Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hudson Valley This Morning with Ed Kowalski is the new
voice in the Hudson Valley.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
Hi, this is Ed. I am so grateful for the
support you've already given us. We are creating a platform
that gives you our listeners a voice. Together, we can
build the best local community talk program in the Hudson Valley.
Speaker 1 (00:17):
We'd love it if you tuned into Hudson Valley This
Morning with Ed Kowalski from six to nine am Monday
through Friday on fourteen fifteen, thirteen seventy am or ninety
eight five FM WKIP mark.
Speaker 2 (00:30):
Before we begin, I've got to share with you a
little bit of a personal story. When we first met
you down in Washington, DC, one of our colleagues, Melody Burns,
who ran the show out of Albany, New York. We
met you at the Sheriff's one of the Sheriff's receptions
at the Fair Thing, and when Melie and I, when
Melanie and I walked into the reception, she saw you
guys sitting in the corner and she zeroed in on
you and she said to me, she was ed, you
got to go over and ask that guy if I
could wear his cowboy hat and take a picture. And
I looked at her like she was crazy. I said, Melody,
there's no way. You guys were so intimidating. There was
like seven of you sitting in a corner. Each one
of your hats were bigger than the next guy's hat.
And so I walked up. I walked, I walked up
to you. I didn't know you. I introduced myself from
WKIP radio, and I said, listen, Sheriff, would you do
me a favor of that? That young woman over here
is dying to put your hat on and take a picture.
And you graciously took your cowboy hat off, you put
it on her head. And I still have that picture
in our studio here about Melody Burns, and I share
that with you because unfortunately, Melody passed away this year unexpected. Yeah,
and that was one of our favorite memories. So I
wanted to thank you for the kindness that you showed
her that day. And I was absolutely shaking in my
boots when I approached you, guys, because you didn't know me,
and I'm coming up to ask you to can I, Sheriff,
could I have your hat?
Speaker 3 (02:00):
Remember? I do remember that?
Speaker 2 (02:03):
So you made somebody very very happy, and and it
was until the day she unfortunately passed away. It was
a running joke when Melody would appear on a show
and I would talk about Sheriff Lamb's cowboy hat and
she loved that picture. And I want to say, Uncle Mike,
if I'm not wrong, I think that picture was displayed
at her at her at her service celebration of life.
Speaker 3 (02:30):
Yeah, I mean I'm glad that well, well.
Speaker 2 (02:35):
We not only use it. Melody unfortunately knew that she
was dying of cancer. She produced her own celebration of life,
and she was the one who chose what pictures were
going to be on display. And I want you to know, Sheriff,
she chose your picture. So you were there as well.
Speaker 3 (02:53):
That douns in my heart. I appreciate you telling me.
Speaker 2 (02:56):
Well I needed as I said when I called you,
I wanted to share that story. We'll probab use a
little bit of that story we when we air your segment.
Joining us now, you're listening to Hudson Valley this Morning
with Ed Kowalski. We are very pleased to welcome back
to the wk IP microphones, Sheriff of Penal County Arizona,
Mark Lamb, Mark, thank you very very much for taking
time out of your very busy day to join us
on on air this afternoon.
Speaker 3 (03:23):
Oh, thank you so much. It's a pleasure to be
on and good to talk to you again.
Speaker 2 (03:27):
Indeed, Sheriff Lamb, you know, just to give you know,
people a perspective as to what's going on down at
the border. Penal county is the size of Connecticut. So
that's that's to give you an idea, to give our
listeners an idea. That's basically the geographic boundaries of the
county that you're in in Arizona, You, as county sheriff
are managing nearly five hundred employees within that department. And
one of the things that struck me when I first
met you down in DC, it was not only the
amounts of illegal aliens crossing the border under as you
called it, the self inflicted Biden border crisis. There was
a there there was and continues to be an unprecedented
flow of lethal narcotics moving across the southern border. And
as you said, Arizona is ground zero for the movement
of drugs that are crossing the border. Has that talk
to our listeners about that sheriff and talk to us
about the efforts that you've made over the years to
try to get that under control.
