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Time to check in on the latestrock gossip with mel Taylor Rotten News.
Let's take a look today at yourrock music news. Aerosmith is teaming up
with Sonic Additions for a new limitededition photography collection and these are very cool.
It's going to help with their finaltour and they are officially licensed a
framed Prince that's the band actually handpicked. They'll price from one hundred and
fifty to one thousand dollars depending onthe size, and those are officially out.
Finish cello rockers Apocalyptico, which wehaven't heard from them in a while.
They are going to do a coverof Metallica's One. It comes out
on Friday, and it's cool becauseJames Hetfield from Metallica and Robert Trehio from
the Bands also are a part ofit. It'll be out the whole entire
record on June seventh, but thenew cover will be out on Friday.
The Offspring are done with their newalbum. In a recent interview, Noodle
said that they're done with the elevenstudio album. It's been mastered, it's
like ready to go. They're justwaiting to figure out the right date to
put it out. And following inreverse, sitting the Road for a headlining
tour this summer with blackvel Brides,Dance, Gavin and Tech nine. It
starts in August and they are goingto be adding more dates to this tour