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July 29, 2024 • 72 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Making more money has never been easier. Out of increase your divorce settles.
Photoshop a picture of your spouse ina hotel with a well known report.
Then show the photo to your soonto be ex's attorney and say I want
a million bucks or this goes online. Then sit back and count your cash
and remember to give a fair amountto the horse. Making more money has

never been easier. And so we'reon the air. Let's see how the
broadcast gets from the studio to yourhome. Sound travels in waves, Some
of them are hitting that microphone andbeing picked up by it. The microphone
is simply an electrical ear, theear of the broadcast listeners. It picks

up sound waves and converts them intoelectrical currents. All the electrical currents from
all the microphones are controlled and sentout to the transmitting stations. These currents
form what we call the audio wave. Now, this wave must travel over
wires to the transmitting station hundreds andsometimes thousands of miles from the studio.

Radio waves from many programs are beingpicked up by your radio all the time.
You can select anyone you wish bymerely tuning in your set to receive
the same number of vibrations as aparticular station is broadcasting. The request lines
are now open KGFJ so radio man, Officer Clyde, contact headquarters. You

give them a pressure location. HelloHeadquarters, Hello, Headquarters, Come in,
Headquarters. This is Officer Clyde.We are code name for code name
headquarters Headquarters. Come in. Please. This is code name hardhead hats,
hard hats. Give me that.Hello, radio dispatch. This is code
name hard hats, code name hardhaat. Do you read me over?
Was that lard ass hard hat?Code named hard? Do you read radio

dispatch? Hey, God's up foryou. Learn ass hard hat, hard
hat? Do you understands? Learnass hard hat radio respect? Do you
know who this is? No,who this is? You know who this
is? It's the PO and Themshow. What a great way to start

on Monday. I love Stacy Keiths, Rest in peace, buddy. Yeah,
I like you. Yes, weare back from a weekend. Don't
seem to have too many scars tospeak of, and I need a weekend
from the weekend. Really is socrazy busy. I want to hear about

it. That's a lot of Olympicsgoing on. Yes, did you see
the opening ceremony? I saw partof it. I didn't see a lot
of it. So there was alot of controversy at this one segment,
and I kept I didn't see thatat all. I just thought that they
were models on a runway. Yeah, no, that some of them were
drag queens, and that's what somepeople have a problem. Well, they

said that it depicted the Last Supper, and I didn't see that at all.
They were going for something else,is what their statement is. They
weren't trying to depict the Last Supper. And I did apologize, but I
was like, well, I didnot get that until everybody was saying,
you know, people are looking forsomething to bitch about. Yeah, so
that's what the why that defamed theLord. They said on social media yesterday

that somebody won the gold medal inpearl clutching at the Olympics parl clutching.
Believe what I saying before my Well, the opening ceremonies were a huge day
for heavy metal, oh for sure. Goeszira not only performed the opening ceremonies,
but they did it harnessed to theside of an old building. Oh

really, Maria Toinette holding her choppedoff. Hey, I'm gonna have to
go down to YouTube and yeah,Wallack, get out, because I knew
it was gonna be like four hourslong, and I just didn't want to
sit and watch that for four hours. My favorite thing was this French singer
sang John Lennon's Imagine and you seeall these athletes from different countries all singing

the words along with us. Iwant to see that beautiful, just so
beautiful. And Celine Dion, ofcourse stole the show, wrapping it up
there singing on the Eiffel Tower.Oh, she was on the Eiffel Tower
on the very top. Though,well, yeah, midway, I don't
expect you to be dangling by herheels over the end. But we're celebrating

today, Yes, International Tiger Day. What I guess everybody can celebrate,
except that bitch Carol Baskin. Iguess Tiger King references aren't as funny aw
York. In fact, now peoplewere number twenty twenty for all sorts of
reasons, that bitch Carol Beefkin.It's rain day. Come, it doesn't

look like it's got a rain,but today must be rain day for a
reason. It has something to dowith the folks in Waynesburg Pennsylvania who celebrate
rain Day on July twenty nine,whether it rains or not, must be
a Pennsylvania thing, honestly. Yeah, I guess we just don't get it.
Yeah, no rain in the forecast. Just a heat advisory today,

Yes, yes, humidity and heat. National Lipstick Day. Oh got mine
right here. You know your lipstickprobably contains fish scales. You know that,
don't you? Are you serious?No, I'm not kidding. Fish,
fish scales, fish scales, theslime from fish scales. Nasty.
You find some lipstick on your zimper. You had a good week. Ja,

Yeah, that's sick though, Robert, I'm not in front of God
everybody. You know a woman usesher entire height in lipstick through her lifetime.
Yeah, I believe ye. Howabout that probably taller in lipsticks.
It is National Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day. Has something to do with sacrificing cheese

to catch mice in your house.Is the saying that goes, if you
wish to catch some mice, butfirst cheese, you must sacrifice, So
purchase the cheese upon this day,and a mouse free house is here to
stay. I'm not sacrificing all mycheese for the mice pie. Yeah.
Really, National Lasagna Day, Young, National Chicken Wings Day. We never

have enough chicken wings. In fact, we eat thirty billion per year.
Whoa, and yesterday was National HamburgerDay, so you're gonna have to identify
a Hamburger commercial restaurant for def Leppard, Journey and Steve Miller band tickets at
seven fift and what do we haveat eight in the lone star ticket window?
Bows, we have some tickets togo see ten CC out remember those

guys. Yeah, haven't toured indecades. Apparently we're at the Majestic Theater
on Thursday, August the eighth.So let's get ready for sports of all
sorts. What do yeah, baby, yeah, baby, baby baby one
more time. It's joked as DallasHorse Classic roncolone Star ninety two to five

paint Floyd learning to fly. Thearms are too tired by the end of
the day, so I'll just stickwith the foot action. All right,
rescules, you're ready. It issix point thirty and it's time for supports
of all sorts, brought to youby the will Height Law Firm. Injury
lawyers go to Willhightwinds dot Com andworkouts are underway at the Dallas Cowboys training
camp at Oxnard, California. Theplayers will not be wearing pads during the

early days of camp because league ruleslimit how often a team can wear shoulder
pads and game pads for health andsafety reason. That doesn't necessarily mean that
nobody gets hurt. As a matterof fact, yesterday, edge rusher Sam
Williams tore his ACL in his leftknee, meaning he's done for the year

before the season even stars. Isaw Mike Doosey post about that yesterday.
Oh man seeing him cart it offjust at practice at training camp. Now
he's got to sit out the wholeseason. Jerry spoke to reporters a camp
on Thursday. Much of that discussionsurrounded the future of quarterback Dak Prescott and
head coach Mike McCarthy because McCarthy entersthe final year of his deal and Jerry

is forcing him to work without thesafety net of a contract extension. Because
I mean, he won thirty sixregular season games in the last three years,
and only Andy Reid has won morethan McCarthy. But McCarthy lost three
of his four playoff games in Dallas, including that one sided ass whooping at
home to Green Bay at the endof last season. Now, Dak Prescott,

who actually turns thirty one today,Yeah, happy birthday, Dak.
He is also entering the final yearof his four year, one hundred and
sixty million dollar contract. Like McCarthyand CD Lamb, he doesn't have a
new deal yet. And the quarterbackmarket is only going to rise the longer
this thing drags on. But it'sgoing to be an interesting next several weeks,

just so you'll know. And Dakkind of hinted in Foxnard, California,
as Doosey likes to call it,He hinted, He's like, you
know, there's a lot of greatquarterbacks that have played for multiple teams,
kind of hinting like he could believethe Cowboys. And then Jerry Jones kind
of fired back and saying, inmy life, I've had a lot of
things that I wanted but I couldn'tget because I couldn't afford. And then

later on I'm happy that I didn'tget what I wanted. Oh, So,
outs is he showing up to practiceyet? Dak is, yeah,
yeah, okay, wasn't showing up? People? Is not showing up fifty
k per day. Let's talk baseball. The Texas Rangers had a rough time
of it this weekend, but asthey were swept by the Toronto Blue Jays
yesterday, Dalton var Show homered inthe first inning for the second strike game,

