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June 15, 2024 • 23 mins
David Guetta joins Most Requested Live and talks how his new track "I Don't Wanna Wait" with Ryan Tedder / OneRepublic came together. It's all about just enjoying the moment, put the darkness aside, and being positive.

He says making music with Ryan Tedder was like "love at first sight" and that they made at least 3 huge records - with this is the first one of them they are releasing. "He's one of the best songwriters on the planet," Guetta says about Tedder.

Also, David Guetta says SIA was going to stop being an artist before she did "Titanium" together. He shares his new dream is to one day also make a song with Adele. "She needs to just give me a little sign and I'll be there."

The DJ says that he only wants to spread happiness and positivity with his music: "everything I do, I try to bring people together."

Listen to the exclusive interview now with Bennett on Most Requested Live.
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Ladies and Gentlemen. International superstar DavidGhetta since with Bennett from Most Prequested Lives.
This is so cool getting to talkto one of the most brilliant minds
in the music industry, the legendaryDavid Ghetta. Good to see my friend.
Good to see you too, man. Congrats on life. I mean,
this has been an exciting few monthsfor you. I just saw you

post a photo of your newborn sonsleeping on the chat. How great is
that feeling that? It's amazing?It's amazing, you know, Like it's
funny because I'm in the studio nowmaking music with a friend and I was
telling him, like everything is sogood in a moment that I'm scared something's
gonna happen. You know that?True? Yeah, exactly, you know,

like I'm I'm such a fighter,like I've been always like dealing with
ten problems at the same time,and now everything is clear blue. I'm
just you know, terrip perfect withthe family, the help, you know,
the my job, all my recordsare being hits. It's just it's

just incredible. Yeah, you're justwaiting for the other shoe to drop.
I'm the same way, you know, It's like when things are going too
good, it's like, Okay,what's what's gonna happen next? Exactly exactly.
I'm like, okay, I don'tknow, something is going to fall
on my head. I getta.I have to be careful when I cross,
you know, like, yeah,it's still good to be true,

you know, watch with giant anvildropping on your head or something. Yeah.
So yeah, I'm really enjoying theride right now. And and also,
you know, like life of amusician is quite simple. When you
have music that is connecting, you'revery happy, and when it's not connecting,
you're very miserable. So in amoment, is really connecting. Incredib

blease. So I'm I'm so happy. Yeah, God bless my friend.
Yeah, a newborn and all yourall your gigs around the world. You
just hate sleep, don't you.You just don't like it when I tell
you having a new baby gave mea new energy. It sounds a little
bit cliche to say it, butit's it's really the truth. It makes

me want to work harder because Iyou know, I'm like a provider,
Like I'm a little bit old schoolas a man, and uh, you
know, like I I like totake care of my family, so you
know, feeling the responsibility of havinga new baby made me work even harder.
I get that, like your yourpapa bear claws come out and you're

ready to exactly to get to work. Yeah exactly. Yeah, Well,
let's talk about your latest work.I don't want to wait with you know
Ryan Tetor, who's just a genius. I mean, genius is insane.
It's insane. It's very funny becauseI know him many years and I've been
following his music for such a longtime, and one there I met him,

man, and I was telling him, like, you know, you've
been such an inspiration for me thatwe have to work together because at the
end of the day, I keepcopying you and you're not making money out
of it. So so you shouldmake the record and this would make something

out of it, because we're goingto put your name this time. So
it's funny. I never stole anything, but it was always someone that I'm
I'm listening and he's very inspiring.I like the emotion in his music,
and so we finally had a littlewriting camp together and it was like wow,

you know, like like a loveat the first side, you know,
kind of situation where you're, whooh, what is happening to us?
You know? So we we weworked for I think two days, and
we met at least three huge recordsand this is this is the first one,

and we're so happy about it.We we are. Life is crazy
because you know, Titan, Igot a feeling. It's probably my biggest
record as a producer, but asan artist, Titanium is my biggest record.
And now we just I'm good,we got we just passed Titanium and

