All Episodes

July 25, 2024 • 56 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You know here it is fun withmusic day, and I feel a lot
of love in this room. Andyou know, sometimes love can be a
heightened thing. Oh yes it can. And sometimes love can be almost perfect.
Almost I say almost perfect, becauseeverything could be just right except for

one thing. That's what I'm talkingabout, you know, love into the
end of the even when you gooutside and when you pay it. How

do you love that engry girl orsomething that I just can't ignore? You
got booted bad? I threw alittle bit in my mouth, All booty

bad. He's get up, bothface, get off. When you gave
bad on the band while my sleepman, it was close for kind of
cute. But the student of mouthyou breathing in both faced, girl,

I may have to gain in thefood. You got booted bread up blietle
bit in my mouth, Oh hootybread, Please get up my face.

You got booted red food, Alittle bit in my mouth, Oh booty
bread, please get up my face. Get off the cow. Oh the

love feel for you can't be putinto work. You're sweet dope. Stop
all and out in the yard andeating turned please get up. See love

can be perfect except for one thing, you know, that's started off so
serious. Of course it did.And then I took her turn and I
led you right into it. Yesyou did. You thought you thought for
once I was having a sensitive moment. Yes I did. I did.
For as long as you've known me, you should know better than that.

I should. You should have knownbetter. Booty breath. No, I
know that happened to some of you. Sometimes everything's perfect, you go in
for that kiss, and all ofa sudden she or he exhaled. You
go God, I thought you I'denjoy that. Thank you both. Okay,

today is the last Thursday of themonth, and that means whose song
is it? Anyway? And yesterdayI asked you rascules for some subjects.
I have the subjects right here.Here we go. Okay, I'm going
to give you to these subjects andwe're going to start writing a song about
I'm going down. I want towrite these down. Uh. The first

subject is Jerry's lawsuit, okay,the one he dropped. All right,
Cowboys training camp kind of goes together. Constipation. Oh, we'll have fun.
That comes from I know, whalecrushes a boat. That wal question
the boat. We have the videoup on the bow. Also the Olympics,

and the last one is the hato a Girl. That's what you
Rascules gave me yesterday for the song. So we got Jerry's Lawsuit, Cowboys
training Camp, Constipation, w Crushes, the Boat the Olympics, and the
Hawk to a Girl. But I'malready sick of they're starting to give her
a reality show. Kayley, stopit, will you? I'm Hailey,

Come on now, that's her heart. So that's what we got to work
with. We're gonna start writing down. We'll have a song ready for you
at least by seven thirty five.Okay, sure, one. We'll see
how it works. And we're doingit to the blues Yes, we're doing
it to the blues bed because youpanicked and you thought I was going to
make you do it to some awfulsyncopated song. Yeah, but no,

we'll just do it to the bluesbed because that's easier to write. As
we celebrate today International Red Shoes Day, since I don't have a pair of
red shoes, I guess I'm leftlike Dorothy. Yes, yes, it's
National Carousel Day. Oh I lovecarousels. On the anniversary of the date
that William Schrader of Davenport, Iowa, issued a patent for his carousel.

I love the one at the StateFair. Yes, he considered to be
the inventor of the modern carol.I love the one at cat in the
hat Land Universal, Orlando. It'salmost psychedelics. Yes, yes, I
actually have been there. It's Healthand Happiness with Hypnosis Day. Annabell I'll
tell you about hypnosis. She gotas hypnotized on TV with Flip Orley and

me and Jimmy didn't go under.Anna was under and you guys laughed at
me. Edward still today, itis National Hire a Veteran Day, absolutely,
National Intern Day recognize and celebrates interns, the leaders of tomorrow. We
used to have interns on this showa lot, but they have to pay
him now. Yeah, so wedon't have to. It's National Refreshment Day.

This day highlights the refreshing flavors ofFlummer, particularly beer. Since it's
sponsored by the Traveler Beer Company inBurlington, Vermont. I never considered beer
refreshment. Didn't either, Oh,here we go. National Chili Dog Day,
Yes, yeah, I have two, thanks very much, two and
fries. And for dessert, It'sNational Hot Fudge Sunday Day. My favorite.

It said that hot fudge Sundays wereinvented in the early twentieth century at
C. C. Brown's ice creamshop in Hollywood, California. I'll can
have my cherries if you want them. Yeah, I'm not really big or
whipped cream either. It's extra hotfudge. Yeah yeah, okay, yeah,
yeah yeah, And it's Feast ofSaint James Day with those chili dogs
and hot fudge Sunday. This damnsure're gonna be a feast and Saint James.

You're welcome to join us wherever thehell you are, So get ready,
we're gonna start writing our song.We'll have it for you around seven
thirty five. Up next is alook at sports of all sorts. The
Olympics kickoff tomorrow and Cowboys training campkicks off today, and then we'll do
the freaking Full File. And boydo I have a mashup for you.

