All Episodes

October 31, 2023 • 48 mins
The gang comes back around after three years and gets right into it! Following a dehydrated, paranoid, and depressed, hallucinogenic rant about the Void, Fritz is re-awakened to the New Normal. With the help of Angela, Nick Spry, and Mandaddy Co-Host, can they pull it together in time before collectively falling into even more trouble with their startlingly new environment?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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So to speak in the past,not to mention it T or e T
I guess, or would it benor et in that syntax, like an
accented nor eat nor no. Andif it weren't for unmentionables, I'd have
nothing to wet my mouth, evensI wish I had a house or or
nor would be the accent in theway they say it, or ig nor

salad. We just highly had tointerject into you rambling for quite a bit.
Yeah, heck are you talking about? My heart hurts? What is
going on? Nick's bride man daddyco host. We're sitting here in the
desert. I'm in a desert.Yeah, what a desert? Which one?

Uh? I forgot he has ahuge peer of deserts. No,
just calm down, Just breathe intoyour nose. Where's the water? I
feel like I have ready, there'sthere's not a lot here. There's a
lot of beer though, Ready water. What do you guys do? Looking
at you and being confused, You'vebeen talking for I don't even know how
long we're sitting here around this fire. We were just enjoying some s'mores.

You grabbed us all and you said, hey, do you guys want to
go see some spooky stuff. Andyou put us in an RV and we
started driving around the country and youwas recording everything, and you're like,
I've got this great new gear.And then you had to pull over here
in the middle of nowhere, andthere's Yeah, it seems to be off
in the distance of a big encampment. I don't know what's going on over
there. But you've been just talkingjust then in the coyotes. That's downing
the coyotes. What what you said? I said them the end of that.

That's not totally different. It's unmentionablefor you. That is an that's
not the inmensable I was talking about. You'd be surprised how friendly they can
be. They can learn tricks.I taught one how to play three card
MONI who won? He did?All right, So what you're telling me

is that I've been gone for howlong? Then? I have no idea.
We've been here in the desert lookingat you for it seems like at
least a few days. Yeah,you said you had found Fritz's credit card,
so you were just going to expensethe whole thing. I'll ask questions
about that later. How many years. Have I been out here years?
What year is? What do youthink we've been out for? Your years?
Somebody check their phone, it's beenit's been like a week at past
it's twenty twenty. It's only twentytwenty twenty three. How many years has

that been carrying? Five? Eighteenthree? Great? Three years? Are
we still on one o four pointone? Uh? They probably have been
wondering what's up with us? He'sbeen emailing that. Wait wait wait,
wait, wait wait wait have youbeen recording this? I mean I am
now into the now wait just now? Well, yeah, I got a
new candle. I don't know ifI if I told you guys it's a

nice candle, though it is nice? Is that Yankee whatever? It's a
Yankee doodle? We thought candle wasaudio gear? You did? You said
I had a new audio I gotAngela, I got Nick Spry, I
got co host man Daddy. Let'sstart this right. If we do still
have a show on re radio oneor four point one, this would be
a good way to find out.I guess you're not going to mail them
like a melted candle. Are youwelcome back to Fort Fritz? You're one

stop shop for news, current events, and all forms of entertainment related to
the supernatural, the paranormal, Thefourteen and all things that go in the
night, All packaged Dame presented byfour Know Nothing, Know It All's entertaining
the Unknown. Hello. I amyour host Fritz and joined as always by
co host Man Daddy, Hi,Angela Yo and Nick Sprye. Greetings.
Oh man, if I haven't paidtax for three years, I'm really messed

up. Oh no, Oh,Luckily you're in the desert. There's no
laws in the desert. Just lookat all these wonderfully glorious hobos living their
best life. We don't have toworry about anything. Are the hoboes or
is it leftovers you know from burningmound? They seem like they're having a
really good I know, I haveno problem with it. What are they
kicking around out there? I thinkit might be a skull of something.
All I know is that I canreally enjoy half a cigar on a tooth

pick right about now. That justcould really go down with a can of
beans. Maybe swipe a cooling pieoff a window sill, and you got
that right. You can see thelittle lines of smell coming off and you
start floating towards it. Guy,I think one of them is this way.
Somebody's somebody's coming over a little bit. I'm pretty sure their vision is
based on motion. So nobody moves. Everyone, Everyone be cool ready,

I'm just sitting in the dirt couch. Here, go away, I said,
don't move. They can still hearthere. There, they're still coming.
They're still coming over there. Thereactually a lot when you screamed at
them. That doesn't mean I'm movedflailing. Okay, they're right there.
They're knocking on the window. Ican see you. Dude. Yes,

they're knocking on the windows. Butwe're not in the r V. We're
sitting around a fire. Dude,Hey, hello, madam. So what
were you guys kicking around over?There? Was that head? Yeah,
well what's what's your name? Goodsir, I'm Frank. He just took

me and daddy's money. Well,why did you cop a squad join us
here at this fire and talk tous a little bit? What are you
doing on this fine holiday staying awayfrom the government and being out in the
desert with free citizens. Oh soit's not burning man, Well we didn't.
We didn't burn a man this week. Stopuating that they're felons. Nick,
we'st out here in the desert playinga little game of kick the head.

