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June 14, 2023 25 mins
Milwaukee's legendary Summerfest turns 55 this year, and 2023 brings new experiences, changes and upgrades, and another amazing lineup of artists across multiple genres - over 600 performances to choose from. Running June 22-24, June 29-July 1, and July 6-8, 2023, Eric Paulsen and Sarah Pancheri cover all aspects of the festival, including select performances, the return of the "hole in one" golf challange over the water and Freeway Flyers to easily arrive to depart from the grounds, the Summerfest app, and ways you can get in at discounted rates or even free. We have more on; meanwhile, enjoy our conversation with Sarah about Summerfest - right under I-794, and US 18 and Highway 32 both bring you within sight of the festival! Perfect for a music- and fun-oriented road trip in Wisconsin.
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Episode Transcript

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And welcome to another episode of theState Trunk Tour podcast. I'm Eric Paulson,
had road Trip Guy, showcasing thingsaround Wisconsin, sometimes road by road,
sometimes city by city, and inthis case we're going for one specific
event. Because it has been attimes the world's largest music festival, it's
one of the biggest festivals in thecountry still and an amazing experience on the

lakefront in Milwaukee. Every year it'sSummerfest. It is now running June twenty
second through twenty fourth, June twentyninth through July one, and July sixth
through eighth. This year. Intwenty twenty three, over six hundred performances
and some new stuff to talk aboutthis year, So I wanted to bring
in a friend of mine, thepresident of Summer Fest, Sarah Pancry,

to talk more about that. Alsolet you in on some specials, some
of the highlights of artists playing,some of the other cool things you can
do and enjoy in some ways youcan get in for a reduced price or
free. The app that's available allof that good stuff Summer Fest easily accessible.
It's right under Interstate seven ninety four, by the way, the home
bridge right at downtown Milwaukee, USA, teen the eastern end. You look

to the right at the eastern end, you see the gate of Summerfest how
Way thirty two, which is MilwaukeeStreet and Broadway and First Street and all
of that going through the city thatbrings you right there too, as well
as all the other highways that approachthe city. It's very accessible. Sometimes
there's a lot of traffic, butthere's a lot of ways to get there
and get in and out. We'llgo over that too, so we will
move forward right now here in episodethirty five with my discussion with Sarah pan

Carey and joining me now on thephone Sarah Pancrey, who is currently the
president of Summerfest, with more potentiallyto come. Hello Sarah, Hello,
dear friend, how have you been. I've been good and busy, and
I know you are right now becauseSummerfest is just around the corner, and
you've been scrambling and working hard.We have been. We are excited.
It's the fifty fifth year of thefestival and we're excited to celebrate with all

of our friends near and fire.It's really an amazing accomplishment that this independent
festival and the community has cultivated itin the artist community and the fan community
and our business community. Has allowedus to celebrate fifty five years of summer
fests and starting in just a fewdays, that is very wild. June
twenty second through the twenty fourth,June twenty ninth through July one, and
July sixth through the eighth, threeweekends Thursday, Friday, Saturday. That's

a relatively recent development that started reallypost COVID and you're still going with that
formula for now. We are.We are really The expanded amount of time
allows us to look at a biggerbooking window for our stages and make sure
that we're able to deliver the biggestlineups that we possibly can for our fans,
but also allows us to really maximizewhen we know people want to come

to the festival. After serving andlooking at different data points, we really
know that our fans want to comeon the weekends and we're seeing great response
from um not only local fans,but also those from outstate Wisconsin, to
the north, to the west,and of course to the south into Illinois.
So we're we're three weekends this yearand cannot wait to get started.

So it's fifty five years now let'sgo really quick through the history of Summerfest
because it did start back in nineteenthwell not a comprehensive thing, but it
started in nineteen sixty eight. Yes, sixty eight was the first year,
and Summerfests took place across Milwaukee indifferent parts. It was an initiative of
the city and we are an independentfive on three that profit organization, but

was really started by Mayor Meyer who'slooked to Germany's Octoberfest and said, you
know, with a with a reallystrong beer culture here in Wisconsin as well
as i should say brewing not justbeer, but brewing history as well as
um, you know, just incredibleperforming arts. The idea was, how
do we create an affordable um wayfor Milwaukeeans and beyond to see all the

great um entertainment but also enjoy someof the great products that are part of
our community. Will fast forward fiftyfive years later and really, you know,
when you fast forward your you're youknow, you're looking at performances from
some of the music's biggest performers,right, so everyone from Paul McCartney to
Tina Turner, the late great TinaTurner, UM including Whitney Houston, and

