Episode Transcript
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Ladies and gentlemen. Jesse move sitsto chat with Bennett on most Greek questions
live. Hey, how you doing? Hello, I'm good? Are you
doing great? I mean, whatan exciting day. This is the day
your tour kicks off and Drake followsyou on Instagram. I mean, I'm
not sure how you top this.We can't top it, dude, I
don't know what is happening. Imean, this is just insanity. So
you are aware kicking off to yourtour New Orleans? Right, New Orleans?
Yes, this is this is amazing. You've spent your whole year on
the road pretty much. Are youready for uh? This this this tour
starting tonight. I've never been readierin my life, Bennett, I'm so
excited. What about touring gets youlike most hype? Is it you know,
the sea of fans, reciting thewords that you wrote? Is it
just exploring different cities, all theabove? Like it's gotta had all the
above? But yeah, singing thesongs with them is just so crazy,
and getting to meet these people isjust it's I can't even explain it.
It's incredible. Like was this,I mean, this obviously was a dream
of yours. But did you thinkit would be a reality here eighteen years
old? Like you're you're doing it, like you're living the life. I
think about that every day. II always knew I wanted to do it
from a very young age, andI kept telling myself it would happen.
So maybe I was MANIFESTI MANIFESTI yeah, yeah, But now we're here,
and I yeah, I'm really excited. Life comes at you fast. And
so from what I understand, yougrew up in a music household, right,
your parents both saying is that correct? Yeah? My whole family like
plays instruments, sings very very musical. It's definitely in the DNA. So
your parents just must be. Yourwhole family must be over the moon.
Did they have any advice for youas you, you know, embarked on
this career. No, my momwas just very like supportive and always encouraged
me to just follow my heart.And she's a fucking superwoman. So mama
Duke's Yeah, moms are the best. Uh So talking about Drake following you
back to back to that real quick? Uh as he have you talked in
the d MS at all? Like, No, I'm too, I can't.
It's not every day where a Champagnepoppy follows you on social media.
I mean, that's pretty cool.It's the coolest thing that's ever happened to
me. I don't I'm to dojust crazy, Like what other cases like
that has happened since you know,you've blown up on social media and Heartbroken,
which, by the way, Ican talk about that record. We
love it. Uh, you know, what are some cool things that maybe
some encounters, some you know,artists that you've got to chop it up
with now that you are you're doingyour thing. I mean everybody I've done
a collab with, I'm like,super big fan of Polo Do specifically,
I just I fucking I love hismusic and I have for a long time.
Same with Maren and Diplo, Iguess, but I yeah, Polo
was a specifically like that was crazy, And you too sound so good on
Heartbroke, and I feel like there'ssuch a beautiful synergy with country and hip
hop. Why do you think thatis? I just feel like it's growing
more and more where it's like thesetwo worlds are colliding and it sounds so
seamless. They really are. I'venoticed it's so prevalent lately. I'm not
sure. You know, there's probablydefinitely reasons. I just think they they
go great together, and you kindof have both of that put those genres
in you. I feel like Ihear that when I listen to your records.
What are kind of your influences thatkind of made you the artist that
you are? Yeah, I meanI listened to a lot of different things
growing up, but I feel likethe area I grew up in, it
was a lot of country, andit was a lot of hip hop,
and so that checks out, Iguess, but a lot of Like,
yeah, there's so many. Ialways go blank when people ask me that,
but I truly listened to everything.I feel like one of my biggest
influences is Amy wine House and LittleBaby Drake Adele. I love Adele.
