Episode Transcript
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The nightmare begins the bull and thenshow yeah American hair can ye no your
kicking jack? Hold it, holdit? What the hell is that is
Friday? It's Fridayay, It's Friday. Of course, of course, of
course the past week has put mequite out of sorts. Tomorrow I'll be
in my boxer shorts and I willstay in bed. I just work at
e work a week and earn mytake homepey. And since the week gets
here, i'll sleep. I won'tget up early, no way, since
Friday is here, I'm relieved.Of course, Tomorrow on TV, I'll
watch my sports up until noon.You'll hear my snores, like listen to
this. I will stay in bird. Monday, I got don't go to
work booze. Tuesday, my timemakes me want us dudes, where's in
the bostos busting my home? AndThursday I'm in work. Weeks long?
Go on a Friday running the whistleblue sat fine, it means a week
and it's finally all arrive Friday,got go here? Oh you better than
Christmas? My days is that Monday, Tuesday is Thursday, Friday going.
I had a boy like that goso wrong? That is your genius.
Oh I didn't have guests for thefirst time. I call it was thirty.
I have a ten pounds so longyou're sitting out on the veil.
I'm feeling you. Baby, you'refeeling me. That's not very likely,
and here's why. Oh my god, I'm drowned. Mom, Dad,
I'm not having a sex change operations. Well, now you make me own
nervous. Hey, baby, Igot a little something something for We have
to oil up and parade around Naco. Do it really for duo? Yes?
Well, I say, okay,we'll be at the playground drinking beer.
God, we love beer. Iam sorry, but that is one
thing that will never happen. Thatsounds crazy, okay, but fun,
you're an overbearing, hyperclusure psychotic andI'm well, you know fun. You
know that was my nickname in highschool, the Big Easy. I'm really
excited because I've always wanted to havemy brest on national television. So let's
get to it. Who I loveyou? What's a brother gotta do to
get some of that? That soundslike a lot. Well, we got
a lunch on the show today.Oh yeah, it's gonna be a part.
If you're awake, you'll be knowingthat if you're asleep, you're not
hearing what I'm saying. Anyway,Wow, we get to see an old
friend of the show's comedian. TomRhodes is gonna stop by. I don't
think we've had the boy on theshow in the last several years. Yeah,
and he's not the only one stoppingby, So is Jim White.
Yeah, Jimmy's coming in because Jimand Tom and me are real good friends
and we hadn't seen each other.Of course I see Jimmy all the time.
But Tom Rohase is coming in.I told Jimmy and he said,
hell, yeah, I'll be here. Yeah. Did you guys meet him
here in North Texas or when youwere in New Orleans? No, we
met him when we were working atQ one oh two back in the eighties.
He is awesome. He is sofunny. He used to have a
TV show called Mister Rhodes on NBClong long time ago. He's sick,
isn't he. Oh he's a sickpuppet. Oh yes he does. Yes,
he glove. So we got that. Plus we're gonna call Fox Force
Mike Doocy get the report. Onthe first day of training camp, which
was yesterday. I don't know howmuch happened. Jerry probably got up there
and said, I hate those bitches. I doesn't settled all that. Now,
let's get to work and we'll giveaway our last pair of Santana tickets.
And we also have tickets to seeSlash when Slash comes to town.
All this and so much more.It's just piling up. The longer we
wait, the more stuff is gonnahappen. First day of the Olympics today.
Oh yeah, we're gonna have theopening ceremony, the big news.
I guess Lady Gaga and Celine Diongonna be performing. Yeah, either they
don't know. Are they supposed tobe together, because that rumor is still
not completely substantial. Saw that theywere gonna sing the French classic la' Ville
on Roads. Okay, So allthat and so much more as we celebrate
today System Administrator Appreciation Day. Systemadministrators, or they call them SISI dims
are it specialists task with making surecomputer systems are working properly. So we
don't have one here, huh wedo. I don't know where we are
is a dirty job because something isalways breaking down up here. They're hiding.
It's National Aunt and Uncle's Day.Now. We all have ants and
uncles that are a little off center, you know what I'm saying. They
can be fun or a little creepy, but they're part of your d NA,
like it or not. My dad'solder brother, we used to always
call them crazy Uncle Joe crazy joke. I had crazy Uncle Dan, yes,
and I had another uncle Van Crazy. We didn't call him crazy Walter.
He would just Walter. He wouldalways get drunk at Thanksgiving and break
something. Oh oh, me andmy brother couldn't wait to go to Thanksgiving
dinner at my aunt's out. Nocreepy uncles, she does not really,
no, not either. I didgood. None of mine ever tried to
feel me up, So I'm allright, kind a boy. It is
one voice day today, one voiceas it Well, there's three here now,
and there's gonna be more voices herea little bit later on. Will
try to keep it as less confusingas possible. National talk in an elevator
day, I do it all thetime. Well, you know, if
you don't say anything to anybody inthe elevator's kind of uncomfortable. However,
if you start a conversation with someone, you may wish you'd kept your mouth
shut. That's very true. Yeah, because some people, some people don't
know how to shut up. Samegoes on an airplane exactly. But you're
sitting next to the person on theairplane and you might well say something.
Sometimes you just put your headphones on. Yes, Yeah, conversation's over.
It is National All or Nothing Day. There's no halfway on this show here.
Today National Get Gnarly Day an opportunityto embrace new ideas and toss out
always. According to Whirlpool, thefounders of this day, the world gnarly
can mean anything good or anything bad, depending on what you're talking about.
It's a surfing tear man. NationalBagel Fest Day Bagel Today in Mattoon,
Illinois, they have Bagel Fest withmusic, rides, a parade, a
Miss Bagelfest beauty contest, and abagel baby contest, and a bagel breakfast,
a Bagel Baby Bagel baby Contest.I guess the cutest baby with a
bagel on his head. National CoffeeMilkshake Day. I like that. All
hell Yeah, World Tofu Day,Oh hail, no, no way,
hold that off my grill. Tofuis nasty. I don't care what it
is or how much you dress itup. It's closely related to ToeJam.
Yeah it kind of looks like tojam, Yes it does. Alright, let's
do our morning stress. Yeah good. We got a lot of sports of
all sorts to do, and thenof course we got the freaking full file,
so let's get ready. Time toget y ass up full time a
little too early, Dallas, Whatwas classic lone Star ninety two? Fi?
Will Hell's bells? Look? Who'shere? Jimmy? I'm doing all
right, did you guys? Yeah? I invited Jimmy up here because we're
all good friends with Tom Rose,and I'm sure Tom will be happy to
see you. Oh. I loveTom. I don't really do. I
don't know if he even knows thatyou retired. I think the last time
was right before I retired. Ithink he came up and we talked and
whatever, and I think it wasright before I left. Hire memories better
than mine. We'll stick around becausethere's time for our sports. Brought to
you by the Will Height Law Firm. Injury lawyers go to Will High Winds
dot com. Well Paris is hostingthe two thousand and two Summer Olympics for
the first time in a century,promising a stellar two weeks of athletic excellence.
