All Episodes

May 2, 2024 132 mins
HAPPY FRIGGIN' "A" FRIDAY EVE!!!! The Hulkster Got A Posthumous Message From Rowdy Roddy Piper, Beaten With Chicken, Thieves Steal 1,000 Pounds Of Smoked Salmon, Things The Opposite Sex Does In The Bedroom That We Hate, Conspiracy Theory Thursday, We Talk Sports With Melega, Top List, & Medical Gaslighting!!!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You are about to witness as amazingEmo has comes in living Man's property of
all times. Yes, my bowsuck on you bow down to your master.

Then you did it. Then youdid it? Where you did?
Allowed to play, Allowed to play, Come out to play, Come out

to play. The crystal wos thesun is rising God, Oh wake up,
wake up now, don't worry.We're all here to show you how
jan Witz horses raw Station k mo G. Home of the Listens is

a family be don't turn downtown,just wait and say are you ready?
Are you ready to jove in timeto start to show crapstick apl about Fresco,
Whisping Man, Marny Show, Welcometo the Working Week. It's on

such a bore kick back, makesup the offing and they get hardcore.
Hang your whisby and then mess pickup your phone there line you're on the
air. Dot time dot s goodmorning, It's the Big Mad Morning Show.

Nine one, eight four six Ohk m o D. Can also
text BMMS and then what you wantto say to eight two, nine four
five Listen online the website that Rockskmod dot com. Past shows are available
on iTunes search under BMMS listen withyour cell phone. Get the iHeartRadio app,

available from the app store of yourcell phone provider. More on that
at iHeartRadio dot com. And we'reon Facebook, Facebook dot com, slash
b m Ms six nine. It'swhere you can hang out with us each
and every day. Good morning,Lindsay, Good morning Corbin, Good morning,
Gimpy, Well, good morning.Tickets to see Chevelle yep, got

another pair for you. We'll dothat at seven thirty. Someone's gonna see
Chevelle July twenty fourth at the TulsaTheater. Tickets available Toulsta Theater dot com.
See what Gimpi wants to talk about. We got conspiracy theory Thursday and
we'll talk to Mike Malega. Youmight not know this, but Sego de

Mayo is on May fifth. He'sSinkos anyway. Uh So, that's Sunday
and we're doing our Ante Daniel takingto myow block party at Los Cabo's and
Jinks I just got an email toclarify some information. All y'all mariachi.

I love a good mariachi. Yeah, begnatta breaks so letting kids hit pinatas
I'm hoping. I'm hoping kids Okay, would you get in on a little
and you have to action, nota little blind hoole spinning around a couple
of times. Let's you swing abat at any random direction while people are
around. No, no, no, I don't think so. Yeah,

because it's kind of like that machinethat you put the quarters in and punch
to see howard you can punch it. Oh yeah, and then you're like,
ah, I could do better,right, And then if it becomes
a big old contest, yeah,what are we doing? Also, I
don't eat two thrills that much.Face painting and balloon animals. Oh yeah,
tournament style cornhole. There'll be othergames and of course beard beer and

food specials. I don't know aboutBeard specials, but beer and food specials.
So that's happening, and it's saidgood to mile. We'll be there
from three to five, but Ithink it starts at like it's an all
day event for sure. Yeah yeah, and it'll go all day and all
night, even though it's a Sunday, and and I'm sure people still got

to work tomorrow or the next day. People will still go out and celebrate
full force man. Absolutely, yeah, they have this thing at Los Cabos.
It's a chicken breast and it's cutopen like they make a little pocket
with it. Yeah, and theyput pepper jack and jalapenos yeah, and

cheriso and then deep fry it.Yeah, it's so good. And I
don't like straight halopanos, but ohmy god. Yeah. Anyway, so
that's happening on Sunday, I mayor may not be. Oh and then
they cover in Queso. Oh yeah, watering. So again, that's happening

Sunday at the eighth Daniel Senko TomayoBlock Party at Los Cabos and Jinks will
be there from three to five.And because it's a go to my our
tops today is our top five Mexicandishes, not like plates and bowls and
stuff like ones. A little redyou gotta have right in there, or
the blue, that royal blue color. You know what, I just realized.
I'm not a big fan of coloron my plates, like patterns and

stuff. Okay, just a plainwhite plate is good. Blue or green
or whatever solid color, Yeah,lose my food in it, I'm not
I would rather not have a greenplate. Green is a very when it
comes to food, not like vegetablesand stuff like that, but it just
reminds me of like baby puke.Okay what I'm saying. So it's a
real turn off for me when itcomes to food. I look down and

like it's all on a green plate, looks like somebody vomited and then put
my food on top. So nobroccoli in your worlds, No, no
talking about like food wise, I'mgood with it. You know, the
vegetables. It's just the color colorplate itself. Give me a red,
give me a blue, give mea white, but don't give me number
one, number one, number one. Have your best show on one Thursday.

No problem plate color. Huh mygoodness, yeah yeah, heny who
We could talk about the world problemsif you'd like that. So we got
top list Mexican dishes will do thatfor our top list. Today, hul
Cogan is under her not underfire,but being scrutinized for something. He said,

I've got the audio for this.He was doing an interview. I'll
just let you take a listen,buddy mind Roddy Piper passed away or Roddy
Roddy Piper, and he was reallytrying hard to you know, surrender and
try to get his life straight.So I mean we would text every single
day now in the wrestling business fortwenty five years. We couldn't stand each
other. We were at each other'sthroats. I know, it's predetermined all

that. But he did not likeme and I did not like him,
and that's just how it was.Well, once we got older, and
you know, we basically had someconversations, and so we started talking a
lot, and he started asking meabout my spirituality. He really didn't connect,
but he was very curious, youknow, he wouldn't surrender. And

all of a sudden he passes awayand it was an a and he special
about Roddy Piper and the very thingwhen they get ready to go to credits.
It wasn't a text message, butit was a text message that was
a voice message on the text,you know, so he must have.
But this text message came in twodays after he died, and the text

message goes, I'm just loving you, my brother. I'm just walking with
Jesus, walking with Jesus and lovingyou, my brother. I was like,
he would have never said that whenhe was here. So he's implying
that Roddy Piper sent him a voiceto text. You know, we can
record your audio to him after hedied, Okay, a little difficult,

but I don't know that. Canyou schedule those sort of things, right?
I don't think so. But youdon't know when you're going I guess
maybe like when you're approaching your final, final, final days, you might
know that, Like, hey,I've just got a little bit of time
left on this earth, So I'mgonna go ahead and make a voice message
and then schedule it to send towhomever on next day, let's just say,

like a week out. I don'tthink you can schedule text messages from
your phone. I don't think youcan either, But I can't think of
any other way outside of some kindof you know, miracle that that would
happen. So anyway, so hecomes under a little scrutiny for that interview,
right yeah, And then now I'vegot the audio of him sharing and
you're gonna hear the voice to text. Now in this interview, he says

voicemail, Okay, but he clarifiedit's not a voicemail, it is a
voice text. And then so you'llhear the message from Roddy Piper, allegedly,
according to Hogan, from Beyond theground, you know, the news
came that he passed away, youknow, and I thought I got shot
in the chest with the cannon,you know, and it kind of like
knocked me off track for a coupleof days. And now all of a

sudden I get those voice message.It was really weird because either my phone
was messed up. Sometimes you'll geta text message at that night when it
was sent to you in the morning, I'm walking with Jesus today, my
brother walking with Jesus, loving youand praying for you. That really spooped
me out, Like Ailien thing,you know, like close encounters, is

just crazy to get a voice messagefrom somebody after they passed away, and
especially for him to say I'm lovingyou and walking with Jesus, my brother
just loving you and walking with Jesus. I was like, whoa totely screwed
me up because he's saying Roddy wasdiscovering his spirituality and had never ever said
anything like that. So the factthat he died, that message came saying

he was like, he's putting twothings together, right, Which is kind
of getting lost in the communication fromhim, is that he's saying, Roddy
Piper never would say anything like thatever, because he was on his journey
to discover his spirituality right right whenhe was on that journey Okay, when
he was still alive and they werestill friends talking. Yeah, Like in
the end, he's implying that ithit him like a punch in the face

that because he's walking hands with Jesusand he's like, hold on, JC,
let me make a quick call.I need to do a friend.
I would understand now that he saidthat, Like, sometimes your phone gets
messed up and you'll get messages laterthan what they were actually sent. That's
happened to me before. You know. I've gotten messages from friends that just

pop up, you know, andI'll be like, what's this about it?
Like, oh I sent that daysago or whatever. Okay, glitch
in the system, whatever the caseis. So I could buy that so
far as again, if Roddy waslike towards the end and knew that he
was going to die, I hadthat feeling and he's like, all right,

I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead andface face it now. Because you
said he was just discovering his hisreligion right his fams journey. It was
on his journey. So maybe he'slike, I've got a feeling that like
things are gonna inend for me soon, So I'm just gonna go ahead and
call it now, Jesus take thewheel. Oh, by the way,
before I die, I want tosend this to the holster. And then

glitch in the system didn't get ituntil two days after he died. Ah,
I'm just trying to make sense outof it. And to me,
I don't know. He had acardiac arrest, so it is possible he
was quite coherent. Yeah, butI'm having a little trouble piecing the sequence
of events. I am not savvyenough to understand if you sending text messages,

if it cues up until it comesto quote back online, and how
often that happens. Okay, I'msure people are gonna say that's happened to
them. My theory is is thathul Cogan, super famous wrestler you know,
gets a lot of text messages,yeah, and does not always read

them right away. Correct, verywell. Could be true. We've got
a couple of texts in here sayingthat you can schedule text messages. This
is I can schedule text message frommy phone. Do it all the time.
Another one, I've been able toschedule text for over a decade.
I do it for birthdays all thetime. That's not genuine, by the
way. Right, this one heresays this message is from an Android phone

and has been scheduled to be sentto you three minutes after the time that
I have typed it. The optionsallow me to send it months in advance.
However, if I attach any pictures, I do not have the option
to schedule it to be sent inthe future. So an attachment like an
audio message, right, I say, continue to say, I believe an
audio recording would count as that attachedmedia. And another one on androids you

can schedule text message androids you canschedule, but not attachments. According to
that, okay, yeah, I'venever had a need to schedule a text
message. Yea, yeah, yeah, unless somebody was like, hey,
remind me in a couple of daysor blah blah blah. But if that's
the case, I'm just right.I just tell my phone, you know,
push the button and tell bixby orwhatever, Hey, you know,

set a reminder for X y Zin three days or whatever, and it
does that, and then a reminderpops up on my phone? Am I
watching I do that? That's awhole other thing to understand why people schedule
text messages. I kind of amwith you. I think he had the
message already on his phone and hejust hadn't met it exactly, and the
timing just happened to be coincidental thathe looked after he died, And how

kind of cool that it was afterhe died, that he read it and
he's like, wow, he's walkingwith Jesus, and really he is at
this time. I mean, yougive the news, someone passes you,
probably scroll through your phone, lookat pictures whatever, so man exchange.
Yeah, somebody tells you. Ithink this is pretty good too. What
if one of his kids or someonesaw the text type but had not sent

it and went ahead and hit sind. Okay, well that's a good logic
too. Yeah. I'm not sureabout voice messages, but I have a
sing song flip and I could scheduletextas and later. I doubt they had
it back when he died. Anotherexcellent point, right of well when did
he die? That's the question.Almost a decade ago. Yeah, so

fourteen twenty fifteen, Okay, maybethe technology was there. I don't know.
I can't remember how much past yesterday. So maybe maybe the technology was
there because Android phones have always beenwill more advanced than the iPhone. I
mean, jokes aside, it ispretty much a true statement. They've had

the widgets and stuff for a longtime. I mean really, and I'm
an iPhone girl, so yeah,yeah, twenty fifteen July, Okay,
maybe they did. Maybe they did. Maybe they had that twenty fifteen yeah

yeah, because okay, so yeah, I've been here since twenty twelve,
and I've been a Samsung S seriesperson since the very beginning, so I
can tell you that at least onmy end, and I've never used before
that. But that doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean that the technology didn't
exist. I know that that smartphone, that technology, I want to say,

more than likely was there. Imean, I don't think it would
have been there from the beginning.No no, no, no, no
no no. But I got myfirst Samsung in like two thy eleven or
something like that, and then steadilyupgraded almost every year after that. This
phone that I have now is probablythe oldest one I've had ever because I'm

just too lazy to upgrade and Idon't want an extra payment. Yeah,
there's obviously a little more context herewe would need about you know, I
don't know if the HTC Dream oneyeah had that ability. Yeah, Yeah,
that's another factor there. We don'tknow what kind of phone that Roddy

had. Yeah, either way,I mean whatever makes the Hulk feel better
about himself, you know, helpshim sleep at night. Uh, somebody
texts in. I do it ifI know, if I know, I'm
calling it in the next day soI can turn my alarm on for the
next day. Wait till you textyourself. That makes no sense either.
I'm not sure about voice messages.Oh we did that one. Yeah.

