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July 31, 2024 16 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's the after show decompression session,doing what they do best, flapping their
gums. And it just showed methat picture of of your nephew. Yes,
Christopher, who looks like Michael Phelpsgets mistaken for Michael Phelps a lot
time. Yeah, Michael Phelps.Yeah, I'm Michael Phelps. I'll have
steak and lobster, thank you verymuch. I'm not Michael Phelps. I'm

not Michael Phelps, but play itup. Yeah, Carsman was the one
that was like telling me to getfree drinks. Yeah. I wonder if
denying that these Michael Phelps actually drawsmore attention to him. Probably maybe,
Oh, that's really him. He'sjust trying to get out of here.
He's my nephew, so I thinkhe's cuter than Michael of course. Yeah,

that was a big night in theOlympic platform last night. It was
sensational. Late though, I justremember seeing that on Facebook today of these
millennials looking into their phone and MickJagger is sitting right next to them and
they probably wouldn't recognize him. Theyprobably say, who's Mick Jagger? And
it was it was so funny becausehe was really the only one that was

paying attention to what was going on. That's sad. Everybody else looking at
their damn phone. Did you seethis one? It was a shack with
Simon Biles. Let me see.Uh oh, oh god, he's a
holy Look at the difference in heightand she's wearing heels. Look, she's
literally sad. Yeah, it's ahalf shack. Picture. Apparently was taken

like last year or a couple ofyears ago, but it comes back out
every time. She apparently to shack, she'd be a spinner. Okay,
do a couple of them. Lookat that big big man. So Shaq
is selling one of his Dallas areahouses. I read the other day.

You gotta see. That's selling hishouse in Carrollton. He's moving to Heath
in Rockwall County. Okay, RockwallCounty. Now Heath is infamous because they
don't have tax so you don't haveto pay property tax. Oh no property
well, no, wonder if Bonnerhouse. Oh god, that's why my

cousins used to live over by whiteRock Lake and Dallas County property taxes are
outrageous, so they moved out toHeath. They have rockerty taxes, but
they can't raise it or I don'tknow, some strange thing about how how
I'm going to save all this money. How far is Heath from here?
It's probably around a thirty forty minutedrive, depending on traffic. But it's

real pretty country. Yeah. Butsee, that's why I couldn't live in
Heath. I got to get towork as soon as I can. Yeah,
I have no forty minutes to getin. It's enough of a drive
just up in north of here fromwhere all we live. Man. Yeah,
it's a track already. Let meask you this. I have no
problem driving a disc to get towork, but I like to get home

quickly. Oh yeah, yeah,yeah. I wish they'd invent teleportation like
in Star Trek. Yeah, orbring those flying cars on. You know.
I don't want to be the firstperson to try the flying car,
but i'd probably be in the inthe first line. Which what was the
cartoon where the wheel stayed on theground but you could ratchet it up and
pass on. What was that bowthat mister Magoo? I don't know,

I don't remember, but it washysterical. He was always struggling in traffic
as McGoo was always pissed off about. That was an old cartoon trick though,
I think I know, but somebodyshould have made it a reality.
Yeah. Yeah, but then everybodyraised their cars up at the same time,
and we still have wrecks. WhenGeorge Jetson was on the treadmill where

treadmills already around, that's a goodquestion, and they should have figured it
out where you could hit a buttonand stop this crazy thing without having Jane
do it, you know. Love. Let's see who's on the phone here.
He's a brave one, Hello,bowing them show. Hey, what's

up there, Demano? How youdoing so far? So good? I
got a feeling y'all had one footin server right to leave. Yeah,
yeah, you're right. We're alwayslook look ten minutes before the show's over.
We're like that. Yeah, andwe got to stop and see the
boss on the way out. Ohman, Yeah, so you guys are

under the man added real quick,Yes, sir. A while back he
said that you, uh, there'ssome company called Maverick. It was going
to come over here and review footchucks and restaurants and stuff. Yeah,
Maverick. You never gave us afeedback on did they find anything? Maverick

It wasn't Maverick, was it?I don't remember, man, Yeah,
trying to remember. I don't rememberwhat I had dinner for dinner. Lest
I don't either. Smoke coming outof her ears. She's trying to make
so that it was a company thatwas going to check on restaurant review.
Yeah, it wasn't. It wasn'tMaverick. It was something else, Medina.

No, it was a restaurant reviewer. It's a very famous Michelin.
It might have been. Ye starsare in town now, yeah, yes,
So we haven't gotten any results ofwho's going to get a Michelin star.
Hm hmm. What you gotta doin Santa to Mana in San Antone?