I think I've played it before,so you've probably heard it. And I
can hardly wait to hear what youhave for seven fifty because we have more
Santana tickets to give away. Oh, it has something to do with fun
with music. I'll tell you thatfinal morning strength. Oh, God,
God good. Oh, I feelmy vertebrate Vertebrad, and one of you
has got booty breath. But I'msure who it is. Dallas Worst Classic

Around Alone Star ninety two five.It's so good, ain't it? Oh?
Yeah, half millet Hey six thirty. It's time for sports of all
sorts, brought to you by theWill Height Law Firm. Injury lawyers go
to Willhightwins dot com. Well.The Dallas Cowboys are finally in ox Nott,
California again for the start of trainingcamp. The team's first practice is

this morning now. Coach Mike McCarthy, who is entering the final year of
his contract and is a little nervous, is hoping the team can push forward
this year after a terrible first roundplayoff loss to the Packers at the end
of last season. That one stillstings. Running Back Ezekiel Elliott is back
after spending a year with the NewEngland Patriots. Quarterback Dak Prescott is working

on a new deal with the team, but he is at camp now.
Receiver Ceedee Lamb is not at camp. He reportedly wants a contract extension and
is not going to practice until hisdeal is done, and of course,
he wants to make just as muchas the guy from Minnesota who got this
amazing contract as a wide receiver nowceedee. Lamb faces a fine of fifty

thousand dollars a day if he doesn'tshow up the training camp. Catter watch
out. Yes, Sir, Jerrymight hold out. A teammates said,
Lamb will be missed, but theyunderstand why he's holding out. The Cowboys
will go through their first workout today. The team's official opening of camp,
including owner Jerry Jones State of theTame address, is set for Saturday,

but we'll get the inside scoop tomorrowmorning when we talk to the best in
the game, The deuce Foxtors MikeDeucey live from Cowboys training camp, MISSI
and NFL legend Terrell Davis. Didyou hear about this? Oh yeah,
back the flight he was taken offof United Airlines flight by the FBI.
The Denver Broncos Hall of famer washandcuffed after he said he tried to get

a flight attendant's attention by tapping himon the arm when he went by when
his son was not heard asking fora cup of ice. Well, this
flight attendant shouted don't hit me,and he just tapped him on the arms
and excuse me. And he waslater taken away in handcuffed when the flight
landed. I guess this flight attendantdoesn't like the Denver Broncos or something.

Davis said in his statement that lawenforcement determined the flight attendants retelling of the
events was inaccurate and they profusely apologizedfor United Airlines released a statement, according
to ABC, stating that the flightattendant was removed from duty as they investigate
the incident. Why does he havea heart on for thrill? I have

no earthly idea, But there wasa lot of witnesses because there was a
lot of people that were sitting aroundhim. Yes, Davis said, it
was a disgusting display of injustice anddeplorable treatment. That's the way it went
down. Then he certainly is right. He certainly is right. Nathan Eovaldi
struck out ten without Annie Walks inseven innings, and the Texas Rangers beat
the Chicago White Sox ten to twolast night. Is their fourth win in

a row. Don't get too excited. The Chicago White Sox at the worst
record in the MLB, and itwas a big night for Corey Sieger last
night. He hit his nineteenth homerof the season in the first inning of
last night's win over the Chicago WhiteSox. He finished with a season high
four hits, including the double,two singles, three runs, and an
RBI. That home run, bythe way, was corey Seekers eighty fifth

homer with the Texas Rangers. Hereached the mark in three hundred and fifty
nine games to become the fourth fastiveplayer in club history to hit eighty five
or more homers. The others areAlex Rodriguez, Rafael Paul Merrow, and
Joey Gallop. The Rangers will wrapup their four game series against the White
Sox this afternoon. Globeli Field firstpitches one already five. Can't make it

to the game, you can alwayscatch it on Bally Sports Southwest Man.
I would like to go to thatgame. I love those afternoon I know
I got other stuff to do.It's a chili dog for National Chili Dog.
Yes, hey, I'm already thinkingof where I'm getting one in Chili
Dog. Hu and the Olympics arekicking off tomorrow. Guys. We've been
waiting a long time and watching thetorchs be carried and whatnot. Everyone's familiar

with the Olympics logo, five interlockingrings that make up the Olympic logo,
one of the most recognizable symbols inthe world. Of course, there's actually
two meanings behind the colorful imagery.Oh yeah. The rings were introduced in
nineteen thirteen, according to the InternationalOlympic Committee. In the center of a
white background, the rings appear inthe order of blue, yellow, black,

green, red. That specific order. The rings make up their official
debut seven years later at the nineteentwenty Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium. The
Olympic symbol represents the union of fivefive continents, the meeting of athletes from
throughout the world at the Olympic Games. And the five continents referred to in
these colors and rings Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania.

So the ring colors on the whitebackground represent the nations of the world.
Every country in the world has atleast one of these five colors on their
flag. Pretty cool. It mightbe a little bit of a different shade
of green or red, but youknow, they all applied. It's still
the same. Yeah, All fiverings interconnected, symbolizing how the games bring
the world together, the complete andtaking of the Olympics. The Paris Olympics

haven't started yet, there's already beena couple of casualties. The Canadian women's
soccer team will be without the servicesof their assistant coach and an analyst,
who have both been kicked out ofthe Olympic squad. Team. New Zealand
complained that their practice sessions were disruptedby a drone flown by a staff member
of its group a opponents a spydrum a spy drone. Assistant coach Jasmine

Mander and uncredited analyst Joseph Lombardi haveboth been sent home, and head coach
Bev Priestman has also removed herself fromcoaching. During Canada's matchup with New Zealand
today, all over a drone,A spy drone, spy see and what
we're about to do? Pay?Celine Dion one of your favorites bus Oh

Yes. Celene Dion is poised toreturn to the world stage at the Paris
twenty twenty four Olympics, and reportssay it could be as early as the
opening ceremony tomorrow. I have heardthis yeah. According to Variety, it
would be the Canadian SuperStar's first performancesince she canceled her tour and stopped performing
after she was diagnosed with stiff personsyndrome in December of twenty twenty two.

