All Episodes

March 5, 2024 40 mins
Batch Three Ice Cream let’s get Jim some endorsements, Jim even does a live read on air. Puck and Jim give listeners a chance to win a pair of tickets to the Golf Show on March 8. Caitlin Clark is hooping, and the numbers show that she’s a special talent in college hoops, there is nobody that shoots like Caitlin. Ian Furness drops by to talk about the news of the Seahawks releasing Jamal Adams, Quandre Diggs and Will Dissly, the mayor also shares what he has planned for his show.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Someone was flavors. Have you seena website It's batchree ice cream dot com.
Three ice cream Yeah, Maple Valleywaiting to hear back from Brett.
I'm gonna proposal for him. Hey, Brett, if you want someone with
you, take the pizza, Youtake the pizza. Yeah, you're a
bigger deal than I am. Yourname. What do they got, wit

Road, Maple Valley, Syrup,gnome Tracks, helicopter conspiracy. They got
some like weird names. Look atthat helicopter one. I like the one
that's dad Bod Yeah, Nana's turtlebrownie, Cedar River cinnamon to Holma blue.
What's dad bod flavor? Dad Bodied? Dad bought is a creamy Why

don't you read it? You're gonnabe creamy malted vanilla based loaded with peanut
butter filled chocolate covered pretzels for thatperfect combination of sweet and salty. But
we don't stop there. Added arich fudge and peanut butter swirl to really
take this ice cream to the nextlevel. So go ahead, indulge your
inner dad Bod. Yeah, treatyourself to this deliciously fun flavor. Let's

let's there, we go, Let'spitch now give me a thirty seconds on
batchs three ice Cream. Go aheadand Mark, Oh wait what just just
like that? This is now we'regonna we're trying to get you an influencer
deal ready in three two one Markbats three ice Cream coming out of Maple
Valley. Of all places you canget all kinds of flavors. Just check
it out there bats three ice creamdot Com experience a thrill of helicopter conspiracy

as unexplainable as the helicopters a MapleValley seem to be. This ice cream
concoction buck features ribbons of smooth caramelserendipitously swirled into a base of rich vanilla.
As you savor the sweetness, hiddenpockets a buttery toffee emerge, creating
a taste sensation that's as mysterious andexciting as the helicopters that inspire its name.

Check us out bats three ice creamdot com. Don't just get a
pint, get a quartet, ahalf gallon. We've got it all here,
batchree ice cream dot Com. Notreally yeah, yeah love it?
Yeah, I'm in Yeah how muchyou think I can get paid for that?
Let me ask you a legitimate,serious question would you rather get paid

or just get paid in the icecream? Just paid in ice cream?
Me too? Yeah? Yeah,yeah, I mean I dove into the
mochiese again last night. They're good. Yeah. And you know, you
don't have to have six, youdon't have to have all six, but
it feels good. I've never stoppedat once. So hey, Angela and
Brett Thompson, we're talking about you. Batch three ice cream. Let's go.

He listens to the show. Idon't know about his wife, Brett.
Come on, Brett, pull thetrigger influencer Jim Moore for Batch three
ice cream. The more endorsements weget, the more money we make,
and the better we have standing foremployment. Here they've got merchandise. Did
you see this too? Buy sweatshirtsand T shirts. I want that hoodie

of the Love the Dad Boughd hoodie. I want that. Can you get
that for me? Yeah, I'llfind out. I'll talk to Brett about
it. We're close friends now.Thank you perfect Bat's three sponsoring. They
can sponsor anything on the show youwant. It doesn't matter. Just pay
us. An ice cream looks good, doesn't it. I love ice cream.
I enjoy it very much I'll bestopping by Ferdinands on Thursday. Yeah,

son of a gun, if Ican get there before they close,
don't they close at four o'clock everydays? Needs to figure it out.
There's some times they shut down.It's the dumbest times over there, especially
on football games, and they'll knowthey'll be like a seven o'clock game and
they'll shut Oh we're shutting out attwo. Excuse me? Why why stay

open? And for this game Thursdaynight tip off at six, over at
eight, stay up until ten oreleven on Thursday. They need Here's my
advice to Ferdinands is they need anotherform or another satellite stand because that line
on football game days is way toolong. It takes too long to get
an ice cream and then you cango to the the other one that's in
the garage cheese and then just grabbersthe grabbers of the ice cream sandwiches,

which are phenomenal, but it's notice cream. So they need a separate
line for shakes because the shakes iswhat keeps the line long. Somebody gets
up there in a shake and ittakes like fifteen minutes per shake to make
move it along. And I've runout of beer that I've stuffed in my
pants and I'm sitting there and I'mlike, I'm out of beer. So
and then I make the kids runback to the tailgate bring Daddy more beer.

