Episode Transcript
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It's the after show decompression session,doing what they do best, flapping their
gums. Okay, so all systemsgone. Yeah, it's the usual little
connection hiccup with Facebook. But we'regood. We're streaming that does that all
the time. As soon as westart, he's kind of hiccups. Yeah,
it's the time. It literally countsus down, like, Okay,
we're gonna stream you guys in threetwo, and then it goes, oh,
wait, I forgot something. Holdon a second, somebody else who's
streaming a picture of their food rightnow? Yeah, we need to prioritize
here. Yeah, I'm right,man, What an action packed show.
Look at all the cool stuff youbroke out of. What a toy box
Tuesday is all about? Man?The skid Mark song was really funny.
Cancelosity the Brian May interview. Isn'the just a great dude? He really
is a genius. Didn't I evertell you, guys what Brian May did
when he came to my station inAtlanta? What he told you to come
to a show or something. Hecame on to promote that he was doing
his own band and all that hewas at a club in Atlanta. But
he came on, and he showedup in the afternoon and he had that
legendary brown guitar that he hand built, the one that he used his main
axe, and he had a Rockman. Remember Rockman. Yeah, it's kind
of like a band in a box. Yeah, what it is. It's
like a Walkman, but it's alittle handheld amplifier for your guitar so that
you can very much like a walkman. You know, you can just put
your headphones on and hear what you'redoing. You can play guitar and listen
to yourself, and you don't haveto have a big ass amp with you
too. It's this little handheld thing. So he came in and he goes,
I've got this thing since Rockman inventedby Tom Schultz Boston. Oh yeah,
the way, Yeah, his invention. So he goes, I'd like
to plug this in to one ofyour microphone channels and then we're gonna get
on the air and we're gonna playa queen song and I'm gonna play guitar
live to it on. So hegot on and he goes, play Tie
your Mother Down, and we startedthe song and we turned up his guitar
channel and He rocked right there infront of us and just soloed all over
it and it was amazing, andhe was this nice guy. We went
to see a show that night andI passed by him and I go,
hey, we had a lot offun with you today. He goes,
oh, yeah, you're Alnao,aren't you. And I'm like, oh
my god, you remember my name. That's so sweet. That's cool when
they remember your name. Yeah,that doesn't happen all the time, you
know. I once interviewed BB Kingseveral times. He was one of my
heroes. And one day I walkedin on his bus. I said,
mister King. He goes, misterBow. I said, oh remember he's
your hero, yeah, King,Yeah, he was one of my heroes.
So my best friend and I wentto see Austin City Limits one time
in Austin. This was in theeighties, I want to say, and
lot Lovett was playing and I lovedlou love It. And a year later
he was playing on Ladybird Lake that'swhat they call it now. And so
it was a year later and mybest friend and I like, let's go
see if we can go backstage.So we go and Lyle love it's like,
Anna, d'haro, how are you? And my best friend is like,
I can't believe he remembered you andhe didn't remember me. An impression
you must have left on him himback in the day before Julia Roberts,
I was going to say, didyou leave some lipstick stains? And oh
no, no, no, no, okay, yeah, when he was
like singing a love is like agreasy plate of enchilada, Your front porch
is like a greasy plate of enchiladas. And that's not a problem right there
at all. Yeah. I likehis song. It's okay if you're not
from Texas. Texas loves you anyone. Yeah, And I guess with all
the gazillions of people that are movingto our fine down these days, it's
more appropriate than ever. Well,y'all, just come on, just behave
yourself while you're here. That's themost important thing. Hey. By the
way, I meant to ask youyesterday, Bo, did you get a
chance over the weekend to watch theGodzilla movie? Yes? I did,
and I liked it. I thoughtit was good. Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. But the one, the one from
Japan that just came out with thecaptions. You're gonna pass on that.
I don't like to read subtitles.It just kind of distracts you from the
movie. Yeah, I can't reallywatch the movie because I have to read.
I find that now, even withlike British shows that are on PBS
or whatever, I like to seethe subtitles because sometimes, like even with
Bridgerton, it's like, what thehell did they say? So I have
to, like Osbourne, Yeah,whenever there's an ausy video, I have
to have the subtitle. Yeah,you gotta put those on. My hearing
is crap after drums and headphones sincebeing a teenager, so I have to
have them on. Otherwise I'm goinghuh, and I'm focusing in on the
lips and trying to read the lips, and and it's messed up because sometimes
if you turn the captions on ona movie and they have someone speaking in
a foreign language, then their captionswill come on to translate that foreign language,
and then your captions are right overit and you can't see either one.
They're like overlapped. I've never hadthat. Look. Like somebody will
speak in Japanese in a war movieand they'll show the translation. Yeah,
okay. Well they put the stupidcaptions right on top of that, so
it messes that it scrambles both ofthem up. Yeah, everybody in the
world just speak English. Okay,by speak English, yeah, I mean,
okay, that's an American thing tosay. There's a song by Unknown
Henson called Let's Talk American. Well, it's true because I'll have to play
that English is the proper English,the one that I don't understand. Oh,
all right, so we're gonna rallyup tomorrow, I guess around five
twenty or so, and we're gonnalisten to I've got six or seven good
voicemails that I picked out. Allright, Matt the Cat sent a message
to me, and he's got agood question. Oh we emailed one.
Yeah, okay, I got acouple of emails. But Matt the Cat
messaged me on Facebook message. Wegot six, seven, eight good things
in here, and we got plentymore room for your voicemails for Aska Stuff
Day tomorrow and Rod Sharma is goingto be an honorary ask a Stuff Day.
Guess he's going to be the experton all things Indian. Yeah as
well he should be. Yeah,Hey, maybe you have a question specifically
for Raj about his life as acomedian or whatever. He's an ambassador.
The ambassador is the Indian population herein North tex He's an ambassador of the
funny. The story he told abouthis mom is a nurse slamming the door
in Rick Flair's face. Maybe Ithought you were going to say she slammed
the door in something else. No, no, thank you. She goes
on those cruises with the w wE people. She does. No,
he does. He does because he'slike a huge fan. Me and him
can talk wrestling all day. Yeah, that's great. And then on Friday,
we've got a comedian coming in too. Oh yeah, Tom Rhoades,
Oh my god, Tom Roads,who is an old dear friend of the
show. In fact, I'm thinkingabout inviting Jimmy up here. Oh you
should if he wants to come uphere and say hi to Tom, because
he's been coming on our tomorrow.James been under the weather, So get
well soon, because we want tosee you on Friday, Jimmy, and
I think you need to bring Jim'sheadphones in because back when you were broadcasting
all that's right, I still gothis headphones. He left him there and
they're sitting on those desks. Heknows where Bo lives. Anytime, get
him any time. I ain't gonnasell him. Really well, it sounds
like it's gonna be a fun week. Man. We might only beat a
Tuesday, but we're having a hoot. I'll ask the boy if he wants
to come in on Friday and getwell soon, Jimmy. Yeah, let's
all get well soon because we gotto be here for the show tomorrow.
That's right. I did not sleepgood last night, so I'm ready to
go home. I No, Ididn't either. That's why my pillows going
Hold. Where are you come on? Okay, so you don't need to
stay late and do other stuff todayor anything. Have some recording sessions.
Well, let's get my crew onout of here. You guys get into
rest mode and we'll do it againtomorrow. Yeah, we're gonna shut down
for a few hours and we'll beall right and early tomorrow. My f