All Episodes

March 18, 2024 39 mins
Mike Dugar who covers the Seahawks joins Jim and Jess to share his thoughts on the Seahawks free agency, and much more. We play audio messages from listeners, and we have new tweet of the day.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome back Jim Moore with Jasmine McIntyre. Hour number two, got voicemails coming
up at the bottom of the hour. How are we doing on voicemails?
Were doing okay? Or we gota few? Three, four or five?
Still time to call in? Voicemailis always one of my favorite segments.
We've got tweeted the day coming upat eleven forty five, and we're

either going to have Michael Admire theDrake play by play guy. He's either
going to be on at noon ortwelve thirty. Things are in a fluid
situation here at kjr FM, andbut looking forward to finding out more about
the Cougar's opponent. On Thursday,they're in the NCAA Tournament Omaha, tip
off at seven oh five. Thegame will be on True TV. And

this is always the time of yearwhen everybody's going, well, what the
hell channel's True TV? How doyou find True TV? Because I don't
even know what's on the rest ofthe three other three hundred and sixty four
days. Is like crime dramas orsomething True TV. It just kind of
has that connotation to it. Ithink, I don't know, I don't
watch it. I don't think Ihave it. Well, I watch it

during the tournament, though. Boy, True TV is all over. They're
gonna have the first four games,all of them on True TV there in
Dayton, and one of them featuresa great game, actually, Colorado against
Boise State. Somebody's gonna have toexplain this to me. How these teams
in the first four aren't all sixteenseeds but some of them you are gonna
end up being ten seeds. Idon't really follow that four nine, four

or five one. If you canexplain that to me, if you're if
you're actually gonna come into this thingas a ten seed, you have to
play an extra game. I don'tget that. I don't get it at
all. But I'm looking forward tothat Colorado Boise State game. It's a
six' ten tip off on Wednesdayon True TV. Michael Sean Dugar from
the Athletic Joins US. Now,last segment, we were talking about the
quarterback situation with the Seahaw. Butbefore we get into that, Michael Sean,

what in the world, Apparently youwere on the field when Chris Kidd
suffered at Jamal Adams like injury wasgetting a football to the noggin. Can
you take us through that? Becausehe was breaking it down like like Hugh
Millon or something, the six onsix like football game. But he always
talks about how great he is andhow can he be that great if a
football hits his head. Never saidI was great throwing that out there.

Okay, oh my goodness, Wow, that's funny. Uh. Yeah,
So I was there on Saturday.We played played at Cleveland High School with
six on six. Chris and Iwere on the same team, and yeah,
he he ran a route. Iwas on the other side of the
field, so I didn't see theroute, but it was for the game
winner, and the ball just ourquarterback rolls a dime hits Chris smooth in

the face and I didn't think nothinguntil after the game. I think he
ended up big catching a game winner. Later, we're all putting our clothes
on later to leave and then Chris. I look at christ and his face
is just bleeding. What happened toI guess the lacers on the ball must
have hit him right above the eye, because yeah, he was just like
leaking as we were all leaving thefield on Saturday. Well, so was

it like a five yard pass?And caught him off guard or was it
downfield? He just didn't have timeto react. I think it was like
a corner route. I'm in thetraffic too. It was a good ball.
Our quarterback's real shaky dude, buthe used to do a dive on
that one. Also, did Chrismention our special guest that was playing with
us on Saturday that he routed uptoo. I did not mention that because

he's retired and there's no need tothrow that out there. Barbecue chicken out
okay, why, okay, allright, we're not going to throw that
out there up there there. No, I'll say this. I'll say this
for your listeners. We played witha former Seahawks on Saturdays and I got
by him for a route. ButI'm old with a bad growing right,
So I didn't catch the ball,and I was like, you know what,

Chris can beat him. But Ijust had Chris run the same route.
Cook the dude cut like a thirtyforty yard touchdown, blue right box.
I'm not lying. We don't gotto say that. We don't got
to say it there. Chris isright, but maybe he'll tell you guys
off air. But now Chris isreally good. He did have a ball
hit him smooth in the face,So I forgot about that until just now.
Yeah, because we won. Wedid. Chris caught the game winner

on Thursday, winning heels all wounds. I like to say, absolutely,
and yeah you cut that. Youmade up for it, and that's hard.
After that kind of demoralizing face leakingsituation, glasses flew off. Everyone
was like, damn kid, andI'm like, yeah, I worked with
like a bad face. Chris,are you banged up right now? At
work? He is banged up.It's just a nice It looks like a
it looks like a rug burn onabove my left eyebrow. It was the