Never had a shake there. Thewaffle cones are awesome, though they're
like four or five bucks. Maybethe best one is that Apple cup one,
the Apple Crisp one ice cream.Yeah, think of me when you
have. You could be there too, you know, I'll be coaching and
freezing cold, yeah, freezing coldweather. Baseball tonight. It's got like

thirty two degrees. I'm bringing hotchocolate on the baseball diamond tonight because be
so cool. I didn't know snowwas in the forecast last night. Snowing
to beat The band last night cameup from Bonnie Lake back to Renton.
So we're not on turf tonight.We're actually on on an you know,
dirt infield. He imagined how hardthese But when I'm hitting these like fungo
fungo balls. Oh, so it'lljust be like hitting. It's gonna be

so it'll just be bouncing all overthe place. I won't be frozen yet.
Will it be pretty close? Bepretty close? Tonight. All right,
big news, Jamal Adams, QuandreDiggs, and Will Disley released today.
How will you remember all three?Well, not finally Jamal, Jamal
Yandre, he had a couple ofgood seasons. Quandre Diggs was a good

trade. Yeah, it was agood trade. It was a good move.
They got it. They got himfor a fifth rounder. And Will
Disley was it and we loved Willwas a good draft pick. But even
at the time that he signed thatcontract, we thought, man, it
was a bad contract on the Seahawksparty. It would I think we're always
in hide sights say stuff like that, But at the time, I think
we were surprised at the amount thathe was getting. But the headliner of

this one is going to be JamalAdams, and you know, they they
finally rectified. Just a mistake,you know, looking back on it,
even though there's many out there,myself included that like the trade at the
time, there were others that immediatelythat did not like it right away or
like, no, I don't likeit. This is way too much to

give up for him. And youknow they were right, they were absolutely
you think, and you mentioned her. Then they doubled down by giving that
contract. That's why I bring upLeonard Williams. I would be really really
buy or beware of making the samemistake again with Leonard Williams. I don't
think he's worth it, not whathis open market is now. Maybe he

doesn't want to be here. That'sthe other thing too. He's a free
agent, so he can go anywhere. So maybe he'll say no, I
don't I don't see it. Ijust wouldn't get a better off elsewhere anyway,
want Seattle to make the same mistakebecause I personally did not feel he
made a huge impact on this defense. I didn't say, no, you're
making wholesale changes, you know,why not go all the way with it?

And you know Bobby, we knowhe's not going to be back.
I mean, Jordan Brooks is upin the air. Do you really want
Jordan Brooks? I do. Iwant Jordan Brooks, But those PFF numbers
on him aren't that great. I'dlike to see Jordan Brooks with this guy.
Oh you think he'd get more outof them? Okay, all right,
but no, I mean Leonard Billstwo things. I'm sorry to cut
you off. Speed athleticism. Yeah, that's why why'd you apologize to cut

me off this time when you doit all the time without apologizing. Fairpoint.
Okay, thank you. I'm withyou on Leonard Williams. Though I
didn't really see him flash as muchas we thought he was going to when
he came over here. It's oneof those trade deadline things where he thought
he was gonna But I mean,if you're getting a guy, and if
you're going to get him, it'sgoing to be in the seventeen million dollar
neighborhood, and so you need tosee more from him. And didn't see

it either. People are coming afteryou. The zero chance of resident Bend
Oregon's going to get an nil dealan ice cream place in the in the
MV when the mayor lives there.That's the thing you're gonna have to fight
off for an s for this one. Oh good point, Yeah, good
point. Yeah, all right.Well I'm gonna keep trying though. Yeah,
Brett contacted me, not Ian Okay, Oh, that's right, and

he knows how much I love icecream. Someone said that the owner of
Full Tilt passed away Bash three canmove in and purchase those locations Full tilts
in and Ballard. Oh how aboutmoving there. I'm sure you can't wait
to pay. Prices in Ballard probablybe pretty similar to what you're paying for
your shop in Maple Valley. Yeah, I think. So what was the

high light? Let's go around theroom and you can be funny or not
funny. What was your greatest highlightof Jamal Adams because I clearly have mine.
Well on the fielder off whatever,Well, I think the helmet one
because that was that was the biggestone. The Cleveland Browns. They were

driving and and then we all wentabout and then we feel like we had
to act like that was a hellof a play that he made because that
was just a fluke, wasn't it. But it was funny and it was
just it kind of typified his careerhere that it was just so the so
odd. So the bounce off thehelmet in the Browns game is for you.
Yeah, who who ended up pickingit off? You remember kid who

