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Eventually fantastic. By the way,I love how I line this up and
I can't even put on a decentshirt for my guy over here. Oh
whatever, you look good. Youlook good always, dude. First of
all, so good to catch upwith you. Man, I know the
biggest thing you've been up to inlife wise, Let me ask this because
I know that you're getting just hammeredwith wedding questions, right, and you're
like, I also just put outa new song, So the only thing
I want to say wedding wise wasfrom a groom's perspective, right. This
is always a night that girls thinkabout forever and then guys eventually go,
oh, well, I guess I'llget married someday too. What was it
like through your eyes that night,watching your family, watching her family,
and watching the woman that now sharesyour last name. I mean, one
of the most emotional times in mylife, just because I think, like
you said, I mean, Iwaited a long time for that to happen,
and there was a time of mylife I didn't know that it would
ever happened. And everybody always saysyou'll know when you know and all,
and I just was like, man, I don't know if I'm gonna know,
and and I really do believe thatnow I think you do and the
girl can change everything for you.And that's kind of how it felt.
Man. We've enjoyed celebrating and youknow, having the song around it and
just everything like having something out thatI'm literally going through in life is just
I don't know, how's special.So it was a great time. Thank
you for asking about that. Man, it's been it's been wide open a
month and a half for sure.That's nuts. Like I looked at your
schedule, like I thought, obviouslyI follow you on Instagram, I'm watching
you doing that, and then allof a sudden, now I'm seeing you
with tour dates. You you shouldhave put your wedding on a tour date
t shirt. Right, It's likeyou're gonna have to get a cut of
that. That's that's really good.What in the middle of it did the
wedding last wedding thing? I promiseyou, because I know that you're good,
did it lay out perfect? Becauseit literally felt like you were busy
doing stuff. You were sharing alot of you know, making new music
and all this, and then likeand then like the wedding kind of fit
in like a little lego piece andthen boom, you're on the road again.
Was that intentional or were you like, let's hurry up. Yeah.
When we when we got engaged lastMay, I was looking at the I
actually I did not look at theschedule because I'm like, man, there's
no way that this tour right now, we're on the Wind the Night tour
with Dylan Scott and friends. Itwasn't even booked yet, Like the dates
weren't set. So I was like, there's no way I have a show
in twenty twenty four, so let'sjust pick a date. And we loved
the date, six twelve, twentyfour, and so we booked the venue.
And I just happened to look atmy schedule a couple of days later,
and I had a show on Junefifteenth, and I'm like, oh
my god in Minnesota. I'm like, oh my gosh. Man that I
was like, that's uh, we'renot gonna get the honeymoon right away.
We're gonna have to get married.We got to spend the next day in
Napoli doing some wine tours, andthen went and did a show in Minnesota
and went to went on a honeymoon. So it was just like I said,
we didn't plan it. Uh,probably the best time, but it's
just like I said, man,it's once in a lifetime thing, and
to be able to to spend it, you know, in the middle of
a tour kind of we we tooka little break. Thank thank god for
the guys. I'm sure they werecool having a little break too, but
for me to get to do alittle honeymoon and then reception and uh then
how you We're back at it tonight. We're here in Phoenix, and uh
yeah, it's gonna be. We'rejust gonna play the rest of the year.
You know, I had plenty offtime in the beginning of the year.
So now I'm just I'm glad tobe back to work and just uh
married man, crazy dude, getafter it. Brother. Uh well,
so last thing, I'm just happyfor you, dude, because you're a
guy who deserves the world. AndI've gotten to know you fairly well over
the over the last gosh ten plusyears, and it's you're one of my
favorites brother. Always. I telleverybody that, so that means a lot.
And I feel the same about you. Man. You are one of
the most anytime I can talk toa col Swan Delphan, I'm like,
you picked a good one and pickeda good one, dude. Thank you
so musically, you take me throughwhere you're at, because obviously you had
put out some fantastic music. Wehave the latest single right called Forever to
Me, which is being played allover the country making its way towards top
forty, and then you know,doing what it does after that. Yeah,
where are you musically? As faras you know somebody who myself is
a fan of your music, I'mkind of like, I love this?