Jose Burrio's pitch seven sharp innings andthe Toronto Blue Jays beat the Rangers
seven to three to complete a threegame sweep of the defending World Series champions.
Texas lost its third straight after winningthe previous five. The Rangers were
swept for the fifth time all onthe road. Now next up of the
Rangers, They're in Saint Louis tonightto face the Cardinals, with right hander

Nathan Eovaldi on the mound for theRangers first pitch at six forty five.
You can catch the game on ballySports southwestre y Go fort Worth Barbecue Joint.
Risky's Barbecue been there ninety seven years. Now out that hey, they
tore it up. On Saturday morning, they had the eighteenth annual rib eating
competition. This was at the StockyardStation Saturday morning. The competition challenge up

to thirty barbecue enthusiasts to eat asmany Riskies beef ribs as possible in just
sixty seconds. Ribs are the bigwhip. Yeah. Maybe that's what they
call of Risky Yeah. And thenthree top qualifiers from there competed in a
head to head matchup of eating ribs, and the veteran Richard Kofski came away
the winner. Kofski ate five cleanribs in one minute. These ribs are

huge, like you see at thebeginning of the flint shots. And apparently
this guy, Richard has a wetand dry back for an esophagus. So
the runner up, Albert Bravo,had five mostly clean ribs. The third
place Finiature, who have officials,did not name eight four ribs in one
minute. Now. According to Risky'sBarbecue, Kofski of Fort Worth is a

six time champion of their annual competitionand for winning he gets a five hundred
dollars Risky gift card and the runnerup takes how two hundred and fifty dollars
gift card. Third place gets onehundred bucks at the restaurant, and all
three participants also received a complimentary Riskiest shirit. Well you should cry out,

all right, let's just good labor. The spectacle that is the Olympic
Games. The US won its firstgoal medal of the pairs Olympics on Saturday,
and the men's four by one hundredmeter free style swim, Caleb Dressel
pulled ahead with a massive lead inthe anchor leg to secure the gold,
followed by Australia with silver and Italywith bronze. It was the eighth medal

of Dressel's career, all of themgold, but see Michael Phelps was the
one that was getting all the gloryof years ago. The women's team took
home silver in the same event,losing to Australia, and the US is
often running at the Paaris Olympics.In basketball, team USA leads the overall
medal count entering Day three of theSummer Games. It's twelve medals are more

than the second place country, whichhappens to be the host nation France.
However, the US is not numberone when it comes to gold. Japan
and Australia have four apiece while theAmericans have three goals. The men's four
by one hundred meter freestyle relay ToryHusky, in the women's one hundred meters
broad Afy and Lee Kaifer and women'sfoil fencing. Now, I didn't know

what foil fencing is. Foil fencingis you only score when you get somebody
on the torso. Other fencing,you can stick them an arm, or
on the leg or something, butyou got to get them in the torso.
In f I don't know why theycall it foil, but there you
go. Yesterday at the Paris Olympics, very exciting. Simone Bile showed once

again why she's the most decorated gymnastof all time. Shaking off a minor
calf injury that scared the heck outof me, she posted the top score
in the Olympic all around women's gymnasticsqualifying event. She finished well ahead of
reigning Olympic champion and teammate Sunissa LeiSunni Lee. The twenty seven year old
saluted the crowd after a dismount onuneven bars, her final event. Now,

Simone Bile's posted the highest score onfloor and vault, both after the
injury, as she tries to addto her career total of seven Olympic medals.
Now, she's not scheduled to competetoday. The women's gymnastics portion of
the Olympics has the day off.Today is going to be the men's team
final, as the US attempts towin gold for the first time since nineteen

eighty four. The women back inaction tomorrow. Wow. US Olympic men's
basketball team kicked a little bit ofass over the weekend too, Lebron James
Kevin Durant. They began the squad'sbid for a fifth consecutive gold medal with
a nearly flawless performance. Durant madehis first eight shots and scored twenty three
points. James added twenty one,nine assists and seven rebounds, and the

US rolled to a one ten toeighty four win over Serbia in the Olympic
opener for both teams. Drew Holidayscored fifteen, Devin Booker had twelve,
Anthony Effwards and Stephen Curry each addedeleven for the US team. USA's next
group next group game is against SouthSudan on Wednesday. The two teams played
recently, with the US eking outa one oh one to one hundred win.

Barry, Yeah, back on thetwenty eeth of this month. Yeah,
we almost lost that. We almostloved to Germany too. Ca'm be
losing now? Here's a field hockeyplayer from Australia was so intent upon commeding
competing in the Olympics that he agreedto have part of his finger amputating.
Why, while getting ready for theSummer Games, thirty year old Matthew Dawson

broke his fingers playing in a warmup game. He broke one of his
fingers. Well, he had thefinger fixed, but he chose to have
it amputated from above the knuckle insteadof having it surgically repaired, which would
have required months of recovery, whichmeant he wouldn't have been able to go
to the Olympic. Yeah, Patocks, Ronnie a lot of the forty nine

ers bit one of his own fingersoff because it broke the same thing.
Yeah, dude, what he wantedto play? He was crazy and Paris
Olympic organizers apologized yesterday to anyone whowas a by a group of drag queens
that evoked Leonardo da Vinci's The LastSupper during the ceremony. Yes, but

I saw it live and I didn'teven think of the Last Supper when I
saw it. I just saw theguy in blue. Well, it wasn't
a guy, it was a womanand she's a famous DJ in France.
She does the whole week a weeka week at klubs. Uh huh da
Vinci's painting episcomonment when Jesus Christ declaredthat an apostle would betray him. The
scene during Friday Ceremony featured DJ andproducer Barbara Butch. That's her name,

Barbara Butch LGBT icon flank by dragartists and dancers. Religious conservatives around the
world lost their damn minds over thissegment, with the French Catholic Church's Conference
of Bishops saying it made a mockeryof Christianity. The ceremonies artistic director Thomas
Jolly had said it was meant tocelebrate diversity and pay tribute to feasting and

