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March 18, 2024 • 16 mins
WSU Mens basketball coach, Kyle Smith joins the show to talk about how pleased he was w/ winning the John Wooden PAC-12 coach of the year award, did he get to break the news of Myles Rice winning PAC-12 Freshman of the year award, and much more.
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We have coach Kyle Smith with us. Now it's Jim Moore with Jessman McIntyre,
a couple of Kooks talking to theKUK head coach at Koch's preparing to
face Drake on Thursday in Omaha,Nebraska. Coach, welcome to the show.
How are things this morning? They'regoing great? Couldn't be better,
to be honest. Yeah, howwas it at Beasley yesterday? It looked

like it was a good time.It was a nice turnout. It was
a great way to kind of celebrategetting in there. There was I was
the only one that was worried.We weren't in. Everyone else see secure,
but just the paranoid coach worried aboutit. So it was a nice
nice to see where we were sevenseed. I thought that was about right.
And just getting an opportunity to playingthis thing is quite an honor.

Oh yeah, and it's been sixteenyears, so coach, what's it been
like for Kook fans? I cantell you I was down there at the
PAC twelve tournament. I enjoyed theheck out of it. I mean,
you were just if Jalen hits thatthree point in a row on the right
side you guys might have gone onto win that game. So, I
mean, it was a competitive game. We were all excited because we thought,
oh damn, we don't have toface Arizona. We can face Oregon

in the championship game. But youknow, all in all, it was
a it was a good showing bythe Kogs. And yeah, no,
I agree. I mean, Kyloradwas playing for the tournament berth obviously,
and that shouldn't factor in, butit does probably And uh, you know,
we uh we we've turned it overa little too much into Colorado,
but play really well against Stanford,so hopefully we can iron that out before

Thursday night. And and just talkingabout enjoying these two tournaments. You know,
we have the conference tournament and hopefullyit helps us prepare for this one.
And but it was great. Itwas a great turnout in Vegas.
I was a little surprised. Iwas kind of excited. Cooks came out
of the woodworks for us, Sothat was awesome. Yeah, you'll notice
that more and more coach head coachKyle Smith of Washington State basketball is joining

us. And I mean, firstof all, congratulations, I'm winning the
John Wooden coach of the Year award. You know, I haven't spoken to
you since that happened, and you'vebeen a pleasure to watch and to talk
to throughout this season. It's amazing. I know that it was a no
brainer that you were going to winthat. Maybe not for you because you're
humble, but as much as youprobably focus on, you know, team
accolades over individual ones, could youtake any small amount of joy or pleasure

in actually getting that award? Absolutely? I mean I can't. You can't
fake that one. That was whateverjust to be associated with John Wooden.
And when the Coach of the Yearand I said, I did actually say
if I don't win it, everyonehates me, like these coaches, ay,

but no, I knew that andthen and it was really nice too
and you and that's hard and it'snot not by nature. I don't think
just to and get it and haveto deal with that though. It was
a lot of praise in that theconference term and I was like, you
know, Coach of the Year andI correct them and say, no,
it's a John R. Wooden Coachof the Year award. And I'm kidding,

by the way, let you knowthat I'm associated you know, I
want you to I want you tosay it correctly. I don't want you
to understand. But what I meanthe best, maybe the best team coach
ever to be associated with that.I mean, I've said that when I
part of my reason coming to thePac twelve and so the presser losses.
There's just been a so many goodcoaches from even at Washington State, you

know, going back to Jack friedlMarv Harshman, uh, Calvin Samson,
George Rattling, Tolmy Bennett, youknow, so there's it's been just some
great coaches in this at this program, in this league, Ralph Miller,
Mike Montgomery, you know, LoudOlson so bummer that way. But to
get that recognition was special for sure. Well good you deserve it. And
another well deserving koog that we've beentalking about all season Miles Rice. And

obviously he made national headlines for goingthrough everything he did to make it back
to the courts, dealing with hisillness and coming back. He won Freshman
of the Year, and I justdid you get to deliver that news to
him? And if not, whodid? Man? You can't deliver any
news this day and age man,it gets the Twitter. It's like you