I don't understand why you would schedulea text if I know I'm calling in
the next day. Like you're notgoing to go to work, so you
schedule a text to remind you you'renot going to work. Well, that
doesn't make any sense, Okay,Like if you're so you can sleep in,
you schedule a text saying you're notgonna make it. Is that what

you're saying? I guess, orit's like, hey, you know set
an alarm lying, Yeah, thatdoesn't make any damn sense. If you
if you don't feel well, andyou make the determination at midnight, you
call it midnight or you just callwhen you wake up, right. Huh
Yeah? Another text. I hada weird glitch one time where I sent

a text. According to my phone, it's sent, but it didn't arrive
for a couple of weeks. Wow. Only happened once though, Okay.
The problem with that, like ifLindsay's like I sent you a text,
she can tell me when she sentit, but I don't know on my
end, right, And sometimes youyou've got to reset your phone, like
turn it off completely and then turnit back on. It's all that it

training you get that tells you thatabsolutely, and then you'll like start catching
stuff. So maybe that's maybe that'swhat I happened. I don't know.
I just love that we worked inan angle to try and talk about how
superior Android phones are you psychopaths.It worked. What a weird flex that
worked. They are got anything youcan to try and make yourself look cooler

than you are. We're all sheepman. Whether it's exactly man, it's
all good unless you've got the oldschool Nokia that you're playing and snake on.
Even then, the exactly. Weare all slaves to what do you
wear? Clothes breathing oxygen? Allright, we gotta take a break.

We got tickets to Chevelle we're gonnagive away. Chevelle is gonna be at
the Tulsa Theater on July twenty fourth. Take a break and we'll be back.
Tulsa's Morning Show continues next with TheBig Man Morning Show on Tulsa's rockstation
ninety seven five kmo D. Goodmorning, It's The Big Man Morning Show.

Nine one eight four six O kM O D. You can also
text bmms and then what you wantto say to eight two nine four five
loose quick user stories you may havemissed in the news. We'll cover them
here and put a link on ourFacebook page if you want more Facebook dot
Com, slash bmms six nine It'stime for news squiggies. World news,
local news, and news that justmakes you say, what the Here's Corbyn,

Gibe and Lindsay with what's going onnews quiggies from The Big nin Morning
Show. In ninety seven five,km od Man nabbed for chicken battery on
sister. Twenty year old man isbehind bars charged for launching fried chicken at
his sister during a domestic clash inFlorida. They share a residence, and

according to investigators, the poultry peltingoccurred on Sunday afternoon in their clear Water
home. Cain Medley and his siblingwere arguing, and during that verbal altercation,
Medley grabbed a bag of Church's chickenfrom his sister and began throwing pieces
of chicken add her piece five piecethe chicken hit his sister and one hitter

right in the back and left abrie of food on her shoulders. After
being read as rights, Medley reportedlyadmitted throwing two pieces of chicken and one
of which hit her. The motivefor the chicken winging, He said he
did it because he had not eatenand did not want the piece of chicken
the victim offered him, so hewas upset he was hungry. He was

arrested for domestic battery, a misdemeanor, and booked into county jail. He
was arrested earlier this year for allegedlybiting and strangling his sister and slamming a
door on her arm and striking herwith a piece of wooden decor. What
a rooster right? Right, ifyou're hungry, just eat the chicken.

Chicken, eat the damn chicken,right. But churches is good to chicken,
so he's going to chuck it ather. You know, people get
hungry sometimes, but he had food. It would make no sense if he
was hungry, if he had foodin front of yeah. Yeah, but
if you're not feeling the chicken,you'd rather have steak or something. You

know, And sometimes your hangriness justoverrides the fact that you have food in
your hand. You sign it bythe angry, is what you're saying.
Blinded by the angry. Absolutely absolutely. I could see it happening, and
this guy just happened to take it. And you know, I don't want
your damn chicken. I'd rather havesome pudding or something. I don't know.
I've never understood angry, and I'mbeing honest, I've never understood it.

Have ever gotten hungry before? No? I normally eat when I'm hungry,
okay, but sometimes you can't.You get busy, right, No,
you know, stuff happens. Stopwhat I'm doing, No, take
a break. There's literally so shortof surgery, there's nothing happening more.
I can't stop and eat or gofind food. It is twenty twenty four.
There is food everywhere for the majorityof humans. Yeah, right,

I have been I have been angry. I have to. Like you're running
errands, you're doing stuff, andthen you're like, oh my gosh,
you gotta do this, and thenyou know, you feel your blood sugar
drop. That is like, butyou ignored the signs, is what I'm
saying. But you get busy andthen you're you're doing like, Okay,
once practice is over them, wecan eat. I just got to hang

on for just a half an hourlonger. Don't misinterpret what I'm saying as
you or anyone else is stupid.I'm just saying that, Like, I
don't get it, because when I'mhungry, I eat. When I feel
my blood sugar drop, I eatright. And you can go to quick
trip and buy something. You canbring stuff with you. You can keep

snacks in your backpack for practice.Yes, hold on, I'm sorry,
let me reach in here and getmy bag of nuts. But to go
to a length of being so angrythat you're throwing food, you're blinded by
it. Yeah, that's the partthat I I don't get blinded by the
angry as if you've got food inyour hand, eat it and everything'll be

all right, exactly, So therehad to be something else that had triggered
all that day. Clearly, donot need to be around each other.
If they have a history brother andsister sometimes brothers or sisters, or moms
or dad's or grandparents or aunts oruncle or whoever suck. Yeah, you
don't have to hang out with them. Shouldn't be living together, shouldn't be

around at her. It's okay tosay thanks for being my brother. It
doesn't have to say thanks for beingthe best brother. Right, thanks for
not throwing chicken at me? Right, I need to make that card.
Robbers make off with one hundred poundsof smoked salmon. This comes out of
Washington where this past Sunday, employeesat the Seattle Fish Guys they showed up

to work and noticed that some thingswere around. They have been burgled.
The owner says that it wasn't thetypical break in that she has seen before.
She says most break ins that shehad noticed that they just ran a
car through the front door, butin this case, the burglars drilled out
the dead bolts and they went insidethey noticed that the back room had been

ransacked. She says that they stole, they made off with a couple of
thousand dollars, They made off withsome office junk, the Burglars stole a
bottle of champagne that was in somebody'slocker that they were saving for their birthday,
and of course one hundred pounds ofthe smoked salmon. Now, the
owner does go on to say thatshe believes that it was the Burglars,

Burglars, Burglars, Burglar. Thepeople who broke in were once customers,
and that's that they really liked thefish and they wanted to have more of
it. And that's why they wentstraight for the fish, because they completely
wiped them out of all their smokedsalmon Burglars. Uh huh and uh.
And of course these surveillance bit camerasweren't working, so they don't have any

idea who really did it. Butshe says, along with all that they
made off with some jerky, okay, and and and she goes on to
say that you know that they needto keep it refrigerated or roast. They're
going to be eating a lot ofit. Now, with all that being
said, I don't think it wasa customer that was like that salmon was

so freaking good, right, theright, because I'm thinking that the salmon
that you're getting in a restaurant likethat, it's it's not seasoned or anything
yet, so it would have tobe prepared to be made just like the
salmon. No, they don't thinkso salmon smoked salmon, okay, delicious,
it's not just smoked, ok butokay. Yeah. But if they

went in and they had it before, and I had all this other you
know, jive on it, pecansor lemons, zest whatever, wouldn't that
have to be prepared, you know, if they were like this is so
good, I've got to go inand steal all the salmon. I don't
know. I don't know. Ithink it was possibly an inside job.
That's just my smoked salmon is away to like preserve it, okay,
and you can eat it. Right. I don't share the sentiment that Lindsay

has. I think it's garbage.Oh. My dad would go salmon fishing
and bring these massive salmon home andlike we have an event. He would
smoke one on the grill. Ittake like forever, okay, and like
you know, I have made firelike that type of thing, and I'm
like, your dad was the best. Thank you amazing. Smoked salmon is

one of my favorite. And that'sfine. That's fine. I'm not saying
I think for me, like,okra, it's hot garbage? Does it?
Of all the things I've ever said? Yeah, that that's the one
man arrested for allegedly giving daughter marijuanaand vapes to sell. You gotta hustle

somehow. A man is facing chargesfor providing his daughter with drugs and vape
products to sell at school. Onebabe, come here, I got an
idea for you. Or Tisa's daughterled police to her supplier after being caught
with the items at school. Thegirl reportedly said her father encouraged her to
sell the illicit products. He's facingcharges relating to providing drugs to a minor

and child endangerment. How all fora little hustle? How old was the
kid to to say, I don'tremember I was a teenager? Okay,
okay, I'm not saying. I'mnot trying to, you know, justify
it. Thirteen Okay, yeah,that's still a little too young. Where
were you going those like, youknow, seventeen. Okay, that's close

enough to adult age, said thepedophile. Alright, alright, why does
that not okay to consent? Man? No, but yeah, thirteen.
I was thinking that it was likemaybe elementary or middle schooler, you know.
But it's fascinating to me, andI'm not aiming this at Gimpee.
A lot of people do this.It's fascinating to me when people will bend

the rules when it's something they doright, Like they'll go, well,
it's close enough, right because Gimpienjoys his weed. Yeah, so he's
like, well, I mean,come on having a beer like not twenty
what? Come on? Whatever?Everybody's different. All these stories are on

our Facebook page, Facebook dot com, Slash, BMMS six y nine Telsa's
Morning Show, The Big Man BoardingShow, The Assault Continues next thirty seventy
five GMT, Good morning, It'sthe Big Mad Morning Show. Nine four

six oh KMOT. You can alsotext BMMS and then what you want to
say to eight two nine four fiveSee what lindsay has. Four Balls to
the Wall Sports The East's top seededBoston Celtics punch their ticket to the conference

semifinals with a dominant one to eighteento eighty four game five win over the
Miami Heat that clinched the series.In the West, the Dallas Mavericks crushed
the Los Angeles Clippers one twenty threeto ninety three in Game five to take
the series' lead. The MAVs willlook up to lock up their spot in
the second round in Game six tomorrow, while the Clippers are aiming to force

a Game seven. The action continuestoday with a pair of Game six matchups.
The Indiana Pacers will host the MilwaukeeBucks, while the New York Knicks
pay a visit to the Philadelphia seventysix Ers. A win by the Pacers
and Knicks will send them to thesecond round. Mike Conley will need to
make room in his trophy case forsome new hardware. The Minnesota Timberwolves guard

has been named the NBA's Twyman StokesTeammates of the Year. This is the
second time in Conley's career that hehas won the award, after he was
also honored as the league's Teammate ofthe Year following the twenty eighteen nineteen campaign.
The thirty six year old finished aheadof Brooklyn Nets forward McCall Bridges and
New York's Nicks gard Jalen Brunson inthe voting. The seventeen year vet has

also won the League Sportsmanship Award onfour different occasions, and the Milwaukee Bucks
are hoping their star players will returnto the court soon. Head coach Doc
Rivers told the media that Nianis Adadaykumbohaand Damian Lillard are very, very very
close to recovering from injuries. Jiannishas missed the entire first round playoff series

against the Pacers as he deals witha calf strain, while Lillard injured his
achilles and set out the last twogames. Milwaukee trails the best of seven
Eastern Conference series three to two,with Game six taking place in Indie today.
Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross has turneddown a ten billion dollar offer for

the Dolphins hard Rock Stadium and theMiami Grand Prix Formula One race. The
USA Today reports Ross and billionaire KenGriffin were engaged in talks but couldn't come
up to an agreement on the deal. According to the report, Ross wants
to keep the Dolphins, the stadiumand the race and his family. The
Miami Grand Prix is on Sunday,and that's your balls to the wall sports.

