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May 4, 2023 • 14 mins
Seahawks 5th round, 154th overall draft pick, Olu Oluwatimi stops by the show share how excited he is to join the Seahawks, what stands out about his game, and much more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You know what I didn't. Inever gave the keyword. I don't think
I did. People in text linesadding me of the keyword, did I
give it again? Money? That'sthe keyword money, kr dot com money.
I don't know, Texter or stopyelling at this. I get yelled

at home. I don't need tobe yelled at here. This is supposed
to be a safe place. Yeah, but put yourself in the listener shoes.
They're probably, you know, wantingto get the keywords so they can
win money, and you're just babblingon about whatever. They're right, all
right. Our next guest there,ladies and gentlemen. He's out of the

University of Michigan. I would likehim to be able to wear the number
fifty five. And I know thenumber fifty five has been worn since then,
but the number fifty five is nearand dear to my heart as a
twelve year old Seattle Seahawks fan,because that was the number one of my
favorite players ever wore here. Thatwould be Brian Bosworth. Do you think
our next guest knows who Brian Bosworthis? Olu Olawa Timmy joins us right

now here on the beacon plumbing HotlineSeahawks fifth round draft pick out of the
University of Michigan. Oh, Lou, have you ever heard of Brian Bosworth?
Yes, sir? Go really yep? Okay you want to let's a
bonus? Are you ready? Doyou like do you have any like trivia
music? You know, like amillion dollars or whatever that the pyramid or

something like that? Do you okayfor an extra dollar? Here? You're
ready? Where did he play?Where did he plays college football? Oh?
You go? Wow? What arewe doing here? What are we
doing here? You know everything abouthim? How do you How do you
know that I watched this documentary likeon like his thirty for thirty or whatever.

Okay, how about another bonus?Jim? You want another bonus question?
Oh? Sure, why not?We're all thrilled, and I think
Gold was like, let's let's notlet's talk about Brian bos with rather than
me. Thanks for having me on, guys, Jesus, what number did
you wear in college? Oh?Lou, I don't either. Okay,
I'll tell you because it's a greatstory and then and then we'll move on.

Okay, we'll move on. Itwas forty four. He couldn't wear
he couldn't wear that in call orin the NFL because it wasn't a linebacker
number. He chose fifty five becausehe got eleven million dollars signing bonus or
that was his contract, so hedid forty four plus eleven he got fifty
five. I was not aware ofthat. Pretty good story. Hey,
um, you started, Welcome tothe show. Good to have you on.

How are you. I'm doing good. I'm doing good. I'm so
glad that you guys are I'm takingtime about your day to have me on
the pleasure. The pleasure is ours? What? Um, How excited were
you that that night you received thephone call from the sea once. I
mean, I was very excited,just you know that the draft weight was
over and kind of go celebrate myfamily. And I was happy that Seattle

UM took me. Um, itwas a great I thought it was a
great fit for me. I'm agreat place to be. Well, I
mean, fifth round. There's anESPN college football reporter Chris Lowe. Maybe
you saw that and he called youthe biggest steal of the draft. What
do you think when you heard that? I mean, you know, I
don't really try to like listen toomuch. To the media, because I

know you really got to just earneverything, and you get that through play.
Media can't help you play well,so I don't. I don't listen
or read all the all the differentarticles. Yeah. Can you listen to
sports talk radio though? For us, so especially from ten to one here
on ninety three point three kJ FM. And I'm sure you have like an
iPhone. We have an app tooyou can download. Just listen to us.

We I'll be honest with you.Times have been tough lately. We
need all the listeners we can get. So if you could spread the word
for us with your group of friends, it would be great. Okay,
I could do that. I coulddo that. What there's no chance,
there's no chance. How do youknow? But he was to the host,
No, he's telling the truth.Have you this guy? I don't

think he's told a lie in hislife? Is that true? Now?
I don't know if I to saythat. I never never lied in my
whole life. Jim. How manysiblings did you have? Do you have
one? You have one? Yeah, one older sister. He has five.
He is one of six children andis the youngest one. So I

