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April 28, 2024 • 38 mins
This week, we're broadcasting live from Costa Rica, discussing the extraordinary flora, fauna, and breathtaking landscapes that captivate us.

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Well here we are welcome to guardin America. Welcome to the beautiful country
of Costa Rica. Whatever time itis where you're listening to us or watching
us, we do appreciate it.It's been an adventure Costa Rica. Fun
ross. We crossed the Continental Divide, yes, the side and the Pan
American Highway. We were on thePanamica high for a little bit multiple times.

What did you say, We crossedcontinental divide, then we drove on
the Pan American Highway. Correct,right, Okay, we just want to
make sure that we're on the samepage. So welcome. If you're tuning
in, it just happened on toour show. Normally we do our live
broadcast our live show at eight o'clockof the West coast eleven o'clock Eastern time
zone. We are in Costa Rica. Where the correct time, John is,
this is Gardener eight. It isfive eight pm. Actually, what's

it's Tiger, not me that gaveyou the time. Oh okay, well
you know we should let Tiger talkyou and I babbling back anyway, Tiger,
why don't you give your perspective.We've been here since Monday. Give
your perspective. But yeah, sofirst off, let's welcome the listeners and
to kind of tell them what we'redoing. So we we put this tour
together and we put it out thereto all of our viewers and our listeners
out there to be able to joinus on this wonderful excursion that we took

in Costa Rica and collect Travel whohelped us put it together and put together
a wonderful package with the assistance ofus and determining some really neat places to
go to, some neat places tostay, you know, some great food
options. And so we started onMonday and where we landed in San Jose.
We spent one night there in SanJose, Costa Rica, and then

we just started our drive. Anddo you remember where our first stop was.
Let's see this. I didn't knowthat be a test. Okay,
the first stop when we came fromSan Jose, we we left the city
of San Jose, which is likea metropolitan downtown area right right right,
and then we you know, instantlystarted going up into the forest and didn't

you see a wonderful like change andit was it's it's amazing because in the
United States sometimes we don't see thatchange happen as dramatically as we did when
we were here in Coasta Rica.You're talking about that in such a short
space, right right right, cloudforest, rainforest, and now the beach.
We hit it all. We evenhit some desert areas that reminded us
of San Diego being back at home. Yeah exactly, you know it's it's

really neat. So yeah, soyou know, day one San Jose.
Then we left San Jose. Wemade our way to forget what it was
the city that we didn't know.Yeah, that's why I passed the buck.
See I'm live radio TV. Sometimeswhen you don't know something, you
act like you do and maybe somebodyelse picks up the ball. This time
we dropped the ball. John,How about you? You want to give
it a shot. I don't rememberthe first city we went to, but

the thing I've been most impressed within Costa Rica is the eco or the
the different climate zones, the climaticund you know, like Tiger was just
expressing and I learned for the firsttime the difference between a cloud forest and
a rain forest. Me too,Yeah, and there are several differences.
One is hyped exactly. The cloudforests are up in the clouds, and

they're cooler, black, cooler,right, and that's where we came from.
Today the temperature was probably I'm guessingwhat like sixty eight while we lie.
It's very beautiful. Yeah, here'swhat I learned. There are not
mosquitoes throughout the entire country. We'vebeen mosquito free until today. Well they
say there's mosquitos here, right,I haven't seen them, not yet.
I put my dto in just incase, me too. Doca was our

first thing, first, a coffeeplant, coffee plantation. Yes, that
was a good experience and that wasreally neat to kind of see where coffee
comes from, how it's processed,right, how it's roasted and made and
dried and all of those kind ofyou know things, and then to learn
the details about coast ri because coffeehistory, right, you know, just
the idea that you know, countriesare are funded, different trades are created,

different you know, industries are made, and you know ups and downs.
Would they go from pineapple coffee thepineapples to bananas here in Costa Rica?
But you know, Doka was thefirst plantation that we went to and
it was on the way to Rand L, which was a great resort.
I love that resort. I didknow. Yeah, yeah, John
and I did the walk the secondday on Tuesday. Were you with us?

