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January 5, 2021 15 mins

Ask Yee Highlight

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Angela, Ye Charlomagne that God.
We are to breakfast club. Is time to ask ye? Hello?
Who's this? Hey? This is mine from Detroit. What up
to the d what's good? What's of course it for? Easy? Okay?
Well I'm from Detroit. My baby daddy, he's from bed Stop, Brooklyn.
That's where I live. Okay, but I don't like the

money now because I was talking found the lating city
or whatever was making the money or whatever. And then
then with my money okay, and another with my money wait,
slow down, slow down, slow down. So you guys are
in Atlantic City, you're always making money to get out?
What were you guys doing? I was riding from okay,

so you're yeah timing like that. I was just being money.
We was doing every money and I like the money
or whatever. So he ended basically, well he keep doing
a little bit of everything. I'm just saying like she
was making money again, I don't taking money far. He
went a certain take os with even and told me

I was I'm in a way, so why did and
I robbed his ina? How you robbed your pants? I
robbed my baby daddy. Now he's my baby dad. What
you take? What you take? I'm took two roll let's watching.
I took it your nail bag, I took whatever I
took his other big mama took the safe when the
claiming damn uh condom and the neighbor's been saying nothing

because they's on me always in and out. What size
of those little lexs? You so? You so you ribbed
your baby daddy along with his other baby mom. Yeah,
and she don't like me because I caught a watching
to give her half up. It's just the point that
he wants me to move out there, and how can
I light together? You know what I'm saying. I worked
in quicking world and I'm going to school whatever. And

now he's told me he ain't taking care of my son.
Uls I m so he's not gonna take care of
the child you guys have together, and less you pay him,
isn't that his job to kind of pay to take
care of his own child? He said he can't take
care of my son of less I take care of
the family. And I told him, I said, no, I'm

not about to do that. Okay, I think you got
to sort these things out. Number one, first and foremost
for the take of your child. Right, You're not trying
to be with him, are you. I don't know. You
don't know, so in the way you are you want
to get back together with him. I just want to
get some money, hey, but all money ain't good money though, right,
I need some money. But I'm just saying, don't you

want to be there for your child and be a
good example in a role model and make sure nothing
happens to you and you don't go to jail or
something worse happens. Yeah, that's the only thing that's in
the way, you know, I was. You know, I can't
be doing all that because I'm playing. I can't get
bossed up, you know what I'm saying. I've never been
to jail, and you will get locked up at some point.
And I don't think jail for me. I don't think

it's for you either. Listen. In my own opinion, I
think that you should be happy that you managed to
get away from this man that was a pimp in
doing everything else, because that was just gonna go down
the wrong path for you. And listen, we all want
to get money, right, but sometimes you got to sacrifice
and go through periods of time that we're not making
that much money, so that later on in the future,

in a couple of years from now, you can't legitimately
make good money. But you got I'll tell the law school,
I'll go to law I'm entering to law school to
year after next. But he's talking about that in what
why are you even listening to what he has to
say about what you want to do with your life?
Because he's telling me I'll need direction. It sounds like
somebody that's advising you to not go to school and
not go to law school and saying that that's getting

in the way, is actually in the way himself. It
sounds like in order for him to control you, he
wants to make sure that you never make something more
out of your life. Yeah, you're wright, you're worright, I
ain't going back out there. Yeah you don't telling me
don't go back out there? All right, Well I'm telling
you don't go back out there. He's trying to persuade
me and talking about we're gonna get this night las

playing and all this stuff. But he's be and you know,
he messed with a mad other chicks too, of course,
and he telling them the same thing. He brought me
to his other chick. Ain't no, he don't let me
know what it is not okay? And you're okay with that? Yeah,

I mean I'm I don't like, I'm gonna tell you
something right now. We always say, well, at least he
lie with at least he kept it rail. At least
he's up front about it. These other dudes out here
and be lying, No, it's not at least that it's
not okay for somebody to do stuff like that to
you just because they're being honest about it. Yeah, you're right,
But I mean I prefer somebody to tell me. How

about you and rather somebody not do that? How about
be with somebody that doesn't do those things, that's not
bringing you to other women's houses, it's not cheating on you,
that helps you take care of your family, that supports
you and wants you to go to school and do
better for your life. Why can't you find somebody like
that man that's so like you? Guys, your daffy wants
you to give them money. Ain't doing this? What are

you listen Forget about them doing something for you? What
about you doing something for yourself? I mean I can
do something for much hope. I got home all right? Good, well,
you keep your own and take care of your child
and handle that. Instead of thinking about getting this fast money,
think about securing bag for later on in the future,
having a foundation, having your education together so you can

do and be anything you want to be in life.
I'm gonna take that advice. You'll have a good day,
all right, you too, don't right now? I ask you.
I don't even know what went on in that call,
but if you decide, if it didn't, figure it out,
I'm happy it was this madness alrighty well ask ye
eight hundred five eight five one on five one, keep
it lock. We have more coming up next. It's the