Speaker 3 (04:27):
Well, yeah, we had I was president, I was a
sheriff under President Trump's administration, and I've been a sheriff
in the last four years of the Biden administration. You know,
what we had under the Trump administration was we had
a seat at the table. They were you know, we
were constantly at the White House, that were constantly engaging us.
We had a partnership, We worked well together. Honestly, that
all changed on January twenty verse, twenty twenty eight one,
and we had no seat at the table. And no,
I don't think in four years this administration that with
a single share. I just report public and shaffs at
the Democrats. They just had no they didn't care. They
weren't interested in working with local law enforcement. You know,
they think the government is the end all be all,
the federal government, which is the opposite of the way
the founding fathers designed it. And we ended up being
the victims of our communities were the victims of these
horrific policies and intentional policies. What we saw was an
increase in crime all across the country, you know, certain
crimes with people that are here illegally. We've seen a
tremendous increase in sentinel and fentonal poise. Means families are
being destroyed every day. And we just we see how
important our role is because we're right here. We're not
on the border, we're one county off, but we have
the smuggers Highway that comes right through our county, all
the people, all the drugs that come into the country,
which by the way, over fifty percent of all the
statistics show more than fifty percent comes through the border
of Arizona. All of that that comes into the country
is likely coming through my county at some point to
get to Phoenix and then out to the rest of
the country. So it has been a lot, it's been
a long four years. We're looking forward to getting the
Trump and President Trump and his administration back in becoming
a partner again and getting the border under control because
it's a disaster for everybody. We're just to jumping off point.
Speaker 2 (06:24):
You know, and Sheriff. One of the things that I
wanted to just talk to you about because uncle, uncle
Mike and I do the best we can to let
our listeners know exactly how big of a problem this
this is nationwide. And we were very fortunate last week
to interview incoming borders are Tom Holman, who I first
met down in DC, probably right around the time we
were asking you to wear it, to give us your
hat so Melody can wear it for a picture. We
also met Tom Holman met down there, and you know,
and he is as serious as a heart attack right now.
And I'm not making light of that. He is absolutely
as passionate as he's always been, and he is committed
to being able to try to get the situation under control.
Speaker 3 (07:07):
He absolutely is. We were with him last week with
doctor Phil down in Koteth County, which is right on
the border. Doctor Phil, that was the second time down
to just talk about the border issues, and he understands
the importance of it. He understands the importance of making
sure the narrative is truth to the American people, as
opposed to know a political narrative that one particular medium,
a group of media decided that they're going to push
on the American people. Tom Holman is an experienced guy,
He has the passion for it, and frankly he has
the humanity because there's a balance of the humanity of it,
but also making sure that you enforced the law. I
couldn't think of somebody better. I think President Trump really
knocked it on the park, you know, making him the
borders are and this guy hasn't wasted any time. He
is right to work. He's already meeting with sheriffs who
took time with us as sheriff. Not just us in Arizona,
but he also we jumped on a zoom call with
a bunch of sheriffs from all across the country. This
feels good. It feels like we're going to get somewhere.
They understand it. And look, it's not going to be pretty, folks,
anybody listening out there. When you have to fix a
problem that they have allowed to become such a tremendous problem,
there's it's gonna be a painful process. It's not going
to feel great. There's gonna be a recovery process, but
it has to be done. This is unsustainable and America
we will This will be to our downfall if we
don't get it under control.
Speaker 2 (08:31):
You know the other thing, Sheriff that that that Tom
Holman said to us, is what I've noticed is the
one government approach. I mean, you know, the nominees that
the President has made in various for various positions that
all have something to do with the border. It seems
that the nominees have spoken almost with one voice in
terms of what they're going to do. If you look
at who is being nominated for the attorney general's position,
you know Pam Bondy, She's got a tremendous track record
in her state of Florida, specific to controlling Fentonol, specific
to being able to deal with the human trafficking aspects.