French cooking. Well, you wentthe wrong way to do it, but
you got your point across, allright. Get ready, The freaking Full
File is next on the ball andthen Dallas Horse Classic Rock Loan Star ninety
two to five. You know,if you're gonna stay in the Olympic village,
if you're competing, there are rulesyou have to follow. I'll go

over some of them here in justa few plus we'd say happy birthday to
Geddy Lee. Yes, Jetty seventyone today the great Gedty Lee. I
got to play the time We gothim to say, there's a moose the
host. But now it is timefor the freaking full file. Here is
a ninety year old retired art teacherhas cut the hedge in front of his

house in the shape of a nakedwoman. Nice and he's been there for
over twenty years. And pensioner KeithTyson decided back in two thousand and five
that he would indulge his love forsculpture by turning the hedge in front of
his home into a naked woman,naming her Gloria, the divorced Father of
Force. As people stopped up andtake photos of the five foot tall,

reclining figure as they pass his housein Sheffield, England, naturally, many
drunk people climb on her to geta video, feeling her up or humping
on her on video. Yeah,and he has plans to stop people from
doing it, but then he saidno, I'll let them. Let them
love. Yeah, go ahead andhump my bush, he said. He

said, I'm ninety, but I'mstill fairly physically Okay, so I'll keep
her going, I'll keep trimming her. She hadn't going anywhere. Stay there
right on my wall out in frontof my house. Nice. Naturally,
some people with a stick up theirkeyster and bitched about it, calling it
obscene, but Tyson tells him togo pound sand in your ass. He

says, I'm not cutting her down, So piss off. It's a work
of art. That's the way theytalk to me. Where don't you just
piss off off? They figure outA Saint Louis woman is behind bars,
and she's there because she believed thather local Jack in the Box cheated her
out of a full order of chickenstrips. Over chickens over chicken strips,

police say. Forty one year oldto Lane Carter walked into a Jack in
the Box restaurant and complained that shewas short at a single chicken strip from
the order that she received three daysearlier. Well, the manager apologized and
chose to appease her by replacing thatmissing chicken strip. The problem should have
been resolved right then and there,but then Carter became unhappy with the lack

of ranch dressing provided and responded byspitting in the manager's face. Why didn't
you just ask him for another pack? Thank you. Carter stormed out of
the restaurant, but the manager followedand took a photo of her license plate
to provide to police. When Carterrealized what the female manager was doing,
she got into her car, spedin reverse in an attempt to run the

manager over. The cart not themanager to the ground, and rolled over
the manager's foot and ankle. Carterfled the scene, but remember she took
a picture of the license plate.Police were able to locate her the next
day and arrested her. And allof this was over one chicken strep one
chicken strip. That is it?You know, maybe if you'd just taken

a deep breath and thought about itfor a moment, you could have said,
excuse me, you shorted me onechicken strip and can I have some
extra extra? Yes? No,Now you gotta pitch a bitch, And
now you're gonna go to jail.What a world? What a world?
Yeah, we're not gonna make it. There's a priest who is suing the

gay dating app Grinder after he claimshe was outed when he tried to use
the app. No, was thatGrinder's fault. He shouldn't have used the
app. Yeah. I think hisname is mont Senior Jeffrey Barrell, and
he started using Grinder back in twentyseventeen, believing that there was no indication
that people outside of the app couldaccess his data. Ah right, they

don't understand the Internet. It's gotyour picture, dude. Yeah, and
that's not all. According to hislawsuit, Berill never would have downloaded the
app, if you know, andit was possible, especially considering that he
took a vow of celibacy as partof the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Well maybe that should have been yourreason to stay away from it. How's
that working out for Yeah, how'sit working out for you, buddy.

In twenty twenty one, four yearslater, a Catholic media site reported that
Barrel had been using Grinder and forcedhim to resign. The suit accuses Grinder
of not protecting his data, leadinghim to lose his job and causing him
to suffer significant damages to his reputation. Yeah, it's the app's fault.
Yeah, Yeah, it's all theapp's fault. It's nothing that you did

or anything like that. Go toconfession mister, Yes, what's up with
the lightning strike physician? Heel thyselfand here's an Indian man who had This
is another case. So you're dead. No I'm not, Yes you are.
This man had been wrongfully pronounced deadby the government, so he decided
to turn to crime in a desperateway of proving that he was very much

alive. Baburham Phil, a fortyyear old man from a small village,
had long been trying to convince authoritiesthat he was still alive after they issued
a death certificate in his name.Well, he couldn't do anything. He
couldn't get a driver's lvened, hecouldn't do anything. Government listed he was
dead. He tried to correct theerror, appealing to his village elders and

state authorities, but to no avail. So he decided to go for a
more extreme option. After all ofhis properties would be confiscated by the government
after his death, this guy cameto the conclusion that becoming a criminal was
the best way of attracting attention tohis problem and proving that he is very
much alive. Oh good for hisfirst step into a life of crime,

he grabbed a knife and a bottleof gas and began terrorizing a local school.
According to a police report, hetook several students and teachers hostage until
law enforcement arrived and arrested him.He'd explained that he had wrongfully been pronounced
dead, and after repeatedly trying tohave his death certificate annulled, he became

desperate to prove he was alive.So he figured that committing serious enough crimes
to get himself arrested would let policewith no other choice, and they would
have to arrest him and write hisname down in the police rakers proof that
he wasn't actually dead, because youcan't convict a dead person. Ew.
Even though he faces jail time forhis actions, his plan worked, as

police have announced an investigation into hisclaims of being alive. It is a
little drastic, balan, Yeah,I mean you're gonna take a bunch of
hostages and kids at that. God, why don't you blow up a dumpster
or something, you know somewhere.You don't hate nobody? Your point,
boy, unless there's some hobow sleepinginside the dumpter. I always have to

check yea check first, yes,check first? All right, listen up
if you want to see def Leppard, Journey and the Steve Miller Band when
they come to Globelife Field August twelfth. And you need to listen all this
week to the Bow and Them showbecause we have your tickets now. Your
first chance to win is coming upat seven fifty, and of course Bo
is going to have some devious wayto give them away, So just keep

listening to Dallas Fort Word's classic rocklone Star ninety two five. Lone Star
ninety two five. Geedtty Lee seventyone years old today, all right,
Getty and looking good, yeah,and still jamming and writing books. Yeah,
and selling off his baseball memorabilia.He needs to make room for more.

He has got so much. Isaw him the Dan Rather interview with
Geedty, and you should see allthe baseball. He has this whole room
that has baseball memorabilia from from alleras and stuff like that. Yeah,
and selling things off during the AllStar Game at Globelive Field in Arlington.
And he said that the reason hewas getting rid of these presidential baseballs is

because they were all American presidents fromCanada. Oh we had we had Getty
on several times. But at onetime when he was here, I got
him to be absolutely Canadian, absolutelyCanadian. Here you go, Okay,
geddy, I have a message frommy son, Clayton who Clayton who you
met when he was like ten yearsold backstage to meet you guys, and

he wasn't the rushhead that he istoday. Now he's like, oh man,
I didn't know who I was meetingat the time, Dad. So
he wants me to say, you'rethe beast of the base. And does
your foot ever get tired from kickingso much? Ass? Wow, that's
good. I like that. No, my foot never gets tired from kicking
ass. I'll get your concern.I saw your documentary Beyond the Light Stage.