What else you got? Right?Absolutely, we've got Like I said,
I'm I'm ready to get this albumout just as much as you know everybody
else is ready to hear it.I think so right now, we're just
kind of putting out songs until we, you know, have the release date
and whenever we decide is the righttime to do that. But got a
new song coming this month in aweek or two, and I'm really excited
about that one. Ernest Chase McGill, Jordan Smith's some of my favorite writers
are on that one, and I'mjust excited to get it out. It's
a little up tempo, and it'salso a love song, man. I
think you know musically, I've alwaysI say it on stage every night.
I've been like the breakup song guymy entire life. And now I got
a little room on the album forsome for some love song stuff. But
like I said, I still wantit to be I'm not making a wedding
album or anything. Don't worry II I just you know, I want
to I want to have something foreverybody always because even though this is the
phase I'm in in life, I'vebeen through the other phases too, and
there's somebody out there that needs tohear the sad stuff, and there's people
out there that want to hear thehappy stuff too. So it's just life's
all of it. And that's kindof how I go into every album,
is just wanting to have a songfor everybody on there, no matter what
phase of life you're in. AndI'm still trying to get there. Man.
The last album, Stereotype, itdid a lot of big things for
us, but it puts puts pressure, and I you know, it's hard
to follow that up. I mean, she had me, it has Carolina
even I mean, it's just atough thing to do. You're thankful for
those songs, but it's like itputs a good kind of pressure on you
to you got to live up tothat, and it's it's it's been interesting.
But like I said, the lastalbum, Stereotype, it took over
three years to make, and itfeels like it's coming up on that,
so I think we're we'll know whenthe time's right. But I'm just still
writing and getting a lot of songssent that I love, and I'm just
so thankful for the songwriters in Nashville. Man, they are the best of
the best, and I'm glad tojust say I can pin a few of
them. You know, the uhyou've brought up how it took about three
years to put Stereotype together with howfast music is consumed by people these days,
you're lucky if an album like reallylast six months, right or at
least because maybe a song or two, well, but like to connect that
Stereotype album, dude, And I'mnot saying like, because you're my guy.
That's a great album start to finish, So what does it mean to
put that much time in? Itlooks three years later, like it's it's
still pretty dominant for you. Yeah, I mean that. To me,
it's just you know, kind oftelling myself through these times. You know,
I'm just being real. It's whenyou don't have new music out,
it kind of you feel like you'vebeen left behind kind of a little.
It's you want to get it outthere, but you also know you've got
to put out the best of thestuff can And for me, I just
try to tell myself. Look,you felt the same way in the middle
of making stereotype, like what arewe gonna do? We're just not ready,
and then all of a sudden wewrite she had me at his Carolina,
and it's I can imagine the albumwithout that song. So we're just,
like I said, just taking it, you know, song by song
and making sure that it's it's rightbecause and you're so that's a great point
you made that people, I mean, six months in, they're tired of
they want something new, you know, the way music's consumed. And to
me, I agree with that.I love I want to put out as
much music as I can. Butyou know, right now, we're just
we got a new song coming heresoon called One Day. I hadn't even
told anybody that, so I'm excitedto put that out and yeah, we'll
just go from there. But forme, it really is I'm ready to
get it out and just ready tohave new music out and new music in
my show, live show too.Let me ask you before we move on,
I want to hit forever. Onething about Forever to me obviously it's
you mentioned it's it's a personal storyand it's nice to like live it while
it's kind of living for other peopleas well, knowing that what you do
for a living. Is there asong and I promise I won't ask any
questions about it? Is there asong that you created for your new wife
that is just something that I'm notsaying it's mixed and mastered and you know,
produced, but maybe something you wroteand maybe performed for her, or
saying to her something that exists justfrom you to her. You know,
Forever to me is pretty much that'sthe one. You know. I've written
several songs though with her in mind, and that's that's what's crazy about it.