Okay, isn't that head? Oh? I never said it was a
guy. We're good, homeless man. Do you have anything that you could
give to us for this, Frank, Frank, I don't under stand.
Away just out to enabled me bymy economic position. But that's fine.
We've been out here in the desertfor a little while now, and uh,

we just really miss horror movies.We got bendos, we got beans
and head ball. That's all wegot out here. So I want to
kill someone this, Oh, Imean, we don't want to do it.
We don't want to do it.But you know, if we had,
like I don't know, a weirdtroop of radio people out here that

you could talk about horror movies andlike the origins horror movies and stuff like
that, that might quell our murderousrage. I think we got a quell,
guys. Quell. Yeah, wehave a quill. Gun. I
mean, it is Halloween and all, Frank, we got some candy.
I've been hearing all that thing aboutpeople giving out edibles and it ain't true.

No, no, no, no, Listen, Frank, I'm not
gonna waste my drugs on you.Listen. My drugs are mine. I'm
not gonna waste them on you.Here, just have this melch of chocolate.
Guys, guys, there's more ofthat come up. Oh my god,
around the orby. It's like anarmy of the undead. Frank,
would you like to introduce us toyour friends here? Hey, guys,
I think we're gonna need a newhead for the game. Who wants to

be the fresh? What are youdoing? Don't hi, Frank, on
your hands. I'm not touching hands. You wanna you wanna play a game?
Yeah? I want to play agame with you. Movies. Do
you like scary movies? How aboutwe tell you and your comrade some scary

movie stories. Why scary movies weremade, Like the reason that they were
made, like the stories that inspiredthem. Good idea, skinny Arry,
he is not the man, soit was not a sort that does tell
him that he's eating it? Whatis you hand? I think it was

the candle. Don't you know thatsome horror movies actually have some real interesting
origins in real life? Trilly?How you doing, Trilly? It's been
a while. A lot of horrormovies have origins in reality. You know,
some a little more mundane and somea little more honestly sinister, I
guess would be a good way toput it. And uh like like something

that is, you know, kindof mundane. But you know, interesting
is that Chucky was kind of basedon a real doll. Interesting. Yeah,
and it is this the Key WestDog, Yes, the Key West
doll, Robert the Doll, whichis the most non sinister name for a
doll. Oh no, it's Robertthe Doll. Wait wait wait wait wait
wasn't there also my buddy in theeighties. Well, there's that's where they

came to the idea for the brandname. Okay, yeah, but it
like kind of looked like that too, Yeah, the same size about that.
So that was the inspiration for whatthey used for the model of Chucky.
But the idea of Chucky is Robertthe Doll. And it was a
doll that you know, they saidwas possessed and it's in a Key West
museum now. And there's my favoritepart about it is that people that now

go to the museum and take pictureswith it or anything. A lot of
Times end up emailing back apologies andsaying, please let Robert, I did
not mean to offend him, Pleaseremove this evil curse that has bestowed my
family. And so so people haveactually gone to Key Westman, let's just
rop the dog, and then justhad a hell life after that. So
thats one of the more interesting onesI think is well, there's two.

Actually one is Nightmare and Elm Street. The first one is absolutely Chef's Kiss
nineteen eighty four. What I thinkis interesting is that how he got the
idea is that Wes Craven read anarticle in the La Times in the UH
in the late seventies early eighties aboutsomething called sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome.

Sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome except suddenand it's at night, and you can't
explain died in sleep but no,that didn't know. That's sudden though died
peacefully yours sleep is like, wait, what it happens here? Yeah,
it happened not screaming. And thenbefore I mean it's like they except a

lot and go was a lot werescreaming because it seemed to be from one
group of people. It was aHmong ethnic group, which were people that
were Cambodia Laos area that were refugeesduring after Vietnam, and they experienced atrocity
like PTSD to a level we can'tunderstand, and a lot of it they
experienced as children, and then thesethings came up as they were a little

bit you know, younger adults,and it got to the point where there's
certain children they wouldn't want to goto sleep because they said, if they
go to sleep, the thing that'schasing me is gonna catch me. Basically
the whores that they experienced coming forthem as they slumber. And one child
he stayed up for about three orfour days trying not to sleep. They

finally convinced him it's you know,it's not a problem. He went to
sleep. The parents went to sleepin their bed and they heard him screaming.
He ran in. By the timethey came in, he was dead.
Whoa and all of the unknown werewearing fedoras. Yeah, you would
like to look a little dapper wellstylish ones either, how a lot of
one in wear like a Scottish walkinghat. Kevin, listen, I need

you to explain exactly what you saw. Can I just say he was kind
of funny too. He was kindof funny. He had one liners.
They were funny. Now, betweennineteen seventy eight and nineteen eighty one,
there are thirteen deaths of among menbetween the ages of twenty and forty and
they always happened between the hours often pm and eight am. Wow.