How weird does it feel looking atyourself on the big screen? Does
it make you feel critical of yourself? Yeah? I was completely humiliated by
my choice of clothing over the twentythirty years of our existence. Yeah,
it's really quite a strange experience tolook at your life kind of pass in

front of your eyes and see,I mean, these guys found footage and
photographs from ages ago that just Ididn't know existed any longer. And it's
quite something I think for fans ofthe band, or people that are just
curious about how a band from Canadawas able to stick around for forty years.
I think quite an interesting thing,embarrassing if you're in the band to

watch. My brother does a lotof film production for us, and we
sit down with a team of animatorsand idea people and we kind of all
together work out a kind of overviewfor what we'd like to present, and
then everybody goes off in their ownlittle world and designs their end of it,
and we pull it all together andsee what with God, you know
what's great? I heard you sayout instead of out. I've been away

from Canada for a while. Hecan do it if he wants to.
Now, Yeah, if you makeme, I'll slip right back out there
today. There's a mouse about thehouse. There's a mouse about the house
right there. There's a mouse onthe couch. Ye eh, all right,
guys, thank you. It's amouse about that house. All right.
You know, the Olympics going onright now is just really now getting

underway. And as much as youwant to think that life at the Olympic
village is one big spring break,no, there are actually rules you must
follow, like curfews and stuff.Well, not necessarily. First of all,
athletes must reside with their country's team. Don't be sneaking over to another

country, try to sabotage them,or get you some of that Olympic nookie
that they gave you, all thoserubber Olympic nookie. Yes, family and
friends are not allowed in the OlympicVillage at all. Really. Nursing athletes
are allowed to bring their infants tothe Olympic Village. Okay, well that's
good. Yeah, but I mean, if you have an infant you have

to nurse, when are you gonnatrain? You know? Doesn't figure it
out, I guess so now theyon Miners must room with miners. Athletes
must abide by Olympic Village quiet hours. Is not a curfew, but you
gotta be quiet between ten pm andseven am. Alcohol is not allowed in

the Olympic Village or whatever. Naturally, you do not have to stay in
the Olympic Village. If you don'twant to, you don'na lack the rules.
You just go somewhere else. Athletesare allowed to mingle with athletes from
other countries in the Olympic Village.And yes, athletes are allowed to bang
each other in the Olympic village.But on those beds. Yeah, but

you welsome nookie, You're gonna finda way to do. Yeah, just
do it on the floor, noton the cardboard bed. If you have
to throw a towel on the floor, you'll do. And then well,
they gave them. They got liketwenty condoms each for each Olympic athlete,
at least twenty. I think itwas a crapload. So they're they're expecting
some screwing to be going on.Well, of course, it's just you

know, human nature, yes,of course, of course. And speaking
of the Olympics, time for amessage from one of our great Olympic sponsors,
and welcome back to the Radio ShoppingClub, where we embody the Olympic
spirit by taking a wide range ofperformance enhancing drugs. I'm your host,

David, and now you can commemoratethe Olympic Games with your very own RSC
Olympic torch. Our Olympic torch ismade of real wood, like the Olympic
torches used thousands of years ago inthe original Olympic Games. Right, of
course, I am only ours area handy two and a half inches long.
For easy storage. The top ofthe torch capped with a red crown,

same color used in one of thefive interlocking Olympic rings, and lighting
its breeze. Just strike the tipon the side of what we call the
box and watch your very own Olympictorch burst into flame. There you go,
there it is. Now get intothe Olympic spirit by running proudly around
the room bearing your torch aloft whileyou watch the Olympics on TV ouch.

Be sure to blow out your Olympictorch before it burns too low. Don't
worry, there's plenty more where thatcame from, because you get two hundred
and fifty r SC Olympic torches inevery box. Call now, because these
torches are going out fast. Howshopping the bow and them sholl Dallas fors

Classic Rock lone Star ninety two fivethirty minutes or so from now. Tickets
to see def Leppard, Journey andthe Steve Miller Band. They were on
a weekend. It's a Monday nightshow at Globelife Field. A Monday night
show A bit. I know theydon't think about us, poor morning disc
jockeys, think of regular people.Yeah, well we're certainly not regular people.

I'll give you that. We arethe definition of abnormal. Yes we
are got a funny classic wake upslap coming up. Oh but now it
is time to smarten us mission andto educate you and iota Yes, time
once again the lanes. I'm misstime war. Did you know here's a

couple of facts that I've found outthat are cool. Magician David Copperfield once
used his magic trick to make muggersbelieve he had no money. Are you?
These two guys jumped him. Oneheld a gun to David Copperfield's head
and said, give me money.So he convinced these two muggers that he
had nothing in his pocket, usinga trick called the top top of the

pocket dodge, where he would takeout his money and actually put it in
the other guy's pocket and he didn'tknow it. They searched him and said,
okay, then he'd reach and takehis money back. That's cool.
Now, if you're a slick magician, you can do that. I want
to learn that trick. I canjust see it happening. You know,
he puts it, I have nomoney, look look okay. Then he

reached back there and take his moneyback, frisk me again. You know?
A guy named Antonio Nunez, whowas responsible for enforcing Portugal's band on
smoking in public, was caught smokingin public on the first day of the
band when several people saw him smokinga cigar in a casino. Oh dare

well. Naturally they confronted him aboutit. Nuna Is saying, oh,
I didn't know that included casinos,and said since he wasn't inhaling the smoking
to his lungs, he wasn't technicallysmoking. The fine printed yes you are,
Yes you are. You were smoking, Yeah you are, Yeah you

are. Did you know the UnitedStates has a one hundred and ninety three
billion dollar candy market. Candy saleshave continued to increase despite concerns with junk
food and obesity. Don't take awayour sugar. Don't you touch my sniggersball
now? Did you know? JK. Rowling's books? Those Harry Potter books

were the first children's book included onthe New York bestseller list since eb White's
Charlotte's Web in nineteen fifty two.Did you know? At four hundred billion
dollars, Apple's market cap is higherthan the entire domestic product of grease.
Yeah, and that does not surpriseme. Greece has been having problem with

him. Did you know the GreatPyramid at Giza has Vince pointing to the
constellation of Orion, so the mummyspirit can fly straight up to the god.
Oh, they left him directions.Yes, you just take this map
and give it to the guy atthe River Styx. He'll tell you.
And did you know I didn't knowthis either. The night before your wedding,

you're supposed to bury a sausage inyour backyard. Has heard about this,
so it won't rain, right,Yes, that's exactly right. If
you don't, you'll have bad weatheron your wedding day. If you do,
you'll have a beautiful and sunny sky'sat your nupiles and you'll be burying
the sausage years later doing something messDallas Horse Classic Rock lone Star ninety two

five coming up. We have ticketsto see def Leppard Journey in the Steve
Miller Band, and we'll also talkto comedian Derek Stroop. Very funny,
gentleman. Now it's time for theseMonday morning WACA slap. This one was
about a lady who was sent upby her sister. She works in a

place that delivers groceries to the elderly, so naturally I took advantage of that.
Of course you did. Of courseI did. Yeh. Home delivery
services is Diane. How may Ihelp you? Yes, ma'am, Yes,
miam, you'll deliver some grocers overto me. Okay, And I
think you have the wrong order overhere. I got the wrong grocers.