first thing I said to him todayas we were getting ready for the show,
is hey, Chris, that washere we go? My god,
what happened to your face? Spendthe story of my weekend? My family.
I wore sunglasses to an event,my family? Why you were in
shades inside? I'm like, let'snot get into this, all right.
Well, if I'm a listener,I want to know who this former Seahawk
is and I'll try and find out. I use your imagination nine four or

five one. I will try andfind out all right, my Sean de
gar from the Athletic. He coversthe Seahawks and thanks for joining us,
Michael, Sean. I'll tell youso, Sam Howe, that caught me
off guard. I thought it wassurprising news and they got him. What
it costs more to get Sam Howethan it costs the Steelers to get Justin
Fields. I didn't quite understand that. Yeah, it sounds like the Steelers,

or maybe not the Steelers. JustinFields his people his like they suppressed
his trademarket a little bit by sayingor where not they'd like to go.
I mean I would have told hisage, I don't care where you want
to go, man, we needsome picks. But it sounds like that
had some bearing on the trade compensationfor Fields relative to Howell or Kenny Pickett
or Matt Jones or desen Ritter someof these other like highly drafted guys who

kind of washed out. I guessSam wasn't highly drafted, but you know
what I mean, Yeah, Ithink for what it's worked, I do
think Sam is like a better passercurrently than Justin. Justin's running ability gives
him, like a guess, ahigher ceiling. But I think your ceiling
is still dramatically impacted by what happenswhen I asked you to throw the ball,
you know, and not to saySam's super great at it. Right

he led the league in sacks andled the league in interceptions. That's like
a terrible combo. I don't rememberthe last time I've seen someone do that.
So I don't think either one ofthem are very good. And because
of the season that Sam had,I was pretty surprised that they were willing
to give up draft capital for him, because now like they're flushed the rx
R. It's not like they're flushthe capital as is, and now they're
moving back to get a guy whowon't help them theoretically in twenty twenty four,

and you know probably isn't going tohelp him in twenty twenty five either,
because he's not that great. Butyou guys know John Snyder, he
sees some big armed dude, he'llstill say the guy has a hose,
say he loved him, come outof the draft, and then go acquire
him. So you know this isrun up John Dowley pretty much. Well,
do you think it was that Seattlegame that really swayed him on that,
because I was looking at that.I remember that game, twenty nine

to forty four for Sam how threehundred and twelve yards, three touchdowns,
do interceptions down? The Commanders lostthat game, but they could say that
Sam Howe was a reason that theywere until the end. But you don't
think there's any chance at all thathe maybe will give Gino a run for
his money this season? No,And well yes to the question about the

Seahawk game, because yeah, you'reright, Jim. They didn't win,
but the last two times Sam hadthe ball, he went down and scored
right, So he did, youknow, all the parts that he could
do as the quarterback of the offenseto go lead his team to victory.
That the defense just folded on theback end of it. But Sam was
singing it in that game. ButI mean, man, I just can't
get over sixty five shocks he tooklast year, twenty one interceptions. That's

tough. I just can't. Ican't get over those numbers. Their old
line was like decent, he haddecent weapons. I know he threw it
a lot for like thirty nine hundredyards or something, but man, that's
just a lot of negative things happeningwhen you drop back to pass, and
so yeah, no, I don'tthink he'll really give give Gino a run.
He is, I will say this, he is. Probably it could

be like an upgrade over Drew Lock, perhaps, but I think he and
Drew Lock have this issue, isthat even when they're on a heater,
like they get a couple passes ina row, a couple of drives in
a row, you just never reallyknow when they're gonna goof up and throw
the ball to the other team.You know. I think Drew led the
league in interceptions in twenty twenty,I believe his first full season as a

starter. So for some reason,John just he didn't care when guys kill
the other team to the ball tothe other team. I don't really know
why that is. But when youdo that, it'll leave me to believe
you won't beat out a guy likeGino, who is a pretty accurate and
b has really cut down on hisinterceptions, you know since his Jets run.
Michael Seandrugar of the Athletic joining ushere, Jessaman McIntyre and Jim Moore

in with you today. So thisis a question I had to We know
that Mike McDonald comes from a defensivebackground, right, But Pete Carroll did
too. This is the first timein fourteen years we are seeing the front
office make decisions without Pete Carroll.And so when it came to this decision,
do you think this was just aninety eight percent John Schneider situation or

do you think Mike McDonald had alittle more saying it? Because even though
he is a defensive coach, obviouslyfirst time head coach, still has his
eye on what's going to be onthe other side of the field. So
I'm wondering what kind of ratio youthink went into this decision if they were
making it together. I'm of theimpression that John is still very much stilling
the ship on like the decision makingwho they go after I kind of do