Innovation is in the forefront of theSummer Games as several new sports will
debut, including breakdancing breakdancing about thatokay. Paris's innovations will be displayed during
the open Ceremony, when athletes willparade along the River Saine during the first
of its kind events. The OlympicsOpening Ceremony will take place at sunset in
Paris today Now, the Opening Ceremonywill begin at seven thirty pm local time
in Paris. That means it willstart at twelve thirty our time, and
it will be on NBC five.The ceremony will be recorded and shown on
NBCC five later on tonight in primetime. Starting at six thirty, thousands
upon thousands of athletes will sail alongthe river towards the Eiffel Tower on dozens
of boats. It will be thefirst time in the game's modern history that
the Olympics ceremony is outside a stadium. Setting roughly ninety four boats, one
for each national delegation will parade alongthe river, and unlike previous ceremonies,
tickets will be free for about twohundred and twenty thousand invited and security screen
spectators watching from the upper riverbank.About one hundred thousand paying spectators include lavish
hospitality parentages. We'll watch from thelower riverside around the Tocottadero Plaza. Tolkadero
is that it Doca Dill. That'swhere the parade will end, looking across
to the Eiffel Tower. The openingceremony dubbing itself as the largest Games in
history, along expectations longer than usual. The event will feature an all star
Olympic torch bears Lebron James and SnoopDOGG. Snoop Dog is going to be
carrying the torch on a roach clip. I will NBCs Mike Tarico will host
the ceremony alongside three time Grammy winningsinger Kelly Clarkson Home Girl and NFL Hall
of Famer Painton Manning. Headlining performersare still unconfirmed, but Anna says Celine
Dion and Lady Gaga are gonna performtogether. Yes, They're supposed to do
the French classic La ville enrouse.Well Selene speaks in French. Whatever happened
to that song? It was byplastic bird ran remember, Oh my god,
I'm gonna have to find a copyof that. Hey, the lone
Star state representation is going to bestrong when the twenty twenty four Paris Olympics
get underway today. Of the roughlysix hundred athletes competing for Team USA,
more than sixty have Texas ties.That means that if Team USA lives up
to its formidable history of performance atthe Summer Olympics, many Texas athletes will
likely be a major reason why theUS boat said overall count of twenty nine
and seventy five medals more than twoand a half times as many as the
runner up, the Soviet Union.Now, some of those athletes are giants
in the world of American sports,including Texas gymnast Simone Biles, huh WNBA
player Britney Griner, and two timeMasters champion Scottie Scheffler, but dozens of
other competitors are also hoping to grabthe gold in the shadow of the Eiffel
Tower in the twenty twenty four Games. There's too many to mention here,
but there's going to be a lotof athletes who were born in Texas or
live here now and call it home. Well all again. You know,
one thing we know about the Olympicsbefore they even kick off is that Team
USA is just not gonna meddle whenit comes to men's rugby rugby. Oh
that's right, they have rugby.Yes, British Australian sports. We're trying,
We're trying. But the Eagles yesterdayfell to Australia in rugby eighteen to
nothing, damn their quarter final finalmatchup, haending a chance to at least
claim a bronze medal in the competition. Australia moves on to the semifinals.
Now it's gonna play two time goldmedalists Fiji. Apparently they kick ascid rugby
and Fiji. Team USA, thoughthey haven't played their last game. They're
gonna play Ireland tomorrow morning at eightam in the first of two placement games.
They can finish the tournament as highas fifth place or as low as
eighth place. It depends on theresult between New Zealand and Australia. Team
USA in rugby has not yet medaledin men's rugby since it entered the Olympics
in two thousand and six. Well, it's not really our sport. We're
like football. Yeah, yeah,football is better than rugby. I don't
give a damn what y'all basketball twoin baseball? Yeah. The US women's
national soccer team is often running.Emma Hayes squad used a three gold florry
to grab a commanding three to nothingwin and its Olympic opener against Zambia yesterday.
The US plays Germany this afternoon attwo o'clock. And here's a sports
of all sorts birthday for you,mister Cowboy. Bob turns eighty five today.
Bob Lily, Annabelle is a hugeBob Lily. I have first autographed
Jimmy that I ever got when Iwas a little girl was from Bob Lily,
and he goes, just little girl, here, hold on handing me
a pen. Speaking to the Cowboys, the first couple of days in California
were pretty slow. The Cowboys arrivedat their hotel on Tuesday afternoon and we
briefly heard from a pair of Cowboysplayers, and then Wednesday came went with
no activity at all. After theorganization's annual State of the team press conference
was pushed from Wednesday to Saturday,then back to Thursday, but Thursday did
not disappoint. In a forty eightminute, twenty three second press conference for
Jerry, which is shorter than usual, Jerry did his best impression of a
congressman, philibustering his way through thepress conference, sometimes with four and five
minute answers. Oh, Jerry hasn'treally gotten down to editing himself when he
answers a question. He and histeam faced the challenge of having three star
players with contract concerns, and Durrancewill be tested. Jerry says, I
don't think this will be the lastyear with the Cowboys for Dak Prescott.
So all was pretty clear. Ithink I want to say it hadn't been
clear, and how much we appreciatewhat Dak Prescott had meant this team in
a body way blad blah bad badbad. And then the Cowboys have the
contracts of Michael Parsons and CD Lambto sort out as well. If the
Cowboys do sign all three players tolong term contracts, it will eat up
almost all of the salary cap.That's what I wish these players would like
compromise with the team. Well,like they say, wish in one hand
and crapping the other one and seewhich one fills up. Those players could
be seventy percent of all the moneywe've got, said Jerry, and they
need a little money for the otherfifty one. That's challenge. That's challenge.
Let's talk baseball. Max Shirtzer struckout a season high nine to take
over tenth place on the career list. Marcus Simeon, hummerd and the Texas
Rangers beat the Chicago White Sox twoto one yesterday a globeli Field shirts,
by the way, turns forty tomorrow. Next up for the Rangers, they
are in Toronto tonight to take onthe Blue Jays. First pitch tonight,
six oh seven, and you cancatch the game on Apple TV Plus.
Now. The Texas Rangers and ComericaBank have partnered up to make a remote
workers dream come true. The initiativeis called work from the Ballpark. Doesn't
that sound awesome? It offers remoteworkers a chance to enjoy a change of
scenery Duram Day games at Globelike Field. We all know working from home can
get a little boring, right oftentimesjust sitting at the same desk, staring
at the same walls. Well locatedin the Comerica Backyard section of the outfield.
Tickets for this unique working experience arejust fifteen dollars. The initiative is
not only a great opportunity for familiesto spend extra time together, but also
for Rangers fans looking to network witheach other, and the Rangers are hosting
work from the ballpark a few moretimes this summer August seventh, twenty first
and September nineteenth. Use code yardwork when purchasing, so I guess you're
not only going to work from there, They're going to make you do the
yard wars, trimnim hedges out therefun trimnim edge. The best cricket teams
in the country are here battling itout for a championship in our backyard,
and that includes our very own TexasSuper King's cricket team, the Texas Supertas,
the Texas Supertans. The Super Kingsrally to be victorious over m I,
New York won sixty seven to onesixty three on Wednesday night at Grand
Prairie Stadium. Hundreds of fans attendedthe match, and those who followed the
sports say millions will be watching thisweekend here in North Texas as it goes
down. The Super Kings co ownersays it won't take long for cricket to
become a major sport in the UnitedStates and major in Texas for sure,
around ten years or so. SuperKings play again tonight in the Cricket World
Cup, and if they win,they play for the championship match on Sunday
night. Whol they'll be playing remainsto be determined. Okay, Jimmy,
you and I and Randy went toa cricket match. Yeah he did.
