolutely fantastic,
the Barrios Ramos fight and the Taylor. What was the
other chick's name, Serrano Taylor Serrano fight. They were some
of the best boxing matches I have seen in a
long time.
Speaker 4 (30:43):
So much so. Chuck was not here.
Speaker 3 (30:45):
He was in Ohio and we're texting back and forth
and I was like, man, he goes, who do you
think on the Barrios Samos fight?
Speaker 4 (30:52):
And I was like, I really don't know. It was
so even and so good, and when it came back
a draw, I wasn't even mad. I was like, I
kind of feel like the same thing. Man, great fight.
Speaker 3 (31:06):
And then the fight between Serrano and Taylor was fantastic.
But at the end of the fight, I'm like, Serrano
clearly won that fight, aside from a massive disgusting gash
over her eye that Katie Taylor opened up when she
had buttered her.
Speaker 4 (31:21):
I thought she won the fight well, like going away.
Speaker 3 (31:24):
And this is why boxing sucks, because the judges saw
it completely differently, so you didn't see either of the
good fights.
Speaker 6 (31:30):
You just saw the main event, just the main event,
like we saw the other ones in passing like it
was on the TV, but it wasn't really watching.
Speaker 4 (31:36):
Oh No, they were.
Speaker 3 (31:37):
Great fights, I mean, really really great fights. And I
don't know if people know this about me. I really
like boxing. I have always I don't like MMA, that's
like too violent for me. But I love boxing. And
maybe because my dad loved boxing and my mom likes boxing,
maybe that's why.
Speaker 4 (31:51):
I don't know, but I love boxing.
Speaker 3 (31:54):
And the two undercard matches Friday night were fantastic, which
made the the main event fight even that much worse
because as Mike Tyson is walking out, I was like, oh, dude,
he looks old just as he was walking out, and
then by the end of the first round he was gassed.
He was done, and I'm like, this is gonna be
a disaster. And I will say this, it made a
terrible fight, But Jake Paul could have really hurt an
old man and he didn't, so it made an incredibly
boring eight rounds of not even good exhibition boxing.
Speaker 4 (32:32):
It was terrible.
Speaker 3 (32:35):
Mike Tyson I think threw like five punches the entire fight.
Threw no punches from rowns like three to eight at all.
Speaker 4 (32:41):
I mean none. There was just no punching going on.
Speaker 6 (32:44):
It was like, man, I uh, I can't recall the
last time I've been this much in the vast minority
on something.
Speaker 4 (32:52):
Why you thought it was good?
Speaker 2 (32:53):
I was actually entertained.
Speaker 4 (32:54):
Oh my god, was not a boxing fan then, I know.
Speaker 2 (32:58):
I do like a good boxing match.
Speaker 8 (33:00):
I do.
Speaker 6 (33:00):
But the first couple of rounds were were entertaining, and
it made up for how boring and lame the last
couple were because I think everyone latched on to the
fact that, Okay, Mike looks really old. The first couple
of rounds he kind of held his own and now
it looks bad. But is he gonna Is he gonna
come out in one of these like first ten seconds
of one of these later rounds and jolver the knockout blow.
Speaker 2 (33:23):
Because it's the only way soon as soon as.
Speaker 4 (33:25):
Round four, for sure, five three no, three was.
Speaker 2 (33:30):
No, no, not not talk about being gassed.
Speaker 6 (33:32):
My point being in terms of the percentage of punches
land in the way the fight was going. By rounds
four and definitely five, it was already determined. It absolutely
has to end in a knockout for me to even
have a chance with the judges. So we all thought, Okay,
is he we know he's old, is he is he saving?
Does he still have that one punch? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (33:52):
To send Jake Paul into oblivion.
Speaker 6 (33:54):
So it locked it looked it locked in for me
on that sense because I'm watching one of the greatest
boxers of all time obviously look old and not and
not box, but still have that potential in your mind.
Speaker 2 (34:06):
Can he deliver that one blow? Is he's saving his energy?
Speaker 6 (34:09):
So for that point and for the first couple of
rounds being as fun for me as they were, and
all the camaraderie and some people like to watch the
world burn on one of them, and so seeing the
side show was was kind of entertaining.
Speaker 2 (34:19):
I liked it.
Speaker 6 (34:20):
Everyone's saying it's one of the worst events, if not
the worst sporting event ever. I say, you know what,
I had a good time. I'm not going to deny
my interfeeling thinking that I kind of was entertained. So
so Bill, it was not great, but I liked it.
Speaker 4 (34:31):
The big winner and loser of the night was Netflix.
We'll talk about that on the other side of this.
Keep it on KOA.
Speaker 1 (34:38):
The Mandy Connell Show is sponsored by Belle and Pollock
Accident and injury Lawyers.
Speaker 2 (34:43):
No, it's Mandy Connell on KA.
Speaker 4 (34:51):
Nine FM.
Speaker 6 (34:53):
Got study.
Speaker 4 (34:55):
Can the nicety.
Speaker 2 (35:00):
Conall keeping really sad?
Speaker 6 (35:02):
Speaker 4 (35:04):
Welcome Unca, Welcome to the second hour of the show on.
Speaker 3 (35:07):
A Monday, the eighteenth of November. I don't mean to
freak you guys out, but it's eleven days until Thanksgiving. Yeah, ready,
ready to party. That means for those of you going
on the Mandy Connell adventure down the Danube for the
Christmas markets, eleven more sleeps, my friend, eleven more sleeps and.
Speaker 4 (35:26):
Then we get to go. So excited, can't wait.
Speaker 3 (35:29):
I've been watching all these videos and now my algorithm
from Facebook is full of Christmas and Vienna videos, which
is fine with me.
Speaker 2 (35:35):
Yeah, and I got you beat. Four more sleeps until
I'm in no rle.
Speaker 4 (35:39):
You're gonna have so.
Speaker 3 (35:39):
Much one I just told a Rod, I said, okay, Ran,
I have a restaurant for you. And you're gonna think
I'm making it up because of the name, but I
swear it's the name and it's amazing. And that's Dookie Chase's.
Dookie Chase has the best soul Southern food you will have.
You will put in your mouth. It is so good
your tongue will slap the roof of your mouth, that's
how good it is. You slap your mama for this food.
Speaker 6 (35:58):
It is Sooky Chase. He's not a ga janitor for
a day experience. Jukie Chase.
Speaker 3 (36:04):
No, Doukie Chase is the lovely woman who started the
restaurant's name. I'm pretty sure she's dead. She was like
super old a long time ago when I went there,
and so I don't know if Doukie is still with us.
Speaker 4 (36:19):
Doukie Chase.
Speaker 3 (36:20):
Now I've looked us up real quick, bear with me.
Look it for the actual woman, Doukie Chase.
Speaker 4 (36:30):
She may still be around. Holy Macaroni. I'll have to
looking more into that. She was old, but man, good food,
really good food.
Speaker 3 (36:39):
Anyway, let me get back to the Netflix thing, because
we were talking about the Jake Paul Mike Tyson fight
on Friday Night. Two great undergard fights, I mean, just
so good, and then the main event was a giant
let down to everyone but a Rod who enjoyed it
because he thought it was interesting to watch and was
wondering if Mike Tyson had but it took to just
throw one punt at Jake Paul to knock him out.
But the big winner and the big loser on Friday
Night had to be Netflix because if you were watching
the fight or trying to watch the fight, you were
probably hit with buffering multiple times at one time. At
one point, mine was buffering for like four minutes, and
then for some reason, it doesn't pick up the stream
live where it is.
Speaker 4 (37:22):
It picks it up where you left it off. So
now you're back in time.
Speaker 3 (37:25):
That took me like ten minutes to figure that out,
because Chuck is texting me stuff is going on.
Speaker 4 (37:29):
I'm like, what are you watching? We're watching the same thing.
Speaker 3 (37:34):
But sixty million people were streaming that fight on Friday night,
and for the most part, Netflix kept the lights on
and the show going. I will say this, their production
values neatly needs something to be desired. I did not
see Rosy Perez boxing commentary on my Bingo card, and
yet there she was Friday night, and I got to
say she did a good job. She did a really
good job. I could do boxing commentary. They don't ask me.
Of course, I don't have that cool New York accent
like Rosie does. Now, the big, uh, big moment of
the night was it was pre pre fight when they
were interviewing Mike Tyson, and I guess no one noticed
that he was just wearing his you know, protective gear
over his you know what you know, over his equipment
if you know what I'm saying, guys, you know the
big protective over the and and he turned around and
walked away, and we all got to see Mike Tyson's butt.
Speaker 4 (38:33):
Did you see that part a rod?
Speaker 2 (38:34):
Did you get to see Tyson?
Speaker 3 (38:38):
We all saw his butt. And I'm thinking to myself,
this this production team is not it's good for an
old tush though.
Speaker 2 (38:47):
Yeah, it's about a fifty or eight year old tush.
Speaker 3 (38:49):
Oh no, no that that trust me, Trust me on
this that tush. Go to any hospital unit and watch
those old men walk down the hall with their with
their hospitaled goallons flat been.
Speaker 4 (39:00):
In the back.
Speaker 6 (39:02):
I expect to see what I saw if I were
to go there. That looked like a that looked like
an old tush hanging out in the back.
Speaker 4 (39:10):
It wasn't. He looked great for a fifty Some of those.
Speaker 6 (39:16):
Like uh not in dens, those uhmples. Yeah, I had
some had some old people dimple nobing going on. There
was no old people done.