I'm lindsay in ninety seven to fiveKMO. Good morning, it's the
Big Mad Morning Show six oh KMOD. You can also text BMMS and then

what you want to say to eighttwo, nine, four five, Good
morning, Good morning, Corbin.We want you to rock the bank at
nine o'clock this morning. It isyour first of nine chances to win one
thousand dollars while you work this morning. Listen for that nationwide keyword, and
when you hear it, enter itonline at the website that rocks kmod dot

com and you could be one thousanddollars richer again at nine o'clock this morning,
and then nine chances to win throughoutthe day. Good morning, Gimpy,
Well, good morning. We wantto toast our troops. If you're
a veteran or noa veteran, wewant to get you hooked up just for
simply serving doing your duty. Okay, We're going to get you hooked up
with Casey Scheinerbach and dinner for twoat Mondo's Italian restaurant in the heart of

brooks Side every Monday during the monthof May for our listeners are awesome.
We're going to highlight a vet.So if you are one or no one,
just go to the website the rockscamedydot com, click on the contest
page. You'll see it right theretoast our troops and just fill out the
form and I'll get a hold ofyou. That easy. All right,
Let's see what Gimpy has crown.No world, take my strong hand,
give train, Ala, give trainthe world, take my strong hand.

You are my kind of cripple GIMPItremendous. First, I just got to
point out how Lindsay was flexing everytime I said strong hand in that uh
song. I thought that was hilarious. Uh So this segment might get a
little personal for you guys, andI'm not gonna apologize for it. It

is what it is. Son,Thanks for the warning, No problem,
no problem. You guys have beenmarried for a coon's age. We're not
married to each other, not youto each other, but you guys have
your spouses, and you guys havebeen with your spouses for god dang ever.
Okay, So what I have hereare things that men and women both
do in the bedroom that they don'tlike. So like for Lindsay, it'd

be like things that guys do thatshe doesn't like, and for Corbin,
things that women do that guys don'tlike. Okay, so we'll go through
this, and I'm imagining that withyour current spouses none of this really applies.
Maybe it does, I don't know, but maybe previous lovers in your
time. Okay, So we'll justkind of start with Lindsay here, Lensy,

these are things that guys do inthe bedroom that women don't like.
Okay, see tell me if anyof this applies to you. All right,
Okay, first one, straight outthe shoot, when they try to
recreate some position they obviously seen ina porno. I don't mind that.
You don't mind that, no,because this person was like, you're basically
ended up doing a handstand looking likea mess, having to hear them say,

oh you like that, don't you. I mean, I feel like
that would be a pretty extreme,like you imply to handstand. Otherwise,
how would you know it was donein a porn right out outside of the
same basic couple of positions. Youknow, it's something weird that's happenings,
Like Okay, I saw that thatworked, but again that's just a movie,

you know, Like the Pakistani piledriver is not gonna be in your
normal rotation of position a porn.Why would you want to watch that?
I was having this discussion with mywife. Is there is a thin line?
Be like, if you are aguy in the bed, you meet
a guy at the bar, rightand he takes you home or whatever and
like kind of crazy rough sex anddoes things that's never been done to you.

There's just something that there's a thinline between that and over zealous and
creepy. Okay, like sometimes it'shot, but if you cross that threshold
and it's a thin line, thenit's just weird. Is that what you're
saying? So, like, I'mjust gonna pull somebody's name out of a
hat. Brad Pitt does it toyou, You're like, yes, Okay.
If DJ Qualls does it to you, which he wouldn't because he's not

your type, you would be he'snot your type because you don't have the
right parts, you would be likeit was creepy. Yeah, makes sense,
I guess for sure. Right,it's weird to think just because well,
I guess it makes sense that you'reattracted to that individual, But I

mean you would think, I mean, you're attracted to them, and you
were attracted to them enough to takethem back to your place or go back
to their place and have the sex. Right, So, I mean you
got that goal for you at least. And I guess they pull out some
weird job, You're like, whollwhoa, whoa. That could be a
total turn off. Right, it'sa miscalculation that women want to be destroyed

in the bedroom, right because theysaw it in the movie. They might
a they might just want sex.That's the end of the sentence. Another
thing that this article says that thatguys do in the bedroom that women don't
like. Lindsay, when when youare on top you the woman and the
guys just laying there staring at you. Hm. Sometimes it can get a

little creepy, like why are theylooking at me like that? Or do
I have something? Do I havelike something in my teeth? Or hat
you have some bad sex? What'sgoing on? But other times it's like,
Oh, he's staring it into myeyes. He's so in love with
me. Here's a question. Wouldyou rather the person you're having sex with

in the position that Gimb's describing havetheir eyes closed or open? Why?
Well, because they'd like it togo creepy pretty fast. Goodness, gracious,
it's a no win. But thatthat's that's that's a fine balance you
gotta do there, because I'm thinking, like, if the person's eyes are
closed all the time, it's like, well, are they even enjoying it?

But oh god, yeah, soit's like you just sit there and
blink uncontrollably. That's weird. Youguys need some valume or something like chill
out. Another one here, LindseyIs says when they spank you so hard
that you just want to turn aroundand punch them in the face. Yeah,

sometimes it does get annoying. Okay, so like one time maybe all
right, Two times maybe all right. But if you're just sitting there,
just like birthday spanking, I'll takeit, yeah, by the fourth and
not in a row. You gottaspace them out. If they're gonna be
really hard spanks, you gotta spacethem out, okay, because you gotta

give you gotta give your butt cheektime or a little something that don't focus
on just one cheek. Absolute yes, okay, uh this one here and
I think this might apply to bothof them. And I read these articles
and there is one definitely that ison both articles, and we'll get to

that later or whatever. But Ithink this one applies to both of them
when they just stop, when theyjust stop right and and and the other
person did not achieve things right,it's kind of I guess it's kind of
like a one sided sort of thing. You know, I eat blue balls
or whatever. You see what I'msaying. So I think that falls under

the category of of both parties wouldnot like that at always. Oh yeah,
never had a problem. Oh,I've always had the opinion of if
if it's it's on you. Okay, So if your partner ends before you
or just stops right, that's onyou. Like it's about communicate right right

right right? That doesn't feel good? Right, come on now, help
help somebody out. Yeah, Iget it, Lindsey. This is another
one that says asking deal like that, how about you just talk and see?
It says here says, how aboutjust don't talk and see if I
look like I don't want to killmyself family, can I open the communication?

I like, yeah, you canask and I'll tell you if I
like that or not. But like, okay, and I guess that goes
with like along with like spankings,you kind of want to space it out.
You don't want to see men scarbylike you like that? Huh you
like that? Is that good?Huh huh. It's like, come on,
man, just just do the job. I mean, the majority of
people are bad at dirty talk,that's fair. Yeah, and those that

think they are good are bad atit. So it is not you're like
day you like that. And ifyou're spanking that your hands hurting, you're
doing it wrong. Right, yougot you got a cup. Don't use
the butt of your hand if yourarm's tired because of the quantity quantity you're

delivering. Right, that's fair.Says here lindsay that when when they ask
you to strip, is that somethingthat women don't like? When the guys
like, hey, why don't you, you know, do with sexy dancing
strip? Strip? Tea? Yeah, yeah, I think it's kind of
fun. If you've been drinking alittle bit, you're a little tipsy,

then you can get into it alittle bit more. Okay, Yeah,
it's said here's something about skinny jeansgetting stuck at your ankles. Oh yeah,
So with that being said, alwaysawkward if you're going to do that
strip tease in the bedroom. Iwould advise not wearing jeans, right,
It's definitely easier to have a dresson or skirt on something like that.

Jeans, sweatpants, those are ano go. Nothing is sexier than asking
your wife or girl to strip teaseand then she has to ask you to
undo a button. Right, that'ssarcasm. Yeah, getting dressed is always
awkward. Can you get the zipper? Start the zipper, Get this bras
strap for me? Oh great,it says here lindsay that when they drag

it out because they're waiting for youto get where you need to go first.
Is that a bad thing? Isthat something women don't like when they
drag things out because you know they'retrying to make sure you're taken care of.
No, I didn't think so either. I don't think so. Take
your time, make sure the jobgets done thoroughly. You know. Now

if it's like three hours they talk, oh god, you know that might
be a bit of an issue.Dial back on the CrossFit through three hours
right right? I know you're beingyour physic's going to be home soon.
Come on, Yeah, like,come on, wrap this up, bro,
we got things to do. Ithink the clothing one you described and

the dragging it out is a totalporn thing, right, stuff that we
see in movies that you think that'sgonna work. Getting undressed is not awesome.
Right. It's awesome to wall liketo see your person get naked,
but the act of physically taking yourclothes off, you never ever ever look

cool taking your socks off to say, saying nothing sexualy that somebody rolling their
socks off of their heel. Nowoman wants to see a man take his
underwear off on one leg and thenflip it up to catch it right,
because y'all do it right. Orthey take these socks off and they got
little sock fuzzies in between they toesor what yes, uh, here's another

one and and corb, you mightwhat costs me a dump here? But
it says, uh, it sayswhen you're trying to go downtown in the
morning, okay, and it saysthis person feels un It says it feels
unclean and just gross. Is thatsomething that women don't like when when you're
trying to do that business in inthe morning time, like straight up,

wake up, go to town.Yeah, I don't think I don't I
don't think you should probably go therein the morning. Really, yeah,
really, I think again this isback to communication, knowing if your partner
likes it, right, fair,that's fair. Here it says, uh
trying casually trying to uh go theback door route without even asking or any

of that. Now you got tocommunicate. That is great you mean rape?
You mean rape? No, notso much. I mean you guys
are already doing it. And readit how you read it the same way
because you said without asking, rightright, listen, that's just half the
sentence. I wasn't sure how farI could go into this sentence without getting
dumped, but I'm gonna take achance. It's sep. It says casually

trying to go the back door withoutasking and without the loop. It just
doesn't work that way. Yeah,not without asking. The store's still in
there, right, all right,Lindsey, I was right, right,
right right, all right, wegot it, and I'll move on to
the to what the ladies do nipplebiting Lindsey, Yes or no, m

not usually okay, but sometimes likeall right, but don't clamp down exactly,
got you know, chomp, chomps. And then lastly here before I
move on to things that women dothat guys don't like. It says here
that women don't like men with baggyboxers. No, it says here you.

Yeah, I'm not a fan ofboxers. I box briefs. Yes,
I could be wrong, but myunderstanding is that boxers are out right.
It's kind of back to you know, whitey tidies hybrids. But I
don't think tidy whities. I thinkboxer briefs. I think my understanding not
boxers. All right, h lindsay, yeah, boxers just remind me of

young, younger boys and what theylike to wear. Something like. No,
that's a good No, that's agood point. I would think you
would want to avoid that image.That makes sense, and not ones you
know, you know, regular underwearthat have spider Man on them either,
stay right from those as well.All right, Corbyn, tell me if
any of this has applied to youin the past, because I'm imagining,

like I said, you've been marriedfor a long time and none of the
would apply currently. But maybe,okiest lovers, when a woman would change
into their comfy pajamas as soon asthe sex is over, that's a turnoff.
That's what this article says that's somethingthat women do that guys don't like
in the bedroom. I mean,I would rather you wait till I'm asleep
to take your makeup off and putinto your cozies. What are you talking

about? Who cares? I'm kindof with you on that one. I
must probably sleep anyway. We done, We Doug, get Coverty, snoring,
get comfany. It's okay, yes, Samazon. You're a human.
You're allowed to get as comfy asyou want whenever you what azard thing it
says here Corman when they watch TVover our shoulder. I can't honestly remember

or think if that's ever happened tome. Maybe I'm just so caught up
in the moment I'm not paying attention, or I'm looking at boobs, not
paying attention to see if they're watchingDallas look at look, I don't understand
looking over your shirt, like onyour phone right right? No, like
like they're they're laying there. Youguys are banging away. TV's on in
the background, right and you're justgoing to okay over there watching TV?

Instead? Oh yeah, no,I need to see you involved, Yeah,
I need please be present. Absolutelyabsolutely, I would give you that
one. Um. It says herethat being slapped in the face during the
sex corbyin that it's a turnoff.That is a turn off. That is
things that women do that guys don'tlike. It says, don't try to
break the jaw. It just hurts, So being slapped in the face.

I don't know where you stand.No, I think listen, a little
spice once in a while ain't bad, right, I'm I don't want I'm
okay with domination from the other side, But to me, if we're gona
play a little slappy slap, I'mdown right. But are you saying to
expect to get slapped back? Yes, okay, okay, that's fair,

like it's fair. But I'm nottrying to clean your clock right, not
that way, you know. Uh. It says here when you stop making
an effort with your underwear, itsays, I don't want to see your
granny panties on a daily basis.I'm not saying you gotta wear the sexy,
freely thong underwear all the time,but at the same time period panties

are not attractive. Fan. Iam torn on this one. I am
I like seeing my wife in cutepanties. Also, I'm not gonna demand
her be uncomfortable. Fair, that'sfair. So if period panties make her
comfortable, who am I to sayshe shouldn't do that? Uh? This
one here says and I kind ofdisagree with it, But that's just my

own personal preference going way over thetop with the noises like waking the neighbors
type noises like the movie strip teas, uh huh in the pool scene or
whatever. Yeah. Yeah, mepersonally, While you thinking that, I
say the louder the better, that'sjust me. I want to make the
neighbors uncomfortable or roommate's uncomfortable or whatever. I do too. I like being

able to be loud. It turnsme on even more when we're loud.
Right, as long as it's authentic, okay, yeah, you could tell
when it's vague. Either be areally good actor yeah, or don't do
it okay, don't be like ohyes, this is awesome, oh oh
okay, right yeah, oh baby, it's just got to feel believable.