it like this. So let's sayMike McDonald comes in and says, yeah,
I really want, you know,I want our offense to be really
physical up front, and I wantus to you know, want some gap
scheme stuff, you know, powercounter, you know, stuff like that.
Right, he can say that islike a general broad idea. It's
like, Hey, I talked toRyan Grubb, this is kind of what
we're thinking for the offense, andthen John will go out there and say,
hey, okay, here, let'sgo find some three hundred and forty

pounds guards. Right, Let's gofind a three hundred and twenty five pounds
center. Maybe he doesn't have movementskills, but he's huge, right,
so we can run stuff, youknow, between the tackles. And then
he goes out and finds a guyand then decides what to pay them,
or maybe he goes back and says, hey, hey, Mike, hey
Ryan, there ain't really not outthere. There's a bunch of two hundred
and ninety five pound centers who canmove, so maybe we should run outside

zones. How about that? Youknow what I mean? So I don't
necessarily when it gets to how muchguys are getting paid or trade compensations,
or maybe even what specific guys whoare coming in. I'm sure Mike and
Ryan and even some of the otheroffensive and defensive coaches have their opinions,
but I think ultimately this is Johnsteering the ship. The coaches say what
they want. You know, wewant big corners, we want small corners.

We want big linebackers, you wantsmall linebackers. You want athletic tackles
whatever the mandate is, as thedirective is, John goes out and finds
it. His salary cap guy MattThomas determines how much to pay him,
and then you pop back into MikeMcDonald's office and say, hey, we
got such and such, or hey, Damian Lewis calls way too much,
so we let him go to Carolina. You know, I kind of that's
my vision for how the thing workswith Mike McDonald and John, and largely

I think that's kind of how itworked with Peace too. Hey, big
picture, Michael Sean, the Seahawksand free agency bringing in several players,
several players leaving. How do youthink they're doing how the free agents are
doing that they left the talks,No, the whole, the whole big
picture situation. I mean, theSeahawks did a good job with who they

brought in. You like the movesthey've made. I don't know, man,
I don't know what you guys think, but I don't really know what
they're trying to do. Like they'retrying to win now? Are they're trying
to win in twenty twenty five?Because really they're not set up to do
either, you know, Like theirteam is just like decent right now.
They have a bunch of guys whoare good at a few things here and

there, don't really have a tonof players with elite traits, particularly on
defense, like I think outside oflike Mafe's explosions, reeks, speed and
ball skills and then spoons like literallyeverything. I think they're missing guys with
the elite traits. And then onoffense they have a few guys who have
some wigit elite traits Jets fans,rout running, Geno's accuracy, aimed athleticism,

DKs everything, but over they're allI feel like they're missing the blue
chip talent they would need to havegone to acquire to be better than nine
and eight, you know, lastyear. But then you look at twenty
twenty five. So I know somepeople have said, well, Mike,
maybe they're just trying to set uptwenty twenty five, make a real push.
Then, like, okay, cool, Tyler's cap hit is crazy.

Next offseason, DK's cap hit iscrazy, Draymont Jones' cap hit balloons next
year. Geno's cap hit is likealmost forty million next year. Jerome Baker's
a free agent, Dobson's a freeagent. Julian Love's a free agent.
Jaron Reid's a free agent all thistime next year. So it's not as
I feel like investing in a bunchof youth that's going to be inexpensive for
a twenty twenty five push either.So I'm just kind of confused. I

don't think their moves have been goodor bad per se, but they seem
they seem to lack visions, whichis honestly more concerning to me. I'd
rather just know based on your moveswhat you're doing, whether you're all in,
whether you're taking a step back.They seem to be existing in the
gray area, which, again forme, that's like the worst place to
be in where I look at yourmoves and you're spending in your roster and
I'm like, what the heck areyou doing? You know. So I'm

just kind of more confused than anythingabout what John and Mike kind of got
going right now. Yeah, that'sinteresting because part of the reason they moved
on from Pete Carroll is they weretrying to get away from that gray area.
Weren't they that middle ground? Andso yeah, I mean I look
at these names that they brought inI guess Dodson from Buffalo the linebacker a
good acquisition, Baker Rayshawn Jenkins,George Fannt coming back. But yeah,

no, one just jumps off thepage at you do They no, And
I would be fine with that ifthey were like flush with draft capital too,
which is like, hey, we'renot going to spend big because like
Arizona for instance, they don't needto go hard in free agency. Their
roster's kind of bear. But theyhave like pick four, pick twenty seven,
pick thirty five, they have threethird round picks. I believe the

