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Ladies and gentlemen. Lucas Graham sitsto check with Bennett from Most Requested Vibes
Chat with Lucas Graham. We're goingto know him pretty well here on most
Requests and Live take it over.We're going to see you man. Good
to see you, Bennett. Cheatcode is out. We're loving it,
several of you. Yeah, isn'tthat terrifying? It is so big?
Are you saying you don't have agiant cutout of your face? I don't,
and I'm beginning to think that maybemaybe I should. I think you
should. I think my kids woulddo stuff to it. Though you could
have that like when you go ontour or like radio promo. Let's give
out to that guy. Let mebe cool dad when I come home.
Congrats on cheat cood Man. Thisis awesome. Thank you a lot of
fun. Why cheat code to kindof launch like this new era, this
new chapter of Lucas Graham. Imean, I've always found it difficult to
write the unhappy love song because I'mnot unhappy in love. And I'm very
proud to say that. Like I'vehad one girlfriend, she's now my wife.
We have two kids. Not thatI didn't whore about or whatever you
say. Peruse so my oats.But it's more than like there are so
many unhappy love songs about love notworking out and me and Autumn Row that
I co wrote the song with andkiss O the producer, we had this
talk about what about writing a songwith that little the idea of like how
you keep it going? How doyou keep it interesting? Like the cheat
code kind of like in the Iremember the sims it was Rosebud and you
got the money right, just broughtme back for a minute. Yeah,
uh huh. And and I thinkthere's something to it, like how to
maintain intimacy not only physically but alsospiritually and social intimacy. It's tough.
I have two kids sleeping in mybed, you know, like and the
oldest one she's like turning eight thisyear, and she's she goes to bed
later and later and later. She'slike me, she does not need sleep.
Yeah, my three year olds likethat. If she falls asleep for
like five minutes in the car,right, oh yeah, that's the only
sleep that she needs for like ayear, Like what is what? Why?
Suddenly it'd be like ten She's like, well, I'll watch the news.
It's crazy. And Kira also sleepsin our bed too, like she'll
she'll come in sneak in the middleof the night. For those co sleeping
is wonderful. Oh it's great.No, it's nice because they're only going
to be that age for so long, right, So and then they also,
I feel like they sleep longer whenthey're in my bed. They do,
right, Yeah, you gotta kickthem out eventually they I think they'll
kick themselves out or they'll kick usout. I don't know which which is
worse. So what are your whatare your cheek codes? Then? How
do you keep the intimacy? Howdo you keep it going when you got
little ones and the madness of yourcareer? I mean, I do the
getting up before my wife and makingher coffee, wake her up with a
scolding hot cup of really delicious coffee. And I'm like, hey, man,
I make coffee. The kids arestill asleep. If you want to
go downstairs, yeah is key?Yeah, No. She doesn't like me
talking too much too early in themorning. So the cheekode is not talking
in the morning making her coffee.And I mean, I am trying to
get better at this, like justbasic tidying up. But I think my
cheeko is really the flowers on arandom Tuesday. Like I never buy flowers
after an argument or when we're indisagreement about how much or how little I
she work. I buy flowers ona random Tuesday, on a great Wednesday.
And if I can get the whitelilies that she loves, I'll get
them. I like that. Andand it's like those little things like we
talk about it all. We talkedabout it off air before, like taking
the kids out Sunday morning so shecan do whatever she wants to do.
That's my go to. Yeah.Yeah, it's a nice bonding experience with
your kids. It's a twofer,right, you're checking off boxes. You're
having a great time with your kids. Basically your wife gets to like just
decompress, watch some you know,trash TV or whatever they want to do
in that time span, you know. So I think for her it's more
like going out, getting some goodcoffee, like like spend some time with
herself, go have a workout,like go to the Saunau right yoga and
my wife will do yoga during that. It's nice. Yeah, I'm beginning
now. I I just got asauna installed at the house. My kids
really loved going to the sauna.Yeah, so I can almost give my
wife like a forty minute break bytaking the kids to the sauna on a
Sunday afternoon. And that's It's justit's very time, very well spent for
a dad like me. The travelsa lot. But now, what's your
cheat code? Well, I wantto get a sauna. I'm big into
sauna's recently. That's like been mynew thing. It's wonderful you put you
go forty minutes in the sauna.No, no, it'll about to say
it was like in and go out, but no one hears. So's felt
these days it all out. DamnYeah, Sauna've been doing a lot.
Cheat code. Well, I definitelyget Kira. That's my daughter, she's
like three and a half. Gether out of the house for a while.
We go swimming a lot at ourhealth club. So we spend the
day swimming, uh foot massages.I realized that a little too late in
our relationship, where I was likeI was a big gesture guy, right.