Yeah, there's a lot, ohand Black six Lack. I fucking love
six clocks. And I feel likethat's how people listen to music now more
than ever, right, Like,listen to all genres of music depending on
the mood you're in or stuff likethat, And I feel like you kind
of embody all of those genres withyour music. I mean, you were
just on stage with jelly Roll,who's doing his thing right now. He's
right, man. I love him. He's such a good dude. Also,
like just such a genuinely good human. Yeah, incredible. Also yeah,
oh my god, I'm just sohappy for him and just country music
in general, you know, becomingso mainstream. I feel like in the
last couple of years, especially thispast year has just been nuts. Let's
talk about Heartbroken. How did thesong come to be? You know,
Diplo love Diplo, he's the man, He's hopped on the show plenty of
times. How did this record cometo be? Yeah, I feel like
I think Diplo reached out to meearly early in my career. I think
like maybe before I signed, likesuper early, and was like, I
love your music, we should dosomething, and then we just kind of
like we're friends over the years,I guess. And then one day he
sent me he was just talking aboutlike songs, and I don't know,
it just kind of happened, andthen Polo got on it, and here
we are. It's like he kneweven before the labels knew Diplo. Diplo
knew. Yeah, it's crazy.He's demand though, great dude, and
so you know this all kind ofspirals from TikTok, right, I mean
you putting yourself out there, puttingyour covers out there. Did you have
a favorite song that you love tocover? Your toeve Low Habits. I
love that song. It's definitely oneof my favorites. But yeah, your
voice on those lyrics, it soundsso good. That's gonna be one of
your favorites, right, I lovethat one. I think my favorite song
of all time to cover right now, It'll change, but probably stay about
Rihanna, She's always been my godto or before he Cheats by Carrie Underwood.
I love both of those a lot. Those are all goodies. Now,
do you incorporate covers on your setlists? I do? I do,
like two and a half of them, two and a half. You know,
and you do you switch them ordo you stay? Do you stay
consistent throughout the tour? Well,I've been known to switch them, but
this tour, I think I'm goingto try and keep them the same.
Nice any any leaks you're kicking offtonight? So I have no idea,
what's what's on your set list?I can tell you one of them's buy
any wine house? Ooh nice youcan't go wrong there. You just point
to one of her songs and it'sit's gonna sound really good. She's incredible.
And then one of them is byDestiny's Child. Oh that's fun.
Yep, But that's all I'm saying. That's exciting. I'm curious, you
know, since you're so big onTikTok? What's on your for you page?
Mine is so random these days,Like I get like in these weird
like it's chiropractic adjustments right now.For I love her, I never got
one done, but I love hearingpeople's backs get cracked. What's on your
page? I definitely get some ofthose randomly. I don't know a lot
of Like I feel like it's alot of people just like lip syncing,
which is I don't know what that. I try not to get them afore
you page because it really sucks meinto a hole. And then I'm there
for like hours and I'm like,I should have been in bed like three
hours ago. What am I stilldoing watching people get their backs cracked?
So what are you doing backstage?Like you know you're gonna be on stage
in a little bit, you knowlater on tonight. What's like your normal
go to. I mean, thisis like your natural habitat is now touring
you You're rarely home, So whatwhat goes on my go to? Hmm?
I just try to like keep itchilled. I try to keep it
chill. I might have like abud light, I might eat some gushers,
and then right before I go onstage, I play the motto by
Drake every time. Is that right? Oh my gosh, crazy, But
that's my go to. This thisfriendship was meant to happen between you and
Drake then, I mean, Isee, like you listen to him growing
up. He's your pre show youknow, he's part of your pre show
ritual Champagne poppy, champagne poppy.Unreal, Like, would you just like
lose your mind if like there wasa collab with him in the future,
Like, is that? Are youmanifest that next? I don't even know
what I would do, dude,I can't even talk about that. This
is uh, this is just soexciting and we're so happy for you to
kick off your tour tonight. Andthanks for carving out some time to like
hang out with us for a littlebit, And thank you for carving out
sometime. Absolutely heartbroken. We loveplaying it. Just congrats on all the
success so far, and we'll seeyou on the road. We're based in
Philly, So you come to PhillyOctober, I believe, I think so
Franklin Music Hall. So you're pullingup, pulling up absolutely, yeah,
Okay, come on, it's gonnabe a good time. Absolutely. Just
congrats and and we'll see you onthe road. All right, Thank you, Ben,