Commanders are flushed with capital as well, so you know, those teams don't
necessarily have to spend. I knowthe Commanders did spend, but they didn't
have to. The Seahawks have whatseven picks. They picked sixteen, which
is like a decent pick. Thenthey don't pick again until eighty one.
That I think it's like one ohtwo. That's three picks in the first
one oh two. That's not alot to say, Yeah, we'll just

go cheap in free agency, retainsome of the guys, be like they
go get some guys in the draft. You know that means, I mean,
realistically, let's say they make sevenpicks. You guys have been around
a long time. They'll be luckyif two of those guys are impactful right
away, you know what I mean. So they'll be lucky if three of
them are impactful total and throughout thecourse of their rookie years. So are
a rookie deal? Excuse me?So? Yeah, I'm I'm kind of

underwhelmed, mostly because I don't seea direct path to twenty twenty four contentions.
I don't see what in the twentytwenty five contentions because I'm looking at
twenty twenty five and saying, allright, who's going to be your quarterback
that year? Are you gonna rollwith what would be I think a thirty
five year old gino at that point, maybe older? Are you gonna go
with a new a new guy?Well, that new guy would be his
first year starting. If you takelike a Penix or a bow Knicks now

and let him sit, you knowwhat I mean. I just don't.
I don't think they're really setting upfor anything. I think they just shuffled
a bunch of names around, andyeah, Pep Carroll might be up there
looking like mat I could have donethis. Michael Sean Degart joining us from
the Athletic That does beg the questionthough, just considering them lack of draft
capital, the what chances you thinkthat they actually pick at number sixteen are?

Because we know that, you know, during the era that we just
got out of, it was constanttrade back, constant shuffle, except for
the last year where they actually tookpicks with their first to their two first
rounders. What do you think thechances are they actually do pick at sixteen?
And what do you think they couldturn the picks that they have into
if they choose to trade around?How many do you think they could get?

Yeah, I think after the howltrade, I think if gods of
trading back were at like sixty ish, I think they bumped huge, probably
like eighty. I think if Johnhas to he has to be on the
phone. I don't even know ifthere's a player. There's like a couple
guys that I like that if theyfell, I'm like, okay, cool,
take this guy. But they haveso many other needs and again not
even just for this year, forthe future guys who are going to be

onexpiring deals, you know, goinginto twenty twenty five. So yeah,
I think you gotta trade back.I think you called Green Bay. You
know, John's traded with them afew times in the first round. I
think he traded with them before takingthe shot Penny, and I think the
year they took CALLI or two.So he's very used to trading with the
Packers. They have picked twenty five. They have an extra second round pick
because of the Jets trade for AaronRodgers. So I say you call them,

say hey, we'll go back fromsixteen to twenty five. Come up
for whoever you want, doesn't reallymatter to us. See if you can
get I think they have like pickfifty eight or something green Bay does.
See if you can get that fromthem as well. So you move back
nine spots, pick up a secondround pick, maybe go from there.
Maybe you go back again through twentyfive with someone like New England who has
an early second round pick, oreven Arizona, like I mentioned, they

have a bunch of picks on daytwo. I think John's got a wheel
and deal. He's got to getback. I think this has to be
kind of like twenty seventeens, whereI believe he started with pick twenty six
and didn't end up taking Malik mcdowaswill pick thirty five after like three trades.
Now, don't take a leak atdollar right, Well, I was
bad, but the process of tradingback a few times. I think he
has to do that. I thinkthe goals should be to make at least

four picks in the top one hundred. If he can do that, I
think that can maybe be a successfuldraft. All right, Michael Seawan,
They re signed Leonard Williams three years, sixty four and a half million dollars.
Was that a good signing or not? I think he's got to start
playing like a blue chip guy,you know, like he falls into that
category. You're kind of hitting thatearlier of guys who are like good.

Leonard's a good defensive tackle. Youknow, that's fine. You're paying him
like a really good defensive tackle,though. You know, look at the
guys who are in that price ring. They're all Pro Bowlers, they're all
making All pros, you know,so Leonard needs to be that. Not
to say he can't be that.I think he made a Pro Bowl with
the Jets or the Giants or somebody. He's made it. Make another one

and keep making them, you know. I think that's got to be what
happens when you get paid that much. He's not the only guy, you
know. I think Geno and Detailunder that same pressure based on their contracts
too. You know Quandrey was underthat same pressure Jamal too. When you
get to a certain price milinature positionand you look at your peers who are
top five, top ten in salaryand they're making Pro Bowls and All Pros,
when he did do the same thing. So I just think to justify

that the salary, Leonard's got toget to that level. They's got to
do it right away. You know. I think he's going into his age
thirty season, So I'm not madat the signing. But I think guys
like him, DK, Gino,guys who were in the eight figures annually
on their salary, I think nooffense qualifies as that as well. Need
you to go ball out and playlike a top five, top ten guy

at your position, your cohort,your cohort. On the Manda Man Podcast,
Chris Kidd thinks that Russell Wilson willbe the starting quarterback for the Steelers
justin Field's no chance. What doyou think? Yeah, I have a
hard time seeing Justin beat him out, just because if they're going to give
Russ the first team reps, theoffense that Russ runs is going to look

so different than the the offense thatthey're gonna need for Justin fields to be
successful. Like Russ is gonna wantto do a more drop back game under
center play action. You know,he's not gonna do a lot of z
own read design quarterback run stuff,which where when you're Justin, that's what
you're gonna need to beat about.Like your offense have to look so different,
but you've got a different offense andyou're getting the backup reps, so
you're running the backup receivers, backuplineman, you know what I mean.

