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February 25, 2024 14 mins
Dierks Bentley has an awesome new song off an upcoming Tom Petty tribute project. He covered the classic, "American Girl" & we gave it to you as a WORLD PREMIERE! Dierks was excited for this project fo rmany reasons, he shares that and why 2024 might be the best year of touring yet.
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Episode Transcript

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It's so weird because we haven't talkedto this guy in a while, and
we're not even talking to him abouthim. Really this time around, Derks
Bentley is here. How are you, man? I'm great. How are
you doing, dude? Not badat all. I got to ask you.
We're just kind of talking a littlebit about, uh, the NHL.
You're obviously a big NHL guy,hopefully a big Preds guy. Anything
else, absolutely, why listen,I'll take the last time we saw each

other was at the game. Ithink, uh who it was a Chicago
game. I think I saw youthere. It was probably the last game
we won. Yeah, it's beena minute. I know we're after great
there and the energy there is great. The team has great passion, just
you know, being being a guywho is very involved hockey wise. I
mean your son, right, you'rein the ring to practice this morning.

The morning? Yeah him. Whenwhen the NHL had the All Star Game
here, I still see footage ofDirk's Bentley out there. What's it like
to put yourself out there that way? I mean, yeah, well that
lives forever. That was one ofthe scariest moments. James Neil hit me
up to come out there and doa little you know, two on one
breakaway thing or two on zero.And I mean I almost missed jump in

the ice and almost fell down andwearing like jeans and skates, which is
kind of weird, and uh,thank god I got the got the goal.
I think it's the last goal ofscored. Uh but no, it's
it's it's so fun. I mean, I love we had the Winter Classic
here. Nashville is just a hardtown for anybody else to compete with.
I mean, I loved watching Toronto. Would love to have been up there
this year for the All Star Break, But man, Nashville just has it

all here, you know, justthere's so many artists that live here,
and everyone loves hockey here and theLower Broadways right next to the arena,
it's it's a special place for forwhen the teams come here, they all
talk about how much they love playinghere. So I'm biased. I think
nashal is the best place to putthe They just have it here every year.
So we I want to talk aboutthis project because it's such a unique

project. Yeah, and I'll getto that in a second. But you
bring up Lower Broadway. Obviously youwere one of the first names up there,
right as far as when you openyour bar, Yeah, at what
point were you're like, yeah,this is the way I'm going, Like,
how does that? How does thathappen for an artist? Well,
I remember I've had this Barkle whiskeyrow. I had one in Arizona's.
It was pretty It's pretty wild.The what the waitresses are wearing and what

goes on inside it's pretty it's prettycrazy. And I remember my manager saying,
Hey, we should do one inNashville, and I was like,
Nashville's not can handle this. Thisis like a Scotts Still Arizona like pretty
wild scene. And but she wasright. I mean, National has changed
so much in the last you know, ten years, seven years, It's
gone. Downtown's gone from being kindof the hockey talks to being Bacheler Central

and it's pretty wild scene. Andso when that opportunity came to buy that
building with the old building that isuh the growing guitar shop. So that's
where I used to go look forguitars and stuff that I couldn't afford,
but we'll go put them off thewall and play them a little bit.
So just the couldn't Aford the guitar. So you're about the building. It's
been I mean, I am buyingthe building. It might be a song
there somewhere, but then again buythe building. And so just it's a

lot of pride and that that location. And uh, it's still I think
one of the best bars down there. It's it's it's just has a great
energy to it. It's not Imean I think people go down there.
Eric's building a bar and Garth justput his thing up, and everyone spends
so much time thinking about detail,you know, how to make their bar
unique. When people are just cominghere and look for Cold Core's light and
they don't care. What do arethey going to like this one? Here's
some country music and a good drinkof beer. But we put a lot