Speaker 2 (39:23):
You don't.
Speaker 6 (39:24):
You don't look at a work computer. But you can
look right now, and you can look again. Because it
had some had some old people dimplage whatever you're saying.
Speaker 4 (39:30):
He was old. He is old, I will say.
Speaker 3 (39:32):
On Friday night, I'm like, you know what, can we
all just decide collectively as a society that we no
longer want to see old people engaged in contests that
they are no longer able to participate in.
Speaker 6 (39:43):
You know, he did participate though, and he for that
old for Mandy. Let me putting this perspective for you.
Their age gap was how old I am? Oh my god, yep,
their age.
Speaker 2 (39:54):
Gap is almost exactly how old I am.
Speaker 4 (39:57):
It was uncomfortable. It was very un comfortable, like watching
Joe Biden debate Donald Trump.
Speaker 6 (40:02):
Did you watch the same level of uncomfortable? Did you
watch the post interviews? Did you hear what happened?
Speaker 1 (40:07):
Speaker 4 (40:08):
He called out brother Logan, Oh yeah I did see that.
Speaker 2 (40:10):
I did see that. I think tongue in cheek for Mike.
Speaker 4 (40:13):
Well, now that you see what Mike doesn't have, I'd
fight Mike Tyson now for twenty million dollars.
Speaker 2 (40:17):
Logan said to him. He said, Mike, that would kill you.
Speaker 6 (40:20):
Speaker 2 (40:22):
Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 4 (40:23):
And it's time for Mike to not be in the ring. Anymore.
Speaker 3 (40:27):
It was painful to watch him. At one point he
looked like a very scared child to me, my back, No, like.
Speaker 2 (40:35):
A vertebrae spinal remember.
Speaker 4 (40:37):
Yeah, no, it is Uh. It was sad. And nobody
likes to see their heroes when they get old. Right
there are And I can't remember if it was.
Speaker 3 (40:47):
It wasn't Marlena Dietrich, but it was a star of
that time frame who was incredibly beautiful and refused to
be photographed outside her house when she got old because
she wanted people to have that vision, the young, beautiful
vision of her, instead of seeing her get older and
become an old woman. And I just thought, man, that
is so sad. But then I turn fifty five and
I look at myself.
Speaker 4 (41:13):
In the mirror and I'm like, okay, got it.
Speaker 2 (41:15):
I hear you.
Speaker 4 (41:16):
I hear you trying to figure out like the best
way I'm fighting aging every step of the way without
doing anything invasive. But it's like you do you start
to look and go, who is that person? Here's the
dirty little secret of getting older. Fifty five, I swear
to you, I feel like I'm twenty seven. Physically, I
feel like I'm twenty seven, But I mean, obviously much smarter,
because I was an idiot at twenty seven, so obviously
I'm smarter than I was then. But mentally you stay
the same age and ayroid, you're not old enough to
have this experience hit, I think, I asked another friend
of mine. She said, I feel like I'm thirty. So
I want to all of our textures on the text
line at five six six nine, Oh, tell me how
old you are, and tell me how old you feel inside.
Speaker 3 (41:57):
Now if you're eighty and your body feels ninety but
inside you feel.
Speaker 4 (42:02):
Forty, I want you to write all that out. I'm
gonna make you work for it, Mandy.
Speaker 3 (42:06):
The name of the lady from Dukie Chases is Leah.
Doukie was her son's name, and I went to college
with him Nola, and Leah passed away in twenty nineteen.
I think I'm among those people that only visited there
once and just assumed she was Dukie Chase. But like
I said, she was old when I went there.
Speaker 6 (42:23):
Hook a brother up with a connection there texture come on,
yeah either this weekend?
Speaker 4 (42:27):
Yeah, what are we doing?
Speaker 5 (42:29):
Speaker 4 (42:29):
Thank you to the text who said love your podcast
with your brother.
Speaker 3 (42:31):
Thanks so much, Welsie the rules first for Tyson in
that fight, they had what they had kid gloves on.
First of all, they had sparring gloves on. They were heavier,
poofier than u Mi.
Speaker 2 (42:43):
Mike was hungry for it because he was biting it
the whole time.
Speaker 3 (42:46):
Mike, I guess the the Oh, can we just talk
about the guy calling the fight?
Speaker 4 (42:52):
Who was that clown he was? When he said he's
blowing it up like a truck stop bathroom, I was like,
what are we talking about right now?
Speaker 6 (43:01):
Speaker 4 (43:01):
Side shows happening.
Speaker 2 (43:03):
That's Netflix right there. Yep.
Speaker 4 (43:05):
They got to up there.
Speaker 6 (43:06):
Their team, well, when the fight got going, they figured
it out. They must have opened up enough ports or
however that works, uh to make it better, because once
the fight got going, the streaming there.
Speaker 2 (43:16):
Was no SAEP.
Speaker 3 (43:17):
They prioritized larger cities, is what they did. They probably
throttled out smaller areas and then prioritized that bandwidth for
bigger cities like ours.
Speaker 4 (43:28):
So we just lived in the right place, all right.
I wanna I want to give these because I love these.
Speaker 3 (43:33):
I'm going to be sixty nine and I feel I'm
about fifty sixty three, feel thirty sixty eight, feel forty five.
I'm seventy three, but inside I feel twenty six. Why
yogi fifty three but I feel thirty three. However, some
days my joints remind me that I am, in fact
fifty three. I'm forty nine, but I feel twenty six.
Speaker 4 (43:53):
I'm go five thirty feel twenty seven. If we're talking
to a bigger spread than that, Mandy, I'm seventy six.
I feel like I'm fifty five.
Speaker 3 (44:03):
I like to keep active by doing some weightlifting, golfing,
and fishing. There you go, I'm fifty five. Female feel
like I'm thirty five. Still feel the eighties were ten
years ago?
Speaker 4 (44:12):
Preach it, sister, Like who moved the eighties to forty
years ago? What happened there? That's crazy because it was
clearly a couple weeks ago.
Speaker 3 (44:24):
Clearly Mike's Wait a minute, I gotta find that Mike's
butt looked like a sack of potatoes back from No Codan. Mandy,
I'm sixty two, and I feel like I'm thirty. Carnivor
diet changed my life. I'm fifty five, and I run marathons,
so I feel like I'm thirty eight most days.
Speaker 4 (44:39):
But sixty five some days.
Speaker 3 (44:42):
Sixty four, felt thirty five due to swimming every day,
but had a cut colon during a colon oscoby three
weeks ago and feel eighty now. Ah, that sounds horrible.
That happens not very often, but when it does, it
is very serious. I'm glad you made it, Texter, and
I'm not being facetious about that. Let's see here, Mandy,
I'm seventy one and feel forty?
Speaker 4 (45:03):
Is is that from Rick?
Speaker 3 (45:05):
My friend and I were talking about this the other day.
I'm fifty three, mentally feel thirty. Boddy definitely reminds me
that I am, indeed in my fifties. I'm sixty two.
People say I look mid fifties and I'm a dialysis nurse,
and I'll figure I'll retire when I'm seventy. Mandy, sixty
three year feel mentally thirty. FYI from an eighty year
old still think I'm in my forties. Hope you too
are fortunate and lucky enough to get eighty. I'm forty five,
usually feel thirty, but when I deal with pop culture,
I feel sixty. I feel one hundred with pop culture.
Right now, I'm fifty six, feels like thirty. Workout at
least four days a week. Sixty one feel twenty nine
told I look at my late forties and late fifties,
So you guys are getting the vibe here.
Speaker 4 (45:46):
Nobody feels their age. Oh wait, I'm seventy, feel eighty
at twenty one. That's one way to do it.
Speaker 3 (45:53):
Nobody feels their age, you know, nobody does sixty five
feel thirty five till.
Speaker 4 (46:00):
A look in the mirror. Yes, yes, indeed, when did
you start noticing? I'm like, when did you? I guess
my A friend of mine said, look, you'll feel You'll
start to feel like you look.
Speaker 3 (46:12):
Old no matter who you are as a woman after
you go through menopause, because all your hormones change. Everything
changes if you if you're guys, if you're married to
a woman who hasn't gone through menopause yet, trust me,
your wife is going to lose her mind at some point.
Speaker 4 (46:26):
But it's temporary, so you just have to get through it.
It's kind of like the teen years.
Speaker 2 (46:30):
Speaker 4 (46:31):
Once you get through it, you're great.
Speaker 3 (46:34):
So afternoon, Mandy fifty seven physical says I'm in solid shape,
felt thirty five to forty. Then I shoveled the driveway
now ninety seven. Correct, correct, anyway.
Speaker 2 (46:47):
Keep the mind, young man.
Speaker 6 (46:49):
You got to.
Speaker 3 (46:50):
You got to keep your body moving. You need to
lift heavy things, and you got to. You got to
keep your mind going. You gotta have and you gotta
have some kind of purpose in life.
Speaker 2 (46:58):
Lose the weight, lose it. Lose the weight, yes, so
many years.
Speaker 4 (47:02):
Here's the thing.
Speaker 3 (47:03):
If you are exercising on a daily basis, some kind
of exercise, and you are, you know, not eating a
bunch of ultra processed foods and crap, and you are
getting good sleep, You're you're going to if you focus
on healthy choices, everything else will take care of it itself.
Speaker 2 (47:18):
And please Lord, don't wait.
Speaker 6 (47:19):
I mean I was in late twenties when I started
losing this weight and I felt so old, I felt gross.