I just feel like Justin's not setup to succeed and beat Russ out logistically,
you know, if they're running thesame offense, perhaps, but I
think Russ is just going to havethe leg up. Also, I think
Rust is a far better passes thanJustin and Arthur Smith. The OCF Pittsburgh
is going to see that after likea couple of days and like, huh,
yeah, we should definitely just startRussell and if he gets hurt,
we can change the offense to youknow, make it fit justin. But

until that happens, you know,or unless that happens, Yeah, they
should. They should want to wrestand Michael Sean, I know you're gonna
be doing the same thing I'm doingOmaha, Nebraska, seven oh five Thursday
night at the Koug's against Drake.Are we going to be disappointed? Or
nine five Thursday night? Okay,Before I answer that, I was listening
to you guys while I was waitingto come on, and you guys had
me on the Wikipedia for True TVbecause I too do not know what they

would you know, what they dothe other three hundred whatever days of the
year. So Jess is right.It started off as a crime drama like
Network right, True Crime, TrueTV. But now I guess it looks
like they played broadcast comedies, docusoaps whatever that is, and reality TV
shows. So there we go.I found the mystery of what true TV

is when they're not showing Drake versusWazoo. I think we're gonna win Gym
because here's here's my theory. Ithink like we were just set up.
You know, basketball can be cyclical, right, it comes to edit and
flows Miles Rice hasn't hit a three, and I don't know how long Yakamowski,
I don't know if he remembers thatthe ball goes in the hoop,
right, that's but now now they'redue. Now we're due for yak and

for Miles to combine to go likeeight of fourteen and three in our first
game or something like that, becauseMiles and Andrea's numbers are just awful.
So I think we're just gonna regretsto the means. We're gonna shoot the
lights out, and we're gonna winour first Attorney game. Whatever happens after
that, I feel like his housemoney. But I do think we need
to win at least one game inAttorney. You get to pray to the
basketball gods that Miles can find hisrange there, because I it's been a

month he hasn't hit one. Hehasn't hit one since February seventeen, so
it's been more than a month.Yeah, So they look so bad.
He's front iron, he's short arm, and he's air ball, and I'm
like, what is going on withthis kid? But I believe in him.
I believe in YAKAMASKI I think they'regonna turn it around in Omaha.
All right with you on that?I am with you on It's good.

I can't wait for Thursday night.It's gonna be fun. And Michael Shawn
thanks for joining us today. Reallyappreciate it. I appreciate you guys.
Go Koog's Cooks. Go Koogs indeedThursday night in Omaha, Washington State and
Drake and catch all of my MichaelShawn's coverage there at the Athletic Coming up
next will have voicemails for you.Sip more with Jessman McIntyre in for Puck

Sports Radio ninety three point three kJr F M. All right, Chris,
what are we doing here? Thisis voicemails? Remember the music.
Jim didn't pay attention to that.He was just no, this isn't voicemail

music. This new music. Thisis the new voicemail music. Correct?
Are we supposed to like it?Or you take it however you want?
You only got two voicemails, sothere's that. I who we should have
pumped it more? What we did? Get one more in? Let me
listen to it real quick. Pleasedo that before we play. Oh this

reminder tune in tomorrow starting at oneo'clock for the Ian Fornest Show along with
Jessmon McIntyre. Bracketology Podcast live fromthe snow Qualmy Casino percented by Hunt Services,
Twin Peaks, the Evergreen Council onProblem Gambling and Snoqualmi Casino Show to
help you fill out your bracket anddiscuss which games to bet on. Michael