of time into it and it feelsgood. It's a great location, and
I love the Whiskey Jam is downthere now and Ward Gunther is down there
doing the Whiskey Jam. So it'sthere's some original music on Lower Broadway.
It's one of the few places doingthat. It came out this past week.
Jason ld And just opened a thirdlocation. Right. Uh, it's
it's in Pittsburgh. It's obviously hereand where else is the other one?
Gallinburg? Cool? Yeah, everyone'sgoing to Gallinburg. Yeah. How how

hands are you? How how handson are you in the growth and like,
yeah, we we just try toWe have one in Denver, Phoenix,
here, We looked at Las Vegas, Chicago. We looked around a
little bit. But I'm not tryingto like to me, it's just like
quality control and find the right placesto do. I don't want to blow
it up like Toby Kese. Uh. You know, I love this bar
that was everywhere and it kind ofends up being a little I'm kind of

you know, I'm hands on inlike discussions about it, but I'm not
actually out there trying to find locationsand stuff. So I get you.
Yeah, Now let's transition because Iwant to talk about what you got playing
the rest of the year. Obviouslyyou're getting back on the road in a
little while here. When I gota phone call about this project last week,
I was like, at first,I go what and wow, because

that's kind of my That was myreaction too. It's a concept, it's
it's essentially a Tom Petty tribute album. Yeah, it's called Petty Country.
Yeah, it's coming out in May. Yeah, obviously Tom Petty, you
think folk music, but I alsodon't like put him in I don't put
him in country. I don't puthim in folky, I don't put him
in rock. Yeah, he kindof defines all these genes. And you're
talking about Lower Broadway. I mean, Tom Petty's one those guys whose music

you would hear down Lower Broadway.He's one of those those when people come
here, they want to hear thecountry, but they like hearing some covers
and the song I Gotta do inthis album American Girls. When I've been
here the country singers, you know, cover for a long time. And
he's also yeah, bluegrass, youknow, the dumb A Curry Band,
one of my favorite blue grass bandscut a song is called Long Long Road,
Love is a Love is a LongLong Road, and they did a

bluegrass version of it. Marty Stewartcut a running Down a Dream. So
he's his his the country music,not just the singers, also the audience,
but certainly the singers. Artists inthis town have always long admired Tom
Petty, and he's the guy thatthe artists admired. He has the critical
CREWD but he also has someone's downLord Broadway drinking a beer, you know,
play play American Girl, So hekind of has he covers it pretty

well, and I know he's prettyoutspoken on country music. He is.
He has opinions about you know,modern country music versus the traditional stuff.
He you know, he was partof HE and he's he, you know,
he's I think he inducted he's inductedsomebody into the Hall of Fame,
the Country Music Hall of Fame.Well the god was it not Elvis?

But uh, Blue Sweat's Shoes,who's that? And that's anyway, Carl
Perkins. I think he inducted CarlPerkins into the Hall of Fame. So
he's he has a lot of respectfor the traditional country music. But I'm
younger fans. I've been doing anAmerican Girl on my show now for a
little bit, and uh, Imean people love that song. So like
you said, you're like wow,then like what then? Wow? Like
when I was asking part of thisproject, I was like, yes,
for sure, And then when Ifound out they wanted to make that song

a single, I was like whatBecause Dolly Parton's on this record and George
Strait's on this record and Chris Stapleton'son this record, so I was like,
you want you know, you're gonnago with our song for the single,
And then I was like yeah,wow, because uh, the song
did turn out really well. Youknow, we put a lot of time
in the track the musicians, andit feels like it feels like me singing

a Tom Petty song. And Iwas really happy with the way the vocal
worked out on the track. Isang in a few times to really try
to lean into the vocal like Tomdoes, and uh, and it's you
know, it's a win win forme because having this song and the live
show is a doesn't doesn't suck.It's a nice piece to have a tucked
into the set for sure. Didyou get to pick the song where they
like, yeah, yeah, Icouldn't believe that song was I got to