And so they had all these differenttheories. They were like, Okay,
maybe it was an exposure or nervegas and the doctors were like, no,
that would just happen anytime during theday. It wouldn't specifically happen at
night. It wouldn't specifically happen tomen. Then in nineteen eighty one,
twenty six men died of this Wow, and all from that region. And
anytime that if paramatics got there inenough time before they died, maybe try

to resistate them. They all hadhearts that were just beating ridiculously fast and
like they were in the highest offlight syndrome possible. So somewhere like Craven
is just pouring over these doctors reportssmoking cigarettes and drinking coffee going wow,
yes, yea, And how abouta red and green sweaters the scariest pattern.

And once again, but that isone of the one of the best
horror icons. One movie that's notreally a horror icon, but it is
a classic horror film that had apretty decent remake in the two thousands is
The Hills Have Eyes, and that'sanother West Craven movie. Wes Craven said
that a lot of the inspiration forThe Hills Have Eyes came from Alexander Swaying

Swainey Alexander Swainey Bean saw any hyAlexander Swainey Bean and he was ahead of
a forty five member cult or aclan if you will, stalin softer.
Yeah, this guy was the headof a clan in the sixteenth century that
is said to possibly murdered and canabout a thousand people in twenty five years.

This guy and his wife. I'mjust simplifying this as possible because the
actual story is a lot they didn'tfit in. And so basically they found
a cave at the edge of townthat got covered during high tides so you
couldn't even see it, but itwent two hundred yards so you could live
back in it. And so theyended up having a huge family where they
had and then the Shawnnie and Agnesand Agnes produced six daughters, eight sons,

fourteen granddaughters, and eighteen grandsons.The grandchildren were products of incest of
course between the children. And that'swhere if you watch, hills have eyes,
the hills have eyes, but peoplehave eyes over here other places.
And so they had this huge planof people, and so how they survived

is just basically waiting at night,going out, finding stragglers, bringing them
back home and killing and eating thembasically. And so went on for years
and years, and no one couldfind him, just because the way the

cave was like noah, there's noway people lived in that, and the
fact that during high tide you couldn'teven see the thing. So they're just
like ah, And so it tookforever until finally someone was like, we
got to go find these people.You know. They basically they they got
a group of villagers, they wentout, they found them, couldn't when
they went into the cave. Itwas basically like a butcher shop of people.

They had. They had stuff thatwas being pickled, they had people
that was hanging, people hanging upbeing cured. You know, some people
jerky if you will. But sothey were eventually captured and Uh, they
weren't just killed, they were likesuper killed. So all the men had
their genitals cut off and thrown intoa fire and uh, and then they

got their feet and hands chopped offand allowed to bleed to death. And
the women. The women, wellthey got it off easy. They set
them on fire. They they burnedthem all to death. My point is
is that though horror movies can bespectacularly horrifying, if you look into the
origins of horror movies, sometimes you'llfind stuff that'll scare you even more.

There that was beautiful. That reallywas beautiful and disgusting. So, Frank,
what did you think of that?Pretty cool? I like that makes
me think more about my childhood growingup on the planes, just going around
with me and my family finding peopleand will heaving our way. Well,
that didn't work at He's like,really crazy, I know. Did that

didn't quill that? Possibly inflamed hearingthe stories of my brethren doing good work.
You just keep putting bullets in thatbanana clip. M No, it's
actually just an actual banana. Oh, I'm sorry, I can't see skinny
Larry kick me the head. Allright, guys, let's regroup. Take
a break and we'll be right backwith more Fort Fritz right here on Real

Radio. What if Bunnia Magic RealRadio has your chance to win one thousand
dollars just entered this nationwide. Noguy skinny. Larry's doing a fashion show
and he's wearing a poor sleave bikinilike that's what was made for him.
Well, that's the style nowadays.Him not to me. I really think
that works. Honestly, I neverunderstood the term on fleek until now.
Go Larry, please stop. Don'tgo Larry stop, Larry, please stop.

He's too skinny. It fell rightoff that. Go on here,
It's fine. Don't shame him.Hey, last time I checked, we
were out here in a desert beingoverrun by a vagrant hobo slash music festival
camp who may or may not becommitting murders, who wants us to tell
them entertaining horror stories about movies onHalloween night. Yeah, but Frank didn't
really seem satisfied by the last littlebit that we told him. I liked

it, you know, I'll giveit. I don't know. Four out
of seven beard pools beard pools too. That's how all the hoboes write movies.
That's just been a thing in hoboculture for a decade. Interesting,
may Daddy, that's why he's coolwith this one fourth hobo on my mom's
side. Okay, he's ho bish, you make fun of my people.

We would never want to do anythingto upset you, Frank. I mean
I know that it doesn't eleven.I'm sure we've got more in the tank.
Okay, tell me more. Listen, sometimes the real horror happens in
real life. You mean, howmany stories have you guys heard about cursed
movie sets? You are talking toa group of hoboes in the desert,
so we have kind of a horrorleft going on all day. I bet

you do. Well. There's acouple of stories though that I think people
confused the movie sets being cursed.But I just think it's just bad set
safety. So I'm gonna start withthose while I zon the movie that I
take eighty three movie. Yes,a horrible thing happened on set. A
helicopter crashed and it was during themaking of it, and it resulted in

six injured crew members and the deathof three actors. What oh yeah,
very horrible. Sweet was it likein a sound stage and they were trying
to find a helicopters. So itkilled three actors, Vic Morrow and two
child actors, Micah Dinley seven andRenee Shin Yi Chen. It was six
Wow. So it was one ofthe movies that had four segments, and

it was the segment called time out. So Vic Morrow's character Bill Connor is
transported back in time to the VietnamWar. He's a real piece of work.
Heck work, yeah, and hehas become a Vietnamese man protecting two
children from American troops. So theyfilmed this in Valencia neighborhood which is now
the Santa Clarita, California. It'sbeen used for many, many movies.