You didn't make that nitches? No? I did? Well? Did
that's right? Yeah? Yeah,exactly. Well that was the first time
we saw a sloth. We sawwhat else did we see that first go
around? Job? Well, alot of a lot of folly, injured
a lot of people, a lotof birds, right, added birds.
So you know, I saw thelipstick palm. The lipstick palm which pointed
out to me, which is nowmy favorite palm. You described that because

unless you live in an area wherethey freeze at fifty five degrees and they
need humidity, right, yeah,so they won't grow well outdoors, right,
which means many people have not seenthem. Right. The lipstick palms
a green single stem palm, itmight sucker a little bit, but the
crowd chef itself instead of being green, is lipstick red, right, And

that's where the names. And itlooks like somebody just went with the paint
pression kind of slapped it on there. It is bright red. Miss it
And once you pointed out to somebody, you always see them. Yeah,
yeah, And they were beautifully grownall over the city and just to kind
of see them in someone's front yardas if it's just no big deal for

us, is a big deal,you know. Along with all the orchids
that we saw in the turban treesand vermeiliads right, oh, Bromeliots were
everywhere. It was another perspective thatwas eye opening, was walking through the
forest looking up into the trees andseeing the bromeliots. But then when we
went to for us, taking thebridges and looking down, so you can

get both views. Now, youguys both did the zipline yesterday plus the
walk which I did. We didnot do the zipline. I've never seen
tiger so excited in my life.You said the same thing. When you
can about that zimpline, you're pumpedso and I thought there was just one
zipline. Run tell the people aboutthe various stations and exactly both of your
experience. So, first off,when you go zipline and you do different

zip areas that you did, right, The longest one was a kilometer one
kilometer long over a massive gorge andit took you what two hours, guys,
two and a half hours to getso it was like ten minutes again
and then an hour and minutes walk. You said there was a lot of
walking. Oh yeah, you knowafter this, after the walk, we
did the bridge, what do youthe dangling bridges. I call it the

dangling bridge, but yeah, thehanging hanging bridges, which was which was
nice. A lot of skywalker.There's so much to see here, and
we've just had an incredible experience andcollect does a good job. Look,
it's been a fast paced trip.We're two days here, travel one day,
two days in place stification. Willwe get that? Well, you
know you did the right thing.You're gonna say extra extra day here decompressed

by the way, those of youwatching on Facebook, and if you see
some people now that are that aretuned in and watching us. Every now
and then, the video may freezeup a little bit, but I'm watching
it right now and it goes backon. So Wi Fi may be just
a little shaky. We're outside rightout of a resort, so just just
hang in there. We're in CentralAmerica. We are doesn't that sound exotic?
Central America? But I will saythe resort that we're at right now,

Namboo, being along the coast,the Pacific side here in Costa Rica,
right along the water. It's absolutelythis is this is I do not
feel like I'm in any kind oflike what people would think of Americans.
Super nice, right, it's isn'tit? Oh my goodness, We've experienced

certainly the hottest yeah, because itwas I think he said yesterday was a
hundred yeah here, yeah, right, But where we were yesterday, we
were wearing jackets and pants right fromone day to the next day. It
just changes. Now. I guesswe could say there are several micros hit
at the continental divide right right,and then they were saying that the winds

would get so strong and they wouldknock you off your motorcycle. Eye.
And by the way, those arejust two gin We are broadcasting line from
Costa Rica. The name of thewas this resort again, Namboo, Yeah,
Namboo resort here in Costa Rica onthe Pacific coast. We made our
way from the look it was afern leaf bamboo and then I saw if
the walk we went on, John, there was a Hawaiian pond that was

blooming. It looked like an octaves. Because you pointed out, I said,
what is that? You said,that's an Hawaiian palm. But it
was no, no, you okay, right right now, Okay, some
of the highlights I can remember.So much has happened. To ask one
specific question, you got to thinkabout it a little bit. There's so
much going on. Well, Iwent just went through my photos of of
what I kind of took photos through, and I will say one of the