Oh you did. I'm I'm sosorry to hear that. Let me see
if I can see what happened.What is your first name, sir?
Or do you have a grocery deliverynumber? Well, my name is Schubert
Earl rals from Barmerramersky. I'm sorry, sir. Let's start with your last
name first. Schubert Earl raw fromBremersky. Shubert Earl Ralfon Bremersky. I'm

sorry, Hubert Earl Rothven Bromersky.What is the first letter of your last
name? Rawson Bremersky, ro rArbor Arbor Rawson Rawson, brah Brasky,
bram Yeah. Hey, what isyour zip code? Sturve way back and

find you by zip Cochin seven.Five foods for saying cleaning Okay, sir,
I'm not seeming uh able to findyou in our system. We'll tell
you there's a problem right there,there's a problem. I got a bunch
of stuff I didn't order and abunch of stuff I can't you. Plus
uh, I didn't get any ofthe stuff that I really needed. Okay,

so it sounds like you might havegotten the wrong order, and I'm
happy to help you fix it.Well, tell you, i'd go myself,
but you see, my middle toewas all swolved up outside of the
orange, so I can't get outand walk come down in grocer asals there
go there again. It's hers towalk up and down in my house.
And also my my hemorrhoids that havedone got inflamed again, so I'd spend

most of my time laid on theside. But I can't get out of
the grocery store. Oh my god, I am very sorry to hear that,
and I want to help you fixthis problem. And you're correct,
item, you know what, youknow what, you're real healthful, You're
you're being real nice, and I'mI'm happy to help you what I can
do, so I could take anorder for it. Well, I'll tell
you, I did. The mainimportant thing is I didn't. I didn't

get my Pluto water. Your what, sir, my Pluto water? I
need my Pluto water. What ispluto? Pluto water is for my plumbing?
Oh for your plumbing? Okay,so liquid plumber. I think it's
no, no, no, notnot to house plumbing, my plumbing,
my inside just what's called of what? What? What? What do you
call? It? Was a stoolsoftener. See if I don't have it,

see it like I'm passing a bigold jagged rock. Want a hunker
down there? Okay, you knowI can. I can go into our
pharmacy to something else here. Ialso wanted franchish yellow mustard, Frankie yellow
mustard, and you'll send me somekind of gray poopoo or something like that.
Frankis Yeller mustard. I wand y'allsenk gray poo poo and I can't
put that on my WIENI okay,I'm just going to take notes here for

m hellow mustard and what brand brandof the Pluto. I don't know.
I'm not sure what it is.I can't read it real good. Okay,
Well, we'll bring a few optionson that. Are there other grocery
items that you need before we gointo the pharmacy department. Well, uh,

do y'all? Y'all send something elsehere that I don't know why you
sended it? What is that,sir? Well you're sending me there,
let me get it. Hold on, just say let me okay, see

it in their hunker. And nowis that stuff? What do you call
it? What do you call it? What do you call it? I
don't know, sir, what whatis it? It's a something about Oh
I know it is summer's eve.Summer's eve. I'm not even sure when
I'm supposed to do it. Ittastes terrible, I'll tell you that right.

It ain't funny there. I can'tget out come out the toe was
folds upside of orange. I gothem rows and stuff. Hey, Diane,
yes, is this it's bullet longStar ninety two to five. Your
daughter set you up. I'm sittinghere and leaving my mind not able to
help this day guys water because I'mall backed up. I was like,

I am not going to be agood customer service person because I don't know
what to do for you. Now. See, see here's the thing.
If you listen to the show moreoften than you wouldn't have gotten caught.
You would have said, Paul,right, what's going on? I'm gonna
have you definitely thirtuning in now.You could have done that three or four

minutes ago in this poll would havebeen over. Oh exactly, exactly.
Well, blame your daughter because shesets you up. You guys are awesome,
Hey, Diane, Yep, gotya. Dallas Forest Classic Rock Alone
Star ninety two to five. DefLeppard part of the show along with Journey

and the Steve Miller Band that ison August twelfth at Globe Life Field.
Come on, that's a good bill, right, Oh, yeah, that
is an awesome bill. And soI thought what we'd do today since I
told you it's National Hamburger Day,which means I gotta find someplace with a
good ass ham. So many placeshere in North Texas. Somebody recommended Sickies,

which is over by Pinstack in Ermy. They say they've got some great,
awesome hamburgers. Oh that was Kennet. Call it n calls Sickies.
Huh. I do like a goodwater burger and get dry for you know
what Portillo's will, yeah, knockyou over several times with a hamburger too.
Oh, I'm gonna have to findone somewhere. So I'll tell you

what I thought we'd do to giveaway these tickets. I'm going to play
a commercial about a place that serveshamburgers. And this is so easy,
you guys, you better get thisright off the bat. Okay, in
fact, I'm won't even play ittwice to make sure you get it.
Two one four or eight one sevenseven eight seven five. Tell me this

place that will serve you a burger. The best thing to order is when
you are sitting at soccer practice,order it through your phone while you're sitting
there, and then you go andpick it up. But you're much more
of a planner than me, Iam, and that's what I love about
you. Yes, you know,I'm not that prepared. It's more seat
of my pants. These halfway cheeseburgersare the only good thing about tax Threa,

what are you doing over there andgetting together for tax Day? It's
a little close to the deadline.You want some help, Yeah, grab
a couple. Okay, these areall just receipts, TJ. I know
they're my business expenses. No,you don't have a business, and I
pay for everything, and I paidfor these cheeseburgers. Great, so we're
filing jointly. Well, oh,I don't hear fil in for half priced
cheeseburgers all day on tax Day Wednesday, April fifteenth, Naturally, I had

to take out the name of theyoun't have very many hints. I got
it, you got it, myfat ass got it right off. Let
me play it one more time.Here you go, here you go.
The best thing to order is whenyou are sitting at soccer practice. Order
it through your phone while you're sittingthere, and then you go and pick

it up. But you're much moreof a planner than me I am,
and that's what I love about you. Yes, you know, I'm not
that prepared. It's more seat ofmy pants. These half wreas cheeseburgers are
the only good thing about tax day. What are you doing over there and
getting my receipts together for tax day? It's a little close to the deadline.
You want some help, Yeah,I grab a couple of These are
all just receeds teaching. I knowthey're my business expenses. No, you
don't have a business, and Ipay for everything, and I paid for

these cheeseburgers. Great, so we'refiling jointly. Well, oh, I
don't perfect file in for half pricedcheeseburgers all day on tax Day Wednesday,
April fifteenth. See when he saidthis is nothing but receipts, he said
the name of the place. That'swhy I had to take that out.
Otherwise there's no contest. I mean, it could be practically any place because

with most places, you can orderon the app, and most places have
tax day special. But it wasthose two guys that did the commercials for
this particular place, and they didthem for years. They may still be
doing them for all of them.And they're pretty commercials, yes they are.
They're well made. Do one fouror eight one seven seven, eight

seven. This is probably going tobe first three, at least first three,
I think, so, yeah,well on them show all right,
what restaurant is that that serves Hamburger's. When I mentioned the two guys,
who are those same two guys thatdid the sonic the commercials, Yes,
yes, they did them all andhe said those are nothing but sonic recive.

I said, well, I'd bettertake that out or that's too easy.
Okay, I actually recognized it fromthe first lady. I think that's
a newer commercial. Yes, yes, where they're talking about driving through the
sauna huh, which I hadn't turnedthe name out on that too. Okay,
you got def Leppard, Journey andSteve Miller band tickets GLOBEI Field August
twelfth. Who is this, Jose? Jose? Hang on, Jose,

You're gonna take Hose b with you. Okay, Okay, hold on Jose
and we'll hook you up to tellany attention to him that was. That
was an awful, stupid joke.I love it. I'm sure Jose is
gone. Oh, I get it. It's real fun. Hey, coming
up next hour, we're gonna openup a little star ticket window and giveaway

tickets to see ten CC. Theyhave not toured in ages, but they
are coming to the Majestic Theater inDallas on Thursday, August eighth, and
we want you to be there,so keep listening to the Bow and Them
show right here on Dallas fort WorthsClassic Rock lone Star ninety two to five
Dallas Forworth's Classic Rock lone Star ninetytwo to five. Bruce Springsteen's wife,

Patti Scalfa. Yeah, she's seventyone today. She looks good. She
is. She's been in the EastSweet band for forty something years. Yeah.
Yeah, and their grandparents. Nowyou know, Oh that's right.
Whatn't Bruce's daughter supposed to be inthe Olympics. She didn't make the cut
in the question really? Oh wow, it happens coming up. We have

tickets to go see that band,ten CC. They're a really good live
But now, who is just onthe phone. This guy was in here
a few years ago. His nameis Derek strook By Derek. Good morning,
how you doing? I'm good.How are y'all doing? Well?
You know, Derek was here along time ago. And Derek is one

of the only guys from Alabama whoclaims he's not a Tide fan. Oh
you remember you remember? Yes?Yeah, no, that's true. Still
not a Tide fan. I usedto do a bit about how much I
didn't like him, and then Irealized it was just for me. But
yeah, well I can't stand himeither. And they're about to name the
stadium after Nick Saban good night,tough to eat breakfast after hearing that,

yes, well, I'm sorry,I didn't mean to ruin your corn's legs
here. Well, congratulations on yournew comedy album, Eating Dinner Twice.
Thank you so much. I'm superexcited about it. Got to be on
layer of the Cable Guys label Getor Done Records, so that's super exciting.