pick the song, and I wantto you know a lot of times I'm
late in these things. And thenlike a song you get is still a
great song and not like one ofthe premier songs, but yeah, American
Girl was still I jumped on itwhen I heard about the opportunity. So
I got an American Girl and andworked out pretty good. We talked about
the bar obviously this project. Youwhether it's your management, you, your

team, whoever. I'd imagine there'sa lot of requests for you to be
a part of a lot of stuff, especially with that way. It's some
of it with twenty two number onesongs, Yeah, something like that.
So with with all you have doneand what all you continue to do,
I'm sure those requests come in whatmade this one? That's yeah, yeah,
yeah, there's I mean thankful toget you know, there's sometimes you
to get the request I get there. Sometimes you can't do them all.
And I think it's just about havinga really honest dialogue with the ones that

you know, an artist wants todo a song with you, and you're
like, I just know if thatworks for me, you know, just
being honest about it, and uh, or it works with the schedule and
the timing. Uh, this oneis just it's Tom Petty and and uh,
you know, Big Machines put itout. And I've always had a
lot of respect for Scott Burshetta andand his team. Got a few folks
in here with us today from theteam that's helping them launch this this song.

So you know, it's one ofthose things, you know, if
you're gonna put the time and tocut the track and bring the musicians and
make it a great track and putyour heart into that and then go sing
it and and get this track right, you want to be you know,
you want to do it for somethingthat feels like there's there's someone on the
other end promoting it there, youknow, and putting their heart and soul
to it as well. So havinga great team behind it's important. And
I'd be like an act. Ithink about actor, like, you know,

we're friends with Keith Urban, youknow, he's a pal and Nicoles
of buddies of ours, and youthink about looking at what I think of
her sometimes the movie she makes.You gonna make these movies and you pour
your life into them, and thenthey're not promoted that well or they're not
edited that well, and you're justlike, oh my gosh. So that
happens sometimes. But this one,it's been like a great just everyone coming
together behind it and excited about it, and it's it's just been been a

really good, good one so far. So I'm really excited for the fans
to hear it. I think they'llhear it in the track. You know,
there's some banjo rolling along along withthe big guitars too, and some
mandolin, and it's it's what I'vealways tried to do, which is to
mix that bluegrassy sound with the bigarena kind of country rock sound. And
it feels like it captured it prettywell when it comes to where it falls
in. I mean, this iskind of like the first domino for you

for the whole year, right,Yeah, when are you back on the
road? When are you? Yeah? This has been a nice piece.
I'm writing songs right now. I'mgoing back in the studio March to cut
some more stuff. But uh,I mean, as like I said,
there's real blessings. I love thesong so much and I love the way
it turned out. I love havingmy live show. So it's kind of
bought me some more time when itcomes to my own stuff. So it's
again and it's a it's the giftthat keeps on giving, but it just

gives me more time to work onmy own stuff. But we're going back
out on the road in June.I got Chase Rice coming out in the
road with us. I have allthese great openers, Lee Brice is coming
out. Randy Rogers band, whoI love, part of that red dirt
scene. He and I've been buddiesfor a long time. Zach Tops coming
out. I was just writing songswith Stephen Wilson Junior. I don't know
if you're aware of who he is, but he is incredible and yeah,

so that's that. Tours gonna beamazing. Tickets are on sale now,
which is it's a nice thing,so buy some tickets. But yeah,
me, me and I neber too. Chase. Last time Chase and I
did a tour together was twenty fifteenand he was opening Opening Access. Is
the first time he let people likedirect support and he's been a long time,
good buddy. We get mistaken foreach other a lot, which could
be fun on the road. We'llsee all that he can. If I'm

not feeling good, he can suband do my show. No, but
he's just a great guy and it'sgonna be a really fun summer. How
do the artists that you've brought withyou along the way. Obviously it's somebody
maybe you believe in, somebody you'rea fan of, or some buzz working
with them throughout your career and thenobviously being a part of projects like this.
How does it change, you knowwhen you first came around to the