Breakfast Club morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne
that God we are to Breakfast Club. Is time to
ask ye? Hello, who's this? Juicy? Okay, Juicy, what's your
question for you? So basically, I feel like I understand
celebrities feel like, you know, all their fans are crazy
or whatever. But I feel like if I go to
every show like I'm up there supporting you. I'm talking

all my home girls about you. I play your music
all the time. You know, any time you come out,
I'm there supporting you. If I respectfully asked you succomb
with you know, a company to my appointment, you know
that basically it's gonna let me know if I got
breadcancer or not. If I asked you as a fan, like, hey,
I have you know, a lump in my breast, and
you know I have two appointments and the results you know,

come out, you know, on the second appointment. And wait,
now who ain't who are you asking? You're asking celebrities. Well,
the person I asked, I've met him three times, so
he knows. You know. I'm not like a crazy fan
like I'm a fan who's met him. Okay, juicy juicy,
al right, So I support you as an artist, and

I asked you to come. Want me to find out
if I got breadcaster or not? I'm crazy? Yes, well,
juicy celebrity or not. You've met somebody three times, right,
you know, and you ask him the coming I wouldn't
ask somebody I met three times? Did you ask your mama?
What about your daddy? Yeah, one of your best friends
or something. My mom is there and my dad is
he's not here, So I'm not fun. Then I have family,

but I feel like, you know, you're somebody that you
know is able to help me in the sense that
I wouldn't be in their client I wouldn't die if
I found out, you know what I mean. I don't
want to say that because I don't want to be
like I'm not a crazy person, and I don't feel
like I'm crazy for asking you to help. Who is
the celebrity? Do let me? Okay? So he blocked you

after you asked yes, It's not like I was like,
you know, crazy or anything, and I felt like I was.
I said I would be grateful to have the support.
That's what I said. I think you should tell us
who it is so maybe he'll feel guilty and then
maybe he'll go with you on your next apportance. Who
is the person that's up? I feel like, what if
you give us a singer? Yes, you sex with him?

Why trade? Trade? Right? That was so said? It's trade?
I know it was trade. The reason I know it
was trade his only trade friends would feel like he's
close enough with them to ask him to go ask
you right now? What is it so silly? Like I'm sorry,
I will just juicy juicy juicy supporting the whole music world,

because I feel like if I support you to that level,
like I spent a lot of money, I traveled to
shows like I was not because you know, like I
wanted something to return, just because I wanted to support
you as a fan. I'm like, ju I just want
to say something here. Number one, I just want to
tell you I am sorry that you're dealing with this
with the lump in your breast and having to go
to these appointments and everything. I'm not crazy. I'm not.

I'm a very good person. Like I'm I do a
lot of people like I take your own, my siblings,
I'm the oldest mama. They're not crazy. More than seven
times in a five minute companies. But Juicy, let me
let me explain something to you. Okay, the artist is
not asking you personally. Hey I need you to come
to my show. Hey, you're doing this out of your
own free will. And you should never do things to

sup people expecting them to do something for you in return.
You should do it because you want to do it.
You're right, You're right. So if you really support a
person and you're you know, a true, true person that
feels like connected to somebody, you go to those shows.
You spend your money because you want to, because it
makes you feel good, and you should not say, but
because I've done this for you, you need to do

this for me. I'm not. I'm just saying that. I
feel like when I did. How about you could ask
him to just hey, can you offer me some kind
words or let me know that I'm in your thoughts?
Things like that. But you can't expect him to leave
what he has to do in his responsibilities. He's only
met you three times, and I'm sure he does appreciate
your support and he loves the fact that you come

out and support him. But you should never do anything
in life expecting something in return. I never expect anybody
to do anything for me. I can ask, and if
you say no, I have to respect that. You sound
very entitled. You're right, and I do respect that even
you don't even offer that nothing. How you know I did?
I asked him. I was like, hey, I'll say you
to dinner. You know you know what did you say?