Why was it called Eating Dinner Twice? What exactly does that mean?
Well, it was gonna be calledforce meal and then Taco Bail didn't love
it. But Eating Dinner Twice cameabout because there's a nice, fun long
story on there about how I foundout about taco trucks when I moved to
Denver because I did not grow Igrew up in Harvest, Alabama. We

did not have taco trucks. Wehad ice cream trucks, but I didn't
know when I moved to Denver andI found out a guy filled his truck
up with burritos and drove around untilhe found me. That's humbling. It's
also a gift from God. Imean it is. I've been chasing food
my whole life. It's nice tohave something to meet me halfway. Didn't

you want to say that you hada burrito from a taco truck the size
of a toddler that's exactly right.It was huge. That's part of the
story, I mean, and that'spart of the reason why I love taco
trucks Mexican food. I'm a quantityover quality eater, you know, That's
what I tell people. You cankeep your ten perfect wings, I'll take
twenty average ones. You know,That's how I am. Yeah, But

there's something about food trucks. Idon't know, it taste better than getting
it in a restaurant. I don'tknow why that is. Yeah, I
agree, I agree, probably becauseusually out of a taco truck you're getting
a pretty authentic product. You actuallyprefer going to places that are like hole
in the walls, right, youtoo, the same way, Yeah,
I really do. I mean,if it's a rib shack and it's a

you know, a little bit rundown, and you know, there's like
one bathroom that barely works, you'reprobably gonna get some decent rib That's just
the way that that works. Ithink that that's for most people that grew
up in rural areas. You know, I believe in those type of establishments
for sure. See, because ifthey're a rundown dive like that, that
means they don't spend the money ondecorating the place, they spend it on

making the food, right. Huh, Yeah, that's exactly. There's no
reason to fix the marquee that youdon't need them mark. If the burger's
good, they're coming back regardless ofwhat you write on them. That's the
way that that works. I agreewith you. Now, you were a
nineties kid, I mean, thelast generation with no internet. As you
say, now, how did yourgeneration cope with that? And did you

lose your mind? When the internetfinally came around you said, hey,
Poorn, I love it. Yeah, I mean it was a wild ride
for us. I mean I tellpeople, nineties kids were the only ones.
We went to sleep in nineteen ninetyfour with the organ trail and we
woke up the next day inside achat room. Nobody warned us and went,

hey, y'all, I know you'venever you know, talked to women
in Australia, but tomorrow you're goingto be able to. We didn't get
any of that type of warning.So it's just fun to look back and
talk about it, you know,as the last generation before people were really
glued to their phones and that sortof thing. And I've got a lot
of bits about the old games weplayed. You know how back in the
day, titty twisters were rampant.Yes, it'd be sexual assault now,

but nineteen ninety six, I mean, somebody glatched onto your nipple and if
you couldn't whistle, it was along afternoon. Wow. Wow. Did
you ever have bottle rocket wars?Because that's what we used to do in
course in Canada, Texas, toshoot bottle rockets at each other. Absolutely,
we used to put on my oldman's old big leather jackets and have
beep gun wars. Yeah. Imean, but before the you know,

that's why I talk about some ofthe games weren't even games. We used
to just smoke each other, youknow, right in the right in the
balls back in the day, man, I mean, that wasn't even a
game. We just didn't have theinternet. What about pantsing people? Yeah,
now that one was traumatizing. Imean that one, and I tell
people on stage, I mean thatwas some weird curiosity going on, and

it was terrified being eleven years oldgetting pants that was scary. I wasn't
ready to show mine you. Iwas like, let mine cook a little
long. It's always funny when ithappens to someone else. True, exact
exactly. You nailed it. Thatis the truest thing ever. Like how
you say it's curious, it's bodycurious. The people that were panting others.

Yeah, yeah, because it wassuch a weird game. I mean
he used to drop. My oldman's just a Southern very. You know,
he's a hard dude. And I'mtelling you when we would run around,
ripping each other's riches to the ground, I've never seen my dad so
confused and pissed off in my life. Well, Derek Trupe is going to
be coming back to town on Saturday, November twenty third at McFarlane Auditorium on

the SMU campus. Come in earlyand come be in the studio again.
We'd love to have you. Yeah, I definitely. Last time I was
there, y'all were a blast.I'll definitely take you up on that.
Thank you so much for having me, and I promise we won't give you
a titty twister when you come here. Thank you, thank you. I
appreciate that. All right, We'llsee y'all next time. Have a good

Dirk the show, you punk,stay in the street, get out of
my d your Little Fastage Off MyLawn, Dallas Horrors, Classic Rock,
Loan Star ninety two to five.We got ten CC tickets, we do.
I would really like to see thatshow, just to see how far
those guys have come, because there'sa lot of songs they do that I
really like. They haven't toured inforty six years. Forty years, do

you know? We have people thathave been born. Yes, they last
tour and have no idea exactly.Oh man, I think they're going to
make a big deal out of it, and I think they've got a really
fantastic band behind him to I surehope. So a south Lake megachurch is
dealing with another big problem. Yeah. A month after the founder of Gateway

Church resigned as lead pastor, thechurch announced his son is also stepping down.
The church elders announced that pastor JamesMorris and his wife Bridgett, have
resigned from their position to Gateway Now. Gatewaite Church has seen an explosive growth
since its founding twenty four years ago. Its reported membership is now one hundred
thousand, which you know they allwatch it's broadcasts on the internet. Fit

all them in there, But exactlywho will serve as the church's most visible
leadership roles in the future is notknown. The thirty nine year old pastor
is the son of disgraced former pastorRobert Morris. Last month, an Oklahoma
woman said Pastor Morris had sexually abusedher during a five year period, starting
when she was twelve years old.Morris had previously acknowledged having an inappropriate relationship

with a young lady decades before,he failed to mention how young she was
leaving out her age did. Heresigned from his position as the senior pastor
of Gateway several days after the woman'saccusation. But that is not all.
The founding pastor of an Arlington churchturned himself into the Terran County Jail on

Thursday after being charged with sex crime. Oh man, it's all coming out.
Listen. You reverends are supposed tostand for something you know I hate
during Fifty one year old Ronnie Goinsis the lead pastor at Cooynonia bucking Nonia
Business that's a Christian church in Arlington. He faces one count of sexual assault
and one count of indecent assault aftera woman made an outcry last month.