I don't know how to. Idon't know if there's a really great explanation
other than just saying that here's onekrem that I think is just an absolute
no. And it goes on everybody'son both ends, men and women,
bringing your ex up before dearing orafter. Yeah, why are we talking
about x's anyway? How is thiseven a question? Right right? Deering

and after? Like I don't evenbefore, like I mean, because you
guys talk or whatever, and it'slike, well my X Steve blah blah
blah. If you said my exSteve did X y Z, then I
can see how that be termed.But I think the general rule is,
but just leave the exes out ofit. I don't want to hear another
man's name. End of sentence.True statement. And lastly, here the

one that was common on both partieshere, don't check the oil. You
know what I mean. I thatis not I've I've never let that happen.
There's no way I will gladly slapyour hand like you're trying to take
a piece of steak off my plate. But people say, and I've seen

videos where the one of the partieslooks like they're enjoying it right right again
us it goes back to you know, the videos that you watch and you're
like, oh, I bet youshe liked that. No, No,
it's clearly on both articles. Iread both men and women because there's separate
articles. Yeah, they both said, don't check the oil, just leave
it be. I kind of equatesex or having sex with someone like this.

You got to read the room.You don't walk into a dinner party
until you know and Andrew Dice clayjoke, Right, you got to read
the room, right. You don'tgo into the church and do that.
So if things are going in adirection where slutty Sandy has showed up,

then maybe right, Yeah, ifshe's given some dirty words and you've done
some things you've never done, andyou want to keep pushing the envelope,
Okay, I guess. Yeah.The hardest part about sex, in my
mind is that you've got to read. If we're doing this, are you

into it? Right? Am Iinto it? And there you figure there
would be motions or notions or voicesor something nod a nod yeah whatever that
would say yes, that's okay.But I think all around and I think
everybody would agree. I don't know. Some people are in that sort of
thing, and some people are veryquiet with the occasional grunt, and so

you read any noise guys are.That's why guys ask so much of like,
uh do you like that? Becausewe're giant babies. We need constant
affirmation. We just stupid. Andthat's why we asked you to come see
how well we washed the car,or mowed the yard, or we unloaded

the dishwasher. In my head,tell me I did a good job.
Right. That doesn't end in thebedroom. We constant, so any type
of uh you. There's a greatbit that I heard this lady say,
and she said, all my relationshipswith men changed when I called them started
calling them big daddy. Yeah that'sa little weird, but test it if

you don't believe me. Resting,I think you call your man in the
throes of passion big daddy and seehow his game escalates. We'll say,
I'm not gonna call the lady bigdaddy. It's just weird. Yeah,
yeah, No, it was womentowards men or big mama. Oh you
like, yeah, it's not toone way street man, Hey, big

mama, give it to me anyway. Nonetheless, in the end, alls,
I I say, don't check theoil around the world, take my
strong hand, get alma, givetrain, MoMA, give train around the
world, take my shrum hand Alma. You are my kind of cripple GIMPI

tremendous. You're listening to the BigMan Morning Show. This is Tulsa's Morning
show. Good morning, It's theBig Mad Morning Show. Nine one eight

four six oh K M O D. Can also text BMMS and then what
you want to say to eight two, nine four or five. Let's play
a game because we've got tickets towe're going to give away. Chavelle is
over at the Tulsa Theater on Julytwenty fourth at Tulsa Theater dot com to
get your tickets and we're gonna playSchnip Schnapschner. Current record is wal So
it looks like Lindsay and I aretied with seven and you got to last

week's winner, that would be Lindsay. So Corbin in KEMPI at nine one
eight four six oh KMOD nine oneeight four six O KMO D call up
to said, who's going to beyour clue giver? Whoever gets the most
ride is going to win those ticketsto see Chevelle July twenty fourth. Good
morning, you're on the air.What is your name? Jake JK.
Buddy how are you awesome? Areyou guys good? Jake? Who do

you want to give clues? Gimbeer, Corman Corvin. Let's get the
win, all right, Jake.Sixty seconds are on the clock. Timer
starts after the first clue. Areyou ready? Yes, sir, here
we go. Uh. In soccer, this is the guy around the net
that stops the ball goalie. What'sanother name for him, goalkeeper? Correct?

The guy who met the company thatmakes iPhone, Yes, Crest makes
this. You put it on yourcorrect. This is the car company that
is makes the ram Dodge. Andthis is the there was an vintage car.
They brought it back lightning bolt,dot dodge chargers. Correct. Correct.

This is the power ball is aform of what lottery. Correct on
your It's a peripheral for your computer. And this is the piece of cloth
that you put it on so itcan track where you move it. Correct.
Horses do this when they run reallyfast. Gallup apple, cherry,

blueberry or all forms of Yes,a dessert form three point one four pie
time seven is what we got.Man, might be good enough? Excellent
job, sir. Hang on theline, all right, good morning,

you're on the air. What isyour name Daniel, Daniel, you've got
to beat seven. Are you ready? Yes, okay, I love the
uncertainty. All right, ready,here we go, anyway, here we
go. Oh, this is aBeatles song. I am the blank?
All right, No, I amthe blank. It's an animal with big

tusks and whiskers, see anna.All right, okay, So you go
to this. It's like a sandwichshop. You get these types of meats,
cold cuts. You would go tothe blank section in Walmart and get
slices of cheese and slices of yes. Uh man, good blank to you.

I hope you enjoy your day.I hope you win today. Good
blank, I hope you win allright? Blank? Your god, damn
it all right. If it wasn'tfor this, I would have bad?
What if it wasn't bad? Thereyou go? Wow. His brother's name
is uh god, damn? What'shis other? He's with Vince Vond wedding

crashers. Weird nose, Yes,be blank and rewind relax, yes,
relax time time time time time.I'm sorry, man, Daniel, it
didn't happen. Brother. Thank youfor playing awesome. Congratulations Jake, you're

getting those tickets to see Chabelle atthe Tulsa Theater on July twenty fourth.
Awesome, awesome, excellent jobster,hang on the line. Yeah, this
is the type of bud that's reallygood. Sure be kind rewind is good.

Yeah, have at a protein barin the middle now lyrically yeah,
yeah kind And I didn't hear himsay I am the Walrus. Is a
song called Walris. The word wasthis Walors, she said, Andy Reid
looks like okay, Wolprah Brimley minusthe tusks and his land ability and his

feet. Yeah, and we'll justyeah, all right, well the record
now like keeps Lindsay and I tiedwith seven. What moves you to?
Three? Take a break and we'llbe back. Tulsa's Morning Show's coming right
back, The Mad Morning Show,Tulsa's Rock Station. Good morning, It's

the big Man Morning Show. Ninefour six O kmod all so text bmms
and then what you want to sayto eight two nine four five See what
gimbias in is four x four arenow I don't know what's happening all already.

Then let's tell us here cabin thatnew recommendations for breast cancer screenings the
US present reventative Services Task Force isnow recommending women between the ages of forty
and seventy four to get a mammogramevery other year. Previous guidelines made in
twenty sixteen said by any old mammogramsshould start by the age of fitty,

and then the decision for women toscreen in their forties was at their discretion.
In breast cancer is the second mostcommon cancer in women in the US,
behind you, guys know, prostatein women. Oh, in women,
ovarian Lindsey Long No skin cancer,skin cancer, yes, yes,

watch out for the prostate cancer ladies. Just saying shuttle down over there.
Hey, there's been sixteen thousand poundsof ground beef being recalled. Over sixteen
thousand pounds of ground beef is beingrecalled due to possible E colon. The
USDA announced the recall beef was shipto Walmart stores nationwide. The affected beef

is from the company Cargile Meat Solutions. That doesn't even sound tasty. It
says here that the specific recall productscan be found online. I didn't know
if you had something to say.Now, most people can consumed the meat
already, so you think it'd bea little too late for that, Yes,

yeah, yeah, you've got thee cola watch out now, but
I know I'm full of it.Arizona lawmakers repeal these Civil War era abortion
ban. Two Republicans joined Democrats topast the propos the eighteen sixty four law.
The ban nearly all abortions was revivedby the state Supreme Court last month.
The bill now heads the Governor KatieHobbs's desk to be signed. With

the repeal the state's twenty twenty twolaw that band's abortion after fifteen weeks of
pregnancy will be reinstated. And then, lastly, here there's a local circus.
Yes, I said it, alocal circus. It's called the Big
Mad Morning Show. Thanks for participating. There's a local circus holding a community
jam twice a month at Guthrie Green. The Inspiral Circus Jam takes place every

first and third Wednesday through October atthe Guthrie Green people people can show off
their circus skills with performers from theInspiral Circus. There's extra hoops and juggling
balls. Dude, this is awesomeprops. Children under sixteen must be accompanied
by an adult. Why are youdogging this? I'm not dogging it.

At all. It was just kindof moaned to, you know, think
about you know there's a circus intown that you know one, there's a
local circus. I thought all circuseswere traveling circuses. Well they all have
homes. We live by the road. Home is wherever we are are stilts.
Yeah yeah, and then you know, just juggling balls made me giggle

a little bit. So I mean, hey, listen, if you want
to, you know, be inspiredto be a circus worker, Carney,
call it what you want whatever,go check this out. So okay,
so this is actually a company thatprovides things for events like stilt walkers and
aerialists and fire shows and things likethat. And they're doing a sounds like

a temporary residency. Okay down thereat the Guthrie Green Place. But listen,
so they do stilt walk See stilldon't here, Just wait for the
punch. Stilt walk stilt walkers,circus shows, aerialists, festival entertainment,
fire shows, led balloon decor,face painting, glitter tattoos, balloon artists,

and chiccouty artists. How to putsweaty mates on a board sign as
side. So if you're having likea big company event, or something you
would hire the or New Year's Evething or whatever. So no, soorce
swallowers. Huh hey, listen,of all of us, you're the only
one that's eligible to be the sideshow right see the ten dolphin. The

possibility of revenue sharing with college athletesis gaining momentum. Some boat leaders are
hoping for a collective bargaining agreement withthe players to help lower the number of
opt outs. Executive director of bullSeason Nick Caparelli said that he believes nil
collectives are destined to be brought inhouse, and there have been discussions about

contracts in exchange for nil payments.Essentially, if a player signs a contract
and receive compensation, they are obligatedto play twelve regular seasons games and a
bowl game or a bowl game andthe playoff. Now it's starting to get
dirty, right, Like, wait, since the stars aren't playing because they're
jeopardizing the money they would make ifthey played, right, they're going,

I'll take my loss, but they'remaking money off ballgames. So like when
we need the stares, Yeah,and that's your balls to the wall sports.
I'm lindsay at ninety seven to fiveKMOD, good morning, it's the

big Mad Morning Show nine eight foursix oh. K MD can also texts
bmms and what you want to sayto eight two nine four five. Good
morning, Lindsay, Good morning Corbyn. You're less than an hour away from
rocking the bank. At nine o'clockthis morning. When you hear the nationwide

key word, enter it online atkm dot com for your chance to win
one thousand bucks and spend that moneyanyway you want to, maybe some concert
tickets like Rockklahoma, or pay somebills anyway you want, and then you'll
have eight more chances throughout the dayto win one thousand dollars from KMOD.
Good luck, good morning, Gimpy, Well, good morning. Oklahoma's coming

up Labor Day weekend. Prior tous a disturb a bench, simple slipknot
tons mortgage full lineup gets your linkingfor tickets on the website that rocks Lahoma
kamody dot com. All right,so conspiracy theory Thursday. The Bigfoot Field
Research Organization has recorded hundreds of sidingsabout Bigfoot. The biggest states for Bigfoot

sidings to guess Oregon Oregon correct,I can tell you exactly, yes,
ok Oregon is two hundred and sixtynot the most, but definitely in the
top five. Himpy, I feelOklahoma's on that list because they have a
festival. They are not top five. Washington State of Washington. Yes,

they come in at seven hundred andseventeen sightings, Yeah, a big amount.
Oklahoma does one hundred and eleven.So not even in the same continent.
Okay, So I see a patternhere. A lot of these are
in the Northwest. What about Montana? Montana only recorded fifty three. Even

