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July 25, 2024 12 mins
Mark as Played

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It's the after show decompression session,doing what they do best, glabbing their
gums out. We're black National tequila. Dah huh. I'm not gonna go
drink any tequila stand the ship.What about margaritas? Can you have a
margarita? Yeah? Yeah, gottequila in it. But you're like not

a straight shot tequila kind of guy. Now they all know, I mean,
like the smell of it. Didyou ever have? Sometimes they're called
shooters. Sometimes they're called slammers,where they put tequila, then sprider seven
up and then some lime juice andthen you pop it. Sometimes they call
them poppers. So you get theshot glass and you load it up with

the tequila, the seven up,the lime juice, and then you put
your hand over the shot glass andyou slam it. Oh slam it,
Oh so it and then you shootit. That don't sound interesting to me,
very very good. Have a vegasbomb instead. You guys might remember
this promotion. This was about fifteenyears ago, the Republic of Quervo Nation.

Do you remember this promotion? Ithink it was on all the radio
stations for a while. And whatQuervo did for their promotion and marketing idea.
They took over an island in theBritish Virgin Islands and made it the
Republic of Quarevonation, and then theyflew in a whole bunch of radio DJs
from all over the country to spendthe week there together doing activities and again

slammed on game Oh and getting shitfaced. And then on the last day we
all broadcast live from the British VirginIslands. So it was this great trip.
I was looking forward to it.And we go down there and it's
groovy, but yeah, there's tequilaall over the place. At every table
you sat down at at the Republicof Querrevonation there was a full, unopened
bottle of Quervos as a centerpiece.Okay, so the second to last day

on the island, all the radioare all getting along. We're having a
good time and sun tan and allthat. They put us into a contest
to create a new Quervo based drink, and then they've got a panel of
judges to try the drinks and everythyso they roll us off into little teams.
Then we've got ingredients and syrups andbooze of course, and we have

to invent a drink in fifteen minutesand then present it to the judges.
So, of course, throughout thiswhole process, everybody is getting absolutely legless
on tequila shots. All right,I got so tore, and by the
way, we won, My teamwon. What was your drink? It
had blue agave in it, likestraight a gave syrup. It was a

couple of different colors. Man,it's fifteen years ago, I don't remember.
I got so wasted. When wewent back to the island where the
hotel was, I took a stepoff under the beach, twisted my ankle,
went down hard in the sand andcould not get back up, not
only because of my ankle, butbecause I couldn't even see straight, Like

I couldn't open my eyes because thespins were so bad. I had to
lay on the bait on the beachat night, dig a hole in the
sand, barf bury the hole,roll over, dig another hole, barf
bury it. And eventually, likeI had all these radio DJs sitting around

me, going, let's just sitwith him and see if he comes around.
I couldn't even lift my head upoff the sand. I'd start spinning.
The whole world just goes He's stillbreathing. Yes, he's still alive.
He's not gonna choke on his pukelike Jimmy Hendricks or nothing. You're
lucky a cat didn't come by andbury you, I know, right.
Well, Eventually one of the radioDJs goes up to the bar, which
is closed at the time. Theygo behind the bar and they find a

giant cardboard box full of bags ofsnacks, and they bring the whole box
down to me, and I satthere and just elbowed potato chips and Doritos
and everything into my eyes so you'dhave more to bar, just to soak
it up. And eventually I wasable to at least sit up. And
the next day was the live broadcastbefore we flew home and I limped to

the libroad. Have you drank tequila? Since? Then? Tequila and I
broke up on the island and we'dnever gotten back together, not even for
sale. So when I turned twentyone, we had a big party in
San Marcos and they told me tohave twenty one of those shooter slammer peppers
one twenty one seven up. Ihad twenty one, but the next morning,

when I woke up, I couldn'tclose my hand because I had such
a bruise from the shot class fromOka. It was. It took me
like a week before I could likemake having a stroke or something from overdosing.
And that's why I became the partychiwala because everybody that I went to
school with in San Marco's were like, like, you're too small to be

a party animal. You're a partychihuaha. That's just nasty. Oh don't
like tequila. I do, likeme a mambo taxi from me Cosina.
What's a mambo taxi? It's theirspecial drink. And then there's the swirl
that you can get on the border, which is san Gria and a margarita
swirled together. No, I can't. I can drink that. But as

far as just taking a shot attequila, ain't no way in hell did
you drink it when you were likein high school being no, no,
not ever. In fact, JeffK out of being polite, I did
a shot at tequila with JEFFK whilehe was doing a bringing the weekend party
and I almost had to go outsidebecause I thought I was gonna bar.
Really just when he went down,it was just like, it's the devil

if you asked me, But Ido you remember doing a shot a patron
at a record company dinner and goingthat was pretty good patron silver, I
like, yeah, it's like verywell made. Let's see who's on the
phone here, just for a shitsand grins? Hello, bow and the
shoe. Yeah, Landa McCartney haveWing? When did Linda McCartney? What

now? When when was she inWings? Was she in Wings? I
saw? Yeah streak so Linda McCartneyAnd when Paul McCartney and Wings, Linda
played keyboards and sang bad? Yeah? Oh she? I don't think she
did. She sang on their songson stage, but Barry twicide something huh.