He previously served on Arlington's Unity Councilas a former member of the Arlington Police
Departments clergy and police partnership programs.Police have released limited information and it's unclear
the relationship between Goin's and the allegedvictim. Investigators have stopped short of saying
there could be more victims involved,but they made it clear that the sexual
assault investigation is still ongoing and there'seven more. Yesterday, the Cross Timbers

Church in Argyle announced in the middleof a sermon that their lead pastor,
Josiah Anthony, resigned due to inappropriateaction. Wow. Three three, that's
a trifecta. You guys all righthere? Oh my god, you guys,
come on, come on, youneed to behave So did you guys

feel the earth move last week?Two days in a row earthquakes rattled homes
in West Tech and many people herein North Texas felt the one on Friday.
According to the US Geological Survey,there was a magnitude five point one
earthquake at nine twenty eight am onFriday, and the earthquakes on Friday and
Monday were of the strongest in Texashistory. The epicenter was near Hemley,

Texas, which is about two hundredmiles west of Fort Worth, the same
area where a smaller magnitude two pointfive earthquake hit on Thursday and a magnitude
four point nine earthquake hit on Monday. Friday morning's earthquake was originally listed as
having a magnitude of four point eighton the Richter scale. The US Geological
Survey later upgraded that number to fivepoint one. I didn't feel it.

I feel a damn thing. Ifeel nut and you really felt it in
the downtown Dallas area. That's whatthey're Okay, Well, that explains it
because Friday during the after show,we were getting on confirmed reports, yes
that Dallas was having under earthquake.Yeah, what, I don't know,
man, all right, staying inDallas here with the Dallas PD. They
held a one day hiring event overthe weekend for nine to one to one

call takers and dispatchers. They badlyneed these people and they have a lot
of open positions. If you areeighteen or up, if you have high
school or at least GED level education, you can apply. You can take
their entrance exam. If you pass, you'll get an interview the same day
that you pass. The exam.They really need them. Yeah, yeah,
and it would also help if youdon't have any outstanding warrants. Yeah,

you haven't taken care of. Theydon't like that. In the nine
to one to one dispatch center,they say the test is very straightforward exam.
It just measures some memory and basicmultitasking skills. It's a very straightforward
exam that anybody, virtually anybody canpass. Call takers and dispatchers are in
the hot seat with each call comingin with its own set of stresses,
and the city is trying to getas many call takers and nine to eleven

operators as possible to fill all theshifts. So if you need a gig
and your record is clean, thenext one day hiring event is going to
happen next month on the sixteenth ofAugust. Oh man, that's Elvis Death
Day. The ongoing feud between FreedoLay and the man who has long claimed
to have invented flaming hot Cheetos isgetting hotter than the cheesy snack themselves.

Richard. Let's see Montanaz, aformer Freedo Lay employee who insists he invented
the super spicy version of the snack. In nineteen ninety two is now suing
its parent company, PepsiCo, accusingit of running a smear campaign against it.
You know, Eva Longoria made thatmovie, that NETFLX movie about him
called Flaming Hot. It came outlast year. Fredo Lay has disputed his

claim as the mastermind behind blamed Lot, Cheetos and now Montanez. Says he's
a victim of fraud, racial discrimination, and defamation. Fredo Lay has called
his claim an urban legend and saysit has no record of him ever involved
in any capacity with the Flaming Hottest market he was authorized. He wrote
two books. Twenty one's Flaming Hot, The Incredible true story of one man's

rise from janitor to top executive,which is too many words to put on
a cover. In twenty fourteen's aBoy, a Burrito and a Cookie from
janitor to executive. And you know, occasionally people come up with these goofy
ways to make your skin look itsbest. It seems that the new facial

skin treatment is becoming quite the rageamong the Hollywood elite crowd. Celebrities are
singing the praises of salmon sperm facials. Oh yeah, salmon sperm face.
You heard me right, fish spunkto keep those wrinkles away, and Kardashians
are all about it. Well,I don't think Salmon is the only one.

I'm just saying they get busy inthat household trying all sorts of Kim
Kardashians a bullet. Kate, Lann'tet, Jennifer Andson are all getting some fish
spooge on them. Well, goodluck, ladies. Spik ain't slowing down.
Boy just turned eighty one years old. He's still just as honre as

he ever was because he's got ayoung wife. That's it. That's it.
Thirty seven years old. Yeah,girl too, Okay, who want
our tickets to go see ten?See? See she's a longtime fan.
She has a very christmasy name,Holly Berry Holly Bear, not Halle Halle
Berry Olly Bear. Yeah. She'sin Springtown, Texas. That's quite a

little hike from here, I understand. Fucker County. Yeah, here you
go. All right. Well,I wanted to see this movie, but
I thought it'd just be too crowded. Deadpool and Wolverine broke the opening weekend
record for an R rated movie.It's two hundred and five million dollar haul
over the weekend best the first Deadpoolmovie, which debuted at a hundred thirty

two million in twenty sixteen. Deadpulling Wolverine also has the eighth best debut
of all time. Everything I hearis that it is excellent, and I
don't. I wanted to go seeit, but I didn't want to see
it on the opening weekend because it'dprobably be really crowded. Yep. So
Debrah and I went to see thenumber two movie, which was Twisters.

And what'd you think? That's okay, it's good for a watch. It's
a little hoky, though. Doyou like the first one better? Yeah?
But still this one, it's justone. There's I don't know where
these people live, somewhere in Oklahoma, and I know Tornado Alley has a
lot of tornadoes, but they don'thave tornadoes every damn day. Apparently while

they were filming it, there wasactually a tornado. Wow. No,
kid, that would have been betterto believe, because I mean, they
have one devastating tornado, there's everythinggot the very next day there's another tornado.
Do they have flying cows like thefirst one? No? There were
no flying cows now, No,No, And It's just seemed like every
time they'd clean up and help people, here comes another damn tornado. It's

a little far fetched. Plus,you know, if you're out at like
a carnival or something, you're gonnasee the skies. The skies don't turn
menacing just like that. Yeah,it's a process. Well, because in
the movie they're all play it.They're playing baseball stuff and all of a
sudden they look up and the skiesare dark and there's a fellow cloud coming.

Wouldn't you have seen that? Abouttwo hours ago they needed Pete Delcas.
Pete Delcas Tornado advisor for Twisters.I don't know it's worth it.
I'm not saying don't go see itand just ain't as worthy. And listen
to this actor Robert Downey Jr.Remember he he captivated the audience at San

Diego's Comic Con. He was Ironmanfor all those years. Well, when
he dramatically revealed himself he's going tobe the evil Doctor Doom in the upcoming
Marvel Studios film Avengers Doomsday. Now, a lot of people were upset about
that. They were some were excited, but others were really upset about it.
But not at Comic Con. Whenhe took his mask off, the

comic con crowd went eighth. Yeah, but social media they were like,
no, no, well see here'swhat you gotta what you gotta remember Tony
Stark died in Avengers End Game.Yeah so then so then this is kind
of like something out of the multiverseor something. Uh, he's going to
be doctor doom down, he saidto the crowd. He said, new

mask, same task. The Russobrothers, who will be directing the movie
feature him, said his appearance isproof of the unimaginable possibilities in the Marvel
multise. Yeah, they're taking apage from soap operas, make up hell
we want to, and you'll acceptit because it's a comic book. Just

like they switched the Darren's on usand Bewitched. Now that I had a
problem with that. I had aproblem with you don't just just have another
Darren there one Daymantha. Notice.Yeah, maybe maybe her mother wrote in
Dora and Dora, maybe she madethe first Darren vanished because she couldn't stand
him, so she just made anotherDarren that was a different God Durwood,