Stiff person syndrome causes rigid muscles andpainful muscle spasms, which can be triggered
by such things as loud noises oreven light touch. The cause is not
known, but it it is thoughtto be an autoimmune disorder. Severe cases
can cause difficulty walking and hunched posture. Selene Dion, the best selling female
artist of all time, arrived inParis on Monday. She's staying at the

same hotel as Lady Gaga, anotherrumored opening ceremony perform. They're going to
perform together. You know, that'dbe awesome. If Selene Dion does perform,
she'd be one of three thousand,five hundred actors, dancers, and
musicians expected to participate in the openingceremony. And if you want to watch
the whole opening ceremony, you betternot plan on doing anything for a while,

because that thing lasts for like threehours. Yeah, I like to
record it. Yeah, let's getthrough the boring party through it. Yeah,
there you go, there you go. They stretched that some bits out.
Yesterday at the Olympics, Israel's soccerteam was about to take the field,
and then they played Israel's national anthem. The crowd loudly booed Israel's national

anthem because of what's going on?Yeah yeah yeah. The game began with
a massive security presence outside the stadium, amid an increasingly strained international climate that
has paris A security efforts squarely inthe spotlight. The Israel team arrived under
a heavy police escort into Paris,with motorbike riders at the front and about
a dozen riot police vans following behind. I guess with a SWAT team stuffed

inside each one. Arn't. Policeofficers patrolled the stadium, one with a
sniper rifle resting on his shoulder.The atmosphere outside the venue was calm,
however, and fans from both countriesmingled. They held up their flags you
know, for whichever, and posingfor photos. Molly fans sank proudly when
their anthem was played first, andwhen it came to Israel's anthem, there

were booze and they were hisses andwhistles. Once play began, Israel players
were booed each time they touched theball, and then the game ended with
a one to one tie, whichcertainly didn't help the mood. One.
Yeah. Security has been ramped upto extreme levels for tomorrow's big opening ceremony
on the Sane River. Let's crosstheir fingers and let's hope again for peace
at the Olympic. Please please,And when more than fourteen five hundred athletes

and staff arrive at the Olympic Villagein Paris, they will be provided with
a place to sleep, some foodand rubbers. Yeah, that's right,
there's gonna be some banging going on. Condoms. They always provide them with
condres. I thought they were keepinga hawk eye on them to make Really
the meaning behind those five rings condomsis their Olympic branded condoms in bright and

colorful packaging that features the official mascotsof the Olympics and Paralympics. They also
have little messages on each pack.Some of them say on the field of
love, playfair, ask for consent. Another one says, don't share more
than victory, protect yourself against STDs, score win, Yes to consent,

no to STDs, and no needto be a gold medalist, to wear
one. Oh stop it. Oneof the directors of health services over there
said two hundred thousand male condoms andtwenty thousand female condoms and ten thousand oral
dams will be available world dams.I don't even know what that is.

Oh yeah, that's about twenty condomsper person. Since the Olympics only last
sixteen days, that's a lot ofbanging gonna go on. It's an Olympics
sport, bo they should give medalsfor it. They should, by war
out give me the gold, allright? The freaking pool of file mat
hung up on them saws. Ohyeah, Dallas, what was classic aront

lone Star ninety two to five?To train kevi Rolla. Now, today
is the day where we have towrite a song. Whose song is it?
Anyway? Here's the subjects you guysgave us. Jerry Jones, lawsuit
that was dropped, cowboys, campconstipation, the whale that crushed the boat,
the Olympics, and the to agirl. We're feverishly working and we'll

have our song for you about seventhirty five. Low expectations please, yes,
However, coming up it's going tobe mashup time. But now it's
time for the freaking fool file.Setting a new world record is something to
be proud of, no matter howdumb it may seem to the rest of
the world. In Nigeria, there'sa guy named Baba Jede israel Ade Banjo.

I just think of a banjo whenI say that. He is the
official record holder for the longest durationof twerking of twerking after he was able
to continuously back that ass up forthree hours and thirty minutes without stopping once.
Oh my god. Now on apositive note, Bubba Banjo here took

on the challenge to raise awareness aboutdepression and the important of mental health.
But we can all agree that torkingis a surefire cure for depression unless your
guy friends see you do it,because they will wear your ass out forever.
There he is doing it. I'vegot the video up for you.
It just looks stupid when a guydoes it. Yeah, he's got to
throw his man card down to doall that. When a woman does it.