It was a thirty mile zone.It was wide open area so they could
do more like pyrotechnics there, right, And they wanted to shoot night scenes
without city lights visible, so theyreally kind of wanted to make it seem
very remote and you couldn't tell where. It was already kind of dangerous yet
and that right, especially a helicopterin California with hills and everything super cool,

you won't be able to see seeanything. And then we're gonna just
do some pirate technics. What couldgo wrong? Where are they going to
go off? Just react? Iwanted to be honest in the thing is
the problem was is that they couldn'tsee anything, and they were calling out
making All the crew members were sayinglike listen, like this is too much,

let's get out of here. AndJohn Landis, the director, kept
saying get lower, get lower.I mean, they kept saying like,
we don't want to do this.And then unfortunately, the low flying helicopters
spun out of control, fell ontop of Vic Morrow and the two kids,
Oh my god, Marrow and Leewere decapitated by the helicopter's main roader
blades and then Chen was just crushedto death. Wow. Thankfully they all

died instantly. Obviously with the decapitation, the head was gone for four minutes.
How do you know the exact time, Well, that's what they say,
the approximation of the cycle of oxygen. You've done as your lawyer,
don't answer that game texting service.Unsurprisingly to anybody, this incident led to
years of civil and criminal action againstthe personnel overseeing the shoots, including director

John Landis, and this introduced likeall these new procedures and safety standards in
the filming industry now, So,I mean, it was a terrible thing
that happened, but there was somesilver lining there with you know, at
least they now don't do stupid stufflike that. Oh and there is a
video of it, and and thereis frame by frame of it, and
it is disturbing. And then ofcourse everyone knows about the disaster and the

Crow with Brandon Lee. Oh god, the nineteen ninety four movie. It
was March thirty first, nineteen ninetythree, filming The Crow. Brandon Lee
died from a firearm malfunction. Thelead tip of a bullet was left in
the gun from a previous shoot theywere doing with it, and so they
shot the blank in it. Wereyou ever using live? And there were
other crew injuries as well on thatmovie. But the creepy thing, I

guess was that Lee's was talking toeverybody. It's reported that he was just
telling someone like, my family iscursed, and then he died a couple
days later on set. Creepy.And that's another one where they like they
used him in the whole movie.I mean, he's in that whole movie.
Well, they had to film somethey did do some reshoots, but
his back is always turned correct.Yeah, yeah, with the doubles and
stuff. Another unfortunate recent one thatwe've all experienced is the Rust movie disaster

in accident with Alec Baldwin and HelenaHutchins. That one was another accident where
a prop gun was not properly checkedand had to another level. Yes,
yeah, it's for a level ofa standard of safety on set is that
there's probably about at least five peoplewho have to check the firearm, and
the last person being the actor.Yeah. And also yeah, the armorer.

I guess it is a position,correct, and that weapons master.
Yeah, they had Arbor is whatthey called Hannah Gutierras Reid, and she's
currently the only one facing charges rightnow, still right, still, Yeah,
But but Baldwin is still not offthe hook. He still might be
charged for men's back and forth withit. He didn't check it either,
and I mean you should that Thewhole thing about someone's saying that, you

know, they handed me a gun. They said, it's clean. I've
been doing this for so long.I mean that is true, which is
true, But at the same time, I always check it. Yeah,
it's just you're dealing with a weapon. And here's the thing, with all
the all three of those movies.Is that those were like terrible things.
I haven't on set, but thoseI think were just bad safety. You
know, I wouldn't consider those curse, and those are on my list of

those who are cursed. I haveeven creepier stories. Tell you tell me
more so. Twenty thirteen is theconjuring. Oh I've seen it. The
Rhode Island, the Roger Peron andhis wife Carolyne, they have the five
daughters. They move into a housethis like two hundred acre property, and
uh, some hauntings and terrible thingsensue on the entire family. Say true

story based on a true story.Grover's Corners was always quiet till the Little
Bozzess Scale moved in. Yep.So a couple of things that were creepy,
at least on the set. JoeyKing, who plays one of the
daughters, Christine, She was coveredin bruises. No one knows why she
didn't do any stunts after a coupleof weeks being in there. That was
me, that's weird or an Amyrank Vera Farmiga who played Lorraine Warren.

She kept waking up at the Devil'shour while they were filming, so she'd
be waking up for like three amwhile she was on sets, and the
whole per Own family, like thereal family, they were like visiting the
set and they're all still like aliveand survived everything. Let's tight. One
of the Paron girls, one ofthe actual like real daughters. She told
the screenwriter Chad Hayes like that shehad this bad premonition that day and then

her mom like fell and broke herhip that day and had like it in
operation and everything. So, yes, it's a crazy creepy, creepy things
going on, the devil like that. Yeah, exactly. Speaking of So
you go into The Exorcist in nineteenseventy three, it's still the scariest movie
ever. It was the first horrormovie to ever be nominated for Best Picture.