and I'm looking at the tragitory ofI don't want to wait, and it's
even faster than was. I'm good. So I'm like, could it be
that we're gonna beat I'm good?That that would be crazy, you know.
So it's very exciting. The timingis perfect. It's summertime. You

know, people just want to havea good time and not not like you
know, everything is so dark inthe moment that I believe in just like
forgetting everything and have a good timeand not trying to be too cool to
dark. And sometimes I do thissometimes, you know, I have this
project called Future Rave, and it'svery like dark and more like specialized,

you know, for the DJs.And since I'm Good, you know,
like we were coming out of COVIDand that is a joy. It's just
like, okay, can we stopfor a minute and just have a good
time? Right, you took thewords out of my mouth, because when
I hear this song, it's justfeel good, right. The energy,
it's just so positive. It's light, it's bright, and it sounds so

good on the radio and a lotof songs are are down and you know,
I like my depressed songs too,but I feel like there's a need
for this song in this space.You know, Man, the world is
so dark, we don't need toadd darkness to that, like, right,
you know, like this is howI feel. And I've noticed by

the way that when the world isgoing through big crisis, I'm always doing
very good. You know. Whenwhen we did I got a feeling,
it was the financial crisis. Itwas terrible, and we came together with
Where I Am. We wrote this, you know, like a very simple

feel good song and it became likeone of the biggest hits in history.
And and now I'm Good. Itwas a little bit the same, and
I don't want to wait it's reallyalso in this vibe you know of like
just enjoy the moment and and andput everything, put the darkness on the

side, and just be positive andand and you know, and we don't
need to you don't need to alwaysbe so serious, you know. Yeah,
I think as people are seeking comfort, right, They're they're seeking this
because I'm missing from our lives.And so yeah, you always strike at
the right moment. Your timing isimpeccable. Well, like I said,

you know, like, you know, like I've been doing this for a
long time, and and I hadmy ups and downs, like like every
artist. You know, I've neverbeen like really downb but sometimes I'm super
mega hot and sometimes I'm you know, I'm doing good, you know,
but but just okay, because let'ssay, you know, I don't know,

like there was this moment that hiphop was so massive that it was
you know, harder for me.But now it looks like, you know,
like people are again very much intodance music. And when dance music
is strong, then I'm strong becauseI've been doing this my entire life.

And you look at your your trackrecord and these collaborations throughout the years.
Man, I mean, I cango on for ten minutes, but NICKI
and see it who you reference andthe piece and Rihanna. My personal favorite
is with Kid Cutti Memories. That'salways been my favorite song of yours.
Is so amazing, so good.If you want to get me up out
of my seat and start dancing aroundfrolicking, That's that's one of them,

for sure. Do you have apersonal favorite one that you're most proud of
or is it difficult because they're allkind of your babies. I think Titanium
is probably the record I'm the mostproud of. And also because when we
made this record, Seyeah I wasnot famous and she was gonna stop being

an artist, and I begged herto stay on this record because she just
wanted to be a songwriter and youdidn't want to keep her vocals on the
songs anymore. And really I reallypushed her a lot, and look what
happened, you know, So I'malso it's the satisfaction of making a good

record, but also like thinking likethat record changed my life, but also
the world would have been different becauseshe had such a big influence on music
after this record, because you know, like making those records with Beyonce and
Rihanna and those incredible records that shealso wrote for other artists, plus everything

she did herself. Yeah, soso those those are things that make also
make me very proud. Sure,yeah you said it like I can't imagine
music without Sea Like that just blowsmy mind. So it's very important.
Ten years of influence on the biggestartist on the planet. You know,

that's wild. You know, Ijust rattled off like a dozen of these
mar Key names that you've worked with, anyone on the bucket list still for
you, do you have like achecklist saying like I would love I mean,
you just crossed Ryan tetter Off,which is a really really good one.
That was a big one. That'sa big one. Anyone else on
the on the dream board. Yeah, you know, I said it in