you're like everyone else like, oh, we want it great. You know
those days of like calling someone todeliver the news is you don't have a
chance. I feel bad. Andyou know when they make the you know
when they make coaching decisions on lettingguys go, it's like, I don't
b it's once more than one personknows what's going on. You know,
it's everyone's it's it's Twitter and stuff. So no, I didn't get a

chance. But it's awesome honor forhim. Uh and one believe deserved.
I mean really going in the seasonthat projected them one picking the draft was
a freshman at USC and it wasn'tRonnie James, it was I said Collier.
So for him to to win theaward Freshman the Week seven times and
really lead this team to where weare, and it's really his will and

belief that's a big part of it. And we're just blessed to have Kyle
Smith the coach of the Coogs iswith us Jim Moore and Jessman McIntyre.
The Coogs is a seventh seed facingDrake the ten seed in Omaha Nebraska's seven
oh five tip on Thursday. Sincewe're talking about Miles Rice. Everybody,
we all love the kid, We'reall pulling for him. We all want

him to make some three. Kyle. I saw, I saw him at
halftime. He just effortlessly is makingthrees and I'm going, God, Miles,
come on, man, I knowyou can make him. What do
you think is going on there withMiles? Right? I think got a
little bit in his head, andit's you know, we're not afraid to
confront the Google facts, but youknow what, I got to arrest him
some more. I mean, it'shard to take him out of the game,

and he's he would went probably unnoticed. I was probably on his best
defensive efforts he had. He hadkJ Simpson, who was runner up to
player of the year in the league, I believe, and he went four
for fifteen. So there's two sidesof the ball. And to be able
to deliver that kind of defensive effortand carry our team offensively or make three,

you know, that's that's a that'sa long tall order for a freshman,
really, anybody, but a truefreshman. I'm not actually not a
true freshman, but a first yearplayer that you know, in a big
stage like that, So it canhappen. But we need to, you
know, for us to be good, all the guys got to play.
Well. Let's we've been talking andyou know, pressures of privilege and and

I believe in him, man,And I told him, I said the
first I said, when you,I said, catch and shoot, just
don't hesitate, just let it fly. On the first half they kept going,
I was like, maybe fuck thatone away, but we need him.
We'll make shots. He's made himfor us. He had six in
the game I think this year,so I expect him to deliver. And

if he done, that's okay too, as long as he's got the right
attitude. Well, it's got tobe hard because you know, you don't
really want to take your best playerout of the game, and yet you
know you're getting some good minutes fromsome backups too. I was impressed with
Kimani wins to and what do hegave you down there? Yeah, No,
Kimani was great, and you know, and Isaiah didn't play as well
down there. You know, he'dbeen coming on at the end of the

season there and but that just again, freshman in that environment. I expecting
to bounce back. But Kimani hasbeen and I told him, I think
in the Washing game, I said, after that, I said, you
know what, we couldn't get stops, and he's our best perimeter defender or
second vestment Andre or too, andI say, you know what, I
need to get you in there.I need to You've been too good for

us, So keep your confidence up. I'm gonna get you in there.
And he really delivered. It.Came up offensively, is playing on the
post, met some great passes andthen and then he just rebounds and he
helps us on that and so hopefullyhe We need them all to play well
period. Well yeah, that isthe signature move for a team, right,
Just everybody play well year. Thissme of year. You can't.

You can't there. You can't havea no show. You know, there's
gotta be You're gonna have to beatgood teams. You're gonna have to.
Everyone's gonna have to play to acertain level. You know, you're gonna
have to do that. And everyone'sgood this, you know. I mean,
Drake's won I think twenty eight games, so they're used to winning.
It'll be hard to beat someone that'son twenty eight teams twenty eight games,
and it'll be hard to beat too, so it should be a really good
competition. Cougar's head coach of KyleSmith joining us here on the precipice of

historic tournament appearance. As Jim hadmentioned off the show, six teen years
it has been so, you know, there was there was some disappointment the
final game of the year against youdo Have and then you know, going
out in the semis to Colorado,how do you prepare your team, especially
with all the noise that could begetting to them because this is historic,

you could call it historic, therun that you guys have had this year,
and going back to the dance,how do you do that? How
do you have your team tune outthe noise? And how do you do
it yourself? I don't. Youjust kind of have to deal with it.
If I did, I would havesaid no to this interview. You
kind of have to. You gotto manage it a little bit. And
and first I think that's a littlebit of playing in the Miles thing too.

