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iHeart Country takes over the heart oftCMA Fest with a show we call iHeart
Country House Party. It's inside TequilaCowboy on the first floor, Jason Aldean's
kitchen, rooftop bar. And theamount of artists that roll through Nashville,
the amount of people in Nashville forCMA Fest, It's crazy. Hey Day
one gives us George Burrs and DylanScott. Let's check in with those guys.
Now, Well, my name isTay Hamilton, my co host Waynedy
and I do afternoons here on thebig Night eight. Do we have any
locals in the house? Okay?Okay? And then everybody else who's from
out of town okay, Well listen, no matter where you're from, y'all,
we are gearing up for such abig weekend here. Well, I'm
really excited because this is our secondyear hosting iHeart Country House Party with our
friends TC Restaurant Group and Tequila Cowboys. So welcome back, and I'm excited
to bring out our very first guestof the weekend. Y'all give it up
for George Burrs. Yeah, ohhere, I'm not gonna miss a country
house party with you guys. SoI'm here. What's up everybody? Thanks
for showing up, guys. Whata crew. All right, so we're
here at CMA Fest. What's whatare some of your favorite memories from Cmafest.
We have come a long way frommy first CMA fist, from playing
a stage for about ten people andjust feeling glad to be part of the
festival to this year. We're playingon the Riverfront stage on Saturday, so
it is pretty cool and pretty nostalgicfor me to be here see all the
energy going on, and it's it'slike a big reunion for country music.
Everybody's finally in town because we liveon the road, so all your buddies
are in town. Everybody flew into listen to country music. There's cold
beer, the weather's perfect, it'sI mean, it's hard not to have
a good time. So when you'rerunning into different people, is there somebody
this year that you're hoping to runinto? I mean, I'm always trying
to run into George Strait somewhere atsome point, but I don't think he's
doing CMA festold But I'd say JasonAldan's probably at the top of my list.
But if you see me out gettingrouty. He's probably gonna be with
my buddy Matt Still, that's like, that's my best buddy. So we're
always, you know, walking aroundcausing trouble somewhere. That'll be awesome.
Well, congrats on your successful Mindon You song, I mean straight to
number one first radio single. Whatdoes that feel like? It's your first
one? Thank you guys. Yeah, hey, and let me just start
by saying that doesn't happen without everysingle one of you. That's something that
I've dreamed about my whole life,and it has completely changed my life,
having my first number one. AndI don't take that for granted for a
day, because that doesn't happen withoutcountry music fans being the most incredible fans
of the world, turning it up, requesting it, and making it part
of the soundtrack of your life.So thank you guys so much. It
means more than me than you'll everknow. And damn, it's pretty cool.
I just hung the plaque on mywall. I got a big old
plaque that says number one song onmy wall, so that feels pretty cool.
And we got a new one that'sflying too, So I'm feeling very
blessed these days. So now Iwant to ask you, because Mine on
You was so crazy successful, doyou kind of like feel the pressure for
picking out like what's going to bethe next single. I felt a huge
amount of pressure when that song wentnumber one, just because you got to
go try to back it up,right, You've got a standard to meet
now. But when I wrote mynew single, Cowboy Songs, it eventually
like just kind of took that pressureoff my shoulders because it was exactly what
I wanted to sound like. Ilove the way that it just felt like
a party coming out of the speakers. And once I had written that song,
I knew, no matter what,like, I feel good. I'm
proud of this and I can't waitto put it out And it's actually moved
even faster than Mind on You onthe way up. So thank you guys
so much for blowing it up.It's as excited as ever been about new
music. I mean, you're gearedup for a pretty exciting year. You're
also going on the road with SamHunt. How did that come about?
So yeah, this year has beenlike out of a movie for me.
We went from playing you know,tiny bars with nobody in them to playing
the biggest amphitheaters in America. Wejust wrapped up our last weekend with Parker
McCollum last week, which was cool. A couple of Texas boys out.
We did fifteen shows together. Theywere sold out every it was unbelievable.