I still don't understand it. Istill don't understand it. It's not near
as good as baseball, but peoplelove it around the world. Dude.
It was sold out when we werethere, Yes, sir, we were
the only white people there too,which is okay, alright, all right,
get ready, The Freaking Fool Fileis next on the bow, and
then Joel Dallas for worst Classic Rockerlone Star ninety two five. Don bung
Jovi, he can't guy. Thehairspray industry would go out of business in
a month. He's a cover boyon a ARP magazine. Oh he just
really, we're all a bunch ofarcs. Right now. With that being
said, it is time now forthe Freaking fool file. A couple set
to be married this weekend got intoan argument over signing a prenuptial agreement that
turned violent and resulted in the wouldbe bride's arrest for domestic battery. No
over a prenup. Apparently this guythat she was gonna marry has a lot
of money, and she was planningon being married to him for a short
time and then taking him to thecleaner. Investigators alleged that twenty six here
old Molly Rose Hogan brother and themale victim were engaged in a prenuptial quarrel
late Sunday night in their Saint Petersburg, Florida residence. Oh I did mention
this is from Florida, Of courseit is. The victim told cops that
Hogan grabbed him around the head,struck him in the chest, torso backing
legs, causing multiple physical injuries.She even hit him with a bottle.
Oh wow. The attack, theman said, was prompted by a heated
argument over signing a prenup prior tothe marriage. She didn't want to sign
it. Don't you love me?Don't you love me? You know we're
gonna be made forever. In fact, if you don't believe that, I'm
gonna hit you with a bottle.The guy attempted to escape from this craze
woman multiple times and was ultimately separatedfrom Hogan by witnesses who collaborated his account
of the incident. Police alleged thatone witness, the victim's brother, was
bitten on the arms by Hogan.She actually took a chunk out of his
arm as he sought to stop hersurprise. Alcohol appears to have played a
role in the altercation Docker but arrestAFFI. David does not say whether or
not the wedding set for tomorrow willgo on or not. I hope not.
Please. I'm guessing no, sincethe judge ordered Hogan to have no
contact with her future husband or thebrother in law, So I think that
pretty much settles that argument right there, don't you. Well, here's the
story out of Brazil. A driverin Brazil was stunned into silence when he
spotted a chub lying dead on theroadside. She thought it was a chaba.
His footage, filmed by a wearablehead camera, shows him driving down
an empty road. He's gabbing awaybut breaks off mid sentence after spotting this
enormous, enormous animal dead on theside of the road. Now, this
huge beast is lying dead in apool of its own blood. It's not
clear how it died, but itmay have been hit by a car.
Its mouth is slightly open, revealinga set of razor sharp teeth. It
has a protruding snout and a maneof thick, jet black hair. Now,
many people who have seen the videosay the dead animal just might be
a chupuckaba, mythical vampire like creaturefirst reported in Puerto Rico in nineteen ninety
five. I think it was reportedway before that. Tupukabos were blamed for
attacks on livestock and poultry. Earlyreports described creatures that stood upright and resembled
large reptilian kangaroos with huge red eyes. All about the unexplained with William Shatner.
Some reports say the scary looking chescould in fact be a naguel a
personal guardian spirit that some meso AmericanIndians believe resides in an animal, such
as a deer, jaguar, ora bird. Now, chupuck cabra is
translated into sucking goat sucking goat.That is what a is. Okay,
goat, cupacabra sounds cooler than suckinggoat. You know you're right that inso,
you sucking goat, get out ofmy fish. You call me a
cara. Believe that all right.Today's terrifying nightmare story doesn't come to us
from Florida. It comes to usfrom Houston, Texas, a pretty weird
spot in its own right. Heavyrain and flooding around Houston is bringing out
an unusual threat, poisonous hammerhead flatworld. We're a foot long, you
guys. It's a major invasive speciesthat secrete a that can be very dangerous,
not only to people but to yourpets too. And that's not all.
This is where the nightmare comes from. These worms are able to regenerate.
So if you go up and youkill you and you cut them in
half, it becomes two poisonous flathead. Win gotten two. That's messed up.
If you cut them in quarters,you get four. Oh yeah,
And it goes on from there.Experts war that these terrifying worms are hard
to eliminate. People should just noteven mess with them, is what they're
saying. They should also be tryingto avoid touching them because again, they're
toxin can be deadly to humans andto pets. They say they you shouldn't
even step on one because they're poison. Can ruin the bottom of your shoes
by eating through the rubber on thebottom. Alien some badass wormss alien with
the acid blood telling people to getthem in a baggie and then fill it
with like vinegar and then freeze itand that kills them and then call someone,
Oh, well, that's a lotto go through just to kill one,
especially if you put him in thefreezer and I'm like, oh,
is that the spaghetti We're going overthe cass. That's your nightmare story.
And I want everyone to sleep welltonight. Thank you. WoT some pad
ti noodles. Huh, Jimmy,you do the honors and take us.
You know, sometimes the police theyhave it easy, but not often,
but you know sometimes police in Nashville, Tennessee, were in full go find
a mode when a thirty three yearold New Jersey woman was reported missing after
partying downtown. A search for AlexandriaChamil began after four am and involved helicopters,
drones, and crews repelling down thebanks of the Cumberland River well.
Shortly after seven thirty am that morning, a TV station reported that police had
found a shoe and possibly blood nearthe river. Things started looking bleak,
but good news just around the courjust after nine am, the missing woman
walked into the news reporter during herlive shot. While she was porting the
missing woman's disappearance, Oh there sheis. The woman smil Lttle told the
police that she had no idea howshe ended up down by the river,
how she lost her shoes and hercell phone. She said she'd been partying
hard the night before and she wokeup near the river bank. Welcohol,
that's a fun night in Nashville.Taken to a hospital for observation as she's
okay, that's funny. We don'tknow where the woman was. And then
she walks up right behind her.Oh she is. We broke the case,
all right. Tom Rhoades is goingto join us here in just a
little last hang on and coming upnext hour, your last chance this week
to win Santana tickets. Santana comingto Dicky's Arena and Fort Worth August fifteenth,
and we want you to be there. A devious way for you to
win those tickets, so just keeplistening. We'll give those away around seven
fifty right here on Dallas Fort WordsClassic Rock lone Star ninety two to five,
Jallous Worst Classic Rock lone Star ninetytwo five. Ladies and gentlemen,
this is a very special occasion becauseI give to you the Colossus of Rhodes,
Michter, tom Roll, hooray,and Boe and jim right again,
yeah, yeah together. Jimmy retired, but he wanted to come up here
because he knew you were coming.I know him. So I'm tickled silly
by that. Well, don't askme to touch you, to tickle you.
I can't do that. That's whyI'm it has been a while since
I've seen you. What have youbeen up to? Oh jeez, wow,
it's a lot's happened, and tryingto stay about ten years since I've
been here. I think got itprobably has been ten years. Yeah,
oh, man, geez, ithas been a while. Did y'all know.
I don't know if you two knowthis. Jimmy knows Comroads had the
number one TV show in the Netherlandsfor the longest time, your years,
Yeah, two years. I wasthe I had a late night talk show
in Dutch television and they loved you. I was well, I mean,
you know, they only had fourchannels, so you know I had percent
of the market. Yeah, youknow. But that was a really great
experience because I was a I wasa foreigner experiencing Dutch culture. So every
episode they would they would teach meeverything about you know, the language,
their laws, and I would makea five minute film where I would experience
something of Dutch culture. Like oneday I spent with a Dutch farmer.