ended up? It was a Diggswho ended up Remember when he just jumped
up and he the sock, heheaded it like a soccer. But then
in the quotes afterwards, he actedlike he made a big play when it
was just actually a freak thing thathappened, bris kidd, your favorite Jamal
Adams play, it might be.I think it was against Green Bay with
Aaron Rodgers and you got an interception. I think they're in the I know

it was against Green Bay. Ithink his Green Bay interception I was pretty
good. I think he had likea ten tackles that game too, so
he knew he was going to takea serious Well, I got one that
I'm hoping you come out with.Well, when the ball got stuck in
his face maut, Yeah, therewe go. That's that's there's no other
answer than that. I'm sorry,there is no other answer than when the
ball got stuck in his face mask. That's the greatest moment in Jamal Adams's

history. That and when he almostwhen he verbally attacked the neurologist on the
sideline of New York. But theball getting stuck in his face mask.
Yeah, come on. Most playersand the ball's coming at him, they
go, okay, I'm gonna haveactivate my arms and hands. Now.

That is imagine Jets fans watching himhere in Seattle. How much of a
kick they were getting out of that? Well? I remember were you were
you here when we had Jason Smithon were you already were you doing the
show with us or not? No, you were gone. You were not
here yet when we did the show. Jason Smith comes on after softy infan
Fox Sports Radio, longtime Jets fandoes national Fox Sports predicted it was going

to be awful. Yeah, hesaid, you're gonna regret it. You're
gonna hate the deal. You're gonnaabsolutely hate it, guarantee. And he
was right. He was right.I remember though, even again, in
hindsight, it's easy to say,but at the time, don't resign him,
don't give him that long contract.He hasn't justified that yet, but
they felt like they had to becausethey gave up so much to get him.

Yeah, what I want to knowand we'll never because I think someone
had brought this up. John assigned on the text line on the telemor
Dude text line. He has signedso many bad deals. Pete was a
great coach, but John's best teamswere when he was new and Pete was
more engaged in roster buildings. Johntook more responsibility, the results degraded.

He's likely to be a GM aslong as Jodie's the owner because she's not
intimidated by him. See that's we'llnever get the answer to this, But
just keep in mind his role,uh, Pete Caresroll never diminished. Ever.
He had final say on the waythe roster was built. He had

final say on everything. So who'smaybe sometime it will come out. I
guess it doesn't matter since he's gone. Now, who's desire was it to
go and get Jamal Adams? Wasit Pete Carroll's John Schneider boy. I
don't have any idea. But theone thing I will say about the Schneider

he's not afraid to take a risk. I mean he went after Jimmy Graham.
They needed a guy in the redzone and so it was a gamble.
But I mean he was trying tohit a home run there. Percy
Harvin the same thing, and JamalAdams he was trying to hit a home
run there too. So I meanthose all three of those didn't work out.
But there's just a part of methat appreciates it. He had a
wild hair and went for it.I think you got to respect Schneider.

I think you got to acknowledge.I think many people have acknowledged his mistakes
and what the swings and the missesand all that. But I think I
just agree with exactly what you said. I like it, I was aggressive.
I liked it. He goes afterguys that he takes chances, and
sometimes they don't work out. Imean the Jimmy Graham, Drade and Max
Sunger. We talked about Graham earlier. It didn't work out, but I
think we liked it at the time. But I think at the time,

I think if if you took thepulse of most Seahawk fans, you traded
a center for an all pro tightend that we saw every week on the
highlights. Yeah, and so Ithink most people were pretty excited about that,
like really excited. And now here'sthe deal. Was Schneider envision maybe

how they would use him, andthen maybe Carol and Daryl Bevill just decided
not to execute what he probably thought. We'll never know the answers all that
stuff. But no, I mean, there's always gonna be good trades,
bad trades, you know, goodpicks, bad picks. I think we
like Percy Harvin coming here, too, didn't we. I Mean, he
looked like he was a great crazyman in Minnesota, but you thought,

oh, you know, he'll gethere with Pete and change the scenery.
He'll be fine. And God hewas electric, wasn't he when he played?
Loved it? I love that move. I mean Marshawn Lynch paid off
for him. Yeah, Marshawn did. That was another risk they took.
Of course, it was what theyget him for. Was it like a
second round was on? I don'tknow, you gotta go back and look
at that, but I mean therewas a guy that was he's going to

be run off in Buffalo. Hewas having all types of issues there.
He's getting dinged up by the police. He's just not good and they got
him and that's probably one of thebest trades ever. Yeah. I didn't
give up much for him. Youknow, the the draft day trades,
I mean there are misses, butthere are a lot of hits, you
know, to move multiple picks toend up selecting We talked about him earlier,