Derwood, bet you don't make anysay y'all got to think about that stuff.
You can't just switch Darren's on uslike that and expect us not to
say anything. I totally agree withyou, but yet we bought it.
You know, I'm overthinking this waytoo much. I'm just gonna shut the
hell up and pick my feet.It is just a Monday. Yeah,

that's all right. We give theradio industry a bad name every morning,
and somebody's got to do it,I know, and we're just the some
bitches to get it done. Wewill step up to the challenge. You
bet you we will. We canruin a one man roll call if we
have that. We're getting jiggy becauseit's only Monday. We got all the

rest of the week to get jiggyerand jiggier, be crazy, and there's
gonna be a lot of Olympic stuffto be talking about. Yes, you'll
mind you. Tomorrow is a toybox Tuesday. I promised this lady that
I would play her the complaint callfrom Albuquerque. Oh, yes, the
bitch that called because she got upsetabout a story we did about a guy

who died. Okay, she wasupset. You're familiar with this one,
right, No, sir, really, I don't think. So we got
a complaint call from a lady namedSue Ellen from Albuquerque. Okay, not
only did we mess her up andchased her off, she called back two
days later and said, my friendhired me on the end. You went
thinking on dinging, So be listeningin the seven o'clock. I know you

will, because you got to be. But we'll have that. I promised
this lady i'd play it, andI'll do it because I'm a Maine of
my way. Bitched all the wayfrom New Mexico. Oh yeah, oh
yeah, she just moved here fromAlbuquerque and she's still listening to this day,
just to find out if she canbitch about something else. Well,

Hi, well god, we've givenher plenty of your opportunities to call in
about stuff. Sure, we'll haveto try harder to be more irritating.
Let's talk about time wasters. Whatwe got animal, But we only've got
some good ones up on the Bowand Them show page at lone star ninety
two to five dot com. Soremember we told you a couple of weeks
ago that you could smell like blacksabbath Tony Ioming and who wouldn't want to.

His new sense is finally out,working with Sergio Momo a zervav Blens.
The new scent is called Daified,and in conjunction with its release comes
a song of the same name anda video. Here's Tony talking about how
it all came together. So asI said to me, come with a
list of all the things you likethe smell of, you know, leather

or roses or whatever it may be, chocolate. You know, it made
something out of the smells that Ilike or could associate with. You know,
people probably think, oh, it'sjust putting his name to it or
doing it. Was nothing like that. It was together and Sergio would come
up with all these mixtures of scentand bring them over a little buffalo samples
and we try them, and thenit come back again and with some more,

and then some more, and itwent back and forth. Was in
it until we found one that ohyeah, we like this. Well,
you know, if you needed somesense, you could hang out in this
control room for about thirty minutes andyou would soak up since you didn't even
know all sorts of a roma.This is the kind of scent that you
actually want to wear, not ofsense from our studio. Now you would

know I will smell like Tony.What does Black Sabbath smell like? Like
leather? Hey? Chocolate apparently goodmark. So we've got an interview with
Tony up on our page of videoof that interview and also the new song
Daified Up. Another Jimmy Hendrick's deluxebox set is gonna be released. This

one is titled Electric Ladies Studios aJimmy Hendrick's Vision. It features thirty nine
songs, thirty eight of which werepreviously unreleased. Yeah, I know how
many box sets did Jimmy. He'sgot more box sets since he died than
when he was alive, right,and how long was his career? Like,
what five years or something at themost? At the most? Yeah,

See, his spirit is just makinghim up in the afterlife. Well
guess what you can get that deluxenew box set September thirteenth, And with
the announcement comes the release of apreviously unreleased version of Angel Take seven from
nineteen seventy You want to hear it, We've got that up on our page.
This song. Hey. Paul McCartneyhas added his name to the list

of artists remembering blues grate John Mayall, who died last Tuesday. While it's
no surprise that Eric Clapton, MickFleetwood and Mick Jagger all paid tribute to
Mayall, it is a little surprisethat McCartney was as close to Mayoll as
he was. He says in apost that back in the nineteen sixties,
he and may All would meet upat one of the late night music clubs

and then go back to John Mayoll'shouse where he had this huge collection of
records, and he introduced Paul McCartneyto all these blues grades. Ye,
and that's what drove his love forblues music. I had more people thank
us for playing Jacksborough Highway on Friday, and it's about us, huh.

We've got a video of Paul McCartneysinging the blues from MTV Unplugged if you
want to check that out. AndBilly Joel ended his record breaking run at
Madison Square Garden last week. Itwas last Thursday, and in the end
he played a total of one hundredand fifty shows at the venue and as
a gift to him, Madison SquareGarden gave him a nineteen seventy eight Triumph

Bonneville motorcycle and the reason that theygave him a nineteen seventy eight triumph was
because nineteen seventy eight was the firstyear he ever played Madison Square Garden.
We have a picture of the bike, and also you can check out the
video of Axel Rose there at thelast night at Madison Square Garden on stage
with Billy Joe. We've got thatvideo up. Finally, with the Summer

Olympics now underway, there's gonna besome viral moments. And you've got to
check out this guy who went viralover the weekend because of his dad Bod
and his brightly colored speedough. Hejumped in the pool to get one of
the swimming caps and he went viral. And we also have a video of
the thirty funniest fails in Olympic Sports. Check it out on the Bow and

Them show page at lone star ninetytwo five dot com. Yes, I
must say it's time for us tomove on. Yes it is. We've
done enough damage for one show today, have we though, Well, we
still got time to screw some somethings up because we got our after show
decompressions actually true, So there's stilltime for some damage to be done,

so stick around for the afternoon.We had a good Monday though. I
love the Monday morning wake up slapyou as an old man. Yeah,
that was fun. That was oneof the funniest ones I've ever heard from
your stuff. Really, I'd neverheard of Sandford and son. Fred Sandford
used to talk about he needed Plutowater to get his his hung chow unhooked

Hubert, Earl rus and muffles.I don't remember. It was so patient
with you, excellent. She deservethe grief that I gave. She took
it well, yeah she did.Once you realize, Hey, we don't
mean the harm. We're just abunch of a holes to sit here and

do this stuff and were just tryingto make our own shelves laugh and we
do. Oh yeah, we doit all the time, all the time.
And a big thank you to DerekStroup. He's got a new comedy
album coming out. Yes, hewas on the show earlier this morning.
Now tomorrow is a toy Box Tuesday, and we got a couple of things
planned for you. Yes. Inthe seven o'clock hour, Part one and

part two of the Crazy Bitch fromAlbuquerque Called and complained. I'll explain it
for those of you that don't know, but this woman, she really wants
to hear it. So we hadn'tplayed in a while, so why not.
Absolutely, I got no standards onthis show, and I certainly don't
give a retch ask both of themeither. And more tickets for def Leppard,

Journey, and the Steve Miller Bandtomorrow and also in the lone Star
ticket window tomorrow morning at eight fortyten CC tickets ten CC. Did you
all hear who's opening up for tenCC? Did you say it was Robin
Zander's son. Yeah, Robin ZanderTaylor. He's a young guy and it
looks like he's a little on theoutlaw country side of rock and roll.

Looks like he's gonna be good.We'll talk about that and more on the
after show Decompressions, which is comingup next, and we'll see you tomorrow
for a toybox Tuesday on the showup show Hi Hi Take It twenty editiones Bye,
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