mean, how how much were theybeating up on you as a kid.
Oh, not too much. Nottoo much. There was a lot of
name calling, but I wasn't gettingpicked up too much. Well, you're
probably were bigger than them even ata young age. Nah. No,
I have a pretty big family.All got toast to them. Yeah,
four brothers and one sister. Allyou brothers, you look out for the

one girl in the family for sure. Definitely. Yeah. I would imagine
like when when she brought how howmuch older is she than you? Eight
years? Eight years? Okay,So do you remember like the first time
maybe she brought a boyfriend home,Like, did all the brothers like and
your dad like meet the boyfriend orthe guy like in the living room and

have the sit down before she camedown. Honestly, don't. I don't
have any recollection or any memories ofthat, So I'll just there on the
side of say no, we didn'tactually do that. I can't wait to
do that for my daughter, she'sfourteen. I can't wait till she brings
home the first guy, because I'mgonna I'm gonna really play it up and
be kind of a real just weirdo. Jim, did you ever do that

with your daughter at all with Brooke. No, it's a tough one though.
Yeah, it's it's tougher with girlsand it is with boys. Hey,
what U is? Fifth round?All right? And I would imagine
that you would say I wish Ishould have gone sooner. And you look
at your resume, I mean,Remington Award winner, Outland Trophy Award winner,

you anchored the nation's best offensive line. You're happy, obviously you went
to Seattle, and I agree withyou. It's a great fit. I
mean, it's a great fit foryou in Seattle. What Why do you
think you dropped to the fifth round? I mean probably in hindsight it's a
good thing. But why and youwere you there and not earlier in the
draft? I mean, I don'tknow. I'm not I'm not a GM.

I'm not one of the scouts andpeople for the decision makers and people
that write players up. UM,you know, they just that's where they
being that I was that I deserveto be drafted. I guess the whole
league got that. So it iswhat it is. I'm I feel like
I'm an rise out of that,UM sit doround selection and hopefully be a
starter and stick around in this leagueand play a lot of football. Oh,

the Seahawks have had a lot ofguys drafted in the fifth round that
turned down to pretty pretty Okay.Was Richard Truman a fifth round pick?
Yeah? I think I think RichardSherman turned out to be pretty good football
player there, Jim, Yeah.Three one. What do you feel like
your strengths are as a center?Um? I feel like my communication,
my knowledge um of the game,and my playing strength. Um. And

if you put me in one onone situations, I feel like the coaches
the coaches that could trust me andto execute him and block somebody one on
one. What do you think thisoffense is going to be like in Seattle?
I mean, I think it willbe false. Um, there's a
lot of young talent. Um.You know we added um, I felt
like the best receiver in the draftalready good Um one two punch adversity position

and and um Gino Smiths had agreat year last year. So you know,
I think I think this is ayoung offense and you know, with
a lot of a lot of spaceto grow, so you know, we
could be as good as as goodas we work to be. Jim Harba
used to be a rival coach herewith the forty nine ers, then he
went to Michigan. What was itlike playing for him? It was awesome.

I mean he's a great coach,great guy, just really cares for
his players. Um. You know, some people might think that he's a
little off, a little weird,a little quirky, which he is,
but um, you know, it'sstill awesome to just being you know,
a player or playing for him.Um, so I had. I had
a lot of fun in the yearthat I was in Michigan. Do you
ever do you ever get it?Did you ever ask him coach Khakis again?

Huh? You know what's funny?He doesn't even wear khakies no more.
He uh, he retired that he'suh he wears the ABC Doggers from
Lulu. That's that's everything. Ilove it. Hey, what do you
what do you like? You know, football is not everything you You graduated
from Virginia got a degree in economics. Um, my degree was close to

economics. I was a camp ofcommunications major. I field communications and economics
pretty close together. Um. Whatwhat do you like to do in your
free time? What do you liketo do in your free time for fun
away from football and things? Likethat. Um. I love playing cards.
UM. I played video games too. Um. But I'm just very
competitive, whether like beach beach volleyballor like playing horse on the basketball court