Okay, I watched this. Heis wearing a red hairnet, so
that makes him more manly. I'mlucky. Watch a woman do it,
not for three hours and thirty minutesthough. A Texas woman is going to
prison for a long, long timeafter being convicted for stealing over one hundred
million dollars from the US Army.Okay, Army, it's the United States

Army. You didn't think they'd noticeover one hundred million dollars missing? Lady,
We know where every bullet is andevery shelcase. Thank you. Fifty
seven year old Janet Mellow was anemployee for the Army Morale welfare and recreation
program at Fort sam Houston in SanAntonio, now into business back in twenty
sixteen called Child Health and Youth LifelongDevelopment, and then she proceeded to use

that business as a cover for hermultimillion dollar scam. Over the course of
six years, she applied for andfraudulently collected grant checks worth one hundred and
nine million dollars that she used forher own personal gain. And she didn't
think the Army was going to findout. Yeah, the grant money wasn't
used for the kids development at all. Instead, she used this grant money

to buy mansions in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Maryland, a whopping
eighty two cars, sixteen Harley Davidson'sa Maserati of Mercedes in nineteen fifty four
Corvette Ferrari. She also used thefunds to purchase a ridiculous amount of expensive
jewelry. One time, she spentover nine hundred and twenty three thousand dollars

on jewelry in a single day,in one day, one day. She's
been convicted on five counts of mailfraud in addition to five counts of filing
a false tax return. For thisscheme, she'll serve fifteen years in a
federal prison. Let's say it,bitch, please girl. So the parking
situation is about to change forever atspacely Space Space brockets Jetson, Yeah Yeah.

Minnesota passed a new road law thisyear that's set to go into effect,
establishing laws to govern the use ofroadable aircraft. What the hell is
a roadable aircraft? Line car?We're flying cars, bline cars. Well
they're coming man. And the newso called Jetson's Law goes into a fact

next Thursday in Minnesota. It definesa roadable aircraft. I hate that name.
It's got to go in the trashas a vehicle that can both fly
and drive on public highways, Soit's like a road friendly spacecraft. So
if you're stuck on the tollway,you can just fly over the person.
Awesome. I'm like turned on thinkingabout that, except when there's like a

thousand of them. Maybe at firstthey'll just be a few. I'm not
quite sure they're available at your localcar dealership here in Texas just yet,
but why wait until they're actually invented. The law also simplifies the process for
owners of dual purpose vehicles to beregistered, allowing drivers to use a tail
number, just like on an airplaneinstead of a license plate. That may
sound a little far out at thispoint in twenty twenty four, but Minnesota

is now the second state to passa law regulating flying cars. Aren't even
invented yet. That's right, they'rejust close to being invented. They're getting
dream about it. Yeah, it'sgonna be like a drone on steroids.
New Hampshire has also passed a Jetson'slaw for reference. Toggestion's TV show was
set in twenty sixty two, andthat's a little under forty years from there.

Yeah, okay, all right,now, residents of a Toronto apartment
complex recently received a letter from ProperManagement asking them to please stop throwing feces
at electrical workers. Oh no.The bizarre letters showed up at the doors

of residents who were frustrated by anongoing power outage. Workers have been on
site trying to fix the problem,but have reportedly come under attack by residents
who have been throwing things off theirbalconies them, including their turns. Not
bad, but I've never wanted tothrow feces. I've never wanted to even

touch mine, much less throw itat somebody. Someone posted the letter on
read it and said, yes,they're still without power, which is nuts,
but you can imagine flinging poo atthe people trying to fix the situation.
The management company urges residents to leavethe workers alone and let them do
their job, because throwing things atthem from upper balconies is disrupting their efforts.

You think people are nasty, goodother words people or taking a squat,
picking it up and throwing it atthe workers. Do you think they're
using like rubber gloves or something soI would your hopes are probably a bare
hand and they probably wipe it ontheir shirt right after. At least a
paper towel. It's hard to concentrateon doing your job if you think a

big dung bomb is going to hityou at any moment. Okay, they
must be really pissed off with theseworkers. Dung bomb. Okay, get
ready because it's mash up time comingup on the ball of them show Jallous
Forwards Classic localone star ninety two five. Mash up time. You're ready for
your mash up? They ah,So what could we possibly mash up Mean

Street by Van Halen with That wouldbe even stupider than the rest of this
show is going to be. Well, listen and learn. How about if
we mash it up with Oh,Michael Jackson, are you serious? Basing

amazed? Yeah, abdic systematic bodsa contained don't the journal to get Babs
can't be gampulating, she said thesex a lady, what's my safe designs?

No? You want know a lotcelebrating the boy. She would have
done about the excession had the doublebe god she on the light. Yeah,
she knows what she's doing. She'sso fat she needs a river.