Oh, well, she's not withus anymore, so we there's nobody
that we could really ask. ButI've never heard of a Linda McCartney and
Wings recording. Wait a minute,maybe he's talking about the Linda McCartney and
Wings funny bit. Yeah, isolatedher vocals to make fun of it,
and she sucked. So yeah,she sounds terrible. Yeah, that that

was kind of something she'd rather forget. Are you thinking about a Linda McCartney
funny bit for the show No Asong and Seaside Oh good, okay,
So Paul McCartney and Wings formed innineteen seventy one. It's animated. Okay,

we'll give you, give us.If we can find it, we'll
play it for you. There's SeasideWoman by Paul McCartney and Wings. Is
it not that one? It wasone that had it was Linda McCartney.
Well, she's on there. She'sactually on the album cover for Seaside Woman,

but it's Paul McCartney and Wings.Get the credit. Huh. Well
on the radio show Inside. Okay, if we can find it, we'll
play it for you. You gotit, man, Thanks dude, Okay,
I couldn't barely understand the poor guy. Yeah, it sounds like he

had a rougher day than we didn't. Let me see this. Hello,
bone of them show? Hey,what's going on? Boat? Hey?
Nothing to it? Hey for yoursong? How about something in the lyrics
about that big old catfish and jumpedon that boat, big old catfish jumped
on that boat. See the videoof the whale that Oh that yeah,

the whale that that capsized the boat. But this is Texas man, It
hits a catfish. Oh yeah,that's catfish that's what it was. Hey,
this is mertle, I'm outr No. I did find Lynda McCartney Seaside
Woman version two and it is kindof uh animated. Of course I can't

hear it, but it's from aLinda McCartney website. Huh. Okay,
I'll just take the guy's word forit. Yeah, I've never heard of
her fronting a song with the Wings'version two of Seaside Women Version two version
one they threw out right away.It's an outtake, as they call it,

and it's a reggae kind of song. Does he want us to use
that in our song tomorrow? Idoubt him. No, I've already gotten
a couple of good, good subjects. Well, you're not gonna tell us
what they are so we can startpreparing now. I'll tell you tomorrow,
dang it, when I get allthe rest of them. What is Cowboys

training camp? And the other onewas Jerry Jones's case that he dropped her.
Okay, we'll figure it out betweennow and tomorrow. And speaking of
training camp, Mike Doucy gonna joinus on Friday. Yeah, I think
we're gonna call Deuce Man. He'llbe in uh Foxnard, California's right,
see how training camp is going.I don't know what he can tell us.

I mean, ceedee, Lamb's stillnot there. Okay, that's about
all we need to know. Hecan tell us how Jerry Jones is acting?
Mm hmm. Is he walking witha pep and his death tack?
Beat the bitch Ginger Cort. I'msure he had to open up his wallet.
Oh yes, after that, hepaid for lunch and he opened up
his wallet and they said, okay, all good, all right. They

showed him on Fox News this morningwalking out of court and he did have
a smile on. Yeah, becausehe don't have to mess with it any
I guess you can concentrate on theupcoming INFL season. I think someone had
to tell him, this is nota good look for you to be them.
Yeah, with all the money thatyou have, Yeah, Jerry,
just give him a couple more deadpresidents and they'll shut up. Yeah,

at least for a while. Anyway. That must be tough for her.
Alexandra Davis, Yeah, you knowto know that. Okay, I believe
that's my dad. That's who Iwas told was my dad, And then
I got all this money from theman that I think is my dad.
Yeah, but he's he didn't goto the daddy daughter dance, that's for

sure. He didn't know, hedidn't. I've been to many of those
myself. Yeah, and your littlegirl's getting ready to fly the coop,
isn't. Yeah, old Bailey,stop growing up so fast. She's she's
our youngest daughter, our youngest kid. She's twenty five. They give you
an idea, how old. Ijust like that. She's got a great

job. Now she's ready to beon her own. I know how sad
is Deborah gonna be once Bailey's outof the house. Well, I'll probably
be more sad than she is.Being a mom to a daughter, I
guess is a whole other level ofintensity to her best friend. They are
they go to concerts together, brunch. No, they've got a beautiful relationship.

Yeah. They went and saw AlternativeShow the other night, didn't they
both The Elephant and Young the Giant. Yeah, my niece was at that
show. Yeah. Yeah, shesaid it was so funny because she posted
and she's like, thank you somuch to Cage the Elephant. Even though
you were a Dickey's arena and youkept thanking Dallas. Oh yeah, you

might want to think that through.Get specific with your little on stage cheat
sheets. Rock stars. What's thatcommercial? Thank you? Detroit? Detroit
was laughing, Well, we gota meeting with the boss man. All
right, we'll see you tomorrow.Whose song is it? Anyway, it

could be a disaster, and it'salways funny even if it is. That's right,
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