Speaker 2 (47:25):
I mean, you feel so much better when you lose weight.
It takes off so many years.
Speaker 4 (47:29):
So there you go.
Speaker 3 (47:30):
Oh, people are also sending recommendations for New Orleans for you, please,
so make that happen.
Speaker 6 (47:35):
Please let me say, let me say the textures a
couple tags real quick. I'm already going to World War
Two museum. We're gonna do a donkey cariage. Maybe we're
going to do a Poe Boys, Brendon's for breakfast, the
hand Grenade drink, got it, Ruby Slipper for breakfast, Cafe Dumont,
Pad O'Brien's, King's Cake, Dookie Chase, got all that.
Speaker 2 (47:51):
So if you have anything other than those, well you know,
and you know the.
Speaker 3 (47:54):
Glass situation at Pat O'Brien's works, right, No, you pay
a deposit when you get a glass, okay, and then
when you bring the glass back up to the counter,
you get the deposit back.
Speaker 4 (48:03):
Prow tip pro tip.
Speaker 3 (48:05):
You see somebody get up and walk away from their glasses,
put them on your table. You can pay for your
entire visit to Pad O'Brien's by turning in other people's glasses. Now,
I don't know if it's still the same way. Like
when you go to the Christmas markets in Europe, you
have to pay a deposit because they don't have plastic
there's no plastic cups. So you get like a little
mug with your mulled wine in it, and they give
you a token with your thing, but you have to
pay like a three pound deposit on that or three
euro deposit, but you get the three euro back, but
you have to turn the token in two.
Speaker 4 (48:36):
So you can't just collect other people's cups.
Speaker 1 (48:39):
I do.
Speaker 4 (48:39):
Last time I was a Pad O'Brien's. We made like
one hundred and twenty bucks.
Speaker 2 (48:42):
I love it.
Speaker 4 (48:43):
And we are collecting other people's empty glasses.
Speaker 2 (48:45):
We are staying on Bourbon Street.
Speaker 4 (48:47):
You're gonna get so much fun on the Should we
talk about your.
Speaker 3 (48:51):
Situation because they're right now, we're talking before the show.
Because this the saga of a Rod's Ride has been going.
Speaker 4 (49:00):
On for how long?
Speaker 2 (49:02):
Speaker 4 (49:02):
Like a year?
Speaker 2 (49:04):
January? Almost a year? Yeah, super super super quick.
Speaker 6 (49:07):
Synopsis had one car really badly awfully awful accident totaled
in January. Okay, since then, replacement of the well, we'll
leave the model. Make a model out of this for now,
the exact same car one year older. Okay, Ever since
then this year alone, new breaks, struts, pads, rotors, water pump,
fuel pump, timing belt, everything, I'm not even thinking of
everything that we've replaced this car. Easily over ten thousand
dollars spent in fixing this thing up. You would think, oh, well,
now you got it all fixed up, it's good to go. No,
it keeps one thing after another.
Speaker 3 (49:42):
Well let's talk about what happened this weekend, because I
think that I think the level of negligence here is
probably pretty high, but my mechanical knowledge of stuff like
this is pretty low. So I'm going to put this
put this question to our mechanically minded or mechanic listeners,
because this is what happened to a rod So Tuesday.
Speaker 4 (50:01):
They fixed your struts.
Speaker 6 (50:02):
Yeah, we're full replacement of the struts and bearings. So
full replacement, brand new struts. Apparently they either did it
just obviously I hope no, obviously not purpose, but they
what they did is in replacing the struts, they did
not properly reattach or bolt in or whatever one.
Speaker 2 (50:25):
Of my I just lost the word for it. The
Caliber Caliper. They did not reattach. It it was not
on their problem.
Speaker 4 (50:34):
Here's what we're thinking. Because they drove the car all
the way down to Peblo, no problem.
Speaker 2 (50:38):
Speaker 4 (50:38):
So they're on their way back from Pueblo.
Speaker 3 (50:41):
Right before they get on the interstate, car starts basically
following apart front front end shaking, blah blah blah, pulls over,
looks over.
Speaker 4 (50:48):
The Caliper is not attached at all.
Speaker 2 (50:49):
Yeah, literally loose rolling around.
Speaker 3 (50:51):
No, here's my theory that they put the caliper on there,
but they didn't bolt anything on to hold it in place.
So that's why they were able to draw to preblo
and with no problems and then all the way back.
Speaker 6 (51:04):
Yeah, or more benefit of the doubt in the faith
that humanity in me says they maybe a bolt was
in there, but not properly screwed in, not properly drilled
at whatever that process is. Maybe they didn't put it
in all the way, which is where I'd like to
hope to think. Instead of just fully leaving it in
a way where.
Speaker 4 (51:22):
It was gonna everyone was leaving it completely off.
Speaker 2 (51:24):
Speaker 4 (51:25):
I don't think there was any kind of bolt holding
it on, and you're just lucky it didn't come off sooner.
Speaker 6 (51:28):
Into my understanding, Not to be too dramatic, but what
could happen is that everything could fall apart mid driving.
I could have lost the breaks, everything. It could have
been really really bad. So did I call some very colorful,
respectful choice words this morning to said mechanic that put
the news strets on.
Speaker 2 (51:49):
Speaker 4 (51:49):
I did.
Speaker 6 (51:50):
It's now at a different dealership service place that's dealing
with it. But long story short, the help that I
need is one, what does any people car people think about?
Speaker 2 (51:59):
How that that negligence like you said?
Speaker 6 (52:01):
And two with all the different things that just said
lining up with this car ironically, this one being human error.
This is the final straw. We're getting rid of the
car as soon as we get it back and fixed up.
So I need the audience to help me figure out
what car to get next.
Speaker 3 (52:16):
Now you've got to give them a little bit of
a parameter. What's your high end that you want to spend.
That's because all this stuff goes into effects.
Speaker 2 (52:22):
So we're not going to talk. We're not talking brand
new I I try to get.
Speaker 6 (52:27):
I usually try to target like a five year old car. Okay,
so we're thinking close to around twenty twenty. We had
debated for a bit about doing the big jump to
EV because the miles that I put on the car
and how much I would save on gas. But after
a pre show today insurance quote, that's probably not happening.
It's way way too much. So maybe hybrid. I definitely
want to steer away, no pun intended from an American Maid, Toyota,
Maybe Hyundai maybe, but I'm wide open. I am so
wide open on suggestions for what my next car should
be because I want it to be reliable. I want
to keep its value. Maybe a lease, I don't know,
but the current car is gonna go by by as
soon as we get it fixed. It's we nicknamed it Loki.
We should have known better. Yeah, been up to no
good and so much mishift all year long.
Speaker 2 (53:17):
So it's done. We're done. We're done with it. We're
moving on.
Speaker 4 (53:20):
What is your What is your high end for a price?
That's the other hat.
Speaker 2 (53:24):
I mean, I don't know. It varies based on what
we're gonna be.
Speaker 4 (53:28):
You gotta have a cap though, you got to have
a cap.
Speaker 2 (53:29):
I don't know. Probably thirty grand.
Speaker 3 (53:32):
Okay, that's very reasonable for that for a car with
five years on it, and that's not crazy.
Speaker 2 (53:37):
I'd like to stay more mid twenties, but I'm open.
Speaker 6 (53:40):
I drive so much that this has to I think,
in my mind become one of my higher investments because
we can't keep we can't keep going too cheap and
paying the price literally after the fact. So I'm I'm
willing to go up if it's a car that I
can trust from a dealership.
Speaker 2 (53:56):
That's good. You know, whatever it is, I don't know.
I'm open open to anything.
Speaker 3 (53:59):
TA help me out, all right, help him out. You
guys heard your mission. Get to it and let's see
here what we can come up with. But man, I
told a Rod when we were talking about this before
the show, and so we have to talk about this.
The first Texter said, Toyota Highlander Hybrid. That's exactly what
I recommended him to him earlier. Everybody's had that experience,
I think in their lifetime where they got completely jacked
by a bad mechanic. In mine, I was like twenty
I think I was maybe twenty two years old. No,
I wasn't even that old. I was like twenty one,
and I had this stupid nineteen eighty seven Camaro and
I should This is so ungrateful of me. My dad
bought me the car. I didn't ask him to bought
me the car brand new. That car was a steaming
pile of crap from the first day that I had it.
It should have been Lemonlode and taken back. But over
the course of many years, I kept taking to this mechanic.
I spent like eight grand with him that I did
not have. I mean this is when I was making
fourteen thousand dollars a year over the course of a
few years, and my car is still not running right.
And I turn on the TV one day and he's
being purp walked through his garage shop because he had
ripped off people so bad that you know that he
was finally being arrested.
Speaker 2 (55:12):
Can I Can I be real?
Speaker 6 (55:13):
Though I have had some bad luck with multiple mechanics
this year. I again not gonna name drop anyone, but
I I cannot believe the now based on his last experience,
pure negligence and just just terrible work by multiple mechanics.
Speaker 2 (55:34):
Where can I get a good mechanic? Please?
Speaker 4 (55:37):
I have one? I told you how I might have to.
Speaker 2 (55:40):
I might make the drive because Mike's that good.
Speaker 4 (55:43):
He's that good.
Speaker 3 (55:44):
Mandy, my husband knows how to fix cars, and it's
tall all over our kids. We buy older model cards
so that we can keep fixing as much as we
can to ourselves.