I will give you facio out? Well, I mean it's
tray songs. He should already know that. Like, it's not true,
true girl, this is not okay. Anyway, just leave him alone,
don't expect anything, continue to be a fan and a
supporter and just chill. You say you got it. For
things like that, you really have to call on people

that are very close to you, not somebody that you've
met three times. When I told my grandma, like, she
just was like, oh my god, it's the end of
the world. So I stopped telling people. You know, I
was like, oh, well, I can't tell nobody else because
she started crying and she's like, oh, you're gonna die.
Like so I was like, if I tell anybody else,
clost to me. You got breath. She doesn't know what

it is, but you don't know what it is. But
that's I made two appointments and that's why I told him.
I was like, hey, could you will come me for
the one which he's going to get someone to go
to the doctor. Just go handle your business and worry
about yourself. Okay, if you don't hang up on this
dumb ask girl, Oh my god, good like you man

that you haven't trying to have patience with these people,
and then you're talking to them and as soon as
you call it stupid, you're the bad guy. That was
the dumbest thing I ever heard of, Charlomagne and hit
up and asked them to go with you. I'm not
coming with you, Charlemagne. Busy daddy, okay, crazy? Asking five
five one five one is the breakfast club? Go morning?

What's up? Is the breakfast club? In his time for asking? Ye? Now,
who's on the line? Hey, Hi, Hi? How are you?
I'm good? How are you? I'm fine? Thank you. I'm
such a huge fan. Um. And I'm whispering because my
husband is sleepy, just came home from work. But this
is a secret that my son an express to me
that he wants to keep a secret. Okay, my son,

he just turned turn and he told me that he
may like boys and girls. Okay, and what did you say? So?
I don't um. I told him no matter what, that
I would love him. Um. And whatever decision he makes out,
I'm gonna stand next to him. But I'm not sure
it's when he's feeling it's correct or or any like.

I don't know. I need help with this. I'm not outside.
I'm handling it good with him, and I'm trying to
keep our relationship, you know. UM. I want him to
come to me for any about anything. But inside, I'm
like kind of panicking and I don't you know, like
I'm going back and forth with myself, But what are
you panicking about? Because number one, he's a young blacks

man already, um and you know, just to be open,
and he's already being bullied, he's already had mental health
issues and you know, it's it's just tough out here
for him. So one more stigma on top of that.
It's just you know, already expressed in the third grade
that he wanted to commit suicide. Wow, it sounds like

you put yourself. I'm thinking like maybe this is you
know what, everything that he was hiding, you know, right, yes,
because it is painful to have these things that you
want to hide. You don't want people to know. He's
great that he felt like he could tell you, yes,
that's what I told him, right, and start expressing that
to you, and you have to keep those lines of
communication open. I think your response was amazing, and I

understand that you are concerned because that's your child, so
you don't want him to be out in this world
where people can be really nasty and cruel. And I
exactly right, So I express to me that he does
like a boy in school and like, you know, like
I don't, I don't know how to how to handle everything,
like like this is a lot, like he's only ten?

If he too young to have they feelings? Is he
you know, like is this something that's normal? If it's
going to change. I have so many questions, like I don't,
I don't I need help, And you know what, honey,
there's nobody that can even answer all those questions for you,
because he he doesn't even understand everything right now. He
just knows how he's feeling. And at least he's able
to express how he's feeling. And that's all he can

do to have. You got him some professional help, somebody
that he could speak to so that they can help
him navigate, and maybe both of you should go. And
I think that's you know, like I'm still kind of
in shocked this. He just expressed this to me two
days ago, right, so I'm just like still trying to
you know, see, like I don't want him to, you know,

feel like he can't trust me. And then he's also
expressing to me like, you know, please don't tell my
bad and don't tell this person, and you know, like
I just he's scared of everyone everyone's reaction, right, so,
and you you should respect that, of course, and you are. Yeah,
don't tell anybody else, but definitely go set up something
for you guys to find somebody good to talk to.

If you hold on the line. I actually have somebody
that can be really helpful with that, and that would
be a doctor Kendall Jasper. And I always offer people
to him when we're in situations. And I feel like
this is dire because I want you to be able
to know how to deal with this. I'm not an
expert in that, but I do feel like what you've
done so far has been amazing as a mom, and
I know that I want you to be able to

express to him in the best way possible how much
you love him, how much you care about him, and
and also help him learn what he needs to do
in order to be more comfortable and not have feelings
of suicide, because that's a major two. You don't want
him to everythink about that again. All right, hold on
the line. I'm gonna hook you up with doctor Kendall
Jasper much, no problem, all right, ask ye eight? Don't

drink five A five one O five one to keep
a lot. This to Breakfast Club, Good morning,
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