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It's the after show decompression session,doing what they do best, flapping their
gums. Okay, we're about hotdown this bite popular demand. Here we
are. Oh you know what else? What tomorrow is Nick Jagger's eighty first
birthday. Carol Mix still dancing upa storm of course. You know backstage
he has that cardiologist that travels withhim everywhere he goes, just in case
clear because you never know. Buthe's in better shape than most of us
are. Well, yeah, heexercises regularly. All those I mean,
you weren't there, but when heperformed last at the Cotton Bowl because you
were stuck in traff I was stuckin traffic, but thank you bringing that
up rizzling. It was cold,and yet he danced all night long on
that long stage. You know whatreally pissed me off about that Stone show
that I was late to. Ididn't get to see the tribute to Charlie
Watts. Miss Charlie Wats had justpassed away. Emotional it's great and you
missed Juana Is too, who you'venever heard of, is opened up for
me. You know, Mick Jaggeralways gives people that are kind of like
up and comers. A break andhas him opened to show. But in
this case, Juanas is a hugeLatin American superstar really and loved Mick Jagger
and the Rolling Stones since he waslittle in Colombia, and they invited him
to open for him here in Dallas. It sounds like Mick loved him too,
And I think they tour because itjust kind of keeps their powder dry.
I don't agree. They don't needthe money, They just like doing
it. You know what I loveis scene because he takes his little boy,
because he's got how many fifty millionkids, Mick Jagger, but his
youngest looks just like him, andhis youngest dances up a storm backstage.
It's the cutest thing ever. Well, I guess it's only a matter of
time before that little tyke gets outon stage with him, at least for
a moment. Yeah, you know, could be, could be. I
am not gonna say this is thelast time we're gonna see the Stones,
because I was stupid enough to saythat on the nineteen eighty nine Steel Wheels
Tour. Steel Wheels, Yes,that was that was a while ago.
I was at the show yelling atmy friends the whole time, like y'all
be paying attention. They're never comingback after this. Jimmy and I saw
the Steel Wheels tour in Copenhagen,Denmark. Oh we heard some stories about
that tray. Oh there were somestories. There were several stories that went
out about that, some stories youactually forgot. Well that was the that
was. We did Copenhagen for twodays and then we went to Moscow,
Russia for four days, and listenersbroke out the party favors. Oh yeah,
I cannot believe you did that inRussia. Russia, we smoked hash
in a hotel room and r couldthey could have Britney grindered you. Yes,
we didn't even know Britney Grinder existedback then, but they could have
Britney grinerd you. And then weheard that knock on the door. We
said, shit, we're going tothe hoopscut. It turned out it was
the floor manager. They have afloor manager on each floor of a hotel
in Russia, and he wanted sometoo, so we come on in.
He brought some vodka wet him.Hi. I wonder if they have a
video of you and Jimmy and them, you know, because security cam,
Yeah, they record all the Americanconversations they video tape, and of course
we were something bad that could happento the Russian economy. We could have
brought down the whole thing. Theymay have a video of you getting a
golden shower. Oh no they don't. I will fight a most try to
do that golden shower. Can youimagine all those cellmates, the prisoners that
you would have in a Russian inMexican prison. Well, yeah, American
prison's bad enough. I want totry to avoid all midnight express that Turkish
prison. Yeah, Man is agood movie. He hasn't seen that in
a long time. But yeah,that'll keep you on the straight and narrow.
See those kind of movies. Youever watch a movie you hadn't seen
in a while and you notice shitthat you didn't notice the first time.
Absolutely, we were talking about StanleyKubrick earlier. Yeah, you go back
and rewind through those movies. Evenif you know the words by heart,
there's little things that Stanley put inall of his movies that are like,
oh my god, I never noticed. Okay, do you remember in Doctor
Strangelove toward the end when Doctor Strangeloveis in his wheelchair and he go.
You know, he's talking and he'sbiting his hand. Watch one of the
guys that's standing next to him startsto laugh and he tries to hold that
laughing. Oh, they didn't editit out. No, it's the guy
that plays the Russian diplomat. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
you know who he is. Ican't remember it. I can't see
it in my head. But whenwhen Peter Seller starts going off like that,
he tries to hold that laugh in, but you can see him smiling
to laugh, and he almost does. But you gotta you gotta watch them.