I think on our first Valentine's Day, I booked a trip to the
Bahamas, Like, who do Ithink? I am, and she realized
she just didn't even want to goto the ball. Now she's like,
what are you doing? She justwanted her feet rope. The foot massage
is my wife is now pregnant withour third child. Oh congratulation. For
some reason, every time my careerspikes, she gets pregnant. I'm not
sure what this is all about.But now especially she's like she's got through
the sore feet five month feet.Oh yeah, and then she never she
never gains a lot of weight whenshe's pregnant, right around the one nine
ten kilos. What's that like twentyto twenty four pounds, but her feet
ache and it's something as a manlike I can't even getting like to understand
anything about Like there's so many thingshappening in a woman's body. But instead
of asking stupid questions, I justanother cheat code. I really try to
just listen. Like if she startscomplaining about something like physical during the day,
I know, okay, the footrub is gonna right, it's gonna
do it if it's in the afternoon, if it's in the evening, and
like, yeah, I try todo things without being told to do it.
Obviously, she told me at onepoint and then you just remember.
You have to remember it, like, okay, you know what I mean.
You have to put the reminders inyour head, right, said the
reminders. The tricky part of therelationship is remembering that things they liked ten
years ago they most likely still like. Right, there's a good chance is
it's still white Lily's really razy,it's still your thing. Right, you
still don't like the red roses,Okay, I'll stop buying them then.
But it's true. So I tryto like do things before I'm told to
do them. If you're if you'retold to do something, then you do
it. It kind of loss aluster a little bit in a certain sense.
The cheat code, it's it's alsolike with your friends or with an
earlier relationship. You don't have tobe with someone for ten years before figuring
out the cheat code. Like Ifound out the foot rubs very very early
on. I found out about certaindishes I cook very early on. Yeah,
and I have a few of myarsenal, Yeah, got a couple.
But it's the same with your friends, Like you have certain friends that
like certain things, and I rememberwhat people like to eat when we go
to dinner. Really and I can. I can order for twelve people,
like most of the people that Iknow that I hang out with for a
certain amount of time every year,I'll know. I'll look at the menu
and I already know, like you'rehaving You're having the baked car like,
I'll just know, So do youdo? You order them for everyone?
Only when people want wants it?But often a lot of my friends they
just put the menu down. Theysay, Lucas, are you going to
take care of this? That's hilarious? And I already know who's having the
oysters, who have like who's havingthe truffles? Who don't like the truffles?
Who never eats the pasta? Whowants the steak? That's funny.
That's a good party trick. Andthen also check out the restaurants or the
vegans. Don't feel all left outonly ordering sides. You know, that's
pretty impressive. I think it's aIt's also it's a love language. Food
is really a love language for me. And just like the physical physical gestures
more than than like giftshed gestures,right, because I had to learn that
about my wife. Sure you haveto know your partner's love language, because
for my wife it doesn't have tobe a chanel bag, right right right.
Put the flowers on a Tuesday,like she literally send me a picture
of the flowers I got her lastweek and be like, oh, I
saw the flowers you got me lastweek, and I'm I'm gonna miss you
nice. You're gonna be back alreadynext Friday. And then buy the flowers
like the lilies. I'll buy themclothed, yeah, bloom while I'm gone.
There you go, and they canstand in the kitchen or in the
dining room and remind her it wasa very long time how nice I was
to get them. Ye see,my wife loves acts of service. So
if I just like pretend I gother butler right, that really greases her
gears. You know what I mean, you should have you should get one
of these made right, like thetucks the butler little white gloves with the
blood white gloves standing. Have it'sstanding. And when she puts that out,
you know it's about time. Uhhuh. Yes see, because I'm
like more of a physical touch andwords of affirmation kind of guy. It
doesn't matter what you are, Itdoes not matter. See I realized that
as well. I mean it doesnot matter. I just want some time
with my PlayStation, babe. Yeah, so what can I do without you
asking me to? For you tonot get annoyed with me tonight when I
turn it on. That's the calculationgoing on in my head because the new
Assassin's Creed game just came out andit's so stupid chink codes left and right.
I'll completely completely, And I lovehow this is the leadoff of this
project. And I was, youknow, following this journey on your Instagram,
and I love how transparent you areabout this whole how this whole thing
came to be right, So yourecorded this album in front of a live
audience, which it just blows mymind. It was insane, like did
you just want to test yourself out? Did you just want a new challenge?