You have Tom Holman as a borders or you even
have the Treasury Secretary nominee talking about trying to be
able to think about curtailing ways that the remittances that
the illegals who are in this country are sending back
home can be curbed, or can be monitored, or can
perhaps maybe even be stopped. So and I mentioned that
that Tom, and Tom says, listen that, and I asked
him if he's seeing this as well, and he and
he put forth the idea that this administration, this incoming administration,
is looking at being able to approach it from a
one government approach and that's really unheard of if you
think about it, you know, so it was very it
was a very heartening thing that Tom said. Now, I'm
just wondering from your perspective, is that something you're seeing
as well.
Speaker 3 (09:53):
Absolutely, well, you know, we don't have time to mess around,
and so I love that he's finding people that are
like minded, energetic, passionate. These are guys that have in
the field that they that they picked people, you know,
for the financial people that are these are you know,
very successful financial people. You've got the border people. He's
putting people in with the right experience. But they're not bureaucrats.
They're not technocrats and bureaucrats from Washington, d c. Or lawyers,
which is what we've seen under these under this last administration.
These are people that actually know how to do the job.
Cash Hotel's going to do a phenomenal job. You're right,
Pam Body, that's a great pick. I thought, Pam. You know,
when Matt Gate stepped down, I said, I told my wife,
Pam Bondy, there's no question, right and she is absolutely
the right person for the job. And you're right. The
messaging has been good. They are going out and saying
we have a problem. And look, it doesn't take a
rocket science and run a scientists to figure out that
the border is one of our main issues. And I
think that President Trump has made it very clear to
the American people that's why they put him in there.
And he's made it very clear to the people that
that he's been hiring and appointing to say, we have
a problem, we got to fix it. And everybody seems
to be marching to that same message, and I love it.
Speaker 2 (11:08):
And the other issue is I can't tell you how
many times that Uncle Mike and I have spoken to
people from around the country on this issue. And we
mentioned the fact that we were very fortunate enough to
invite Tom on our show, and then Tom Holman graciously appeared,
and within two seconds, everybody saying, well, Tom Holman was
just down here last week. Why I were we just speaking
to Tom Holman in Coaches County in Arizona. We were
just talking to a rancher, John Ladd, who said I
was speaking to Tom Holme. Tom Holman last week. This
guy is everywhere. Sheriff every year.
Speaker 3 (11:39):
Is everywhere, and I don't think people realize he's not
on the payroll. Yet you know, and not only is
he not on the payroll, this is a man who's
who has had a tremendous career and in the private
sector was being rewarded for that tremendous career and for
the experience he has. And now all of a sudden,
you're going to step away from from making a lot
of money and going back into it. That's how passionate
this guy is about what he's doing. And he's already
doing the job and he hasn't even started collecting a
paycheck yet. JA won't should tell you that we got
the right people.
Speaker 1 (12:11):
So sheriff. We had him on during the summer leading
up to the election, and he said if he said,
I have the recording, he said, if Donald Trump is elected,
I will do the job for free. I'll come back
and do it for free. And then he laughed with us.
He says, well, ends up being an eighty six percent
Bay cut. It's not free. When I said that to
the President, he says, no, no, no, we don't want you
to do it for free. He's as well, it's an
eighty six percent Bay cup and I'm willing.
Speaker 3 (12:34):
To do it.
Speaker 2 (12:35):
But Mike to Sheriff Lamb's point, he's not even being
paid the eighty six percent reduction that he's taking just yet.
And the guy's all over the place. He's passionate about
what he's doing over the place. Sheriff Lamb, what are
your feelings? Uh? You know, and we asked Tom Holman
this very same question. But when you look at I mean,
we are now creating San Diego for example, has now
San Diego County is calling himself now a super sanctuary. Look,
you know where people were the elected officials in that
area are saying, we don't care, We're not going to
be cooperating with Ice. We have the mayor of Boston
up here saying the same thing, the mayor of Denver,
the mayor of Chicago. Tom Holman, after he was on
our show, was in New York City talking to Mayor Adams,
and then he was in then he was in Chicago,
and as we've seen he was. He gave a press
conference and he said to the people of Chicago, listen,
your mayor sucks, and your governor sucks, and he goes
and if they don't want to help me, I'm going
to prosecute them. Suff How do you feel about that.