many interviews and even to her face, like my dream is one day to
to make a song with Adele becauseit's it's it's hard to explain because like
she's uh she does of course,you know, like dance music can apparently
be the opposite of what she does. But the way I make dance music

is very musical, very melodic,and uh I the kind of chords and
melodies that she's using is not sofar from what I do. So I
think it would be extraordinary. AndI'm waiting for her, but you know,
she just needs to to to giveme a little sign and I'd be

there, Adele, Hello here,we're waiting. Man, that would be
a cool one. Now I couldhear that. I could hear it,
like totally. I am absolutely surethat we could do something very special.
Actually in a little bit, likein a lane of titanium, those big
emotional records, you know, likeI love this, Yeah, oh for

sure. And as you're you know, doing your shows for years and years,
you're performing in front of hundreds ofthousands of people, I was kind
of curious, what do you thinkmakes a good party? Like obviously there's
there's the obvious, right, Imean, good music, But like,
what do you what do you thinkis like that extra element that brings the
vibes out there? Trying to makea backyard party this summer? You know,

it's it's uh, I'm right inthe middle of this because my son
is not twenty years old, whichis crazy when I think about it,
and he's studying at um University ofMiami at night summertime. So he's doing

an internship because he wants to workin hospitality. So of course I have
a few hookups and he's working herein Ibiza now in the clubs and learning
about all of this. And we'retalking about this, and I said,
you know, don't like think thateverything is happening at night, because the

good party at night is being preparedduring the day because there are so many
elements you know from you know,of course the DJ, but also the
people. The people make the party, so the mix of people, like
how do you bring the people tothe party and have the perfect mix.

I think the production today became veryimportant. Uh this is what you know,
like what we're doing in a inVegas or uh, you know,
I love playing Brooklyn Mirage for examplein New York because they have like this
this giant screen and uh, especiallywhat we're doing here and the b side

of production. It's crazy. Likeimagine the club where I'm working, they've
been voted in the best club inthe world. It's called Hi. Each
day they completely changed the club sofor each DJ and each night you would
come in and not recognize it's awhole different decoration, different light system,

different like dancers. So so whatmakes a good party? I think it's
the combo between the right people,the right music, and the right production.
I think it became very important,you know, because now the level

is so much higher because and yousee it with like DJs like like tell
Ofverse for example. You know,they were underground DJs and the fact that
they came with insane production put themon the map. And you know they're
not on the radio, but theydo shows for twenty twenty five people,

you know. So it's it becamesomething very important because we live in such
a visual time, you know,like with social media all of this.
So of course you know, ifyou're an artist, you're going to promote
yourself through Instagram and take talk andif your visual sucks, even if your

music is great, you might strugglebecause the way you communicate is through social
media. So it needs to alsolook good, not only side. It's
got to pop absolutely. What's yourwhat's your favorite part of this? Is
it crafting the songs in the studioor is it out in the crowd.
That's what I love the most.Imagine like this is the perfect situation.

You're catching me in the middle ofproducing I'm in my studio and the B
side home, and you know,to think that I'm making a record.
My next show in the B sideis Friday, and I'm going to finish
the record probably Friday afternoon and playedat night. This is so unique.

This is what makes me the happiestin life. And like, I don't
think any superstar can do this,any pop star, any hip hop star
can. They can't do that becauseyou know, they have a band,
they need to rehearsal. They like, I have the freedom to play anything

I want. And also the crowdthat goes to see DJs, they're hungry
for new records, you know.And and for me, the happiness that
is giving me when I'm able totest the record and see that it's reacting.