Yeah yeah, yeah, it madeit all the money. The scores
beautiful, so cool and creepy.Yeah, that's great. So there was
one instance on the set when thehome they were filming burnt down off her
bird flew into the circuit box.What whoa? And everything burnt except for

the room where they were using forthe exorcism scenes. Everything else burned except
for that room. Another thing that'slike very minor, is that? Linda
Blair and Ellen burnstand They complained ofback problems, but you know that could
way. I don't know. Youjust wrecked the cast to get the performances
he won. That's a story itself. The voice actress that did the evil

spirit Puzuzu. Yeah, yeah,like her her son like killed his entire
family. Oh my gosh. Insane. That absolutely goes along with that.
That even goes into post production.This usually doesn't work on Scrabble, by
the way, it's proper now.Two of the co stars from the movie
they died before its release, andthen seven others pass over the course of

filming, and one female reporter evendied at the hands of an actor playing
a nurse. Whoa what's a prettybig body count for one movie? Yes?
Oh, and another one, Rosemary'sBaby. Such a stylistic movie with
such a bad person as the director. Oh yes, well it was another
OSCAR nominated horror movie about a pregnantwife named Rosemary who believes her elderly neighbors

are part of a cult. Themovie's curse set is one that allegedly followed
a number of different crew members andpeople working on the film. The first
was the movie's composer, Christoph Coomeda. He was at a party when his
friend accidentally pushed him over an edge. He suffered brain damage from the fall,

fell into a four month coma whoanever recovered, which is echoing the
death of Rosemary's friend Hutch in thefilm Oh Yeah, ye did art imitate
life? I don't know. Ithink producer William Castle. Uh. He
was hospitalized with severe kidney stones andhe was hallucinating scenes from the movie.

So he was like hallucinating that,like Rosemary was like chasing him with a
knife in the hospital, and hewas screaming Rosemary, for God's sake to
drop the knife. Jesus. Butof course we know. The worst thing
that happened was Roman Polanski's wife.His pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, was
brutally murdered by the Manson family clanin nineteen sixty nine July. There are
some specifically special effects curses that Ifound. I found some patterns here.

So the nineteen seventy six version ofThe Omen, another Oscar nominated horror movie.
Amazing horror movies, they really lotso A stuntman was viciously attacked by
Rottweiler on set. The plans ofGregory Peck, producer and the screenwriter were
struck by lightning. Yes, theone of the producers when he was in

Rome was almost struck by lightning.The worst thing is special effects designer Ron
Richardson. So he was working onanother he was working on another movie and
him his wife Liz Moore were ina car accident and he survived the crash,
but she was decapitated by a flyingtire and left with injuries not unlike
the ones he had like prepared forthe Omen actor David Warner. So he

was creating like that look and thenthat's such an in the movie. So
many decapitations in the story playing headball, Yeah for your shirt. Oh you
can't avoid it when the game starts. Then we have Poltergeist nineteen eighty two
Personal favorite. It received a bunchof blame for tragedies because the thing that

everyone says caused the curse on thismovie set was the fact that they used
real skeletons in the pool scene withthe water, the brackish water and all
that. Oh, it's like I'min for bones and nerve. Reflect you
have to say they only moved theheadstones. They already moved the headstone.

The fact that the producers of themovie didn't realize that they were doing what
the movie was based on on set, and just like Mariweld, it's j
barber yep exactly. So there wasan interview so Joe Beth Williams, who
played the mom, and she wasthe one in the pool. This is
a quote she had from an interviewon TV Land in two thousand and eight.

She said, you have to understandthat this sequence took probably four or
five days to shoot. So Iwas in mud and goop all day every
day for like four or five days, with skeletons all around me. As
I'm screaming in my innocence, innaivety, I assumed that these were not
real skeletons. I assumed they wereprop skeletons made out of plastic or rubber.
That's the natural assumption, would you. I found out, as did

the whole crew, that they wereusing real skeletons because it's far too expensive
to make fake skeletons out of rubber. And I think everybody got real creeped
out by the idea of that maybejust a little. You could definitely sue
for that note. Yeah, totally. So there. It came out from
this because this came from the specialeffects guy. Craig reared in. So

he was in a deposition. Hewas in a deposition for something actually unrelated
to all of this about ghostwriting,U huh. And and so this was
his quote from the deposition. Iacquired a number of actual biological sordial skeletons
is what they're called. Therefore hangingin classrooms and study. These are actual

skeletons from people. I think thebones are acquired from India. But at
any rate, we got thirteen ofthese. We dressed them so they did
not look like bleached clean, boltedtogether skeletons, but instead disintegrating cadavers,
and you know, added sculptured rubberthings to them so they would have kind
of dramatic leering, spooky aspect,did not be dull what I'm trying.