most exciting things that I saw,and it's it's a random thing, but
day one, we're walking to breakfast, right next to the swimming pool,
there was a chocolate like a cowbush in the hotel downtown San Jose with
chocolate beans ca cow beans hanging rightoff of it. I was, right
then, this is it's just raising. It's like right there he has an

orange fruit about the size of amango, right exactly. Yeah, And
and I mean just the location thatwe were at and that to be sitting
there was very impressive to me.Obviously, we've seen a lot of chocolate
throughout now. Yeah, we've seenseen them, so it's not as exciting
now. But on day one,to just see that at the hotel we
were at was pretty Cool's pretty cool. I want to give a shout out.
Rick Lucas is watching and went tohigh school with Ricky. Oh,

one of your old buddies. Laurenso to junior high school and high school
with a big fan of the show. Every week he's commenting, he's asking
questions. Discuss anyway, another thing, the heliconias. So the heliconias are
all the kind of like ginger likeplants. Yes, I mean I'm less,

endless number of different flats. That'swhat the rattle snake Kila Comey was
right, thank you? And Iposted that I knew people would like,
what is that? First time I'veever seen it? It looks like the
rattle of a rattlesnake. Yes,and it's it's bright yellow and they come
in red. How about let's talkabout the hummingbirds for a second, because
I posted a bunch of pictures andshould we get an uber? And I

just said, man, do youwant to walk? And he said,
yeah, walk, but you didn'tmean walk all the way back? Choice
you kind of got to do that. Yeah, once we started there was
kind of well, we did sayif we ever got tired, we can
call you. Walked five miles backto the resort. It was five miles
and we saw a lot of deadanimals on a lot of road kill,

which was interesting. But uh,when you think of weeds, weeds you
know around your home, and thenthink of weeds in a tropical country,
it's completely different, you know,because houseplants are the weeds and tropical countries.
But as we were walking along theout there was grassy areas and tigers

are looking down in the grass,and all through the grass was sensitive plants.
It was just and that's a plantthat we sell in San Diego as
a house plant, a house ina little four inch pod that I've never
seen grow bigger than whatever grows outof a four inch pot, right,
And it's just as if it's justwas thrown along the side of the road.
Is it safe to say that someof these plants that we've seen,

we've obviously seen seen them in nurseriesin people's houses, but to see them
growing wild as part of the landscape, it surprises you. It's not only
just surprising you. Sometimes you don'tknow what they are because either they grow
so large that they don't you don'trecognize it, or that it's growing in
an area you would never think itcould grow. Now we've got a shot.

One of our cameras is shooting rightthere. That's a guabba tree right
there that you're looking a you're hopingto see if we can catch a bird
land on it. We'll see.Yeah, that would be nice, that
would be nice. I'm sure toturn off that mic though, because we
also can hear a bunch of cicadasand other part. You know what,
that would start. Hey, Lenora'swatching We've got Noreen is watching Lenora again.

Okay, Julie, okay, soa lot of people watching it,
you know what. I'm impressed thatthe people are remember to tune in.
Yeah, thank you all. Yeah. John, you sent out the newsletter.
That was a good reminder, youknow, and we get you know,
I think we're a little too criticalsometimes because we want the video quality
to be perfect, we want thevoice to be perfect. And Carolyn and

in Huntington Beach says that considering whereyou are now, it's incredible that we
can see and hear you at all. Seriously and again, in the studio,
we have personal microphones, studio micset up, and that the audio
is coming from the cameras that weuse and the space between us and the

camera Obviously the yaudia is picking upjust fine. People can hear us,
So yeah, thank you for thefeedback. We do appreciate that Geena is
watching from Idaho. John, sheis. Yeah. Somebody mentioned that they
were having problems hearing, but whoknows. Yeah, and you know what
depends on where you are, dependson your carrier, depends on Facebook.
A lot of things can play intothat fact. But the fact that we're

on is a miracle of sorts.Here. They said the water temperature was
what ninety degree? I haven't beenin Yeah, but it's supposed to be
pretty warm. So just think,John, you could go into the water,
I could blow bubbles. You'd beatme in a jacuzzi. If I
knew before I came on this tripthat I was going to see everything I've
seen, I would have still come. You already knew what to expect.