Speaker 4 (55:51):
Hard to trust mechanics, And isn't that sad? Isn't that
just sad?
Speaker 6 (55:56):
It is it's so sad, and I always question it now,
like I cannot, you know, even mechanics we've used for many,
many times.
Speaker 2 (56:03):
I just it's so hard to trust mechanics these days.
Speaker 3 (56:06):
And you know what, let's just talk about Toyota for
a second, because our entire text line is lit up
with people totally unrelated to one another recommending Toyota as
a car that will last.
Speaker 4 (56:17):
That'll tell you what you need to know. Let's take
a quick time out when we get back.
Speaker 3 (56:21):
I got a whole bunch of stuff on the blog
that I want to talk about very quickly, including a
Caper and Aspen shows why you should never pull a
capin in a place like Caper, in a place like Aspen.
Speaker 4 (56:31):
We'll do that next.
Speaker 3 (56:32):
Our text line should be an ad for Toyota, because
all of you are like, Okay, if you want a
car that's gonna last wherever, drive a Toyota. And Chuck
drives a Tundra and he absolutely loves it. We actually
I was just telling a rod, Okay, we all every
one of my family is tall, so you know, you say, oh,
we'll put the kids in the back. The kids are tall,
so we had to have a car with a lot
of leg room in the back. And when we got
into the Tundra crew cab, it is the most spacious
back row of seats I have ever sat in. It's
it kind of it's reminiscent of like the old sedans.
Remember the back seats in like a nineteen seventy five Cadillac.
I mean those things they were massive. Could put a
hot tub back there. It was incredible. But he loves
his Tundra. He's on a second Tundra, and I think
he's just gonna be a tundra guy until he gives
up driving. So yeah, anyway, thank you for all the
guidance for Anthony. He is there, Heed your your text
messages and go look in that direction. I've got to
tell you this story out of Aspen though, because it's
just it's so.
Speaker 4 (57:39):
So incredible. This is, this is what, this is Why
you do not try to commit crimes in a town
with incredibly rich people and an incredibly bored law enforcement agency.
Like what crime do they even have an Aspen?
Speaker 3 (57:54):
My guess is they have their fair share of impaired driving,
probably a lot of that going on, and maybe some
financial fraud here and there. Somebody tries to check, although
nobody can do that anymore. But you know what I mean,
But what are they really doing? Because here's the thing.
There are now three men in jail, one from Chile,
one from Peru. Four men and another from Argentina.
Speaker 4 (58:18):
No, wait a minute, two, there's four of them, two
from Chile, one from Peru and one from Argentina. They
are in the Pitkin County Jail. What did they do well?
Speaker 3 (58:30):
The allegation is that these men are part of a
burglary ring and they were there to commit a very
serious felony theft.
Speaker 4 (58:38):
They were trying to break into one.
Speaker 3 (58:40):
Of the upscale real you know, retailers in that area.
Speaker 4 (58:46):
So, according to the arrest warrant.
Speaker 3 (58:50):
A call was dispatched to AVI and Company for the
report of an activated alarm.
Speaker 4 (58:55):
Seeing no signs of disruption the.
Speaker 3 (58:56):
Author, the officers cleared the call and left the Less
than two hours later, officers were again dispatched to AVI
and Company, but saw something different, a ladder going into Gallery.
Speaker 4 (59:08):
Maximilian next door. Noting other things.
Speaker 3 (59:10):
Out of the ordinary, they called the galley z owner,
who unlocked its doors to allow them entry.
Speaker 4 (59:16):
When they accessed the.
Speaker 3 (59:17):
Gallery, there was a hole burglars had carved in the
next door cafe. Noticed that another hole had been cut
in the gallery's drywall to access the jewelry store. Specifically,
it led to the back room of Avian Company, where
a large safe is located. Then the robbers to be
were steinied by the safe. The businesses were extremely damaged.
Cameras were painted with spray paint, sensors were sealed with
spray foam, electronic equipment was ripped from the damaged drywall,
and insulation was removed.
Speaker 4 (59:51):
Now they believe these four men are part of a
larger ring. And you should read this story. It's like
it's like criminal came to Mayberry because everybody was like, oh,
I saw those guys and I thought they were suspicious.
Why were they suspicious?
Speaker 3 (01:00:08):
Well, they asked a lot about pricing and didn't buy
anything by that standard.
Speaker 4 (01:00:12):
I'm suspicious in most stores that I go into. But
the whole town jumped into action to stop this crime
spree before it could even get hold. And the story,
you guys, this story is written like it is like
it's a Pulitzer Prize thing here about this this crime
of the century, and this is what happens because let
me tell you, I bet you this stuff happens in
Denver every freaking day, and it's so far down the
pecking order of crime in the metro area that we
don't even talk about it, But in Aspen it is
the front page of the Aspen Daily News because there's
not that much else to write about in the Aspen
Daily News. So yeah, the moral of the story is,
don't commit a crime where no crime occurs. Ironic, I know,
but you're far more likely to be caught if you
try to commit a crime in the UH in places
where you know, where crime doesn't actually happen. The top
three stories from the Aspen Daily.
Speaker 3 (01:01:15):
News Downtown Aspen luxury store hit in coordinated burglary. Number two,
Avian company Burgley, suspects nabbed in veil booked in Aspen.
Speaker 4 (01:01:26):
Number three. Authorities link burglary to South American crime ring.
Speaker 3 (01:01:30):
And you know what's interesting, This is a second group
of South American criminals who have decided to make Colorado
their home. Well, these guys, we don't know if they
were living here. I shouldn't say that, but this is
where they come to commit crime.
Speaker 4 (01:01:42):
What does that say?
Speaker 3 (01:01:43):
I mean, come on, what does that say about Colorado?
They think they can get away with it, They think
it's not really gonna be that much.
Speaker 4 (01:01:53):
Of a big deal. I don't know.
Speaker 3 (01:01:55):
I just thought that was kind of funny update on
our mountain wine population moving something completely different.
Speaker 8 (01:02:02):
You know.
Speaker 3 (01:02:03):
Luckily, voters decided not to engage in ballot box biology,
and they decided to allow Colorado Parks and Wildlife to
keep doing their jobs, which is managing the wildlife populations
to make sure the populations are happy and healthy and
all of that good stuff. And they've apparently been doing
a very good job because the mountain lion population according
to a new survey. They've been doing these these these
surveys for a couple of years now, counting mountain lions,
putting callers on them so they know where they're going,
tagging them to make sure they know which mountain lion
they're looking at.
Speaker 4 (01:02:38):
They've been doing this for years, and they're going.
Speaker 3 (01:02:40):
To consolidate all of these wildlife management areas into two
large management areas so they can better understand this population
of mountain lions.
Speaker 4 (01:02:49):
But mountain lions are doing great in Colorado.
Speaker 3 (01:02:53):
I mean, Colorado has more mountain lions than they've had
in a very long time, and healthy mountain lions, happy
mountain lions. You know, there's a picture of one of
the Colorado Parks and wildlife biologists and the cat is
knocked out and the biologist is getting a collar on
or whatever, doing whatever the biologist is doing. And all
I could think of was I just want to pet it.
Did you see the video of the guy you've jumped
in the bear enclosure a rod?
Speaker 4 (01:03:21):
Did you see this?
Speaker 3 (01:03:22):
It was all over X like the last weekend. No, dude, dude, literally,
and I don't know where it was. But what made
me really sad is the guy jumps into the enclosure,
this bear starts messing him up. Would have absolutely killed
the guy given the chance, and they shot the bear, Like, dude,
you should have shot the guy. He's the trouble maker
here anyway, Amanda, you called it. CBS Sunday Morning opened
with a story about school shootings, then featured Chaer and
Bill Clinton. Sixty minutes started with a rant warning about
Trump cat It picks nothing to do with the stories.
They learn nothing after the election. I'm tuning out. I'm
telling you guys that that has been the most heartbreaking,
horrible thing for me through all of this electoral nastiness
is that CBS Sunday Morning is ruined, absolutely one hundred
percent and horribly I think, irrevocably broken, unless they fire
everyone at the top and hire someone who just remembers
it for.
Speaker 4 (01:04:28):
What it used to be.
Speaker 3 (01:04:30):
Oh, probably news if someone brown walked into Aspen, says
this Texter.
Speaker 4 (01:04:34):
Now you know, maybe.
Speaker 3 (01:04:39):
Maybe Mandy, foreign criminal gangs or imaginary says Governor Schultz,
who's oh, Governor Polis.
Speaker 4 (01:04:46):
His real last name was Schultz. It's no longer.
Speaker 3 (01:04:49):
He made his name change. It's fine, it's fine. CPW
is not doing that great of a job. Well, what
would you what would you like them to do?
Speaker 4 (01:05:00):
What is CPW doing wrong?
Speaker 3 (01:05:03):
I'm genuinely curious because I have last year about this time,
maybe maybe a little later, I got to go and
go with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to put these two
baby bears into a fake dead so they could hibernate
the rest of the winter and then hopefully they come
out and everything's fine, and you know whatever.
Speaker 4 (01:05:22):
But you should see the care.
Speaker 3 (01:05:25):
That these officers take to help keep wildlife happy and
healthy and wildlife. I mean, there's a lot of stuff
that goes into this. So we shall see. We shall see. Mandy,
I understand the Rolling Fork Valley well built, a lot
of nice homes up there aspen lives on cheap illegal
immigrants to get their work done and kill the bears.
Speaker 4 (01:05:51):
There you go, put your money where your mouth is.