What am I going to do inSan Anton? Yeah? When I
go, I always go to seemy brother and my best friend and some
other friends there. Man, youguys have a face, all right,
You got it? Mandan, hangin there, brother, you hang in
Take care. I'm trying. Hesounds frail. Yeah, he even under

the weather. He said that it'sdue to hard living hard well. But
even with hard living, you gotto take a couple of steps back every
once in a while. Very true. Hydrate something What was that noise?
Every time he talk, it soundedlike a machine was going bad his oxygen.
No, I'm just joking. Itwas a joke. I don't know.

Maybe he was out. You know. He used to always like take
the bus or he'd ride his bicycle, remember yeah, oh yeah, I
mean goo. So we always hadambient noise from the outside. How about
the work that's going on outside ofthe studio right now. They're doing a
lot of drilling. They're gutting stuffout of the ceiling and the walls,
and there's this really scary looking configurationof pipes and meters that's laying on the

floor outside. It looks like somethingfrom one of the Saw movies. It
really does. Bo did you hearthat seen sound when you walked into the
break room this morning? It waslike, no, damn, that's scary.
There's in there. Zon No.I walked into the breakroom and I'm
like, going, what's going on? And there's like this hole in the
wall and I walked up to itand there are some wires coming out,

and it's like and I was like, I'm not going to touch it,
just in case how the electrocute myself. But I at first I thought it
was like a gas leak, andthen I asked a couple of our coworkers,
No, I got, well,if the place blows up, then
we'll know. Be careful. Younever know what's going to come out of
a hole in the wall. That'sright, that's called a glory hole.

Drery Jones that, yeah, Iwon't made some glory hole. Then they
can't see who I am. Sohe obviously, when he said that in
that press conference, had no earthlyidea what a glory hole was. Did
he? No? I don't thinkhe did. Jeez, yeah, I
don't think he did. You havethat SoundBite of himself. Oh my god,

it was like I remember doing adouble take and then like rewinding on
the TV going surely he didn't saywhat I think he just said with his
accent and all, here's what hesaid. Here's what he said. I
won't made some gooy hope. Justwatch everybody into Prescot. What you say,
jo, I won't make some goyo? Oh yeah, you better watch

out that gloryhole. And then everybodyat the round up started wearing cowboy jersey
glory hold. Dam are you allfans of El Phoenix Restaurants? Oh?
Yeah? For whatever reason, Thishas really got me excited. Wednesdays are
Enchilada. Oh yeah, yeah.We go there all time. It's like

good five ninety five or something forinch alda dinner. It's always on Wednesdays.
I've never been because that's the dayI need to go. Their chiladas
are terrific heat. Okay, butthey do inchiladas like a bitch. You
used to go with stone cold sweatafter a show to All Phoenix. Yeah,

every once in a while. Yeah. Yeah. Did they stay open
late? No, this was thiswas like an afternoon when we played the
Guitar the Guitar Festival. Yeah,okay, okay, I got you.
Let's see who's on the phone here, Hello Bone name show? Hello?
Yes, yes, I called thismorning about tickets a Wan yesterday and I

was supposed to take well emailed Alanand from Charles's email that I sent yesterday.
Uh huh. I wondering if theyever got it. You we just
talked earlier this morning, right,Yeah, you talked to Al this morning,
didn't you. Yeah? Yeah,I'll check be forwards. I'm in

the studio right now. I can'tsee my email, but if you forwarded
it to me with that email address, I gave you. Yeah, I'm
just gonna help you. Make sureyou're fine. Dude. It's gonna sometimes
it's two or three business days rightbefore the show, before Live Nation or
whoever sends us the tickets to sendyou guys. So yeah, once it
gets to about the middle of August, that's when we want to throw up

a red flag, start shaking thetree and everything. But you're in good
shape. Man. We looked upyour stuff and everything. You're fine.
You're good. Yeah, okay,I did. I wanted to make sure,
you know, because my truck brokedown and I took a little break
here and calling you to try tofollow up. You know. Well,
thank you for forwarding that. Man. That's that's pretty much all I need.
Boss. Well in good shape.When you call al, be sure

and use the password. I won'tnever mind. It was bad. I
know how he feels though, becauseever since they started this where they send
you the ticketstronically, I was anervous wreck ahead of the U two show

in Las Vegas because I did notget my tickets until like two days before.
He see. Man, that's anxietyright there. That's why I think
we should have tickets. We canhold in our hand with right because we're
old. Yes, all right,man, hang on, appreciate it.
Hey, you're gonna have a blastof Deep Purple. Brother hanging there,
work hard, got your bowl?Hell oh they do every day, every