It's kind of I write, youknow, the way I feel,
and these days, like I said, I got a little more room for
love songs. But that one wasthe one when me and Graylyn and Rocky
wrote that I played it for rightaway just because I was like, man,
I could not sum up any better. Uh, you know how I
feel about her, and that's tome, that's it. But I'll I
got a feeling I'll be writing songsabout her for a long time and just
I can't wait to share them witheverybody. Like I said, it's a
it's a new thing for me.Man. I'm it's a different chapter,
but it's a good chapter and I'mjust just thankful for it. So listen,
and you tell her that she canenjoy the love songs. But you
have like a male Taylor Swift inyou where if things go south, Cole
Swindell is going to write a banger. Yeah. I think she knows that
she's she's She's heard the rest ofthem. So but like I said,
man, it's just it's a differentplace for me. But I absolutely love
it and I'm the happiest I've everbeen. So I just I hope my
music shows this. I hope thenew album shows that, and we can,
like I said, man, toucheverybody with this thing and just try
to try to get it out assoon as we can. So you don't
have full album details shared publicly letyet, but but you did mention that
you're writing and you plan on puttingout songs here and there are these just
for the hell of its songs?Or do you act is this like leading
up to reading up? This isleading up to the album and that's you
know, we're just kind of judgingby what the single forever to me's doing
and picking the right time. It'sit's a lot of people putting on music.
I mean, these days, it'ssomebody puts out an album every week,
I feel like, So it's justwe want to have the right time
and let this album have its moment. And like I said, man,
I'm really excited though, it's just, you know, five albums. When
I moved to Nashville, I didn'tI just dreamed of writing one song,
much less having five albums. Sopretty pretty cool, dude, One good
song face for a great album,right, That's what I'm saying. That's
what I'm waiting on. Just oneone more going. Man, We're we're
working hard, and it's I thinkit's we've got already got some great stuff.
But I just think these next coupleof months are going to be crucial
to to finishing it up and makingsure it can follow up stereotype. What
from where you sit? What makesan album complete, because it's more a
puzzle for you then for us,we just hit play and let it rip
right, But for you, it'sit's gotta fit right. Yeah, it's
like I said, I mean,I think, you know, touching on
subjects I've never touched on before,I think that's a big part. But
then also having those staples, theyou know, whether it's a party song
or a breakup song, whatever itis. I just want, you know,
like I said earlier, I justwant to have something for everybody on
there, because even though I'm goingthrough this time of my life, I've
not always been in this phase,and there's somebody out there that needs to
hear stuff that lets them know,Hey, tomorrow's coming and you're gonna be
You're gonna be all right. Andthat's like I said, that's why I
love country music is because it's there'ssomething for everybody. I mean, whatever
you're going through, you can finda song for it. And you know,
I think that speaks to the stories, the lyrics. That's the reason
I love country music, and Ihope that, like you said that,
I can have something for everybody onthere, no matter what you're going through
and just let them know. That'swhat I've always wanted to do, is
relate to people through my music andlet them know that I'm just like you.
You know, I get to dowhat I love. But I've you
know, life ain't always fun.I understand that. So this may be
a tough question to answer because you'restill writing, which means the album isn't
done, and you said it needsto have a little something for everybody.
So what is this album missing inyour eyes? That has it's not done
yet? I tell you, Ithink I've got the love songs cover that's
what kind of what I'm going through. But I also have to dig deeper
and realize that, man, rememberwhere you were five years ago or six
years ago. That's there's somebody outthere, you know, right there going
through that. And I think we'vegot a good balance of things. But
I was saying the other day forreference, like beer never broke my heart
like an anthem, break like ain'tworth a whiskey that was That's one of
my favorite songs still to play live. And I think I think we're missing
that. So any songwriters watching,let's uh, let's get on that one.