Buy American? May I ask you, Texter her what.
Speaker 3 (01:05:56):
If a vehicle is more of it is made in
the United States than anywhere than any other vehicle, like,
for instance, the Toyota Tundra is one of the it's
the first or second made in America vehicle where a
vast majority of it has been made in America, but
it is a foreign company. Would you rather have cars
that are made here employing Americans or would you rather
have cars that are made in Mexico but with an
American brand on them?
Speaker 4 (01:06:26):
So buy American is very dodgy. You need to make
sure you know what you're what you're asking for.
Speaker 3 (01:06:32):
Sunday Morning is something we will always watch on Sunday,
but no more. Yes, I know, yep, Mandy, did you
see the video of the Russian tourists being eaten by
a shark in Egypt? That seems like a made up sentence,
Like those words don't even go together. They're just throwing
that out there.
Speaker 4 (01:06:50):
Oh, Jason, I'm late. I gotta take a break. We'll
be back. Keep it on KOA.
Speaker 3 (01:06:53):
I love buy American, I really really do. I love
the whole concept of it. I try to buy American
when I can. But but you got to be clear
about what you really want to buy. If you want
to buy American, you gotta buy a Tesla, because one
hundred percent of Tesla's are made in the United States
of America. Second after that, coming in at only seventy
two point four percent of their automobiles is Ford Motor Company,
and then it goes Stilantis NV that includes Alfa, Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep, Maserati,
and RAM. They're at sixty six point eight percent, Honda
sixty one point five percent, Toyota fifty three point six percent,
General Motors. You know, as GM goes, so goes the
rest of the country. That's Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC. Only
forty seven percent of GM cars made here in the
United States. On the flip side, the number one car
is a Tesla, the Model Y. Second after that the
Honda Passport, the Volkswagen ID four, the Tesla Model S,
the Honda Odyssey, the Honda Ridgeline, the Toyota Camry, all
of these are made by American workers, which I would say,
generally speaking, has more value than having it.
Speaker 5 (01:08:11):
You know, just go to the.
Speaker 3 (01:08:12):
Corporation, because if the corporation has taken carmaking overseas, then
it doesn't benefit the United States of America as much
as having jobs here. So you can make a decision
based on that, and that's in no way a judgment call.
Some people don't care about this stuff. So just as
a point of order, Mandy, instead of CBS Sunday Morning,
I've been watching Broncos Game Day live in the Broncos
sideline stories at nine point thirty. That's something I will
I will take under consideration. So it's so bad, Aeron,
do me a favor. Reach out to somebody at CBS
Sunday Morning and tell them I'd like to talk about
the direction the show has taken and my disappointment.
Speaker 4 (01:08:57):
See if anybody will come on, See if they them
we're in flyover country.
Speaker 3 (01:09:01):
See if that'll get them on, Like, you know, we'll
give them the perspective that that they obviously are lacking
big time, big, big time.
Speaker 4 (01:09:11):
So good news.
Speaker 3 (01:09:12):
Oh shoot, I just realized what time it is. Now
Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna take Dang, it's
already two o'clock.
Speaker 4 (01:09:17):
What happened to this show? Holy moly, Well now I
got to be a little schoosier. Oh, I know what
I'm going with and I get back. Hey, Rod, you
know how many people have gotten eco LII from ice cream?
Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
Any none?
Speaker 4 (01:09:32):
You know how many people died from carrots too? I'll
tell you when we get back. That's a tease, my friends.
Keep it on KOA.
Speaker 1 (01:09:41):
The Mandy Connell Show is sponsored by Belle and Pollock
Accident and injury Lawyers.
Speaker 2 (01:09:46):
No, it's Mandy.
Speaker 4 (01:09:48):
Connell at Baby Coon, your real sad babe. Welcome, Welcome,
Welcome to the third hour of the show. And as promised,
I think I'm here to help you all in.
Speaker 3 (01:10:13):
This hour stop eating the most deadly dietary food out there.
Speaker 4 (01:10:18):
And of course I'm talking about carrots.
Speaker 3 (01:10:21):
I'm sort of making light over something that is not
really something I should make light out of, because one
person is actually dead from E coli after eating organic
hole and baby carrots. Can you imagine you're the sort
of person who ponies up for the organic carrots because like,
if it grows in the ground and they use pesticides,
it's more likely to have those pesticides. So these people
are so concerned about their overall health that they're gonna
buy organic hole in baby carrots and then they're gonna
get e coli from them, and one person is dyed
and dozens of people are sick. So check your carrots.
They were sold under multiple brand names three six Calorganic,
Nature's Promise, Oh Organics, Trader Joe's, and Wegmans, among others,
but you can find the actual listing of that.
Speaker 4 (01:11:10):
So yeah, this is why you don't need to eat
healthy food. Nope.
Speaker 3 (01:11:14):
Vegetables are overrated and they could possibly kill you. So
keep that in mind next time you go to do something.
Can I ask a question, at what point are we
going to reach saturation in the chicken tender market? Because
I feel like every five seconds there's a new restaurant
opening up selling chicken tenders.
Speaker 4 (01:11:33):
And now there's a story on our friends at Fox
thirty one out of state fast food chain known for
its chicken is coming to Denver next year, So of
course I'm like, ooh, actual chicken, like pieces of chicken
with bones in it, which is the far superior way
to eat fried chicken but no, no, it's more chicken tenders.
It's called starboard And I'm like, do we need this?
At what point are we just like nope, we have
enough of that. Thank you.
Speaker 3 (01:12:01):
I thank you very much for that, because that's not
I'm I'm tapped out. I am tapped out with chicken
tender places. I feel like I am at peak coffee places. Like,
how many coffee drive throughs do we need in a
five block area? The answer, apparently is all of them.
I just wonder, like when people are doing site research,
when they're looking for a place to put these, do
they not see all of the other co I'm sorry,
I don't mean to go off on this tangent. Let's
talk about something more positive. Want to add some years
to your life? I mean this is pretty compelling. A
long study out of Australia has finally been concluded by
Griffith University in Australia. It was various institutions worldwide participated
and they did a.
Speaker 4 (01:12:49):
Study on a simple thing, and that was walking walking.
Just taking a walk an hour.
Speaker 3 (01:12:59):
Every hour hour of walking could yield up to six
hours of additional life. While scientists have known that physical
inactivity increases the risk of diseases.
Speaker 4 (01:13:10):
Like heart disease and stroke.
Speaker 3 (01:13:11):
This study is the first one to quantify exactly how
many years of life Americans might be losing due to
insufficient physical activity. The study challenged a lot of previous
estimates of physical activities benefits, so they used fitness trackers. Essentially,
just put a fitness tracker on everybody and said, go
about your business, and the results on how little it
takes to improve your life expectancy and overall health.
Speaker 4 (01:13:39):
Listen to this.
Speaker 3 (01:13:40):
The most active twenty five percent of Americans over forty
engage in physical activity equivalent to about one hundred and
sixty minutes of normal paced walking at three miles per
hour every day. If all Americans over forty match this
level of activity, it would boost the national life expectancy
at birth from seventy eight point six years to.
Speaker 4 (01:14:02):
Nearly eighty four years.
Speaker 3 (01:14:07):
For the least active quarter of the population to match
the most active group, they would need to add about
one hundred and eleven minutes of daily walking to their routine,
but that would add eleven additional years of life expectancy.
You guys, this is the best news ever, because everybody who's.
Speaker 4 (01:14:26):
Like you know I don't have the money for a jim.
I don't everybody who.
Speaker 3 (01:14:31):
Has excuses that have to do with cost. It costs
you zero dollars to go take a walk zero dollars
and being outside, which is where you take the free
walk most of the time, you also get the benefit
of being outside, which is good for you.
Speaker 4 (01:14:51):
So there's really no no reason to not do this.
And here's the thing.
Speaker 3 (01:14:56):
I know that I have some older listeners who aren't
active at all, and it could probably seem very intimidating
to go out and take a walk.
Speaker 4 (01:15:05):
But let me just say this.
Speaker 3 (01:15:07):
You can walk outside, walk to your mailbox the first day,
the second day, walk to the tree just past your mailbox,
the third day, walked past the tree, and just do
it in little, tiny increments. You don't have to do
it all at once. But this is an easy way
to remain happy and healthy as you get older. Mandy
Best Fried Chicken in Denver is the post Chicken and
Beer on South Broadway. Great sides too, collar greens better
than my grandma's and Brussels sprouts better than my sons. Steve,
I just had the most amazing Brussels sprouts. Let me
have a moment on these Brussels sprouts for a second.
And if you hate Brussels sprouts, I'm never going to
be one of those people to say, oh, you'd love
these Brussels sprouts, because Brussels sprouts are an extremely polarizing food.
I know this, but I happen to love Brussels sprouts,
not like my mom used to make him like little
green balls of pale green.
Speaker 4 (01:15:56):
Death that were awful.
Speaker 8 (01:15:58):
Speaker 3 (01:15:58):
I like them roasted, I like them, kind of crunchy,
I like them, deep fried. I like them all these
different ways love Brussels sprouts. Had some yesterday at Culinary Dropout,
went to brunch there. It was outstanding. But they put
that Kojong Spy spice on them.
Speaker 4 (01:16:14):
Oh my god, they were so good, so good. Mandy
E Coli.
Speaker 3 (01:16:24):
Organic vegetables that are already more costly must be the
added insurance costs. I will stick with the old fashioned
grown and that's entirely your prerogative. But once URFK Junior
gets into health and human services, he's gonna all food
will be fine.