I said, Miles, you gotpeople want to say no. Everyone
knows your story and it's okay too, and he wants to share it,
you know, and it's an awesomestory. But I'm saying like there's a
there's a threshold where you have tobe able to take care of grades,
get your rest, and you knowthat's an extra. So we talk about
it and it's hard, and it'slike all these kids are raised on their
phones and social media and stuff likethat and pretty in tune. And I

just hit it every day. Isaid, look the noise. And it's
not just media, it's not justand everyone's following it, but it's your
friends and family. They all wantto be a part of it. They
want to take care of it.I'm and it's a it's a lot,
and everyone's going through it and sowhoever handles the best gets it. And
you know, Drake, Drake wasin the tournament last year, so they
probably got a little leg up onus in that regard. But you know,

experience is the best teacher. Ithink this thing. But we just
got All we can do is talkabout it incessantly, tune it out,
tune it out, and easier saidthan done. Coach, I'm nervous.
I'm not even playing. I'm justwatching. I'm gonna I'm gonna Alum,
that's fired up. No, it'sgood, you know what, And that's
that's all we always talked about thesetwo weeks. Let's enjoy it. Uh,

you know. And I and Ithink, uh, that was a
little crabby because I can't handle turnovers. I'd rather lose one hundred and ninety
four than fifty eight fifty two.So I just like that. But but
you know what, it's just it'shard. It's hard. It's like you've
got to these teams are everyone's competinghard, and you got to find that
sweet spot of playing loose and playingfree and also competing as hard as you

can staying concentrating. So I thinkwe'll play well, we'll bring good effort,
and we'll see what happens. Hey, my kids are over the moon
about what's happening with Cougar basketball.How are your kids taking it? Uh,
you know, I'm just dad.They're pretty excited, I guess,
but they still give me a hardtime, like, come on, man,
that's that's doing all right this year. But it's neat because they're uh

fifteen, thirteen and ten all boys, and and what a great place to
raise a family. And and andthen England's been here in such a college
town and just just embracing and everyoneuh never had a bad word to said
about I mean, I go backto last year, we're ten and fifteen,
and so I said, man,thank you for being here. I
was like, this is a greatplace, but this year is even more.

Everyone's that one's really excited and weneed it, you know, Loshington
State. It's it's been a greatthing to to see all the support we're
getting. Yeah, and rightly so, coach, it's been fun to watch
what the matchup with Drake. Youmentioned the experience that they have in the
tournament. They've been there three outof the last four years. I'm also
concerned about their three point shooting.Imagine you are too, But that's one
of the strengths of your defense,isn't it. Yeah, it is.

They'll be there. There's a coupleof things that are interesting that you know,
they really keep people off the offensiveboards, and that's testament that they're
really well coached. And then theydo they spread you out, and they
got a you know, coming inlike a Larry Bird modern day Larry Bird.
He's twenty two a game, andthey really play through and he's coaches
son and he's a really talented justkind of makes a lot of plays and

he's good and he makes big shots. He scores all three levels, and
so that'll be. That'll be.And I don't know what a best matchup
is yet and probably won't find outtill we'll probably give me a lot of
different looks and it'll be done inthe course of the game. They're like,
Okay, this is maybe that's working. You know he's good, and
so it'll be. It'll be acontrasting styles, I think a little bit,

and uh, it'll be tough.I want to mention some unsung heroes
over there in Pullman, your staffof assistance. I'm sure that they've had
a big role in what's going on. And I got to tell you too,
I appreciate Jade Mullins. I justI think of a kid that played
a lot last year not playing muchthis year. I look at his body
language. He looks like he's aterrific teammate. He's unbelievable. And uh,

I got a little miss to youwhen you talk about him, because
he would be easy for him tobe at distraction and and he's been nothing.
He's been awesome. And uh,he's a really close relationship with Isaac
Jones and their their faith piece isreally important to them and Jabe has been
a model, uh player and justand it's so we talked about it's you

know, it's a character development programand it's how you handle things. And
if if he hadn't handled this well, who knows, we'd be as good
as it. So his leadership,it is just important. I was wanting
not We had seven guys return tothe program, and he talks about all
the new faces. We had sevenguys that stayed with the program and only
two or I guess Miles, Isaid two and a ha, three guys
are getting real a lot of minutesand there's a lot of unsung heroes that