Bigfoot doesn't like Montana. Huh yeah. California, California, California, four
hundred and sixty one. Okay,so they are definitely one of the bigger
ones. Let's go to the otherside of the country. Then, how
about New York, not New YorkCity, but the state. Yeah,
more than Oklahoma, Yeah, onehundred and twenty, but not in the

top five of the states that record. They say, Washington, Ohio,
California, Florida, Illinois, andOregon are the biggest hot spots in the
US four Bigfoot sightings. Pennsylvania getsmore than Oklahoma. Just I know a
lot of you naysays like man andthe last reporting for Oklahoma twenty twenty two

according according to the Bigfoot Field ResearchOrganization, which I think we can go
ahead and say is one of,if not the official reporting organization for field
research of Bigfoot, makes a perfectgood sense says it right there, it's
right there. I wonder how youget a job for that, I mean,
probably apply well. I mean,I know, vance put your resume

together. You know, I'm goodout in the woods. I can make
a whoop just like Bigfoot right now. So according to the latest report,
two witnesses, we're staying in andoff the grid cabin at a lake north
of Cow's Bay in Oregon. Quote. We had a kitchen light on in

one other lamp in the front room. At about ten pm on the night
of October third, twenty nineteen,we heard a noticeable bang on our cabin.
She says. Her husband went outsideto investigate, but he didn't see
anything and came back inside the cabin. A few minutes later, they heard
the same bang again. This time, I turned off the TV and lights,

and he looked out the window andalso went into our bedroom, which
was at the back side of thehouse. She continued, in the light
from the generator shed, he sawa huge figure that began to move toward
the light of the generator shed,where my husband could see the creature.
Extremely well stunned by what we hewas looking at, her husband called to

her to come see what he hadfound. Quote. I took one look
at it, and it scared meso badly I ran into another room.
She said, I knew right awayit was sasquatch. She described the bigfoot
as having a flat face with aprominent brow, cover in reddish brown hair
all over its body, block typeteeth and lips with a flat type of

nose. Quote. It walked uprightand swung its arms from side to side
as it moved. The look onits face was the look of curiosity and
had intelligence to it. It didnot seem aggressive, but we did not
approach it or threaten it. Afterabout two minutes, moved into the woods.

Next morning after fleeing the cabin followingthe big foot siding and they return
and determined that the creature had tohave been eight and a half feet tall.
Probably looked it like the door windowheight, and then measured it and
basted it off that right sure.The BFRO investigator personally spoke with the witnesses
quote, they're both very credible,respectable retired organians organans people from Morgan.

The incident happened at their off gridlakefront cabin, built entirely by the husband,
who worked as chief mill ride ata lumber mill for thirty years.
They were so shaken by the incidentthat they sold the lake cabin. Not
long afterward, he described, hediscovered the couple did actually go back to
the cabin briefly. Later that night, with two Sheriff's deputies found the pathway

in the grass with a figure walkedinto the woods. The deputies did not
try to persuade the retired couple thatthey had merely seen a common animal like
a bear. When the couple askedthe deputies if they had ever received calls
like this from around that area,the deputies looked at each other and only
said yes a few times. What'sthe grin for? What are you thinking?

Lindsay it had to have been abear, right, say more?
I mean they said yeo a fewtimes. Wouldn't they have put maybe they
should have put up some cameras ifthey're getting these calls before, you'd think

if they'd had encounters before, theywould put up cameras. Yeah, but
Bigfoot and cameras never really go together. It's blurry, grainy picture. You
know. I think Bigfoot has somekind of kidden ability inside him that distorts
cameras when his pictures taken, youknow, yes, and he has some

sort of like infrared technology to readit right right, hence therefore alien.
Yes, I think so Bigfoot isan alien. I'm just trying to go
off my own understanding. If Iam someone who builds an off grid cabin
in the woods, I love theoutdoors. Yeah, is that a fair

assumption. If I love the outdoors, I'm aware things go bumping the night
out in the woods. Yes.And if things go bumping the night,
and I know Oregon's one of thetop places for sasquatch and you're unaware of
the side that happened in that area, just feel that part feels suspect to

me. Yeah. And then two, you get scared one time and you
move right right, I mean,Bigfoot's pretty scary, dude, man,
I just don't see. And youbuild it with your hand, your bare
hands, right right. That makesyou a badass. It makes the story
so much more impressive, the factthat you build some of your bare hands

and you're willing to abandon that.Yeah, because you're you think cannot validate
you think you saw bigfoot, right, you can't validate it. No one
can validate it. No, youdidn't take a picture or nothing like.
Yeah, and you were so scaredyou ran, you were in and hid,

but got a pretty great description.Uh huh. Even knew what his
teeth looked like in the dark.Well, because he walked into the light.
Right. Somebody says, here,sounds like one of those red orangutangs.
Do orangutangs normally hang out in thewoods of Oregon? And are they

eight feet tall? You know?I mean I've seen Planet of the Apes
and that bigger rangutan they had therewas a big bitch, for sure,
But just being native to the woodsof Oregon, I don't think so,
unless it was an escape o rangutang. I mean that's possible, right,
So that is a possibility. Idon't know what the max hythe height of

an oregontang could be. How manydrugs were they on at the time.
I always think that's an important factorthat should be denoted in these Had you
been drinking, yes, right,or you know, any other kind of
illicit substance. You know that theygo out into the woods and eat some
mushrooms and trying to enjoy the nature, and then you know they saw a

shadowy figure and you know, instantlyled them to Bigfoot. And they always
talk about how they're in investigator talkto them and they always say, oh,
these are credible people. Of thereports that I've read on the BRFO
site, none have ever been likethese people are full of malarkey. Right.

It says here that the average heightfor rangutangs, the males are an
average of what does it say,four and a half feet tall, while
the females are an average of threenine so almost four feet tall. So
there's no way unless you got tworangutangs, you know one you know,
give them a ride on the shouldersor whatever. I don't see how that

could be, which they could be, especially if they're wearing a trench coat.
Yeah, I seen that in movies, right, which is also where
I've seen depiction of Bigfoot. Ifit works with the little rascals, they
could work for a rangutang. Ilike this text just trying to bump up
the resale value of that handbuilt cabinokay okay or or scare buyers away.

Maybe the wife wants to sell it, you know, but the guy who
built it doesn't want to because Ibuilt it or his dad built it,
whatever, And he's like, wellkind of like thinking like that, I'll
step brothers. Oh yeah, Iknow when they're trying to sell the house
and they just doing all kinds ofweird stuff pa buyers not to. Here's
another one. This is from lastyear October of last year, and this

person says they were backpacking around alake in Oregon. I took it easy
and did did it over to thecourse of a few days and two nights.
Did not sleep great in a tentand would wake up periodically when I'd
roll over. Both nights, Ihappened to wake up around three am.
I heard crazy how yeall yell comingthe other side of the lake. It

sounded like it was coming from reallyfar away. The calls repeated almost identically
for what seemed like several minutes.It sounded like some sort of alarm or
something, except that when it wasnearing the of the yelling each time,
the howls stopped sounding so identical andbegan ending in maybe sort of a guttural

yell. Definitely hear vocal cords.I just laid in the tent in amazement.
It had It had to have beeninsanely loud to be coming from such
a distance. Then on the secondnight, immediately after the howle yells ended
just to the south of me andnot terribly far away, I heard the
resounding crack of a clear wood knock. I'm still kicking myself every day for

not trying to find my phone torecord it. For some reason, I
felt like it moved, It wouldif I moved, it would stop.
Once I got home, I lookedat the map of the lake to try
and figure out in what direction thecalls were coming from. You backpacked without
a map. They highly advise againstthat, right well, you know,
just find a stream and that'll takeyou to civility. The weird thing is

that both nights it sounded like itwas coming from the opposite side of the
lake where I was. It mightjust be some bigfoot hunters out doing their
thing, but it seems weird thatthey would call from such different and far
flung vantage points each night. Peopleunderestimate distance at night, right, oh
yeah, visually and audibly. Andthere's a text here that I agree that

probably is the case. When itcomes to least that story, probably one
of the neighbors messing with them,you know, with the howling across the
way. It could be somebody outthere just screwing around, you know,
making noises, trying to mess withpeople. Not so much a big food,
yeah. Or it could be mountainlions some other animals, yes,

yeah, could also be the windsure at the windows. How based on
where you're at, it could makeany a lot of different sounds. But
to imply you have such great auditoryskills to be able to decipher the direction
of audio across the lake at night, right, because it sounds just bouncing
off of anything and everything, water, trees, bigfoot whatever. It's similar

to when the lights come on afterit's been dark your eyes or when you
can see things really clearly at inthe dark because your eyes have adjusted.
Here's the same thing. It's morequiet, so your your senses are heightened,
and so you think you hear somethingat a better distance than you think
you do. Right. That's whytrying to determine to turn left at night

with traffic is harder because you can'ttell the distance of the lights. Right,
I love these stories though, andI always love that it happened four
years ago. But I'm just gettingaround. It was such a traumatic event
that I had to sell my cabin, that I had to wait. I
couldn't get to it to just now. That's a busy guy. Busy guy,
he's got a lot of things onhis plate. I can't imagine build

a new cabin somewhere else. Ican't imagine you had to pack up your
cabin. Usually those things sell furnished. Right, all right, we got
to take a break. We'll beback on Tulsa's Morning Show. Continues next
ext The Big Mad Morning Show onTulsa's rock station ninety seven to five KMOD.

Good morning, It's the Big MadMorning Show. Nine one, eight
four, six oh KMOD. Canalso text bmms and then what you want
to say to eight two, ninefour or five. Conspiracy Theory Thursday.
Lindsey texted me yesterday and she's like, hey, I have a conspiracy for
tomorrow and I was like great,And she sent me the stuff for me

to talk about it. And Ithink it's great that someone else wants to
bring one up. So take itaway, Lindsey. All right, So
you know, how Tom Brady wasgoing to become part owner of the Raiders.
Okay, that hasn't happened yet,and I think I know why.
So Sunday, Netflix is airing theroast of Tom Brady and they're airing it

live. They're filming it live,and this is a first. The only
time that Netflix has ever done somethinglive is when they did the reunion special
for Love Is Blind. And I'mlike, Okay, whatever, a roast
of Tom Brady live means we're goingto see something pretty big and spectacular.

I think the reason why number one, they're going to air it live is
because at the end of it,he's going to make an announcement. He
is going to announce his unretirement fromfootball and he's going to go play for
the Raiders. And that's why he'snot buying them becoming a stockholder, because

if he is, he can't play. Yeah, he can't play for the
team you own exactly. So that'swhy that's not happening. Are they still
looking for a quarterback? I meanthey're looking for many things. They didn't
have a good draft, So that'sthat's my conspiracy theory. He's going to

announce it at the end, andthat's why they're doing this whole thing live.
It's gonna be this big, bigordeal. What do you think.
I think that they're doing it liveto kind of see and push this live
Netflix thing. You know, theysaid they've only done it one other time
before, right, and that wasfor what was it again? Blind?
Yeah? Exactly. Nobody cares.So with that, well, hell,

we got a big name in TomBrady. You know that's gonna draw in
a whole other audience. So let'sgo ahead and do it live, and
if this works out okay, thenwe can start doing more things live and
get more content that way. Idon't think that he's going to announce cats

what like forty six or something likethat. Yes, but I believe that
he he's got a bit of anego on him. I think that it
was his goal to be the oldestquarterback still playing in football, and he
doesn't have that. So Netflix hasdone many things live. The Love is

Blind isn't the first thing Chris Rocklive. Chris Rock's Selective Outrage was his
first live and that was in Marchof twenty twenty three. The Love is
Blind reunion in April of last yearwas live two them twenty twenty three,
a global fan event. I haveno idea what it is. I'm not

going to take the time to lookinto it. But that was apparently live.
They did a baby animal cam anda baby gorilla cam live for two
months. What The Netflix Cup airedin November last year, which is a
golf thing. The Screen Actors Guildwas live in February of this year.

Okay, the Netflix Slam was live, which is a tennis match between Rafao
and Nadal and Carlos Alcarez live fromVegas. Okay, still doesn't explain why
he's not an owner of the Raiders. Maybe just don't want to. Well,
those things take time, Sure they'renot they're not automatics. I think.

I think it's an interesting angle,for sure. I love the idea
that but that type of news wouldeasily that would be a massive sports story.
Why would you bury it? Becauseyou want people to tune in live,
right, so you would, butyou know you're not hearing me.
You would want to tell people that'sgonna He's gonna make an announcement right of

anything. You don't want people tohave a fomo of it. It's too
big of a moment. Maybe he'sstill on the fence. I guess what
I'm saying. It's worth marketing,right, They can't if they booked the
roast, which I think it's kindof The roast is kind of weird anyway.