If I flow up, of courseI'm miserable, and it happens sometimes,
but you know, like for example, I don't want to wait.
I remember the first time I playedit, So imagine we released the record
the like five days before. Okay, and my record company, Warner is

coming to film and I have toplay it. But I'm scared. I
don't know if it's gonna work.I play the record, and I do
know how it's possible, but theyheard it a few times on my Instagram.

But like on the first chorus,people were like looking at me.
Last chorus of the song, everyoneis singing everyone. I turned down the
music and everyone that you're asking me, what is what is makes you?
What makes you the happiest in life? That's that's what it is. You

know. The first time I canturn down the music and everyone is singing
my song for the first time,this is something that puts me. You
know, I feel like I'm inheaven. I got goosebumps. That's crazy,
like a song fresh off the assemblyline and people already. What I'm
telling you is very rare in mybecause I remember, like, for example,

one of my first big global successwas when Love Takes Over with Kelly
Rowland. I would empty the dancefloor for two months because people didn't get
it, but they had to hearit on the radio, get used to
it, and then becomes it becamelike a huge hit. But I don't

want to wait. Is that instanthit record, Like people go absolutely crazy
from the first minute they hit Andthat's very rare. I don't think I've
ever witnessed this before, except withI'm good, but I'm good with the
hit on TikTok before I released it, so people knew it, but I

don't want to wait. It's reallylike I don't even understand how how can
people can all sing those songs?And this is the genius of also of
Ryan Telor you know. And Itell you when I when I went to
see him, I had the conceptof the chorus, but it was you

know that there's a fine line whenyou use you know, interpolation or sample
and on how not to become reallycheesy. You know, it's like,
okay, And he brought that coolfactor to the song because the verses that
he wrote, the melodies and thewords are so poetic, are so beautiful

that it makes the record cool.He's insane like talking like, oh no,
for sure, he's really one ofthe best songwriters on the planet.
It's crazy so like making music together. And also he's also a producer,
so we speak the same language.So you know, it was really such

a magic session to work with himbecause we were like bouncing from each other
ideas and you know, like andhe's super hyper. Oh wow, he's
so hyper in the studio. It'sreally like like I'm hyper, but he's
like mega hyper. It was reallya good experience. I love this guy.

Well, we needed your two worldscolliding, right, I mean,
I don't want to wait. It'ssuch a special song. We love playing
it. It sounds so good onthe radio, Like you said, the
world needed this, and just congratson the song. I can't wait to
hear the other two. Right,he made three together. Yeah, we
have three big ones. Yeah,I'll be I'll be waiting for that.

I think the next one is evenbigger than this one. It's really crazy.
It's really crazy, and you know, I'm very grateful, like like
the record is. You know,like America is always a little bit like
later when it comes to dance music, and like in Europe right now,
it's absolutely crazy. We're number onein Germany, we top five in France.

It's it's like, I think weare the top two European record right
now. It's gonna go to numberone like in the coming weeks. And
I see that it's doing good inAmerica too. So you know, when
when this doesn't necessarily happen, butwhen on one of my records, I

have like a hit that is USand Europe then it's like it's that magic
and I'm so global, you know, like when I tour, so for
me, it's it really makes mehappy because everything I do is try to
bring people together. And I thinkthis is something so extraordinary and magical with

music that that you know, somepeople in Africa, in Asia, in
Latin Meica, in the US andEurope could be loving the same record at
the same time. I don't knowwhat it is, that universal language of
music. Yeah, I disclose yourmind. I mean, like you said,
it's unity, it's community, everyonebeing brought together, and you've been

doing that for so freaking long.So just congrats on this song. We
love it, and congrats on yourbaby boy, so so thank you so
much. You are just killing itin every facet. Watch out for look
both ways, right, I'm scared. I'm scared. Just stay in your

studio, stay patted exactly. Ohman, God, bless you on talking
to you. I could talk fora whole you know, all day about
this music. But thank you somuch man for joining most requests a live
and we'll get down to FOTA support. Thank you for the support. I
really appreciate absolutely
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