There was like it was a twofoldthing. That was the I wanted
something at stake, And then Ineeded a deadline. I'm more of a
stick than a carrot kind of guy, Like I need a whip right to
get for me a beat into thefinish line. And I just knew,
Okay, come Easter, I'm gonnaI have to have an album, the
whole album ready to record. Infront of a live studio audience, and
because it was in front of alive studio audience, the idea was to
get more attempts at a first take, because some of the demo recordings are
gonna be so good we can't beatthem, sure, but then we will
go in and for eight days ina row, the first fifteen minutes of
every show, I was in avocal booth performing the vocals to a song
song of the day. And someof the days we didn't get anything good
enough to use, but some ofthe days we really did. We got
like a second verse, there wasa little more sassy. We got like
a bridge that had the emotion wewere missing from the demo. And then
on the big ballad, the lovesong called Believer, which is basically about
how like she makes me a believerin love and life and all all things
good, that's a one take fromthe Friday on day five, that's wild
And when Kisso, the producer,when he sent it to me, it
was like check out better lever AndI was like, so, which takes
and how much and did you edit? And he's like, this is a
one take. Wow, And itwasn't even the one take in the vocal
booth. It was the one takesinging into the live mic, the same
one that I was just singing onin the in your little live room in
there. Yeah. Yeah, it'sjust crazy take. Did you even impress
yourself like I was like, ohyeah, damn right, still got it?
Yeah? Seven years was a onetake on it from a demo recording
as well, Is that right?Yeah? Oh wow. I did not
know that there was a one songon my on the Blue album called Funeral,
which was a one take from theday we wrote it as well.
Sometimes there's something unique and magical aboutthe demo. And because I mean I
have a really nice microphone and preampset up, I'm not gonna bore everybody
with the details. But seven yearsis sung into like an like an eighty
dollars mic. Wow, it wasa really shitty mic. Yeah, but
the vibe was just everything. LikeI spent three days in a row trying
to beat that recording. I cando it, I couldn't do it.
Just that raw emotion from the originaltake. There's just a vibe. Yeah,
And you can't be sure. Iget that, And sometimes you just
need to lean into it and gowith the vibe. Cheat Code is one
of the ones where we spent timerecording a new version, and we wrote
and recorded this in September and Cocenhagenlast year. We went to LA a
few months later tried to record itagain because I felt it was a little
me okay, and then we godo the whole live vocal recording in front
of fifteen hundred people. Just couldn'tbeat it. Like, no matter what
I listened to, all the takeswe've done, that demos just has it
has like an honesty to it,right that a song like cheat Code because
it's a more produced song than alot of the stuff I've done. So
the honesty and that initial demo recordingjust lends itself to the story being told
better. Sure, it's like aswhen I got to know the song better,
I couldn't sing it as good almost. No, I get that it's
weird. I totally get that.You can't practice suplicate that magic. Yeah,
like practice something too much and youlose it. For sure. There's
that authenticity, that rawness when youdo it originally. And you were saying
that with seven years, and Iwas like, looking, it's been almost
ten years since seven years that's comingin the summer of twenty fifteen. Yeah,
now has now that your girl,dad and a husband. How has
this song had like a new lifefor you? Now? Yeah? I
mean there was a time right afterseven years whenever I was asked about it,
I got a little annoyed. Iwas a little pissed off, like
why can we only talk about thatbig, boghemoth of a song. And
now I'm I think I'm I'm moreconsciously grateful for what the song did to
me, Like it changed my life, bought my house like, bought my
mama house like. And it's like, I get to travel the world doing
what I love, what I dreamedof doing as a kid. I'm gonna
get a little emotional. Now Iwas born in a house without a toilet
or a bathroom, in a likein a neighborhood where the police only came
in riot gear and tear gas.Reminds me of in the Garten. And
now I can go wherever I wantto go, and I'm gonna sell tickets
and like it's weird. I'm sittingin Philadelphia doing an interview like I had
dreams as a kid of going tothe US, and I'm like touring with
my own band in a bus,like and we've done that countless times,
you know. And I wrote thissong where by the end of it,
I've traveled the world and sold songsall over the place. And I have
kids and I'm married. And nowI am married, I have my kids,
I'm traveling the world. It's likeI wrote a self fulfilling prophecy that
I'm living. And it's it's alittle daunting sometimes, like because will my
kids come and visit once or twicea month? I don't know. I
get goosebumps. It's like, yeah, it's like this full circle moment.
It's I'm not not full it wasonly half circle, half circle. I'm
only thirty five. You're only thirtyfive, right, But while we're manifesting
things, I mean, Chico,I mean you're manifesting a really happy marriage
too, So like that's going tosee its way through, right, I
think, because you're just a prophetat this point. But I also loved
thank you. But also don't telltoo many people because they might start following
me, and I don't want that. That would be weird. I can't
make war into wine. Got damnmeybe nobody that I like because first someone
was like, oh, is itonly about happy life, happy life?