What I'm trying to say, clinicaltype corpses. Wow, its like that
old chestnut. The fact that theydid this in the movie and used real
skeletons and didn't think it'd be aproblem, and it was. It created
a bunch of tragedies. The firstwas Dominique Dunn. She was the older
sister in the first Boldergeist movie.She was murdered by her ex boyfriend a

few months after the movie's release.She was strangled by him in their driveway
during an argument, and she fellinto a coma and died five days later.
Julian Beck, one of the otheractors in nineteen eighty five, died
his stomach cancer. Eighty seven,another actor, William Samson, died of
postoperative kidney failure. And then,of course, we unfortunately know the Heather

O'Rourke. She passed in nineteen eightyeight. She had congenital stenosis of the
intestine and it eventually caused sepsis.Oh, it's like a stinting. So
yeah, maybe don't desecrate bodies ofinnocent people doing a movie about eating bodies.

Self aware thing anyone has ever?Yea, hey, these are really
cheap. Have you read the script? Nope? All right, no,
man there? Why not do Ineed to well, I mean, I
gotta smile ont of Frank, Maybewe could do our own movies with you
guys. You guys want to bea part of our movie. Well,
let's take another break and consider thatNick Spray, you are our only hope.

Yeah, I might, I mighthave something cooking. Thank god,
let's take a break. Unfortunately,you're listening to fort for it. How
do you a radio one of fourpoint one. We'll be right back,
I hope. For more information aboutcontests on this station, go to real
Radio dot FM slash rules. Stellawants to know. I would say into
Frank's psychological condition. I don't thinkyou want to get into the psychology of

me or any of my friends.Really, it's not a it's it's not
pretty well. All right, let'sjust just push Frank over the top.
What do you say? Actually,all away along your head and I'm gonna
be sliced alone in this mother,and I'm gonna put you over the top.
That's what I'm going over the top. I'm gonna take your on set
movie curses and I'm gonna erase youreal life crimes inspired by horror movies.

You're traveling around and you know,we stopped in Hyde Park and reminded me
of something, so I made somenotes late. Let me get this tomb
about this scene. Oh my god, I didn't know he was running backpack
Rangers. This was not by theinventory my fingers a little bit and get
the page, all right, Frank, hold onto your head, just mine
or this other one. Stop it. You have to behave here, Okay,

Alan Menzies, not Menzies, thankyou. I was obsessed with the
Queen of the Damn of the AlienRice Vampire Chronicle name yes, said select
movie the book as well. Hewas totally obsessed with this. Read it
over a hundred times, saw themovie over a hundred times. He killed
his friend Thomas McKendrick, who directlybefore being murdered, made disparage in comments

about the film Slash Book. OhMensis claims that the titular character a shaka
ash sure oshkosh bagosh, that's theStar Wars character that they're doing. Yah
yeah, appeared before him demanding comeuppance from McKendrick in blood. And so
he beat mckendricks ten times with ahammer and then proceeded to stab him forty
two times. Oh my god,only then to drink his blood and eat

part of his brain. Slash skulps. Well that's just neighborly. Wow.
Menzies buried the body in a hastygrave, and when he was quickly apprehended,
you know, found guilty life inprison, and then killed himself in
his cell in November of two thousandand four. That takes nerd rage to
another level. I mean, likewhen someone insults your favorite movie. That's
one thing, but that's taken alittle far and call me simp again.

I guess it's like his religion atthat point. Yeah, right, all
right, I got another one.Mark Branch. He killed Shannon Gregory on
October twenty fourth, nineteen eighty eight, while dressed as Jason Allah the Friday
the Thirteenth Films. Her body wasmutilated by Branch, and then he left
the body in the bathtub to bediscovered by her an identical twin, Cheryl.

You know exactly what it looks likeif you get murdered, which is
also kind of like a horror movie. The apparent cause of the crime was
that Gregory had been writing a siteprofile of Branch for her community college site
course, and he did not likethat one little bit. A little search
of his home yielded seventy five horrorfilms, sixty four true crime books,

three knives, a machete, andmultiple hockey masks. Partridge and trees.
So this incited a month long searchin the state of Massachusetts for for Mark
Branch, and he had several sightingsaround town skulking, and the man hunt
included the canceling of several local Halloweenevents. Eventually, his car was found

abandoned near Greenfield, Massachusetts, andBranch's body was found hung from a tree
in Buckland, Massachusetts on November twentyeighth. Wow, suicide or small town
justice? All right, yeah,this is gonna be the kicker. Oh
tell me more. I'm getting allkind of perky over here, especially since
anyone else want to sit next tohim, like this is really crazy.

You're good, I got my arm, I'm around my boy, Fritz.
I'm just feeling good. Associate Labourfire, Let me ask you about it,
like Frank paint as a horror movie? Buff? Have you ever heard
of the film London After Midnight?Hmm? Let me cut you off right
there. Okay. So this datesfrom nineteen twenty seven and it was directed

by Todd Browning of Dracula Fame andthe movie Freaks. We got a DVD
copy of Freaks. So this wasreleased on December third, nineteen twenty seven,
and it stars long Cheney Senior,who is notably remembered for portraying the
Fan of the Opera and the Hunchbackof Notre Dame. He was known as
the Man of a Thousand Faces andknown for doing his own practical makeup effects

to terrifying results. People were knownduring the Fan of the Opera to pass
out or that the film was tocause insanity, and the same legend holds
true for London after Midnight. Soin a Nutshell the signific great title for
a movie to yeah, very compelling. So here here's the movie in a
Nutshell. Roger Balfour, renewing Londonsocialista, is found dead by a parent

suicide from a gunshot, despite theprotestations of his best friend and neighbor,
Sir James Hamlin. Five years pastand a mysterious couple moves into Balfer's estate
and they are thought to be vampiresterrorizing the locals, while at the same
time Inspector Burke of the Scotland Yard, who is also a hypnotist, which
was the original title of the movie, inspired by a short story by Todd