Tyler Lockett. Tyler Lockett's worked outvery well for him. Well,
how about just drafting Russell Wilson andthen trading Russell Wilson and getting the Hall.
I mean, they traded him atthe perfect time. Think about that
today, I mean, you thinkabout the situation you know, you think
about like two years after that trade, they're both gone. They're both done

and maybe done for football forever.Well, it's crazy to think that that
two years ago. If anybody hadsaid, hey, you know what,
two years from now, Gino Smithis going to be a better quarterback than
Russell Wilson, you'd be going,you're out of your mind. But I
don't think you'd take Russell over Ginonow. And you just look at their
both their careers. They just couldn'twhoever's fault it was, and I think

there's blame on both. They justcouldn't kind of work and come together anymore.
You know, whether the stories wereright that he wanted him fired,
that he went to Jody Allen behindhis back and wanted to remove If that's
the case, then that's wrong inevery level. They shouldn't be going to
the owner and trying to get yourhead coach fired. I think it happens

more. I bet you it happensmore than you think. But it's wrong
and it's a bad sign for RussellWilson. I do think though, that
over the years there is blame tobe placed out the hands in the feet
of Pete Carroll. He didn't doenough to find an offense that best fit
the skill set of him. Hedidn't. And then the time that he
had an offensive coordinator that started tocall plays that had his quarterback playing at

an elite level, he had onebad and he pulled the plug on.
It is that that game of THEOand he pulled the plug on. He
said no more. That was thelet Russ Cook here. And I don't
know if if you know. Imean, certainly you want everybody wants to
have a running game. But youhad an offens corner that it looked like
finally was getting the best out ofhim, and then you newted him.

Well, you can go both wayson that though. Don't you think over
the course of Russell Wilson's career inSeattle that he did what he could to
get to play to his strengths andtry and limit the weaknesses that we didn't
really know that he had. Yep, until you look back on it.
I mean, there were a bunchof times where he would just scramble when
he didn't need to scramble, butthat was his thing there. That's true,

he I mean, but he alsoyou're right because there the negative of
it is. Yeah, he scrambledand left the pocket when he didn't need
to do it. But there's timesthat he had to scramble and leave the
pocket because he had to. Andthe stuff he made out of that and
the magic he made out of thatis unlike anything that anyone has ever seen.
I will never see in my lifenow, I doubt it ever again.

Someone in a Seahawks uniform Thursday nightfootball against the Rams. I think
it was the Rams rolling a quarterbackwho's right handed, rolling as fast as
he can to the left side ofthe field and then throwing the ball how
long I don't even how long wasthat thrown thirty yards forty yards back across
his body to a white you know, to Tyler Lockett on the end zone.

It's one of the greatest throws I'veever seen, and he delivered that
a freak, just a great deepball thrower, you know. Off script
now, I mean you make agood point with I mean, you think
he's going to be in the Hallof Fame. I'm not so sure about
that, especially the way his careeris going to end. I think it's
still important that he's at least somewhatcompetent. Now this last season he was

better than the year before. Butman, who's going to take that on?
Who's going to take that on?Maybe he'd be good in Atlanta with
you know, the running offense theyhave their well, I mean, I
don't know who. I mean,I have no idea who's going to take
it on. I mean you andyou bring it up with Jamal Adams him
being released today, if you're justjoining his digs being released today, Will
Disley all being released today, Idon't know who's gonna takehim on. You

mentioned the Falcons. They don't havea quarterback. They have the eighth overall
pick if they want to. Maybeif one of those guys lands to them.
I mean, it's not gonna bethe Big three. Yeah, it's
not gonna be the Big three.Would be kind of that second tier.
That would include McCarthy, it wouldinclude Nicks, it can include include Pannix.
Now PF Pro Football Talk Mike Flouryalready has a story out there that

they're sticking to that they believe it'sKirk Cousins. Kirk Cousins is going to
go to Atlanta. Oh, Now, Kirk Cousins is the best free agent
on the market. So when yousee Pittsburgh, the athletic writer there saying
that they're they're gonna stick with thePickett and Rudolph as they're one two.
Yeah, I just don't see thefit. I schematically, I see the
fit in Pittsburgh with Wilson, toughrunning game, defense, he has weapons

there. I mean you look atthe two wide receivers, the tight end,
the two running backs. That's agood system. I don't see the
fit with the quarter the quarterback andthe head coach. And I just don't
get it no way, because unlessWilson changes, coming in there under that
head coach, that toad coach isnot gonna put up with it, any
of it. He's not gonna putup with anything from Mark Rodgers and his
camp. No, his options aregoing to be so slight so that the

Vikings they don't have an option.If Cousins leaves, what is the head
coach who's an offensive minded head coach. He just saw what happened with Sean
Payton and Russell Wilson. I don'tthink he looks at Russell Wilson goes,
oh that's my best option. Ithink they'll pivot someplace else and they have
the eleventh overall pick. I thinka quarterback could land to them. The
Raiders no quarterback, thirteenth overall pick, Patriots. I'll just go to the