I knew what to expect, andthere were certain things I was looking for.
What was the one plant I toldyou I wanted to see? We
did want to see the katzelkerg right, right? And then Mousanda, Yeah,
Musanda, We've seen almost everything onthe way here. Tiger and I
couldn't tell him, but we bothsaw was the bogan via tree. There's

bogan va all over the country,but the trees that get like thirty to
forty feet tall or something else.And it's weird too because I mean there's
a lot of bogan vas in SanDiego. Yeah, there are San Diego
red Barbera cars, orange white,pink ones. But there are colors here
that I am not familiar with.That one that you liked, Shannon agreed.

She said that was something and shehadn't seen it, Like, it's
not it wasn't one. I waslike, oh, I've seen them before
and I just don't see that waspink, but not that color pink.
Correct. So it's really neat tosee the same plant, like we said,
but in a little bit different,different environment. We're different in the
community. I assume it's got toplay into why some of the foliage and

the plants we see are growing theway they are. Community has got a
huge here's a different here's a testquestion, and I know you're gonna get
it right though. What was therainfall that our wonderful guide ed WARDO gave
us for the kind of more forestyarea. What was the rainfall? Just
a mere eighteen feet eighteen feet inches. No, we're talking eighteen to nineteen

feet of rain. That's their expectations. So again, so the community and
the rainfall obviously play a big partof the drought, though I think they
only had sixteen Yes, I couldbarely get that out because I'm thinking of
the community and the rainfall. Soyeah, that does play a big part.
To the right of us, wedon't have a camera on that.

John, there are the nicest bismarket palms I've ever seen. They're really
exciting. What about all the animalswe saw in the river boat or not
the boat, but the lake.Okay, the first we've been wanting to
see Cayman right, Okay, wedrove up to the border of nick Yeah,
we got off. Yeah, wesaw white faced monkeys, We saw

Cayman howler monkeys. We saw lotsof birds, my goodness, and those
you know what's funny though, theCayman are kind of hanging up with a
band and the heller monkeys, andwe posted some of these videos. It
would come down to the water,look to the left, look to the
right, get a drink and scamperoff back into the into the underbrush,

and we did get a good videoof a mom and her little little monkey
on her back. Yeah, mom, mom and little monkey. Kevin from
Carda Lane is joining us. Kevinfrom Corde Lane. Where are you at?
Kevin? Ken Brickman is on datawas talking back and forth to Carla
and Gina says, we're coming inloud and clear. Oh good, Yeah,
there's Kevin right now. He's tryingto fly this right now, Kevin,

we're right here. You want tojoin the show. The question they
may not want to answer is howmany cuttings are coming home? Oh definitely
can't say that before we get pasttheir customs. And you can't bring plants
from the coastreet into the US,right and it's out a permit. That's
gonna feedback that you want to turn. Turn your phone down. We're going

it's gonna feedback. So we haveone audience member, Yeah, audience member,
come on back here. Kevin backKevin real quick, do a cameo?
Hey, everybody, Kevin a warrancesome protosie that don't know who Kevin
is. One of the person regularon our program. Graduated with mister high
school. I was like rated thenumber six fan last go around you're up

to number four this year. You'vejumped. Yeah, yeah, that's it.
I know they'rehidden. You can't seehim. Look, I've never been
in radio, so I have noidea what you don't know a radio or
Facebook live etiquette. But hey,how are you going? A good time?
A beautiful look? Where do welook? Look right there? There

you go? All right, we'lltalk to you all right, buddy,
take care. Thanks for dropping money. So before before Kevin, we were
talking about the animals. Oh yeah, okay, something else that was super
impressive. Don't forget the piano bird. That was really the piano bird was
impressive. It was what were theysaying that the tropical birds had to They

don't have oil on their feathers,right, dry them all have to dry
in the sun. So the pianobird wings out and it looks like the
keys on a piano. Now,speaking of animals and and sort of random
random things that happened yesterday in thepatio, I'm lying in the bed and
I see an animal quickly run by. I said, I see quite a