or anything like. But definitely somethingthat has a competitive uh like something to
do competition. So video games andcards? What kind of what kind of
card games? Uh? Uh?Stage is my number one card game?
Stage? Uh yuker. I learnedthat when I in my time, I
missedigan and uh and then poker too. You know, you get a good

good like six players and he's justplaying poker out those probably my top game.
What's your go to shot? AndHorse? I'm always gonna shoot it
on the wing. I mean Idon't make I don't make a lot of
them, but if I do,then then you know the people, the
people I'm blowing against usually get aletter, okay, when they get the
last letter. When this was acontroversy and a horse game that we had

a few months ago, when thewhen the one player gets the last letter,
E, do you give the playerthat missed the shot the choice to
shoot it or give it to theother person to shoot it? Oh?
No, they're done? Oh sono proven? No, no proven?
I don't know what kind of horsegame you play. That's not how you
play horse. Hey, is thatthe version in Maryland is how you play

horse? Yeah? No, assoon as you get that, you're done.
No, No, that's you gotto prove it. Hey. Oh,
if you're just fast forward a littlebit here, if you're thirty years
old and you're playing a sixty fiveyear old guy and horse, would you
be embarrassed if he got h OR on you? No? Well I
wouldn't be. You don't. Younever really lose your shot, so right,

you can, you could shoot forever. But if he was duncan and
then at thirty, I couldn't dunkand I might be embarrassed. Thank Yeah,
yeah, yeah, No, Chris, you were fine. You you're
fine. Hey, you uh whatdon't you? You're first stop or you're
stopped. Before Michigan was Virginia,we had we had Joey Blunt on earlier

in the season. Hey, whatwas it and you have experienced this for
the first time you come out toSeahawks Stadium? What was it like coming
out to enter Sandman? Sorry beforebefore you answer it, it's a joke.
I just set you up because wehad we had Joey Blunt on earlier
this season, and I thought Iwas so smart, but I'm actually a

village idiot. Oly okay, Andwe asked him this question, Hey,
what was it like to come outto Enter sand Man compared to coming out
for the Monday night football game againstthe Broncos. And He's like, well,
I played at Virginia, not Virginiatechy idiot. And I said,
oh, that's that's right. Iforgot about that. So it was just
a joke when we when we knewyou played for Virginia, I wanted to

sneak that in there. I'm justasking you that because I'm making fun of
myself because I still can't live thatdown that I asked Joey Blunt, your
former teammate, Hey, how wasit like coming out to Enter sand Man?
Oh? You want to you wantto hear the Here's the audio of
us asking Joey Blunt. This islike, when is this back in September?
I can still picture you turning.There is here, Oh, listen

to this, your former teammate,Joey Blunt. He handled this perfectly,
by the way, the crowd ofthe Monday night game or a night game
at Virginia when you guys are walkingout to enter Sandman. Definitely the my
night game. Virginia Tech was aschool that played interested we can stop it,

kill the audio now, just anabsolute idiot. I just want you
to know here, the last tenminutes you you spent with us, we
are village idiots. Okay, it'sso good. A lot of people make
that mistake that you know they'd belike what you played at Virginie's talking right
now. I played a Virginian,so it's a common mistake. Thank you,

You're being too nice. Makes mefeel better. You could have asked
him about Hailton the Victors, oneof the best college football fight songs in
the land. Do you still havetime hailed to the Victors? Can you
sing a bar or two for ussolo? No, I'm not gonna sing
I'm not gonna see any day.It's an awesome song, tho, awesome

fight song. I've seen a bunchof videos. We'll leave you with this.
I've seen a bunch of videos withyou and interviews Jeff Schwartz interview.
H you know, I mean wementioned you have an economics major at at
Virginia, and I will just say, you're gonna have a long football career,
but boy, when your football careeris over, you were either going
to be a CEO of some companyor you're gonna be running for office.

And I don't know if you haveany interest in running in the political office,
but you have a bright future aheadof you, not only in football,
but once football is over. Thankyou appreciate that. Well, congratulations
getting drafted to Seattle. We can'twait to see you in the fall,
suit it up and play for theSeahawks. And we appreciate the time,
and we really appreciate you just puttingup with us today. Okay, thank

you guys for having me on.You have a nice day.

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