Speaker 4 (01:16:38):
There won't be as much of it because you know.
Speaker 3 (01:16:41):
Commercial farming practices are one of the reasons we have
so much food. And I'm being a little bit sarcastic
when I say everything will be fine.
Speaker 4 (01:16:49):
Means to be seen, Mandy.
Speaker 3 (01:16:50):
When you eat wings, do you eat real wings or
fake boneless wings? First of all, boneless wings are not wings.
They're chicken nuggets. Okay, that's what they are.
Speaker 4 (01:16:58):
They're fancy chicken nuggets, their tenders cut in half.
Speaker 3 (01:17:02):
I do not eat that travesty. And I eat flats,
thank you very much. Flats are the superior part of
the of the wing, just more meat. And thank god
I married a drumma guy, so there's no there's no
you know, there's no tension in our household because it
makes it it all works out. How do you make
boneless chicken more hands on them too and tools? Well,
that's I mean boneless chicken. You basically just have somebody
sit there at the processing plant and cut all the
flavor out of it, and then you go ahead and
package that as boneless chicken. Competition is great because it
brings more ants to the picnic.
Speaker 4 (01:17:44):
Ants to the picnic. That doesn't really sound that good anyway.
Speaker 3 (01:17:48):
Cars back up into the streets at those chicken tender
places around here.
Speaker 4 (01:17:51):
Yeah, and I don't get it. I don't. I don't
get it. I really don't.
Speaker 3 (01:17:56):
I have and I'm not anti ten There are times
when I will actually enjoy a tender but it's nowhere
close to actually good chicken on the bone as it
should be, as God intended it to be.
Speaker 4 (01:18:10):
Anyway, now, when.
Speaker 3 (01:18:12):
We get back, we've hated eleven years to your life.
We're going to talk about Thanksgiving travel for a minute,
and the fact that Black Friday is dead. Stick a
fork in it.
Speaker 4 (01:18:23):
It's over.
Speaker 3 (01:18:25):
But for those of us that don't want to go
shopping the day after Thanksgiving, it could be even better.
Speaker 4 (01:18:28):
Now we'll talk about that after this. Keep it on Koa.
Speaker 3 (01:18:32):
If you are traveling this Thanksgiving, let me just say this.
If you're driving, be prepared for traffic, especially if you're
going into the mountains. You all know how I seventy
is going to be. If you're planning on flying over Thanksgiving,
be patient.
Speaker 4 (01:18:48):
Are you going to be here for Thanksgiving?
Speaker 2 (01:18:50):
A ern going to the parents?
Speaker 4 (01:18:52):
I would say, but you're not flying any so that's fine.
Speaker 3 (01:18:55):
We are actually flying out to go to Vienna the
day after Thanksgiving, well on what used to be Black Friday,
Well it's not nearly as busy as flying on Saturday
or Sunday, which are going to be very very busy.
They're thinking Monday after Thanksgiving could also be a super
busy day for flying as well. So if you are flying,
I'm just gonna give you some pro tips. Get to
the airport early if you can avoid it. Don't park
at the airport. Find another means of getting to the airport.
Check to see if uber or a Lyft can schedule
someone to get you. I mean, do what you gotta do,
but make it as easy on yourself as you can.
Don't make it unnecessarily difficult by showing up late.
Speaker 4 (01:19:42):
So you have to do the O. J.
Speaker 3 (01:19:43):
Simpson sprint through the airport. Do you even get that reference?
The OJ Simpson sprint through the airport?
Speaker 2 (01:19:49):
Speaker 4 (01:19:50):
Okay, so OJ Simpson did a what was that commercial for?
Was that for Samsonight?
Speaker 3 (01:19:56):
Help me out, Texters. I can't remember what the airport
what it was for, or was it the rental car company? Okay,
it was either a rental car company or.
Speaker 4 (01:20:02):
Some luggage, but it was OJ Simpson running through the
airport and at one point he leaps over some luggage
that's sitting there. I can't even remember. I have no
idea what that was for.
Speaker 3 (01:20:12):
Somebody helped me out five sixty sixth nine Ozho text
me the answer to what I'm looking for here.
Speaker 4 (01:20:17):
Five six sixth nine Oho.
Speaker 3 (01:20:19):
I just say all this because if you are feeling
stressed out and things are starting to get to you,
all you have to think of.
Speaker 4 (01:20:26):
Is it's good time to be thankful. Thankful for the
fact that.
Speaker 3 (01:20:31):
You get to fly to see people that you care about,
all that good stuff. Turn that frown upside down.
Speaker 4 (01:20:37):
Just be ready for it.
Speaker 3 (01:20:38):
Just be ready people. There's not gonna be an empty
seat on your flight. Oh my gosh, hey, ron I
forgot to tell you what happened on my Southwest flight.
Speaker 4 (01:20:44):
Listen to this.
Speaker 3 (01:20:46):
So this is only gonna be doable for the next
six to eight weeks because starting January first, Southwest is
selling a signed seating, so you're gonna have to pick
your seat. So I'm getting on my Southwest plane and
I wanted an aisle seat, and I walked up to
this row and there is a very pretty but larger
girl in the window seat, and I was like, great,
I'll sit here. So I sit down and I look
down and there's another ticket sitting in the center seat,
but I didn't really think about it, and some guy eventually,
because the flight was totally full, came up and said,
she goes.
Speaker 4 (01:21:21):
No, No, I paid for that seat.
Speaker 3 (01:21:23):
So on a completely full flight, I had an empty
seat next to me because this young lady had had
the foresight to buy an extra seat for herself, and
I thought, I'm looking for that from now on.
Speaker 4 (01:21:34):
It was Hurts.
Speaker 3 (01:21:35):
Okay, So it was a rental car company with OJ
was running. No, he was not running from the po PO.
This was back before he was did not kill those
people before he devoted his life to finding the real killers.
Speaker 4 (01:21:48):
Yeah, it was Hurts.
Speaker 3 (01:21:51):
Ironically, the Menendez brother's father hired OJ to do that
commercial when he worked at Hurts.
Speaker 8 (01:21:57):
Speaker 4 (01:21:57):
OJ was awesome back then, but you know, you know,
things went south from there. So if you were ever
a Black Friday shopper, the kind you got up at
five o'clock in the morning the day after Thanksgiving to
go to your mall or your Target or or Walmart
to stand outside and wait in line so you can
get some of those doorbuster prices that everybody talked about.
You know what, you're not going to like this next story.
Speaker 3 (01:22:21):
But if you're like me, kind of lazy, not going
to get up the day after Thanksgiving because I'm tired
from cooking everything the day before, but you still want deals,
I'm just going to say it Black Friday, as it
was for so many many years, it's dead. It's over,
and it's never coming back, because now Black November is
what we're talking about.
Speaker 4 (01:22:45):
And honestly, I just bought some stuff I bought. If
you shop for cosmetics online, all of the.
Speaker 3 (01:22:53):
Cosmetics that I use are now on sale Black Friday
fifty percent off.
Speaker 4 (01:22:57):
I just stalked up.
Speaker 3 (01:22:58):
I bought everything. I'm now become my grandmother. When I die,
my kids are gonna be like, why does she have
five things of moisturizer. I'm like, yeah, they were seventeen dollars.
I'm buying them stock up on the stuff I use
a lot. But now, I mean, all of the deals
are out there, and maybe there'll be some doorbuster deals,
But I honestly think the retailers are tired of it,
and they're tired of having to get people. They're tired
of having to have that long ass day the day
after Thanksgiving and through that weekend. It's exhausting for staff
to have to get there at three o'clock in the
morning when they don't normally.
Speaker 4 (01:23:31):
I just I think it's over, and I'm really okay
with that. I mean, I want the deals.
Speaker 3 (01:23:38):
But Okay, to the person who just sent this joke, Mandy,
what were OJ's fate favorite keyboard commands? Slash backslash escape
too soon, Ay, Rod, too soon Arod, He's no bad no.
Speaker 4 (01:23:54):
Just bad, bad joke. Okay.
Speaker 3 (01:23:58):
The whole point of this Black Friday story is that
you don't have to wait to get deals. I mean,
you could wait until the very end. But I'm probably
not gonna set foot in a store to do my
Christmas shopping this year at all.
Speaker 4 (01:24:09):
None of my kids except Q live here. You know,
we're not going to see him, so bummer for that.
Speaker 3 (01:24:15):
When we get back, we're going to talk a little
bit about the scandals swirling around Peaks set Head, Seth
the nominee to be Secretary of Defense, and and I
have so much good stuff on the blog today, dang,
so much good stuff, including the best video on the
internet right now of Trump's dance taking hold across the country.
Oh Biden giving the go ahead for long range Ukraine strikes.
All that coming up next, keep it right here on Kawa.
President Joe Biden giving the go ahead. Yo, he's still president.
I know you guys forgot about him, but he's still
They're working hard. Wandering off into the Amazon forest, that's
a whole other story. I had decided not to do today,
literally wandering off into the Amazon into Nowhereaseville, because no
one was there to tell him where to go.
Speaker 4 (01:25:03):
Speaker 3 (01:25:04):
So Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to use longer
range missiles in its war with Russia. Now that means
they are going to be firing missiles that can go
deep into Russia. And Putin is putting the word out
that this is a very big step towards the beginning
of the Third World War. Now, I just want to
cast some doubt about Putin's.