Monday or relieve or what was it? I ran outside and grabbed the phone.
He had turned the corner. Iwas able to catch a good shot
of him, and then here comesanother one right down. So you don't
know what what's gonna pop up where. That's what I was gonna say is
and I get it, okay.You know, if somebody comes to San
Diego and they see a squirrel orthey see a raccoon or something of that

nature, and they might get excited. I might be like, oh,
that's kind of neat whatever. I'veseen them before. But it's just a
john up there in Paulbrook. Yousee all kinds of critic but we all
just in our hotel room, justin wherever we were at, just walking
from one place to another. Youcan see some very exhausted that was like
birds that I was lying down,and this shadow figure came by. What

the heck? I said? Thatwas a quite a Monday. And people
here aren't surprised. Oh yeah they'rehere, Yeah they come. And today
we saw because we saw a bluebull of macaw and a scarlet macaw,
which I've always seen in cages andpan shops. I put to see them
up in a tree. Yeah,it just seems out of place, in
kind of weird, but that's themass a mango tree. And you were
surprised at the size of the mangotrees. Yeah, I want to say

there. I mean for those ofyou that are in southern California, large
oak tree, you know, maybeeven bigger like a large sycamore. Yeah,
you know other people parts of thecountries, you know, big mulberry
trees, big sycamore trees. It'sa large canopy tree. So it's not
just like a pine tree that goesstraight up and down, but they get
very wide along with tall. Right, and now what other fruits? Did

we say bananas everywhere? Right?Oh? Yeah, banana's outside your door
at the last hoteler was star fruit? Yeah, Papa, what's the what's
the tree that we we we areworking to save for the three wattle?
What is it called the three theyhave the things that hang from their beat?

Was the three wattle? Robin bottlerobin? Yeah, I think it
was a three wattle? What isit though? Like, do you remember
what the fruit they eat? Buthow big are the Yeah? The autocs
are like an inch big size ofyour little thing, not even your half
your little finger. All right,John, what's the biggest export? Who

exports the most pineapple in the world? The most pineapple. Biggest exporter of
pineapple in the World's Coasta Rica.I thought it was a trick question.
No, No it wasn't because I'mthinking because so all the pineapples come close
to ring. Yes, so wegot to taste for the sugar cake.

Did we post that video? Didwe post a video of making sugar cane?
I asked Daniel, because he's beengood about going to my my Facebook
page. But the way that theythey squeeze sugar is very impressive. Through
our Facebook page keeps scrolling, we'llsee videos we're talking about. Taste it
good, it's real good. Walkingback drive or Drew, this this is

okay? Come up here, Drew. Yeah, he's been driving this wonderful
country, but just small roads,tight canyons, bridges that don't even fit
what we should tell people here.So to get from point A to point
B, you run a two laneroad and this two lane road is traffic

going up one side. And Imean come over here, though, Drew,
Come over here. One wave,wave to the cameranding curves and we're
talking for two hours at a time, three hours at a time, just
like this. There's not nothing straightforward, and it's and so there he is.
I want to give us keeping ussave this whole trip, right,

good driver. We came into someharry situations. One turn we came to
where it was like a square,that's what it was. It wasn't around
the rich, Yes, and youhad to back up two or three times
and came within probably two or threeinches of the rail. So he's he's
modest. But thank you. You'vedone a great job size and coding stuff.

You're driving right wherever you go.So you guys here beautiful. Thank
you so much for you. Appreciateyou are. It's so nice to have
you here. Thanks so much.We do appreciate you. Thank you very
much. All right, all right, thank you very much. By come
why not? Yeah? Why not? Okay, the right you should videos

frozen up a little bit, butit'll come and go people, so just
you can still hear us. You'resaying, tiger should tell people of means.
Yeah, it's a greeting, it'sright. So yeah, it's My
dad and I were having this conversationabout sayings and you know, countries maybe