Patriots. I think he can takethe Patriots off. Why in the world
would the New England Patriots get him? They have the third overall pick.
They're gonna draft the guy. Sounless he wants to be a backup,
Oh, you're right, I meanthat that might be all that he gets
there. I saw two with theRaider or yeah, Las Vegas that Sando

was saying in the Athletic that theoffensive coordinator there, Luke Getzi, worked
with Hackett in Green Bay, andso there's a feeling that probably not going
to be too fond of probably hardpass bringing Wilson in. Well, I
think there's a how about chew onthis one, and we can talk about
after the break. There's gonna bea twenty twenty four to twenty five season
that does not include Russell Wilson orPete Carroll, yeah, or Jamal Adams

for that matter, all three ofthem next season, not anywhere now on
the sideline, not playing anywhere infootball. That's a possibility. You put
money down on that, wouldn't you? Yeah? I would? All right,
it's a common sense Tuesday show,brown to you by the Telalo Resort
Casino DraftKings Sportsbook. The action neverstops. Now back to the Fucking Jim
Show on Sports Radio ninety three pointthree kJ r FM, probably presented by

the Leila Freezort Casino Sports Book.Let the many begin when all you want
biz everything. They're excited that theirdrafting sportsbook operations are now open. That
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the go to guy with it here. It's a common Since Tuesday, have
we played the last Kraken ticket sounder? So we're good? Huh mcgravery,
we're good. Okay, we've playedit. We've got another pair of tickets
to give away for the Seattle GolfShow, which is happening this week in
Seattle Conventions Center March ninth and tenth. Get on out there if you'd like

to go check it out. Hey, the Moscow Chamber of Commerce is going
to be there. Let's go.Nice. I love the University of Idaho
golf course. That's a great one. Yeah, it is. Yeah,
it's a great little golf course theu of I. Hey, we're gonna
be there about that. Flat Stick'sgonna be there. Hey, Yogi again
it's flat stick, Bob, flatstick, flat stick Bob, not flagstick.

What if Yogi Roth ever confronts youand says, you know, hey,
man, what do you got againstme? I would just say,
if people are going to pay youthousands of dollars to come and be the
MC of an event, the titlesponsor of the event, maybe get the
name right. Yeah, that's whatI would. Okay, I'm sure he'd
be receptive to that. You thinkhe cares what I think? Probably not.
Maybe I just saw this. Nelsoncru Is gonna throw up the ceremonial

first pitch at opening day. Yeah, pretty cool. I love Boomstick.
Yeah, he'll get a huge ovationmony. Oh yeah, he'll be great.
Just so. I mean, andthat's one of the guys as good
as he was on the field,I mean, maybe a better person really.
I mean, he's just fantastic.Matt brash through a little bit today

if you want to watch it,our guy, he eight Garcia, the
hardest working person at King five onsports. He running laps around Egan and
Sylvie. Yeah, he's actually filingnews stories from down there. He's not
opposed to Egan. Yeah, whereEgan eats and then like photo bombs people
and doesn't do any work. Garciais doing work and says he's got video

of Matt Brash throwing, so that'sgood. Good to see he threw about
what did I see? Played catchabout sixty feet, about twenty five throws,
had no issues. He'll play catchevery other day to build up.
All right, good, good,nothing off the mound yet, just nice
and easy. All right. Doyou want to add something though about your

thoughts on how that's going to workout on Matt Brash. Well, I'm
not optimistic. Like no, I'mnot optimistic about it. I think what
was yesterday when we talked to Duketand we have Duket on Mondays talk of
baseball that I think. Yeah,he echoed the same comment where generally these

guys end up trying to rehab,trying to rehab and it ends up in
surgery. Yeah. Well, yeah, all the use last year and we'll
see. I mean maybe they're maybethey're going the best case scenario here and
maybe he'll it'll work out another pairof tickets to give away. All right,
first caller with this correct answer,Actually no, eighteenth caller, eighteenth

caller, because eighteen holes you getit right? Yeah, yeah, you
have eighteenth caller that can correctly answerthe following, Who made his debut this
past weekend on the Live Tour andwhat did they shoot? In relation to