Browning The Scotland y Okay. Sohe continues investigating with hopes to trap the
suspect through hypnosis. There's this mysterioussilent woman and a man and a beaver
felt top hat, prompting Sir Jamesto call on the inspector again. And
they see Balfour's grave is empty andthat the man in the top half signature

is like dentical to Balfour signature.So a bunch of weird stuff happens,
and people are disappearing on a nowhereand there's sightings of the dead man rising,
and there's a vampire lady floating aroundlike like a gd bat, and
then the inspector and then in SpectorBurke. He decides it's a murder,
so they protect Lucy the daughter uhjust like Dracula. So they protect Lucy's

room from dandy damps and then sheis taken out to Balfour Manor where Sir
James hammlerin the neighbor is instructed todo a walk about the estate. He
meets the beaver felt hat guy andgets hypnotized. Then bruh, it's five
years ago. Yes, I couldn'tread the word bruh. Br He thinks

it's five years ago, and it'spretty much played out again and everybody watches
a Sir James quote unquote kills Balfourand makes it look like a suicide so
that he can marry Balfour, daughterof this seal, because that was the
thing, and Roger Balfour was youknow, you know, adamantly against it.
And then the jigs up, thetrance is broken, and Sir James's
caught. The inspector also turns outto be the top pack guy, the

vampire pa bomb Bomb the nice wowspikedthe apparent confusion. It was made for
one hundred and fifty one thousand andsix hundred and sixty six dollars back in
the name in a case, andit grossed over a million dollars worldwide.
Wow your money, nineteen twenty seven. So change's iconic look for the film.

He had this big beaver felt tophat obviously, these shocks of spiky
white hair and like that Baba Duke. Yes, actually that is inspired by
Chinese really no points nice so uh. He had like this pasted on grin
and these wide quote unquote hypnotic eyesthat he literally had to take wire to
force his mouth up and eyes open. So it's it's a really iconic look,

that's been used by Disney a lotof animated film. We all know
this because still photographs of the moviestill exist, but the film the prints
were destroyed in a massive MGM vaultfire in nineteen sixty seven, So no
one's seen this movie in math years, at least seven. It was a
sensation. It drove people crazy quoteunquote or did it really? Legend still

holds to this day. Those earlyvisual effects for Bollywood movies, you are
looking at the face of God wouldabsolutely drive people insane. So I can't
even imagine what nineteen twenty seven Hollywood. Those special effects were light years.
So you also have to think thatthis is the same year that would first
commercial talkie quote unquote the jazz AreYeah, the jazz Point. There was

actually a movie that had a traincoming out the audience and that freaks people
out of Yeah. So watching somethinglike a horror movie that has to be
like a psychological just brain twist,right, like how do you like separate
yourself when you've never seen that beforebecause you don't have someone going look at
parent going it's yeah. So thisfilm was lauded as the mystery film of

the age. It's also had greatquotes like in papers. It said,
a trifle too spooky for the timidsoul. Quote mister Cheney's makeup is at
times hideous enough to make one sickin the stomach end quote. Chaney was
praised for his performance and said thathe was terrifying. And a little bit
of trivia is that Kirk Hammet fromMentallica in twenty fourteen bought the only existing

movie poster of it for the highestamount ever paid, for four hundred and
seventy eight. This movie inspired atrue crime less than a year after its
release, the murder of Julia Manganby Robert Williams in Hyde Park, London.
This crime was committed in picturesque HydePark on the eastern edge of the
park, near what is called theAldford Street Gate, or is also called

the Fountain Gate because there's a flippingfountain. A named twenty one year old
Julia Mangan. She was Irish,born from the County of Cork, and
she was a classically dirt poor person, classic classic you know dirt for She
set off to see the world,meaning London to help send money home to

her parents' aid. She arrived inthe August in nineteen twenty seven and at
the age of twenty she gets workas a domestic service in a five story
Georgian mansion in Knightsbridge, just twoblocks south of Hyde Park, whereabouts she
would meet and court won them.Mister Robert Williams born December twenty eighth,
eighteen ninety nine to a poor singlemother whose gene pool was full of insanity

and you know the freshmaker. Shecouldn't come young pool of sick yep,
So she put him up for adoption, and then she left to go to
Canada. So he was raised inNorth Wales. He grew up displaying wonderful
signs of mental illness, wonderful,amazingly delicious size of mental illness. He
was certified with a diagnosis of nursestyinfon a nurse in Nathena or at General

Malaierse Nathaniel n Nathaniel this week onNetflix. He was considered rather healthy because
he had quote just two bouts offever as a child and no pox,
trauma or seizures. Right then,that's like clean bullet elp good stock.
He did battle depression. At theage of fourteen, he tried to kill
himself by throwing himself into the hindquarters of horse creative way to Go.