they have different saying slogans things,and Costa Rica has would be them,
which directly translates to pure life,which when they when they say that that
could be hello, that could begoodbye, that could be thank you,
that could be great job. Sometimesthey feel they just throw it in there
just to throw it in there,like you're getting you're getting out of a
door and somebody walks by and asyou leave, you know, and it's

kind of like the Hawaii Juice ofLove exactly exactly. So, so it's
a general greeting overall, and it'sand it's just a I mean, it's
pure life when you translate it.It's even on my flip flop right there.
It's close enough, but it's writtenon just about everything. You see
him in stores, you see himall over the place, and that's pu

are A V I d I.Now Ken wants to know if it's very
human Right now I'm killed today.I don't think it was that. Right
now it is humid, but upuntil today it is not. Now we're
on the Pacific coast and and it'shot, humid, but up until then,
until then, I think things that'scoming through guys, Yeah, but

no humidity, no mosquitoes. Thisis just our experience so far. And
there's something else I was concerned about. But so far none of that.
Well you know the other thing too, and we haven't ran into it yet,
but even the sunscreens and exposure toobad. Yeah, I haven't known
the sunscreen the whole time. Butyou never know, like he says,
things can change in an instance,you know, and you've got to be

prepared. Well. So it's Imean, our amazing leader w was kind
of talking of certain things, right. He wants to get you excited about
where we're going next, what we'regoing to see, right, but he
also says, mother nature, younever know. It could be dumping down
rain on us. It could bescorching hot. The animals could all be
asleep, they could all be active, and that that is kind of the

beauty of Costa Rica because it changesat a drop of that drop. Notice
and say with the weather, withthe rain too. Yeah. See,
so on one end you can belike, oh, it's it's going to
be a bad day, but fifteenminutes later, it could be the best
d you've ever had. We hadthe monsoon last evening or evenings that was
a lot of right and a littlethunder the back. Right now. He

said that yesterday they saw a seashurtles hatching yeah, yes, on the
beach. But but again we maynot see that because it's just a happenstance.
A lot of people tuned in.We really appreciate. Every now and
then the video discs up, butit comes right back on. So we
have you sent Wi fi here againbroadcasting live from Wow Coasta, Rica.
I think you'd say that, Iknow, right, that's so fun.

We've done. We've done remote.It's from from your nursery, from John's
house, Mission Hills Nursery, John'shouse, from his library. So we
can chuck up Costa Rica as onemore for our resume. Let's see Ola,
that's Leonora, Patty is watching.I've been a vitamin indeed, Leonora,
Yes, indeed. So another thingI do want to mention is that
this tour that Collet helped us puttogether also invited a few new people to

join us that we're not familiar withGarden in America. Who we're able to
come on this show, on theon this tour with us, And how
fun has it been to be ableto travel with people from Texas, Alabama,
New York, Mississippi, New York, right, Florid, Australia.
We're in an Australian group with us. Yeah, bring in Australia, John,
you know that we haven't in years. Wait, it's just fun,

right, Brian's joking, but heknows that we've got phone calls. When
we used to take phone calls,and it was like the middle of the
night, you guys. Yeah,where he was two in the morning.
I'm listening to you guys, Andit was all the next day, so
we already knew what happened on theshow exactly. Anyway, don't talk about
the international dateline. John will freakout. So hey, by the way,

we should mention too, that weare nine degrees from the equator,
is it really Yeah, that's whyEdward was was so adamant about sunscreen and
being very careful of the sun.It's a different type of heat, a
different kind of sun because we're soclose to the equator. It's very Wow.
I didn't realize we were only ninedegrees, that's what he said.
I could be mistaken, but yeah, you're right. And yeah it's Central

America, right, And what arewe bordered on the top by nicarag because
that's where we got to the top, and to the south is panis animal
then south America. Wow, sowe're very close to South America. I
think above nicaragu wasndurs right, Idon't. And then you have Colombia,
right, Columbia, Yeah, becauseColumbia is not in Central America. South