PARR. Eighteenth caller with the correctanswer, Who made their debut this past
weekend on the Live Tour? Andwhat did they shoot in terms of par
two eight six ninety five ninety fiveeight hundred eight two nines or a nine
five zero? Why are you lookingat me with disgust on your face?
Well, I'm wondering who's going toknow the answer to that, and also

wondering if we even get to liketen callers, let alone eighteen eighteen.
The eighteenth caller with the correct answertwo eight six ninety five ninety five eight
hundred eighteen nine or nine five zero? When you used to do that and
I think you used to do thisin Portland at some point when you said
the eighteenth caller, did you everlike take the first caller and say you're
you're number eighteen? Have you everdone that. No, I would take

the eighteenth caller. Would you getit every time? Hello nine ten the
fan, you're the third caller,Hello nine ten the fan, you're the
fourth color. Hello nine ten forthe fan, you're the fifth callor Hello
nine ten the fan, you're thetwelfth collar. Hello ninet ten the fan.
You of the phone. I don'tsee kid doing that. He's not
doing it. Well, people maybearen't calling it. That could be.
I wish we would go back tothe old school way of answer, actually
having phones. That was kind offun, the old school phone. There's

nothing wrong with an old school phone. No, not at all. That
was a hard question that you had. I mean, I think we're giving
away too. We're giving away apair of tickets to the Seattle Goal Show.
I think it should be hard.We have two more to give away
tomorrow, so let's make it difficult. Yeah, all right, well you
just google it and find it.Well you can do that, Yes,
you can probably do it real quick. All right, Since you mentioned phones,

how many people have landlines anymore?Not many? What is it like
t the percentages? I've been tryingto beg the CEO for landlines. She
won't do it. I like agood land I want a landline. Oh
you still want one? You stillwant a landline? For what reason?
Just to have one? Okay,just cuz I think it'd be fun,

all right, But do you havea landline? No? No, but
I still want you know, mynumber there at Safeway or whatever. I
still type in the old number fromwritten. I think it's good for my
kids to have one. I guessthe oldest has a cell phone, the
ten year old, the vampire.He's trying to he's not getting one for
a while. Like, your kidshaven't even ever seen a phone booth?

Have they? No? Or rotarydial? You haven't seen a phone booth?
Kid? Have you ever been ina phone booth before using the phone.
He's talking to somebody. He's neverused the phone booth. A rotary
phone? Yeah, those are oldtrimline phone. Do you remember a trim
line phone? No, I don't. What's a trim line phone. Yeah,
it's kind of a rectangular shaped phone. That was kind of cool looking.

Then you had princess phones, yeah, those were. I would like
the rotary phone. I like theyou know, doing the two goes back.
I like doing that. What Ireally want is the old school what
do you call the phone with thewith just like the mic and then the
little earpiece. Oh yeah, goingback to the Alexander Graham bell when thank

you? You remember that? Whatwas he like? He was awesome?
His beard got a little gnarly fromtime to time. Was he his tall
in person? Yeah? He wascool. Now back in the day,
you got to be my age.You're older. When we used to have
like over in Redman, I thinkof the prefix eight eight five four two
five eighty five, but it usedto be Tucker five and we had Glenn
Court four and Surewood seven in Bellevue. You remember those days at all?

I don't. I don't remember thosedays, but I do. I would
like the I would like the rememberthe the the cordless phone, you know
that was always a big we gotthe cordless phone. That was the phone
really cool? All right? Sowe covered that all. Did we give
away the tickets yet? Have wegot the eighteenth caller yet? On the
correct who made their debut on live? I mentioned that we do this for

tweet of the day. I cameacross something today on social media. Did
you see the television numbers for Clark'sgame? Caitlin Clark. I don't need
I don't think I need to sayKitlin Clark. You know when I say
Clark, did you see the numbersthat she got for her game against Ohio

State? Did not, But Iwatched a replay on FS one the other
night. I saw the first halfkind of anticlimactic that she said the record
throw awful, they don't want toset. First of all, that wasn't
a foul. By the way,it wasn't a foul. The girl is
walking by and Clark bumps into herand then they call a foul. It
was so dumb, so dumb.She shouldn't have said it on that.

She tried to get it on thethree before that, where she pulled up
almost from mid court. First ofall, I almost say this, I
have never seen someone shoot like herat any level since Steph Curry did a
Davidson in college. I've never seenanybody shoot like this. Isn't her depth
and her shot and where she's shootingfrom. No one in college men's college

basketball is shooting like her. NoOne. Her range is insane. She's
she's taking two dribbles across mid courtand shooting, and she's flicking it like
a free throw. It's unbelievable.It got me thinking, though, so
it was like three point four millionviewers. Okay, it was better than
Victor wimben Yama's debut. It wasbetter than the Warriors and Celtics game,

and it was the third most watchedNBA game or basketball game of that week.
It beat you NC and Duke,which is the most storied rivalry in
college basketball. It beat them,but it got me thinking what it would
be like The one of the greatestgames I've ever seen in just basketball,
greatest basketball games I've ever seen,was and I thought about right away because

I wondered what would the numbers wouldbe if social media and TV was as
prevalent back then as it is now. Nineteen ninety three was the NCAA Women's
Basketball Championship and it featured Texas Techagainst Ohio State. And they had a
senior on Texas Tech by the nameof Cheryl Swoops. And then do people

remember the freshman that was on OhioState. She was a fresh freshman point
guard named Katie Smith. And KatieSmith turned out to have a great She
was unbelievable, and those two wentat it in the championship game, and
it was a phenomenal game. Backand Forth Tech ends up winning by I
think two or three. Cheryl Swoopsdouble team doll games scores forty seven.