I always love it when you seesomething that is not supposed to be
in the movie that they missed.Yeah, and they didn't edit out.
I love that. Yeah, movieflaws. I was terrible at spotting those,
and I had friends who were reallygood at it and started to pick
it up. But yeah, you'relike, you're in a Western guy's holding
a rifle. They cut away,cut back to him, there's no freaking
rifle in his hand. Thrones withthe Starbucks come. Yeah. That was
a still social media screenshot that wasfunny to see. In ben Her,
the movie ben Her, there's supposedlya blue car that goes drivers. I
think it's been her where they're havingthe chariot races. And if you'll watch
Star Wars, there's a scene wherethe Stormtroopers are coming in and one of
them bumps his head. Yeah,and that was not planned, that wasn't
in the script. But it's funny. I was watching because I've been rewatching
The Crown on Netflix, and theyhad this scene where it's when Prince Charles
and Princess Diana get engaged and theyhave kind of like Queen Elizabeth talking to
her mom and to her sister,and all of a sudden, you see
this rat cross the floor, likean iHeart studio rat, you know,
bring them up. It was likeI had to rewind. I was like,
is that what I think? Itwasn't sure enough, there was a
rat, And then they explained itabout, oh yeah, we meant to
put it in there because it waslike Cinderella, and I go, no,
it wasn't. You guys your sethad rats. Okay, remember the
Doors movie with Val Kilmer. Sure, and right before he's going on stage,
what's your name? The girl thatwas Pamela, Pamela, the girl
that's playing Pamela, she calls himVal Insto, they're calling for you Val
instead of saying Jim doing too muchask and they just left it in there.
Next time you watch the Doors movie, wait for that. Yeah,
that's good stuff. I guess theeasiest one to catch when you're looking for
movie flaws is the shadow of thatboom mic that will get into the shot.
The actual mike will make it intothe shot sometimes, but especially if
they like take the movie and thenthey redo like a wide screen version of
it where you can see even moreof what's going on, a lot of
times, that shit will happen too. And yeah, damn entertaining, for
sure. It's funny. Like bothis morning for seven fifty for our contest,
he used the movie Eyes Wide Shut, And I thought that was so
funny because Eyes Wide Shut is playingat my house right now at this moment.
Well, here's the explanation. Ihave a DVD box set of all
of Stanley Kubrick's movies a home,and I like to leave something on for
the dogs just to keep them company. But if you just put on Amazon
Prime or one of the streaming apps, my internet is likely to hiccup halfway
through the day and then it allturns off and the dogs are sitting in
their silence. So I put ona DVD. If you put on one
of those Stanley Kubrick DVDs, itjust keeps playing over and over and over
again all day long. So mydogs know every word to full mental Jacket,
Clockwork Orange, Shining, Eyes WideShut. You're going to get home
and the dogs are going to bedoing all sorts of kinky things. What
is the password? I remember thatthe eyes wide shut, that's the password
for the gate. What is thepassword for the house? House? That's
right. I love Clockwork Orange Amazing. Yeah, the dogs just sat through
that damn movie five days straight lastweek while I was You're gonna have some
psycho dogs, They're already in Psycho. You can't get me leave the news
on for my dog. He's notthat smart. Yeah, if it was
a straight TV channel it's something comingin from a TV antenna, i'd do
that. But all I have isstreaming apps, Prime and Max and that
stuff, and so I break outmy DVDs and put them in their form,
and they it just keeps playing allday long, over and over again.
I used to leave back in theday, I would leave the radio
on for my cat. Before Ieven had Jasper. I would leave the
radio on and I would go onvacation and the radio would just play the
entire time that I was gone.And my best friend here in Dallas always
cat set for me. And shesaid one time that she walked in and
I'd been gone like four days,and she walked in and was playing Gilbert
O'Sullivan's Alone again, Naturally, andshe got it, she goes. I
looked at the cat, and Iheard the radio, and I was like,
oh, you poor thing. Theyrequested that when they called the request
line, and I lettle love themNow. I hated this Naturally alone Again?
Is that the one you hate themost in the world? Or a
Barbie girl? I think I hatecome On Eileen about as much as I
can hate anything. I'm not tiredof that one. Oh my sure.
I hated it the first note.I can't stand the final countdown by Europe.