Metallica and Kenny Chesney and and andright. So that's really the legacy of
artistry at this festival is is Ireally I believe, unmatched across across the
globe. Oh you can't. Youcan't deny that. Actually, and I
was. It's been the world's largestmusic festival at times. It was eleven
days for a long time. It'snine days right now, but still chock

full of artists and performances over sixhundred correct, correct, So that you
know, that's really what makes us. There's so many musicians that come through
these gates um and really having theseventy five acre permanent festival site is another
point of distinction. So the festivalsite itself allows, you know, for
us to continuously hold all this music, but also have the ability to see

all these different types of music atone time, which is really really special.
When you think about the music festivallandscape, well, and being on
the lake front, a lot ofthe stage is actually kind of send the
music out over the lake so itdoesn't bother the neighbors and the Third Ward
as much and all that stuff.But although having lived in the Third Ward
for over twenty years, I wantedthe music to come my way. Yeah,
sure, you're definitely someone who enjoyedthe proximity, I know. But

the actual grounds are amazing because it'sright on the lake front right downtown,
nestled kind of a long and underseven ninety four which actually provides raincover sometimes,
and that used to be an airportand a Nike missile base. For
some cool history. When you're walkingalong that main North South pathway under the
skyglider, you're on what used tobe the north South runway for Maitland Field,

which was the airport. It's whywild. I mean, it's really
it's really so and that's why whenwe when we think about how we've developed
the park over time and how it'sdefinitely been part of what people experience here.
You know the fact that it wasthe tiny little terminal building for the
old airport that used to be ouroffice. I was just walking through some

old buildings earlier this week and Isaid, it was this original to the
site. And now I know thatthat you know, that could be seventy
five years ago that that that wasused at a different purpose. So it
really is a story of reinvention everyyear, and I'm really excited to say
that, you know, we justopened not only the new renovation to the
American Family Insurance Amphitheater, which wasa fifty one million dollar upgrade in all

ways for the that building, UM, but also we have the new Northwestern
Mutual Community Park, which is overan acre of brand new play space that
is um you know, over eightypercent accessible for all kids that want to
come down and play. So we'rereally excited that we're able to not only
support of course, the biggest artistof Jan Jackson was here last weekend.

I'm not sure if you were herefor that phenomenal and she's everything that you
would ever imagine, but also someof our little list fans are able to
enjoy a brand new space as well. So it's really the history of this
property is one that is intended toreally serve a variety of different audiences well.
And there is a huge variety ofstages. You talked about the incredible

redevelopment of the American Family Insurance Amphitheater. The BEMO Pavilion is a fantastic place
to see shows, and you havethose outside of the Summerfest States to all
summer long into the fall, andthen the other stages. They get upgrades
every few years. The Generat PowerStage Briggs and Stratton. Johnsonville now has
that smaller stage up by the Ulneand US Cellular for smaller performances. Right,

Yes, they are. They're suchthey're such wonderful people. It's so
much fun, such a great senseof humor, such a great product.
Yeah, that's that'll be new thisyear and so we're really excited to introduce
Johnsonville Summerville and they just announced they'regoing to have them. There's that they're
big sponsors of the American Cornhole Leagueand they will be ESPN two will be

broadcasting from Summer festum some of theircompetitions, so which I understand our.
You know, there's there's some pros, there's some pro cornholers out there.
So we're really excited to bring mein. And that's what it's about,
right, how do you enhance thefestival experience beyond the incredible music and the
incredible food, what else do youdo? How do you create more for
people to come enjoy? Well,and that's the thing. It's so great

with the music and the performers,but there's a lot to do there along
with you know, great food andgreat beverages and plenty of them, and
there's rides and there's a lot ofshopping. You can do two vendors.
A lot of people buy some reallycool stuff at Summer Fest, you bet.
And we were able a couple ofyears ago to create a shop local
marketplace, and so we're able tonot only feature a lot of vendors that

come back to us every year.I know, I have a specific spot
where I do certain things. Ibuy a Paris sunglasses from this one vendor
every year, and then I buytypically some some things for our dogs and
another so you kind of make yourway down. UM. But the Shop
Local allows us to feature some ofthe great artistry that's taking place in Milwaukee.
So UM, really it's it's shopping, it's it's the Another thing that's

coming back, which I know you'llknow, is our Hole in One competition.
So we took a break a coupleof years, UM, but we're
really excited to bring back the Holein One this year. UM, and
and we're hopeful that that we UMwill do a good job with the whole
placement that UM it takes the wholerun for someone to try to UM to
hit a hole in one from theshore out to the barge in the lagoon.