And remember she was being compared tolike Jordan, she was she was unreal.
But then Katie Smith ended up havelike twenty nine or twenty eight points
that day and was great. AndI thought that was And I was sixteen
at the time, remember watching it, going this is one of the greatest
games I've ever seen, back andforth young versus Old, two different styles,
they did it differently, how theyplayed, and I was just thinking,

like the TV ratings, what itwould be now and what the social
media would have been back then.I mean, as great as as Clark
is, she's phenomenal. Boy man, Cheryl Swoops was something else back way,
something else. Well, that wasa good game though against Ohio State.
It was a great game. Yeah, it was a great She was
a phenomenal game. But you watchwhat her numbers are going to be when

she gets in the tournament. Imean it's going to be must see to
see, you know what she doeswell, yeah, and how and how
and and for everyone that's going todo in to watch it. They're gonna
watch it, you know, justfor her. Again, I haven't seen
anybody at either level shoot like shedoes. There's no one in college basketball
that shoots like she does well.And what she's doing with the double teams
and everything else she's facing because everyteam that plays her, it's the focal

point of the defense. But sheshoots it. I mean watch her.
Yeah, these threes she's coming off. No, I saw a couple of
those trees behind the line, andwhen she misses those thirty five footers,
it's not by much. Well,there's another part of the story, I
guess, and I was going touse it for our story of the day
and we can bring up again tomorrow. So John orand you know who.

John o'rand is, Sports Business Daily, Sports Business Journal. He's been covering
sports on the business side for along time. Anyways, he's he's gone
and started his own website and hewrote a story today. It's called puck
dot com. Wait to state it'sstill my name. He wrote a story
today and he said Clark is suchratings gold because you know she declared for
the NBA or for the w NBA. Uh that Fox executives contemplated reaching out

to other networks to see if theycould come up with an nil deal that
would convince her to stay in thecollege ranks for one more season. I
think it probably whatever you get inthe WNBA, they could probably come up
with some sort of nil deal.There would be more than that. It
never reached talks to her. Theynever got there, but they at least

contemplated it about would the other networksESPN get together to pay her to stay
because she This is funny. Ididn't know this. She receives no nil
money from Iowa. She has allnational ads. Oh seriously, everything that
she does is national. She receivesnothing from Iowa States. She has a

deal with a state farm. Sothis notion that she would make more money
in college is dumb. Darren Roveltried to say that it's not true because
all of his all of her dealsare national deals which will carry over into
the w NBA, and she'll bepaid a salary now where she wasn't being
paid salary at Iowa. All right, that's it for us. I ferness,

I should uh I should mention,uh I should mention. Tyler may
Bray didn't come to mind one ofthe best tight ends in the history of
Seahawks. He didn't have a bigtast so a year on pucks team on
this one. He may not behe but he thinks statistically. If I
guess you have to see now I'mgonna be okay, take out the stats.
Just who you think is the beststatistically, Jimmy Graham was the best
receiving tight end they've ever had.Yeah, I think best all around tight

end was probably Zach Miller. Bestall around because you do have to block
at some point, but the bestreceiving tight end, it's not even it's
not even a debate. It's JimmyGraant And and the funny thing is he
didn't live up to any of anyof the expectations when he came here as
receiver, right, Like, hedidn't put up nearly the numbers he did
in New Orleans. Yet he putup numbers that no other tight end has

ever put up in Seattle, whichis great, It's ridiculous. It's he
is the statistically the greatest season inSeahawks history. And if you ask anyone,
and I agree, I'm one ofthose. Yeah, he was a
disappointment. Yeah, terrible. Yeah, It's it's crazy, man. I
I the fact was you guys arehaving that that debate. I was like,
God, they really have never hadgood tight ends here. All the
names that came in it was ahot take. You know who may have

Jeremy Stevens Wilson. I don't knowwhat the numbers are. I don't know
what the numbers look like. Youknow who may have been one of the
best tight ends they've ever had andand was their first ever tight end the
basketball player Ron Howard out of SEATTLEU. That might have been. Yeah,
I mean they just never had it. Was he on beaches staff for a
while? Was he like coaching basketballwith Beach? He's still around I maybe