Your mother to walk to the dayday and get to the day to the

birthday. Next time I exist ababy myself, and don't journal to a

young gamulating, she said, exlating, what's the safe is a time boos?
The babies come on, give somesoul. There is a baby that's

the come on baby. She's that'sa lot struggle on blood child. She's
out to get down, to getdown, to get themself, to get

das. No you want, don'tknow a gas that straight strip down towns

a dance das get well. Nowlooks like I've pissed off every van Halen
fan. Listen, I don't know. I like that, not this one.
You would do them show those starninety two five. Okay, guys,

it's time, Yes, it istime. The end is near.
Okay, uh, it's whose songis it? Anyway you give us subjects,
we try to create a song.Here are the subjects once again that
you gave us. Jerry Jones droppedhis lawsuits, Cowboys, training Camp,
the Olympics, Constipation, Whale,sinks Man's boat, and the Hawk to

a girl. I managed to useall six of themido. Did you use
them too? Yeah? I gotit. Squeeze them all in. I
got all six of us. Sowe're gonna use all six of these subjects
that you gave us, And justlike we always do, Anna Belle goes
first. Then Ao, then I'lltake it home because of course I had

to write an opus when I dothis, and we always love when you
close out. Well, we'll seeabout that. So are we read ready
or not ready or not? Herewe go? Well, well, here
we go again with this messy writingup songs that are pure nonsense. That's

right, sure as hell, willgive it a try, and give it
a try otherwise, but Robert says, I will die. Jerry has done
dropped that lawsuit. He's headed totraining camp. Who gives a hoot to
Jerry? May want to hire thathawk to a girl, been on that
thing and give it a twirl.The Summer Olympics are set to begin.

Get do sex beds, so noone sins. Of course, there's a
lot of anticipation, and for someathletes comes to patience. Oh god,
did you see that whale topple thatboat? You know those men were praying
to floats? Get and now mysong is pretty much done. Wasn't that

just so much fun? It was? Well? Well, hell, hell,
hell, all right, he hitit. I got the constipation blue.
Well, that's a song by screamingJane, never mind hawk to splash,

that's what you're gonna say that somebody. I'm talking splash flash like a
wall crashing right onto a boat.Yeah. Oh that constipation blues man.
He won't get Jerry Jones goat sooh Jerry got no blues, no,
no, excepting that big blue starshe bomped out of that court room yesterday.

He did clil Wayne is ninety fivethousand dollars cod. I'm talking to
the Olympics and confipation, not justingave belly. I got the constipation blues
man. Lord is clogging, clogging. Oh Lord, it is clouding me.
Oh Lord, help me with theclogging. Lord, let me slide

away clean Lord. Oh Lord,Lord, Lord, help me with the
cloging. Lord, make my makemy constipation please Lord flash. All of
a sudden, you turned into TGJake's there. I gad the Lord,
your Lord havemurder? Have heard that? Oh all right, you already hung
out? Here we go. Well, I woke up a little mon now

my little bed situation around blocked up, tightening, my back door, clogged
up with constipation. I strained andpushed with all my mind put my bowels.
Woulden't budge even ex lax Wooden.Help listen up my backed up fudge.

I was in mid the hunk.My bathroom floor was damn. My
phone rang. It was Jerry Joecalling me from Cowboys training camp. I
said, what you want, Jerrydown? You know I'm kind of busy.

Jerry's sy I dropped my lawsuit.Now those bitches they're dizzy now here.
I sit on the throne surrounded bymy butt vapor. Jerry Jones is
on the phone. Call the hell. I'm out of toilet paper. I'm

jacked up and backed up, andI'm starting to boat. I feel like
that guy who had that well Sigresboat. I said, listen up,
Yarin. No, I don't meanto nick pick, but I got the

company coming tomorrow. We're gonna watchthe Olympics. Jerry said, I need
a favor. I said, Jerry, anything in the world. Jerry said,
do you have the phone number ofthat to a girl? That's when

I hung up on him. Ifagain I hear it ring, I ain't
gonna answer my phone. I'm justgonna spit on that side. Well that's
enough. That should last us fora month. Thank you, bo oh

God get ready Santana tickets next onthe Bowl with the Jewels, God shut
days. What is right pretty andsunny out there? He's going to be
a nice weekend Dallas For's classic rocklone Star ninety two five. Okay,
you were brave enough to sit through? Whose song is it? Anyway?

Thank you all. Now let's giveaway some Santana tickets. Santana coming with
County Crows August fifteenth at Dicky's Arena. That's right around the court. Yes,
it's going to be here before youknow it, the Oneness Tour.
So it being you know, funwith music day Today, I'm doing music
from a movie. Okay, amovie you probably saw because a very famous

director would have turned ninety six tomorrow. This is the music to one of
his movie. I'll tell you thedirector in a minute. If I don't
get an answer, all right,all right two one four or eight one
seven seven eight seven one nine twofive? Tell me what movie this is?

Mail thinks already know what Hayle knewit right off the bat, right
off the bat. Uh huh oh. This has been all over the news

lately, too, has it?Really? Yes? Really, yes,
I'll tell you to here, don'tsay what I want to find out?
Why? Yes, okay, letme see. Should I tell him who
the director is? Don't worry thedirector? What have turned ninety six?
Tomorrow? Is Stanley Kubrick? Yes? I believe this was one of his

last movies. Yeah, it surewas, all right? Two one four,
one seven. Let's say if youknow, boy, then show tell
me what movie that is? Oh, I don't know, that's all I'll
give. Okay, bon and themshow tell me they didn't know either,

and them show tell me what moviethat is? Oh, you mean I
need to answer something? Oh yeah, I gotta. I can't just call
and win. You know how itworks on this show ball and then show
all right, tell me what moviethat is? Stanley Kubrick movie? Yes,
yes, crap, I don't knowwhat movie? Well, it's kind

of a happy gold look because mostof his movies are really dark. In
fact, this movie was kind ofdark. It was very dark, very
dark. It took like two yearsto make, and the actor said that
they would have done it for threeyears. That's how much they loved working
with Stanley Kuper. He's a madgenius. All right, Bon, And
then show tell me. What StanleyKubrick movie that is I shut yes with