Does that? Does that send chills down your spine when
you hear that.
Speaker 3 (13:40):
You know it doesn't send chills down my spine. It
doesn't surprise me. These people are so locked into the
politics of it as opposed to just say what's best
for my community, what's best for the country. These are
the same people that fought the same and you know,
the left, the Democrats have fought against Texas and Arizona.
Every time we're going to protect our own body, they
fight against it, saying the border and immigration is a
federal issue, right, Well, now you have the federal government
that's willing to do it, and now these governors and
these people are saying, well, we're not going to participate.
Hold on, you guys are the ones that made sure
that it was clear to all of us that it
was a federal issue. Now that the federal government's willing
to take care of it, and now you don't want
to do it. This is the hypocrisy that continues to
exist in San Diego. Just real quick on San Diego.
Kudos to the sheriff in San Diego because she said, listen,
you guys don't get to dictate what I do, and
She's exactly right. It doesn't matter if the Board of
supervisors say they're not going to help. They don't tell
the sheriff what the sheriff can and cannot do. The
sheriff is elected to run the sheriff's office, and short
of a law or short of something that would bar
her from that and which doesn't exist, you know she
is going to be able to do her job. And
it doesn't matter whether they say they want to be
a sanctuary city. That's why it's so important to make
sure that our sheriffs are the right people in place,
because the sheriff in the end can say, nah, we're
still doing it. We're going to help this administration because
that's the right thing to do for the American people
and for our communities. And it's against the law to
coming to this country illegally.
Speaker 1 (15:16):
Yeah, to your point, Sheriff, the messaging from mister Home
and you know, I think it was the mayor of
Denver who said he was willing to go to jail,
and Tom's when I asked him for quod he says, well,
I can do that. I'll put them in jail. I
have no problem.
Speaker 3 (15:30):
I believe you know, he's probably not wrong. Look, I
think there is some legal ramifications if they get too
too much in the way. I'm a states rights guy,
I'm a Temp Amendment guy. I think that the majority
of the power should be to the states. But they
have worked very hard, the left main day have worked
very hard to make sure that everybody knows that the
immigration issue is a federal issue, right, and so this
you know, you're going to have a hard time now
pulling that back. And frankly, there is no law Colorado.
We just passed one in Arizona, but there's no law
that says you can remove somebody. So then federal laws
what applies. If the state doesn't have a law, the
federal laws applies, and the federal law says you can't
come into this country illegally. And anybody that would keep
you from holding those people accountable, you can easily make
a case they are harboring. And I think that now
they should be concerned because everybody is marching, like you said,
to the same message in the same goal, and the
goal is to secure our borders. I wouldn't be surprised
if the Justice Department held these folks accountable if they
stood in the way and harbored these people that are
broken the law.
Speaker 2 (16:38):
You know. The other thing too that and I wanted
to just get your opinion too, you know, in terms
of being able to appoint people who are career professionals
in whatever. And let's just talk about the immigration area.
You know, there were two other nominees that were that
the President just put forth. One of them is Rodney Scott,
a former Border Patrol chiefs and the other individual is
Caleb And I'm tell yes, yes. And we asked Tom
Holman that in terms of whether you know, what his
thoughts were on these individuals, and he said the same thing.
He said, these are career professionals, and he echoed the
fact that these were good people who were being appointed.
What are your thoughts on that, Triff?
Speaker 3 (17:26):
I love it. I know Rodney Scott very well, and
he's the man who knows how to do the job
of the cop. I'm sick and tired of them putting
lawyers in jobs where cops should be. You know, there's
a very different thing about being the guy that goes
out and courses belong. Lawyers typically tend to look for reasons,
you know, around the way they shouldn't be doing it.