Yeah, and I walked into anelectric fence. He said, look out
for the electric fence in Dutch.But I would speak Dutch, so yeah,
me getting electric cuted, they thoughtwas hilarious. And you married a
Dutch woman, Yes I did,Yes, I did. And women are
beautiful in Holland, man, AndI'm serious. When I lived there,
every once in a while, i'dhave to go to England just to rest
my eyes. That's funny. Thanks. Well are you still married? No?
No, No, I got divorced, but my ex wife is still
my best friend. I had thethe friendliest. It was her idea to
get divorced. Well, and youdo, uh, And we didn't have
any kids. We do my podcasttogether sometimes, the Smart Podcast. Yeah,
Smart Camp, Tom Road Smart Camp. Aren't you supposed to go back
to the Midlands, didn't I seethat on Facebook? Yeah? Yeah,
yeah, I'm doing a theater tourthere in uh November and December. Yeah,
Dan, I'm excited. You know. Going back into your early days,
I read where at one time youopened up for James Brown. I
think that's one of the thanks Jim. Yeah, I uh, two of
the greatest accomplishments of my career.I opened for James Brown and I opened
for Ray Charles. One the JamesBrown thing. I didn't want to meet
him because he meant so much tome, right, you know, because
I grew up in the South,I started on the Southern circuits and I
didn't want to go backstage and justhave it ruined. So for what it
was stupid. But you know,now that he's dead, I wish I
would have met him. Oh man, that would have been. But the
Charles story, I was at thisjazz club in New York, this jazz
club in New York City called Tramps, which no longer exists. And I
don't know why they ask comedians openfor shows like this because nobody was there
to see me, and I hadto do twenty minutes. And I'm on
stage like ten minutes, and thewhole audience is talking, and I'm thinking
this could not be worse. Iwas wrong. Twelve minutes in, the
whole audience starts chanting Ray Ray right, and I'm there and I'm just like,
oh man, it just seemed likean eternity. And finally, I
want people, people people. Rayis in the shower. I didn't walk
off the street. Mister Charles knowsI'm here. He asked me to do
a couple of minutes while he madehimself pretty for you. He's drying,
and don't worry, I'm not goingto do one minute past my allotted time
because I want to see Ray Charlesjust as bad as you do. And
then they clapped and they shut upand they let me finish. When I
walked off stage, Ray Charles wason the side of the stage, and
as I walked past them, hegoes, am I pretty enough to go.
It's tough for comedians opening for musicalacts because everybody's anxious to see the
musical actions. Yeah, see,if people don't I'm friends with Bob Goldthwaite.
He opened for Nirvana really yeah,on like their last tour and he
got Yeah, it was pretty roughexperience for him. I saw Roseanne open
for Julio Iglesias and they said itwas because the musicians don't want to compete
against another. Yeah, and thenthere's no equipment to move. Yes,
you know they don't have to youknow, have to put a drum kit
in front of a drum kit exactly. Just have the comedian there. You
know, you should tell these twoabout the first time, that time that
you met Robert Plant when your carbow God. Yes, it was many
years ago. I was driving fromLos Angeles to uh Las Vegas and it
was in the summer. It wasjust brutally hot, you know, and
I had had a really bad clunkercar then, and uh my car overheated
and I was on the side ofthe road and the hoods up and your
steam is shooting every I mean,you know, it was hot enough to
be dangerous. And this limousine stoppedand Robert Plant gets out. I couldn't
believe it. Yeah, the RobertPlant from What's Up On got out of
the limousine and he comes over tomy car and He looked underneath the hood
and he said, you need coolgotcham with tom Rose. Tom Rose was
at high as a Dallas word.I'm not bothering them show. I don't
want to tell you about the girl. I know she looks so bad,
and she's the only one that I'vebeen driven home. Maybe something that she
will be all find. I wantto tell her about another soul I through
the ever touched. I need totell her she's the only one. I've
got a war over days, I'vegot a wolf. When she would be
true, I've got a wolf stickdrunk all that time, she won't be
true. I senday morning when wego down to church. See the men
folks standing in the eye. Seethey come to bring to the loan.
And when my little girl looks sofine, give given when the sun is
sinking, phoning everybody's through the womanI want the town. It was such
an all around the perform the streetcorner girl. I've got a wal w
a bottle of day here I WoTbe true about the wolf and stick drunk
all the time. What is youwant man to in the bos of the
men big guitar, See they takeyou can remember the time my Little Lord
is a good nas shop shop allaround the ball. I guess it's just
one thing. I had my bedon my way because a good of word
mind share of one. I thoughtit was God or leave it with the
guitars play. I'm a warm shota Holidays, I know I got six
my I No, woman, ain'tyou want beer? Said she want to
bet? Yay Day Gay Dallas HorseClassic Rock lone Star ninety two Vibe led
Zeppelin with Robert Plant who kind ofrescued Tom Rhodes from an over heated Brady.
If you don't have Trip, ifyou don't have triple A, led
Zeppel will always come home. I'veset it up so we could do that,
John Health. Or you have avery successful podcast, You're Smart Camps,
and I was watching that one episodeand you had an epiphany where you
said that you don't look at peopleyou know, we're like the homeless.
Or if like I have a judgmentaljudgment, yes, comes to like if
you you know, I mean someonewho's just you know, different from you,
like in whatever way you know,tattoos on the face or whatever.
I'm whenever, whenever a judgmental thoughtgoes to my mind, I say to
myself, I love them, andthat's great. I love that when you
said that. I read some bookcalled The Mysterian and it doesn't say that
in there, but because it wasconnected to the the Sufi mystic poet Roomy.
All your listeners know who Roomy is. But for some reason reading that
book, that popped into my mind. So, like I always, I
always think, you know, whena judgmental thought about someone comes to my
mind, I think I love them. Yeah, yeah, it's beautiful.
Yeah it is. I'm gonna haveto do that with social media because there's
so many people that I can saythat about on social media. Manifestation,
Can we talk about your bibbleheads here? I'm going to take a couple of
those with me. I don't care. I really appreciate it. He collects
bibblehead Yeah, well, there's there'sa story. My father collected babblehead dolls.
Whenever we would go to a midjorleague baseball stadium together around the United
States, he always had to geta bobblehead doll, and I always thought
it was stupid. But then whenmy father died, the one thing I
got from him was this babble andI got like forty of them and I
love him. Wow. And becauseI live in Los Angeles, they are
now my earthquake detections. When didyou move back to Los Angeles like the
third time? Yeah, it's funny, Yeah, this is I moved back
there nine years ago, So thisis my third time living in LA and
I never thought I'd live there everagain. Twice I left Los Angeles going
forget this town. I hate everybodyin it. I didn't have the I
love them. Yeah, but youknow, now that I'm older, I
really like it and I think it'sit's perspective. You know. I moved
to Los Angeles twenty years ago andI was looking for fame and money.
I lived in Los Angeles ten yearsago and I was looking for drugs and
women. Now that I'm older,I can appreciate Los Angeles for the fine
fruits and vegetations. So if youever hear me say, hey, look
at that peach, I actually meanlook at that. What a pair?
What a pair? You're not talkingabout preslesses, You're actually talking about produce
exactly. So when was the lasttime you performed in Arizona? Because they
got some weird laws in Arizona.Man. Yeah, I've always heard Arizona's
got weird laws. And I wasthere and I googled weird Arizona laws.