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman because theywere married at the top and eating Yeah,
and why is this movie being thetete Nicole Kidman has been interviewed several
times this past week about working withStanley Krubrick and Tom Cruise and how he
was like really trying to get intotheir relationship. You know, they got

a divorce shortly after this movie opened. Ye yeah, I did, yeh.
All right, now to the businessat hand. Who is this James?
Hang on just a minute. We'llhook up with Santana tickets, so
don't go away, all right,all right, good job, James.
Coming up, I'm gonna play asong that Annabelle found for me yesterday.
Yeah, it had something to dowith the Olympics. But that's all.

I'm gonna say. More tickets tosee Santana tomorrow on the Bow and Them
Show. But coming up next hour, we're gonna open up the lone star
ticket window and give away tickets toSlash His Serpent Music Festival, happening in
August seventeenth at Texas Trust cu Theater. Give those away around eight forty right
here on Lone Star ninety two five, Weeny Chilli Beanie, the Spirits are

about to speak. That's from Rockyand Bullwinkle, by the way, in
case Shell didn't know, Sometimes myhumor goes way over people's head and it's
probably just as well love it.You know what we were talking about?
John Mayall, our boy Buddy Whittingtonplayed with John Mayol after Coco Montoya lefting
there for a while. A greatvenue called Caravan or Dreams. I love

that venue, sir, yes,sir. Anybody remember Chris Brown? Oh
yeah, the guy that does Rinagot in a fight with Rihanna. Well,
Chris Brown is being sued for fiftymillion dollars Oh yeah, after allegedly
brutally beating four men following a showat Dicky's Arena in for warth Four Denton
County men filed a lawsuit claiming thatChris Brown and his entourage surrounded them after

a show last Saturday and threw chairsat him, kicked them, stomped him,
and just beat the hell out ofthem. Brown promoter Live Nation and
rappers thinkoh, siege Hood Boss andYellow Beezy. I'm sure you've got albums
by all of them. Yeah,all of them. They're all named in
the suits. The plaintiffs say theywere invited backstage to Brown's VIP area after

his show. Before leaving, oneof the men named Charles Busch shook Chris
Brown's hand and congratulate him on agood show, good show, enjoyed it
and all that well. Someone inChris Brown's entourage then mentioned to Brown,
hey man, you got a beefwith this guy. So Chris Brown told
the members of his entourage to quotef Bush up no, and Brown's homies

wailed on the guy and the otherthree men and just beat him bloody.
Now, you may get away withthat somewhere, but he not going to
get away with this. The menare seeking a temporary restraining order against Chris
Brown and the other musicians plus quoteno less than fifty million dollars for pain
and suffering, mental anguish and medicalexpenses is day and age. I'm surprised

we haven't seen videos all over theplace, I know, because they just
the guy just said, hey man, good show. Say one of his
men said, man, you gotto beef with this guy. So they
just beat the sale out of there. He didn't remember, and then he
reminded him and then now look,it was backstage at their VIP meet and
greet, and then they followed theguy into the stairwell and beat him up.

Mun Well, I hope you giveup fifty million dollars because you've got
at least that much to do.Yep. Well. On a lighter note,
the Hawk to a Girl has scoredanother endorsement deal. I told you
that she's up to sixteen minutes offame, not fifteen. The Internet sensation,
whose real name is Hailey Welch,has signed with Leaf Trading Cards for

an exclusive series of cardboard collectible ohstop It, Scratch and sniff, I
wonder path them. Hot to aGirl Trading Cards will set you back around
one hundred dollars, and each willinclude an autograph card with a unique inscription
below a snapshot of her rocking acowboy hat. Oh Boys. Sources tell
TMZ the cards are already close toselling out. Stopping but will she spit

on that thing? What is theobsession with this girl? Off? I
don't know, I don't know.Yeah, this is just the latest deal
that Haley Hawk to a Girl haslanded. She reportedly received thirty thousand dollars
for her first public appearance, andyet teachers can't get that much on here,
right. Imagine someone finding some howkto a girl cards in around ten

years and wondering what the hell wasa marber with these people? A trading
card man? Oh stop it?What a world? What a world?
Make it as a society apparently not? Well, We've had a Wiener spill
in Chicago. Excuse me? ShallI expound? Yes? Please? The
Oscar Mayer WEENO wienermobile got into amajor wreck on the Chicago Highway and it

flipped over on its damn sound nomustard all over the damn place. The
hot shape wienermobile hit a car Mondaymorning Long Eye two ninety four in the
Chicago area. The driver lost control, over corrected, rolled it onto wood
side near the Chicago suburb of oakBrook. No injuries reported after the crash.
I'm grateful to hear that it promptedthe closure the right lane of two