I mean, he's a high profileperson for sure. They're being super
secretive about the list of people thatwill do roasting, which is weird too.
They say Bill Belichick might be oneof the guys. Yeah heard that.
What well, I mean, Iget it that's been your boss or
that was your boss for a tenyears. But you know, yeah they
did. They didn't end on greatterms. Hm. So I don't know.

To me, there's too many unknowns. And if they have Bill Belichick,
you would want to promote. Whodoesn't want to see Bill Belichick try
to be funny, much less withsomeone he didn't end a relationship well with.
That's where my head's at. Yeah, I think I think I think
Bill Belichick has to be there evenif he wasn't roasting him. I think

he would definitely be there in theaudience because people will be roasting him as
well, because all of the roastersthey get roasted as well. There.
Yeah, there's some people that won'tdo it because I don't want to get
roasted, right, So I don'tsee Bill Belichick doing that. Kevin Hart.
It's a Kevin Hart production, right, what's this company called Heartbeat or

something like that. Gronkowski, totallysee Gronk doing it. Yeah, Randy
Moss, but none of these areconfirmed, right, Randy Moss hot.
Other celebrity roasters for the event,which will be hosted by Kevin Hart include
Edelman, Gronk, Randy Moss,and Drew Bledz. According to ESPN's Adam

Schefter, Drew bledsoe, Yeah,I don't want to watch a bunch of
athletes reap jokes that a comedian wrotefor him and they don't understand timing.
And I think that's that's where we'reat here. Is like because it's Tom
Brady, it's like we got toget all these other big time, big
NFL names involved. You know whenit comes to like comedians, the comedians

will wrote, they'll get other comediansto roast them. You know, think
about like, you know, evenwhen it was Martha Stewart, they had
a bunch of you know, otherpeople in there. Snoop dogg Da Da
Da Da, but a yeah,I don't know. I don't know what
they somebody texts I forgot about this. We actually watched this David Ching's Dinner
live, didn't. He's a he'sa chef and he does a cooking thing

live. I've never watched it live. We've watched it later. But he
has celebrities on and he cooks forthem and they talk. It's very clunky,
but yeah, they do a lotof live stuff. If it doesn't
have Jeffrey Ross, he's the roastmaster. It's said hosted by Kevin Hart
and usually the roast master hosts.But I think Jeffrey Ross is the well

yes, I mean he is themaster of roast Like that's what I'm saying,
Like he's the guy. If theydon't have him, it ain't a
roast. Yeah, because he's doneso many roasts. My favorite part.
I just watched one with Anthony Jesselnikdestroying everyone. It was so uncomfortable,

it was awesome. Roasts have togo to places you don't want to hear.
They have to be so bad interms of what is said, and
I don't know if we're ready tohear it. If he's I don't think
Bill Belichick's ready to hear it.He doesn't seem like a guy who sits
on his hands. I think thisis gonna be the worst roast ever.

Oh I love that take. That'sjust my opinion, you know. And
I've watched a few of the roastsand they're pretty good. They're funny,
they're funny. But I think thisis going to be an awkward, very
very awkward roast because you've got somany jocks involved, you know, and
and and especially if if if JeffreyRoss Jeff Ross is not the roast master

and it's hosted by Kevin Hark.Kevin Hart's a funny guy, don't get
me wrong, but it's just nota roast without Jeff. So I think
this is going to fail miserably.It'll be a lot of deflate gait.
It'll be a lot of his marriage. I bet that's a pretty fresh wound.
Yeah, but he apparently is quiteheartbroken over uh huh, the retired

and then not retired and then retiredand not retired again. I mean,
you only got so many jokes aboutthis guy that you know it just talking
in circles. I think I thinkTom Brady's a badass. So it isn't
a question about whether he can handleit. Yeah, but also roast are
not they're not They're not supposed tobe timid. Everything's on the radar.

And then when you put comedians inthere who are trying to get a highlight
tape. Yes, and then thewhat was the the coin? It was
a bitcoin or the the legal stuffthat he was involved in, wasn't he
one of the I don't know whatyou're referring to. Cryptocurrency is that Okay,

I don't recall probably hit on that. In full honesty, I could
care less about any slibbery that getsinvolved in cryptocurrency. I don't consider that
a flaw at all. They're justtaking money. Again, Jeffrey Ross has
got to be in it. Idon't want to see Drew Bledsoe deliver jokes.
I don't want to see and Idon't think he's going to make a

massive one. So you think he'sgonna stand up there and rose and make
like jokes because he has to gotoo. Yeah, it is, and
someone will write it for him morelikely than not. Yeah, and then
at the end he's gonna go Andby the way, I'm playing this year,
No, no, I don't seeit. I think that's why he

hasn't That's why nothing's been finalized withthe Raiders purchase, because he's going to
go play for him. So youthink he did all the leg work,
put the money in escrow, andthen it's changing his mind. Yep,
and he's gonna play for the Bears. No, he's gonna play for the
Raiders. The Bears would never beso long. I think the only way

he comes back is if he playsfor the forty nine ers. I think
that's the only way he would evercome back. Really, he grew up
in that area. I think that'sthe only way. Maybe I don't see
I don't see him getting rid ofRock that way. But I mean,
you do have either one of thegreatest or whatever. But he is also
old af and you've got a youngquarterback in prock Perty though, where it's

like, let's just let's just keepgoing. This isn't a good direction.
Oh. I'm not implying it's gonnahappen, right, I was just saying,
you know, I don't think let'sget the senior citizen out here to
toss the balls around the scenario.I was implying more as if he got
hurt, they would bring him backto play. That's to me, that's
the only way he would ever comeback. He wouldn't even go back to

the Patriots to do like one finalseason, the team that made him who
he is one hundred percent and forhim to be a Raider. I just
reeks of you know when Jordan cameback and you're like, oh, don't
do that. It's overfriend, allright, we gotta take a break.
We'll be back. Run of TheBig Man Morning Show is next ninety seventy.

Good morning, It's the Big NadMorning Show. Nin'm on eight four
six oh kmod can also text DMMSand then what you want to say to
eight two, nine four or five. Joining us on the line right now
from the Tulsa Drillers is Mike Malega, Hey, buddy, how are you.
I'm doing great, doing great.Good morning, Corbin, Good to
talk to you man. You guyshad an early day game yesterday at one

oak Field. Uh. One ofthe allure of playing down at one oak
Field is just a day baseball game. But you guys are in a homestand
and tonight you've got Thursday, whichhas been traditionally a great night for getting
discounts on beverages. Absolutely this yearit's a you know, we ramped it
up. It's triple play Thursday,so we got the you got the beer
discounts and so did discounts for thosethat aren't drinking. But we also have

Kick Cabbage Brass Band out there performingin the first thousand fans are going to
get a Drillers T shirt tonight,so it should be a lot of fun
at seven o'clock games six o'clock gatesfor those T shirts. I always run
into people Mike as I'm sure youdo as because you've been around with the
Drillers for such a good mine oftime. Is that people go, oh,
I haven't been to a game sincemoving downtown, and the addition of

having the brass band down there isjust an ode to how much you guys
evolve the game. So if peoplehaven't been since the old fair ground days,
it is not the same Drillers experience. No, definitely not. We
do a whole bunch more as faras promotions and just fun and just vibe
at the stadium, you know,So we try to keep it fresh and
this year those are some of thenew things that we're trying. But you

know, it's funny. You dohear people that say they haven't been down
to a ballgame yet, and usuallysay why and they're like, oh,
well, I'm not a baseball fan. Well, I mean that's just not
it. You know, Baseball iswhat kind of puts us there and what
brings us together. But you definitelydon't need to be a baseball fan to
come out and enjoy the experience andbe proud to be a Tulson. Yeah,
it is just part of the jewelof Tulsa is going to an experience

a game at one Oak Field.And when you reflect back onto the old
days and the stress you felt likeyou were under at that time, how
does that compare to what you guysdo now downtown? You're talking about like
from the old stadium, oh Yustadium. Oh yeah, you know,
it was just it was It's alwaysfun. I mean, I'm never super

stressed about it. You know,the weather stresses me out more than anything.
The operation is great because we've gotgreat people working there, and we
got great owners and we've got greatlandlords. And I love what I do
and I'm just as fired up aboutit as I always was. So I
never really felt a lot of stress, you know, I just I like
what I do and it doesn't matterif it takes fourteen hours in a day
sometimes to do it. Yeah,the things you guys do down at Oneadfield

is just it's a great experience tobe part of Drillville down there. Well,
Cardinals are in town. We mentionedwhat's happening tonight, and then fireworks
on Friday and Saturday and two bigNerd nights, right, yeah, exactly,
it's Nerd Weekend. We got theMarble Defenders of the Diamond tomorrow night,
so it'll be a Marvel theme nightfor us. And then Saturday is
May the fourth, so we gotto go Star Wars on May the fourth,

so it'll be Star Wars themed fireworkson Saturday. So it should be
kind of a fun weekend. Andreally the thing that is the brand I
think you guys besides baseball, youwant to push his family and that's what
happens on Sunday at one Oakfield exactly. Yeah, Family Days Every Sunday,
kids eat free. We got akids give away for first five hundred kids
five you know, twelve and under. Kids run the bases after the game.

I think we got a kid's clinicon the field prior to so always
a lot of activities, especially ifyou've got some young kids in the fam.
All right, let's talk a littlebaseball. Two things I wanted to
bring up. One, the Twinsare have a ten straight. They did
not start well. People are like, this is not a good and the
Twins have won ten straight easily becomingone of the more exciting teams that is

going on in Major League Baseball.You know, for the last few years
they've been kind of on the rise. It was a little bit of a
surprise. They got off to sucha poor start. I think they were
seven and thirteen and now they're seventeenand thirteen. And shockingly, that whole
division, which everybody kind of pickedto be kind of a weak division,
they got four out of five teamswith winning record. I think it's the
only division in baseball. So they'reall kind of beaten up on each other,

and it's you know, unsuspecting teamslike you know, Detroit and Kansas
City have kind of risen to thetop of the division too, So yeah,
it's wins. We got to watchout for them. You know,
they're they're double a guys come throughour league from Wichita, so we have
a great rivalry with the Wichita winsurge and a lot of the guys making
it happen at the big league levelfor the Twins came through Wichita and we've

seen them. Yeah, some ofthose wins against the White Sox. I
don't how much bragging they should have, but it is the longest win streak
for Minnesota since two thousand and eight. Wow, I did not realize that.
That's Yeah. Ten gamers, man, they don't come by very often.
Yeah. And then we should alsomention the game with the Mets and
the Cubs and the wild finish wherePete Alonzo got called out at home plate
in the game. Really exciting comingdown to the final play game happening in

baseball with Cubs and Mets. Yeah, I mean, and you know,
and there's controversy about that. Youknow, the play was. You know,
it has to do with the newrules that they have for the blocking
home plate, and I think itcould definitely have been deemed a situation where
the Cubs catcher was obstructing home plateand preventing Alonso from getting in there.

To be honest with you, look, like Alonso beat the throw. So
it's controversial. If you're a Metsfan, you've got to be pissed off
about it. So yeah, sothat was an interesting one last night.
And you know, and you can'tforget about the beekeeper in Arizona. I
don't know if you saw that one. I did. What a two hour
delay? That type of thing,A two hour delay has to give you
a little bit of anxiety as someonewho's responsible for a crew of people to

make an experience happen out a diamondor do you go, okay, we
got plenty of things to eat.Well, you know, there is a
silver lining to a delay, especiallywhen it's not pouring rain. So yeah,
I mean everybody just kicked back,had another cold one and another hot
dog, and you know, nowthey got this story to tell, which
is pretty great. But you know, the drillers we had the game the

other night on Tuesday night, anda postgame we're like, hey, let's
throw on the Dodgers game and Igo to flip over to it and that
the end the screen says, youknow, delay warm of bees. It
said on the screen. I'm like, what is going on? So that's
how I learned about it. Kindof a crazy situation that beekeepers like a
cult hero now in Arizona, whenyou guys have your team meeting, like

your your team meetings, not theplayer team meetings, but the team meetings
of all the people you helped manageand help make the experience at want To
Field awesome with the toulstralis do yougo, all right, do we have
a beekeeper number? Like? Isthat something you just go, oh,
we'll deal with it on the flyer? Do you use those experiences that
at other ballparks to go, hey, do we have somebody lined up for

this situation? Yeah, up tothis point I would say no, we've
never thought that we need a beekeeperon the hot list, you know,
so no, we probably maybe wemaybe consider adding that. You know,
it was funny because like over atthe old stadium, you know, we
had some weird things happen over therewas the fairgrounds, right, so you
had some weird animals that would showup. We had foxes at the field

a few times. You know,we had delays with possums and cats and
things getting on the field over there. But bees, so now bees are
firm on the radar and the otherthing that's crazy about the bee delay by
two hours is that that is anindoor stadium and they'd only opened the top
for like a short amount of timeand these bees showed up. Yeah.