In Arizona, it's illegal to forgethow well? Uh in Arizona, got
him? Uh, it's illegal tohell Yeah, yeah, you gotta.
It's illegal to refuse someone a glassof water. If someone asks you for
a glass of water, in Arizona, by law, you have to give
that person a glass of water.It's a desert. It's illegal in Arizona
to let your donkeys sleep in abathtub. Was that a problem? Well,
I'll explain that in a in asecond. In the Arizona it's illegal
for one house to possess more thantwo dil dos. Real. Yeah,
and you know before there's a law, there's got to be a problem.
Oh yeah, So, uh,it's illegal in Arizona for more than six
women to live in the same house, which makes the two dildos per house
law pretty cool. Yeah. Oh, are you through handed to me?
I'm sensing a very active dishwash.I think you right. Yeah. The
donkey in the bathtub thing is actuallyit's a livestock rancher thing. A lot
of farms and ranches use old bathtubsfor water troughs. Yeah, and if
an animal sleeps in a disease willspread. See, like a joke,
isn't funny if you explain the intricate. But it's it's true. What I
said is true, and it's ait's an agricultural thing. And it's after
seven pm. Oh, put thedonkey in the bathroom. Here's a way,
okay, after seven because mama needsto use it cause she's going to
I was always interested in Amsterdam.It's illegal to carry a crow bar after
dark. They just see all thesepeople like at dusk running home with their
crowbars, so they get out ofmy word. I don't want to get
a ticket. It sounds like oneof those knowledge nuggets that you I love
those things. I know I didtoo. Yeah, the little thing that
on the internet, that's where thatArizona law joke thing was born out of,
because I was, you know,making those knowledge dugget videos kind of
like our segment, did you know. Yeah, we learned something every day
with bow. Nothing that will doyou any good, but you'll learn something
anyway, and it might be funny. Yes, listen, I will,
I will let you have as manyof those bobbleheads as you want. I
love you both. Thanks brother,If you will next time you're in town,
give me one of those Cracker FestivalT shirts. Oh yeah, tell
me about Oh yeah, yeah,you got it. You gotta tell them
what Cracker festival. Okay, Soin the United States, it's an insult
color white person a cracker. Yeahyeah, I don't know why. I
don't think it's that bad personally,but for whatever reason, it's an insult
to call the white personal cracker.Yeah, and mister Rich in Australia a
cracker is a really good joke.Yeah, that was a cracker. A
cracker. So every year in Sydney, Australia, they have a comedy festival
and it's called the Cracker Festival.Five years ago I was in Sydney,
Australia, and I did the festival. Three months later, I was in
Shreveport, Louisiana, walking around withmy Cracker Festival T shirts. Hey man,
where'd you get to? You shouldhave seen the looks people gave me.
Crackers have their own festival. O. God, can we talk about
the Paris Olympics. You know,I love Paris. People are smart in
Paris. I mean even the childrenspeak French. I can't know if I
can say this word. What katykaty knty. I love Paris because Paris
is very much about honoring women,Oliver. Paris are statues of women,
and all their artwork is always women, and it's usually centered around themes of
the French Revolution. Yes, andif you're familiar with French art of that
period, the women usually have atitty hanging out. Yeah, there's the
famous Dela Quab painting. I knowyou've seen it. It's the national symbol
of France. Yeah, this womanis carrying a French flag and there's a
dirty faced pistol boy next to her, and she has a titty hanging in.
It's almost like French artists of thatperiod had a conversation amongst themselves.
It is visible titty would have poppedout towards the revolution. Scraps were not
that strong. I met titties musthave popped out all the time. What
does all Let me tell you this. I I was in Paris last November.
I did shows a pair of Parisis one of my favorite cities.
And uh, I met this womanand she didn't speak English. And I
don't speak French. And that's theamazing thing about our phones is Google Translate.
You can set any language and youcan talk to anyone in the world.
Check this out. You just youjust talk into I think you're a
very beautiful woman, and I'm gratefulfor the connection we have made. May
I kissed your lips please, andyou hit the button and then you hit
the talk button. You in Trebellfamish you. You could be getting humped
right now in Paris. Those aremy words and my thoughts spoken in a
female French voice, which is perfectbecause I identify as a French lesbian.
That's who I am on the inside. My phone knows me. We respect
that, come to think of it. So am I as jim Kay's I
bet Ale's got some bit of damnright son, the one and only missed
Tom Rhoads. By the way,I do miss the mister Rhodes. The
TV show you had that was awhile, That was a while ago.
Tom Rhoads is at Hyenas in Dallasand Mockingbird Station. Jimmy and I are
coming to the show to fantastic Okay. I can't wait Tom Good to see
again. My brother, Love youguys so much. It's so good to
be here. Yep, it's greatto see it. It's a little Dallas
Hoors Classic Rock Alone Star ninety twoto five. How great was it seeing
Tom Rhodes again? It was greatto see Tom. You know, he's
such an intelligent guy. He reallyis, you know, kind of hides
it. Yeah, but you hearit in his comic you know. I
like that Smart Camp podcast. Yeah. Oh it's great if you haven't watched
it or everything, Yeah, wellgo see him tonight and tomorrow nights at
Hyenas and Dallas. And for thoseof you that may be planning on going
to pairs for the Olympics, maybethis will help. Okay, all right,
Well I wanted to learn French.Now is it time to do it?
Right? Can't teach you and onlyone listen? Wow, I can
know French and just one lesson?How does it work? Easy? Yeah?
Cool? Blah blah blah blah.Hey this is gibberish. This isn't
French. Do you speak French?No? Well I I shut up and
Bret it would make your sound moreFrench speepers, sign up to French.
I just want to listen from JeanClaud de d'amel. It is about again,
and even if it is, whoare you gonna speak French to?
Eh? Well, he's got apoint there, You got a point there.
You know. As usual, thereis a lot going on around him
because it's the weekend, so it'stime to find out exactly what's happening.
It's time for Hey, what what? I'm so glad you asked? Oh,
there is so much live music tocheck out this weekend. At at
and T Stadium Tonight it's country starMorgan Wallen and is One Night at a
Time tour, and then tonight atBilly Bob's it's Aaron Lewis, best known
as the lead vocalist and bounding memberof the alternative metal band Stayed Now.
Tomorrow night at Billy Bob's one ofmy favorites, Texas country star and red
dirt artist Stony LaRue at the BassPerformance Hall in Fort Worth Tomorrow night,
it's the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band AtLava CANTEENA and the Colony. Tonight it's
Emerald City Band, and tomorrow nightit's The Spasmatics at the Granada Theater in
Dallas. Tomorrow night, Led Zeppelintribute band, The Battle of Evermore and
metal Heads. Tonight at south SideBallroom. It's the Summer of Slaughter Tour
with Vale of Maya, Brand ofSacrifice and more. Meanwhile, Sunday at
globelif Field in Arlington, traffic isgoing to be crazy as K pop Sensation
at Tease takes the stage. Andthen in fort Worth Peso Pluma, the
Mexican singer with the funky hairdoo thatplayed the American Airlines Center last weekend.