ninety four for more than an hour. And a spokesperson for the Oscar Meyer
brand, which has several Wiener mobiles, I didn't know they had a wienermobile
fleet. Yes they do. Ohyeah, okay, Well they told the
Chicago Times that They're grateful everybody involvedis safe and there's no injuries. Videos
from the crashing so that the yellowand orange wienermobile was later hauled away on

a FLATBEG truck with a parent damagevisible to the side of the Wiener all
dead in to A girl was onthe scene. Yeah, she spin on
that thing. Yeah, the didjust came right out, just came right
out. As soon as she spiton that than jeezz out. Popular barbecue

her Toto's will open a new storein Dallas. The new restaurant will be
located at nine hundred South Harwood Street, right outside the Dallas Farmer's Market.
Here. Toto Barbecue started in twentyeighteen when owner Brandon Hurtato and his wife
started selling barbecue in a tent outsideof a brewery. That evolved into a
food trailer the next year, andthen a brick and mortar store in Arlington.

That's the place that wanted one ofthe Rangers to sign and they offered
in free barbecue for the rest oflife. Now the restaurant has stores in
Fort Worth, Mansfield and a standat Globelife Field. The new location will
serve brunch only. I guess theydon't want to stay open in the afternoon.
I don't know her Toato says.He hopes the store will be opened

before the end of the year.And NASA has introduced new technology. They're
always working, aren't they, Thatwill allow astronauts to safely drink their own
urine. Oh no, wow,just like in water World. Yes exactly.

Scientists have developed a new lightweight systemthat can collect and purify roughly one
point six y nine fluid ounces ofwater from urine within a person's space suit
in just five minutes. Humidity sensorsitting in a silicone cup beneath the astronauts
privates male or female well sense theurine, sparking a vacuum pump that draws

it into a seventeen point six poundfiltration device on their back. They suck
it out of you. Yes,they filter transformed the urine into fresh,
drinkable h two. Oh, that'stransferred to the space suit's water bag.
Another reason I don't want to bean astronaut. No, remember when the
astronauts used to drink tang in space. Now they'll be drinking wang in space.

That was too easy, but Ihad to do. I'm sorry.
We got tickets to see Slacks DallasVorus Classic Rock lone Star ninety two to
five. Billy Joel is going tobring his one show a month residency at
New York's Madison Square Garden, whichstarted in January of twenty fourteen. It's

coming to an end tonight. Thefinal show raises his overall total of Garden
performances to one hundred and fifty andthe one hundred and sixteenth one in the
residence. I wish I had seenhim at Madison Square Garden. I've seen
him everywhere, it seems like hadthe old Texas Stadium saw him there several
times. Oh yeah, And despiteturning seventy five in May, he has

no plans to retire. He says, what else am I going to do?
Stop doing shows and sit around andwatch TV and turn into a vegetable.
No, I don't want to dothat. But here's Billy Joel talking
about he can't believe it's over,and I kind of flabbergasted that it did
last as long as it did.My team tells me that we could continue
to sell tickets, but ten years, I don't know. It's one hundred

and fifty shows, ten years allright, already, all right, already
leave me alone? Will ye.Throughout the course of his Medison Square Garden
run, he has sold more thanone point six million tickets and was joined
by numerous special guests, including SteveMiller, Sting, Bruce Springsteen, Brian

Johnson, the late Great Tony Bennett, Paul Simon, Billy Gibbons, Elvis
Costello, and foreigners Lou Graham andMick Jones. Huh, it's going to
be the end of an era.I wonder who's going to join him on
stage tonight his final show. No, it's got to be a big star.
Probably be to a girl there,No, all right, who want

our tickets to go see sala ash? Oh? That was Ray Bonner and
he is a real happy dude becausehe hasn't won anything since the days of
Duck Dynasty. Well, there's there'sa reference right there. We can all
get behind here. Unexpected expenses arethe absolute worst. Car problems or ac
breaks down at the house. Well, if you could use an extra thousand

dollars, make sure you keep listening. We have nine more chances for you
to win one thousand dollars today withClassic Cash. Your first chance coming up
just after nine when you hear thatnationwide keyword entering at lone Star ninety two
five dot com, and you justmight be our next big winner. Classic
cash on lone Star ninety two fivewas ryber plants lips trying to beat him

to death. Maybe he was cold. I don't know. Tomorrow's Friday,
and it's gonna be a good Fridaybecause an old friend of the show's comedian,
Tom Rhoades is gonna stop by.And since Tom Roads is a good
friend of Jimmy's and min Jimmy's comingin toe, Jimmy's gonna be on the
show. We're gonna have a familyreunion here in the studio. Yes we

will. We go have some goodtimes and some food too, Is that
right? So Saturday is National ChickenFinger Day, and I don't know who
made it up, but I'm gladthey did, because Raising Cain's is gonna
bring us some chicken fingers tomorrow.Do love me some Raising Cane chicken fings,
especially that sauce. Oh yeah,man, goodness, all right,
let's talk about some delisious time wastersthat we've got heah, okay, up

on the Bow and Them show pageat lone Star ninety two five dot com.
You talked about this earlier, bobut Eric Clapton took to social media
yesterday to honor his mentor and theman that he says was a surrogate father,
the great blues legend John Mayall.Clapton, who first joined Mayoll's Blues
Breakers back in April of nineteen sixtyfive after quitting the Yardboards, posted this

very emotional two minute video on socialmedia, and we have that up on
our page for you to check out. Yeah, he looks like he's about
to start crying because they were great. He sounds kind of frail and emotional.
John definitely in morning. John Mayolgave him his start. Yes,
Eric Clapton shares one of his regretsduring his time with John Mayol's Blues Breakers

gave him in return was how muchfun it was to drink and woman eyes
when he was already a family man. And I wish to make amends for
that. I did that while hewas alive, and I since learned that
that is not the best way tocarry on. I shall miss him,
but I hope to see him onthe other side. Yeah. Absolutely,