America. No, what we're notgoing to do Murphy right now. No,
but watch this, watch our peoplewatching. Somebody's gonna and no,
because today is the first day we'veactually got to be we actually we got
off the bus and set up thisbroadcast right away, nicely doing talker,
getting us up and running. Soagain, somebody's gonna chime in. I'm
sure with the countries here in CentralAmerica. Well in that since my granddaughter

loves sea turtles so good at Vitio. Yeah, well obviously if we see
them hatching, we we definitely will. Yeah, everybody that we came on
board the bus with him, allhitting down to the beach and why not,
why not anybody have any questions.By the way, Kevin says,
surf is small, maybe boogie boardswill work. Yeah, there we go.
Yeah, be good stuff right there. And you said Kevin was a

great surfer o city surf. Idon't know how great he is country in
the high school he was hung aroundall the surfing surfing guy, surfing guys.
So what else is on the trip? So one thing that we haven't
mentioned yet. Food, food throughCosta Rica food, the different places that
we've been staying in. It isvery it's very it's very different wherever you

go. I mean it's it's thesame same concept, same format, but
it does very They definitely have amultiples. It's local cuisine, absolutely,
yeah. And there is a commondenominator throughout all the places that we stopped
to eat. Last night was very, very good at last inner last night,
I had the steak. I hadto fish and you have what did
you have? Stak? John?Classic meal is beans, rice, eggs,

beans. Those are the those arethe staples. I want to chime
in quickly, John, You're right, Columbia is in South America. In
South America. You picked dummy tome. You know that last part wasn't
even in there, thank you,Colin what hey? So we have corn
in the United States, right?So? And we have potatoes Okay,

yes we do here the way theyuse plantains and bananas for every substand,
every chips, the different you know, pancakes, all that kind of stuff.
It's all made with like plant plantainsor bananas, you know. Speaking
of corn, we got potatoes outwith the corn in it. Oh,

did you know? I had neverseen that before. I could see how
that would because it wasn't bad.It was pretty good. Let's see what
else do we have going hereger?What was the most unusual plants you've seen?
You know, the one you weremost surprised so far to see?
So I would say, I don'tknow the name, but there were some

orchids in trees that just blow meaway because and I showed you a picture
of one from Zipline yesterday. Icouldn't tell you what it was, but
it was just up in a tree. Beautiful orchid, you know. So
I've just been really impressed with morethan orchids. How many do you remember
how many species of orchid? Theytold the shoes today we're here. I
mean I want to, yeah,I want to. It was over a

thousand, and I feel like Daveand said, we don't even know the
real number because of some of theyears they had not explored yet. They
think as many as half of whatthey know about. It's not that it's
right. Did you guys enjoy watchingand being inside the sort of the greenhouse
with the butterflies. Oh yeah,we didn't talk about that. Tiger did
a video from there, yeah,and so that video is on our on

our Facebook page if you want tocheck that out. The blue butterfly,
I think is a more favorite.But marpo is there, but it wouldn't
land and stays too long enough toget a really really good picture, you
know. But the one, yeah, the camouflage that they used, the
one that had you can look likea snakeyad, a fish, a fish
in an out in and out.Yeah, and you cover the wings a

certain way and they just built inprotection. Except if you're a butterfly in
a tree, it looks like afish. I don't think that's protection.
I think I think that confuses predatorsmore than anything here. Very confusing.
Well. I think they when theyput up the butterfly enclosure where you know,
they're hatching them every day so wecould see something new every day.

I think they thought the butterflies wouldlive longer because out in the wild there's
predators. They thought, we putthem inside and they're going to be safe
from anything eating them. Well,outside, they they can live up to
five weeks unless they get they don'tlive long. They're not long the creature.
And once they mate, that's it. By bike, Well that's the

problem. Indoors in the enclosure,they live five hours because he just made
right away. Well they're they're they'reable to make within five hours after they
come out of the crystalist and andif they do, they die. But
out in nature, out in thewild, how soon is it? Is?

