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I'm Isabella Rosa and this is mymost requested live Ask Anything chat. My
new song is called Favorite. Thanksto Romeo and iHeartRadio for having me on
the show tonight. Amna from Washington, DC. Who are your favorite artists
growing up and what genre of musicdo you listen to the most? My
favorite artist growing up were definitely Ifound Lana, my life was changed and
the neighborhood and I was To behonest, I was a huge twenty one
Pilots fan when I was a kid, and I went to their show and
I was obsessed with them. Sothose were definitely some of my favorite artists.
And to be honest, I don'tknow if I have a specific genre
that I listened to the most,But that's honestly hard to say. I
would say. I mean, Iwould just say pop. It's kind of
boring, but like I feel likethat's like a bland answer, but pop
dark pop. Cordelia from Germany.Who would you like to collab with?
That's so interesting. I mean again, I'm feel like I'm gonna say the
same four or five artists every time, But I would love to a dream.
I would love to do a songwith Lana or Billy or anybody of
you know that that genre. Imean, I'm trying to think about who
it's. I feel like whenever I'masked the question, I just my mind
goes blank and I can't think ofanything. So that's the most that I
can give you right now. Destinyfrom from Springfield, Ohio. Best fan
interaction you've ever had? That isso interesting? I think my favorite fan
interactions are when I see people thatI've seen before and I'm like, I
know you, and it's like it'sjust so I think it's so much fun.
Or like when I see like afan that I know in the crowd
and I'm like, we're both like, that's like always the best. That's
the that's the most fun that Ihave. But I mean, literally meeting
anybody is just such a you know, crazy thing to be able to do,
so I'm so grateful for it.Brittany from Memphis, Tennessee. How
has your summer been. Where doyou spend most of your time? My
summer has been great, to behonest, I've spent most of it in
hotel rooms and at radio stations,and I've been having the time of my
life. But if I wasn't onthe road. I would probably be in
Los Angeles, you know, writingsongs. It's I'm honestly kind of boring.
But Shelby from Jacksonville, Florida,Oh my god, do you have
a nice set of wheels? Okay? I I I own a ninety two
Bronco that is actually in Drecksonville andbut it's so it's such a huge car
that like, and I I don'tknow how to keep it in La so
I'm leaving it with my family forthe moment. But I do own an
ID two Bronco, which I thinkis pretty sick. Carmon from Dallas,
Texas. If your music could bea part of any movie or show soundtrack,
what movie slash show would it be? I would be honored if Euphoria,
if you're listening to me, anybodywho's listening to me, listen,
I deserve it. Please please haveme on the show. But I can't
act, but just put my songon the show because I don't know how
to act. But that would bean honor. If they ever filmed season
three or something, I don't knowwhen it's ever gonna happen, but if
it happens, I should be there. Lana from Burbank, California. Will
you ever record a Christmas song?If so, what ones are your favorites?
I that's a great question. Ihonestly don't know. I feel like
I used to do like the mostrandom, like gig type things around my
hometown. And one time, I'veactually a few times I went to like
nursing homes and I sang Christmas songs. So I would be down to do
that again. I don't know ifi'd ever I don't know if i'd ever
put one out, but who knows. We'll see, you know, we'll
see where you know this takes me. I might just just put out Christmas
songs at this point, So Idon't know. Just wait. Sasha from
Dalton, Georgia. How is everyonein your family doing or any of them
involved with your career? My familyis doing great. I talk to them
as much as I can, andI work. I mean, my brother,
my older brother is my producer andwe write everything together, so we
are very very closely involved and wego everywhere together. And I'm I'm very
lucky to have a family that isthat is so just supportive. But they're
doing they're doing right. My sisteris like basically an Olympian, so not
to brag, but she is.Though she's actually like third in the country
for like swimming. She's crazy anyway, plugging my sister Rna, but I'm
proud of you. What stroke brushstroke? Oh my god, that's insane.
It's crazy, right, she's actuallyshe said think she said swimming right
now, but she's literally insane andshe's brushing it. So that's okay.
Mhm. Kim from Cleveland, Ohio. What's your favorite T shirt to wear?
My favorite T shirt to wear?I feel like I go through cycles
of random shirts and and then I'llonly wear that shirt for a while.
I don't know if I I've hada favorite T shirt to wear. I
haven't honestly taken this tank top offin a long time, but I've got
I bought this Jinko hoodie and Ithat's like the only thing that I've worn.
Sam's nodding because she knows it's true. But it's like the only thing
that I've worn for the past likefour months. Uh, so that I
don't it's not a T shirt,but I literally no one can. It's
like glued to my body at thispoint, so, uh, Lydia from
Hartford, Connecticut. What do youdo to warm up your voice before shows?
That's so interesting. I honestly,a lot of the times I forget,
but but when I do remember,I have this like these metal straws,
and it sounds so weird. Butyou take the metal straw and you
put it in like this much waterand you like blow bubbles into it and
sing and like do like sing asong or do a scale or whatever,
and it really helps. Like,honestly, I don't know what it does.
It just it helps like loosen upyour vocal cords. So I whenever
I remember to warm up, that'swhat I do. It just looks so
stupid too. I'm like singing favoriteinto like a cup of water. But
Cassidy from Houston, Texas, howold were you? How old were you
when you wrote a song for thefirst time. I think I was like
seven or eight or like around there, because my older brother started writing songs
and I just wanted to do whathe did, so I just like we
started writing songs together when I wasaround that age, but I think it
was around yeah, seven or eight, That's when I first started performing.
Annsley from Tulsa oklahom. I think, so, if you were in a
lip sync battle, what song wouldyou choose a lips battle? I if
lip syncing is the most embarrassing thingto do in front of other people.
But I can like film tiktoks andlimpstick in my room. But the second
that I have to film TikTok aroundsomebody else, it's like, actually more
define. I don't I would probablylose whatever battle that was. I think
honestly, any Chap Will Run songwould be just fun. Right now,
I'm you know, she's the queen, so I have to I have to
participate in the good Luck Babe covers. Thanks again for watching my Ask Anything
chat with Romeo and most requested live. My new song is called Favorite