I think he's one of those guyson a lot of different things. He
comes out and they do Seawk legendstuff. You'll see him. Yeah,
good guy and stuff. But yeah, just what a hodgepodge of nothingness.
Man, it's been terrible. Hevery up Rock Bowers because I talked about
Bowers with what does ring think abouthim? Loves him because I saw him
ranked and he was right around whereSeattle when I'm like, they wouldn't take

Bowers with sixteen would days at ohwell, and anytime he says that,
I'm like, Okay, which oneof your scout buddy's just telling me that,
right? I mean, obviously hewould be a really really hard guy
to pass on like that would bea really hard one to pass because he's
an impact player. And I thinkthat would allow you, it would make
it easier to do to release TylerLockett. You know, do you think

that's a possibility. It's a possibilityfor sure. I don't think they want
to because the whole thing when theygot Jackson Smith and jig But was they
finally had their third receiver. They'venever had a quote third receiver, right,
They've never had a third receiver thatwould give you your third version.
That gave you your third receiver.Now, if you get Bowers, he
becomes you know, whatever received.I don't think it's maybe one two three,

But all of a sudden, that'sa hybrid tight end. Yeah.
Well, that that that that eliminatesthe need as much for Locket as you
used to have, probably especially atthe money, and I think with Tyler
you could probably try to work outa different deal financially. I think that's
certainly. I don't think he'll playingthis contract. Hey, real quick,
Christen, we get a winner forthe tickets. Sorry, yes we did,
okay, the okay, who wasthe who got the two golf show

tickets? So it is Brad Farmer, shout out Brad from Browner And he
was called in eighteenth caller with thelive debut was Anthony Kim and he shot
sixteen over good job. Anthony Brandawould say he's playing for a dictator and
a killer and a murderer. Ilove Branda, but there is I'm starting

like Branda. Okay, we canRandall. He's a little Randall Brandall Shambly
from the Golf Network is like likean old school pit bowl that once they
latch on, it just doesn't letgo. He is And I pictured him
having a couple of cocktails the othernight because he was just like serial twel
he was. He's a he's abig bourbon guy. Yeah yeah, because
he was just one tweet after another. He might have been. Every time

I see a picture late night whenhe gets home, it's always a picture
of bourbon and red wine. Notgonna be a lethal combo. Oh bourbon
and red wine? God do youthink lethal? Look? All right?
What do you got gone? Ican tell you this is a lethal colmell
because on Saturday night in the beautifulpot last idahol, I think I went
down that Ryeh good for you.Oh goodness, Well, Hugh Mellon's gonna

join us for after time the best. How do you think that's gonna go?
I'll just say, oh, Icannot wait to hear this. This
is how I do it. Ican't Jamal Adams can't wait, go,
I can't wait. I can't wait. What And to his credit, from
day one didn't like the trade.Day one didn't like the trade. He
was going to join us, willbreak down the massive seahawk moves today.

I'm fully expecting now that that hashappened for the crack into trade, like
half the roster in the next hour. It has to happen. Oh no,
you know what, it won't.It'll happen tomorrow between ten and one.
That's what it will happen. That'swhat will happen. The show right,
Well, we're gonna call you whenit happened, and and screwed you
more. I'm driving and you hitthe you hit the music, the breaking
news music. Our kid did,somebody did, and I and you say

breaking And the first thing, KyleSmith signs an extension. The way you
said it was like a fact questionMark, you said you made it set
and like all I heard was KyleSmith. I'm I'm driving down Woody Road.
I'm pumping my fist going all right, all right? Mark. At
the end, I just I hadthe way you phrased it. I thought
it happened. And then Puck sasSe Tom Pellisera, I'm like, okay,

what hot Gary Parrish at two o'clock? Perfect best case scenario for the
book Spokane, right, best casescenario? Worst? What's the worst case
if they lose the next two?So we'll get into that conversation with him.
Bubble teams, including our friends overthe eastern side of the state.
By the way, cast Cone,you're not a bubble team. I saw
that tweet. Please help yourself.What yes? Yes? What? Yes?

He thinks you dubs a bubble.It might have been pre u c
l A, but I saw Tonycaster Cone tweet. It's like he started
trying to do all this math Ibrought it. I'm not even gonna insult
Gary's intelligence with him. Better thanwe'll talk bubble who is a bubble team
of the PAC twelve. What mustwe do or not doing? The Pac
twelve tournaments? All that coming up, and there's as Us so much more.

All right, Ian's coming next?Well see you tomorrow. Was always
promised to be better. No shirt, no shoes, no dies, anybody
allowed to smoke. Some point Iwent boom on. I was do lick
your face. I was bombing onto rob you, but you were born
to rubb me first. What doyou mean my dress for? We like

this mother ro mercy. I don'tstink that money

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