And those are some big hits thatEric Clapton has taken Remember Jeff Beck he
was so close to Jeff. Yes, yes, So we have the other
tributes posted to the great John Mayallon our page. He, by the
way, will be honored at theRock and Roll Hall of Fame this October.
In fact, there was a songwe used to play on Q one

oh two called Jack's Borough Highway.I found it, he got it,
did bring it in tomorrow. It'llbe up on your bow wall when you
get here in the morning. Wait. I wonder if Eric Clapton is going
to be part of the tribute toJohn Mayall at the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame, And I wouldn't becool, wouldn't be surprised, wouldn't be
surprised. Hey, the first traileris out for the Bob Dylan biopic,

A Complete Unknown. I saw ityesterday. Timothy Shallo May is gonna play
Dylan as he arrives in New YorkCity in nineteen sixty one. And the
trailer has Timothy Shalomey, who youmay remember from Wonka. Well, he
really embodies the Bob Dylan persona andsings and plays a hard Rains are gonna

fall. We've got that video up. The trailer up on our page.
It is amazing. Watch it lastnight. Yeah, Timothy to learn to
go yee, he's got it down. Actually, a complete unknown will be
out in December, and Rainbow's nineteenseventy seven concert in Munich is getting a
special release. Rainbow Live in Munichnineteen seventy seven is set to drop on

September nineteenth. The release will comeas a two CD DVD package. We've
got actually a video from that showup on our page that you can check
out. Speaking of videos, LennyKravitz has released a video for Paralyzed off
his latest album Blue Electric Light.We also have that up. And finally,
remember the line from the movie Jaws, I think we need a bigger

boat. Yes, well, somefishermen in New Hampshire have lived that phrase.
Check out the video. You probablyheard about it already. We actually
incorporated into our songs. Yes,the whales slamming into this boat. Honestly,
it looks like a toy compared tothis whale. Check out the video

on the Bow and Them show pageat lone star ninety two to five dot
com. Ladies and gentlemen, TheBowe and Them Show just another page in
the Hustler magazine of the life.Hustler really really the page. Yeah,
like you're offended. Don't even pretendwith me there, playboys a little classier.
Yeah, well, if you're lookingfor classy, you picked the wrong

show to be on. I'll tellyou that. Okay, thanks for tuning
in, Thanks for giving us somegood subject for whose song is it anyway?
Marvelous job? Yeah, that wasfunny. Survived last Thursday of the
month. Oh, you get allworried about it. You do a great
job when you do. Tomorrow isFriday, and old friend of the show's

comedian Tom Rhodes is gonna stop by. I hadn't seen him in a while.
He's at Hyenas in Dallas, whichis in Mockingbird Station, And uh,
Jimmy Jim White's gonna come back onthe show. He's gonna hang out
with us because he's old friends withTom Rose, and so we're just gonna
make it a big family reunion herethough. And then of course we have

another edition of Hey Anna, What'sHappening? Because there's a lot going on
this weekend. There always is alot going on, And of course we're
gonna talk to Fox fors Mike Dooseylive from Cowboys training camp. See how
it's going down now, California.That's right, that's what they call it
it. And see if Ceedee Lambis he's gonna hold out, what's he

gonna do? He get fined fiftythousand dollars a day. Zach Martin did
the same thing. Remember that.How about that player that you talked about
and ask us stuff or did youknow that ended up going broke and he
kept asking for more money? Yes, yeah, that was Latrelle's freewell.
I think maybe we should send thatstory to cdee laam. Yeah, just

don't don't price yourself out of thewhole paycheck. Thank you. Yeah,
okay, So our after show decompressionsession is next. How it's gonna go,
We have no idea, but Ido know that we will have more
Santana tickets at seven fifty tomorrow andanother pair of Slash tickets at eight forty

in the ticket window. Now ourafter show decompression session. I don't know
what's gonna happen. We never knowwhat's gonna happen. We talk about life.
Actually, we solve all of life'sproblems. So if you've missed a
decompression session, you're in trouble.Well, if you're waiting on us to
solve your life's problem, you needto get your prior on his strap.

That's a flag. Yeah, thatwas a tee. That certainly was a
teas. So we'll do that andthen tomorrow Friday, good to see Jimmy
again back on the show and we'llsee how that goes. Plus, you
guys haven't met Tom Road yet andI really like his comedy. Yeah,
yeah, Wow, he's gonna behere and it's gonna be one of those

shows because Friday, the wheels comeoff, as you all know, so
cap between the digchits do, thenI ain't. We'll see you b
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