Man, you can't write this stuff. It's just kind of a crazy,
crazy storyline. And I can't waitfor the Beekeeper bobblehead next year for the
first forty thousand fans in Arizona righthere that I'm sure it's on the way.
They have to embrace that, right, they have to. I mean
it's classic. You know, ifit was a minor league team, if
it was us, we would bethe Tulsa Beekeepers next year. There's just
no question. We'd have a wholetricked out uniform and you know, it'd

be great and we would have alot of fun. Major leagues probably can't
go, can't go that crazy,but the Beekeeper must be exploited as far
as I'm concerned. Yeah, well, it's hard to not let balls hit
in the face when you've got thatbeekeeper hat on. Yeah, I mean,
listen, you know everyone should wearthem. Last thing I wanted to
bring up is the Cubs have thispitcher that I don't. You might have
to help me with the name,but he is shocking. Everybody knew he

was gonna be good, but heis crazy good. He's five and zero
and six starts and a point sevento eight e er. And again,
I don't know if you know hisname, I'm gonna mutilate his name amonga.
Oh I know Imoga. Yeah,he's a Imanaga Imano Japanese player.

Yeah, and he's awesome. He'sgot a great personality. And it's funny
because you know, that was theother big signing this year, you know,
from Japanese pitchers with the Dodgers gotYamamoto and the and the the cub
sign this Imanaga guy. And he'sjust been nails right out of the box,
Like every start, he's been outstanding, you know. And and he

just seems to like really just automatically, you know, just eased into a
major league career. So you loveto see it. They're loving him up
there in Chicago, and he seemslike he's, you know, not having
any problem with major League baseball hitters. I'll throw you this fact too,
because you love stuff like this.He's the first pitcher to start five an
oh with an ERA below one sincenineteen oh one. Holy smokes. I

did not see that. That's incredible. That's incredible. That's a good perspective.
Well, listen, these guys allwork through the system. That means
they play in places like one oakField. So go see the Tulsa Drillers
in action. They're at home thisweek and we got tonight through Sunday Tulsa
Drillers dot Com to get your tickets. Mike, have a fantastic week,
appreciate it. Thanks, Corbin,you guys have great weekends. Two all

right, we'll be back. Goodmorning, It's the Big Man Morning Show.
Nine four six, oh kmod.You can also text BMMS and then
what you want to say to eighttwo nine four five, Good morning,

Lindsay, Good morning Corbin, andhappy twenty six the porn star birthday too,
Miss Penelope Woods. You can seethis brunette vixen in a deep tushy
massage. Seven get laid and paidand sloppy toppy. She describes herself as
submissive and bereatable. Good morning,Gimpie, Hey, good morning. If

you're a veteran and no a veteran, we want to hook you up.
We want to honor you as wetoast our troops this month of May,
every Monday for our listeners are awesome. We're gonna honor a VET and we
want to hook you up with acase of Shinerbach and dinner for two at
Mondo's Italian restaurant in the heart ofBrooks Side. All is you gotta do
is just share the story of yourservice. You can sign up yourself if
you're a VET or the vet youknow at the website The Rockscame with You
dot Com. Click on the contestpage. You see you right here.

Let's go ahead and do our toplist. We do it Thursdays at this
time. Let's get started. It'sHarberbig Mad Morning Show's top list random topics,
randomly drawn with random results. Nowhere's Corby, Kimpie and Lindsay with
this week's top list. This week'stop list is Mexican dishes. Mexican dishes?

What do you got? Lindsay?All right? Number five? You
probably gonna put your nose up tothe But I chose fajitas because it's hard
to get them. It's hard toget them wrong, so and they're easy,
so, especially if you're at anew place, go with that.

Are we allowing text mex why not. I mean, if you go to
any Mexican restaurant here in town,they're gonna happen. They're going to have
fahidas on there, you know,anything el what the hell when you go
to Mexico? Yeah, do theyhave fajitas? I don't know. I've
never been to Mexico. I don'tknow. I've never ordered them, so
I can't. I don't know.Yeah, so gotta have corn tortillas with

them. And I like the mixwith the shrimp chicken ants combo. Definitely,
yes. Number four, if there'sroom for dessert, I like the
creamy goodness of flan fan I do. I do, And it's more of

a recent thing for me because I'ma big fan of crumb brewlet and I
feel like that is the closest I'mgoing to get to it. Three on
my list. What's the thing theyput on? What's on top of a
flawd? I know it's upside down, so they what's the top part?
Like, sometimes there's a caramel drizzleon it, sometimes just fruit strawberries usually

and whipped cream. Shiny thing that'son that shiny syrup? Yeah? What
is that caramel? Caramel? Oh, that's caramel, okay, deliciousness.
Number three is carne asada, thegrilled, marinated sliced skirt steak with rice
and beans covered in the the whitecaso delicious. Number two braised pork carnitas.

I love them and I love themwhen they are marin Mexican coca cola.
So that okay, so sweet andwith Again, it's got to be
the corn tortillas. And I don'treally care what vegetables, if they use

them or not, like some wellput peppers in there, but they have
to have red onion. Cilantro's amust. Lime is a must, and
if you're using pineapple, that isa big plus. Okay. And number
one on my list street tacos fromany damn taco truck, any taco truck.

What kind of street talk? Whatare you thinking? What's your thing?
I like steak. I mean,yes, tongue is fine, but
I prefer the steak with just theonion cilantro lime. Boom done, yeah,
delicious. All right, we're doingtopless Mexican dishes. What do you

got for? Number five? Canbe? Oh hell, coming in a
number five tacos alta pastor you know, pretty good stuff. I mean you
really can't go wrong with tacos inany any form or fashion. I'm more
of a crispy taco kind of guy. You know. Not a lot of
Mexican restaurants serve those, unless it'son a kid's menu. Yeah, but

either anyway, tacos in any wayis all right with me. So that's
number five. Number four is themango sabci mm bechab whatever whatever. It's
good stuff. Yeah, dip yourchips down in there. You know,
you got the shrimp and the mangaand all this saucy, juicy goodness.
Oh yeah. I always thought itwas with shrimp, always right, And

it wasn't until I've been to Mexicothat I realized. No, no,
no, there's many variations of cibchreally, yes, because I always thought
it was shrimp too. Yeah,so they got a beef savice or someone
No, no, no, otherother sea type of things, gotcha.
So it does have to be seafoodscallops, Okay, whitefish that could be
interesting. I can get down onit doesn't suck. Yeah, So that's

number number three. They're number four. Number number three is going to be
a good old inchiolata. You can'tgo wrong man has to be in the
red sauce. You know. I'mnot a big fan of chicken enchiladas,
you know, so for me,it has to be beef or something to
that effect. I prefer to makethem myself as opposed to you know,
getting them at a restaurant. Youknow. But that's just me, that's

just me. I don't, Idon't, I don't know. Maybe it's
just I like I like the wayI make them because it's the way my
mom made them, you know.So I use flour tortillas as opposed to
like corn tortillas, which I thinkmakes a big difference. I am.
I can't. If I'm gonna doa chicken Mexican dish, I can't do
shredded. It's got to be diceor cubed. Yeah, I can't.

I just can't do shredded. Thetexture throws me off. Any shredded chicken,
but Mexican like unchiladas or whatever.Yeah. Yeah, I try to
stay away from a lot of thepoil when it comes to you know,
Mexican food or whatnots. But thatbrings me down to number two. The
fajidas mean the fatas, and ithas to be all three, the chicken,

steak and the shrimp, you know, and I'll eat the I'll eat
the steak, and I'll eat theshrimp and then possibly take the chicken home
with me later on and have thatfor lunch the next day or breakfast or
whatever. And that's one of thebest things about that. You know.
Let's say you go out on aSaturday night and you go hit up a
Mexican restaurant and you've got your leftoverfehtas and stuff. Man, you eat

that stuff right back up, mixit in with your eggs. Boy,
you can't go wrong right there.Man, that's good stuff. And you
know, maybe stop and get yousome tortillas on the way home, you
know, so you can have yourselfa nice, good breakfast burriti or something
like that. And the number one, I think is obvious if you've listened
to the show for the past,you know, twelve years that I've been
here. I'm always this is theone thing that I always get. And

that's what this list was kind ofhard from to put together because I don't
very I don't stray away from mydish. You know, any Mexican restaurant
that I go to, I usuallyget the same thing every now and again,
I'll break it up. It's arare occasion, and that's why I
ended up coming up with the otherfour. But the number one chimp chankin.
Man can't go wrong with the deepfive brita. It's about the only

way that I can eat a burrita. You know. I can't eat a
regular burrito, like what is ita wet burrita, you know, or
or even if you're hitting up TacoBell, Man, I can't the burrita
supreme, the tortilla. It's justall mushi and gooey and chewy. And
I that's not for me, man. I need my barrita filled and then

deep fried and then smothered with cheese. And you got your pico, your
lettuce and guacamali and your sour cream. You just pile all that stuff on
top and then eat it as itgoes. But boy, you can't go
wrong. And it has to bea beef or or steak if it is
offered you know beef, you know, ground beef or or shredded steak.
It will never be a chicken.Jimmy Changa just saying in nineteen ninety eight

ninety nine, the radio station Iworked for did a partnership with a Mexican
restaurant called, I remember to thisday, Lacasina de Puerco, Okay,
And when I went there, likeyou know, they brought out the radio
people in to educate us or whatever, because they're like, we're authentic Mexican
food. And I learned certain dishesif it for it to be Mexican,

really shouldn't have cheese, right,And I was like, huh, and
pork is the preferred right? Hadno idea, right, So it was
then that I went on this journeyof learning Mexican food. And so my
list is a little different. Ihave tacos on this three times because there
are different variations. Number five juststraight up street tacos, preferably chariso.
I will do Asda, I'll dotongue, I'll do barbacoa, whatever,

right, but street tacos, simpletortilla, corn, tortilla onions, cilantro,
protein, easy stuff, easy delicious. Number four El pastor. I've
never had a bad al pastoor.Pineapple meat seasoning done so good. We
got u l pastoor. And thenanother dish that'll be on here from Tortillas

de Puebla, which they're fans ofthe show. For our birthdays. It
was so good. The extra wehave we vacuum sealed. We just opened
it the other day and had someoneit was so good. So that was
number four. Number three Molay anydish with molay on it. Molay's a

It takes like twenty three ingredients tomake the sauce. It takes like forever.
It's got chocolate in it. It'sso good on everything. Any molay.
Number two, as long as itcomes out of a cooler, preferably
tamalaies right, preferably pork Tamali's.You can taste the preciosa in it.

It's so delicious. I love it. And then number one for me,
this does have some cheese in it, but it's so good, and that
is Beera Tacos. Okay, BeeraTacos. It's a special sauce that takes
a long time. And then youtake the tortilla, you dip it in
there, you put it on thegriddle, meat cheese, you fold it

over, it gets crispy, andthen you dunk it in the sauce.
I forgot them about the beer tongthey're so good. There is a place
I think on twenty first called redtacos and they specialize in beera tacos.
It makes me so happy. It'stexts coming in Mexican street corn. Yeah,
a lot of people love it.Mexican street Corn's fine to me.