But it's another fun, fun thingto do while you're here. Yeah,
you can literally say you hit agolf ball across part of Lake Michigan,
the part being the work. Yeah, it's technically true. And yeah,
that's the thing. There's the mainnorth South walk which accesses all the
stages, and then the lake sidewalk, which is so beautiful to sit on

the rocks looking at the lake.And then there's some smaller stages there,
like a lot of reggae and stufflike that happens on those stages and that's
a cool place to hang out too. Yeah, I mean it really does.
When you think about the ability topresent music, and that's what we
talk about. We present music,right, So we and the team here
led by Scott zeal and his group, and they're so um. You know,

they're in touch with agents all overthe world in order to book the
stages that you'll know, comment toand see headliners. But there's also folks
that work really really hard locally topresent some of those some of those stages
that are along the lakefront, andthat's you know, those are great artists
as well, so it's just it'sit's it takes all types. And one

of the things that I always thinkabout when I walk the grounds is if
I'm not hearing music in some way, shape or form, then some sums
up right. So I remember whenit's silent the that's when something doesn't feel
right around here. We want tomake sure that people have exposure to all
types of music whenever they spend sometime with us. Well, and the
children's area that you were talking about, the Northwestern Mutual Community Playground that's open

outside of summer fest time too,that people can access. I think that's
a huge edition. I mean,like David Sebox, Wonders of Magic still
happen there, and there's all kindsof little great shows for kids. But
there's playground equipment and you can letthem get some energy out there too.
You bet. It's a great spotto get the wiggles out and we I
mean it is, and we doour best to program you know. As

an example, we just announced thatover the course of the summer will have
family Fun Days on Sundays and wewill create really a summer Fest atmosphere a
specific days where our first one iscoming up on Father's Day in order to
have the kids enjoy a little bitmore, so we'll bring in, you
know, some activities we do stemactivities. First tea is sometimes here.

We've got all sorts of different umyou know, the museum and the zoo.
They'll come in and help create anenvironment for kids to enjoy. Now
those are free, and we reallyfeel strongly that have the ability to access
this beautiful new park free is reallyreally a part of our mission. So
as you said, the park isopen on any non event day when the

snow is not preventing us from usingit. And last year over thirty five
thousand individuals walked into the park ona non event day, so it does
get used. It's it's really funto watch families enjoy it as a new
amenity on the lakefront. It is, and Summerfest is family friendly too,
and now a lot of people lovepartying late into the night on some of
those shows. Some of the headliningshows on the major stages start at ten

o'clock or even ten fifteen in somecases. But to make it easier and
to spread out opportunities for people,and in some cases to make it more
family friendly, some of those headlinershave been moved in the last few years
to like four o'clock shows. Yeah, and as as you and I talked
about off the air, one ofyour favorites is going to be at four
fifteen on Thursday, June twenty nine. Debbie Gibson. Yes, I'm Debbie

Gibson. Debbie, We're bringing DebbieGibson and it is going to be really
fun. People at a certain agejust remember her with so much. I
mean, it was so it waslike it overtook the airwaves for a little
while. So I'm really excited tosee what Debbie Gibson brings to us.
But on the same day, you'reright, you know, you've got diggable
planets, You've got Georgia's satellites,and then this this really awesome tribute to

the Eagles, a band called HotelCalifornia, and that's all happening in the
afternoon. So when we moved tothree weekends, you know, we really
did take the resources that we werespending on those extra two days and deploy
those resources against bigger, notable actsduring the afternoon. So it really was
a programmatic shift in order to againmaximize where we saw our fans going,

which was, Hey, we reallyloved to come on the weekends, but
we want to stay even longer,and we're seeing that all come true with
those earlier bands in the afternoons.Yeah, and then you know the blend
of old and new. It's it'sa fantastic variety of musical genres. I
mean you go from Earth Wind andFire to to Ava Max and rosalind Now
and a lot of emerging artists andeven the headliners at the American Family in

Trance Amphitheater this year showcases that,you bet, I mean everything. So
so Eric Church is going to kickus off and it's gonna be I mean,
he just is a rock and show. It's so fun. It's a
really great show. I'm very excited. You can tell by my voice.
I'm very excited to see that.Yeah, right, okay, we heard
that voice is so distinctive and she'sjust you know, really she's a great

lady. And then go into um, the perennial favorite Zach Brown, who
is just so much fun as welland so um for us. He's really
special. He was part of ourtwenty twenty one edition. UM and you
know, one of the ways thatwe brought back music after after the pandemic
and so we all everyone around hereas a very deep love of him.
And then right into James Taylor withCheryl Crowe, and that's a good example

of appairing that's only going to happenum or I think it may be happening
after we put it together. Butthose two aren't playing together anywhere else in
the country this summer. So theability to see Schery Crow and then you
know, add the incredible James Tayloron top of that in the Amphitheater is
is really going to be a specialnight. But then fast forward and then
you're getting into Dave Matthews. Youknow, he's he's always fun Odessa,

which um is a big that's everyone'stelling me that that's going to be an
experience. So it's it's you knowedm but it's also they bring in Marching
Band and they have a huge productionand there's I hear there's lots of um
confetti, so that'll be a lotof fun. Um into a bookie with
a hoodie, trippy read City Girlsand local act um Kia Rep Princess.