And I said, do listen tothe second verse. It's also happy house,
happy spouse. Like, it goesboth ways. Now, I'm just
talking from my perspective. Sure,but at the end of the day,
everybody needs to communicate and to fulfilleach other's personal needs. It's not about
your love language. It's about herlove language. It's not always about her
love language, but sometimes about yourlove language. Sometimes, like you work
a little harder, she works alittle harder. It's always going to be
a give and take, and everysituation in your life is going to be
both wonderful and difficult. You know, it's hard to have kids. Yeah,
I know some people who can't havethem. That's also very hard.
You know. It's hard to bea garbage handler. You don't see your
kids every morning. It's hard tobe a police officer. It's hard to
be a fireman. It's also hardto be an artist. Sure, but
all those jobs are also wonderful ineach their own way and give different types
of freedom right to the different peoplewho have them. Right. Absolutely,
there's given to take you. There'spros and cons always it's every time you're
opening a door, like you're closingthe window, and it's just gonna be
that way. Yeah. And likewe talked about friends, you can't hold
on to all of the friends.Yeah, all the kids that I went
to school with I don't even talkto anymore. It's wild. I mean,
you're just gonna have to choose theones that you give them something they
give you something, not like ina financial way, but like we need
to have people in our lives andinspire us to do better and be better,
sure, because then we can passbetter skills on to our kids,
because if they're not, they're kindof just holding us back in a way.
So it's like you can have acertain amount of let's call it dead
weight in your life because you havefamily members who don't necessarily uplift you.
So we still stick by them becausethey're family. And we can have those
types of friends as well. Butif all your friends is dragging you down,
because like you become like a compositeversion of the five people you spend
the most time with. Right,Oh I believe that. Yeah, so
your daughter and your wife is twoof them, then it leaves three left.
Right Hive people I see here atwork. Sammy is one of them.
Over Sammy's basically influencing you and yourvalues and your morals, your work
ethic. It's true. It's true. So surround yourself with good people.
Surround yourself with good people, andalso be the good person that you would
like to have in your life.You mean, oh for sure that person.
What you put out is what youget back. I totally believe in
that. Absolutely. Where are youduring my first marriage? My gosh,
Lucas dropping bombs left to right.I love sewing my oats. Yeah,
I was figuring out that being singleand ready to mingle was not it.
It was fun, don't get mewrong. Yeah, but this is where
life has really started for you.It's it's incredible how becoming a dad is
like I'm living like my second youth, like just without the shots right right,
well, and you're seeing everything throughtheir eyes now and seeing it from
their perspective. It's beautiful. Yeah. Like I still don't sleepy. No,
I used to go to bed late. Now I just get up early.
You blink, and then you're backto like the sum total of your
vices. It's like a constant uhhuh it's a blur, you're just moving.
But cheat Code is the single?Release it on the album? We
don't know. I'm working on that, okay. I think I would like
to be completely sure that everything soundsthe way it should the whole album.
I mean, we have a littlebit of editing to do after eight days
of NonStop recording of instruments and vocals, and I would imagine people that was
so scary. Man. Like,we talked about taking it on the road
because it's ten year anniversary next twentyand twenty five, and it'll be ten
years since Seven Years was released.So maybe taken that album on like well,
tour like we normally tour, butthen have one song in one city
from the album, and then anothersong from the album, oh the other
city, and then be like releaseit where you're like, okay, so
Mama said in parenthesis, like Philadelphia. I love. It's like, maybe
have the name of the venue andthe city, yeah, yeah, yeah,
and then have different countries, differentcontinents. Oh that's cool. I'll
be fun do that incredibly. Laborius, my tour manager, I can already
sense him be like, oh mygod, A lot of angry emails,
a lot of angry emails, alot of a lot of gear, a
lot of logistics, a lot ofguitars is the other day. I'm just
the guy with the idea. Donot care how they fix it. They
will. There was fifty technicians workingwhile we were doing the the live recording
experience in Vegas. Fifty technicians andlike seventeen people from the concert house plus
my five guys on stage. Likeit was. It was so intense,
but it is fun. It soundsfun. So this album will be ready
in about seven years. Then no, that was a bad joke. Ah,
No one is allowed to laugh intheir cars. Okay. By this
we had talked earlier about no justdead, just crickets next year, twenty
twenty five, I'm going to dropit. Yeah, okay, perfect love
that well. Cheat Code is agreat you know, first taste of this
project. We love it, Welove playing it, and thank you for
being here and talk a little bitabout it. Thank you for taking the
time. Ben. Absolutely new bookNostalgic, that's like my that's what I
call this you sound. I likethat new book Nostalgic And feel free to
bring my cardboard cutout back home toCopenhaggen please, he wants to see the
world. Let him see the world, take him out. Thank you.