I was so thankful for the opportunity. And Sam actually heard the Mind on
You remix and they reached out tomy management and I had never met him
before, and he said, hey, we like this song. We want
to take you on tour. AndI think that's one of the coolest things
about Nashville is the superstars are alwayslistening. They're always a paying attention and
to give a guy like me ashot. We're gonna go play some of
the biggest shows of my life allsummer long, and I cannot wait to
get to know him better. Soit's gonna be a good time. That'll
be awesome. Okay, So beforewe get to live music, I have
one more question. Besides going ontour and working this summer, what's something
else personally that you're looking forward todoing. I am taking my kids to
the beach for a week for thefourth of July and I'm gonna sit in
the sand and drink cold beer anddo absolutely nothing. Yeah, they're gonna
think it's a beached whale out thereon the beach because I'm just I'm not
moving. I'm stuck out there andI cannot wait. It's gonna be a
good time. Yeah, it's welldeserved. Y'all make some noise one more
time for George Burrs. The partycontinues at Tequila Cowboys in downtown Nashville with
iHeart Country and he's a special guest, Dylan Scot. Thank you for showing
up to our iHeart Country House Party. My name is Brick Taylor. I'm
the host of the midday show atthe Big ninety eight. You can hear
iHeart Country House Party on the Bigninety eight Saturday nights and everywhere on the
free iHeartRadio app. But y'all makesome noise for Dylan Scott. We'll seap
everybody. You're gonna ask some juicyquestions or what listen. I'm gonna leave
the juicy questions to the fans,all right, sucy questions. I always
love cmafest so much because you reallyget these intimate moments with fans that you
usually don't get to have it shows. Yeah, we don't get to do
this very much, you know,so I think it's cool. I think
it's cooler. Body travels in fromall over to see all their favorite artists,
and we get to play really coolshows like this, and you know
the fact that they do it inthe heat of Nashville this time of year.
Y'all. Y'all are real fans.Who's been sweating today? H anybody
sweating? Yeah, make sure yougrab some of those Ihart country house party
fans on the way out. They'regonna save your life later today. I
gotta say, I got baby numbertwo on the way. Come on.
You are one of my favorite dadsto follow on social media because I feel
like you're such a present dad.You're really good at balancing work, live
stuff. At least you show iton Instagra. Yeah, I keep it
real, you know so. Ijust realized, man, I dreamed about
playing music my whole life, andthen when when I came to daddy,
I was like, you know what, being a daddy's the coolest thing in
the world, and so I do. I try to give as much time
as I can to my kids whenI'm home, and I love how honest
you are. I know you postedI think it was a couple of weeks
ago, something about waking up inthe morning you're just not feeling it today,
and you're like, but I'm justtoo blessed to be stressed. Yeah,
you share those real moments. Yeahwe are. We're all too blessed
to be stressed, you know.But we're all we all get down sometimes.
And that day, I don't evenknow what the problem was. There
really was no problem at all.I think I was just tired, you
know, That's usually how it goes. It's just like you need a little
bit more sleep, right, Nodoubt we all need that. How are
the babies. Are they doing well? Babies are great. My son's playing
baseball, my girls in gymnastics,and I got to month old. That's
just eating and doing nothing up,pooping and eating. That's all he's doing.
Yeah, that's what they're good at. Okay, the transition from one
to two, tell me about that, because that's what I'm about to deal
with. From one to two.It was a little transition, you know,
but it was you. You fallright into it, it's no big
deal. And then after that it'sjust you can have seventeen kids it is
what it is. Okay, I'mgonna pass on the seventeen kids. You
can get your on TV show ifyou do that. That's a fact.
Maybe that's the way to go.Maybe that's my my get rich quick scheme
right there. Just keep having babies, all right, think about your questions
here in the front row here injust a second. Okay, so you
have one already. What is thatyou got? It's y'all's twenty fifth anniversary.
Congratulate. Happy anniversary, y'all,Happy anniversary to those upfront, y'all.
Just spend it here at CMA fest. Y'all are some brave souls,
man, brave souls? What yougot? Oh? My wife, there's
no question you're demanding something from meright now? Yeah, yeah, right,
yes, her baby's obsessed with Dylan. You filming right now? Bailey?
I love you. You should behere, but your mama didn't bring
you, so throw me bai.Oh my goodness. All right, we
got to talk about new music realquick, because June twenty first, you're
releasing this new song. Tell usabout I Owe you one. I Owe
you one, brand new song comingthis month. I didn't write this song,
but when it was sent to me. It just spoke to me,
you know. I mean, likeyou said earlier, I'm very blessed.
I'm very blessed in a lot ofdifferent ways. And I feel like I
owe a lot of people that,from my hometown to you guys, to
radio, to my family. Soyeah, it's kind of an ow to
everybody. Like man, I'm sograteful and I owe y'all one. Thank
you. What are you looking forwardto most about twenty twenty four? We're
halfway through what's coming? What's comingdown the pipeline. We're out with coleswin
Dale right now on tour, sowe got quite a few dates left with
him, and then we're playing ourown shows. And then I got I
got more music coming that. I'mpretty fired up about it. Anybody else
excited for new music from Dylan Scott? We all want new music? Heck
yes, all right, Well I'mgonna get out of the way because you
guys are here to see him,not me, So y'all make were do
this together. I mean, listen, noll, I don't want to hear
me say. I'll tell you thatbackground vote. I don't know if I
could keep up seven months pregnant.I'll be out of breath by verse two.
All Right, y'all make some noisefor Dylan Scott. That wraps up
Day one of our interviews. Still, the next three days we hear from
John Morgan, Cassie Ashton, Shaboozie, Riley Green. Can't wait, don't
forget to click subscribe so you know, miss the Day two podcast of CMA
Fest with iHeart Country