Admire he's the Drake play by playman. He'll join us at the top
of the hour. We'll find outwhat's going on with the Bulldogs. I
saw they had a pretty cool video. Yeah, their hype video. Yeah.
The hype video that they have there, and their slogan is even when
they face adversity, good, wewere down fourteen points in the second half

and good, everything is good.Yeah, I know. I like that.
It's a simplified hype. Yeah,it's pretty cool. I like it.
It's pretty cool. I was whenI saw that. I was like,
if my team did that, Iwould really love it. I like
the kukso. I like what theydo too. Yeah. I'm nervous about
Drake. Though back to back MissouriValley Conference Tournament champions. Drake has been

in the tournament the last three outof four years twenty eight and six record.
Pretty cool too. The coach,Darien Davrees, his son is the
star on the team. He's He'swhat scares me. Actually it's not the
coach, it's his son. He'san underrated star on that team. Yeah.
Well, Tucker Davrees thirty eight percentfrom three in conference play. He

grew up in Omaha. So he'sgoing back home to face the Kugs on
Thursday. True TV seven oh fivetip off the seven seeded Kugs against the
tenth seed of Bulldogs. They're inthe NC Double A tournament. All right,
we lost some music, but Ithink we have two voicemails, so
let's go with voicemail number one.We might have, might have three,
we have three, Okay, voicemailnumber one. Hey guys, Chris kids

eagle here. Yeah, you know, I'm the best flag football player there
is. You know. I tellmy quarterback had to throw it and then
it hits me in the face.But I scored the winning touchdown of Coast
because all five foot two pounds ofme is a hero. So now I'm
gonna go jump twenty feet in thelong jump. Chris kidd out gotta get

Michael shanat you like that one kid. It's all love, you know,
it's all it's all love. Yeah, yeah, yougo impersonated there. Yeah,
that was that was impressive there.And No, you have said you're
good at football, haven't you.I said, I'm okay, I'm pretty,
I'm decent. Oh, you clearlyheld your own over the weekend.
Well I usually do. Yeah,I usually do. Fine, that's good,

that's solid. I'm okay. Yeah, beat me at horse too.
So that was light work. Allright. I told you it was gonna
happen. Did you or did younot have r at the end of the
game, I don't care what Ihad. Was I victorious? Well,
I was worried about getting skunked,so I was pretty happy about I wasn't
thinking I was gonna skunk you.You're gonna make a shot. You're not.
It's like you've never played basketball before. Thank you A long time,

long time ago. All right.Voicemail number two. Man, what a
day for Puck to be out ofthe office again. Jimmy Boy gets propositioned
by a hooker in Vegas and ChrisKidd is betting gym five hundred bucks on
a quarterback. What a day?Happy. Yeah, that was I was

caught off guard by that. Iknew exactly what was happening. As soon
as you said that a very goodlooking woman walked up to you in a
casino. You knew right away.Yeah, I knew. I would have
been pleasantly. Didn't think it wassomeone who was genuinely interested in me and
wanted to spend time with me.You didn't think that, No, because
she didn't get to know your sparklingpersonality was a silver fox sitting over there.

I was just sitting there eating afive dollars cookie at three thirty in
the morning when she happened to saunterby. How wait, what did I
decline the offer? By the wayI declined the offer, probably a good
call, Jim. You didn't haveany cash? Huh No, No,
the it cost twelve bucks. Icould have come up with the cash,
but I'm a married man. I'mnot going to mess around with something like

that. But boy, come,I got to tell you something though.
The next day. You just can'tbring it like you used to. You
like to think you can. Iwas in bed all day long, and
the only thing when I finally cameout of it. You know how I
came out of it. It waslike seven o'clock. The next night,
Hair of the Dog. Kathy broughtme a five guys bacon cheeseburger, a
vanilla shake, and fries and thatwas the only thing that brought me out

of it. Wow. Yeah,that pretty bad. Wow. You didn't
even go Booze went to So it'spretty pathetic though, when you think to
yourself, I'm sixty six years oldand I'm laying in bed all day because
I drank too much a night before. I mean, do you ever grow
up at some point? Most peopledo. In your case, Jim,
you're enjoying the time with the Koug's, your family. It's all good.
I think you're doing this every weekend. Yeah, live a little, Jim.

I'm not. I'm not, No, I know, Okay. I
did live a little. I liveda little too much a little, Yeah,
I did, okay. Voicemail numberthree, Hey kid, I was
just curious. Do you think ifyou would have had a helmet on?
Do you think the helmet would havemade that catch? Just curious it's right
in that region. No, probablynot. Why would you be a visor

guy? You wouldn't have the opening. That's a great I probably would wear
a visor. But if i'm yougo bam bam on it. No,
I probably do a clear a virusI could see, you know, has
the dark visor and sometimes maybe youcan't see when it's I don't know,
Sunday night football. But if you'relate joining us Chris Kids injury over the

weekend, Yeah, there was noneed to reset. Bruised himself. There's
a scab above his left eyebrow there, and it was from a football hitting
his head. No black eye oranything though, Yeah, no bruises that
That was probably what save me.The sunglass. It wasn't your regular glasses.
It was sunglasses. Oh yeah,sunglasses on. They're easier to replace.
It was a pass that most receiverscould have caught, but for some