That's what That's what I think I'mmissing, Just an anthem party,
whether it's breakup song or not.Just I just want something that people can
have fun, to raise a glasstoo, and just forget about whatever's bothering
them. You know, I wasa big fan of aint Worth the Whiskey,
and Telly was said me. Sonext date wise, in between now
and the end of the year.Obviously, you have a lovely new wife,
you have all these all these adventuresthat you guys are going to start
to have together. Outside of thatand the touring. What are things that
you yourself are looking forward to whenit comes time to unplug. Yeah,
I mean golf, anytime I canplay golf. Still not any better,
but still love it the same.We're taking a little trip up to Corterline,
Idaho next week, so we're excitedabout that, just to kind of,
you know, get out and geton the lake and just relax.
You know. It's been, likeI said, we've had some off time,
but it hadn't really felt like offtime. We've been wide open,
back and forth, and but we'vegot to see a lot of family,
and to me, that's always important. Like I said on the road,
it's amazing, but we don't always. We still miss people back home and
we got to spend a lot oftime with them. But just me and
Courtney getting away and getting to hangout in Idaho should be. Should be
pretty cool. Speaking of that golfdowntime, when you're back in Middle Tennessee
here, your boy hasn't swung clubsin like ten years. So if you
need to beat the hell out ofsome of the nah, no, we
don't. We just have fun.I guarantee me and you could have a
good time. So let's let's planthat. Seriously. When I'm back,
man, I'd love to take youout distributor and let's just have a day.
Let's rock. That sounds good tome. Ay, last thing I
want to ask you before I letyou run, And you don't have to
answer either, but I gotta try. You said, an album is coming.
Do we have a date or months? Or do you know what the
album is called yet? You know, I hadn't picked a name for the
album I've thought about. I mean, it's that that is something that's important
to me. I mean, everysong that you record is like, could
that be an album title? AndI think we've got a few good options,
but and also a release date.I don't have an exact date,
but you know, I want toput an album out before the year's over.
Obviously. It's just kind of theway things work and the way people,
you know, watch singles and youkind of want to release it when
when it's peaking and doing all that. So it's kind of kind of tough
to call at the moment. Butlike I said, I think that just
gives me more time to make sureit's just right. And you know,
I'm hoping to have it out bythe end of the year. The label
feels the same way, so justtrying to We've got a few more things
to record, uh, me andJordan Schmidt Zach Crowell has already done several
things and me and Jordan are gettingin the studio soon and trying to finish
this thing up, so hopefully bythe end of the year. And but
I'm like I said, I'm excitedabout giving y' all new song very soon.
Uh call one day and like Isaid, I hadn't told anybody the
title of that, but that's uh, that's the next one. And I
think you are gonna love it.It's a it's a fun one and just
upbeat and just it's fun. SoI appreciate it, my man. And
last thing, I missed the stash. That's it. I missed the stash
that key West it was you gottatake it all to get back. I
mean, yeah, she likes it, so I may, I may bring
it back. I just she didand I do that. It's like yes,
Like after a long night, I'mlike, why did I do that?
Like why did I think that wasa great idea? You know what?
You know? Why she likes aninterview or some kind of big event
coming up. I'm like, they'regonna think I'm the biggest idiot and I
might be wrong. She like shelikes it because ain't no girl coming to
steal a guy with him. That'sexactly probably why she loves it. It's
like, well, I don't.I ain't gotta worry about it now.
I look at that guy. Hey, dude, I know you're busy and
you fit us in last minute.It means the world, dude, and
I think the world are you?So thanks, brother, I've been waiting
on this talk for a while.Brother, good to see you, and
I just appreciate you always being onmy side. Man. I'm pull for
you too and big fans, soI hope to see you soon soon,
all right, you hollered me.Love you brother, Be safe, Love
you buddy,