Any cops that are men of honor and integrity, they're
going to go out and just get the job done.
Rodney Scott's one of those guys. I don't know Caleb
to tell of personally, but I've heard nothing of the
good things. He looks like he's got a great resume.
More than anything, he's from that organ to I love
to see that they promoted him into it. You know,
I know Cash wasn't from the FBI, but I do believe,
you know, I think Cash has a very solid intelligence backgrounds.
He did great in the first administration, and I think
it's just what they need in the FBI. But I
hope that they continue to put people in that are real,
actual experienced guys in law enforcement in these positions. I
think that's going to help the time, right.
Speaker 2 (18:29):
And you know the other issue too, and we spoke
about this earlier on the show. This morning, I downloaded
Senator Grassley's eleven page letter sent to Christopher Ray prior
to Christopher Ray, the acting director of the FBI or
the current director of the FBI before he resigned. Sureff,
I got to tell you something that was eleven pages
of just damning, damning, a damning summarization of what Christopher
Ray didn't do in terms of his stewardship of the FBI.
And boy, I got to tell you something, it was
a tough read. I encourage every American and every listener
to be able to take a look and read exactly
what went on at the FBI. And it's so disheartening
to see what went on.
Speaker 3 (19:14):
It really is, it really is, you know. And look,
I will first of all defend there are great FBI
agents out there, and I will say I think the
majority of the FBI offices are run very well from
a local level. Where it really has broken down is
at that federal level. Typically, those violations of pies and
warrants and going after these people, those orders were coming
from Washington, DC, from Christopher Ray in his office. Look
what we saw in the last four years was lawfare.
They were going after and trying to stretch laws that
really would have never have applied it. In many cases,
they were the first time they ever applied them to
go after people like President Trump or any of his supporters.
They went after you know, religious people, they went after
January sixth people, They went after all of these people.
The FBI doesn't work that way. Typically they're very slow.
They take forever, they spend a ton of money, but
they were warp speed when it came to going after
some of these people. Now they're going to say, well,
let's not have any lawfair. You know why they're saying
that now, because many of these people should be held
accountable for their actions over the last four years, and
it's not lawfair when somebody actually should be held accountable.
It's lawfair when you apply to the law to your
political enemies or to somebody that didn't break the law,
but you find a way that you can apply it
to them when you broke the law, when you've violated
people's constitutional rights, when you continue to fail to do
your job, I absolutely think there should be some consequences
to that. Well.
Speaker 1 (20:53):
I mean the message, Sheriff, that's being sent by the
current president with these preemptive pardons, which I've never heard
of in my life. He knows, to your point, that
they've all violated the law and they're all going to
be in trouble, and he's trying to protect them before
he leaves office. He's sending the message that they know
what they did was wrong, and it just shocks me
that the public just takes that and doesn't. When I
heard that term the first time, I was like, what
the hell is that, I've never heard of that before.
Speaker 3 (21:24):
Well, I can. I would expect that some of these
partners that he continues these blank part and are these
blanket part and you're going to probably see that challenge
the validity of those in the Supreme Court. But you
say Hunter Biden for example, you know, I meant something
I thought was very interesting. They said he takes this,
he no longer completed the fifth because he can't incriminate himself,
so he can become he can be compelled to testify
against his business partners, which we know is Dad is
one of those business partners. So there is a double
edged store to everything that we deal in life. There
will be a double edged sword to blanket pardons. I
think that American people will hate that, and I hope
they remember that four years from now when we're picking again,
that they don't go back and double dip into the
type of government we saw over the last four years.
It has been horrible. They have felled the American people
time and time again. They've put America last, and they
have abused tax dollars. I mean, the list goes on
and on of the travesties we've seen, and I hope
the American people remember exactly how these folks comported themselves.