reason, you know, did youeven get your hands up? Oh,
the hands were up, but Iwas anticipating something else happening. And like
as I mentioned earlier, the ballfound its target my left eyebrow. Yes,
it did so. And of courseon Twitter, you were asking people
not to ask you about how ithappened. And that was the first question
I had for you. I thinktoday me too. It wasn't like,

how was your weekend, and itwas like, what the hell happened to
you? Chris? Yeah, samething, same thing, And it's not
even this horrible injury looking thing,but it's it's visible noticeable face. Yes,
that's strange. That wasn't there lastweek when I saw you on Friday.
From Friday to today, what wouldI miss? Yeah? Are you

okay? Do you need a safespace that I can put you in?
Need? You can't really cover itup with a band aid because it'd be
like why a band aid? Ireally was going to But then I because
at first I was wearing sunglasses andthe shades covered it perfectly. You couldn't
see it. That took the shadesoff. My mom was like, what
the hell happened to you? Havebetter days? Well? I think you
know, if that was on yourelbow, nobody would think twice about it.

It's the fact that it's on yourface so close to your eyes.
These are vital orans, they say, catch the sun. I did not
do that. But Chris kild you'dbe happy to know, also had the
game winning touchdown and that very importantsix on six flag football game over the
weekend. This caught my attention toCrean the former college basketball coach. He's
on ESPN now he's a broadcaster thereon the studio shows. He's not happy

about coaches declining NIT invitations. We'llplay that for you. Next, it's
Him Moore with Jesson McIntyre in forPuck Sports Radio ninety three point three KJRFM.

It's time for the tweet of theDay, story of the day,
whatever you want to call it,of the day. Jim Moore with Jessamin
McIntyre Infra Puck Sports Radio ninety threepoint three kjr FM. At the top
of the hour, we will talkto Michael Admire. We're going to find
out more about the Drake Bulldogs.That's the Cougar opponent in the NCAA Tournament.

Thursday, Omaha Nebraska True TV Aseven oh five tip off. It's
the last game of the day.The Kougs are going to be on national
TV. Anytime everybody would be watchingthe Coogs and polland for the Coogs,
I think pack two for life.That's my my hashtag. Anyway, I'm
always part of the thing, partof the fun of the NCAA Tournament with

four PAC twelve teams in there.Every time the PAC twelve plays a game,
they get another two million dollars toWashington State State. Let's go.
So we're big fans of Colorado andOregon, and I said earlier I wasn't
a big fan of Arizona. Butif you guys want to win a couple
and send us a couple million thereto Pullman and corballis you just feel free
to you know, before you beforeyou choke like you usually do when you're

Arizona, win a couple, wina couple of games before you you bow
out ungracefully. And so we'll seehow that all plays out when the tournament
actually gets underway tomorrow with the firstfour. Again it's on True TV,
and all of these games are inDayton. The only reason I would watch
Wagner against Howard at three forty tomorrowis if I bet on it. I

don't know anything about either team,Colorado State and Virginia. Tony Bennett's team
is in the first four there inDayton a six to ten tip off tomorrow
there in the first four, andthen on Wednesday, Grambling versus Montana State
three forty tip off. And thisis a good game. First four Colorado
against Boise State Boy Colorado. Theyreally came on. I mean, they

won seven out of their last eight, or actually they won eight in a
row before losing to Oregon in thePAC twelve Tournament championship game. That game
is at six' ten all TrueTV. This caught my attention when I
was on Twitter today. Tom Crean, former college basketball coach, he's on
ESPN and he just kind of hada rant about what's going on with the

NIT. No one's excited about theNIT. I saw eldridgric Kasner. He
talked about the NIT in the pastbeing a pretty illustrious type tournament. You
got excited, I know when theCougs made it in that they played there
at Massive Square Garden if you madethe final four. Now, my understanding
is that they're going to be playingin Indianapolis the final four this year.

So not the lusters warn't off onthe n T and especially with the transfer
portal opening today, no one's allthat excited about playing in the NIT.
Jess No, especially the coaches thathave to try to scramble for the portal,
and you know, they have thefuture to think about, and you
know, no no offense. Everybodymakes fun of it. Not in the

tournament. That's what it stands for. Playing at Madison Square Garden is something
special. Playing in any postseason,especially for the players who will be moving
on, whether they're graduating or theyare ending up going elsewhere. But no
one, no players are if they'reentering the portal or they've got these nil
deals being offered to them elsewhere.Why would they risk injury for a tournament

that isn't necessarily as important as youlook at the dance, Well, it's
just like the bowl games. Andso Tom Crean explained why he's so upset.
There's no question about it. Iwould want to I would want to
develop my team. You've got biggerstaff than you've ever had. There's plenty
of time for the portal. There'splenty of time to talk to recruits,
there's plenty of time to negotiate nildeals. There's not plenty of time to