I will smell it. Can't standit. The first time I ever
got engaged. My son's mam andI we're camping out at a lake in
North Georgia and we're fooling around atthe campsite in the middle of the night,
and everything's wonderful. Campfire's going smellsgreat. We've got lots of privacy,
and it's nice and quiet, exceptfor one drunk speedboater all night long.
He ran around in his speedboat atnight in our cove of the lake,
playing the final Countdown over and overagain while I'm trying to get my
make love on. I hate thatsong. I hate that song, say
man, I can't keep my strokerhythm down with that song. It was
the final countdown. Yes, shutup, Oh god. There's so many
songs that some people just love andI just can't stand. Yeah, we
put up with a lot of themin our career and then and we've had
to play a lot of them inour career. Yeah, this is true.
Then there's the other side of thecoin, where there are songs.
There's a few songs for me thatno matter how many damn times I hear
them on the radio station, Ilove them just the same. There's just
a small handful of songs like that. I'll never get sick of that one.
Are there songs that you secretly likebut you don't tell your friends because
they'll ride your rest? That's right, Come on, you just pretend to
hate it. I'll fess up.I used to like Dancing Queen by Abba,
Okay when it first came out,all right, all of man.
I love every single song they've everput out. I'll throw down an Air
Supply track every once in a whilejust to kind of giggle at it.
I don't know about air Supply.That that's stretching it a little bit.
Love well, of course you likeair Supply. You're a woman. You're
a chick. Chicks love that shipand a couple skate music that flaccid rocks.
I love my music. Guaranteed tokill a boner. Final count down
works here makes me feel fine.Remember Seals Across? Oh yes, oh
yes, The Wreck of the EdmundFitzgerald. You lose phone? Dint you
blow me? Somebody went into it, but this is on social media reels.
The other day, somebody went intoa bar and they played Gordon Lightfoot
Edmund Fitzgerald over and over and overagain, like twenty five times. Cruel
the Girls in the Bargo As aradio bit. When I was working at
B one oh four All Hit Musicand More in South Texas, I played
Tina Turner's You Better Be Good tome, you better be good to me.
Rock kick your fucking over and overand over again, and I locked
the boiler Man out of the studio. It was a bit, you know,
but the Mad Mexican hated that song, so I locked him out of
the studio and I just played itover and over and over again. I
still get emails about people that arelike, remember the time that you locked
the mad Mexican out of the studio. It's funny, I say, why
did you keep playing it? Becausehe wasn't good to me. I wanted
to change things. I do loveTina Turner too, Yeah, poor Tina,
And I love talking records with you. Guys man. We could go
on and on. Well, listen, we're gonna have to play Jacksborough Highway
tomorrow. It's all set, boss. It's just it's only in my phone
right now, but it'll be onyour wall in front of you tomorrow morning
for all those people that are stuckon Jacksborough Highway tomorrow morning and they can
jam out to that song. Yeah. Jacksborough Highway is, if I'm thinking
correctly, Jacksboro Highway is that famousstretch of highway in Muscle Shoals, Alabama
and there's two studios there where alot of famous stuff happened with Jacksonborough Highway
runs through four orders. Yes,okay, so we got our own okay.
And he's saying about our Jacksboro Highway. Yes, yes, okay,
yes, he mentioned Fort Worth forWorth. In fact, I remember one
time, I don't know if y'allremember a wrestler named Gentlemen Chris Adams.
Chris Adams asked me to go withhim because he was gonna do a spot
match, a spot matches when theydo these in small towns. When he
wanted me to go on Jacksborough Highwayand drive to all these bars so he
could get up on stage and promotethese spot matches that were coming up.
And we got toll up on theway. So you just drink at every
bar and not just one, liketwo or three. Yeah, there you
go. Oh wow, God blessyou. That's enough of this ship for
one day. We'll see you tomorrowfor Friday. Is gonna be a fun
show. Comedian Tom rhad is gonnabe here, Jimmy's gonna be here.
We're gonna talk to Fox for hisMike Doosey the best in the game from
Foxnard California for Cowboys training camp anduh maybe maybe a visit from Bird at
Ashton because we got to play theRolling Stones because it's Jagger's birthday. Okay
cool, and we're gonna eat too, Yes, Razors tomorrow morning. Thank
you Anna, and thank you RaisingKing. I can taste it right now,
so we'll see you tomorrow