That like hitting a bar night?But I imagine being born into a
bar and then you never leave,right, kid, suggestion, you want
to grab that camera there at Tiger, okay, and just maybe do a
pan if if you can, toget people a different perspective sort of what
we're looking at from more mantage point. You know, Leonard wasn't with us,

so I don't know how she knewthis. But the other one that
was really impressive was the one withclear wings, clear wing exactly? What
more's up on her? Butterflies?Yeah, you can see right through them.
It looks good. Tiger maybe downjust a bit, yeah there you
go. Oh you can see thevismarchia really well, yeah exactly, and

the thatched roofs you say it roofor roof John, Are you a roof
or roof guy? Roof? Yeah, yeah, rough, rough, it's
probably roof. Probably, there's twoo's, probably, you know. Long.
Oh, so that was a perspective. That's what we're looking at,
and a lot of people are downand look at that. There's no there's

no surf over here to speak of. Tiger. That's like a bay.
How is it that? That's justa question for me because I don't know
how is the video so bright whenit's so dark here anything? Because it
adjust for the lighting. Really,yes, it's just like your phone,
so the camera will adjust with thelighting. It looks like we have a
ring light on it. Yeah,it does looks like that. Pick you.

We should just stay here do ourshows from here, you know what.
Don't give Leonard that much read itbecause it was in the news.
Claire Wing butterfly lean north the oceanor didn't say that though. I'm not
sure how to answer this. Where'sthe ocean she was talking about? I
think when you were playing, Yeah, okay, and that way too.
What's our direction here, guys?Northeast, west and south? Where in

the west coast? Right? Wherethe west coast west? Okay, so
the ocean is okay off okay,so okay, got it? Gunner Bearings,
the You know, some people whowere going to take this tour,
uh did not take it because ofthe the the difficulty of the tour,

a lot of walking and a lotof walking. Sure, but you know
we have people in their eighties thatare here. Oh yeah, you could
easily do the tour, but someof the things that are a little more
strenuous. There were places for youwhen you drop you ad options right,
like the Butterfly Conservator. You couldjust stay there look around, and some
of the souvenir shops wait for people. You didn't have to do everything right.

You know what, It's been notonly a great trip, but I'm
getting my exercise in, I'm gettingmy steps in. So I'll probably go
back and have watched about four orfive founds. Think so I don't want
Yeah, but you're wanting. Ihave been, but I've been eating a
lot. You know, Tiger andhis dad both they don't just walk.

After they're done with walking, theygo to the gym workout. Have you
been hitting the gym every day contrying to Yeah, yeah, he's like
smoking too. That's what I doto keep activing. So when the tiger
came out and looked nothing walked throughthe gym, yes, or Coasta Rican.

For the past two week or so, we've been making this is the
end. My friend John likes tosqueezing at George reference every now and then.
We're here. Tomorrow, We've gotthe people are going to be storkling.
They're going to be doing kayaking,swimming with dolphins, swimming, relaxing
and just doing nothing and winding.D No, I'm just looking at that

ocean because hearticularly. But one ofthe did you no articles in our newsletter
was about the plant salute. Yousaid, it's better to say hot lips.

Oh, the flower that looks likelips? That yes, that one?
Okay, John and I are lookingat each other. Well, I
don't know if you're thinking there's anothername for it. But is it a
common name? Yeah, it's acommon name. Ok. But anyway,
the genus is psychotropia, and it'sinteresting because there's psychotropic properties of that particular

plan And when I did the newsletterarticle on it, it's just that flower
was so amazing that, you know, I researched it and wrote about it.
Had no idea would be here whenwe were walking through the forests again.
Another surprise, Yeah, a pleasantsurprise, pleasant surprise. Yeah,

we're buffering. Carlo says. Itsounds like super fun again. Like when
I got home and saw and askedme out I have fun? I said,
I think so. Oh, yeah, you know, And for you
to say I think so, Ithink you had fun. Well, when
I woke up this morning, Iknew I had fun, but I could
barely move birds. That's well,we'll talk about our trip and more or

less recap this and then recap theentire number. It'll be an open show.
It'll be an open show, sowe won't have a guest. Questions
you want, and if you've gonea whole week without knowing what to do
in your garden, because there,we'll be happy. You appreciate it,
and we'll do it against that Johnmcnascar attack at Pella Box live from Costa

Rica. I'm seeing it next Saturday.
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