He survived, so Robert also hada pension for booze to quell his psychic
pain. When he had imbibed,he was known to become unpredictable and crazy,
so only months before Julia's arrival inLondon, Robert was acquitted of indecent
assault. In March of nineteen twentyseven, he fled his hometown to become

a freelance builder and carpenter in London. Robert lied initially about his last name
at their first meeting and said itwas Ellis, and then about a week
after they met, on October tenth, Robert lost work and dove headlong into
drunken madness. As you knew,he had another suicide attempt by tearing at
his own throat with a razor onOctober twentieth, and the next day he

showed up drunk at Julia's house witha fresh head wound from falling down and
smiling like a fiend. He justkept repeating over and over, I want
Julie. Julia then decides to breakup with him. The engagement is over
after three weeks of romance. Smartgirl, Yes, yeah, it's a
bit of a red flag way.He did come back the next day pounding
the door and she would not seehim. And the night after that,

on the twenty third, after herduties were done for the day, around
seven pm, she says she wasgoing out for a bit of air.
It's unknown whether or not they hadplans to meet up, but they did
meet. Robert Woods, the leader, say that they met and sat on
a bench between a footpath and ahorse track. He had intentions of love
and marriage. He honestly wanted tomarry her. Quote we sat down and
talked for a bit. I saidI was going to give up the drink.

The last thing I remember was Juliawhistling end quote, something she was
known for doing when nervous and afraid. Quote thoughts came into my mind.
I felt my head getting fuller andfuller. It seemed to be steaming at
both sides, like a red hotiron being pushed inside my head. This
guy's a poet. I felt asif my head was going to burst.
I'm telling you the truth. Ihad no intention of hurting her. And
then at ten ten pm PC JohnGreen he was alerted that there was a

couple who had apparently passed out nearthe fountain gate, and he found Julia
face down and curled up, blooddrenching her, white gloves still at her
throat. Oh my god, deeplygashed and with the sunder. The autopsy
said that it was not a selfinflicted womb and that considerable force had been
used to inflict such a room,and she was declared dead at the scene.
Oh. Robert was also found facedown with his throat cut, even

with the razors still clenched in hisleft hand, but live and twelve meters
away from Julia's body. In hisright hand, he clenched a letter to
Julia from her mother, the contentsof which are still not known to this
day. Ooh and Robert. Aftera week stint in Saint George's hospital,
he was discharged and promptly arrested forJulia's murder and now after multiple interviews with
medical officers and inspecters, the storiesrevealed that Robert blames the film London After

Midnight and specifically Long Cheney's terrifying portrayalof the Man and the Beaver felt top
hat for his insanity and the murderof Julia Mangan. He stated that he
felt at the time of the crimethat he was locked in a room with
a man trapping him in the corner, and that the man was quote pulling
faces at me, he threatened andshattered at me, that he had me
where he wanted me end quote.So, when further pressed, Robert Williams

claimed it was the evil visage oflong Cheney from that film that drove him
to his crime. He fled notguilty by reasons of insanity, and from
medical observations, it was concluded thatWilliams had suffered from an episode of an
epileptic automatism, which we commonly calla fugue state, oh where the patient
suffers a seizure of the frontal lobeand is lucid but unaware of their physical

actions, almost as if they weresleepwalking. Yep. So exactly. Initially,
the jury could not come to averdict. They were hung when reinstructed
rather forcefully by and this is literallyhis name, judge, mister Justice Humphries.
Quote. I do not these English. I do not know whether you

have been to see any film inwhich he acted. One of them,
we are told, is the hunchBatcher of Notre Dame, and another London
after midnight. If any of youmembers of the jury have seen the latter,
or even the advertisements of what misterlong Cheney looks like when he is
acting that film, you may agreeit is enough to terrify anybody. It
is the story of a haunted housein long Chaney blah blahlah blah blahlah blah

blah blaha, basically characters. Thelast he goes, I conceal myself.
Nothing in the vision to suggest thatthe accused is an epileptic end quote.
He was found guilty. After that, we sentenced to death by hanging,
but his sentence was stayed and hewas commuted to a criminal luntic asylum or

the remainder of his days fitting tohouse. That for a feather in your
cap, Frank, I'm on overhere. We got some new teammates to
play with. That sounds I don'tlike them now. So if there was
anywhere we could go, we wouldgo there. But where can we go?
Yeah, we need to get outof your prompt Ho. We had
no home. We're like a rollingstone, Papa was Are you kidding me?

What's what we have? The fortis that even around anyone was last
time we were at the Fort Pawith the gravy water. I go there
all the time. What are youkidding me? Why are we it does
with dehydrated and hallucinating because you're aboutto have the best time of your laugh.
No, no, no, he'sgot gies comeing. Somebody start the
engine. Come on, come on, let go guys. It's Halloween.
We still got a few hours left. We still have a spooky time about

these guys. Right, that's right, true. So I have lots of
candy too. Yeah, okays,good on behalf of Fort Fritz. We
wish you a happy Halloween, andlet's get back to the fort and strip
some madness. What do you say? Hallo? Hallo? So sham Rock

broadcasting live from the injury law firmof Kaufman and in studios wy Kaufman and
Lynd because clients in
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