He's at Dicky's Arena in fort Worthon Sunday night. Comedy this weekend tonight
at the Majestic Theater in Dallas.Comedy Bang Bang. Are you ready for
this? It's called the Bang Banginto Your Mouth Tour? Yeah, That's
what I said. Meanwhile, Tomorrownight, George Lopez is at Dicky's Arena
and Fort Worth and front of theshow. Tom Rhodes is at Hyenas in
Dallas tonight and tomorrow night. Andour friend Roz Sharma is at the plain
O House of Comedy this weekend.Tomorrow night at the Majestic Theater in Dallas.
Matt Fraser he is America's top psychicmedium. Oh He's at the Majestic
Theater Sports this weekend. The FriscoRoughriders face the Tulsa Drillers at Writers Field
in Frisco Tonight, Tomorrow and Sunday. Tulsa Drillers Drillers, so you know
women are going to show up.Tonight there will be a postgame fireworks show
and Cricket Championships going on at GrandPrairie Stadium with the Texas super Kings taking
on San Francisco tonight. Watch outfor that sticky wicket and then the championship
game will be on Sunday Texas Livein Arleington Tomorrow from eleven am to four
pm. It's the Mimosa Best FWCircus in town this weekend. Did you
hear about this? The greatest showon Earth? The reimagined Ringling Brothers in
Barnum and Bailey Circus without animals.Oh that's right, and clowns won't wear
makeup, that's right. No tigersand elephants. The only animal is an
electric dog named Bailey. Electric dog. That ain't a circus, That's what
I said. That circus. Theso called circus is the American Airlines Center
Today through Sunday, Windspear Opera Housein Dallas. Dallas Theater Center presents Disney's
The Little Mermaid now through August fourth, and rodeo fans you may want to
head out to Fairpark Coliseum tomorrow nightfor the Texas Black Invitational Rodeo. And
that is just some of what isgoing on this weekend. Dallas fors Classic
Rock lone Star ninety two five.You know we're gonna have to give a
call down to ox not California.I'm sorry, Foxnar, thank you.
Doocey's down there. I want tosee what happened on the first day of
training camp. But we got onemore pair of Santana tickets for you,
and we're gonna play Fraction Flickers.Now, I know we played fraction Flickers
on Monday, but I have areason why I'm doing it. Okay,
this particular movie I'm gonna play.What you have to identify for Santana tickets
has something to do with our guestwho just left, Tom ruggs Kay has
something to do with that, allright? Two one four or eight one
seven, seven eighty seven one ninetwo five, Tell me what movie?
This is a fabulous Colossus Astride theHarbor of Road City of Sin, a
pagan fortress with an evil purpose.Behind its eyes, cruel warriors watch the
devastation they have run within its walls. The temple of the Devil worshippers as
the Great gaud Moloch incites its followersinto a raging fury of ecstasy and terror,
and behind the wicked heart of thecolossus, the fiendish torture chamber.
Yeah, fighting back against terror likethis was almost sure death. But one
man gambled his fantastic strength and PallorDario, the Daring portrayed by Rory Calhoun,
Star of the Texan, and racingat the head of a band of
reckless horsemen, defying the treachery ofa beautiful princess. Yeah, don't you
have the sense to realize you're indanger? Who would look for me here
at this time of game? Swornenemies these two, but still drawn together
by their desire for each other,the slaves revolt, the people rise to
join them, a mob gone madwith the realization of where their depravity has
taken them, until nature itself losesits fury, an awesome holocaust to destroy
the evil all around. You know? That kind of describes this show that
kind of describes us in here now. But this isn't fraction flicker. This
should be named Were you paying attentions? Were you paying attention? Because not
only did I say the name ofthis movie earlier, but he just said
both of the words that are thetitle of the movie he did. Oh,
it didn't get easier than that.No, two one four or eight
one seven seven eight seven one.I don't want you to have to work
too hard for these tickets. It'sa Friday, because you got to do
some work today, don't you.Yeah, Okay, let's see if anybody
knows bo on them show? Doyou know the title of that movie?
I was gonna get ten commandment?No, no, not once did they
say ten or commandments during that clip. I didn't hear Trlton Heston at all
in there, nous and thus,Liz, when they mentioned the star of
the show, you think they sayTarlton Hesston, show, tell me the
name of that movie. Colosses ofRoads, the Colossus of Roll. That's
what I called Tom Rhades when hewas here, the Colossus of Rhodes.
I knew somebody was paying attention toget these Santana diggetts. Who are you
by the way you well, Idon't know if you remember me or not.
Robert Lee. Oh I sat nextto Robert Lee and a Roger Waters
show. Oh did you okay?Water? That's right? How you being,
Robert? I've been fine. I'mretired now. Oh, welcome to
the club. You and Jimmy both. Okay, Robert, hold on,
hold on. We got to getsome information from you. Okay, don't
go. Well, appreciate it.There you go. Robert Lee, who
he claims as an actual descendant ofRobert E. Lee. Oh okay,
we had to talk while we werein a break time at the Roger Waters
concert in twenty seventeen. How aboutthat Mercy mergency. I knew somebody would
get it. The Colossal starring RoryCalhoun from the Texan. All right,
yeah, all right, we'll seewhat's happening down in Oxnard, California with
the Deuce here in just a moment, Santana not the only one coming to
town. In mid August. Slashis bringing his Serpent Festival to Texas.
Trust see Theater Saturday, August seventeenth, and we have your tickets next hour
in the lone star ticket window.So if you want to win just keep
listening to the Bow and Them showhere on Dallas Fort Words Classic Rock lone
Star ninety two five, Dallas HorseClassic Rock lone Star ninety two to five.
You know it takes some big threesteps to get all the way to
Oxnart. I'm sorry. Fox Snart, California, Live from Cowboys training Camp,
The Best Friend the Game, FoxSports, Mike Newsy us up.
Good morning everybody, live from FoxNerd where it's just after six am.
Thanks for getting me up this morning. Hey, I didn't make the time
zones up man. Oh, you'drather be here covering the Texas Super Kings
at the Cricket World Cup. Butwhat's going on the first day of Cowboys
training camp yesterday? Oh? Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry canclate Jerry
last night. I'm free for allhe was. I want to say in
rare form, but it wasn't thatrare unfortunately for Jerry, where he monopolized
that news conference and just rambled andrambled and rambled, talked about ambiguity,
ambiguity being all in and the catchphraseswere in full force for the Cowboys owner,
that's for sure. Did he talkabout his lawsuit yeah, I told
him, bitchy, I ain't payingthee off the top. Somebody asked him
about it, and he, youknow, this very emotional time for my
family, and then he moved on. But you could tell he was he
was speaking with the lightness of aof a man who was free from some
of those concerns, let's put itthat way. Yeah, So Sports Illustrated
called it a bizarre press conference andthey said that head coach Mike McCarthy looked
like he'd rather be anywhere else.Did you get that vibe from McCarthy,
Yes, without a doubt. McCarthy. Good for him that he was wearing
sunglasses because I cannot imagine the lookhe must have had in his eyes throughout
that thing. He'd get a wordin and like twenty two minutes into the
into the press conference, and theneven when he would be asked a question,
Jerry would kind of almost answer itfor him. You know, McCarthy
just wants to coach football obviously,like most football coaches do, and but
he's got the contract situation, sothat's a valid question for people to ask.
But yeah, it was it wasa little it was a little tough
for the coach I think, oh, Gay do so. I don't know
if you know this or not,but guess who's here special guest long Jim
Way, I was here to gosee you. Tom Rhoades. Yeah,
now you're talking to the Deuce man. Yeah, do so. At that
press conference, did Jerry say hewas going to resign? It all?