Especially in the final hours. They're out there selling these
panels that that they should have put up four years ago,
that have sit there in my county for four years
at a steel yard. They sat there, I drove I
am almost every day, and then a few months ago
they disappeared. Well, they went to another place in my county,
a more obscure place, a panal airpark, and now they're
auctioning some of those panels off the starting rate. The
going rate, starting price is five dollars for a panel,
a steel panel that we paid for as taxpayers, that
we expected to be put up, and now the government,
right before Trump is coming in, is going to sell
those off at five dollars. You know, whatever the prices
of being it certainly won't compense, it won't be compensatory
to what it costs to produce. So what we've paid
these skill yards to house them for the last three
and a half to four years. I mean, this is
this is absolutely insane.
Speaker 2 (23:33):
It's insane. It's insane, by the way. It's insane, by
the way, Sheriff. And I know you've heard this because
the Texas State Attorney General is on record to say
that he will purchase every bit of that material that
the government is putting up for auction. The state of
Texas will buy it and for the purposes of using
it to rebuild the wall. He said that yesterday.
Speaker 3 (23:55):
Good for them, he said, good for them. And what
I said earlier is somebody asked me, should the people
buy the held account West? So no, this is we're
in capitalism. If the government's dumb enough to sell it
for five dollars, you can't fault the company that buys it.
What I hope is that patriots, and I'm glad to
hear that Texas is willing to do it. But I
would hope that good Americans that buy these will sell
it back to the government to what they what they
bought it for, and that we can get these walls
put out there. That's exactly this is ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (24:23):
I just I'm sorry, sorry, that ridiculous. That that is
exactly correct. Sheriff, tell me about the mood down there,
I mean in your county right now, specific to the
change of administration, you know, I mean, you know, you know,
we've gone from seeing the former borders are Kamala Harris
spend a grand total of sixteen minutes on the border.
That that's sixteen minutes, is what she did. It was
the amount of time she spent visiting the border. What
are people feeling now? I mean, obviously, in just speaking
to you for a couple of minutes, Tom Holman has
already been there seventeen thousand times. So what are you
hearing in your county? What are your constituents saying? What's
the morale like? What are you observing right now? With
the change of administrations.
Speaker 3 (25:09):
I think we all felt like we were standing on
the execution platform waiting to put our heads on the
Guia team table, and then the election happened, and I
think we all just have this relief of feeling like
we've got to stay of execution, especially in law enforcement,
the federal law enforcement, they're static, the border patrol agents,
everybody I've talked to are so excited to get these
guys out of office and get President Trump back in
and get these policies. Let them do their job. You know,
my county, they're sad because these were my last two
weeks of being sheriff. When I ran for the US Senate,
I had to make a choice and I could only
do one. I made the choice to run the US Senate.
I wasn't successful in the primary.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
This time, This time around, this time around, in general,
this time around. There'll be another time.
Speaker 3 (25:59):
So my guys sad that I'm leaving. We've got a
good guy in my place. He'll do a really good
job and he'll continue to fight the border. But I'm
not going away. I'm gonna stay very active. I'm working
with FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, as one
of their law enforcement consultants advisors and helping them grow
their their organization the two eighty seven G programs, helping
them get more shriffs to the table. So we got
a lot of work to do. I'm gonna stay very
active in the border. But the mood here to answer
your question, is great. Everybody feels we're on cloud nine
and we're anxious to get this going.
Speaker 1 (26:34):
You know, I'm sure sure that mister Holman is looking
for a few good men, so you never know, you
never know what's gonna happen here.
Speaker 3 (26:41):
Well, I don't know what his Bailey Wick looks like,
you know, as the borders are. I'm not sure that
he has anybody underneath him at this point. And look,
you know, when I do what I do, I didn't
do it to get a job, and so I just
I've got plenty of work. I'm like Tom Holm, I
would take a eighty percent. So it's what I have
on the horizon. But I don't do what I do
for money. I never have. None of us do it
for money, and law enforcement. We do it because we're
patriots and we want to serve our community. Look, if
they need help, I'm here to serve. I don't know
that I would do it in the capacity that where
I was, you know, multiple levels down and basically you know,
drumming on the drum or we marched. You know, I'm
just not looking for that, but I am. I will
stay involved and if they need help, I'm here for it.