glory, every day. I gotall right, thank you, all right,
you got to hell. You gotto remind people that there's two ways
to win Deep Purple tickets. Thisafternoon with jeffk to win tickets to see
Deep Purple at Dickey's Arena and forhe's going to open up the lone Star
ticket window around four forty five allthis week. But then you can also

go to lone Star ninety two tofive dot com and we have tickets for
the Deep Purple show at Chalk TalkCasino and Resort in the Grand Hall.
So uh, go online if youwant to see Deep Purple in Durant,
Oklahoma. Yeah. And you know, for me, I know it's about
the same distance to drive. I'dlove to run out of the state line

to see concerts. It's closer ifthey live in McKinney, closer, you
know, Chalk Talk and they paythe bands really good because they wanted to
They wanted to stick around and gamble. You know what's uh sad though,
is I mean the show is Sundaynight and then the fort worst show is
Monday night show. We can't goto exactly unless we took a day off

because we came down with Glen.Here's some deed purples on a Friday night.
Y'all still with me? Yeah?All right? I think we got
Frosty joining us too for that one. Nice Frosty Frosty is going to join
it. Always talk. I'll callhim Todsky tody to. Let's take one

more call before we go? Whyhello bow and then Joe. Yeah,
that's going pretty good. Hey,well, you know I got saying that
late watching the Olympics. I'm kindof getting excited about it. But the
subject of the river, how youknow, polluted? I guess they're saying

it is right, pop turd waterbacteria filled. Yeah like the river.
Yeah, I kind of like thetu Would you swim in the Trinity?
Hell? No, I would swimin the Trinity. Well, I mean,
bo, you you were in NewOrleans and every big cities gots come
because they I've never been on FatTuesday, but you have. They say
it just smells like tea, youknow. But well, the city's got

that's the streets. That's because thebars won't let you take a piss in
their establishment unless you buy something.That's right. Yes, it sounds like
a free van Halen concert. Youknow, in West a spaghetti warehouse would
not let us go in there.So what is a man supposed to do?
You? I guess you just finda secluded area and let it squirk.

Yeah, but I didn't fall offand break my legs when I did,
though, That's what I didn't breakmy legs. I tore my quads.
There's a difference. They're both stupidas ship though. I'll go with
you on the clad. So thatmeans you're only four inches right, Yeah,
that's it. That's it, fourinches short of a foot on the

on the river. Uh. Thisis for a really But back in the
early late sixties, early seventies,the late great Little George played for a
stint. Yes, be heart youknow and all that stuff. Well,
if you search, and you probablyheard it bo but the al search France.

It's a song called France and hesings that and that's exactly what he's
talking about. How you know,it's a great City of Lights and it's
of love and all that stuff,but it does have its crust and a
Zappa. I guess his his exampleof of of that, you know,
and then little George sang it.I think it sounds exactly like it.

But anyway, just give it ashot. And you know, I'm full
of information. I read that theyhave not been allowed to swim in the
same river because it's filled with bacteriafor one hundred and twenty years. Well
that's like what calcu h? Well, so well, why are they having
the triathlon then where you gotta swimbecause it makes for an excellent selfie moment.

Oh, I guess so with aturd on your head while you're swimming
there? You got another option?Could they go to the damn lazy river
in a water park or something inthat they sold? They sold too many
seats on them, gondolas and andsurf seaside bistros on the two thousand a
piece, and they've gotta have itout there. I don't know what the

romance is about the river. Let'slet's get some I've seen some mambos.
You'll swim in that swim pool andairs. Well, they could have easily
have done it where they have thesurfing competition in French Polynesia. Aren't they
having diving? Why don't they usethe pool that they have in diving?
Yeah, ain't nobody asked us ship. We could solve all these problems if
we wanted to. That's exactly right. They just don't call in on Deacon

prission. That's right, that's right. That's speaking of that favor. And
look up, it's called France downin France, and it gets a little
blue. It's the very last verse. So Anna you need to hold them?
Oh yeah, yeah, yes,you can't stand that kind of stuff.
I love Lowell, I love LittleFeet and Richie Hayward from Little Feet

kick ass drummer. Yeah, man, all about it? And this is
this is Zappa when he's having fun. Yeah all right man, we got
to run, all right, wegot to get out of here. Is
that Merley? I think that was? Yeah? Okay, the anonymous today.
Anyway, we'll be back tomorrow andjoin us for fun with music.

Data right, I got some newsongs you hadn't heard, bring it see you
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