Well, first of all, jimthey lets you day passed from the nursing
novel. Yeah, Jimmy's gonna outliveme by thirty years now. Yeah.
Yeah, Jerry resigned and he talkedagain and defended, you know, the
kind of the structure of the team, and I don't know, we all
know that's never never going to happen. And people don't want to hear this,
but to be fair, and I'lltry to be fair once in a
while. It's not like they've beenhorrible, and that's where I can they're
kind of caught in between, youknow what I mean. If you win
twelve games in the regular season,there are worse things than that. There
really are. So I think peoplewho just want to tear this thing entirely
down, I don't think. Idon't think they really want that either,
because there's no guarantee it's even goingto get back to where it is now.
But it's just the frustration of thepostseason. And I do think Jerry,
in his own convoluted way, wastrying to put pressure on his guys,
maybe especially his coach, maybe especiallyhis quarterback by saying and in fact,
look, we got to do betterin the playoffs, or maybe these
these deals aren't going to get done. Maybe this will be the last year
for these guys. Now, speakingof deals getting done, what's the talk
going on around about Dak and CeedeeLamb's contract extensions. The feeling I got
from Jerry yesterday and again it's dangerousto try to interpret these things from him,
was that the CD talks were progressing, and I do think that one
will get done. First, I'mstarting to think that Dak one just won't
get done, that he'll go intothe final year of his deal without a
contract, and they they'll both rollthe dice in that regard. Now,
for Dak, assuming he stays healthyin the last year, it's not really
that much of a gamble at all, because he's gonna get paid somewhere.
As he said yesterday, you know, some of my favorite quarterbacks played for
other teams, So they were bothkind of posturing, you know, both
sides trying to make it sound likethat's not that big a deal if we
break up. But I think Jerrydoesn't want to lose Dak, and Dak
doesn't want to lose the cachet ofbeing the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys either,
So they both want this thing towork. But again, in defense
of and Steven, when they talkabout only having so much money to go
around, that is true just giventhe way the NFL is structured. Well,
there's also Micah Parsons wanting to getpaid as well, and if the
Cowboys sign all three to a newdeal, it's going to eat up most
of the salary cap. How's thatgoing to work? Yeah, and Micah
won't happen anytime soon. I thinkthey'll go through another year before getting the
Micah thing done. CD, inmy opinion, will be first, and
that if Dak's going to happen,that will happen after that, and then
eventually Parsons. But you're right,that's, as Jerry said, kind of
the world's smallest violin here. It'sa good problem to have with three players
who you feel are among the bestat their positions, And in the case
of Parsons and Lamb, that's definitelytrue. I would argue in Dak's case,
he's a top five quarterback. Twoothers would disagree with me on that.
So they do have that, andthen it brings up more pressure on
Michael McCarthy because they went out oftheir way off the top. Jerry did
to ask his PR guy up there, you know how many Pro Bowl players
we got, you know, twelvePro Bowlers, eleven ball pros. So
then you look at the head coachand say, then, why the hell
can't we win a playoffs? Yeah, So that's kind of the whole dynamic
going on up there as the wackypress conference was unfolding. So how many
times did Jerry say ambiguity during yourfresh confer? I think about eighteen eleven
and that's a conservative estimate too.And what's on tap for today? Yeah,
what's going on? I think it'sgoing to be a little more normal
by cob I don't know, butby Cowboys standards. Who knows what that
means. McCarthy will finally, we'llhave a press conference all his own at
twelve thirty Texas time or twelve fortyfive Texas time. Then they'll practice and
we'll talk to some of the guysafterward. We chat with Ezekiel Elliott Tonight
he'll be on our show at tenthirty on Free for All. So it
was good to catch up with himagain after he's now back with the Cowboys.
But something will happen, something unpredictable. Somebody will say something. You
know, it always happens your Cowboystraining camp. And who knows better than
the Deuce, Fox Lord Mike Doocy. Alright, guys, take care,
thank you instead suck on that axel. Speaking of guns and roses, we
just gave away some tickets to gosee Slash when he comes to town.
Who won those? He said tosay, Hey, what's up Jimmy.
His name is Mark McDaniel from Garland, Right, yeah, just tuning in.
Jimmy's here today. Yeah, thankyou very much. Bo invited me.
Was the last week you said TomRose is coming up here? So
yeah, and I like Tom Rose, old friend. I love it when
you're here. It's a family reunion. It's a lot of fun. And
we got to say thanks to RaisingKnes for bringing us chicken fingers because tomorrow
is national chicken Finger to day.And get this. Raising Canes is the
one that declared it National Chicken Figureand if they bring us chicken fingers,
I ain't got a problem. Absolutely. Hey. To celebrate, Raising Canes
is giving away every Caneiac Club memberone free chicken finger tomorrow for Chicken Finger
Day and you can become a member. Just go to any Chicken Finger place
here in Raising Canes Standards seven andtwenty seven prizes for seven twenty seven Raising
Canes Rules. Yeah, we lovethem. Thanks for letting us eat chicken
and make fun of people this morning. That's what we do. Big thank
you to Alan and Stephanie, whoare the ones that dropped by. And
here's something kind of cool. Businessesin downtown for Or is celebrating the reopening
of Eighth Street six months after theexplosion. I e. A thing's good.
And I don't know if you heardthis or not. Hollywood's video game
performers went on strike yesterday, throwingpart of the entertainment industry into another work
stoppage. The strike actually began attwelve oh one this month, warning the
global video game industry generates well overone hundred billion dollars in profit because they're
concerned about AI taking their jobs.I don't they should be. Yes,
and Dallas based Southwest Airlines announced ahuge change for passengers. It's gonna ship
to assigned seats, which is goingto be several muths from now. Yeah.
I hated that. Just tell mewhere to sit. They already had
you paying extra if you wanted tobe part of that first through fifty.
Yeah. Well they can still payextra if you want from your seating there
too. And I wanted to mentionthis because Jimmy and I were good,
good fans of the late great JohnMaye. Oh man, he was such
an icon, Yeah, and startedthe careers of a lot of guitar players,
namely Eric Clapton, Right, Imade Fleetwood, Mick Fleetwood, and
John McVie. They all played withJohn Mayle's Blues Breakers saw him several times.
In fact, to Homeboy, BuddyWhittington used to play with him when
Coco Montoya left. Right. Andso I had Jimmy do this because because
I don't know why, I don'thave a copy of this, but actually
AO found one. There was asong that we used to play at Q
one O two all the time.It's about fort Worth. It's specifically about
Jacksborough Highway and in honor of thelate Great John Mayoll, the godfather of
British blues. Let's play that things. I haven't played this on the air
in forever. This is the lateGreat John Mayo. Very nice should Jacksborough
Highway crack it up in fort Worth? Here you go, man. You
can almost smell with the inside ofthose bars. Smelled life Jacksborough Highway.
What history? Huh, the lateGreat John Mayoll. We're gonna mission.
We'll see on the other side.Yeah, Clone Star ninety two five live.
Stevie ray vall cool. I usedto see Stevie ray Vaughn play at
the old Dallas Cellar when we wereboth too young to get liquor like a
club gig. Yeah, but theyserved you fake liquor, so you thought
you were getting drunk. You thoughtyou were so cool, you know.