Speaker 2 (27:33):
Yeah, And you know, Sheriff, I mean you know again,
I read your book. Your book is still available out
on Amazon American Sheriff Traditional Values in a Modern World,
and everything that you said this afternoon on our show
is echoed from that book. It is an honor and
a privilege to continue to have you on and to
talk to us about what's going on down there in Arizona.
I can't thank you enough for joining our show. To
thank you, sheriff, thank you so much.
Speaker 1 (28:03):
Before we let you go, I'm going to so we
asked mister Holman this question. I'm going to ask you
and I'll share your his answer once you give us yours.
What can the public do to help the law enforcement,
you and law enforcement in this fight?
Speaker 3 (28:19):
Well, we did it. The first thing that we did
was we voted for President Trump to get back in there.
That was the very first thing we let our voices
be heard. They didn't. They told us that that wasn't
going to happen. Well, it happened, and the American people
gave a mandate. So first and foremost, thank you to
everybody give it for giving the mandate to say, let's
fix this country, let's fix our border. The second thing
is you can continue to support local law enforcement. You can.
If you are a young person, you want a great job,
and you want to have feel honored with what you
do every day, Come join the border patrol, Come join
your sheriff's office, get involved, make sure you write letters
of support for men like Tom Holmes and to your congressmen,
to your senators, and people like cash to tell make
sure that we get those headssts, head sets in there.
We need to continue to support. Those letters matter. Your
voice still matters. You may not think it done, but
when you send letters to your local legislators or state senators,
your US senators, and your congressman, it has an impact
more than anything. Pray for the Pray for the minute
women on the line doing this job every day. We
don't go off and tell you all the stories that
we have to deal with every day and horrific things
that we see because we don't want to bother you
with it. But I will tell you no, people have
no concept of how thin the line in between good
and evil and how quickly we would be overrun if
it will for the great men in this country who
put on a badge every day and go do this job,
so show them the support, Pray for them, Pray for
the men that are the leaders in this country that
we can do it right and and so that's that's
you can do on the quick.
Speaker 2 (30:01):
No like to tell Sheriff Lamb what Tom Holman's answer
was on it.
Speaker 1 (30:06):
We asked him that question. He said, I'm going to
deputize every one of you out there. That was his answer.
I want to deputize everybody. And the point he was
making is, you know the old saying, when you see something,
say something that law enforcement at your level, all levels
need the public's trust and help.
Speaker 3 (30:26):
Yes, and look, we have to do a good job
of fasting the narrative there. And that's what doctor Phil
where he's down there, he understands the important of the narrative. Look,
government all too often. You can see what I do
at the Sheriff's office. I'm very out there. Nationally, there's
not a law enforcement agency other than the FBI that
has more Facebook followers. I don't think there's anybody has
more YouTube followers than we do. Why. Because we have
chosen to set the narrative, not let the media set
the narrative on us. And if we're going to go
out and close this border, it's going to be really
important that we do a good job of controlling the narrative.
I'm not saying they telling people what you want them
to hear. I'm saying controlling the narrative and telling them
the truth. As opposed to the other media sources lying
to the American people about what's going on, which is
what they've done a lot of these media outlests for
the last.
Speaker 2 (31:17):
Four years, exactly correct Sheriff Lamb. I wanted to again
thank you. We are certainly going to be keeping in
touch with you to see what is next in store
for you, because I know whatever it is, it's going
to be big, and we were going to welcome you
back to our studios anytime you want to talk to
the good folks in the Hudson Valley here in New York.
And again, Sheriff, I want to thank you for sharing
your hat.
Speaker 3 (31:41):
Thank you and my prayers and condolences and God speed there.
Speaker 2 (31:46):
Indeed, thank you. We've been talking to Sheriff Mark Lamb
from Penal County, a good friend of ours, and he'll
be back on our show regularly. Thank you again, Sheriff,
Thank you God much.
Speaker 3 (31:56):
Agains by Mary Christmin YEP