So then you get your your greatnight of young hip hop. So it
really you know that that's the magicof this festival is that we go from
from you know, rock into uminto electronic into hip hop all in the
same weekend. And that's what that'swhat we love about the festival. And
even the final weekend you got JimmyBuffett potentially that's back and forth. Yeah,

more to come on Jimmy. Andthen also these incredible This is a
great Summer Fest story, Zack Bryan, one of you know, and we
always hate to say sold out becauseyou should always check back and see if
tickets become available, because sometimes theycan depending on how they set the show
up. But I mean, forthe most part, he sold exceptionally well.

Last year he played the midder LightAwaysis, so he was with us
last year played the middle Light Awasis, did great on that stage and pretty
much sold through most of his ticketswithin a couple days of being announced.
So he's on the seventh. Andthen we closed the festival with Imagine Dragons
and JR. To you know,just huge, huge rock bands and ones

that I have also sold really well. So the festival is just I encourage
anyone who wants to celebrate summer fun. It is going to be a great,
great year of celebrating fifty five.It is, and you know,
you learn about new artists there somuch. I loved seeing Zach Bryan.
Actually I did catch him before andI thought, what did did Zach Brown
and Luke Brian have a kid orsomething? But he's great on his own,
great energy and everything. So yeah, no, it's it's a it's

a really um, it's a wewe've been so pleased for him and he's
just doing great, um, andso we're really excited to present him.
But you know, even when wethink about the festival in the variety,
we've been trying to get Lauren Dagofor many years and so she's a Christian
artist, right, so you've gother on the same day as um As
Dinosaur Junior, a band that youand I might have remembered from from in

our Feel the Pain from nineteen ninetyfour. And as you said to me,
Earthmen and Fire is a terrific bookingand we're really excited about about that
and it's really special. Um.And so the list goes on and on
and on, and so any youknow, go to Summerfest dot com,
download the app, um and andreally work on discovering at least one or

two new bands. I will saywe're excited about fifty five because we also
have a happy hour special, whichit wouldn't be you and I if I
didn't talk about happy hours, Iwould love to hear about us. I
am unaware from four to five everyday of the festival, Miller Lights and
Coors Light will be five dollars andfifty cents, so I know, right,

So that'll be really a great wayto come down and celebrate Summer Fest
fifty fifth and then an opening day. If you're able to come on Opening
Day and you're one of the firstten thousand peoples of the Gate, We're
going to give you this really coollimited edition ball cap complements of American Family.
So you know, it's just weWe know that these anniversaries are just

an opportunity to celebrate with the entirecommunity, and we really hope that the
entire community comes out and supports thefestival. Well I'm sure they will,
and I'm doing my part to makesure because I get there as often as
I can. I'm going to tryto go all nine days this year.
I may not be able to makeit logistically, but we shall see one
other quick thing that's relatively new,because there's one thing that gets you up
close and more personal with the artists, some of them, and that's the

American Family Insurance House. Absolutely,I mean the M and excuse me for
for shortening it to shortening American Familythe am famum. But it's house,
um, and you're gonna see artistslike el King, Declan McKenna, Frayland,
Um, I know, Sean PaulKidge, Digable Planets another name you

and I recognize from the path,um and so what but just yeah,
right, beaches, the beaches,which is my daughter is really into and
so for us, um, youknow right, that's it's the generational thing.
Oh yeah, walk the moon,young gravy. There's a whole variety
right right, And so American Familyactually, um, they build a house

in the middle of Summerfest and it'sright behind or I should stay right inside
the midgate, right behind the fountain. It's open to the public. Anyone
can walk and they'll They've got abeautiful deck with a with a great view
of downtown as well as the lakethat you can come and enjoy. They
have some some swag that you canmake and take and so it's really cool.