play. There's not plenty of timeto get your players on the floor and
a chance to get better. There'snot plenty of time for guys to continue
to play that may never get toplay again, And that to me is
absolutely ridiculous. It's each coach's choice. I get it, But if you
take away a chance to play thegames, to put your team on the
floor. Let them opt out,all right, the bollseason has it all

the time. Let it happen.Who cares. Give your players and coaches
a chance to keep coaching and playing, and don't short change. If a
guy doesn't want to play, gosit out. If a coach doesn't want
to coach, go recruit. Butthere's gotta be enough people to put five
to six to seven people on thefloor and go play. Makes absolutely zero
sense to me. I don't knowwhat the situation is with the NIT.

I think they're still going to haveit, but there have been several teams
that have opted out that have declined, Saint John's being the most prominent one.
Saint John's upset that they're not inthe NCAA Tournament, Pittsburgh, Emphis,
Indiana, Oklahoma. And I seewhere Tom Creen's coming from, because
he's just he's fed up with thewhole situation, as am I. I

mean, I just sit there andI go yeah. And one of the
points that he made there, Ithink is a good one too. And
I didn't even think about it.But there's a lot of kids that are
probably thinking, hey, man,you know, this is going to be
our last chance to play college basketball, and I understand it's not what we
were shooting for, but it's kindof a nice consolation prize to play in
the NIT. And I don't evenknow what this means for the CBI.

The Koops played in that several yearsago and that's like the third rate.
That's kind of we called it theloser Tournament. But yeah, we're happy
to be there Montally. Yeah,So it's it's just the way of the
world though in college athletics. Itis, And I just wish the NCAA
had more foresight into it before theportal and NIL got away from them.

Not that I trust them to makethe right decisions in it anyway, but
I wish that there was more foresightin this because you know, as we
all know about the lawsuits that werehappening, it was Roy O'Bannon who had
initially brought that out that kind ofmatriculated the NIL becoming a deal. It's
just it's professionalized amateur athletics, andobviously a lot of them have futures in

athletics, but that's what it's doing, and I am worried about it.
Continuing to trickle down. Now wementioned you mentioned Bowl games, right,
so so I understand where players,if they want to play, then the
coach shouldn't have the right to trumpthat because they're the ones on the court.
The coach shouldn't be the one makinga decision. It should be a
team decision in my opinion. Well, yeah, I'm not sure. I'm

sure there's different people making the callsthe on these games and whether to participate
in these tournaments, but yeah,the Bowl games? Are we going to
continue to have Bowl games? Imean, it seems stupid at this point.
Why would you have them? Ithink that the rather than ESPN paying
X amount of dollars so they'll haveprogramming, sure, but I think that
it would have to be an exponentialexpansion of the college football player for them

to completely go away. There's alot of money that is involved in that,
and so we know that what CBSgets a very small fraction of them,
ESPN gets the majority of them.Does Fox even have any at this
point? I feel like there hasto be some other part of it,
but it is ESPN that controls it, and we've seen some weird deals going
on between ESPN and Fox. They'recreating their own streaming services together, so

maybe that could be some sort ofbond that they have together where they could
split the Bowl games. I justdon't see them all going away without more
college playoff games. Well, thetransfer portal, it's ridiculous that they have
it open today. I understand ifyour season is over, but if you're
not getting a berth in the NITor in the NCAA's, I get it.
But what couldn't you just wait anothercouple of weeks until the tournaments are

over? We think, But youknow, it's always going to be the
first come, first serve when itcomes to the money that people have and
the talent that's out there. Right, So, let's say Louisville has,
you know, two million dollars thatthey're ready to spend on guys to get
them there. Well, there's morethan probably two people that they're looking at
to spend that money on. Soit makes sense to me that the players
who are out there who have thechance to get this money from a specific

school would want to go as soonas possible, and that the people who
are spending that money would want tospend it as soon as possible to get
the guys they want. So it'slike I said, it's a mismanagement of
the way the NCAA is handled thenil in my opinion. And you know,
it would have to be them movingthe portal for anything to be and
I'm sure under the table deals wouldgo on. And okay, we kind

of promised this, but if theycould push it off until the end of
the season, yes, I thinkthat would benefit all. But that's just
not the way of the world asit stands right now. No, it's
not Michael Admire. He's a playby play guy for Drake the Bulldogs.
Taken on Washington State University Go Koog'sThursday Night True TV Omaha Nebraska the seventh

seed versus the ten seed. We'llfind out more about the Drake Bulldogs.
It's coming up next with Michael AdmiresChimore with Jessman McIntyre in for Puck Sports
Way to ninety three point three kJ R F M

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