And as I said, like thereason we're the program piece improved is they
know the expectations, they know whatthe practice of us are, they know
how hard we go and do things, and they're a great role model for
someone like Isaac Jones. It's youknow, coming home from Idaho and it's
a big step up, but theygot him going in the summer. This
is how we do think. Soit's it's been a group effort. And
I say, like my and theonly sister that's been ad the whole time

is Jim Shaw. He's been youknow, he's from Chimma Coom over there
on the west side. Uh anduh, he's uh, he's my human
cheek code. You know, he'sgot the defense going. We call it
the shamble half half Shaw half scrambleand uh. And he's just kind of
legend in the Pacific Northwest and he'sbeen great and just couldn't enjoy this whole

experience. And it wouldn't work withoutthat. Like you said, Jay Mullen's
doing his part and the staff beinguh in tune with what's going on in
a lot in a great way.Next to last question for coach Kyle Smith
and Koch's taking on Drake Thursday,seven o five in Omaha, Nebraska in
the NC Double A Tournament. How'sAndre shoulder doing good? They seems to

me it's fine. I think he'she's you know, it's still a sore,
but I think it's mending the rightway. He missed a couple of
layups and and you know it's alittle that I don't think of anything to
do with his shoulder. He toldme that, and uh, you know,
so I think that's that's a that'sa positive we'll need him. I'm
sure it's gonna get a lot ofminutes on debreeze. And I saved the
toughest question for last year, coach. Uh, you actually bowled at one

forty nine? What what's the matterwith you? You can't do better than
that? I think that's good?Is good? What kind of buller are
you? You know what? I'mhard pressed to bawl at one fifty two.
I am, I am, Iadmit it. I'm just busting your
jobs, coach. There's not alot of open frames on it. One

forty nine. It was, itwas, It was well done. I
think there's two strikes at least fours bears in there. That was pretty
good. I stand by that oneparty nine crowd. I love that.
I love that. What's you're high? You know? I've actually rolled.
I think I got about of toeighteen before, and that was that's crazy.
I had a crazy year when Iwas at University of San Diego and

every pregame our whole staff would gobowling because we won one game, so
the rest of the year on theroad, we have to find a bully.
So I got pretty good. Butthat was about it, and that's
my Polish roots. That's my MidwesternPolish roots. You've got to know how
to you gotta be able to throwthrow a bowl the ball there? Yeah,
you like you like Zeppo's, don'tyou. Oh? I mean it's

one stop shopping, baby, Whatdo you want to do? Play a
hand? You want to hand ablack zack, You want to go to
the arcade, you want to bowl, you want to get breakfast, you
want a sports bar, you needa drink. It's their baby, It's
all good, fantastic. Yeah,I sure hope you remember all of this
stuff. Remember that old shoe commentyou made too coaching a couple of weeks
ago. Don't worry. Hey,we love you man. I mean,

it's it's been so much fun.God, I just get emotional thinking about
your team and what you've done thisyear. And you know what, one
of my kids said, Hey,Dad, thanks for just, you know,
forcing us to watch Cougar basketball whenwe were younger kids. You know,
because he's enjoying it so much.It's like I handcuffed him to the
couch. I didn't. That's great. You did the right thing. Yeah,
you did the right thing. There'swe know who the true blue ones

are there there. I'd run intoso many people that say I'm season ticket
over and I'm like, really,i've never seen you. There's been plenty
of times. There's been plenty ofgames where I could see everybody. But
it's good. It's a great placeand it's been fun. It's just it's
pretty electric around here, so wewant to keep it rolling. Yeah,
best of luck. I hope youcan take down Drake and then you know,
if you get Iowa State, takethem down too. And we'll see

you in the Sweet sixteen and uhyeah, I have fun there in Omaha.
Will We'll enjoy the ride. Thankyou, coach, Thanks coach,
Go Koobs. Coobs

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