Dirks Bentley we hear today? Howhas all of that the road, the
records or all of it? Yeah? Everything, I mean the road has
always been for me about two urningpeople that I like more than touring people
that can make money or sell tickets. I had a lot opportunities early in
the day to go out some biggeropening bands that weren't really the same kind
of music that I liked, andI chose to do two years of touring
with Cross Canadian Ragweed, a bandthat a lot of people listening probably haven't

heard of, but they're part ofthe Randy Rogers, Stoney l Rue,
Red Dirt scene, Wade Bowen andwe played small bars and I lost a
few years of my life from drinkingall the egger bombs that we did,
But uh, it was just Ienjoyed. That was fun for me.
I'd rather do small bars with someoneI love than go open for someone that
in a big arena that I wouldn'twant to So that's always still been the

basis even now when I'm picking acts. Of course, you want to find
somebody that's successful, but really it'slike who do you want to spend your
time with that summer. This lastyear had Jordan Davis without out with us,
and I've been a huge fan ofhis and uh so that was a
The timing worked out great too,because he's really taken off and this time
around have Chase Rice. He's justsomeone that's fun to be around, and
also he's hugely successful. So it'strying to find a good blend of that,

but more weight on just who youwant to spend your time with.
That's gonna be fun. Yeah,it's gonna be fun. To her,
it'll be great. Plus you're tothe point where he's crazy. He's lived,
he like has his dog, hetravels with everywhere. I got him
on this gig. I have asponsorship of Sessa of the airplane company,
and every year I go fish withthem up in Canada. It's a great
gig. I go fish with theircustomers and stuff, and you helicopter into

these locations and the helicopter leads andyou're just in the middle of this river
in these glacier mountains with you andthe salmon and the eagles and the bears,
that's all. It's there and it'slike wow. And so he came
on this thing and he brought hisdog, and so his dog like choppered
in and landed and say he's gothis fly rod and his dog with him.
And I hear he's like he's gothis airstream. He's kind of like

ones. He's kind of traveling onhis own out there on the road.
So it'll be fun to see howwhat he's been up to. But he's
always been someone that's been very intooutdoor pursuits and adventure, and so I
think we'll think it'll be a funsummer. Last thing I want to ask
you is, as we wrap up, the big Game has happening this weekend.
I'm definitely an NHL guy. Yes, football, I like it's fine,
yeah, yeah, do you havea dog? You said a big

game? I was thinking hockey andlike what no, uh yeah no.
I've watched more football this year thanI ever have a lot of us because
I got a thirteen year old andfifteen year old and they love Taylor Swift,
so like they've made the cans.My daughter, my fictional has never
watched a lot of football before shegoes I was saying, I was making
fun of her about being a Chiefsfan, and I go, You're not

a cheap She goes, Dad havealways been a Chiefs fan. And then
literally thirty seconds later, Dad,are the Chiefs professional or college? But
it's been amazing. I know peopleare like bashing the whole, like Kelsey
Taylor thing. I've loved it becauseit's made football in my house a lot
more and I don't have to apologizefor watching it. And I've watched every

playoff game this year. I mean, I was so sad when it wasn't
on, you know, recently theoff weekend before the super Bowl. But
you know, I feel like that'sthe real Football's over. The super Bowl's
just a spectacle now, you know. I mean it's such a weird game.
The halftimes like twice as long,so the players come out kind of
the second half is weird. It'sjust but uh, you know, I

you know, I like, Iwas also really pulling for the lines too.
I left the forty nine ers andthe Brock Pooty story, but I'm
man, I was pulling for theLions so hard. I just we love
Michigan in all sports and the Lionswith a story and Dan Campbell was a
great coach. But I grew upa Vikings fan, so I oh sorry,
yeah, yeah yeah. The Vikingshave had some successful the years,

the Lions have not. But it'llbe a good game. Now. I'm
just looking forward to watching the gameand all the everything, you know,
the whole thing. I appreciate it, ud go see you, buddy,
appreciate it. You got it allright. Let's take a picture and get
you out of here.
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