But then they also do these intimateperformances. They've got an intimate performance
space in the back of the housewhere you can see some of these performers
in the setting where it's you know, a couple hundred people at max and
so there they really do. It'sthe smallest stage at the grounds as well
as the largest stage with the AmericanFamily Insurance Ampatheaters, so they see everything

big and small. But it's it'sdefinitely a must must do while you're at
Summerfest. Absolutely well, the Ampatheaterand the American Family Insurance House. We
know they're both insured, so that'sa nice thing. So you've talked about
the app, which is a greatresource for planning out your trips there seeing
who's playing where and when and allof that good stuff, and you know,
any updates and anything that happened,because there's always you know, a

change here and there, the logisticalchallenge of managing six hundred performances. The
app it's a great thing to haveon your phone. And then there's ticket
deals on the app and online andwith other things. I know there's power
passes and other things. Those arestill available right you bet, I mean,
and we have fourteen ways to getinto free, get in free to
the festival. So what we loveabout those ways is that typically they support

another nonprofit organization in town. Sobe sure to use the app to check
out the admission promotions. And ifyou do no planning and you just want
to jump in the car and cometo Summerfest, it's going to cost you
twenty six dollars at the gate,which we believe is one of we really
defies industry standards um in terms ofwhat it costs to get in, But

encourage you to find a way oror find a friend who who's been who's
been thoughtful and got gotten tickets inadvance. But we're we're really it's a
It's a great way to spend somebeautiful time at the lakefront, it really
is. And really getting there ispretty good too. I mean, there's
there's parking in the third ward inthe downtown areas, there's a few shuttles,

freeway fires are back right. Yeah, I'm glad you brought that up
because what I'm what I'm telling anyoneum that has been down to the grounds
is don't rely on your you know, when we when we think about going
somewhere that we've been before. Wetypically rely on that muscle memory to get
you there. UM. But inin twenty twenty three, there's there's a
couple construction projects downtown that really aregoing to change your route. And so

what we're encouraging everyone to do isgo ahead and park downtown. UM.
You know, don't don't wait tillthe very end to get off on the
freeway, exit early, go downtown. UM. The Wisconsin Avenue BRT is
a free shuttle that'll take you UMto UM as as far east as it
as you can as you can getand then walk to the grounds. Because

we know that the traffic routes aregoing to change or have changed, i
should say, And really it's goingto be the best possible experience to to
park downtown and walk in UM,because it's just it's UM. If you're
if you're driving, that's the bestway to do it. But you're right,
the free freeway flyers, there's UMthe College Avenue Freeway Flyer from the

south, we've got Brown Deer fromthe north, and of course the BRT
from the west. Those are goingto operate UM similar to the way that
they have the past. It's aten dollar round trip. You could park
at the UM at the park andride and take the shuttle in and then
on the way back out at nightyou'll just pick it up at the midgate
the way you always have and andhead back UM. So that's another great
option. Ride chairs a great option. You can bike in UM. We

have not we don't encourage canoeing,but that you are kayaking, but that
peary the lake, don't they Theydo be moo in particulars that I've I've
seen some people enjoy a little timeout out of the lake. UM.
But no, it's there's there's lotsof ways to get here and really UM
as much as you can can planbefore you get in the car or before

that's probably the best way to thinkabout it, because some things have changed
downtown since you've probably been here lastyeah, and so plan those out carefully.
You can use Summerfest dot com.You can use the Summerfest app we'll
have on State Trunk to our specialways you can access the site. Seven
ninety four and Highway thirty two aregreat ways to get in there. And
there's just once you access it,you're in your own little world at Summerfest,

and it's so much fun and Ilove being there and I can't wait
to be there again this year asmany times as possible. Well, it's
it's always it's so fun to havepeople like you that love it so much
and have so much history with it. But I also I love seeing it's
for someone that's the first time they'rewalking into the gates and they go,
holy cow, what is this?So well, in celebrating fifty five years,

we want to invite everybody back who'sbeen here, but also if you've
never been, please come down andenjoy it because it's a musical experience that
I think is unmatched anywhere in theworld. But I'm gonna I'm gonna run
back so we can we can keepon planning it and so so grateful to
you for your continued support. Thankyou and we'll see you soon, all
right, Sarah, thank you somuch. Awesome, Thanks Eric, and

thanks again to Sarah Pancarey for joiningme today. It's a very busy time
of the year before as you mightimagine, so you can make your plans
and I've got the whole list ofshows and artists and everything in order.
By day on State trunk Tour dotcom. Look for the Summerfest article and
it'll be a great guide for youas well as Summerfest dot Com. They're
online guide and the app if youwant to get it. So we'll be

back with more road trips, moregreat places to visit, more great attractions
to see, more quirky, weirdWisconsin fun things, and more right here
on the State Trunk Tour podcast.We'll look forward to talking with you again
wherever you get your podcasts, anddon't forget State trunk Tour dot com.
We'll keep you on top of everything
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