Okay. Earlier we told you thatwe celebrated Mick Jagger's eighty first birthday.
Two drummers and two groups are alsomaking milestones this weekend. Queen's drummer Roger
Taylor is the first. He turnedseventy five today, and Bad Company drummer
Simon Kirk will blow out his seventyfive candles on Sunday. Not only were
they born two days apart, butthey also both backed up singer Paul Rodgers,
Kirk and Free and Bad Company andRoger Taylor and Queen. Remember when
Paul Rodgers with a singer of Queenthen? Tomorrow is the forty fifth anniversary
of ac DC releasing their sixth album, Highway to Hell, the first of
three consecutive albums produced by mutt Landand their last with singer Bond Scott,
who later died. It was theirfirst to break the top one hundred of
the Billboard two hundred, peaking atseventeen certified eight times platinum. It's their
second best selling album, behind itsfollow up with singer Brian Johnson nineteen eighties,
Back in Black, released forty fouryears ago Yesterday in nineteen eighty and
the final milestone this week. It'sthe fiftieth anniversary tomorrow of the release of
Leonard Skinner's single Sweet Home Alabama.Come On There, I believe fifty years
no wow. While you know,when you look fifty years ahead, it
seems, oh God, that's forever. When you look back It's a damn
that's like it was yesterday, Yeah, you know. Gary Rossington says that
their late singer Ronnie van Zant's lyricsto the song were certainly inspired by Neil
Young, but that they also celebratedsome of the things that he liked about
the state at the time of Alabama. It was kind of a cut back
to him because the other man cutdown the South in Alabama and all those
songs, So we wanted to say, hey, you're from Canada, what
do you know about the South anyway? You know, And Roddy put it
in there KaiA as a joke,but everything else was real. And the
part about Governor Wallace and all thiswhen he was running for president and everybody
hated him but us. We justkind of put it all in there and
it turned out like it did.See. So that's why everybody asked,
why is the Neil Young reference inSweet Home, Alabama? There you go
right here? Yeah, rest inpeace, Gary Rossington. We've got that
full story up on the Bow andThem show page, part of Our Time
Wasters at lone star ninety two fivedot com. Also the deluxe reissue of
the Police's fifth and final album nineteeneighty three. Synchronicity is out to day,
and in honor of that, they'vereleased the demo of Every Breath You
Take. It is a slim downversion of the song. Now it is
the only number one song from thePolice. We've got all the information up
about the deluxe reissue. Now.The song remains a very sore subject for
Police guitarist Andy Summers, who justlast October you may remember, said he
should have been co credited as aco author. Remember, it's a very
contentious moment that's very much alive atthe moment, So I can't really say
much about it. Watch the press, let's see what happens in the next
year. That song was going inthe trash until I played on That's all
there is to it, And Ithink that's kind of composition. Absolutely.
Oh so, apparently like Sting gavehim the demo and it's very stripped down,
slimmed down version of the song,and we've got the demo up so
you can listen to it. Andthen he gave it to Andy and he
says, see what you can dowith this, And he's the one that
added everything to it. So that'swhy he says he should be a co
author of it. Now it doesn'tshow from that clip right there, but
Andy Summers as funny as hell.He's real. I'll play an old interview
from him one time. He's reallyfunny. Yeah, he's not joking when
he's talking about the lawsuits. Iscoming to town soon November or early November.
David Bowie fans. We love hismusic. How about his movies.
There's a movie out called The LinguineIncident. It's a romantic comedy that David
Bowie made in nineteen ninety one andit's being re released. It co stars
Rosanna Arquette. It is an oddballmovie. We've got the trailer up if
you want to check it out.David Bowie oddball movie, y'all, it's
very bizarre. And Metallica have launchedanother exhibit in their online museum called the
Black Box. It is a tributeto Cliff Burton. We've got a trailer
for that up for you. Also, in other Metallica news, their Fortnite
concert fuel Fire Fury is going toreturn to the online game from August second
through the fifth. And finally,it's the latest Karen video. Oh good,
I love these A Laguna beach,California. Woman has gone viral for
chasing people off the public beach.I saw that on side edition. Yeah,
she says it's her property. However, the beach is public right right.
You can check out this woman yellingat a mom and her kids.
Check it out on the Bow andThem show page at lone star ninety two
five dot com. You know whatthat woman needs? What ass wooing?
Wow? Sounds like the mushrooms arekicking in. Man, you're tripping,
man, Yeah, the walls aremelting. Man. I can't breathe.
I gotta get out of here,man, I can't breathe. Today was
a busy day, busy ass days. Good to see our old buddy,
Oh buddy, the Colossus of Rhodes. He's at Hyenas in Dallas tonight and
me and Jimmy are gonna go seeold Tom Robs two shows tonight and two
shows tomorrow. And we hadn't seenthe guy in like ten years. He
was very smart. I'm gonna haveto check out his podcast that Jimmy was
talking about smart Camp. Yes,and he's just a good homeboy too.
I'm right. He was also goodto see our other good buddy, this
morning, which one Jim Way Jimmy, and a big thank you once again
to Raising Canes celebrating, of course, National Chicken Finger Day tomorrow by bringing
us what from Raising Canes. I'mdown with chicken fingers and it's special.
Thanks to Fox fors Mike Doocy forletting us call him early in California time
to talk about the Cowboys first dayof training camp yesterday. Yeah, now
Monday on the Moon and Them show. We're gonna have tickets at seven fifty
to see def Leppard, Journey andthe Steve Miller Band. Oh yeah,
that's a good show. That's that'sa good one to attend. And then
at eight forty in the ticket window, this is so cool, we have
tickets to see ten CC. Wow. I always liked those guys. Yeah,
that was a good band. Ididn't know they were still together.
They're just a little twisted now.I don't know who in the original band
is still there, but it's stillten CC. I'd go to that.
Yeah, I don't care. Iliked it. I'm not in love.
When it came out, I wasworking radio in in Beaumont, Texas,
Beaumont seventy five, and you know, where the name ten ten cc is
the actual measurement of what happens whenyou have an orgasm. That's a that's
a man's ejaculate is ten cc.I remember when people found out, they
were all like just dying to tellyou. Yeah, yeah, you know
what I found out about that,just like he just did. Let me
tell you what it's really Okay.So we'll see you on the After Show,
and we'll see you on the showNut Show on Monday. We're getting
ready right now, y'all ready todo weekend? Oh yeah, I had
a boy like that go so wrong. That is your genius. Oh I
didn't have guests for the first time. I color was thirty. I have
a ten pounds salong. He's sittingout on the vad I'm feeling me,
baby, you're feeling me. That'snot very likely. And here's why.
Oh my god, I'm drowned.Mom, dad, I'm not having a
sex change operation. Well, nowyou make me own nervous. Hey,
baby, I got a little somethingsomething for you. We have to oil
up and parade around mecou do weknow. Well, it's Friday. Let's
say it together. It's Fried Day. We'll be at the playground drinking beer.
O God, we love beer.I am sorry, but that is
one thing that will never happen.That sounds crazy, okay, but fun.
You're an overbearing, hyperclusture psychotic andI'm well, you know fun.
You know that was my nickname inhigh school, the Big Easy. I'm
really excited because I've always wanted tohave my breast on national television. So
let's get see it. WHOA,what's the brother got to do to get
some of that? That sounds likea lot. You have a good time
this weekend and keep it joining theditches. We'll see you Monday. By