Speaker 4 (01:25:31):
Ability to wage a world war, since he has now
had to import soldiers from North Korea. Hardened by all
the combat they do in North Korea, I can only
imagine their troops are probably well disciplined, because if they weren't,
they would be dead right, I mean, they would not
make it back from boot camp. Because in a totalitarian dictatorship,
you can sort of require that. So I'm doubting already
that Putin could pull that whole Third World War thing
all unless China decides to dip in, which they've shown
no real, no desire to be a part of it
other than pledging their undying love and support. So why
is Biden doing this?
Speaker 6 (01:26:14):
Speaker 4 (01:26:16):
I have a theory, a couple of theories. Actually. The
first theory is that Joe Biden is trying to force
the Ukraine war into some kind of resolution before he
leaves office, and the only way to make that happen
is to allow Ukraine to fight this war as if
they want to win it. And unfortunately, when you are
dependent on the US for your defense, and by the way,
make no mistakes, Ukraine is utterly and completely dependent on
the United States of America for its defense right now,
they don't have any other means of getting this war prosecuted.
You then have to your holden to.
Speaker 3 (01:27:01):
Whoever is giving you that kind of money, right like,
Joe Biden gets to decide how you fight your war.
Speaker 4 (01:27:08):
So Putin, excuse.
Speaker 3 (01:27:10):
Me, Biden has now decided that, okay, you know what,
We'll fire these missiles into Russia and see if we
can wrap this war up before I leave office, so
I get credit.
Speaker 4 (01:27:21):
I mean, that's part of it. I really believe this,
by the way, And here's the thing. I believe any.
Speaker 3 (01:27:26):
Politician in Joe Biden's position would do the same thing,
because if you remember what happened with Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter,
the hostages in Iran, as soon as Jimmy Carter was
out of the picture, all of a sudden, the hostages
get released.
Speaker 4 (01:27:40):
And Ronald Reagan gets the credit deservedly.
Speaker 3 (01:27:44):
So they had no fear of Jimmy Carter actually doing anything,
much like Putin has had no fear of Biden unleashing
this kind of activity. Well, if they start firing missiles
deep into Russia, perhaps that brings Russia to the table
even faster. Or my second part of this theory, which
is far more nefarious and one that I genuinely hope
is not true, and that is that Biden is trying
to ratchet this thing up to leave it a complete
disaster for Trump to have to deal with as soon
as he gets into office. Could be either of those,
because I certainly don't believe that he has somehow had
a realization a moment of understanding that everything he's been
advising them.
Speaker 4 (01:28:31):
To do is wrong.
Speaker 3 (01:28:35):
I have an article on the blog today about Israel
and the fact that Israel this last weekend made more
extremely precise attacks in Iran, and in the article, in
the longer article, you'll see that Israel has reduced maybe
what you know what now that I said that, I
don't know if it's in this article or another one
that I read in addition to this one this morning
that I didn't put in here. Israel has reduced its
reliance on American foreign ad dramatically. It used to be
about twenty percent of GDP, now in zero point six.
Speaker 4 (01:29:09):
Percent of GDP.
Speaker 3 (01:29:11):
So all these people to say, hey, we need to
pull our foreign a to Israel, Israel would be.
Speaker 4 (01:29:14):
Like, fine, go. But that is exactly why Benjamin Netanyahu
is getting to prosecute this war in the way he
wants to prosecute it, because he's not beholden to Joe Biden.
I mean, remember Joe.
Speaker 3 (01:29:28):
Biden said, don't go into Gaza. They did, don't go
into Rafa, they did, don't do all these things. Well
they did him anyway, because they're not fighting the war
we want them to fight they're fighting a war to
bring down the Iranian regime.
Speaker 4 (01:29:43):
And the only way they can do that is to
completely newter.
Speaker 3 (01:29:47):
The American proxy or the American proxies, the Iranian proxies
that are fighting.
Speaker 4 (01:29:54):
Against them in Hamas and Hesbola.
Speaker 3 (01:29:56):
This past weekend they took out Hesbola's They've taken out
all of Hesbel's LI readership in southern Lebanon.
Speaker 4 (01:30:01):
It's all gone, all of it.
Speaker 3 (01:30:03):
They even took out their media relations guy yesterday. And now, amazingly,
Hasbul's like, you know what, maybe we'll talk to Iran,
or maybe we'll talk to Israel. Maybe we'll just back
this off, We'll just get a ceasefire agreement. They're ready
to talk because they keep killing everybody in charge. Hamas
has been absolutely decimated. There are a few holdout spaces
in Gaza, but they're no longer a threat that they
were before.
Speaker 4 (01:30:27):
So now Israel can focus it's full attention on Iran.
Speaker 3 (01:30:30):
Iran knows it, we know it, and Joe Biden has
been telling him not to and they're simply doing it
anyway because they're fighting this war to win, not to
just diddle around the edges. So when I look at
what's happening in Ukraine where they have to wait for
permission to try and win the war from their American benefactors.
It's just a sad state of affairs, but not unheard of.
We've been doing this for a very long time. Anybody
that gives you money has sway over you, whether you
like it or not, they do. That's why I always
tell my kids, like, don't ever loan your friend's money,
because it always goes badly. If you can give them
money and never expect to see it again to help
them out of a hard time, then feel free to
do that.
Speaker 4 (01:31:20):
But when you bring money into a friendship is it
is never never good.
Speaker 3 (01:31:24):
And when you are a nation like the United States
and you're doling out money and weapons and everything else, you.
Speaker 4 (01:31:30):
Believe you are able to call the shots.
Speaker 3 (01:31:32):
And he has been up to this point. Mandy, your
number two option is the correct one. Biden's trying to
leave a dead cat on Trump's doorstep. I actually I
don't want to believe that's true, because we're not just
talking about, you know, a trade war or something like that.
We're talking about a hot war where people are being slaughtered.
And if he's willing to encourage an expansion of that
suffering for political will.
Speaker 4 (01:32:00):
Kind of screw you.
Speaker 3 (01:32:01):
That speaks very poorly of the kind of person, the
kind of human being he is. Mandy, No, no, no, no, Hamas.
You get to die for what you believe in and
then you get loads of virgins.
Speaker 4 (01:32:15):
Yeah, yeah, well I say we call Putin's bluff.
Speaker 3 (01:32:20):
I do believe we are calling Putin's bluff because these
missiles can probably reach Moscow, they can probably reach other areas.
So now there's no there's no you know, nibbling around
the edges. This is when you know, fight the world
to win it, or don't fight it anymore. So let's
see here they're showing military targets. They can't reach Moscow,
it doesn't look like it, but certainly well into Russia.
So we'll see how this all works out. Lots of
military targets that these will be able to reach. Hahaha,
diddle around the edges. Sounds like my first honeymoon. You
aren't doing it right, Maybe that's why, just kidding, all right,
So let me go find this talked about Trump's dancing
on the blog today. It is the Trump dance is
taking hold as a matter of fact, CBS is being
accused of censoring football players scoring a touchdown and then
doing the Trump dance.
Speaker 4 (01:33:30):
Wish I'm doing right now? Who else isn't doing the
Trump dance? Wait?
Speaker 3 (01:33:35):
If Trump wants that and is using Biden as a patsy,
I don't think we're talking three D chess here. I
just think that Biden either wants credit for the end
of the war or he's just trying to screw over
Donald Trump. And I'm hoping it's a What if Biden
is trying to put Trump into a war between the
US and Russia so we can't promote his agenda to
overhaul America, That is exactly why he would do number
two my number two theory, because if you wanted to
prevent somebody from being able to execute on their domestic agenda,
then the best way to do that is to put
them in a hot war overseas.
Speaker 4 (01:34:13):
But I don't, I don't know, I don't. I don't
think anybody wants us to be in war.
Speaker 3 (01:34:18):
So Mandy, I think it's those missiles have a range
of maybe two hundred miles. I think it's important that
Ukraine hits only military targets. So and that seems to
be the plan. If Biden started World War three, would
that admin remain in power?
Speaker 4 (01:34:32):
No, it would not.
Speaker 3 (01:34:35):
This text are long shot, But maybe Trump and Biden
together think this is the right thing to do.
Speaker 4 (01:34:39):
Ratchet up the pressure so Trump can negotiate a good deal.
Speaker 3 (01:34:42):
Once he gets in. That is like the most Pollyanna
wonderful way of looking at this. And I'm just gonna say,
I hope you're right. I don't think you're right, but
I hope you're right, because that would be amazing, absolutely amazing. Anyway,
let's talk about Pete Hegseth for just a moment, because
Pete had Pete hegg Seth was tapped to lead the
Department of Defense, and he must appear to be a
huge threat to the military industrial complex because they are
going after him with a great deal of viciousness. Now
The Washington Post, in a Washington Post exclusive, they dig
into allegations that were made some years ago by a
woman who accused him of sexual assault and was paid
off and signed a non disclosure agreement. But this is
not one of those where you're like, well, of course
he did it because he paid her off.
Speaker 4 (01:35:49):
Just hear me out. I too, went into this with
a degree of skepticism.
Speaker 3 (01:35:54):
I'd said before, I don't know anything about Pete hegg Seth,
but I will tell you this, the people that I
know that have served in the military are to a
person so excited about the thought of him being Secretary
of State because of his service, because of his attitude,
and because he has promised to root out the dei
and wokeness that has taken hold at the highest levels.
And so for that, I'm leaning towards wanting to like
the guy and wanting to him to be Secretary of
State or from that alone.