It's it is. It's just cornright with mayonnaise some other stuff, but
it's good. I get why peoplelove it. Uh where did it go?
Moved on me? Street corned tamales, street tacos, crunchy tacos,
enchiladas. What's better anchiladas and redsauce or green sauce? Well, depends

on what you're feeling, is okay? I say more because I think green
sauce is more for chicken enchiladas asopposed to beef, and the red sauce
would beef for your Okay? Iagree? And me personally, I prefer
the beef enchiladas with the red sauce. Just me. I'm a red sauce
guy. All day. I've hadchicken enchiladas from different people. I don't
like them. Uh. Another textpork carnitas ver day. Okay, beer

of tacos, straight burrito, groundbeef beans, red red sauce, cheese,
a Bertho here. I'm loving thistop list. Uh Chili reinos,
tamales. I think this is supposedto be carnitas. That could be wrong
though. Pazzole, yeah, thatis a pre difference thing. I think

green spaghetti. Who I don't knowwhat that is as a Mexican dish.
I've never heard of it before.It doesn't sound appetizing though, Okay,
it's because of the pablano chilis thatare in it, blended with sour cream,
cilantro and garlic and spices. Itdoesn't look good just me, though,

I try it. Margarita on thereO Presidente, Margarita, corona rita,
maybe bozzolo another one, uh faaswranch at us. Yeah, Mexican
food good. Yeah, I can'twait till Sunday. Man. Yeah,

let's cobbas there and Jinks for theeighteenth Annual Block Party. Come and join
us three to five. You canwatch us mau down on some chimmy changas
or fajeitas or what the hell ever. Listen, I'll be so satisfied with
chips salsa. We could stop there, but keeso guacamole has to have the

Charisa in that. Caso though,Oh it's a game changer. Oh yeah,
oh yeah, it is a gamechanger when you put a protein in
the caso. I've always done itwith beef before, not a problem,
but you turned me on to theCharisa. I was like, yeah,
you know, you're playing at adifferent you know, Konami code when you're

when you do that. Uh I, what's the is it? Fundido?
The one with a It's like ablock cheese and it's super stringy and like
it's good for like a minute andthen the rest of the time you're just
breaking your chips in it. Right. Frustrated, right, because just straight
up, how do we get theAmericans to like this? The white people
just take a block of cheese,unwrap it out of the package and set

it in the cast iron little skilledthat we do faetas in done, and
let it just dissolve and then rushto the table. Yeah before it coagulate,
it's to solid again. Uh menudoafter a long time of drinking.
Who Okay, I've never had it, so I couldn't tell you how it
is it. I think it's oneof those things that you're like, I'm

doing it here, I go,I'm having mnudo and uh, I just
didn't grow up that way. SoI'm gonna pass on manudo. I can't
get past what's in it, right, cow stomach, chili, pepper,
broth, many hammony, hammona hammonahammona how many? Yeah? Lime onions
and a regano doesn't sound that bad. It's the stomach that kind of you
know, turns things, dude.Somebody text in a torta tortoise are so

good, so good. The breadis super important on a torta because if
it gets too soggy, I'm out. Okay, but a torta is delicious.
Yeah, okay, Yeah, we'llsee a sundance taking to mil Los
Combos. We'll be back. Telsa'sMorning Show is coming right back, A

big bad quarter show, Tulsa's rockstation. Good morning, It's the Big
Mad Morning Show. Nine one,eight four six, okmo, d You
can also text bmms and then whatyou want to say to eight two nine

four five. So there's this thingon the TikTok which will go away eventually.
Apparently, uh is something called medicalgas lighting. Okay, have you
ever heard of this medical gas lighting? No? I had not either,
But when I describe it to you. I feel like you've seen many of

these type of posts, not juston TikTok, but on many social media
platforms. Apparently. Apparently it iswhen people say things like your provider is
not listening to listening to you,or they interrupt you, and you feel
like your medical concerns are being dismissedokay, or ignored, or you're often

blamed for your medical symptoms. You'retold that you are worrying too much,
or you just have anxiety about yoursystem, or your provider will not provide
a referral order key lab work fordiagnosis. Hmm. I think it's those
people with their non medical license thinkingthat if they know what's up with themselves

and so they're going to argue withthe doctor who went to school for eight
years to tea. You know,he's one of those things. Well,
I know my body, doc,Oh, my body's telling me it's cancer.
It's not, it's not. Ican only I can see both sides
of this. I can only imaginebeing a doctor who went to school for
eight years, been practicing for yearsand years and years, and you go
in and tell them what you thinkis wrong with you, and that they've

got it wrong. I'm sure that'squite frustrating. Additionally, I can only
imagine how frustrating it is to bein discomfort, pain, whatever and then
go to your doctor and they tryto it sounds dismissive that you're feeling that
way, right, right, Ican imagine that that's frustrating. I mean,
they don't call it a malpractice lawsuitfor nothing, right right, And

they don't call it a medical practicefor nothing because they just be practicing.
You got to think, but you'redoing none of those right exactly. You're
just a hypochondriac. I think there'ssomething wrong with you, yea, when
you know, you got to thinkabout that too when it comes to that
sort of thing. There's so manyof either hypochondriacs or pillchasers that go out
there and think that, you know, the making up stuff, and doctors

see that all the time. It'skind of like when you get pulled over
by the police or whatever and youpiss drunken the officer at how many did
you had to drink? Oh?I only had two beers or whatever.
These guys hear that stuff all thetime, so they see right through your
bowl. I have a really goodreputation with my doctor because I've known him
for so long and I go tohim to help me with my being a

hyperchondriac. Right, I go.He knows that we've talked about me being
one. I let him go.No, it's fine. If you have
it in six weeks, then mayberight, But there's no reason to jump
off the deep end today. Butpeople want that instant gratification. They want
that instant help right now, somethingto make them feel better right now,

instead of okay, Tommy, waitten minutes, and if you still got
to go to the bathroom, thenyou can go. I say that as
a reference to like kids in school, always up and down. I I've
gotta go a bathroom. Do youreally or are you just trying to get
up and do something. I thinkthat you're right to the idea of that
people expect to be healed right away. Yeah, that we've been sold this

bill of good that doctors can fixyou and that's the end of the sentence.
And they can sometimes, Yeah,it just takes time. It's not
an instant thing. It's to me, the thing I hate the most is
when you go and you say mywrist hurts, and they go okay,

and you schedule appointment, you goin and then they're like, okay,
let's do an x ray, andthen you got to wait to do the
x ray, and then you dothe x ray and then they get the
x ray and they're like, oh, okay, well now we need an
MRI. And then you get anMRI I and they're like, yeah,
that doesn't look right. Let's sendyou to a specialist. And you're like,
bitch, why didn't I go toa specialist right from the beginning.
And then you go to the specialist, and the specialists like, why didn't

like that MRI, Let's do anotherMRI. Well, now they're just trying
to take all your money. Andthen you go and then you're like,
well, now we need an MRIwith die right, And I don't.
I'm not somebody who's like they're justtrying to take your money. I'm not
saying there aren't doctors like that.I'm just saying I don't know, because

you can't go what do you haveno medical degree telling them how to do
it. I don't just suddenly getthat because I feel like it's not fair.
I'm not one of those people thatfeel, oh, they're just trying
to take your money. But Iknow people that are like that who have
literally said that to me before.Are they just trying to take all my
money? Blah blah blah. Okay, yeah, I mean one, it
is a business, but they're notgoing to just sit there and deliberately waste

your time and energy just to takeyour money. They'll just charge you out
the ass for stuff. This textis totally I think, right on the
same thing about being an HVAC tech. The customer tell tries to tell me
the problem and they're wrong ninety percentof the time. Yeah, my ace's
broken. I tried to do thesame thing. But to me, I

don't I think it's more of me. I'm not just some some jokester calling
up going fix my s Right.I try to give you all the knowledge
I have about it and then letyou do your thing. Right, Here's
what I did. I did thesethings thinking it was this. Now you
go leave it up to the professional. Mechanics are the same way, right,

You going like I think it's theflex capacitor and they're like, no,
not the Fleux capacitor. You justgot a low tire. Bro.
There's these people we fall online andthey do car analysis, So they tell
you what the problem was and thenthey tell you what the answer the real
problem was. So this person broughtin a car and the emergency brake would

go on and then the car wouldshut off. Okay, bizarre, right,
And so they ran a code check. The code check came up with
door a jar sensor okay, butthe door wouldn't open. And so what
they deduced was that the door ajar sensor was faulty or having a short

was then triggering the emergency brake asan emergent, like thinking there was an
emergency in the car for safety,and then because it stayed on, they
disengages the vehicle right, like safetymechanism. But the person driving door never
open, right, does it knowthere's a door code issue? Interesting?

Right, But the person win waslike ah x y Z, yeah,
didn't know. Fun fact doctors hateWebMD. I joke with my doctor all
the time about any everyone coming inthinking the worst because of that side.
I also blame these commercials saying askyour doctor about one hundred percent. The
pharmaceutical industry being able to sell youailments that you do not currently have,

I think is part of the problem. Yeah, that's why we always joke
like, oh, it's you havea cold and testicular cancer, because it
feels like no matter what you putin WebMD, it always come back comes
back as potentially testicular cancer. Itall comes back to cancer. Yeah,
of some sorts. Every single timemy toe hurts, well, you got

toe cancer right, right, No, you just banged it on the damn
kitchen table whatever. It's even worsewhen it's like somebody you really care about
that you're responsible for taking care ofbecause you want the best for them.
Yeah, my kid was in theer right and we didn't know what was
wrong, and so we get everything, They get us stabilized, and we

get the kid out of the er, and then we have to go to
the doctor and they're like, ah, it's probably this, and I'm like,
this isn't like you got my steakcooked wrong, right, lives,
I'm responsible for this individual. Ineed a little more info than like,
ah, just a weird thing thathappened. Another textual, my son was
younger, we went to a pomnologistand Tulsa for his breathing issues. He

told me and my wife, ifyou love your son, you have to
buy a certain six hundred dollars inhaler per month. We ended up finding
the generic brand for about one hundreddollars a month. If you love your
son, if the doctor used thatvernacular, you should contact the medical board,
absolutely and then get a new doctor. And it's possible you may have
interpreted you heard six hundred dollars,but they meant get the inhaler. Right.

I'm not dumb to the idea thatpharmaceutical companies have some loyalty with some
doctors and vice versa. Absolutely,doctors getting kickbacks whatever. I think that's
been tamped down dramatically. Maybe soit was a thing for sure, and
I'm sure it still happens to adegree, but there's limits now on like

how many times pharmaceutical companies can bringfood into the doctor's office. Right,
They've tried to get that a littleunder control. Good tostecular cancer. Yes,
there's always a generic brand, Andto me, your doctor isn't doing
their job to go, hey,there's also a generic version also your pharmacist,

right, your pharmacists should be ableto help you with a generic version.
Are the doctors and pharmacists getting moneyoff of selling, you know,
this expensive brand? Maybe? Probablylike a commission exactly. Oh, I
don't think so. Like I said, goes back to those kickbacks whatever.
But you know it's really just thecompanies out there trying to push their expensive

product. Oh, listen to this. Last year, a scan showed I
had a cancerous tumor on a kidney. Immediately looked into it on my own
and became confident I would die withinfour months if it wasn't removed. When
I met with a nephrologist, heasked me what I thought would be happening.
I said, I said imminent surgery. He asked who told me that.
I said, my own research.He seemed upset that he didn't get

to tell me kidney removed a monthlater. Yeah, that is an impressive
story. That doesn't mean everybody whodoes that, though, is right?
How did a scan show him thatit was a cancerous tumor? Don't you
have to biopsy a tumor to knowthat it's cancerous or not? I mean
it's usually suspicious of cancer, Butthen you're right, I think it has
to be sent up for a biopsy. I don't know about cancer, but

according to WebMD, I get gonorrheaa lot. The pharmaceutical companies are today's
snake o salesman. Again, theyhave a lot of medicines that work really
well and saved a lot of lives. So I don't know if they're snake
oil some of their stuff for sure. All Right, we got to take
a break. We'll be back.Tell Usa is the morning Show? Oh
yeah, he's coming right back,A big bad morning show. Telsa's rock

Stasia ninety seven. Kyo, I'ma du pilight my life. Good morning,

It's the Big Man Morning Show.Time to find out what everybody learned.
Start with Lindsay. Lindsay, whatyou learn today? I learned breast
cancer screening should begin at forty insteadof fifty, probably because by the time
most of us are fifty, abreast exam accidentally becomes a knee exam.

And on a personal note, Ithink I need a cortizone shot in my
back because I'm aching and I hopeI don't get gas lipped by my own
doctor today. Kim B, what'dyou learn today? Well, I learned
that the tongue is fine, butshe prefers the steak. I also learned
that if The Big Man Mornings Showwas a circus. I'd be the sideshow

freak, Lindsey would be the swordswallower, and Corbin would be juggling balls.
I learned, of course Gimpy istelling a story about getting breast exams
earlier. By the way, DoctorGimpy's office hours are from ten am until
eight pm at the depot. Uh. And I also learned that everybody says

that smoked salmon is delicious. Theysay it's the cure for everything. Corbin
saying, make sure that dishwashers liveredright, it's sight is gampy and I'm
sorry, Daddy, Can I getall that time? Dishipped time makes a

noise interpassword cor new messages. TheBig Bad Morning Show would like to take
a minute to thank troops from Oklahomaand all over the United States. These
soldiers have sacrificed. Did the BigMad Morning Show before you the back like
the total douchebags that they are,total dobag, a little incomplete douchebag.

We honor and respect you. Wehonor and respect you. We honor and
respect you. God bless rock andRoll, Cickle Tulsa, blessed Tulsa.
We tried boys

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