Speaker 4 (01:36:27):
But then we've got the Washington Post. So here's what happened,
and the first part of this. There does not seem
to be any dispute over the first part of this
statement that I'm going to give you. So they were
at an event in October of twenty seventeen, and there
was an event that he was speaking at. Pete Heggseth
was speaking at this event, and there was a woman
who was given the Pete Hegseth detail, which was, make
sure he gets picked up from the airport, make sure
he gets back to his hotel room, make sure he
goes to the airport the next day. This is her job.
He apparently he had just his.
Speaker 3 (01:37:12):
Second wife filed for divorce the previous month, and he
was in Monterey, California to speak to the California Federation
of Republican Women conference. He went to the hotel bar
after this with a group of attendees to the conference.
So while he was there, he proceeded to get liquored
up and was chatting up a woman. Two women at
the bar who sent a text to this woman who
was his keeper, that Hegseth was getting pushy about his
interest in taking them upstairs to his room. Jane No,
as they're calling. The woman who's made these accusations came over,
talked to the two women, and after they left, she
remembered sensing that Hegseth was irritated.
Speaker 4 (01:37:56):
After that, she then walked heg Saith out of the bar.
They were arm in arm.
Speaker 3 (01:38:02):
According to Texters, she was not intoxicated at all. He
was intoxicated. This part is not in dispute.
Speaker 4 (01:38:12):
The next morning, the woman wakes up her by the way.
Her husband and children are also staying at the hotel.
Speaker 3 (01:38:19):
She said she didn't remember anything about the night until
she was in a hexcess hotel room and then stumbling
to find her hotel room. Her memory of the six
to nine hours was very, very hazy, and that her
husband was searching for her and was relieved when she
finally showed up.
Speaker 4 (01:38:39):
The following day, the woman returned.
Speaker 3 (01:38:40):
Home and had a moment of hazy memory of being
raped the night before and had a panic attack. She
then went to the emergency room where she got a
rape kit was positive for seamen, and she gave county
authorities a statement about what had happened. The problem is
is that the rape kit did not necessarily show forcible sex,
which if she had been drugged, maybe she would have
been too out of it to fight back. I don't know,
but heg Seth was never charged with a crime after
the investigation, heg Seth said that several years later she
popped up again and demanded some sort of compensation for
this or she was going to go public with her story.
Speaker 4 (01:39:23):
This was at the height of the Me too movement,
where men were losing.
Speaker 3 (01:39:26):
Their careers for old accusations that didn't have any solid
proof behind them. And obviously she got a rape kit done,
so this looks like there's there there and he paid
her off and made her sign an NDA. Hegsath's attorneys say, now,
these were the acts of a woman desperate to save
her own marriage. And I got to tell you that's
believable too, right, that's believable too. So this is a
this is a he said, she said kind of story.
I understand in that environment why he would have paid
her off. I've gotten an NDA. But these questions are
going to have to be asked to confirmation hearings. These
questions are going to have to be asked and answered.
And I wouldn't be surprised if Democrats found this woman
and brought her up to answer those questions and testify.
Speaker 4 (01:40:16):
We'll see. I don't know, so he is.
Speaker 3 (01:40:18):
His confirmation is looking shakier by the day. So we'll
see what happens and which one of these people make
it through the confirmation process.
Speaker 4 (01:40:27):
So that is our show for a Monday. And Ryan
Edwards is taking things over in a few minutes for
KOA Sports. But now he's joined us for his weekly beating.
Maybe not, you can do it really well, Actually, Ryan,
I say that, but you've been doing it.
Speaker 2 (01:40:41):
What are you talking about it? Don't butter me up here.
Speaker 5 (01:40:43):
We both know where it's going to happen now, but
I will give it to give it a good college
try and we'll see what happens. And it always depends.
It just depends on the topic, honestly, like like sometimes
they click and then sometimes it's just I have no idea.
Speaker 4 (01:40:57):
Don't stare the dairy cow exactly.
Speaker 3 (01:40:59):
Yep, because now it's time for the Wait a minute,
le me try that again. Now it's time for the
most exciting segment on the radio.
Speaker 4 (01:41:06):
Of its guy the world of the day.
Speaker 3 (01:41:12):
I did say Secretary of State twice. I'm sorry, Secretary
of Defense. Thank you, Texter, thank you for clarifying that
for me.
Speaker 4 (01:41:19):
What is our dad joke of the day? Please a rod.
Speaker 2 (01:41:22):
What happens when doctors get frustrated?
Speaker 4 (01:41:25):
Okay, they lose patience?
Speaker 2 (01:41:29):
What means you guessed? So you get another one?
Speaker 8 (01:41:31):
Speaker 4 (01:41:31):
Hit me?
Speaker 2 (01:41:32):
What kind of jewelry do rabbits wear?
Speaker 4 (01:41:36):
Something with a lot of carrots?
Speaker 2 (01:41:37):
Fourteen cars red crayons?
Speaker 4 (01:41:46):
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (01:41:46):
Sometimes they have to draw blood.
Speaker 4 (01:41:48):
Oh wow, boom boom, It is just kidding. What is
our word of the day.
Speaker 2 (01:41:54):
It is an adjective. Jellied g E L I d
G E L jellid it is.
Speaker 4 (01:42:01):
I'm gonna say it's something firm but jiggily like jelly,
jelly like yours.
Speaker 2 (01:42:08):
I just think it's something like with jealousy, but that's
probably not it. It is another word for icy or
very cold.
Speaker 4 (01:42:17):
It was a jellied morning this morning. Yes. Yes, Today's
trivia question.
Speaker 3 (01:42:21):
The word vermilion describes what kind of color I think.
I'm like, I know this purple and I did, that's yours?
Speaker 4 (01:42:29):
Vermilion? Purple? A rod? What about you?
Speaker 2 (01:42:32):
Speaker 4 (01:42:32):
Green? Both wrong? A bright raddish orange.
Speaker 3 (01:42:36):
Vermilion pigment contains mercuric sulfide, Okay, can.
Speaker 4 (01:42:41):
Make you go crazy if you just lick it off
the paint brush.
Speaker 2 (01:42:45):
Why would you do that?
Speaker 3 (01:42:46):
I was just pointing that out for people in kids,
I mean kidsy tiepods, Ryan, kidsy tide pods.
Speaker 6 (01:42:51):
That's true, Okay. Category is a Thanksgiving feast. We're getting
there in cold water changed. Often Turkey takes about thirty
minutes per pound to do this.
Speaker 4 (01:43:06):
What is Brian wrong? Oh dang it, Amanda, you idiot.
Speaker 6 (01:43:10):
If you don't get this old water changed. Often turkey
takes about thirty minutes per pound to do this. Not drown.
Speaker 4 (01:43:20):
Please let me answer it.
Speaker 2 (01:43:21):
No, it's I saw the tip my tongue ahead, Andy,
what is salt?
Speaker 8 (01:43:27):
Speaker 2 (01:43:27):
Oh yeah this?
Speaker 6 (01:43:29):
Or excuse me, the pineapple in this salad must be canned,
not fresh, or the salad's main ingredient won't set.
Speaker 2 (01:43:37):
Ryan, what is the fruit salad? I don't know if
I should. No, I don't think it's.
Speaker 4 (01:43:43):
More specific, and I think I know what it is,
but I already have minus one.
Speaker 2 (01:43:46):
It is on the side here a yello salad? Yeah, yeah,
I hate that stuff.
Speaker 6 (01:43:52):
You can make dessert the easy way by combining Libby's
pumpkin pie mix with evaporated milk.
Speaker 2 (01:43:58):
And these, Ryan are yams wrong?
Speaker 4 (01:44:03):
Pumpkin pie spices wrong?
Speaker 2 (01:44:05):
Whoa? What are eggs?
Speaker 3 (01:44:08):
We're so stupid, Ryan Edwards, We're the dumbest people to
ever play the game I made up.
Speaker 6 (01:44:12):
Days RUMs are often the basis of this Thanksgiving staple food.
Speaker 4 (01:44:17):
Mandy May, what is stuffing?
Speaker 2 (01:44:19):
Speaker 4 (01:44:20):
Back to minus one? Well minus two for Ryan, minus
one for me.
Speaker 6 (01:44:24):
A simple method of doing this to sweet potatoes is
to bake them.
Speaker 4 (01:44:29):
What is candy?
Speaker 6 (01:44:32):
Speaker 4 (01:44:33):
Back to zero? I just one with zero? This is
this is a sad, sad day for us, Ryan, I
mean that this is just a little bit embarrassing. What
what do you guys go coming up on the show, Well,
it's a victory Monday, so yes, oh my god, can
we just talk about that for a second.
Speaker 5 (01:44:47):
Yes, so good, so good, so yeah, so much fun.
All three phases were greats. Obviously the national covers. Now
bo Nicks as as turned. People are talking about him
as an offensive. We're the year, which is fantastic, which
is something we talked about last week. But even last
week we were like, I don't know, right, but yeah,
I think you had Patzertan in the locker room last
night saying MVP.
Speaker 2 (01:45:10):
So we get that.
Speaker 5 (01:45:11):
We got cu who continues to win and continue to
put themselves in a national championship conversation, or at least
a Big twelve championship conversation.
Speaker 2 (01:45:19):
So it's all that coming up.
Speaker 4 (01:45:20):
All right, that's coming up next. We will be back tomorrow,
So why don't you just keep it right here on
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